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Project: A&F Chengdu

Location: Chengdu, China

Subject: Design Load Determination

Determination of Design Loads

The following loads and load case derivations are used as input to the structural analysis modeled for the subject
external facade. The loads, load combinations and specified external environmental loads are in accordance with the
governing Professional Standards and Load Standards, including: National Standard GB50009-2001 - Load Code for the
Design of Building Structures, JGJ 102-2003 - Technical Code for Glass Curtain Wall Engineering; Professional
Standard JGJ 113-2003, Technical Specification for Application of Architectural Glass.

Design Load Combinations:

A. Load Combinations:

SGk Characteristic value of permanent load effects ( D )

Swk Characteristic value of wind load effects ( W )

SEk Characteristic value of Earthquake action effects ( E )

γG  1.2 Partial coefficient of permanent load

γw  1.4 Partial coefficient of wind load

γE  1.3 Partial coefficient of earthquake action

ϕw  1.0 Combination value coefficient of wind load

ϕE  0.5 Combination value coefficient of earthquake action

Design value of action effect combination:

S  γG SGk  ϕw γw Swk  ϕE γE SEk

Refer. ;JGJ 102-2003(eq.5.4.1-2)

S = 1.2D + 1.4W + 0.65E

S = 1.2D + 1.4W

Refer. ;JGJ 102-2003(eq.5.4.2 and 5.4.3)

S = 1.35D + (0.6)(1.4)W

S = 1.35D + 0.84W

Thermal Load:

Chengdu Temperature Data

Avg_Install  10C

Avg Low  4C

Avg High  31C

1.2D + T

1.2D + 1.2T

ΔT  max Avg High  Avg_Install Avg_Install  Avg Low 
ΔT  21 C

Material Linear Coefficients of Expansion, α (1/C)

The following linear coefficients of thermal expansion are obtained from Reference (???_Add_#_)

αGlass  0.00001C
5 1
αAlum  2.35  10 C
αSteel  0.000012C
αStainless  0.000018C
αBrick  0.00005C

Member Geometric Data

The following dimensions are obtained from the approved shop drawings. The dimensions producing
critical thermal displacements are selected for each material.

Glass Length: LGlass  2800mm

Steel Length: LSteel  4000mm

Aluminum Length: LAlum  11150mm

LStainless  500mm
Stainless Steel Length:

Stone Length: LBrick  1350mm

Linear Thermal Expansion

Linear thermal expansion due to changes in ambient temperature are calculated using the
following mechanics of material formula:

ΔL  α L ΔT

ΔLGlass  αGlass LGlass ΔT

ΔLGlass  0.588  mm


ΔLAlum  αAlum LAlum ΔT

ΔLAlum  5.503  mm


ΔLSteel  αSteel LSteel ΔT

ΔLSteel  1.008  mm

ΔLStainless  αStainless LStainless ΔT

ΔLStainless  0.189  mm

ΔLBrick  αBrick LBrick ΔT

ΔLBrick  1.418  mm

Architectural Exposed Sheet Metal Thermal Expansion

The temperature differential for exposed sheet metals is greater than that of interior located
structural framing and elements. The temperature differential below accounts for the difference of
ambient air temperature and increased material temperature due to the effects of solar radiation.
Tmax  80C

Tinstall  4C

ΔTSolar  Tmax  Tinstall

ΔTSolar  76 C

Lprofile  10200mm

ΔLAl_Profile  αAlum Lprofile ΔTSolar

ΔLAl_Profile  18.217 mm

Note: Provide joints of 9 mm at top and bottom to accommodate expansion by coping stone
an additional 4-5 mm at top and roof elevation and sill elevation (see Sill and Roof details).

Load Combinations - Ultimate:

1.2D + 1.4W + 0.65E

1.2D -1.4W -0.65E

Load Combinations Service (Deflection):

1.0 D

1.0 D + W

1.0 D - W

B. Wind Loads:

Characteristic Wind Load: wk  βz μs μz wo

(Ref.:GB50009-2001;Table 7.1.1)

Wind Reference Pressure: wo  0.30 kPa 50 year mean return wind velocity based upon 3-sec
wind gust at 10m above ground in open terrain.

Gust Factor: βgz  2.26 Gust factor at 10m height above ground level and
Roughness Category C
(Ref.:GB50009-2001;Table 7.5.1)

Shape Factor: μs
(Ref.:GB50009-2001;Table 7.3.1,7.3.3)

Positive Wind Load Factor: μs_posIN  0.2

Suction Wind Load Factor: μs_negIN  0.2


Positive Wind Load Factor: μs_posEX  0.8

Suction Wind Load Factor: μs_negEX  1.0 (general zones)

μs_negconEX  1.8 (corner zones)

μs_negohEX  2.0

Exposure Factor:
μz  0.74 Height is 10 m above ground and Roughness Category C
(Ref.:GB50009-2001;Table 7.2.1)

B-1 Wind Loads for Various Zones_Internal:

Positive Pressure: wk_posIN  βgz μs_posIN  μz wo wk_posIN  0.1 kPa

Negative Pressure: wk_negIN  βgz μs_negIN μz wo wk_negIN  0.1 kPa

B-2 Wind Loads for Various Zones_External:

Positive Pressure - Front Face: wk_posEX  βgz μs_posEX μz wo wk_posEX  0.401  kPa

Negative Pressure - Side Face: wk_negFEX  βgz μs_negEX μz wo wk_negFEX  0.502  kPa
Negative Pressure - Corner: wk_negCEX  βgz μs_negconEX  μz wo wk_negCEX  0.903  kPa

Negative Pressure - Overhang wk_negohEX  βgz μs_negohEX μz wo wk_negohEX  1.003  kPa

Total Wind Loads for Various Zones

Positive Pressure - Front Face: Wk_pos  wk_posIN  wk_posEX Wk_pos  0.502  kPa

Negative Pressure - Side Face: Wk_negF  wk_negFEX  wk_negIN Wk_negF  0.602  kPa

Negative Pressure - Corner: Wk_negC  wk_negCEX  wk_negIN Wk_negC  1.003  kPa

Negative Pressure - Overhang Wk_negoh  wk_negohEX  wk_negIN Wk_negoh  1.104  kPa

The design pressure loading is:

Refer:JGJ 102-2003, (Eq 5.3.2)
Calculated pressures at corner locations is -1.003 kPa. Min pressure +/- 1.0 KPa

Calculated pressures at interior locations is +/- 1.0 kPa.

Calculated pressures at Ovherhang Entry area is +/- 1.10 kPa.

C. Seismic Loads :
Per Reference JGJ 102-2003, Seismic inertia loads as a percentage of gravity are calculated as follows:

Location: Chengdu,China

βE  5.0
;Dynamic amplification factor
αmax  0.08g
( 7 degree ) ;Horizontal seismic influence coefficient. (table 5.3.4)
Qek  βE αmax

Qek  0.4 g
Refer:JGJ 102-2003, (Eq 5.3.4)

The above acceleration as a percentage of gravity is input into the structural analysis model.
Reference Space Gass Model.


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