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Biogas Technology
in the Third World:
A Multidisciplinary Review (

Andrew Barnett
Leo Pyle
S. K. Subramanian

The International Development Research Centre is a public corporation
created by the Parliament of Canada in 1970 to support research designed
to adapt science and technology to the needs of developing countries. The
Centre's activity is concentrated in five sectors: agriculture, food and
nutrition sciences; health sciences; information sciences; publications; and
social sciences. IDRC is financed solely by the Government of Canada; its
policies, however, are set by an international Board of Governors. The
Centre's headquarters are in Ottawa, Canada. Regional offices are located
in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

© 1978 International Development Research Centre

Postal Address: Box 8500, Ottawa, Canada K1G 3H9
Head Office: 60 Queen Street, Ottawa

Barnett, A.
Pyle, L.
Subramanian, S.K.
Biogas technology in the Third World : a multidisciplinary review.
Ottawa, Ont., IDRC. 1978. 132 p. ill. :

/IDRC publication!. Compilation on bio/gas/ generation in

/developing country/s and the /technical aspect/s of /biomass/ and organic
/waste/ fermentation - discusses other /energy source/s available to /rural
community/ s, feasibility of small-scale digestors for the production of / fuel /
and /fertilizer/, /social implication/s and /economic aspect/s of biogas
technology; includes /case study/s from /Asia/, /bibliography/c notes,
/ statistical data/.

UDC: 662.76 ISBN: 0-88936-162-2

Microfiche edition available

Technical Editor: Michael Graham


Biogas Technology
in the Third World:
A Multidisciplinary Review

Andrew Barnett
Leo Pyle
S. K. Subramanian
About the authors 5
Introduction 7
Anaerobic digestion: the technical options Leo Pyle 9
Alternative systems based on anaerobic
digestion: digester designs 31
Alternative treatment systems centred on biogas 43
Technical parameters affecting digester performance 49
State-of-the-art review 50
Research and development priorities:
some suggestions 65

Biogas technology: a social and economic assessment Andrew Barnett 67

The general approach 68
Valuation of common inputs and outputs 78
Case studies 84
The social and economic determinants of the demand for biogas 92
An approach to research priorities 95
Biogas systems in Asia: a survey S.K. Subramanian 97
India 97
The Republic of Korea 101
The Philippines 102
Thailand 104
Indonesia 105
Japan 105
Other countries 106
Interest of the international agencies in Asia 108
Technological aspects of the region's experience 108
Social and economic issues 114
Problems of evaluation 119
Summary 120

Appendix I. Continuous digestion: typical gas yields 123

Appendix 2. Continuous/batch digester rates: some models and results 124
Cellulose digestion 125
Appendix 3. Suggestions for studies in core technology 126

Bibliography 127

About the Authors
Andrew Barnett received his MA in Development Economics from the
University of Sussex and then specialized in the problems of cost-benefit
analysis, first with the Ministry of Overseas Development, London, and then as
a free-lance consultant. At the time of writing this report he was at the Institute
of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton. He is currently
Advisor to the Science and Technology Policy Programme of the International
Development Research Centre at the Science Policy Research Unit, University
of Sussex.
Leo Pyle obtained his PhD from Cambridge University in Chemical
Engineering. He has taught at Imperial College, London for the last 10 years
during which time he was Visiting Professor both at Queen's University,
Kingston and the University of Chile. He has carried out research on anaerobic
fermentation kinetics and is currently Chairman of the Methane and Fertilizer
Working Group of the Intermediate Technology Development Group, London.
S.K. Subramanian gained his PhD from Birmingham University in
Chemical Engineering and Petroleum Technology and worked in the chemical
industry in India for a number of years. Following a period as Assistant Director
of the National Chemical Laboratory, Poona, he moved to the Department of
Science and Technology of the Government of India and was Secretary to the
Indian National Council of Science and Technology. Later, he became Director
of Technical Management at the Management Development Institute, New
Delhi. More recently he has joined the Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo.

Biogas technology' represents one of a A microapproach to the social and
number of village-scale technologies that are economic appraisal of rural technologies,
currently enjoying a certain vogue among which stresses both the need to examine
governments and aid agencies and that offer technologies in their social context and the
the technical possibility of more decen- need to compare biogas investments with
tralized approaches to development. alternative uses of the resources available in
However, the technical and economic specific rural locations, is presented in the
evaluation of these technologies has often second chapter. This approach is discussed
been rudimentary. Therefore, there is a real in relation to a number of the better
danger that attempts are being made at attempts that have been made to evaluate
wide-scale introduction of these techniques biogas.
in the rural areas of the Third World before The third chapter complements the other
it is known whether they are in any sense two by presenting practical field expe-
appropriate to the problems of rural rience. It is based on an extensive survey of a
peoples. large number of biogas plants and their
In response to the interest in biogas and supporting infrastructure in India,
other rural energy systems shown by a Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, South
number of Asian researchers, the Inter- Korea, and Japan.
national Development Research Centre The technology associated with the
commissioned this state-of-the-art review production of methane at the village level is
so that it might form a basis of further dis- in a much greater state of change than is
cussions concerning the direction of future popularly assumed. However, much of the
biogas research. data on both the new systems and the more
This book, which is divided into three traditional ones are generally unreliable and
chapters, represents a multidisciplinary inconsistent. It would therefore appear
approach to the problem and attempts to advisable, before any major commitments
review existing work rather than to are made to this form of energy and fer-
champion particular solutions. The first tilizer production, that a much more
chapter establishes in broad terms the systematic approach be made to research,
energy options facing rural communities in development, and evaluation.
the Third World and considers in detail just Many of the technical and economic
what is known about the technical aspects of evaluations that have been carried out so far
biogas production. This is done by as- have been applied to only a limited set of the
sembling details of known small-scale known techniques, and comparisons have
digester designs and by reviewing the litera- been made between biogas and other
ture to establish the technical parameters systems at the 'high' end of the technology
determining digester performance. spectrum. Given the current bias in the
distribution of the world's research and
development effort it is hardly surprising
'Biogas technology is based on the pheno-
menon that when organic matter containing that in these comparisons the under-
cellulose is fermented in the absence of air
developed small-scale techniques sometimes
(anaerobically) a combustible gas (methane) is appear to be inferior. With the fluid state of
formed. biogas technology and the unusual interest

currently being shown in it, it would seem to combine to produce both the appropriate
be relatively easy to design and build biogas hardware for various situations and the
plants that could be operated in rural situa- infrastructure that is necessary to ensure
tions to meet certain social objectives and that the hardware is widely used.
yet still compete with 'higher' technologies Our objective, then, is to stress the need to
even in conventional terms of profit and examine a wider range of technical and
capital required per unit of output. economic alternatives for meeting the
The viability of a particular biogas plant energy and fertilizer needs of rural peoples.
design depends on the particular environ- It is our hope that this survey contributes to
ment in which it operates. Therefore, the this process by showing what has already
research problem becomes one of providing been done, by pointing out pitfalls, and by
a structure in which technologists, indicating the major gaps that still remain.
economists, and users of the technology can

Anaerobic Digestion: The Technical Options
Leo Pyle

Whatever the context of the possible ap- the context of a given technical and social
plication of biogas technology, choices will system. This section attempts to be no more
always have to be made between alternative than one input to such an evaluation.
courses of action. The choice may be to The major considerations that are likely
install a methane generator or to do nothing to weigh in considering the contribution of
at all, or there may well be complicated biogas to a rural or village environment
issues of choice between a number of alter- include its contribution to supplies of fuel,
native developments. This preliminary energy, and fertilizer, and to waste treat-
section sketches some of the technical alter- ment, public health control, and sanitation,
natives that could be involved and suggests as well as its use of local resources (material
sources for further study. and human).
An effort is made both to put in perspec- There will also be a number of wider con-
tive the state-of-the-art of biogas technology siderations such as the technology's contri-
and also to help define the range of system bution to indigenous technologies and social
objectives and boundaries relevant to this and economic development.
discussion. Existing digester designs ('core' Thus we can consider various alterna-
technology) are therefore described and tives, for example: alternative methods of
their features compared and contrasted; this supplying local energy/fuel needs (including
description being later extended to include methods of production, distribution, and
the 'peripheral' technologies involved in use); alternative methods of using local
different biogas systems. materials (e.g. cowdung, crop residues, and
The more important aspects and features wastes); alternative methods of supplying
of the science and technology of biogas fertilizer needs; alternatives in public health
both core and peripheral are then dis- control; alternative systems with anaerobic
cussed in order to delineate the more signifi- fermentation as the "core," including
cant ways in which digester behavior can be different end uses; and finally, alternative
affected, changed, and measured, and to arrangements/designs of the digester for
outline the areas where there are clear gaps biogas production. Although there will be
in knowledge or where research and devel- some overlap among these different cate-
opment work is progressing, or might be gories, this listing affords a convenient basis
pursued. The problems of evaluating biogas for discussion.
performance, and of deciding where re-
search and development might be justified Alternative Energy and Fuel
are also discussed. Sources
It must be emphasized that this discussion
is not meant to be prescriptive. An evalua- The main sources of energy that could be
tion of the merits of biogas technology, or of provided to rural areas are listed in Table I.
the value of investment in research and This gives a qualitative picture of the sub-
development, can only be made within a stitutability of the different energy sources
clearly defined set of objectives and within for household, agricultural, or (small)

Table 1. Main energy sources that could possibly be provided to rural areas.
Household Agriculture/Industry
Energy Heat
source Cooking Lighting Heating Power' Transport energy2
Electricity x
Coke, coal x
Kerosene x x
Diesel x x x
Gas x x x
Wood x
Straw, vegetable x
wastes, crop
Solar energy (X) x
Hydro x
Wind x
Alcohol x x
'Includes, for example, pump sets.
2lncludes steam.
NOTE: (X) represents methods that are likely to be very expensive, be of limited application, or need further

industrial use, but gives no indication of the ficiency or with serious health consequences
costs or likely appropriateness of the energy (e.g. burning of dung indoors creates a
sources. source of eye complaints). The questions of
It is also relevant to consider the major energy utilization in the rural areas of poor
existing or potential production methods countries are described and analyzed by
for the fuels listed, because this considera- Makhijani and Poole (1975) and Makhijani
tion can weigh very heavily when (1976).
considering the choice of technology, and The appropriateness of a particular
because of wider implications, such as energy source for a given situation depends
ecological suitability. The primary energy upon a number of factors, such as the avail-
sources can be classified as broadly non- ability of primary resources (e.g. coal, water,
renewable or renewable: nonrenewable etc.) and the economies of scale in produc-
sources include coal, coke, oil, natural gas, tion. For example, a possible benefit of
and nuclear; renewable include solar, wood, using crop residues or solar energy is that
dung, vegetable matter, water, and wind (see these might be feasible on quite small scales
Table 2). and thus be appropriate to rural areas at an
Although some of the fuels listed are early stage of mechanization and develop-
classified as renewable, this may only be true ment. The practicality of processes centred
under controlled conditions. For example, on biogas production will be the subject of
the use of wood as a major source of energy later discussion. First, however, it is instruc-
in some developing countries has led to tive to consider alternative methods of gas
deforestation on an extremely serious scale. production.
No attempt will be made to describe
current patterns of energy use in developing Alternative Methods of Gas
countries: it is sufficient to note the ex- Production
tremely high dependence in rural areas on
noncommercial fuels. Many of the methods The combustible fraction of biogas is
of use are carried out with very low ef- methane; however, there are other possible

Table 2. Some renewable and nonrenewable processed to produce a gas with a high
sources of common energy and fuel types. methane content.
End source of The promise of the process, for relatively
energy! fuel Nonrenewable Renewable small-scale applications, is reviewed by Pyle
(1977). For example, Tatom et al. (1975)
Electricity Coal, oil, gas- Hydroelectricity
fired power (solar)
report a small, transportable pyrolysis unit
station, nuclear able to treat wood, peanut shells, sugar
Kerosene, Oil waste, trash, etc. The fuel products from the
diesel unit are char (with a heating value (H.V.) of
Gas Natural gas, Celluloses, 30000 kJ/kg), oil, and gas. Preliminary
oil, coal vegetable experience shows that the process is
wastes, etc. promising for low moisture content wastes
(biomass) where the energy needed to evaporate the
Alcohol Oil, gas Celluloses, moisture is small. However, a good deal of
starches, work remains to be done to develop appro-
sugars, etc.
priate designs. Makhijani and Poole (1975,
p. 100) have commented favourably on the
Chinese experience with pyrolysis.
The same range of feed materials can also
combustible gases such as (mixtures of) be fermented anaerobically (at 30-60 °C) to
hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and higher produce biogas. The three methods sketched
n-paraffins (such as butane and propane).
in Fig. I can be seen as potential alternatives
In industrialized countries methane is within the framework of Fig. 2. And, in fact,
much used as a fuel or chemical feedstock. It
whether the wastes are animal or vegetable
is a major constituent of natural gas, and can
products, they can be considered to have
also be manufactured by gasification or their basic energy supply in the capture (by
reforming from fossil and nonfossil fuels to
photosynthesis) of solar energy (see Table
yield substitute natural gas (SNG). These
processes are highly sophisticated tech- Figure 3 illustrates this point and shows
nically and are carried out under elevated the potential for gas cleaning and CU2,
temperatures and pressures. It seems highly
water, and nutrient recycling.
unlikely that they will be serious contenders
as technologies appropriate to rural appli-
cation either in terms of levels of technology
Materials Suitability
employed, capital intensity, or scale of McCann and Saddler (1976) considered
operation. However, for large-scale opera- the economics of pyrolysing wheat straw
tions gasification must be considered using the Garrett process and found that it
seriously. Ifeadi and Brown (1975) consider yielded between 0.32 and 0.40 tonnes of oil
the process promising above 100 tonnes/day (at a lower calorific value than fuel oil) per
(equivalent to the manure from 17000 dairy tonne raw material. All the gas produced
cows!) and most of the solid char was recycled to
An alternative route, which may in the provide heat for the process. Despite this,
future be more appropriate, is pyrolysis. In the preliminary economic analysis of the
this process the biomass (wood, coal, process (under Australian conditions) looks
vegetable, etc.) is heated in an air-lean en- extremely promising. However, if a wet
vironment to 400-1000 °C. The products manure is used to feed the pyrolysis unit, it is
depend on the feed material and the necessary to evaporate about 80-85% of the
operating conditions, but usually comprise weight before treatment. On the basis of I
three phases: a solid char, which can be sub- tonne wet matter, containing 200 kg dry
sequently used as fuel; an oily fraction; and a matter (calorific value 14500 kJ/kg), one
combustible gas (which may have consider- would need to evaporate up to 800 kg of
able CO and H2 content) that can be further water (i.e. 4 kg water/kg dry matter) at an












Fig. I. Three principal methods for anaerobic conversion of feed materials to biogas.





Fig. 2. The three methods of conversion shown in Fig. I can be seen as potential alternatives within a
framework of energy supply.

Table 3. Examples of fuel-gas production methods from biogas (from Klass 1976).
Biomass Reaction Conditions Products1
Pine bark Pyrolysis 900 °C low value gas, char, oil
ambient pressure
Rice straw Pyrolysis 200-700 °C low value gas, char, oil
ambient pressure
Cellulosic refuse Hydrogasification 540 °C, 70 bar high value gas, char
Wood, paper Digestion 30 °C, 30 days intermediate value gas
Grass Digestion 48 °C, 10-28 days intermediate value gas
Water hyacinth2 Hydrolysis + digestion 48 °C, 28 days intermediate value gas
Seaweed3 Hydrolysis + digestion 33-48 °C, 20-50 days intermediate value gas
Unicellular algae4 Hydrolysis + digestion 35-55 °C, 30 days intermediate value gas
'Low value 3700-16 500 kJ/m3; intermediate value r 16 500-30 000 kJ/m3; high value > 30 000 kJ/m3.
2Eichhornia crassipes.
3Macrocvstis pvrifera (giant kelp).
4Scendismus spp., C/i/ore/la spp.



Fig. 3. Wastes, whether animal or vegetable products, have their basic energy supply in the capture (by
photosynthesis) of solar energy.

energy cost of approximately 2500 kJ/kg of crop residues. It is, however, necessary to
water or 10000 kJ/kg dry matter. The feed- view the question within a wider context in
stock energy (%) used for evaporation is order to establish an optimum strategy for
shown, as a function of moisture content, in local communities. For example, one has to
Fig. 4. Thus for materials of high moisture consider current patterns of usage to ensure
content there is a strong argument in favour that people are not worse off in material
of anaerobic digestion because no evapora- or resource terms as well as establish
tion is necessary. alternative methods of use. For example,
sugar cane may be used as a fuel, or alter-
Alternative Methods of Waste and natively, the cane can be used in paper
manufacture, which may be more 'prof-
Biomass Utilization itable.' However, the implications of a
The preceding discussion has touched on switch in end use raise very complex issues.
production of fuel gas from animal and Our purpose is not to oversimplify the issues
vegetable wastes, and conceivably, from involved but rather to point out some of the

Alternatives Based on Animal and
Crop Wastes
w 30% MOISTURE Biogas production is often suggested in
-Jz CONTENT situations where animal wastes are used as a
>0 DRIED TO 0%'
major source of household energy. The
potential adyantages include: (1) the re-
placement of an inefficient (but traditional)
>- -50 fuel with a more efficient and flexible one;
Q) (2) the recoupment of the fertilizer value of
Wa the waste, which is lost if the dung is burned;
and (3) the benefits to public health
(especially in reducing eye diseases) if the
cleaner, less smokey, gas is used. However,
the question remains: Does this represent
0 20 40 60 80 1 00
the best use of the waste?
Some of the alternatives for biochemical
FEED MOISTURE CONTENT and chemical processing of raw materials
(%) containing cellulose are outlined in Fig. 5.
Fig. 4. Effect of feed moisture consent on amount Composting
of energy available for hiogas production.
The need for organic matter in agriculture
is well recognized. In the context of fertilizer
shortages and increasing prices, the need to
more obvious choices, because the question use organic wastes has taken on a new
of feasibility can only be raised within dimension, and their contribution certainly
particular situations and sets of objectives. cannot be underrated. For example, it has



1 4, .1 1



Fig. 5. Simplified product chart based on cellulose.

been reported that 85% of China's cultivated which this can be done (Perrigo and
land is treated with organic manures (night Demmitt 1975).
soil, compost, green manures, etc.). One
major advantage of this type of manuring is Use of Untreated Material
its contribution to recycling and conserva- There have been a number of studies of
tion of plant nutrients (see Gotaas 1956). the use of untreated or slightly treated
There is strong evidence of the need for manures as a ration supplement, and
naturally derived nutrients and humus in Perrigo and Demmitt report generally
situations where heavy reliance is placed on favourable results when the use of bovine
'chemical' fertilizers (see Dhua 1975). manures was limited to about 10% of the
When dung is used not as manure but as a cow's diet. The practice is currently for-
fuel, a link in the nutrient cycle is broken. bidden in the USA and parts of Western
This could be avoided if the manure was Europe: it is, however, practiced in the U.K.,
used as an input for anaerobic digesters. it where dried poultry manure is currently
can be argued that this would be preferable being used successfully. Because the costs
to composting (where the nutrient qualities involved are small, careful attention should
are conserved, but the fuel value of the be paid to the possibilities of this method.
wastes is lost). However, one must also con-
sider the zero capital-cost of unmechanized Manuric Modified Silage
composting, and the more complex issues
related to public health (e.g. pathogen Anthony has successfully developed a
destruction). process where manure can be incorporated
Although one would like to calculate the into silage. The manure is mixed with
Bermuda grass (in ratios up to 1.3: l)and left
'trade-off between the net benefits of
anaerobic digestion and the fertilizer value to ferment. The 'wastelage' contains 10%
of composted materials, it is not possible at crude protein and 60% digestible nutrients
this stage to obtain quantitative measures of (dry basis), and has produced positive re-
the fertilizer/nutrient value of the slurry sults in feeding trials.
effluent from biogas plants, nor to compare
the value with composted materials. Fermentation-Based Processes
It is also noteworthy that composting, Two broad types of processes using
being an aerobic process, is exothermic. microorganisms to increase the nutritive
Under normal conditions this heat is wasted content of manures are discussed by Perrigo
(it is very low grade heat) except insofar as it and Demmitt (1975). The first involves the
is responsible for the destruction of use of bacterial cultures to ferment the
pathogens. However, it may be worthwhile manure to silage. The second involves cul-
in some circumstances to use the heat from turing the microorganisms on the manure
composting material as an energy input to a substrate, harvesting them, and finally pro-
biogas plant. This can be done by sur- cessing them to increase digestibility. For
rounding the biogas plant with compost. example, Ward and Seckler (1975) discuss a
From the point of view of efficiency of process where a high-protein fraction from
converting feed (grass, grain, etc.) into cattle manure is fed directly to poultry. The
human food, animals leave a good deal to be proposed method involves anaerobic fer-
desired: the major proportion of the feed is mentation of the waste followed by
converted not into meat protein but into fractionation to three products A, B, and C.
protein in the manure. Reuse of the These three fractions are characterized in
digestible portion of the feces could lead to Table 4.
significant reductions in the overall cost Ward and Seckler claim that the high-
(and therefore increased efficiency) of protein fraction from one dairy cow can
raising cattle (Pimental 1975), swine, and support 30 hens. In fact, because poultry
poultry. There are a number of ways in manure is high in uric acid, when it is dried it
Table 4. Characteristics of the three fractions pressure and/or the use of acids or bases
derived from fermentation-based processes. (e.g. caustic soda) can be used to improve
Fraction Characteristics Potential use the digestibility of cattle manures (Stidham
et al. 1973; Klopfenstein and Koer 1973).
A High fibre Feed for cattle, Robb and Evans (1976) report the use of
(equiv. to corn sheep
sodium hydroxide in the recovery of nutri-
B High protein Feed for ruminants tive materials from cereal straw. Hydrolysis
(20-30%) or nonruminants has also been used to replace the slow
C High ash Soil amendment systematic breakdown of ligno-cellulosic
plant tissues to sugars, for subsequent
fermentation to single-cell protein (Worgan
is itself a possible feed supplement. Thus, Curiously, there are few reports of such
this method offers a potential reduction in methods as part of biogas production, where
the acreage needed for producing animal the rate of hydrolysis of the feed is largely
feed. Although presently unproven, this responsible for the slowness of the process.
method should be considered as one alter- This point is considered in more detail later.
native among many. With the recent interest The methods discussed above for waste
shown in processes of this type, con- recycling have as a major objective the im-
siderable improvement may be expected in provement of the efficiency (viewed in input:
the near future. output terms) of animals as food producers.
An alternative method of converting The same arguments hold if cattle, for
wastes into protein is their use as a substrate example, are used for work. In other words,
in algal culture. In principle various wastes the object is to increase the ratio of human
food:animal food or work:food, and the
can be fed to ponds in which unicellular or
filamentous green or blue-green algae are feasibility has to be determined by weighing
cultured. Yields of approximately 80000 the cost of treatment and recycling against
kg/ha/yr (dry matter) have been achieved the improvement in efficiency.
under laboratory conditions (Boersma et al. As has been seen, it may be advantageous
1975, Pantastico 1976). The efficiency of to use the animal waste (whether treated or
these waste ponds depends on numerous not) as a food additive for another
factors: the physical conditions (incident population.
light (most algae cannot grow oxidatively on There are clearly a number of implica-
sewage in the dark), pH, temperature, tions of such schemes, and these are
mixing); the quantity and biochemical discussed below in the context of integrated
oxygen demand (BOD) loading of the feed; food, energy, and waste-treatment cycles.
the pond dimensions; nutritional conditions Before discussing integrated systems, how-
such as the presence of micro- and macro- ever, we will consider other possible uses of
nutrients; and the species present in the wastes or biomass.
population, their frequency of harvesting,
etc. (Shaw 1973). Other Fermentation Processes
Considerably wider possibilities than
Physicochemical Processes those outlined above exist. Three such pro-
One of the major limitations on the ease of cesses are considered here, and more infor-
utilization of cellulose-based materials is mation is presented in the recent symposium
their rate of hydrolysis to produce sugars, by UNITAR (1976).
which can be more directly utilized. A
number of physicochemical pretreatments Protein production from carbo-
have been proposed to prepare manure and hydrate wastes
agricultural wastes for refeeding, recycling, Carbohydrates are the largest renewable
or processing. For example, heating under source of carbon compounds available for

conversion into protein for human or fermented to ethyl alcohol. Celluloses too
animal food. A variety of materials can be can be broken down in a similar way. Pro-
used as substrates for the production of cesses for the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellu-
edible protein in the form of yeasts (e.g. C.lose to glucose have recently been devel-
uli/is), fungi (e.g. F. semitectum), and oped, but the estimated cost is, at present,
bacteria (e.g. Escherichia co/i). However, high (McCann and Saddler (1976) quote a
there is still work to be done on processing figure of SUS 0.22-0.55/kg glucose) and
methods and on the palatability and ethyl alcohol made by the route is probably
acceptability of such products before these
uneconomical (Fig. 5 illustrates the
processes are likely to be used on a wide process).
scale for bulk food preparation. The hydrolysis of starch is much easier
Worgan (1973) gives a good review of than the hydrolysis of cellulose, and
some of the methods of producing edible McCann and Saddler (1976) claim that
protein. Their relative biological efficiency alcohol production from starchy substrates
may be judged from Table 5, which is based (e.g. cassava) is cheaper than from cellulose.
The costs of production of various fuels esti-
mated by McCann and Saddler are given in
Table 5. Relative biological efficiency of some the Table 6. The potential of cassava for
methods of producing edible protein based on fuel, food, and industrial chemical (via
using either sucrose or oat husks as the carbo- alcohol) production is at present a virtually
hydrate source (from Tables 7 and 8, Worgan unexplored region.
1973). An excellent discussion of ethanol pro-
Carbohydrate Protein
duction by fermentation is given in the
(g) to yield doubling time review paper by Trevelyan (1975), where
100 g protein (h) both the process and end-use alternatives
are discussed in detail.
Oat Oat The different end uses of cellulose can be
Sucrose husk Sucrose husk
assessed by comparing the value (market
C. uuilis 400 666 5 S price) of the various products. Table 7
F. semilectum
E. co/i
Beef cattle

9224 2800

(Dunlap 1975) gives such estimates, but does
not take into account the difficulties or costs
associated with processing nor the value of
by-products (for example, in biogas produc-
tion the fertilizer value of the slurry is
extremely significant).
on using both sucrose and oat husk as carbo-
hydrate sources.
Relative biological efficiency is also Alternative Sources of Biomass
reflected in land productivity calculations: Biogas production is usually considered
for sugar beet the yield of protein can be as a method of treating animal and vegetable
2800 kg/ha/yr; the yield of beef protein is, wastes. However, it is advisable to consider
by contrast, about 42kg/ha/yr. Of course, wider possibilities; for example, the feasi-
cattle are more than just beef producers: bility of growing renewable crops for energy
their wastes can be utilized and they are production.
essential sources of power for much of the Potential raw material can be divided into
world's population. two classes: (1) land grown; and (2) water
grown (fresh or sea). The choice of the most
Production of glucose, alcohols, appropriate crop will depend on many tech-
etc. nical and social factors. Included in the
Starches and celluloses can be used to technical factors are: attainable growth rates
produce sugars. Starch, for example, can be under the climatic conditions in question;
hydrolyzed by acids or enzymes and then nutrient and water demands; ease of

Table 6. Costs (calculated for Australian conditions) of some photobiological fuels (from McCann and Saddler).
Primary Secondary2
Comparative energy input energy input Efficiency
Saleable by-products cosV (Mi/kg (Mi/kg %
Fuel Raw material Process As fuel Other $/ I0i product) product) NUEP Overall
Alcohol Cassava tops Enzyme hydrolysis! Fibre (animal 8.4 75.1 17.3 17 32
& tubers Batch fermentation feed), fusel
Alcohol Eucalyptus Acid hydrolysis! - 13.4 42 105 -180 20
- Batch fermentation
Alcohol Eucalyptus Enzyme hydrolysis! 20.1 0
Batch fermentation
Methane Cereal straw Bacterial fermentation Biomass slurry 4.2 105.9 20.0 34 44
Methane Eucalyptus Bacterial fermentation Biomass slurry 5.5 105.9 20.0 34 44
Pyrolytic Cereal straw Flash pyrolysis Char - 3.3 50.6 4.8 52 58
oil (Garrett process)
Pyrolytic Eucalyptus Flash pyrolysis Char 4.3 50.6 4.8 52 58
oil (Garrett process)
Comparative costs of other energy sources at time of study (SI l0°J): Kuwait crude oil (US$10 per bbl) 1.25; syncrude from coal 1.2-1.9; gasoline (70e per
gallon. taxed) 4.45; diesel fuel (35 per gallon, untaxed) 2.0; No. 6 fuel oil ($75 per tonne) 1.7; and natural gas (Cooper Basin) 115.
2lncludes energy Cost of harvesting, transport, process fuels, electricity, and ingredients.
Table 7. Average to good annual yields of dry matter (from U.K./ISES 1976).
t/ha/year g/m2/day (% of total radiation)
Napier grass 88 24 1.6
Sugar cane 66 18 1.2
59 16 1.1
Annual crops 30
Perennial crops 75-80
Rain forest 35-50
Temperate (Europe)
29 8 1.0
Perennial crops
Annual crops 22 6 0.8
Grassland 22 6 0.8
Evergreen forest 22 6 0.8
Deciduous forest 15 4 0.6
Savanna 11 3

Desert 0.3 0.02

harvesting; water content of harvested crop; as: manure, plant residues, composts,
amount of harvested feed; and reactivity or animal by-products (blood, bone meal, etc.),
biodegradability. (treated) human wastes, and slurry from
A summary of known average or biogas plants, combined with chemical
achievable yields, with some approximate fertilizers or by chemical fertilizers alone
cost estimations (under U.S. conditions), is (urea, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium
given in Tables 7-11, and a good discussion phosphates, potassium sulfates).
of the suitability of the highest yielding of There is a worldwide trend toward the use
these potential sources is given in Alich and of high analysis and complex (chemical)
Inman (1975). fertilizers. Since the early seventies,

Alternative Sources of Plant

Nutrients Table 8. Photosynthetic yields (mg CO2
Nutrients vital for plant growth and de- fixed/cm2/h) at normal and enhanced CO2 gas
velopment are based on carbon, oxygen, levels (from U.K./ISES 1976).
hydrogen, macronutrients (nitrogen, Normal Enhanced
phosphorus, and potassium), and, finally, Maize, sorghum, 60-75 100
secondary and micronutrients. In the case of sugar cane'
micronutrients, toxic effects from over- Rice 40-75 135
supply can cause serious problems. Sunflower 50-65 130
The first four elements occur in air and Cotton 40-50 100
water; phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen Soybean, sugar beet 30-40 56
'fixed' by organisms are found in the soil and Oats, wheat, barley 30-35 66
are subject to exhaustion as they are re- Tobacco 20-25 67
moved by plants. Their availability depends Tomato, cucumber, 20-25 50
on environmental factors such as tempera- lettuce
Tree species, grapes, 10-20 40
ture, moisture, and acidity. Soils may be ornamentals, citrus
replenished by applying nutrients in the
form of organic or 'natural' fertilizers such 'These are the only C4-species in the table.

Table 9. Some high short-term dry weight yields of crops and their short-term photosynthetic
efficiencies (from U.K./ISES 1976).
Crop Country g/m2/day efficiency
Alfalfa US, California 23 1.4
Potato US, California 37 2.3
Pine Australia 41 2.7
Cotton US, Georgia 27 2.1
Rice S. Australia 23 1.4
Sugar cane US, Texas 31 2.8
Sudan grass US, California 51 3.0
Maize US, California 52 2.9
Algae US, California 24 1.5
Cassava Malaysia 18 2.0
Rice Tanzania 17 1.7
Rice Philippines 27 2.9
Palm oil Malaysia II 1.4
(whole year)
Napier grass El Salvador 39 4.2
Bulirush millett Australia, NT 54 4.3
Sugar cane Hawaii 37 3.8
Maize Thailand 31 2.7
NOTE: Yields in gJm2/day can be converted to t/ha/year by multiplying by 3.65.

Table 10. Productivity and energy conversion in agricultural crops on an annual basis.
Crop Country t/ha/year efficiency
Rye grass UK 23 1.3
Kale UK 21 1.1
Sorghum US, Illinois 16 0.6
Maize UK 17 0.9
UK 5 (grain) 0.2
Canada, Ottawa 19 0.7
Japan 26 1.1
US, Kentucky 22 0.8
Potato UK II 0.5
Netherlands 22 1.0
Sugar beet UK 23 1.1
Wheat (spring) UK 5 (grain) 0.2
US, Washington 12 (grain) 0.4
US, Washington 30 (total) I.
Barley UK 7 (grain) 0.3
Rice Japan 7 (grain) 0.3
Alfalfa US, California 33 1.0
Sorghum US, California 47 1.2
Bermuda grass US, Georgia 27 0.8
Sugar beet US, California 42 1.2

Table 10. Productivity and energy conversion in agricultural crops on an annual basis (concluded).

Crop Country / ha / year efficiency

Potato US, California 22 0.6

Wheat Mexico 18 0.5
US, California 7 (grain) 0.2
Rice Australia, NSW 14 (grain) 0.4
US, California 22 0.6
Maize Egypt 29 0.6
US, California 26 0.8
Napier grass El Salvador 85 2.4
Puerto Rico 85 2.2
Sugar cane Hawaii 64 1.8
Oil palm Malaysia 40 1.4
Sugar beet Hawaii (2 crops) 31 0.9
Cassava Tanzania 31 0.8
Malaysia 38 1.1
Sorghum Philippines 7 (grain) 0.2
Maize Thailand 16 0.5
Peru 26 0.8
Rice Australia, NT II (grain) 0.2
Peru 22 0.7
Rice +
Sorghum (multiple
cropping) Philippines 23 (grain) 0.7

Table II. Biomass yields and estimated costs however, escalating prices and supply
(from Saddler et al. 1976; Klass 1975). shortages due to the increasing costs of raw
material and energy have affected both
Yield Estimated
(t/ha/year) cost
production and freight costs. The interna-
tional price of ammonia, for example, in-
($/tonne) creased nine-fold between 1972 and the end
Eucalyptus 16 1.70 of 1974, and led to declining demand,
Cassava: tops 12 1.70 especially in developing countries. At the
tubers 17.5 2.10
same time, experience has shown that
Kenaf 30 2.60
Elephant grass 68 1.10
fertilizer supply is perhaps the single most
Sugar cane 44 1.1-1.4 important technical factor in agricultural
($/ 10 BTU) growth. The need for increases in produc-
Corn 2.27 9.7 tivity per hectare is increasingly important
Corn silage 15.9 1.31 and calls for an acceleration in the supply of
fertilizers. The extent to which chemical

- 1.88
fertilizers will supply this need will depend
on factors that vary from country to
Sugar cane 25 0.63 country: distribution and credit facilities;
Kenaf 20 0.61 availability of appropriate supplies; supply
Kenaf 6 1.4
of complementary inputs; know-how and
Land/water based 20-50 0.4-1.5
skills to run production facilities near

capacity; and technical backup to the On average 75-85% of the major nutrients
farmers. and 40-50% of the organic matter in the feed
are present in the manure. Urine contains
Organic Fertilizers 40-70% of the fertilizer value of the manure.
Taiganides and Hazen calculated the
Recent practice has tended toward mono- potential annual value of the manure per
cultural production based on chemical 1000 lb (450 kg) live weight to be $71 for
fertilizers. There is plenty of evidence, how- poultry, $42 for hog, and $26 for cow
ever, that biologically supplied or recycled manure (in 1966 US dollars), valued at the
organic nutrients (composting, biological cost of equal amounts of commercial NPK.
nitrogen fixation, nutrient recycling) repre- Pantastico (1976) outlines the elements
sent an alternative to reliance on chemical that are relevant to an assessment of the role
inputs. of organic nutrients, and gives data on the
It is impossible to generalize on the composition of manures and composts of
potential contribution from wastes because different types (compost, stable manure,
their composition varies enormously. night soil, raw straw, plant ash, and green
Taiganides and Hazen (1966) provide manure). It has been estimated that wastes
typical NPK contents, and Ames (1976) from animals, plants, and humans could
gives some average figures for a range of supply developing countries with six to eight
organic manures (Table 12). An approxi- times more nutrients than they derive from
mate idea of the potential contribution of chemical fertilizers. These figures can be
animal manures can be seen from Tables 13 compared with estimates of the NPK con-
and 14. centrations of fertilizer and manure in the

Table 12. Average chemical composition (%) of some organic manures (from Ames 1976).

Bulki' organic manures

Farmyard manure 0.5-1.5 0.4-0.8 0.5-1.9
Compost (urban) 1.2-2.0 1.0 1.5
Compost (rural) 0.4-0.8 0.3-0.6 0.7-1.0
Green manures (various averages) 0.5-0.7 0.1-0.2 0.8-1.6
Edible oil cakes
Coconut 3.0-3.2 1.8-1.9 1.7-1.8
Cotton seed (decorticated) 6.4-6.5 2.8-2.9 2.1-2.2
Cotton seed (undecorticated) 3.9-4.0 1.8-1.9 1.6-1.7
Groundnut 7.0-7.2 1.5-1.6 1.3-1.4
Manure of animal origin
Dried blood 1.0-1.2 1.0-1.5 0.6-0.8
Fish manure 0.4-1.0 3-9 0.3-1.5
Bird guano 7-8 20-25 2-3
Bone meal (raw) 3-4 20-25 -
Bone meal (steamed) 1.0-2.0 25-30 -
Activated sludge (dry) 5-6 3-3.5 0.5-0.7
Settled sludge (dry) 2-2.5 1-1.2 0.4-0.5
Night soil 1.2-1.3 0.8-1.0 0.4-0.5
Human urine 1.0-1.2 0.1-0.2 0.2-0.3
Cattle dung and urine mixed 0.60 0.15 0.45
Horse dung and urine mixed 0.70 0.25 0.55
Sheep dung and urine mixed 0.95 0.35 1.00

Table 13. Average daily manure production and that about 16% of the N present in the
composition of hens, swine, and cattle (from digested sludge is present as dissolved am-
Tables 2 and 3, Taiganides and Hazen 1966). monia, which evaporates on standing (see
Hens Swine Cattle also Idnani and Varadarajan 1974). The
(1.8-2.3 kg) (45 kg) (450 kg) proportion of nitrogen as ammonia varies
with the feed: for rice straw the loss is only 8-
Wet manure
10% (Acharya 1958).
(kg/day) 0.1 3.2 29.0
Total solids
(% wet basis) 29.0 16.0 16.0 Where the fertilizer (i.e. nitrogen) content
Volatile solids of the slurry is important, it is essential to
(% dry basis) 76.0 85.0 80.0 minimize volatilization losses by using
Nitrogen proper storage and application methods.
(% dry basis) 5.6 4.5 33.7 Tanks or lagoons are perhaps the most
satisfactory storage method; whereas, loss
(% dry basis) 4.3 2.7 1.1 during application can be minimized if the
K,O sludge is injected below, rather than spread
(% dry basis) 2.0 4.3 3.0
on the soil surface.
Table 14. Major fertilizing elements per 450 kg live animal weight (from Tables 2 and 3, Taiganides and
Hazen 1966).
Hens Swine Cattle
kg/day kg/yr kg/day kg/yr kg/day kg/yr
Wet manure 25.4 14600 31.7 10160 29.0 9340
Total mineral matter 1.77 635 0.82 270 0.91 360
Organic matter 5.53 2000 4.26 1540 3.72 1360
N 0.42 150 0.23 84 0.17 63
P20s 0.31 115 0.12 50 0.05 19
K20 0.15 54 0.22 78 0.14 51

USA (Table 15), which show that manures Table IS. Estimates of the quantity and value of
generally have a relatively low nutritive nitrogen fixed by some of the principal legumes.
value (but of course the organic matter itself
serves a vital function). Quantity of N
Other possible sources of fertilizer fixed in a Value as
(Briones and Briones 1976) are industrial growing season fertilizer of N
wastes (e.g. mud press from sugarcane (kg per fixed (S per
mills), bean meals, and garbage. hectare) hectare)2
Lucerne (alfalfa) 50-460 IS- 138
Clovers 50-670 15-200
Other temperate 20-200 6-60
Biogas Plants as a Source of pasture legumes
Tropical pasture 20-400 6-120
Fertilizer legumes
Several authors have commented on the Peas 30- 140 9-42
fertilizer quality of digester slurry (for ex- Chickpeas 100 30
ample, Acharya 1958). Unfortunately data Soybeans 40-200 12-60
Peanuts 70-240 2 1-72
on the fertilizer value of the slurry from
biogas plants are inadequate. Theoretically, Ranges of values in recent findings due to the
little of the NPK fed to the digester should complexities of the factors involved these ranges are
wide, with extreme values in both directions relatively
be lost during the process because the only unusual.
loss of N is as gaseous ammonia and this is 2The nitrogen fixed was valued conservatively at a
small during digestion. Acharya points out 1975 'farm gate' cost of $O.30/kgN.

Other plant nutrients may be conserved and cereals gives a substantial increase in
and made more available if plant residues cereal yields. On the other hand, some
are recycled through a digester. The result of legumes make very high phosphorus
using slurries from anaerobic digesters on demands and economic responses are
the land is much the same as using any other achieved only by fertilizing with super-
kind of compost: the humus material plays a phosphate.
vital role in improving soil properties and The enormous range of options in the
texture. provision of chemical fertilizers is too wide
Generally, 50-70% of the degradable for discussion here, but two further com-
organics fed to the digester are decomposed, ments are perhaps in order. First, the tech-
and only a small proportion (10-20%) of the nologies for nitrogenous fertilizer produc-
carbon is converted to cellular matter. Thus, tion are marked by considerable apparent
problems arising from using the sludge on economics of scale, as a consequence of their
land are much smaller than those from using high capital intensity. A methodology for
aerobically treated wastes because the comparing such widely differing alterna-
smaller quantity of bacterial matter tives as large-scale capital-intensive
minimizes both smells and insect develop- ammonia production and smaller, more
ment. labour-intensive, technologies (e.g. biogas)
is discussed in the next chapter. It should be
Biological Nitrogen Fixation kept in mind that problems have also been
Despite the ever-increasing of encountered due to either high transport
costs or to operation at much less than full
chemically fixed nitrogenous fertilizers it
capacity. Second, the existence of an 'anti-
has been estimated that biological fixation
chemical' lobby must be acknowledged. It is,
contributes about four times as much nitro-
gen to the soil. One example is the forma-however, not our intention to take one side
tion of nodules on the roots of various or another in this debate: the relative lack of
legumes (pulses, beans, nuts, peas, some attention to chemical fertilizers must not be
clovers) by bacteria. Bacteria associated taken as implying any prejudice on the
with the roots of nonlegumes (rice, sugar writer's part.
cane, etc.) are also important, especially in
the tropics. In addition, other bacteria and Public Health, Waste Treatment,
blue-green algae (Pantastico 1976) can and Pollution Control
contribute to the process. The possible
contribution of some legumes to the supply A major source of concern throughout the
of N fertilizer is given in Table 16. world is the safe treatment and disposal of
Not all the nitrogen fixed finds its way wastes. Here we are primarily concerned
into the soil (which points to the urgent need with the disposal of organic wastes, many of
for research work), but rotation of legumes which are likely to be degradable. These

Table 16. Average oxygen demand data for farm-animal wastes (from Taiganides and Hazen 1966).
Animal size Vol.solid BOD COD BOD/COD
(kg) (kg/day) (kg/day) (kg/kg VS) (kg/day) (kg/kg VS) (%)
(1.8-2.3) 0.025 0.008 0.320 0.026 1.04 30.8
(45) 0.43 0.15 0.349 0.57 1.32 26.3
(450) 3.7 0.58 0.156 4.76 1.29 12.2

wastes are derived from a wide range of would be exerted on a water body if the
sources: animal manures and wastes; farm waste were discharged into an (aerobic)
wastes including residues; night soil; con- water course. It is usually measured at 20°C
taminated waste waters; industrial wastes, over 5 days (hence BUD5). The chemical
including wastes from agroindustry; and oxygen demand (COD) can also be used as
general solid wastes, garbage. Wastes range an index, but the test does not differentiate
in nature from solids to liquids, but our between biologically degradable and inert
main interest is centred on paste, semiliquid, matter. Under some conditions, BUD and
or slurry-type wastes. COD of a waste will correlate; more often,
Among the public health considerations the correlation is not good. If the tests cor-
that dictate the need for waste disposal relate, the COD measure is superior because
facilities are: the transmission of disease it is both faster and more accurate. In
vectors, pathogens, etc. (and especially assessing animal and human wastes these
fecal-borne diseases), and associated con- measures are best expressed in terms of
tamination problems; the problems caused BOD (or COD) (as kilograms oxygen
by disposing untreated wastes on land or demand) per kilogram of volatile solid (VS)
water (odours, insect colonies etc.); the in the waste. Tables 17 and 18 give average
potential of using valuable materials, if they BOD data for farm animal wastes and mean
can be recovered or recycled; and regula- figures for BOD and COD for animals and
tions (if any) covering the quality of dis- humans. The COD/kg live weight is about
charges. the same for hens, pigs, and cattle; the BOD
The range of choices available will of cattle waste is considerably lower,
broadly be: to do nothing; to treat at the probably because of the larger proportion of
source (e.g. composting latrine); or to treat cellulose (which is attacked slowly). The
centrally (e.g. community waste treatment population equivalent (PE) is the number of
facility). humans to produce the same daily quantity
Industrial waste disposal and control of waste measured as BUD. In calculating
cannot be dealt with here although many of the load on a treatment system, the liquid
the treatment policies will be applicable. quantity discharged is also very important.
Useful background to the use of anaerobic The wide variability (reflecting feeding
fermentation in controlling industrial patterns, health) in the data cannot be over-
effluents can be found in Fair et al. (1966) emphasized: the figures quoted are only a
and Mosey (1974). guideline.

Pollutant Strengths Treatment Methods

There are a number of indexes of the The earliest and simplest form of handling
pollutant strength of an organic waste. One wastes, the cesspool, developed into the
is the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), septic tank, in which the detectable oxygen
which measures the oxygen demand that level is zero and conditions are anaerobic.

Table 17. Mean BOD and COD of farm-animal wastes (Taiganides and Hazen 1966).
Live weight BOD COD PE
(kg) (kg! day) (kg! day) (BOD basis)
Man (excrement) 68 0.054 0.61
Man (total) 68 0.091 1.0
Hens 45 0.154 0.526 1.7
Swine 45 0.154 0.567 1.7
Cattle 45 0.059 0.476 0.7

Table 18. Pond characteristics (from Dugan and The optimum growth conditions for the
Oswald 1968). phases in a facultative pond differ. The
Maximum minimum temperature for effective opera-
loading rate Detention BOD tion is about 15 °C, and in most climates
(kg BODS/ time removal about 4 m will be the maximum depth for an
Pond type ha-day)' (days) (%) unheated pond. Odours are caused if the
Aerobic 22.4-224 30 80
volatile acid concentration becomes too
Facultative 22.4-168 90 85+ high.
Anaerobic 112-1120 JO 70 One potential advantage of anaerobic
over aerobic treatment systems is that they
'i.e. per hectare pond surface.
can be loaded more heavily. The figures in
Table 19 allow a rough comparison of ponds
loaded with waste water and suspended
Perhaps the cheapest and simplest type of Ponds must be carefully designed; for
device available is a pond (Fig. 6). The zones example, in shallow ponds algae can form a
that are illustrated can coexist in a single blanket giving excessive fatty acid
pond or exist as separate pond types. The generation even when the (obligate) bacteria
organic matter is converted into: a gaseous needed for methane generation cannot
product; algae, which can be harvested, dis- function because of the oxygen present.
charged, or allowed to settle; and organic Aerobic ponds should be less than 0.3 m
volatile acids, methane, carbon dioxide, and deep; facultative or anaerobic ponds need to
stabilized sludge. The reactions in the be at least 2 m deep. The range of possibili-
anaerobic part are thus essentially the same ties for relatively simple treatment systems is
as those in an anaerobic digester. shown in Table 20.


02 I



Fig. 6. A pond is perhaps the cheapest and simplest type of treatment device. This profile indicates the
zones that may exist within a single pond.

Table 19. Enclosed animal-waste treatment systems (from Loehr 1971).
+ Water -. Holding tank - Land disposal Cheap, simple
+ Water - Pond - Land disposal Needs space; better odour
/ oxidation control than (1)
\ ditch
+ Water - Anaerobic - Aerobic - Land disposal Can handle highly concentrated
unit unit wastes; secondary (aerobic)
(uncontrolled treatment necessary
\ high load
In-house oxidation Built into animal house;
or -- Land disposal low handling problems;
Holding unit no need for excess water;
semi-solid wastes to dispose of
Solids to land Allows treatment adapted
Separation at source to waste
Liquids to treatment
Drying, incineration Expensive if mechanized;
drying gives solid fuel or
fertilizer; nutrient losses
Composting Possible handling problems

Pescod (1971) notes that there are animal-waste treatment with a primary
relatively few waste-water treatment emphasis on intensive agriculture.
systems; waste solids (night soil) are often The use of manure and composted farm
collected, but the operation of septic tanks, and animal wastes is an important alterna-
cesspools, etc. leaves much to be desired, tive technology that has the advantage of re-
and the resulting sludges must be treated quiring little capital investment. Properly
carefully. Pescod discusses the anaerobic handled, manure has great value both as a
digestion of partially stabilized wastes from source of nutrients and organic matter
septic tanks. In the tropics this is generally (Gotaas 1956, the journal Compost Science,
not necessary, but his results indicate the Klausner et al. 1971, Ames 1976).
technical feasibility of anaerobic digesters One of the major problems in both urban
fed with night soil or sludge. Treatment is and rural communities is the safe disposal of
possible at loading rates of up to 4.5 g human wastes. Integrated sewerage schemes
VS/day/litre digester volume some three are costly. Septic tanks have certain ad-
times the normal loading rate for primary vantages, but they require quite large
sludge treatment. Pescod advocates the use quantities of water and are unsuitable for
of lagoons for drying stabilized sludge cake, areas with high groundwater levels, poor
but also cautions of the dangers of open percolation properties, etc. The 'pit' toilet is
lagoons in the tropics citing the growth of a sanitary device that is effective if properly
mosquito larvae (Culex pipiens) on the located (away from houses, rural areas),
surface of the supernatant liquor. It is im- constructed, and maintained: it can,
possible to disagree with his conclusion that however, be a source of odours and ground-
there is a dearth of published information water contamination. Recently, there has
relating to developing countries and that a been a good deal of interest in simple
good deal of research and development is 'composting' toilets that do not need any
necessary to develop rational design criteria. water and from which the waste products
Jewel! (1975) presents a wide-ranging can safely be used as fertilizer. Typical
discussion of methods and possibilities in examples of such latrines are the Farallones

Table 20. Summary of operating conditions of a range of different digester designs (1 ft3

Digester size
Name of Rated No. of Temp Cows Pigs Chickens Other Vegetable
plant capacity stages Vol. Vol.11 Total Vol (SC) No. (Qty) No. (Qty.) No. (Qty.) No, (Qty.) Qsy.
Cl-IAN 54 ft5 54 ft 36 1000 lb/d
TYPE no control
CHAN I 3)6))) I
3(66) I 35 230 kg/d
TYPE plot + no control
lagoon 300)) I ted.
100 ft5
I 8.5w5 8.5m3 25 5(45 kg/d) -
ISO ft 8.5m5 8,5m5 abont 30 7/0 (60 kg/d) -
FISHER 00 ft5 ISO ft 30 4

FRY 7000 ft5 30 130 cows or 800 ptgs


KHADI 4w5 7m5 - 7m5 30-35 0)80 kg/d) 5 people

KOREA 7 5,5m5 5.Stn' 24 6 approx Straw

(60 kg/d)

LAPP V 2 185m5 V lOSmt no data 000

(3000 kg/d)
LAPP V 2 5.6w5 V 56mt 35 no data

MANN V 465 ft - 465 ft no data i mixed feed

MAYA 132 X 600w5 600m5 7 5000

FARM batch total (6-8 ton/d)

NEERI - 230 0
- 6.5wt I9.7
14,1 !water
16.41 temp.

NEERI 1w5 1w5 ? no data

PATEL 100 ft' I 110 ft' mesophilic 4-5

PATEL 300 ft' I approx Om' mesophilic 12-15

SCHMIDT- 8000 (5' 30 200 no data

EGGERS- 30000 ft5
------.-- (or equivalent)
280 (Straw)

SCHMIDT- - 2 15000 ft 35-40 30

SINOH vortoos see xarinas papers by Singh

TAIWAN 2.5w' 5.4w 5.4w' 30)?) 10-IS bogs

pins water
(17 kg/d(
TAIWAN 2.5w 5.4w' 5.4m' 30(7) 10-15 hogs
plus water
(17 kg."d(
TAIWAN 2 5m' 5.4m' -. 5.4w-' 30)?) 10-IS hogs
plus water -

(17 kg/day)

= 0.028m3, to convert lb/ft3/day to kg/m3/day multiply by 16.02).

1 otal Dry Vet. % solids Loading product BOO BOO VS VS Residence
qty. solids matter Water (dry) rate (daily) In Out In Out time Comments Reference
65 IbId 52.5 Ib/d 6.5% 0.97 lb 30 ft 25% 3-4 days Calculated
VS/flt/d destruction
230 kg/d 1%! 7 kgmi/d 3001 no data I day Design Richard
15(0)1) day data

45 kg/d t8% 6.75 kg/d II 79% 0.0 (00 ftt no data approu Design Finlay
kgns1/d (3mt) 60 days data (1976)
60 kg/d t8% tO kg/d ll 79% 1.2
181) ft no data appros Detign Finlay
(Smt) 30days data (1976)
40 kg/d t8% 5 kg/d LI (7) 7-9% 0,6 tOO ftt
no data, Design Fisher
kg/rnt/d (claimed) appros claim ((972)
30 days
(300- (8% man 200-400 3 8% 6 kg/mt/d 7000 ft1 30 dayt o Design Wright
2600 kg/d claim Rain ((963)
85 kg/d 8-20% 9% 4mt/d 42 days Florida
no data
t011 kg/d 20% no data 3 kg/mt/d 2m1/d 20 days Tentative figares
(fresh) (3.3tnt/d no data
at 35CC)
3000 no data 14% no data 2,4 200m1/d 30 days Lapp 11974)
kg/d kg/rnt.d
14% no data .6 2r&/d? 20 days Lapp ((974)
300 It1 no data no data no data no data no data 1/3 511-70 days Batch Mann (19621

Appros no data latch Ohias
300m1/d cy'cic (Ill B(i (2) 7
no data vol/day)
0.104 1.2 24 Sathian-
kg/ tnt/d 1,6 (volumes 22 Trade-off athan
0.076 1.3 per day) 26 effect
kg/mt/d 1,4 20
0.08 6
kg.' mt/d
0.0 kg/d 1.17 0.22 50 Sathian-
6.0 kg/d kg/rnt/d 0.42 (volumes 25 Trade-off athan
24,0 2,4 0.52 per day) 17 effect
kg/d kg/mid 0.47 12
32.0 3.0
kg/d kg/ns'id
51) kg 4 (1 ll 25 100 It1 25-30 days 'Biogas"
kg/ ml/d nominal

120-170 8% I I 25 300 ft1 25-30 days "Biogas"

kg/d kg m1.d nominal
30 kg,d 040 kg/d 7 0,105 10000 It1 Sathian-
Total X lhf(tt,,d athan
250 00625 14000 It1
lb, ft/d
0.06 17300 ft1 Strong Sathian-
lb ft1/d temp effect athan

7-95) 5 lb, ft d Claims 30-60 days Singh

1210 I (1971)

per day
174 30%. T,5 4.25 kgd 0,8 0.025 about 60% reduction 6 days See Paper ('hatig Pit
kg/d kg'mld m1 day 1)974)

174 4,25 kg.."d 0 It) 23 about 60% reduction I) days See Paper ('hung lilt
kgld kg.'mt.'d m1,day 11974)

17.4 4.25 kg/d 0,8 3.5 about 60% redaction 16 days See Paper ('Itaity till
kgd kg'rntd rn1day 1)974)

composting privy (van der Ryan 1976), the necessary before the liquid reaches ac-
Toa-Throne (de Jounge 1976), or the similar ceptable levels for discharge. Anaerobic
Clivus system, which is essentially a systems can certainly treat more concen-
container (able to hold some 4-months trated wastes. COD levels of 4000 mg/litre
waste) with provision for controlled airflow or BOD's of approximately 100000 ppm are
through the aerobic composting heap. Care possible (Hobson et al. 1974); and solids
is needed to ensure that the high tempera- concentrations between 2 and 10% are
tures for destruction of the harmful micro- normal, as compared with <1% in the case
organisms (i.e. parasite eggs, protozoa, and of aerobic treatment processes. Anaerobic
viruses) can be attained uniformally. In cold processes are generally considerably slower,
climates, this may well be a serious draw- which may lead to cost problems. Anaerobic
back. The latrines cited are relatively systems can also handle a range of organic
expensive (the Toa-Throne costs up to solids (Klein 1972).
$1000, the Farallones latrine is quoted at
around $100), but cheaper versions are Pathogen Destruction
available. The returns to such an investment
are partly indirect (improved health, etc.) The choice of technology also relates to
and partly direct (provision of a fertilizer the possibility of disease transmission. Here
substitute). we are primarily concerned with fecal-borne
Details of conventional waste disposal The diseases for which causative or vector
methods are to be found in the standard organisms are associated with fecal wastes
texts on sanitary engineering; most are fall into four broad groups, according to the
designed to handle relatively dilute wastes vector: viruses, e.g. poliomyelitis, hepatitis,
aerobically. More substrates can be handled gastroenteritis; protozoa, e.g. amebic
aerobically than anaerobically, but the dysentery; bacteria, e.g. typhoid, para-
contact between oxygen and the substrate typhoid, dysentery, cholera, TB, enteritis,
has so far limited aerobic systems to dilute, salmonellosis; helminths, e.g. roundworm,
largely stabilized, materials with solids pinworm, sheep liver fluke, bilharziasis.
present as fine suspended particles. In The hazards associated with treatment
systems where solid wastes are degraded processes that handle human excreta thus
aerobically, the main problem is to maintain depend on the incidence of the various
the solids in a relatively dry, loose matrix. organisms, their survival rates, and their
The large energy releases associated with subsequent viability in secondary treatment,
aerobic processes enable a high proportion storage, and discharge to the land.
of the substrate carbon and nitrogen to be Most organisms are destroyed during
converted to microbial cells, themselves aerobic composting (Gotaas 1956) if
subject to further microbial attack, so that temperatures exceed 60 °C for longer than
disposal of the wet sludge can sometimes 0.5-1 hour. Most resistant are the eggs of
lead to further pollution. Ascaris lumbricoides (roundworm). These
There are two major potential advantages can survive 14 days at 35°C. Low tempera-
of anaerobic digestion systems. First, the ture processes must be evaluated carefully
possibility of stabilizing waste material for (there are a number of WHO documents
subsequent safe disposal, and collecting the that cover this field).
gas produced during digestion. Second, it Anaerobic digestion (above 30-35 ° C) is
should be possible to treat more concen- as good as any other practical treatment
trated slurries than with aerobic systems. process for human excreta. However, there
In practice, as noted above, the process is is little documentation dealing with out-
not foolproof. Even under controlled opera- breaks of disease in relation to the use of
tion the slurry may contain considerable night soil and other wastes on the land.
fatty acids, ammonia, and other nitrogenous Detailed results relating to anaerobic
compounds. Further treatment may thus be digesters are discussed more fully later.

Alternative Systems Based on the most usual measures are the BOD,
COD, VS, or total organic carbon. BOD
Anaerobic Digestion: Digester levels of up to 106 ppm may be treated by
Designs anaerobic fermentors. In practice, the
concern is more likely to be with solid-
Two broad objectives that are often bearing inputs such as manures. Slurries
associated with anaerobic digestion are: the with solid contents of about 10% are likely
treatment of wastes prior to disposal; and to be quite paste-like, and designs to handle
the generation of methane. These are by no concentrated slurries efficiently would mini-
means the only objectives; nor are they of mize water requirements and the required
comparable importance. The design of digester volume.
digesters reflects the need to meet these The most frequently used measure of the
objectives. In this section, the main design biodegradable proportion of the feed is the
variants are outlined and a preliminary at- VS content, which is a close approximation
tempt is made to compare the performance to the potential substrate; with a mixed
of different designs despite the lack of data. substrate any overall measure is likely to be
over-simplified. The conditions in the
Feed Materials and Measures of digester itself will depend on both the con-
Concentration centration and mean retention time of the
feed. In the case of a continuous digester of
Laboratory studies have shown that a volume V, feed rate Q(m3/day), and feed
wide range of organic matter is concentration C(kgVS/m3) loading rate can
biodegradable by anaerobic fermentation. be defined as:
However, one single design is unlikely to
cope adequately with all possible substrates LR CQ kgVS/m3 digester volume/day
because of the different physical conditions
and properties and different rates of
fermentation that are involved. Designs
have been reported that deal with: soluble
industrial wastes; sewage and human where hydraulic retention time.
wastes; animal manures (for which many
designs are available); and vegetable and This is often used as a basis for comparing
general farm wastes. different digesters. If one digester operates
The more soluble and easily degradable at a higher loading rate than another then
the substrate, the more easy is the design and either it can process a greater quantity of
operation. In particular, pig wastes are con- substrate in the same retention time or
sidered to be relatively easy to handle handle the same quantity in a smaller time or
(Hobson et al. 1974); whereas, a good deal of in a smaller volume.
trouble has been reported with straw
bagasse or other low density vegetable Batch Versus Continuous
matter. Such materials very easily form an
impenetrable scum on the surface of the A summary of the operating conditions of
digester. However, there is considerable ad- a range of designs is given in Table 20, which
vantage in fermenting vegetable matter serves as the basic reference for this section.
because the potential methane production Digesters can be broadly divided into
rate per unit mass is higher than that from either batch or continuous flow. In a batch
cow manures that have, in effect, already operation, the raw materials (substrate) are
been through an anaerobic digester (i.e. the charged into the digestion iessel and the
rumen). fermentation process can be considered in
Concentrations may be measured in three stages.
various ways, more or less appropriate to In stage I, the bacterial population begins
digestion. In the case of contaminated water to establish itself, and following a lag
(perhaps many days) gas evolution begins. Maya farm in the Philippines (Obias 1975)
The gas is likely to be unusable (or even where 32 batch digesters, based on swine
dangerous) as a fuel, with a high manures, are in operation. An early
concentration of hydrogen sulfide. In stage European design (Lessage and Abiet 1952)
11(2-4 weeks) the gas production rate in- was a batch process, and Mann (1962) has
creases, passes through a maximum and recorded a number of other simple designs.
then begins to decrease. In stage III the gas
production rate falls off gradually. The total Mixing
time for virtually complete digestion is
about 60-90 days. The degree of mixing varies considerably
In a continuous operation, the substrate is in both batch and continuous processes. The
fed to the digester continuously, so that, simplest situation is zero mixing. Some
once the operation is established the rates of simple batch fermentors are of this type, but
gas production, and input and output are they are quite inefficient (e.g. the early
steady with time (see Fig. 7). versions of the 'Ducellier' type were simply
loaded with prerotted manure and allowed
to digest over a long period). Other batch
digesters are mixed by a centrally located
GAS stirrer (for relatively dilute wastes), or in the
Schmidt and Eggersgluss-type design, by
using a pump to circulate the liquid
WATER Mixing reduces stratification and thereby
improves contact between the organisms
and the substrate; it has also been suggested
that mixing increases the rate of
decomposition by releasing small trapped
gas bubbles from the microbial cell matrix
Fig. 7. Schematic process of a continuous (Finney and Evans 1975), but there is no
operation. Once established, the rates of gas direct evidence for this. In the absence of
production and input and output are steadi' with mixing the material stratifies as sketched in
time. Fig. 8.

The majority of digester designs are in-

tended for continuous operation. It is often
claimed that continuous digestion is more
efficient (i.e. has higher gas production rates
per unit digester volume) than batch SU PER N AlA NT
operations. There is, however, little direct
evidence of this, and given the relatively high
reported failure rate of simple digesters this STABILIZED
assertion may be wrong. SOLID
In fact, one advantage of a batch
operation is that daily attention is not as
crucial as with continuous operation where Fig. 8. In the absence of mixing, the digester
the maintenance of steady operating condi- contents tend to stratify.
tions is vitally important. It is possible to
obtain an approximately constant rate of
gas production by having a small number of Stirring also breaks the scum layer, which
batch digesters connected to one manifold if undisturbed can lead to inefficient
serving a central gas storage facility. One of digestion and can even provide a seal on the
the more successful installations is at the digester. If buoyant vegetable matter (e.g.

straw) is to be digested mixing is vital (cf. design is perhaps the best known example.
Trends in Technology, Sept. 1974, P. 3). Here the attempt is to attain "plug flow"
The simplest types of unstirred with (inevitably) a degree of stratification.
continuous devices can be extremely These designs are fairly simple to engineer
inefficient, especially if no attempts are and manufacture, and what little data there
made to reduce liquid bypassing. With long are suggest that they are not too inefficient.
retention times (>30 days) and low loading Fry's design is primarily for animal
rates (<1.6 kg VS/rn3 digester/day) the (especially swine) manures but could pos-
digester, which is little more than a septic sibly be adapted for vegetable matter
tank, will perform more or less adequately. (especially if the digester is at a slight angle
Many designs, and more recent designs in to the horizontal). Fry (New Alchemy News-
developing countries, are of this type (see letter no. 3, 1973) discusses how the design
Table 20 for operating data). Operating copes with scum accumulation by using a
efficiencies (i.e. rates of gas production/unit small drag device. Some gas storage space is
volumes of digester) are low (<<1 volume/ provided above the digesting materials but
day). an additional gasometer is necessary.
Despite their simplicity, care must still be Other simple designs with little or no
taken if the units are to operate successfully. agitation appear to operate continuously
Some typical sources of trouble that are without problems from accumulating
common to many designs (but which can be sludges. The KVIC designs from India
remedied by careful design and (Sathianathan 1976) are examples of suc-
construction) are: blocking of inlet/outlet cessful design. Some modifications of the
pipes (remedy: omit all bends, septic tank, although not efficient as gas
constrictions); leakages to surrounding land producers, allow regular and continuous
(remedy: careful construction, favoured by removal of settled sludge, which has not
cylindrical designs); and gasometer happened in the septic tank. Figure 9 shows
toppling/jamming (remedy: design guides
correctly) (see e.g. Sathianathan 1976).
If the vessel is stagnant then undigested SCUM
substrate (especially leaves and large
particles) will collect, leading to an
interruption of the process. Some designs
are particularly prone to this; for instance,
rectangular designs and possibly the design
proposed by Chan, and Richard (1975). This
exemplifies the possible advantage of batch
processing at simple levels of technology, for IMHOFF TANK
batch digesters can handle a wider range of
substrates (e.g. chopped vegetables) than the
corresponding simple (unstirred)
continuous digester (cf. Mann 1962, P. 240).
The gas output from a batch digester can be LIQUOR
made approximately constant either by
operating single units in rotation or by GAS
connecting a series of digesters, each
operated out of phase, to a central SLURRY
gasometer. SLURRY

Rectangular digesters of the 'Chan' type

probably have a rather nonideal internal QUIESCENT
fluid flow pattern. Some designs explicitly Fig. 9. A modified Imhoff tank and a second
aim to eliminate mixing and Fry's (1974) type of sludge digester.

a modified Imhoff tank and another type of Such well-stirred digesters are known as
sludge digester. 'high-rate' digesters and have been success-
The second of these designs incorporates fully used with urban sewage (Meynell
a simple sedimentation! separation volume, 1976), and various animal wastes (Hobson
(this is a feature of many sewage waste treat- et al. 1974). Their efficiency is seen in their
ment systems and of the two-stage designs ability to handle large input flows (loading
proposed by Ram Bux Singh 1971 and rates up to 10 times those in conventional
Sathianathan 1976). digesters can be achieved; typical improve-
It is not clear whether the larger KVIC ment is two or three times). (Typical loading
biogas plants - with a dividing wall in the rates: conventional: 0.6-1.6 kg VS/m3/day;
digester (see Fig. 10) operate as two-stage high rate: 2.4-6.4 kg VS/ m3/ day.) A qualita-
tive comparison of the digester types out-
lined above is given in Table 21 (from
Meynell 1976, p. 47).

Quantitative Comparisons of
Digester Efficiencies
Unfortunately there is little reliable data
for a serious comparison of digester effi-
ciencies. Table 20 represents a modest
attempt to collect typical data, but it must be
emphasized that much of the data on
'simple' digesters operating in developing
countries is speculative and perhaps hope-
ful rather than realistic. In many cases it is
impossible to assess how closely plants
approach their design or claimed perfor-
Fig. /0. Simp4fled diagram of the K V/C digester. mance. Some of the data are of extremely
doubtful quality (cf. Malynicz' discussion of
a paper by Chan, Univ. Papua New Guinea
devices; there is some mixing, and it is re- The wide range of operating conditions
ported that performance depends on the and efficiencies is shown by the data in Table
digester depth or the length/depth (L/D) 20. In general, retention times of 30 or more
ratio. Presumably the 'correct' choice of days are typical of 'conventional' poorly
LID ration ensures reasonable mixing (e.g. mixed digesters; 10-20 day retention times
by gas bubbles). are possible for high rate digesters; and
That mixing improves the rate of Hobson et al. (1975) have shown that stable
digestion has been shown in full-scale and digestion can be achieved with continuously
laboratory-scale studies. Current practice in loaded digesters (on pig waste) at 2-3 days
developed-country applications is toward retention time, although performance
continuous stirring (as opposed to 20 begins tofall off below about 10 days. Over-
minutes or so per day in the Ram Bux Singh all reductions in total solids of approx-
designs). Mixing may be by stirrers or imately 40%, volatile fatty acides and BOD
agitators (hand/cattle powered for inter- of about 90%, and COD of 40% are typical.
mittent stirring; continuously powered for These figures can be compared with the data
constant stirring), jet pumps (Ram Bux of Chung Po et al. (1975) in an exemplary
Singh 1971), or by pumping the digester study of a simple digester (also using pig
contents in a recycle. This can be coupled waste) (Table 22).
with external heat exchangers (See Meynell Some data are plotted in Fig. I IA. But,
1975). there is currently insufficient data to com-

Table 21. Comparison of different types of digester systems.
Volumes, retention Degree Operating Gas Degree of
Digester Suitable solids times of temp. pro- control
type wastes content (days) mixing (°C) duction required Comments
Batch Agricul- Low 60 or Little Usually Irregular Little Messy and
tural, more
volumes needed 30-35 and dis- once time
Irregular up to 25% contin- started consuming
or seasonal, solid uous to start
fibrous or
to digest
Plug-flow Agricul- Larger 30-60 Occa- 30-35 Contin- Simple Loading
Horizontal tural, volumes sional uous and scum
Vertical continuous 5-15% removal
or regular solids can be
flows, less messy
fibre con-

Con- Contin- Less than 30-60 Occa- 30-35 Contin- Simple Not very
ventional uous 5% solids sional or uous effective
sewage sewage unheated
works sludge

High rate

Primary Sewage 4-10% Contin- More so-

sludge solids 10-30 Regular 30-35 uous phisticatedAutomatiC

Secondary From 4-10% 20-60 None Unheated None Simple

primary solids collected
High Rate Agricul- 4-15% 5-20 Contin- 30-35 Contin- More so- Can be
tural solids uous uous phisti- auto-
industrial cated mated
Anaerobic industrial Low 0.5-5' Contirt- 30-35 Contin- Sophisti- Automatic
contact (agricul- solids uous uous cated
Anaerobic Industrial Low 0.5-5' None 30-35 Contin- Sophisti- Automatic
filter solids needed uous cated
(low or-
Liquid retention time.


60 ®
. S 90


+ 4

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50




zw 3


A a
+ + S

20 40 60 80

Fig. ii. A very wide range of operating conditions exists. Here, reported gas production rates are
plotted against retention time.

pare the performance of different digesters Cell Holdup
and different levels of sophistication. The process schemes illustrated in Fig. 7
The wide range in operating conditions is rely on the establishment in situ of a viable
however shown by Table 20 and Fig. 1IB. acclimatized microbial population.
Retention times range from as low as 2-3 Bacterial growth rates under anaerobic
days (with soluble wastes) to 60-70 days in conditions are slow and thus, in the case of
the case of a Fry digester. Loading rates continuous operation, it is possible that the
from 0.5 (sewage works) through 2.9 gobar throughput of material could be fast enough
gas) to as high as 11 kg VS/m3/day are to remove bacteria as quickly as they are
reported. The efficiency of gas production in able to form (i.e. 'wash out'). Even with long
digester volumes produced per day varies retention times the population densities of
from around 0.50 (Imhoff, Gobar Gas, Fry) the bacteria may be so low as to limit the
to as high as 4 (Rowett Research, Hobson et fermentation rate. Various schemes have
al.) been devised to attempt to overcome this by
using two stages so that the two main
bacteriological processes can operate under
more favourable conditions (e.g. Ghosh and
Table 22. Results obtained with a simple digester Pohiand 1974). So far these ideas have not
fed' with pig waste (Table 3, Chung Po et al. been demonstrated with full-scale plants
1974). using animal or vegetable waste feeds.
Retention time (days) 4 8 12 16
Another scheme is to settle out some of the
1 gas/kg TS destroyed 803 1001 993 microbial particles (which are attached to
1 gas/kg VS destroyed 822 1032 1019 the solid substrates) after the digester, and
1 gas/kg COD destroyed 1201 1318 1501 1455 then to recycle either a fraction of the sludge
1 gas/kg BOD destroyed 2944 3222 3930 3890 and/or the microorganisms; the net effect is
TS reduction (%) 56.6 61.1 66.7 to increase the microorganism concentra-
VS reduction (%) 66.9 71.5 78.5 tion in the digester. This type of 'contact'
COD reduction (%) 49.2 57.4 67.7 75.8 process is illustrated in Fig. 12.
BOD reduction (%) 62.6 73.4 80.4 86.7 It has been found necessary in some cases
'Loading 0.768g VS/litre/day. (e.g. meat-packing wastes) to use vacuum




Fig. 12. A 'contact' process, which recycles some of the sludge, has the net effect of increasing the
microorganism concentration in the digester.

degassing to remove dissolved and en- Anaerobic digesters are extremely
trapped gases (McCabe and Eckenfelder sensitive to fluctuations in temperature
1953, vol II (Steffen A.!.)). Torpey and (Trevelyan 1975). Catastrophic failures can
Melbinger (1967) found that the required result from temperature changes of only a
digester volume was reduced by two-thirds, few centigrade degrees caused by the addi-
indicating that with recycling the potential tion of cold-water feed, a rapid drop in ex-
for capital savings is substantial. There is ternal temperature, etc. Thermal-stability
considerable room for study of this type of control is therefore very important.
development in relation to farm wastes. An The process only generates a little heat,
alternative for increasing the microbial which is insufficient to keep the tempera-
holdup or concentration is the 'anaerobic ture at 35 °C if the input and surrounding
filter' in which the wastes pass through a bed temperatures are more than 5 °C less. There
of concentrated solids, perhaps immobilized is thus a need for good insulation and (in
on inert particles. This has only been colder climates) for some method of heating.
demonstrated on low strength soluble Many simple digesters (Chan, KVIC
wastes, but extension to higher solids con- (gobar), Fisher, etc.) are, like the septic
centrations should be possible. tank, poorly insulated and unheated. In
winter or at night, temperatures inevitably
Temperature and its Control fall and so does production. Some more
sophisticated designs have heating and in-
The digester temperature is a key variable sulation (cf. Ram Bux Singh 1971). Al-
in determining the rate of fermentation. In though some designs rely on capturing
rough terms, fermentation starts at about incident solar heat, this is a small input if the
10 °C, and increases rapidly with increasing heating surface is a (painted) gasometer. The
temperature up to the normally heat demand of the process is shown sche-
recommended operating temperatures of matically (but not to scale) in Fig. 13, and
30-35 °C. At higher temperatures (50-60° possible heat economies, or utilization
thermophilic bacteria take over and the methods, are shown in Fig. 14.
rates are substantially higher (e.g. McCarty Heat losses from a below-ground digester
(1964) quotes relative rates of 1.9:1 at 55 and are not zero even in hot climates. There are
35 °C). no theoretical problems in design




Fig. /3. Heat demand of digestion process (not to scale).





Fig. 14. Possible heat economies, or utilization methods, that may be employed in the digestion

calculations: heat transfer coefficients, open, and Japanese experience using soluble
thermal properties, etc. are all known suf- industrial wastes is better under thermo-
ficiently accurately. It may also be possible philic rather than mesophilic conditions.
to save on gas use by using solar heaters Clearly there is a trade-off between capital
either to preheat the feed or to run a simple savings and increased efficiency at higher
hot-water circulation loop as a thermo- temperatures, and the costs (in use of gas to
syphon. heat the digester) of maintaining the
Lesage and Abiet (1952) provide a temperature. The location of the optimum
comprehensive discussion of insulation and will depend on local factor prices and should
simple heating systems. One should mini- be examined carefully before automatically
mize the digester surface area (cylindrical assuming that operation at 35 °C is 'best.'
section being the best basis). Lesage and Many problems in operating digesters
Abiet also describe an ingenious heating derive from operation with low surrounding
system in which the digester is surrounded temperatures. A simple inventory of the heat
by a thick compost layer (the heat liberated loads on the digester (Fig. 13) will give a
during aerobic composting is high and al- useful guide to the most likely sources of
though 'low grade' is well-suited to econo- energy conservation.
mizing on thermal energy utilization). Batch reactors are also subject to temper-
ature fluctuations but not to regular distur-
High-rate digesters are almost invariably bance from cold feed. The use of simple but
heated. In practice, internal coils or an ex- uncontrolled external heating by an aerobic
ternal heat exchanger, through which the composting pile may be especially bene-
digester contents are pumped, are used. The ficial.
latter method is efficient and avoids the
problems of scale formation and local over-
heating near the internal tubes.
Loading Rates
It is generally accepted that operation The loading rates of digesters vary widely
under thermophilic conditions is rarely (Table 20). The advantages of operating at
worthwhile when handling rural waste high concentration (loading rates) are to:
inputs. But laboratory results (Cooney and minimize digester volumes at the same over-
Wise 1975) suggest that the question may be all residence time; cut down heat load on

system; and reduce water requirements and ability. Other authors (e.g. Finlay 1976)
water disposal problems. mention the possible advantages of adding
A major problem in dealing with very small quantities of urea; others recommend
concentrated wastes (greater than 10% the use of urine. Careful laboratory studies
solids) is handling the very stiff slurry. It (c.f. Idnani's work) show that the effects of
may, however, be possible to operate at mixed substrates are not simple.
higher input concentrations. Some of the The ability of batch reactors to handle
early batch systems reviewed by Tietjens vegetable wastes has been mentioned. How-
(1975) used concentrated loadings and ever, there is little guidance on which to base
Wong-Chong (1975) discusses operation at a precise evaluation of the possibilities of
20% dry solids content. This could give a handling largely vegetable feeds.
volume reduction of up to 50% over a con- Laboratory and pilot-scale studies have
ventional digester and reduce the problems shown that grass, (Boshoff 1965; Hadjitofi
of disposal/treatment of the supernatant 1976), coffee bean wastes, etc. may be
liquor. Problems were encountered due to fermented, yet it is reported (Anon. 1976)
ammonium buildup (toxicity) with high that digesters are not able to handle
protein content wastes; clearly a good deal bagasse, coir, and insoluble cellulosic
of work still remains to be done. materials. In many situations pretreatment
There is a difference between the simple of the digester feed (chopping, soaking, etc.)
gobar gas deep-well Indian designs and the may be necessary, but there is little data
rectangular section designs of Chan and available to enable the degree (or cost) of
Richard. The Indian plants operate at high these operations to be specified. Ram Bux
solids loading and use much less water than Singh (1971) mentions the problems of scum
the rectangular designs. There is also no formation and the flotation of buoyant
separation between the slurry and super- vegetable matter to the surface (taking with
natant liquid. The units seem to be quite well them attached microorganisms).
mixed and have operated for many years
without any sludge buildup. The rectangular Obviously, the operating conditions
designs (claimed to be designed for deten- (crudely measured by the carbon/nitrogen
tion times of about 1-2 days, which seem im- ratio) must be maintained in the desired
possibly low for proper operation) consume range for fermentation to proceed. As-
large quantities of water and are very suming that this is so, Sathianathan quotes
troublesome in that there is a need to remove production rates of biogas per kilogram dry
accumulated sludge at regular intervals. matter for a range of substrates (and gives
Unfortunately there are not enough data data for the digestion of mixtures of night
available for a comparison of the economics soil/manures, Table 23). These figures show
of high rate/high loading systems with the relative disadvantage of cow dung
simple digesters. against other substrates.

Feed Composition
Most continuous digesters are designed to Table 23. Production rates of biogas per kilogram
handle animal wastes. Various studies have of dry matter (from Sathianathan 1976).
been made (Acharya, Idnani and co-
workers) to investigate the effects of adding Production rate
small quantities of other organic riatter in (m3/kg DM)
an attempt to increase the digester effi- Pig manure 3.6-4.8
ciency. Sathianathan (1975, p. 38) for Cow manure 0.2-0.3
example, implies that it is useful to add Chicken manure 0.35-0.8
nitrogen (in leguminous plants) to ac- Sewage 0.35-0.5
celerate the fermentation of cow dung, Straw, grass 0. 35-0.4
which may be limited by nitrogen avail- Green vegetables / wastes 0.35-0.4

He also quotes figures that show a de- vertically, so that the pressure inside the
crease in total gas production and gas gasholder remains constant (the pressure is
production per kilogram of VS added as the determined by the weight of the holder and
concentration of solids in the feed increases. its cross-sectional area). The advantage is
It is not clear, however, if these data refer to that the gas supply pressure remains
constant detention times. Chung Po et al. constant (at a few inches water) and gas
(1974) show an increase in efficiency as the supply to the consumer is steady and con-
retention time increases at constant trollable.
substrate feed rate (i.e. decreasing inlet Possible disadvantages are: price (the
concentration): the economic optimum as a gasholder is the most expensive part of a
function of concentration, loading, resi- gobar gas unit (ICAR 1976); corrosion re-
dence time, and substrate material is clearly sulting from the acidic conditions and the
well worth further study (see Appendix I for H2S inside the digester and corrosion on the
a detailed list of operating data). outside lip of the holder (regular painting
Many authors suggest the use of 'starters' and maintenance is needed to remedy this);
or 'seeds' by adding discharged slurry from and problems with gas offtake many
one digester to promote another (e.g. systems employ a flexible gas offtake via the
Sathianathan 1975, p. 41; Alicbusan 1976). top of the gasholder, but the pipes can crack
This scheme is similar to the cell-recycle and give serious operational problems. One
schemes discussed earlier. For batch and remedy is to take the gas via a fixed pipe
continuous fermentors improved rates of taking care that liquid does not get into the
gas yield have been reported, which is hardly pipe. The corrosion problems of a separate
surprising because an acclimatized popula- gasholder are less severe than with an
tion and partly digested slurry is being re- integral holder.
cycled. Care must be taken to avoid the
buildup of toxins at high recycle rates. Alternatives have been suggested for the
In view of the interest in using effluents as metal gasholder. One possibility is to use a
a source of nutrients for algae, water wooden/bamboo framework covered with
hyacinths, etc. (Prasad et al. 1974), there are plastic. It may also be possible to use ferro-
few studies of digester behaviour when the cement. Another possibility is the 'neoprene
feedstock is comprised of algae or water bag' digester under trial in Taiwan (Chung
hyacinth. There is an urgent need for further Po et al. 1974). The digester is made of 0.55-
detailed study of such processes (see for mm hypalon laminated with neoprene and
example Chemical and Engineering News, reinforced with nylon sheet. The digester
22 March 1976, p. 23; Wolverton and and gasholder can be combined in one bag,
McDonald 1976). so the potential cost of the digester becomes
extremely low.
Engineering Design, Construction Digesters can be made from relatively
Materials cheap local materials (stone, mortar,
cement), but must be constructed extremely
The broad design categories have been carefully to avoid leakage. One ingenious
discussed. One factor that could dra- possibility is a digester design of Chinese
matically change the economics of biogas origin presently being promoted in Pakistan
generation would be a sharp reduction in the (Appropriate Technology Development
capital cost of the digester (see Barrett 1978; Division, Govt. of Pakistan 1976). The
ICAR 1975; Prasad et al. 1974; principle of this unit, which can handle
Sathianathan 1975). animal manures and some vegetable wastes
There are two possible digester types: (especially as 'accelerators'), is shown in Fig.
those with an integral gasometer and those 15. The construction is entirely
that feed a separate gasholder. In both cases brick/cement and incorporates no moving
the gasholder itself is usually an inverted parts. It is possible to maintain an approxi-
metal cylinder or 'box' that is free to move mately constant gas pressure because in-







AWPW(%1 ''.7

Fig. 15. This ingenious digester design of Chinese origin can handle animal manures and some
vegetable wastes. It is constructed entirely of brick and cement and incorporates no moving parts.

creasing gas volume in the storage chamber F

expels some of the liquid content of the GROUND
digester. If the crosssectiona1 area is large
the change in liquid height and thus gas
pressure is small. The only possible
drawback lies in exposure of the fermentor
contents to the air, but diffusion of oxygen
into the digester slurry is usually negligible.
The schematic diagram (Fig. 16) shows
another variation: here water moves in
response to changes in gas volume.
Fig. 16. General arrangement of an enclosed
Neither cost nor operating data are as yet biogas plant in which the pressure of the biogas
available for this digester. However, a range inside the gas storage tank is kept constant by
of designs covering a scale of operation from automatic adjustment of the liquid pressure (A
a single household to a whole community intake chamber; B fermentation tank; C gas
exist; thus, developments along these lines storage tank.- D outlet chamber; Eliquid pressure
seem very promising. tank; F gas pipe).

All the designs shown operate under a (enough to boil a gallon or two of water per
positive pressure: usually of a few inches day), since these can be constructed at close
water gauge; though in the case of the to zero cost, and may well be appropriate for
Chinese process the pressure in the gas can individual families.
be several feet of water. One consequence is
that the concentration of CO2 dissolved in Alternative Treatment
the fermentor (and thus pH) will be
decreased. Whether this could depress the Systems Centred on Biogas
pH so far as to inhibit the methanogenic
bacteria remains to be seen. Other authors The alternatives within which anaerobic
have suggested that operation under a slight digestion could be the core are summarized
vacuum is beneficial (Sathianathan 1975), in Fig. 17. The alternative treatments and
presumably because the dissolved CO2 is end uses of the gas product from the diges-
lower and the pH higher. This is similar to tion are summarized in Fig. 18.
the idea of Graef and Andrews (1974) to It is convenient to separate the variations
scrub CO2 from the gas phase. Operation associated with handling, treating, and
under vacuum is a hazardous business utilizing the liquid and solid wastes (Fig. 17)
because of the possibility of air leaking into from variations associated with gas
the digester, and it is not recommended. utilization.
There are also (undocumented) reports that The choice among alternatives depends
production is inhibited in deep-well on a number of system parameters, among
digesters. This could be due to the increase which the crucial elements are the: quanti-
in pressure at the bottom of a 5-rn digester ties and types of waste available; forms of
(the pressure would be about 1.5 atmo- local social organization; objectives and
spheres). priorities defined locally; regulations
governing discharges, etc.; scale of
Sathianathan reports that maximum gas operation; and opportunity costs of the
production is obtained (presumably in an inputs fertilizer, fuel and power, land,
unstirred digester) with diameter to depth water, labour, capital, etc.
ratios between 0.66 and 1.0. However,
practical digesters often have ratios in the
order of 0.25 (implications for heat loss from Waste Treatment, Nutrient
the digester must also be taken into Recycling
An extended background discussion to
Effects of scale have not been properly this topic is given earlier. The alternatives
studied. There are undoubtedly strong sketched in Fig. 17 reflect, in approximate
economies of scale as far as capital costs are order of increasing technical complexity and
concerned. There are also certain technical integration, the ways in which the technical
disadvantages in very small (3-4 m3) plants. component may vary.
First, heat losses are high, which makes
them uneconomical, and also makes it
difficult to achieve stable temperatures. Alternatives 1 and 2
Small continuous plants also tend to be This is the case in which there is no
more unstable in operation because slight processing. Attempts at improving these
errors in feeding are magnified. It is also options must centre on: controlling nutrient
difficult to justify the expense of improve- losses by good farm practice, improving
ments in design (e.g. mixing, gas recircula- nutrient value to the land, and using in areas
tion, etc., see Malina and Miholits), which where contamination is negligible; and
could lead to substantially improved where evaporation and nutrient losses seem
efficiencies. However, there may well be impossible to control, increasing burning
arguments for extremely small (oil-drum appliance efficiency, and controlling
scale) units, to provide small gas outputs hazard/contamination by e.g. oven design.












Fig. 17. Summary of alternative treatment systems within which anaerobic digestion could be the core.




Fig. 18. Alternative treatments and end uses of the gas from the digestion process.

Alternative 3 to increase streams A and B in Fig. 20 at the

The potential fuel value of the wastes is expense of stream D. There still remains the
lost. This alternative can be regarded as an question of the efficiency of utilization of the
attempt to respond to the drawbacks of al- nutrient stream B, and this depends on the
ternative 1 by improving the nutrient end use. Stream B could be used as a feed to
quality of the feed to the land (decreasing a cereal crop.
stream A in Fig. 19), and using the liquid
waste more efficiently. The public health Alternative 5
aspects are also improved. This improves the efficiency of the cycle
and meets pollution control standards by
Alternative 4 making more efficient use of the liquid and
In its simplest form (waste digester solid streams; losses between treatment and
- slurry and gas) this is the 'core' technol- cereal production are reduced.
ogy that is the main subject of this report.
Here the explicit attempt is to utilize both Alternative 6
the potential nutrient and fuel functions of This attempts to make a more rational use
the waste (Fig. 20). There should be some of the waste stream. Here the only motiva-
trade-off between the fuel value A and tion for including a digester in the cycle is to
nutrient value (stream B) of the products but obtain energy (as fuel) from the system, for
this has not been seriously studied. sewage/animal wastes can themselves be
More refined core technologies (e.g. high- used as direct feeds (variant 6b Fig. 17)
rate digesters) offer the benefits of higher (Shaw 1973; McGarry 1971; McGarryetal.
efficiencies of conversion to gas and digested 1972). In this system there are sufficient
solid. So, too, does the use of pretreated degrees of freedom to allow sets of ob-
waste as an input (i.e. inputs that have been jectives to be met more closely than in a
macerated, partially composted, or decom- simple once-through, one-unit process
posed). The net effect (at calculable cost) is (alternatives I or 2). As Eusebjo (1976)










Fig. 19. Energy flows through alternatives 1, 2, and 3 of Fig. 17.

points out the basic ideas are: to meet photosynthesizing algae. The algae can then
pollution control requirements on the be used as a feed supplement for cattle or
effluent; and to use the nutrients (especially fish or fed to the digester. The nitrogen-
organic N) more efficiently. Considering containing water from the algal pond can
Fig. 20, for example, the two major losses or also be used as a source of nutrients for fish
inefficiencies in the nutrient cycle are: loss or ducks (Chan 1973).
due to seepage, evaporation, etc.; and in- There is a danger of thinking that zero-
efficient take-up by the crop. cost solutions are possible or, alternatively,
Alternative 6 attempts to minimize that integrated rural systems offer some-
seepage loss by using the nitrogen in the thing for nothing. They do not. Every step in
liquid waste stream before it is returned to the processing stream has a degree of in-
the land or discharged to a watercourse. In efficiency; as one moves along the process
practice, and especially in the tropics, the stream so, inevitably, the marginal costs of
use of algal ponds is one method of using to recovering nutrients, for example, become
best advantage the local conditions, because more expensive. These processes must be
high rates of algal growth are possible with evaluated carefully and realistically.





Fig. 20. Alternative 4 (Fig. 17) attempts to utilize both the potential nutrient andfuelfunctions of the

Alternative Gas Handling/End Uses the gas (i.e. its calorific value and flame
temperature). However, reliable burners for
Again, there is a scale of increasing lean methane gases are available and there
complexity, sophistication, and cost (Fig. seems relatively little incentive for purifi-
18). The gas must be combustible (which cation.
implies rejecting gas produced early in the If the scale of production is sufficient (gas
batch cycle or within a short time after start- requirements can be calculated on the basis
up of a continuous tank). Under no condi- of a calorific value of the gas of 18-26 J/cm3
tion should the gas be burnt until the see Tables 24 and 25) then various alterna-
process has settled down. The gas stream tive end uses of the gas are possible.
leaving the digester contains methane,
carbon dioxide, negligible traces of other
gases (H2S, H2), and is saturated with water.
This gas cools along the pipeline and water
condenses out in the line (just as it condenses
on the inside of the gas holder). It is ex- Table 24. Comparison of the calorific value of
tremely important, then, that the pipes be at biogas and other fuel gases (Meynell 1975).
a slight angle to the horizontal and that Calorific value
provision be made for draining off the (J/cm3)
condensate. Coal gas 16.7-18.5
The gas, even as a 50:50 methane/carbon Biogas 20-26
dioxide mixture is combustible. Why then Methane 33.2-39.6
bother to purify the gas of CO2? (The case Natural gas 38.9-81.4
for removing H2S is strong because it is so Propane 81. 4-96. 2
noxious.) The arguments in favour of Butane 107.3-125.8
removing CO2 for household use are that NOTE: variation depends upon degree of saturation
this will improve the burning properties of and percentage composition of component gases.

Table 25. Volume of other fuels with a calorific of contamination and sludge formation; no
value equivalent of 28 m3 of biogas(at 22.2 J/cm3 need to add tetra-ethyl lead; and more
622 Mega J) (Meynell 1975). homogeneous mixture conditions in the
Volume of equivalent cylinder.
fuel The same authors report the effects of
CO2:CH4 mixtures on engine performance.
Natural gas 16 m3
The effects of increasing methane content on
Liquid butane 24.3 litres
Gasoline 19.7 litres
the specific power output are given in Fig.
Diesel oil 17.4 litres 21. Whether it is worth removing CO2
depends on the trade-off between purifica-
tion costs and improved performance.
If the engine is stationary (pump set, etc.)
The gas can be used to power internal or used for local travel/power (e.g. a tractor)
combustion engines, pump sets, etc. (a good there is little incentive to compress the gas
description of running efficiencies is to be unless storage is a problem. If it is intended
found in Sathianathan 1976, p. 721). The to use the methane as a fuel for a car then it
carbon dioxide acts as a diluent and affects certainly is imperative to minimize storage
the performance. Neyeloff and Gunkel space and handling difficulties by compres-
(1975) point out the possible advantages of sing the fuel. Methane, unfortunately, does
gaseous fuels: anti-knock qualities; absence not liquefy easily (critical T and F: -82.5 °C,


(B) CO2 0.20 CH4
(C)CO20.40 CH4
16 CO20.60 CH4
CO20.80 CH4


5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19


Fig. 2/. Effect of various CO2:CH4 mixtures on engine performance as measured by specific power
output (Nee/of and Gunkel /975).

46.0 bar) so that intermediate compression in the section dealing with alternative
(perhaps using a simple single-stage digester designs. We can separate the major
compressor) to about 140 kg/cm2 would be influences into three broad groups:
possible. Meynell (1975) showed that a parameters characterizing the mode of
cylinder 1.6 m x 0.27 m diameter would operation; more specific design parameters;
hold about 54 litres, weigh 60 kg, and and inputs and possible disturbances. In
contain the equivalent of about 16 litres of view of earlier discussions, many of the
petrol, i.e. approximately three times that variables are listed with little or no com-
needed for petrol storage. This assumes that mentary.
the carbon dioxide has been scrubbed from
the gas. If the objective of the biogas is to Mode of Operation
provide fuel for transport rather than to This can either be a batch (mixed,
substitute for other fuels, one should instead partially mixed, or unmixed) or continuous
consider alcohol production. Trevelyan (mixed, partially mixed, unmixed, plug
(1975) gives a good description of the pos-
flow, or anaerobic contact) operation.
sibilities of alcohol as a fuel for combustion
engines. Makhijani and Poole (1975) further
discuss energy/fuel alternatives. Design Parameters (Associated
It is unrealistic to consider alcohol for with Fabrication etc.)
household fuel, and there may be arguments Materials of construction; configuration,
in favour of using compressed bottled gas to length/diameter ratio; number of stages;
serve a community from a central facility. and heating arrangements are involved.
The costs to evaluate these alternatives can
be calculated on the basis of existing Inputs
knowledge. Processes (especially continuous ones)
The possible reuse of carbon dioxide depend on various inputs and are subject to
merits serious consideration. Carbon intermittent disturbances due to
dioxide can be regenerated easily from lime fluctuations in environmental conditions
water and could be used as dry ice for local
(temperature, rainfall, etc.) or in feed
health service, refrigerators, etc., or possibly materials (composition, quantity, operator
to promote algal growth. These possibilities
errors, etc.). It is extremely difficult to
have not yet been evaluated seriously. monitor or control some of these inputs, and
it is important to know the relative impor-
Technical Parameters tance of the main inputs and the sensitivity
Affecting Digester of the process. It is also necessary to devise
Performance methods to monitor process performance,
detect incipient malfunctions, and to correct
In this section the main variables and malfunctions (see Table 26).
The acceptable ranges of the majority of
measures of digester behaviour are these variables have been discussed in earlier
enumerated, and some attempt is made to
summarize the state of knowledge on the sections. Others are discussed in more detail
significance of these variables. Later a
number of the more important areas related State Variables
to the assessment, design, and operation of
digesters are reviewed. The most significant measurable variables
that reflect (and influence) digester
Major Influences on Digester behaviour are given in Table 27, along with
an indication of the measurement technique
Performance needed.
Many of these parameters and variables In practice, only a few of the state
have already been introduced and discussed variables are measurable on a day-to-day

Table 26. Inputs and disturbances of digestion the fermentation process it is highly inter-
process. acting in the sense that few if any input or
Possible control variables affect only one measured
Easily control or state variable. At different feed composi-
Parameter measurable? variable tions, the acclimatized bacterial population
BOD, COD feed No No
will presumably be different, leading to
Feed composition Difficult Yes1
different alkalinity and pH conditions and
Feed: physical state, No No ultimately to different gas compositions and
size production rates. Similarly, a change in feed
Feed concentration Yes: Yes2 composition will trigger changes in all these
(solid:liquid) approximately variables. The more significant state
Retention time Yes Yes2 variables or 'indicators' are discussed below.
Loading rate Possible3 Yes2
Bacterial, or seed No Yes4 State-of-the-Art Review
Feed temperature Yes Yes5 The important areas relevant to digester
Toxic materials No No design, operation, and use that are outlined
Nutrient content No Yes6
C/N ratio in this section are: technical feasibility data;
No (but No
calculable) the microbiology / bacteriology of anaerobic
Heat input Indirectly Yes fermentation; the kinetics of digestion; engi-
Heat losses No No neering design aspects; operation and
Pressure Yes control of digesters; gas handling and use;
Ambient tempera- Impractical No instrumentation for operation and control;
ture / conditions and problems related to 'peripheral' tech-
'Seeondarr' distur- nologies oxidation ponds, etc.
ban ees6
Gas composition 9
Feasibility Data
Digester temperature
If a given substrate or substrate mixture is
NOTE: A rather subjective opinion has been taken as
biodegradable to methane under anaerobic
to what is 'easily' or 'cheaply' measurable. The
conditions, there are a series of supple-
categories are thus exiremeli subjective and inexact. mentary questions to be asked: Under what
'By adding lime, urea etc. to control pH or stimulate conditions does the process work (best)?
the operation. What is the likely methane yield per unit
2Little is known of the dynamic effects of (small)
changes in these variables, which are, of course, inter-
weight of substrate? What are the water,
related. energy, and nutrient requirements? What is
3Dry solids could probably be measured relatively the slurry production rate (and its charac-
frequently but monitoring of loading rate is impractical teristics)? What will be the measured
in rural application.
4By using 'starters' or recycles - again, there is little
operating conditions under normal opera-
experience to draw on. tion? What size of equipment is needed? It
5At some cost. would be advantageous to be able to answer
6By adding known quantities of specified nutrients. all these questions to within a defined degree
7Effect as yet unexplored. of accuracy when assessing the feasibility of
8These are really 'state' (i.e. dependent variables) a proposed project.
which themselves can affect further behaviour.
There is enough information on digester
operation and sufficiently well-proven basic
basis. Clearly, the operator will recognize information to be able to answer most of
these questions.
the symptoms of a failing or malfunctioning
digester - usually, in the first instance, Biodegradability of Substrate
through a fall in gas production. Some
variables are less important or sensitive than There is no completely adequate theory of
others. Given the complex microbiology of biodegradability. Nonetheless there is a con-

Table 27. The most significant measurable variables that reflect (and influence) digester behaviour.

Easily (cheaply) Recommended Measurement

Variable measurable? acceptable range technique
Temperature Yes 10-60 °C Thermometer etc.
pH 6.4-7.5 (-..80) pH meter: litmus
Eh No <-330 mV redox pot. Instrument
Alkalinity 2000-35000 mg/litre Titration
Toxic materials No depends on species Specific technique
Gas production rate ? Meter
Gas composition >50% CH4 Orsat analysis
Nutrient levels No depends on nutrient
BOD, COD No (?) (Variable + depends Laborious analysis
on water regulation)
Cell content No - (higher the
Bacterial population No
NOTE: A rather subjective opinion has been taken as to what is 'easily' or 'cheaply' measured. The categories
are thus evirc'nu'Iv subjective and inexact.
The variables noted with a question mark are ones that can be measured relatively easily, but may not yet be
feasible within the context of village technology.

siderable amount of laboratory and measure of chemical composition is the

practical information on the anaerobic de- carbon/nitrogen ratio, which gives some
composition of organic materials. Lignins guidance as to the range of feedstuffs that
are degraded slowly if at all; insoluble com- can be handled. Generally C/N ratios in the
pounds degrade more slowly than do soluble range 10-30 are recommended, but this
ones. In practice, animal and human wastes figure is not absolute. Typical C/N ratios of
can be degraded and many vegetable and some feeds are given in Table 28.
crop residues and wastes from agricultural
processing can be fermented. Good sources
of information are Meynell (1976),
Sathianathan (1976), Buswell and Boruff
(1932), and the series of papers from ICAR. Table 28. Typical carbon/nitrogen ratios of some
Mosey (1974) covers the processing of feeds.
industrial and urban wastes. C/N
(% dry weight) ratio
Night soil 6 6-10
The major indicators or determinants are Cow manure '.7 18
the concentration and composition of the Chicken manure 6.3 7.3
feed, the temperature, and the pH. There is Horse manure 2.3 25
little variation in these parameters among Hay, grass 4 12
different feedstuffs, and concentrations of Hay, alfalfa 2.8 17
up to 10% (dry weight) can usually be Seaweed 1.9 79
handled. It may be necessary to adjust the Oat straw 1.1 48
composition of the feed to ensure that the Wheat straw 0.5 150
Bagasse 0.3 150
process is not limited by the lack of a par- Sawdust 0.I 200-500
ticular nutrient. The simplest overall

Temperatures in the range 15-60 °C can conditions, raw materials, etc. This vari-
be used, but the temperature is usually ability is shown in the published data and
chosen to be 30-35 °C (see earlier com- has occasionally led to outrageous claims
ments). for potential yields. It would be useful to be
The equilibrium pH, which should be able to set bounds on performance to assist
approximately 7-8 (i.e. slightly alkaline), in feasibility studies, check claimed
will be established in a self-regulating way behaviour, etc.
when the process functions correctly (see
also "Equipment size"). Maximum Gas Yield
Buswell and Mueller (1952) produced a
Likely Yields simplified overall picture of the anaerobic
Yields depend on the detention or batch fermentation of a typical substrate
time. Typical detention times for continuous (CnHaOb) to carbon dioxide and methane.
processes in conventional digesters are ap- The overall stoichiometry is oversimple (for
proximately 30 days, when operation example, it neglects cell formation), but it
efficiencies (expressed as percentage represents the limit of what could happen.
destruction over the digester) are about Their equation is
50-70%. Under these conditions some
typical gas yields are presented in Table 29. CnHaOb + (H20)

na +)CO2
b + (--)CH4n a b
Table 29. Typical reported yields from anaerobic
digesters. The composition of the gas depends on
Gas yield the substrate, and, in principle, is
(m3/kg Gas predictable. The total gas yield (CO2 + Cl4)
volatile composition can also be calculated, a priori, because 1 kg
matter fed) (% methane) of carbon in the substrate will yield 1/12
kmole gas product. Thus, per kilogram of
Cow dung 0.09-0.3 65
carbon decomposed, the yield of gas should
Chicken manure 0.3 60
Pig manure 0.35-0.48 65-70
be (22.4/l2)m3 gas (measured at STP) or
Farm wastes 0.3-0.42 60-70 1.867 m3 gas.
Elephant grass 0.42-0.54 60 On this basis, Table 30 has been derived,
Chicken manure! using average carbon contents of the
paper pulp 0.42-0.48 60 materials. The values can be interpreted in
Chicken manure! two ways: first, as the maximum gas yields
grass clippings 0.35 68 possible per unit mass dry matter fed to the
Sewage sludge 0.6 68 digester; second, as the maximum gas yields
possible per unit quantity of dry matter
Appendix 1 gives a comprehensive listing of
destroyed. It is assumed that none of the
experimental data, and Table 20 operating substrate leaves as cellular matter or inter-
mediate volatile acids. It is also assumed
data. that all the carbon in the feed is susceptible
Knowing the quantity of feed available
to anaerobic digestion. Actual yields (Table
and its approximate composition gas yields 29) are, of course, somewhat lower than the
can be calculated. It is interesting to see how
far the data can be based on fundamental calculated values. The tabulated values,
however, give a rough guide to the effect of
substrate on yield.
Considering a typical continuous
Limits on Performance digester, with feed containing around 2%
The efficiency of a biogas plant depends volatile solids (of which C 50%), the
on many factors the design, operating carbon content in the feed will be approxi-

Table 30. Maximum gas yields (from various sources).
Gas yield
N C/N C% (ft3/lb DM)
Blood 10-14
- 3
Young grass clippings 4 12 48 26.9
Lucerne 2.4-3 16-20 <60 <33.5
Grass clippings 2.4 19 45.6 26.5
Manure (large) 2.15 14 30.1 16.86
Seaweed 1.9 79 36.1 20.2
Oat straw 1.05 48 50.4 28.2
Wheat straw 0.3 138 38.4 21.5
Sawdust 0.11 511 56.2 31.5
Carbohydrate 12.0
Fat 23.1
Prctein 15.7
Horse manure 2.3 25 57.5 32.2
Cow manure 1.7 18 30.1 17.22
Hay 4 12 48 26.9
Pig manure 3.8 20 76.0 42.5
Sheep manure 3.8 22 83.6 46.7
Poultry '-p90 50.3
- -15
Newspaper 0.05 40.6 22.8
Chicken manure 3.2 23.4 13.2
Steer manure 1.35 34.1 19.1

NOTE: To convert ft/lb to m3/kg multiply by 0.62.

mately 1%, which is approximately I comparison with the total gas production
kmole/m3 feed. With a loading rate ofXkg rate.
VS/m3/day the maximum gas yield would
thus be 1.867 (X/2) digester volumes/day. Gas Yields and COD Removal
or, very approximately, X digester Very often the quality of an effluent is
volumes/day. Loading rates vary from 0.8 measured in terms of its COD value. Using
to 3.5 kg VS/m3/day, so the maximum gas
yields that can conceivably be produced the the
Buswell and Mueller stoichiometry, if
substrate were oxidized completely it
range from 0.8 to 3.5 digester volumes/day.
would require (n + a/ 4- b) kmole oxygen per
Thus, there is considerable economic
incentive to seek designs that operate at high kmole substrate,
loading rates.
It is possible that some of the CO2 and
CH4 may be lost in the slurry. For a 50:50 CnHaOb +(n ± -) 02
gas mixture at 1 bar at 35 °C, there will be
0.2 litre dissolved CO2 and 0.01 litre CH4 nCO2 + H2O
(measured at 0 CC, I bar) per litre slurry.
Thus, in a plant operating at a loading rate X
kg/m3/day and producing X digester Moreover, one kmole substrate digested
volumes gas/day, the effluent slurry will anaerobically should yield (n/2 + a/8 - b/4)
carry with it some (0.0 1/8) digester volumes kmole methane, so that I m3 methane
of CH4 per day, which is negligible in produced is equivalent to

digestion process. Again, a simplified
Th (n/2 +a/8 _b/4)j 32kg 02 = approach yields useful information about
[(n+a14_b12)1 the overall feasibility of the process.
2.85 kg COD CnHaOb (+ H20)
In other words, it is possible to calculate the n b n a b
equivalence between COD removal and (+T)CO2
methane generation directly from first If the standard heat of combustion of the
principles. However, because some carbon substrate is (H8) then, because the
must go to producing cells and volatile acids standard heat of combustion of methane is
this is likely to underestimate the COD -88 345 kJ/kmol, the standard heat of reac-
reduction. tion of the fermentation is
For example, Chung Po et al. (1974)
found that the process efficiency varied from
1.2 to 1.4 m3 gas per kg COD (pig swine (-H) + (n/2 + a/8 - b/4) 88 345
digester), which, assuming 50% methane, is kJ/ kmole substrate
equivalent to 1.7 kg COD/rn3 methane.
Water, Energy, Nutrient
Requirements (-H)
+ 88 345 kJ/kmole
Water requirements depend on the con- (n/2 a/8 - b/4) methane
centration of the input stream and the
hydraulic retention time. Typical Indian
designs operate with a water:animal manure (neglecting heats of solution).
ratio of about 1: 1, which is equivalent to a In general, the process is mildly
dry matter concentration in the feed of exothermic. The higher the proportion of
about 9%. Other designs (e.g. Richard 1975; substrate diverted to carbon dioxide, the
Chan 1973) operate with dilute feeds and higher the heat release but this is of little
very short residence times (a few days) so avail in practical circumstances.
that water consumption rates are extremely On the basis of these figures, one can
high. If water is relatively expensive or calculate heating and insulation require-
scarce attempts should be made to ments. Such calculations can be carried out
economize or reuse it. from first principles.
The energy required to maintain stable In practice, it is usually assumed that with
operation at a desired temperature can be organic wastes of natural origin there is no
calculated with some confidence from basic need to provide additional nutrients (if the
principles. The principle sources of heat loss C/N ratio is approximately correct). This
from the system have been discussed before. assumption will not be true in the case of
Each term can be calculated directly many industrial wastes.
provided good estimates of local Slurry Production Rate
environmental and subsoil conditions
(especially temperature) are known This will be very nearly equal to the volu-
(examples will be found in Jewell 1975). metric flow rate of input matter. The slurry
Other thermodynamic properties are dis- contains all the nitrogen from the input, and
cussed below. some 50% of the input organic matter.
Calorific Values of Substrate and Measured Operating Conditions
Product, and Heat of Reaction If designed and operated properly, the
McCarty (1964) discusses the thermo- temperature should be close to the desired
dynamic implications of the anaerobic value. Gas flow rate (and composition) have

been discussed above. The pH should settle timately linked that they are often con-
down to a value around 7.2. Trevelyan sidered together. Thus, the relatively small
(1975) shows that it is possible to calculate energy yield from the overall conversion is
the pH, using basic information on the divided into even smaller packets and distri-
buffering capacity of the process. For buted among the different bacteria in-
example, if protein were fermented at a volved. As a result, the production of solids
concentration of 1 g atom C/litre, the final (i.e. microbial cells) is small, which is
pH would be above 8, and would lead to particularly advantageous for waste stabili-
problems of ammonia toxicity. The pos- zation and disposal (Pfeffer 1966). In
sibilities of toxicity can also be calculated aerobic processes, on the other hand, energy
from first principles (Mosey 1974). changes are large and the quantities of
In other words, assuming complete de- microbial solid to be disposed of are often
composition of the substrate to methane, embarrassingly large.
carbon dioxide, and water, useful limits can In practice, most organic wastes consist of
be put on the digester performance. a range of materials (carbohydrates, pro-
teins, lipids, fats, and salts), and the general
Equipment Size scheme (adapted from Hobson et al. 1974)
This cannot be calculated from first of their fermentation is shown in Fig. 22.
principles in any rigorous way for the Ideas based on the behaviour of pure
substrates of interest because this requires a bacterial cultures in the presence of single
knowledge of the process kinetics. In pure substrates are likely to have rather
practice, it can be taken that a simple unit limited application because a balanced
will have a gas production rate of about microbial flora, dependent on the feed, seed,
0.5-1 digester volumes per day. Knowing the etc., is essential to the process. One of the
gas yield per unit quantity of substrate it is factors determining the composition of the
possible to put an approximate size on the mixed culture flora (some constituents of
equipment, but there is a good deal of room which are essential while others are present
for improvement in this respect. fortuitously) is the energy available from the
biochemical reactions that are spread
among the bacteria. A mixed culture acts
Microbiology synergistically, that is it can do more than is
There are a number of excellent up-to- estimated by 'summing' the effects of pure
date reviews of the microbiology of cultures acting on single substrates. For
anaerobic fermentation (e.g. Hobson et al. example, the presence of additional sub-
1974; Trevelyan 1975). Rather than present strates or bacterial strains can modify the
a detailed review here, the main features of process yield (by suppressing or accelerating
the microbiology as presently understood the degradation of a particular substrate)
are discussed, with special reference to the (Hobson et al. 1974, p. 147). An essential
implications for digester behaviour, future feature of the behaviour of mixed cultures,
developments, etc. which is so far incompletely understood or
Anaerobic microbial metabolisms may studied, lies in the interactions and inter-
take place whenever the supply of oxygen is dependence among different bacterial
stopped or is so limited that aerobic pro- strains.
cesses quickly remove the oxygen. Thus, it There are also difficulties in transferring
takes place below the surface in still waters, results from one set of anaerobic conditions
ponds, or lagoons. Generally it is charac- to another. For example, the multicom-
terized by extremely small energy changes ponent stomach of ruminant animals is
per unit substrate decomposed (McCarty among the oldest established anaerobic pro-
1971). Moreover, the overall process can be cesses. Optimum conditions in the rumen
approximately divided into three sequential are such as to minimize methane production
stages, of which the first two are so in- and in practice the rumen has developed to



(?) V SNH3 (?)



CH4, CO2


Fig. 22. Most organic wastes consist of a range of materials that can he fermented following this general
scheme (adapted from Hobson et al. 1974).

that end (nonetheless, Trevelyan quotes optimum pH range for the bacteria is in the
typical methane yields from a cow of range pH 5-7.
100-500 litres/day, or 5-10% of the calorific There is good evidence (for example,
value of the diet!). On the other hand, Hobson et al. 1974; Chan 1971; and recent
optimum design of a digester seeks maxi- work in our own laboratories, Hadjitofi
mum methane production and the minimum 1976) that cellulose hydrolysis is often the
production of acids and microbial cells. slowest (rate limiting) step in anaerobic
The first stage of digestion is the hydro- digestion. Hobson also reviews the likely
lysis (by extracellular enzymes) of complex processes in the breakdown of proteins and
organic substances to soluble monomeric or lipids. The simpler compounds resulting
dimeric compounds (e.g. cellulose, glucose). from this first stage of digestion serve two
A wide range of cellulolytic and other functions: they contribute to the overall re-
bacteria have been identified and related to duction and stabilization of the waste, and
this stage; their population depends on the they are vital sources of energy and cell com-
feed composition. The cellulolytic bacteria ponents for the bacteria.
are often classified in two groups: the A good deal is known of the main require-
mesophilic bacteria, which have an ments for bacterial growth and function:
optimum temperature range of about 35-40 that is energy (via organic compounds),
°C, and the thermophilic, with an optimum nitrogen, and various trace elements and
about 55-60 °C. Another important feature salts. The popular literature may be rather
is that the synergistic (or cooperative) action misleading in this respect because a good
of these bacteria can lead to a faster removal deal tends to be made of the nitrogen re-
of cellulose than by pure cultures. The quirements (as expressed in C/N ratio). This

is not as crucial as is sometimes suggested, (Eh) below -330 mY is needed for growth. In
and usually only with rather specialized in- mixed cultures, the metabolic activities of
dustrial wastes are these major components the facultative anaerobes in the primary
seriously out of balance. There has been stages serve to reduce the Eh to the required
little reported work on the nutrient require- level; the methanogenic bacteria themselves
ments or supplementation necessary for cannot produce these reduced conditions.
wastes typical of developing countries. Only a very few methanogenic bacteria
In stage two the carbohydrates resulting have been isolated in pure culture. The first
from the first stage are fermented to one or strain considered to be pure (Methano-
more of: hydrogen; carbon dioxide; formic, bacterium omelianski) was subsequently
acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric, lactic, and shown to be a symbiotic association of two
other acids; and simple alcohols. This stage species, one producing acetate and hydro-
is the principal source of energy for the gen from ethanol and the other using the
bacteria in the digester; however, the micro- hydrogen to reduce carbon dioxide to
biology of the processes involving acid- methane. The five known pure strains all
forming bacteria is incompletely under- reduce carbon dioxide by hydrogen to
stood. The proportion of the different methane
products from stage two depends on the CO2 + 4H-.CH + 2H20
flora present, the substrate composition,
and the environmental conditions. These Four can convert formate to methane, but
will depend to a considerable extent on the probably via hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
rate of hydrolysis (i.e. stage one). Whether These two simple reactions are held to be
all, or most, of the intermediate products responsible for all the methane production
listed above can be attacked directly by in ruminants (where the turnover time is
methanogenic bacteria is still a contentious about 1 day). This observation can be recon-
point. Some authors consider that the only ciled with earlier remarks about the impor-
substrates for the final stage are carbon tance of acetate as an intermediate because
dioxide, hydrogen, formic acid, and acetic the growth rate of the acetate-utilizing
acids. Acetate (a salt or ester of acetic acid) is
bacteria is much slower than that of the
often the single most important inter- hydrogen-utilizing bacteria. In a digester
mediate (Smith and Mah 1966 state that with a residence time of a day or two,
73% of the methane originated from acetate acetate-users are bound to be unimportant;
in the digestion of sewage sludge). It may be, at retention times of, say, 20 days the picture
as Trevelyan (1975) notes, that the reactions may change considerably, as the bacterial
of other acids are coupled together, so that population itself changes. Thus one must
the overall picture is of several methane beware of over-simple statements that the
producers acting serially. methanogenic bacteria have slow growth
In the third, or methanogenic stage the rates (which ones?). As Hobson et al. (1974)
soluble products are converted. The energy point out, the question of growth rates in
involved in these reactions is small and in natural habitats is extremely complex.
consequence the amount of bacterial cell Slow-growing bacteria are often very
formation is also small; on the other hand, sensitive to shock changes in operating
some of the ammonia in the liquid resulting conditions, which may well lead to digester
from stages one and two is utilized by the failure. Indeed, digesters are generally less
methanogenic bacteria. In fact, the able to cope with rapid changes in tempera-
methanogenic bacteria are completely de- ture, feed composition, acidity, etc., than
pendent on the primary stage bacteria for with slow changes. Presumably this is
growth. Besides depending on them for the related to the doubling time of the bacteria,
provision of nitrogen (as ammonia) and the which in the case of some methanogenic
limited number of substrates that can be strains is of the order of several days. This
utilized, an oxidation-reduction potential suggests that the system will encounter
severe difficulties in adapting to changes on partial pressure (pCO2) (i.e. volume fraction
a much shorter time scale than this. It is this of CO2 in gas above the fermentor < total
sensitivity, usually manifested in falling pH pressure). Typically, at 35 °C the concen-
as acids accumulate that gives rise to a tration of dissolved CO2 = 0.592 pCO2
'stuck' or 'slow' digester, which is a major litres/litre water. Thus, gas composition and
problem in continuous fermentation. operating pressure affect the pH and, ulti-
(Another sign of incipient failure is either (or mately, digester performance. If the acidity
both) a falling gas production rate and/or in the digester begins to build up (i.e. pH
an increasing carbon dioxide concentra- falls), the proportion of CO2 in the gas
tion.) increases, leading to a further drop in pH. In
The methane bacteria are extremely other words, the system has a limited degree
sensitive to some, factors. They are obligate of self-regulation, and it is easy to see how
anaerobes and their growth is inhibited by the system becomes unstable.
small amounts of oxygen or an oxidizing It is advisable to maintain a moderate
agent. They are slow growing (it has been total alkalinity (as CaCO3) (values of 2000-
generally accepted that growth rates from 4 35000 mg/litre are usually suggested); at low
to 10 days are typical, although Ghosh and values, a slight increase in volatile acid con-
Pohiand (1974) argue convincingly that centration leads to a large drop in pH. On
generation times are of the order of 5 hours), the other hand, at high values the am-
and are at a disadvantage because of their monium ion dissociates (to NH3 and H). A
low numbers. They are particularly sensitive number of authors (McCarty 1964; Mosey
to pH. Methane production is satisfactory 1974) consider that toxicity may be due to
between pH 6.6 and 7.6 (Dague 1968), but free ammonia, and Mosey has reported the
methane formation is inhibited below 6.6 conditions for toxicity (as a function ofpH),
and conditions become toxic below 6.2. The with an upper limit of 3000 mg/litre N as
first group of bacteria will continue func- NH3. If the process is thermophilic and the
tioning until pH 4.5, and Borchardt (1971) substrate contains a high proportion of
found that with great care methane forma- protein, the system could be self-toxic;
tion continued down to such levels. This can Trevelyan (1975) illustrates this and shows
be considered an exception, however. the value of simple overall calculations in
The pH of the system depends on the rate predicting such conditions. Other forms of
at which intermediates are fermented to toxicity (e.g. due to the presence of salts or
methane and carbon dioxide, i.e. on the heavy metals) have been considered and it
alkalinity and volatile acid concentration. It may be concluded that reasonable guide-
probably makes little sense to talk of an lines exist to help the unwary (Mosey 1974).
optimum pH because this is the integral One important consideration relates to
result of the different contributions from the attempts to control the pH. If the pH falls, it
various reactions; moreover, the optimum is often suggested that lime be added;
pH levels for the separate stages of the however, lime reacts with CO2 to produce
processes could be different. calcium carbonate and at alkalinities above
The system can usually 'absorb' fluctua- about 1000 mg/litre this produces an in-
tions in acid or base concentrations because soluble deposit. McCarty (1964) argues that
of the natural buffering provided by the sodium bicarbonate is a far better buffer. As
ammonia and bicarbonate ions. The Mosey (1974) notes, lime has the dual dis-
buffering provided by the carbon dioxide/ advantage of removing an important
bicarbonate system is represented by substrate for the bacteria (CU2) and in-
creasing the likelihood of scale formation in
pH 6.3 + log (HCO3 -)/diSSolved CO2) the digester.
In the event that the pH needs to be
The concentration of dissolved carbon decreased, hydrochloric acid can be used
dioxide depends on the temperature and (but not sulfuric or nitric acids).

Kill Rates of Pathogens and industrial development. Nutrient re-
The main vectors and causative quirements and the ways in which different
species compete for limited nutrients are
organisms in fecal-borne diseases were sum- little understood; at a practical level there is
marized earlier. Some of the available
little information on nutrient requirements
results on the kill rates of pathogens during and the returns on them.
anaerobic fermentation are summarized in Doubtless, as the role of the different
Table 31. With digester temperatures above bacterial strains becomes clearer, it will
35°C and detention times of greater than 14 become possible to devise methods or to
days most vectors will be destroyed. The create environments to give improvements
eggs of the roundworm Ascaris lumbri- in efficiency. This will require a good deal of
coides are a major exception. microbiological and empirical work of the
In Europe, sludges are occasionally
highest order.
pasteurized before discharge. This appears
infeasible in most developing countries.
Under normal operating conditions the The Rate of Methane Generation
public health control aspects of anaerobic As discussed earlier, the rate of methane
digesters handling human excreta are com- production (a major determinant of the
parable with any other feasible technique. digester volume) depends on a wide range of
However, the behaviour of digesters
parameters. Ideally, one would like to have
operating at very low retention times should simple functional relations between the rate
be studied carefully.
of decomposition of substrate per unit
volume (r5) or the rate of methane genera-
Likely Developments tion (rn), and the various influential para-
A major characteristic of anaerobic diges- meters. Without such relations rational and
tion in practice is that the process depends rigorous design is hardly possible.
on an acclimatized mixed culture of Attempts to develop these relations have
bacteria. Very little is known of the popu- taken two broad routes: to use empirical re-
lation dynamics or ecology of these cultures lations as a basis for correlating the rate with
(see Hattingh and Toerien 1969), and still the primary variables; and to base the form
less of ways in which particular strains might of correlation on a more soundly based
be encouraged or suppressed if this were theoretical model. Although the latter
useful in improving process efficiency. The course has much to commend it, it is fraught
room for improvement in speeding up the with difficulties, given the complexity of the
fermentation process and for improving its process. Consider, for example, the
robustness or stability is enormous and it processes involved in the decomposition of
may well be that unless such improvements cow dung. The feed contains a range of or-
can be made biogas fermentation will always ganic materials (carbohydrates, lipids,
be at best a marginal contributor to rural proteins) with varying degrees of degrada-

Table 31. Kill rates of pathogens during anaerobic fermentation.

Organism - Disease Temperature Retention time Kill rate

(°C) (days) (%)

Salmonella spp. 22-37 6-20 82-96

Salmonella typhosa 22-37 6-20 99
Myobacterium tuberculosis 30 na. 100
A scans lumbricoides 29 IS 90
Poliovirus- I 35 2 98.5

bility, solubility, etc. These materials are wastes): What is the correct 'measure' for 5?
hydrolyzed, with extracellular enzymes, to a (the concentration of dry matter, volatile
range of simpler organic compounds, which solids?).
in turn decompose to yet simpler inter- There is a good deal of evidence to sup-
mediates (volatile acids, hydrogen, etc.). port the hypothesis that the methanogenic
Finally, the methanogenic bacteria are step is the rate-limiting step in the case of
responsible for the last stage of the process soluble substrates; therefore, one can use a
- the production of methane and carbon Michaelis-Menten form of rate equation to
dioxide, which are subsequently released. correlate the data. There is no such
The problem is thus complicated by: the fact unanimity when it comes to the more practi-
that a large number of chemical species, cally interesting substrates such as grass.
enzymes, and bacteria are involved in ways For example, Chan (1971) fitted data on the
which are incompletely understood; the fact continuous fermentation of cellulose to the
that the process involves a complex set of Michaelis-Menten equation, while
interacting and possibly competing reac- concluding that the rate limiting step was the
tions or physical operations; and the hydrolysis stage. Pfeffer (1968) concluded
possible constraints imposed by limiting that the rate limiting step was the methano-
reactants, species, or nutrients. genic stage at low detention times (<10 days)
Theories for the fermentation of pure and the hydrolysis stage at higher detention
substrates suggest that the rate of substrate times. Hadjitofi (1976) has recently shown
utilization should follow the form of the that the limiting step is probably the
Monod (or Michaelis-Menten) equation hydrolysis stage at least down to detention
times of about 10 days, and that the rate of
qmax S x reaction of the substrate is best correlated by
K+S a simple first-order relationship:
where: S = (limiting) substrate concentra- r kS
tion; K = (half) constant; x concentration
of bacterial cells; = maximum sub- while the rate constant, k, followed an
strate utilization rate (per unit cell cone). Arrhenius relation with temperature

For low substrate concentrations k = k0 exp (E/RT)

In qualitative form this agrees with
qmax Sx
r- K
Boshoff's (1968) results on insoluble
substrates using batch reactions, but
because so little is known of the dynamics of
and for high concentrations the process it would be premature to attempt
r+fl max X
to draw stronger conclusions. It is difficult
to gain an unambiguous measure of the
When the rate equation is coupled with bacterial cell (or biomass) concentration
material balances on the substrate and with insoluble substrates, but Hadjitofi
bacterial matter, overall design equations found that his results did not follow the de-
relating input and output concentrations of pendence on x expected from the Michaelis-
substrate to retention time, etc. are ob- Menten equation. The reasons for, and
tained. In the case of simple reactions, such implications of, this finding are not yet fully
modeling procedures are reasonably well es- established. Of more direct interest than the
tablished and allow one to interpret results rate of substrate removal is the rate of
from batch or continuous experiments in a methane production, but there is agreement
consistent manner (Atkinson 1975). This is, that the two are related.
however, not so for the complex situations Thus:
under consideration here. A further
question exists in the case of insoluble sub- rm = Yr
strates (e.g. grass, manure, vegetable where the coefficient Y depends on the sub-

strate (this can be estimated from first prin- It might be thought that these considera-
ciples with a reasonable degree of accuracy). tions are excessively academic but they are
Some typical results are given in Appendix not. If, for example, it can be shown that the
2. rate limiting step is the methanogenic step
A large number of studies report kinetic then it could be concluded that the size or
information in a very simplified form - in physical state of the feed substrate would be
terms of the volume of gas produced per unimportant.
kilogram VS added or destroyed (see Part of the problem in resolving com-
Appendix 1). (Usually, values range from peting claims is that much of the work so far
0.45 to 0.6 m3/kg VS added.) A good deal of reported has used soluble substrates
care should be taken in using these results (glucose, acetic acid), or relatively easily
because many studies give rather incomplete degradable feeds (sewage sludge). Even
information on the experimental condi- these studies vary considerably in their con-
tions. In addition, there is a good deal of clusions: for example, growth times of
difference between a figure of, say, 0.4 methanogenic bacteria are variously esti-
m3/kg VS added, and 0.4 m3/kg VS mated at from a few hours to several days.
destroyed. The enormous range of operating The limiting mechanisms, even with soluble
efficiencies reported earlier should be a pure substrates, are not unequivocally
warning to all who choose to oversimplify established. One should not immediately
digester performance. apply results from pure substrates to the
There is a pressing need for further fermentation of mixed insoluble substrates
experimental data and interpretation if one because there may well be synergistic or
is ever to reach the situation of being able to antagonistic effects to alter the picture.
evaluate the optimum set of operating Finally, much of the data contained in the
conditions. Because there are differences in literature is of very dubious value because it
the implications of the kinetic models, it is is not clear whether the digester ever reached
not yet possible to describe accurately the
a true acclimatized steady state (requiring
behaviour of a digester over the range of 2-3 residence times, or more if a 'seed' is
retention times from the minimum (what is used). It is thus important to record and
it for grass, dung?) upward; nor can one control all the parameters that can affect
compare quantitatively different digester digester performance.
configurations. Laboratory, pilot, and full-
scale experimental trials are required.
Full details of the process are not com- Design and Engineering
pletely understood and it may well be that
the problem is so complex as to defy quan- Earlier discussion described the wide
titative analysis (Hobson et al. 1974). The range of operating conditions and efficien-
main hope for developing relatively simple cies that are achieved in biogas units. One
models for the rate process is that one of the can conclude that reliable, if conservative,
many stages involved in the reaction set is so designs exist and it seems very likely that
slow as to control the overall rate of many digester failures are due to either: poor
reaction. design and construction; or poor operating
A number of hypotheses have postulated practice.
that the rate limiting step is: the initial Design and construction faults include:
hydrolysis step (Chan 1971; Hadjitofi 1976); poor quality construction; lack of advice/
or the methanogenic step (related to the rate repair backup; blocked inlet/outlet pipes (in
of growth of methanogenic bacteria) bends); sludge buildup in digester; gas-
(Pohland and Ghosh 1971; Andrews 1964; holders that cannot be moved/maintained
McCarty 1964; Lawrence and McCarty easily; tilting/jamming gasholders; possible
1969); or the release of carbon dioxide/ washout if flash storms drain through
methane from the bacterial cellular matrix digester; scum accumulation; water ac-
(Finney and Evans 1975). cumulation in gas lines; and design close to

washout conditions (too low detention quently and regularly the digester can be fed,
time). Bad operating practices include: lack the better (Hobson et al. 1975). Air must be
of responsible! knowledgeable people to excluded completely.
care for plant; nonexistent operating An excellent guide to the operation and
instructions (especially to deal with faults); maintenance of gobar-gas plants has been
insufficient feed material; irregular feed; and produced by Finlay (1976). Apart from
lack of maintenance. setting out the procedures for normal opera-
There is a need to establish 'good practice' tion, he also gives an invaluable check list
engineering standards in the design, for abnormal conditions. (In many
construction, and operation of plants. This conditions the wisest course of action is to
could lead to substantial immediate im- leave well enough alone.) It should be
provements all-around: to date, there has standard practice to have documentation!
been surprisingly little diffusion of know- instructions of this type for all operational
plants. Apart from mechanical failures,
how. Monitoring and collecting data over
reasonable periods of time would allow blockages, etc., the main indicators of
accurate comparisons to be made, and digester performance are:
would involve measuring at least the items Gas production if this falls steadily, the
shown in Table 32. digester is failing. On the other hand, there
are inevitably day-to-day variations in this
Table 32. For accurate comparisons to be made,
at least the following measurements must be
pH and volatile acids - if the volatile
completed. acids concentration increases, the process is
in danger of becoming unbalanced. Because
Slurry Gas Other of the buffering capacity, these changes will
input and output output state variables not be noted immediately in pH changes;
Dry matter Gas rate pH therefore, pH is not a very sensitive indi-
Total solids CO2:CH4 Temperature cator.
Volatile solids (mixing - power Alkalinity bicarbonate alkalinity
input) provides the basic buffering mechanism and
BOC, COD if this capacity is reduced to the point where
Water content the alkalinity and volatile acids are equiva-
lent, trouble is imminent (alkalinity can be
A major area for improvement is a reduc- measured by titration).
tion in capital cost as a consequence of one
Smell normally, the odour of the
sludge is not unpleasant, but if conditions
or more of: improved efficiency (higher
loading, etc.); changes in configuration! are upset, the odour will become un-
pleasant; however, this is not a very rapid
materials of construction; or increased
thermal efficiency! conservation. nor sensitive test.
It should also be noted that the tech- The main methods of controlling! balanc-
nology is susceptible to on-line improve- ing the digester are: (1) maintaining the
bacterial population it is not easy to
ment by regular monitoring of the major correct for changes in population as ex-
variables and by controlled changes in emplified by, for example, a buildup of
operating conditions (i.e. evolutionary
operation, which is a proven method for volatile acids. The pH can be controlled to
some extent (Mosey 1974) by liming or other
handling complex systems).
additions; alternatively, a small increase in
Operation and Control temperature should promote the meth-
anogenic bacteria at the expense of the acid
Perhaps the single most important rule in formers; (2) uniform feeding (already com-
operating a digester is to attempt to mented on); (3) mixing and time for diges-
maintain the operating conditions (via the tion; (4) maintaining uniform and steady
input) as steady as possible. The more fre- temperature; and (5) pH control If it
becomes necessary to add alkali to the One problem alluded to earlier is the pos-
digester to raise the pH, it is important not sibility of water condensing and blocking
to allow the concentration of any cations to the gas line. This can be avoided by a simple
reach toxic levels (McCarty 1964). Chemi- drain.
cals (lime, sodium hydroxide, ammonia)
should always be added gradually. Purification
Gas Storage and Handling Methods for removing H2S and CO2 are
well-established (Meynell 1975; Sathia-
The range of end uses for biogas have nathan 1975) and relatively cheap. Again,
been discussed. The requirements for the emphasis should be on good practice,
various household uses can be estimated on and the production of standardized, robust,
the basis of known consumption rates, and a simple devices.
typical set of data is given in Table 33. The main areas for development studies
Generally there are few problems of a re- into the technology are: the use in engines
search and development nature in using (to evaluate performance characteristics
biogas. The dangers and limitations in over the complete range of interest); cheap
handling are well documented, as is burner distribution systems using local materials;
design (see Sathianathan 1975). The main possible end uses of CO2; and development
comment to make is that great care should of cheap, efficient, versatile burners and
be taken not to sacrifice safety or reliability ovens. All these projects are ones that de-
so as to produce cheap burners or stoves. On pend on local needs, priorities, and therefore
the other hand, a major source of loss and definition. Similarly, the relative economics
inefficiency in gas utilization is at the of compression, purification, etc. are best
burner, and the design of cheap and efficient handled locally. There are, to repeat, no
burners and stoves should have a high problems in calculating power requirements
priority. and costs.

Table 33. Uses of methane and requirements (from Sathianathan 1975).

Use Quantity (m3) Rate
Cooking 0.32 5-cm diam. burner/h
0.46 10-cm diam. burner/h
0.63 IS-cm diam. burner/h
0.28-0.42 per person/day
0.07 boiling water/litre
Lighting 0.07-0.08 I mantle lamp/h
0.14 2 mantle lamps/h
0.17 3 mantle lamps/h
Refrigerator 1.07 flame operated m3/h
per m3 refrigerated space
Incubator 0.36-0.71 m3/h per m3 incubator space
Gasoline engine'
CH4 0.42 per kW/h
Biogas 0.60 per kW/h
Equivalent to:
(a) Gasoline
CH4 1.00-1.18 per litre
Biogas 1.33-1.85 per litre
(b) Diesel oil
CH4 1.1 1-1.39 per litre
Biogas 1.48-2.06 per litre
'at 25% efficiency.

Instrumentation (sewage, McGarry 1971; pig manure,
Boersma et al. 1975; digester effluents,
A wide range of measurements can be Obia 1976). There is little doubt that pro-
made on an operating digester. The list of cesses incorporating algal ponds and sub-
measurements given earlier may be taken to sequent fish ponds are potentially viable.
be the minimum necessary for evaluation Their economics seem, at present, unclear
and comparison of digesters. (see Sumicad 1975). The major danger at
As tar as the operator is concerned, how- this stage is to take 'best condition' figures
ever, the object will clearly be to attempt to from a laboratory study and base an assess-
achieve stable operation at minimum cost. ment of what will happen in a practical
There are two ways of approaching this situation on this. It is even worse to take
problem: (1) Attempt to control, as far as even more optimistic figures as an indication
possible, all inputs to the process (i.e. water, of what might happen (see Malynizc 1973).
waste, temperature of feed, etc.). As Shaw (1973) gives a good survey of the range
emphasized above, the closer is the opera- of problems and factors affecting algal
tion to constant conditions, the better. This growth: environmental conditions; pond
can be achieved by proper measurement of design; loading; throughput; nutrient
the quantities involved, etc.; (2) Monitor the supply; and algal population.
variables most sensitive to digester perfor- Perhaps the single most important
mance. In practice, the easiest measurement problem in the technology is the collection
to take is the temperature. As we have seen, and drying of the algae. Unicellular algae are
pH is not very sensitive, but is clearly a key not easy to filter and collect. There is clearly
parameter. A simple indicator test would be need here for engineering studies (as a
extremely useful. Gas composition can be function of algal species) of the methods of
measured easily and fairly accurately (e.g. algal separation (floatation? flocculation?
organic analysis), and the gas production centrifuging?) and their costs, as well as
rate, although perhaps not easy to measure microbiological/public health studies of the
directly, can be monitored under constant algae and their consequences.
demand conditions by a skilled operator. A typical chain of design calculations
Relatively large-scale operations allow (excluding financial and economic evalua-
one to monitor more variables, to control tion) would follow the sequence: specify
the inputs more carefully, and to incor- gas requirement; estimate substrate re-
porate more control. As noted earlier, there quirement for range of possible substrates;
are very strong arguments in favour of a estimate water requirement; estimate slurry
batch operation because the process is less production rate, composition, BOD; choose
-sensitive than a continuous plant. digester temperature; estimate digester
volume, dimension, requirement, materials
including adaption to local availability; and
Algae and Oxidation Ponds estimate energy losses. It is possible to
As discussed earlier, there is a significant calculate all material and energy flows
potential in the growth and utilization of implicit in this chain of calculations to an
algae. The use of oxidation ponds (without accuracy sufficient for preliminary feasi-
algal growth) has been discussed, and there bility studies. This is possible for both batch
is little more to be added here, other than to and continuous processes. The material
warn that in tropical climates it is quite requirements for digester and peripheral
possible that algal growth will commence. equipment manufacture can also be esti-
This may well be a severe embarassment mated although only approximate design is
with respect to the major objective of possible.
controlling and stabilizing the liquid and Detailed calculation and optimization are
solid wastes. not feasible at this stage; however, some of
There have been a number of studies of the key areas for further technical work are
algal growth rates on various substrates discussed in the following section.

Research and Development with respect to community-scale operations
(see following chapter by Andrew Barnett).
Priorities: Some Suggestions Given the wide range of competing
These comments are tentative suggestions possibilities, work should, where possible,
that attempt to summarize in a general way be placed firmly in a context that recognizes
the most useful lines for future work. the existence of alternative solutions or
The clearest gains to be made in the systems, and preferably be related to
core technology are in the area of capital systems studies of the problem.
reduction especially by seeking methods A very large proportion of the work
of reducing digester and gas-holder volumes needed is actually development and the
and/or by suitable choice of construction establishment of good engineering practice
materials (see Appendix 3). rather than research.
It seems that, in general terms, both It is taken for granted that all
technical and socioeconomic factors favour laboratory/pilot-scale studies will involve a
larger rather than smaller units (i.e. degree of modeling that is, relating be-
community level rather than household), haviour to basics and/or dealing with results
and a higher priority would thus be justified statistically.

Biogas Technology:
A Social and Economic Assessment
Andrew Barnett

In this chapter the problems of assessing involves establishing the set of alternatives
the worth of the technical2 options described with which it is to be compared. Biogas
previously are discussed. The evaluation of plants have to be seen as one of a number of
biogas systems presents a number of possible uses of (rural) resources, but from
problems associated with making choices the economist's point of view, these other
between production techniques that are resource uses need not necessarily be con-
small in scale and are considered appro- nected with energy or fertilizer. If this logic
priate for use in the rural areas of the Third is followed the value of biogas techniques
World. These problems have been discussed becomes a function of the genuine alterna-
(Stewart 1973), but very few of the empirical tives that there are to biogas. Much of this
studies of choices in nonagricultural rural chapter is therefore devoted to establishing
technologies have provided a firm enough just what these alternatives might be and
base on which major policy decisions might what objectives they are to meet.
be made (Bhalla 1975; Carr 1976). It is Once the importance of alternative re-
hoped that by addressing the social and sources uses is understood, the practicality
economic aspects of biogas technology we of biogas plants may be expected to vary
will contribute to the more general debate between locations; their success will depend
about technical choice at the village level. on the particular circumstances in which the
The appraisal of biogas technology investment takes place. For example, where
an investment in a village is isolated from the
rest of the economy by difficult communica-
tions or the lack of cash, surpluses and
21n this paper the terms technique and shortages can build up around the project
technology are used somewhat loosely. The term very quickly and these can affect the project
biogas technology is used to signify a collection either by starving it of inputs or by reducing
of hardware, knowledge, and supporting systems the value of its output. In a different way, the
associated with the production of methane gas on
a scale and at a level of sophistication that is at availability of an alternative source of
least theoretically possible in the villages of the energy, such as electricity, will vary sub-
Third World. The term includes both those stantially from location to location and this
plants that currently exist and those that could will also affect the need for (and therefore
exist with the current state of knowledge. The the value of) a source of energy such as
biogas technology referred to here excludes those biogas.
aspects of the production of methane (other than It is not only the physical environment
knowledge) associated with the larger-scale and that can affect the worth of biogas; the
more sophisticated processes that are currently
used in developed countries (usually as part of assessment of biogas technology must also
sewage disposal systems). The term biogas be undertaken in the context of the social
technique is used to describe a particular piece of and economic structure in which it is
hardware and is used to distinguish biogas plants developed and used. The influence of social
of differing scales and designs. structures is therefore the second major

theme of this chapter. Different social no future without more detailed analysis of
groups want different things and they value the current situation in rural areas and the
them accordingly. Social structures regulate characteristics of the new designs.
how much access individuals have to the An attempt is made to direct the reader
capital necessary to use biogas technology, through a range of problems and errors that
and influence the distribution of the effects might be expected in the evaluation of
that biogas plants produce. The importance biogas and these are then illustrated by
of some of these effects is evident when it is previously published attempts. No attempt
realized that small-scale biogas plants have is made to provide a 'cookbook' of evalua-
had harmful effects on the distribution of tion procedures.
income in certain circumstances. The analysis of rural technologies can be
The third theme of this chapter is the carried out at various levels of sophistica-
selection of research priorities. This selec- tion. There is considerable danger, when
tion is complicated by the sensitivity of attempting to consider a large number of
biogas to changes in particular village possible problems in a somewhat abstract
characteristics. In such circumstances, it way, of merely adding to the mystification of
may be more important to establish an the problem and further alienating those
appropriate structure and process for who will be affected by the choice of a
making choices about particular biogas particular technique. This chapter clearly
techniques and for determining research presupposes a structure in which 'we' try to
priorities, than to establish the research make decisions about 'them.' This is not the
priorities themselves. When the value of any only way. The problem of the choice of a
particular change in biogas plants is likely to particular technique may well appear much
be so influenced by the location of the plant, simpler to those that are actually affected by
research priorities themselves will vary the choice. The problem of development is
between locations. This means that the more one of getting the social structure right
social and economic assessment of this rather than one of deciding which particular
particular technology may be more a matter gadget is to be preferred.
of deciding in conjunction with villagers and It is assumed that the chapter by Leo Pyle
engineers which aspects of the technology has been read to gain some understanding of
might be developed to meet a particular set the biogas production processes. It is further
of problems, than evaluating a static set of assumed that the procedures of social cost-
known techniques for making gas. The benefit analysis are known, or can be
technology is currently undergoing con- learned from the sources quoted in this
siderable change, but so far only a small chapter.
number of known designs for biogas The chapter is divided into five sections: a
production have been built and tested. In the general approach setting out the framework
future it must be expected that a new set of in which biogas technology can be analyzed;
techniques will evolve that will greatly a valuation of common inputs and outputs
reduce the costs of biogas; costs will be of biogas plants; five case studies of attempts
reduced both by increasing the efficiency of to carry out social and economic evaluations
the plants and more importantly by of biogas plants; the social and economic
reducing capital costs through the use of determinants of the demand for biogas; and
new designs and different construction an approach to research priorities.
In these changing circumstances it should
be stressed that the current enthusiasm for
biogas should not be interpreted as meaning The General Approach
that the technology has already been shown
empirically to be the best means of satisfying The primary need is for a logical and
many of the needs of rural peoples. Nor can consistent framework in which the problem
the conclusion be justified that biogas has of the evaluation of investments in biogas

can be analyzed and appropriate questions approach (see also UNIDO 1972; Little and
can be examined. Such a framework should Mirrlees 1974; Irvin 1976).
serve two main purposes: it should make The approach adopted by all the recent
explicit the assumptions that have to be manuals of SCBA is predominantly eco-
made in the analysis and it should force the nomic, but this is only one of a number of
evaluator to examine the full range of possible dimensions against which the
possible alternatives. impact of an investment can be judged.
The evaluation of biogas investments can What is suggested, therefore, is that a 'softer'
either be approached as a macroproblem, form of SCBA be adopted, using the
setting the investments in the wider context framework set out in the various manuals as
of the economy's overall fuel and rural a guide, but taking into account a greater
development policies, or it can be treated as range of possible social and environmental
a microproblem, in which the returns to a effects and attempting to give sufficient
single investment are examined at a specific weight to those effects that cannot be
location and within a specific set of macro- precisely measured on a scale such as that
conditions. Clearly macro and microlevels provided by money values. This 'softness'
interact, in that the macrodecisions depend does not necessarily imply a weakening of
to an extent on information at the micro- the overall logic of the analysis but reflects
level on the viability of the individual in- the reality that many important events are
vestments. A review of the literature on the neither economic nor can they be precisely
evaluation of biogas systems shows that quantified.
these microdata are not yet available; this is The cost-benefit approach attempts to
either because of the imprecise nature of the determine the physical relationship between
data used in the few analyses that do exist or inputs and outputs associated with a
because of the difficulties experienced in particular investment and then places
successfully running the existing plants. In economic and social values on these events.
addition to this, the viability of an invest- It is in essence a process for weighing the
ment at the village level (such as biogas) various characteristics of alternative courses
depends crucially on the particular charac- of action - and as such is the decision
teristics of the location of each investment. process of everyday life.
It is therefore important to first establish
which village characteristics have the most
influence on the viability of the biogas in- The Political Framework
vestment and from this generalize to the
more macrolevel about the distribution of Investment decisions and the assessment
these characteristics throughout the of the costs and benefits that result from the
country. For these reasons it is suggested investment are primarily political decisions
that the problem of the evaluation of biogas influenced by two factors: the nature of the
should be treated, initially at least, as a group making the decision, and the social
microproblem. and economic structure of the society. It is a
The most widely used logical framework political process because the decision-
for the evaluation of microinvestment makers are forced to make an explicit choice
decisions is social cost-benefit analysis about an investment that helps one group of
(SCBA). Considerable advances have been people rather than another. The position of
made in recent years in refining the logical the decision-makers in the social structure
consistency of these appraisal systems and it will strongly influence their views on how
is recommended that at least one of these investment should be used to further
systems is used for the evaluation of biogas. development objectives. These views may
The most recent manual has been produced differ drastically from the views of the
by the World Bank (Squire and van der Tak people that will be affected by the invest-
1975). This is a particularly clear, if ment, and more importantly may fail to take
somewhat condensed, version of the into consideration the way in which the

existing structure will affect the actual In a microanalysis such as the one
distribution of costs and benefits. proposed here, the 'next best alternative in-
The social structure influences the vestment' is likely to be another investment
distribution of costs and benefits among in the village: such an investment might be in
social groups in a number of ways: for an irrigation pump, in land drainage, in
instance, where some of the factors of pro- paying' off previous debts, in buying new
duction are monopolized by a particular land etc. From the standpoint of the whole
group, the introduction of a new economy the 'next best alternative invest-
technology, however beneficial to the in- ment' might encompass a wider range of
dividual owner, may merely raise the activities including the production of fuels
amount of surplus that can be expropriated and fertilizer by other (possibly larger scale)
by the monopolists. Conversely, invest- processes. The set of possible alternatives
ments in new technologies can also be used can obviously be very large and depends
to alter the existing distribution of power by both on who controls the available invest-
helping to break dependent relations. ment resources and on the characteristics of
All too often the choice of techniques and the economy.
particularly the advocation of 'appropriate' Some evaluations of biogas take a much
technologies is abstracted from the realities narrower view than the one implied by
of political and social structure (Cooper SCBA and consider only a number of dif-
1973). The introduction of small-scale ferent techniques for producing methane by
biogas plants, for instance, may have the anaerobic digestion. It is quite clear that
effect of fostering individual actions rather there are many possible designs and scales
than cooperative action; it may satisfy the for biogas production that have not yet been
needs of only those who can afford plants, built or tested. The appraisal of these
thus reducing the pressure for more re- designs is an important task, but it is equally
distributive solutions; it may increase the important to consider how much the
value of inputs such as cow dung and sub- products (methane gas and slurry) are re-
sequently deprive the poorer sections of quired and whether this is the best possible
society of its use. Similar problems were well use of the resources involved.
documented following the introduction of An improvement on this narrow approach
high-yielding varieties of food grains during is to evaluate the techniques for methane
the so-called Green Revolution in India production in relation to the existing means
(Griffin 1972). of satisfying the needs for fuel and fertilizer
It is hoped that the approach to the (this is the approach adopted by the Indian
evaluation of biogas plants suggested here Council for Agricultural Research, Govern-
will help to make explicit the choices that ment of India 1976). But this does not
have to be made and the political nature of answer the more fundamental question of
these choices. whether investment in methane is the best
use of the available resources.
To expand the range of options that might
The Examination of Alternatives be compared with biogas a useful approach
The evaluation of the impact of an invest- is to consider the range of functions that the
ment is, in principle, the comparison of the biogas plant might achieve. Biogas is ad-
situation 'with the investment' and the situa- vocated on a number of grounds each of
tion 'with the next best alternative invest- which can be achieved by other more or less
ment.' This concept of 'opportunity cost' is 'good' techniques. Some of the options are
crucial to the approach of social cost-benefit discussed below.
analysis and is described in detail later. (1) Biogas can be seen as providing a fuel
At this stage the important point is to and can therefore be evaluated in terms of its
decide what realistic alternatives there are to ability to meet some of the villages' energy
the investment in biogas: what is to be com- needs in comparison with other sources of
pared with the biogas system? energy. The comparison might include: (a)

firewood, which in many areas is becoming 1975, p. 158) and animal (usually pig)
increasingly time-consuming to collect manure (Solley and Yarrow 1975); here the
because of its scarcity3 (Makhijani 1976); (b) alternatives for comparison might again be
electricity, which is not usually used for composting processes or more conventional
cooking but can have very low marginal waste disposal through lagoons and septic
costs where there is surplus capacity in tanks.
existing generating capacity and the village Investment in biogas might alter-
is close to existing power transmission lines natively be seen as a means of utilizing
(Prasad et al. 1974); and (c) at a different village resources that are currently going to
level, the comparison can be legitimately 'waste' (or at least are being underutilized).
made with alternative practices associated This way of looking at the problems gives
with the use of existing fuels; for instance, certain insights and is another formulation
considerably less wood might be consumed of the more general economic problem of
if the design of stoves were made more the optimum use of all resources.
efficient (Makhijani 1976, P. 27). It is essential that the researcher specifies
Biogas plants provide fertilizer in the precisely which options are to be considered
form of the spent slurry and might therefore and justifies the exclusion of others. It
be compared with aerobic composting would certainly be unfortunate if the
processes or the provision of chemical impetus that now surrounds biogas were
fertilizer. (Disney 1976 compares biogas used to divert attention from the modifica-
with urea production in India.) tion and utilization of the mass of other
Biogas has been advocated as a applications of technology at the village
substitute for other activities that are con- level that would appear to produce at least
sidered harmful or wasteful, such as the as promising returns as biogas.
burning of dung and wood. The dung might However, the fact that biogas is currently
fashionable and is being promoted in a
be better used as fertilizer, and the burning
of wood has resulted in deforestation of number of countries is sufficient
some areas, which in turn, has led to erosion justification to modify what would appear,
and flooding (Republic of Korea l975). The at the moment at least, to be a rather ex-
comparison here might be with composting pensive and unreliable set of techniques. But
or the growing of trees and other plants this concern must not overshadow the more
(such as water hyacinth) for fuel (Makhijani general search for the 'best' use of village
1975, p. 114-124). resources; it does not matter how good the
Another function for the biogas plant methods of social and economic evaluation
is the safe disposal of human (Sathianathan are if they are applied to the wrong set of
Once the logical framework has been
3Makhijani 1976, p. 26; wood, straw etc. have
adopted and the broad set of alternatives
been a traditional source of fuel in rural areas in established, the next stage can be broken
many developing countries. Makhijani suggests down into two tasks: the identification and
that there is considerable evidence that collecting estimation of the physical quantities
wood for fuel now requires an increasing amount involved as inputs to and outputs from the
of labour time. In rural India, anywhere from 50 project; and the placing of social and
to 200 or more days of work per family are now economic values on these quantities. This
required to ensure adequate fuel supplies. division is useful in terms of exposition
because it helps to make explicit the various
assumptions that have to be made, and be-
Republic of Korea 1975, p. 2. Forest products cause many of the errors are made in the
and straw account for 92% of Korea's rural fuel
needs. Soil erosion, resulting from the
estimation of the inputs and outputs rather
denudation of hillsides and the reduction of soil than in the process of evaluation, which is
fertility associated with burning straw, are a commonly considered to be most difficult
major problem in Korea. part of the analysis.

Physical Input and Output extent that different social groups consider
Relations certain impacts more worthy of estimation
than others, but the problem of specification
As an initial stage the inputs and outputs mentioned here is a question of the kinds of
directly connected with the investment have impacts that are to be considered (and
to be listed and the relationships among measured in such physical terms as kilo-
them established. The establishment of these grams, number of people affected etc.)
relationships is the work of engineers,5 but it The kinds of impacts that might be
is necessary to stress here that a large source included in the social and environmental
of uncertainty and error in the analysis of dimensions were discussed at a recent con-
biogas techniques arises in the estimation of ference of the United Nations Environment
these relationships under normal working Programme (1976). The social and environ-
conditions. The evidence in the literature is mental dimensions were each broken down
often unclear and a large range of values can into two strands. The social dimension was
be found for most of the essential related to impacts associated either with
input/output relations (see chapter by Pyle). structural development or cultural com-
Biogas plants, as currently designed and patibility; the environmental impacts were
used do not appear to be very reliable (see related to either the quality of human life or
Table 20), and the actual quantity of gas ecological balances. Structural development
produced would appear to be considerably discriminates among the impacts of alter-
less than the 'design capacity' sometimes native investments on the basis of the degree
used in the cost-benefit analyses. to which they promote self-reliance, involve
public participation in decision-making and
Three Dimensions implementation, or reduce dependence at
individual, village, and national levels.
The impact of the biogas investment and
Other impacts associated with structural
its alternatives can be compared against a development are the reduction in inequali-
number of possible 'dimensions.' Usually, ties among groups and individuals in terms
the only dimension that is considered of the distribution of needs such as con-
involves the direct technical inputs and
outputs of the biogas plant and the sumption, education, work, and power.
Cultural compatibility examines
subsequent economic analysis of these investment alternatives in terms of whether
quantities. It is advocated that two other they build on the endogenous traditions of
dimensions bç considered to give a broader the society or whether they run counter to
view of the impacts of the investment. In them.
addition to the technical/economic dimen- The quality of human life aspects of the
sion, consideration might be given to
environmental dimension incorporate those
impacts along the social and environmental
dimensions. The content of these two addi- characteristics of projects that satisfy such
needs as the need for creativity and the need
tional dimensions must be specified in some
detail and relevant 'indicators' of impacts for local initiatives. Additionally, it lays
defined. The problems of specification are emphasis
on the replacing of one type of
(such as boring, hard, dirty,
quite distinct from the problems associated
with the social and economic valuation of repetitive, degrading work) with another.
impacts once they have been established in The impacts related to ecological balances
physical terms. Values are involved to the include the extent to which nonrenewable
natural resources are used, the extent of
pollution, etc.
5Moulik and Srivastava (1975) suggested that A number of these impacts have been
"about 71% of plant owners experienced incorporated in previous analyses of the
technical problems. A large number of plants in technical/economic dimension. Impacts
the sample were closed due to these problems" (p. that have been included in this way are
120). employment effects, effects on the
distribution of income, and the costs of technical analysis. But other impacts have to
pollution. The argument here is that there is be measured on less powerful scales
considerable value in not trying to load too where the impact can only be said to be
much on the economic analysis, particularly greater or less than another or, at an even
at the second stage where the economic and lower level, where the impact can merely be
social values are ascribed. The seen to exist or not to exist. Many choices in
incorporation of many separate impacts everyday life are made on the basis of data
into the economic dimension tends to shift that cannot be precisely measured, but there
the balance of power over decision-making is a tendency in much (economic) project
in favour of the project appraiser and away analysis to pay more attention to precisely
from those who will be affected by the quantified data to the exclusion of all else.
investment. Clear problems of employment This bias in quantification sets up a
become reduced to esoteric discussions of corresponding bias when social and
shadow wage rates (Squire and van der Tak economic values are placed on these impacts
1975, p. 29). The separation of impacts into - higher value is placed on the more
three dimensions reduces the number of measurable aspects of the problem. The
assumptions that have to be made by the procedure suggested in the section entitled
project analyst and provides a useful "valuation" allows for the inclusion of data
checklist of impacts that must be examined that can only be quantified on less powerful
for each investment alternative. scales.
A large number of other impacts might
just as well have been included instead of the Limits
brief list suggested in the UNEP paper. A The emphasis so far has been on trying to
number of alternative suggestions, expand the range of problems that might be
particularly along the environmental examined and the factors that might be
dimension can be found in the work of the taken into account. At some point, however,
International Council of Scientific Unions limits have to be placed on the problem to
(1975) (SCOPE), and Marstrand et al. define its boundaries.
(1974) (SPRU). An attempt to incorporate Any investment takes place as part of a
more of the social dimension is to be found subsystem of events, and these subsystems
in Szekely (1975). connect with other subsystems. In the case
The point is that a wider range of physical of village technologies, these systems are
impacts than is usually implied by economic often compact and the alteration of one part
analysis should be considered in the of the system considerably affects another.
evaluation of new production techniques. This compactness poses particular problems
The problem of integrating these impacts in the appraisal of rural projects if the
into the decision-making process is not project is partially isolated from a 'market'
necessarily simple and will be discussed that can easily dispose of surplus outputs
later. that are created and supply needed scarce
inputs. This isolation stems from the costs of
Quantification transport and travel and from the relatively
The selection of impact indicators is large proportion of rural activities that are
clearly a crucial stage in the appraisal not monetized. In such situations the usual
process, and it is apparent that of the many assumptions of microproject appraisal that
possible indicators there is considerable the project is 'marginal' to the rest of the
variation in the extent to which they can be economy cannot be made, in the sense that
measured. The highest form of its existence will not have an effect on prices
measurement (cardinal scales) in which it is (particularly 'world prices') (Squire and van
possible to say that an impact is so many der Tak 1975, p. 32). While such
times greater or smaller than another, can be interrelatedness is a problem for SCBA, it
ascribed to many of the impacts and these may be of considerable benefit to rural
are often the core of the economic/ peoples as the by-products of one village
activity become the very cheap inputs of In such analyses the limit to the number of
another. effects that must be examined is clearly
The usefulness of the various appraisals of defined and is largely reflected by the items
biogas largely hinges on the extent to which in the firm's accounts. In social cost-benefit
these important effects within the system analysis no such clear limit (either of
have been included. Apart from the impact geography or system) exists and there
on the social and environmental cannot be a clear set of 'external' effects.
dimensions, which are often not considered, By their nature there cannot be a firm set
the analyses often disregard those effects of rules to determine which effects should be
that take place in part of the system not considered in social cost-benefit analysis.
immediately surrounding the project. Such The choice of a cut-off point, beyond which
effects have been called 'second round' or effects need not be considered, is a matter of
'linkage' effects. An example of these types judgement and experience; judgement about
of effects occurs when the output of the the likely size of possible effects the
project under consideration increases the smaller the effect the less its exclusion
supply of a particular commodity matters from the microanalysis and
sufficiently to reduce its price within the experience of the kinds of effects that have
been encountered with previous
locality. Other activities that in turn use this
commodity as an input will be affected investments. The choice and specification of
beneficially by this reduction in price. These the different dimensions along which
benefits, which occur in the 'second' round projects are to be evaluated have a certain
of transactions within the system, or which role in this respect because they draw the
induce additional 'linked' investment attention of the project analyst to a range of
further down the chain of the system, can possible effects. The application of social
legitimately be included as benefits to the cost-benefit analysis in villages would seem
project being appraised. Similar effects can to be less a problem of the rigorous
also arise in connection with the project's application of a set of economic techniques,
need for inputs. An increase in the demand but more one of understanding the
for cow dung, which might result from the variability of the context in which the
introduction of a biogas plant, can have the investment is taking place.
second round effect of reducing the Three points emerge from this discussion
availability of cow dung to other existing about the appraisal of biogas investments.
users further 'up' the chain. Improvements First, it is vitally important to examine the
in the efficiency with which wood is burned appropriate system surrounding the project.
may not only have beneficial ecological This includes examining the chain along
effects in terms of deforestation and erosion, which inputs will actually arrive at the
but it can also have harmful second round project and along which the outputs will
effects on those people whose sole source of proceed after it. It also involves ensuring
income is the collection and sale of firewood that similar 'levels' of system are being
(such a situation might arise with the wood- compared in the examination of
collecting 'tribals' of western Maharashtra alternatives. A common error is of the type
in India). in which the cost of fertilizer or fuel from
The question arises as to how many of biogas is compared with the cost of similar
these effects it is necessary (or cost-effective) outputs of larger-scale production
to examine. In the evaluation of investments techniques. However, no account is taken of
within a single commercial venture, it is the costs associated with the delivery of the
often the case that (good or bad) effects that output of the large-scale unit to the point of
do not affect the firm itself, because they do consumption (the village);6 these are the
not take place within the physical confines transmission costs of electricity or the
of the enterprise, need not be considered. delivery cost of fertilizer or kerosene. It may
These effects are described as 'externalities' be useful to use flow charts to represent the
because they are external to the enterprise. systems being compared.
Second, as the choice is always between chapter by Pyle., and include air
alternatives, it may be that the second round temperature, shock loading, poisons, and
effects will be of a similar form and size variations in inputs. Where possible,
whichever investment is made in a specific 'expected' values should be used in which
location. To the extent that this is true these each possible level of output is weighted by
effects can be excluded from the analysis the probability of its occurrence as described
without affecting the decision as to the best by Squire and van der Tak (1975, p. 44).
investment. However, in practice this logical More generally, it is important to consider
nicety is more usually the refuge of the self- whether changes in design or operating
justifying analyst! procedure, which increase the amount of gas
Third, the importance of these second produced, alter the reliability of the system.
round effects will depend on how large the It is likely that a tradeoff exists between
investment is. Even if the investment is quite increases in gas output volumes and the
small, the introduction of many such reliability of the system.
investments (as with the widespread The lack of reliability of the system in
introduction of biogas plants) may well add providing adequate supplies of fuel has been
up to the sort of nonmarginal change that quoted as a major reason for the non-
can alter many of the parameters of even a acceptance of methane generators.7 Where
highly responsive 'market' system and make this problem is important,, the physical
microproject appraisal difficult to apply. resources required to provide a backup
This raises the question of how reliable a few source of fuel (and cooking stoves etc.)
micro cost-benefit studies of biogas are should be included as additional costs for
likelyto be for deciding on such the biogas system.
nonmarginal changes as the introduction of
many thousands of biogas plants in high
concentrations. The 'whole' is obviously Valuation
going to be greater than the sum of the
'parts.' The various inputs and outputs identified
Again, a compromise must be reached on the technical, social, and environmental
between the ease of analysis and the extent dimensions have to be valued. Valuation is
to which the analysis describes the complex made explicitly and implicitly in terms of a
reality. What can be said is set of objectives, and these objectives are
that the likely to vary from person to person and
compromise should not favour economic
rather that the social and environmental among different social groups. The sorts of
dimensions, nor should it favour the groups whose objectives might be
quantifiable in preference to the considered in the evaluation of village
unquantifiable. technologies are: (1) the government (as a
proxy for society?); (2) the owners of the
investment the farmers; (3) the village as a
Reliability of the System whole; and (4) the various elements within
The estimation of the physical input/ the village: large farmers, other landowners,
output relations associated with biogas landless people, women, etc. The actual
investment must also take into account the choice will depend on the local
reliability of the system and its robustness. A circumstances and the distribution of the
number of factors which influence the effects of the investment among these
production of gas are discussed in the groups.

6This is particularly true when the only cost 7Singh (1976) contends that operational
allocated for a competing product is its unit difficulties are the single most important negative
production cost. See for instance, Government of factor militating against the acceptance of biogas
India (ICAR) 1976, p. 28, where no cost of by individual families. See also Moulik and
transporting kerosene or fertilizer is included. Srivastava (1975).

Each of these groups might be expected to imperfections' such as monopoly elements,
consider different things important and to lack of knowledge by buyers and sellers,
value them differently. The most widespread transportation costs etc. For these reasons
system of valuation might be termed adjustments have to be made in the analysis
financial analysis, but it is clearly only one of to market-price valuations. These adjusted
many possible systems. Financial analysis is prices are often termed 'shadow prices' or
usually carried out using the existing set of 'accounting prices' and have been defined as
market prices to value impacts, and the "the value of the contribution to the
objective chosen is usually related to the country's basic socio-economic objectives
maximization of profits over some specified made by any marginal change in the
time or the maintenance of some minimum availability of commodities or factors of
acceptable income level. Such analysis is production" (Squire and van der Tak 1975,
normally conducted in terms of the effects p. 26). Such a definition need not necessarily
on the investor alone. relate to the 'country's objectives' but can
Social cost-benefit analysis provides an relate to any specified group within the
alternative system of values and has usually country. The precise procedures for
been carried out from the point of view of constructing shadow prices have now
the costs and benefits to government. The become well established, and they are
objectives have been largely economic, described in considerable detail in the
involving some combination of such project appraisal manual mentioned in the
considerations as the rate of growth of the first section of this paper.
economy (and therefore the amount of It should be stressed, however, that all the
investable surplus arising from the systems described in SCBA manuals utilize
investment and the level of employment) a government objective related to the rate of
and the distribution of consumption among growth of the economy. This objective is
various groups. Such analysis takes as a sometimes modified by consideration of the
starting point that market prices do not need to trade off economic growth for
necessarily reflect the values of society. greater employment or for a more equal
The essential problem of valuation is to distribution of consumption. Costs and
find some way of combining the values benefits are therefore calculated in terms of
placed on the various impacts so as to reduce their contribution to, or savings of,
them to some manageable aggregate. In this consumption (as in the UNIDO Guidelines)
way, the 'costs' can be set against the or investment (as in Little and Mirrlees, and
'benefits' by the decision-makers. The use of Squire and van der Tak). A number of ways
money values as a basis on which to make of modifying shadow prices to reflect other
these valuations is attractive: this is the basis subobjectives are discussed in the literature;
on which many choices in everyday life are for instance, the placing of higher value on
made and it is widely understood. It is consumption that goes to satisfy the basic
normal to take market prices as a starting human needs of underprivileged groups.
point for the aggregation of impacts into Certain social and environmental effects can
costs and benefits, but two fundamental also be easily incorporated in this analysis as
reservations must be made. costs or benefits: pollution damage as a cost,
Market prices do not necessarily reflect and increased consumption of luxury items
the valuations that a particular group might valued at zero, etc. But, as argued above,
place on project impacts. The reasons for there is considerable value in keeping these
this are discussed at great length in the subobjectives separate.
literature (Squire and van der Tak 1975, p. A number of impacts are not usefully
15-18), but it is clear that market prices valued in 'money' terms, and certain
reflect the current distribution of income objectives are more easily understood when
and production, which may well be not aggregated with economic objectives.
considered to be unsatisfactory. Prices are The impacts of alternative investments can
also the result of so-called 'market be displayed in relation to a number of
separate criteria with no attempt made to investable surplus generated by the project
aggregate the impacts into a single index of that would have to be given up to increase
net benefit. It should be possible to the level of employment.
construct a matrix showing the impacts in Again no hard and fast rule can be
terms of various criteria for all the adopted. It seems that in many cases the
investments considered (see Fig. 23). data are sufficient, when presented in the
matrix form, for decisions to be made - or
INVESTMENT ALTERNATIVES- at least for areas to be identified in which
1 2 3 4 greater elaboration is required. This is
CRITERIA particularly true when the number of
A options and the number of criteria are
4C relatively small. A matrix often investment
D alternatives and up to five criteria would be
a considerable improvement on the level of
information on which many decisions are
j:j 23 A si/J)le matrix of the various ill/es!- currently based; yet, it would be sufficiently
meat aliei'natit'ev and the criteria go lernilig their small for the comparisons to be made by eye.
choice an he a 'eri use/ui tool. A certain degree of aggregation cannot be
avoided and a choice has to be made
Each cell of the matrix contains a gradation between the need to present the largest
good/neutral/bad ( +, 0, - ) or the amount of information that can be usefully
appropriate score on a cardinal scale, such handled, and the need not to bias the result
as rate of return, net present value, etc. If by attaching inappropriate weights to the
need be, some of the criteria can be given various impacts. A number of
infinite weights such that if the project has a environmental impacts for instance might
negative impact on a particular criterion, usefully be aggregated into a single scale
this outweighs any possible advantages on ranging from +5 to -5.
all the other criteria. Such an infinite Possible criteria that might be used in a
weighting might be given to certain decision matrix might include: the financial
pollution standards or to the worsening of (money) returns of the project to particular
income distribution. groups (the owner, poor sections etc); the
The problem of adopting such a matrix net present value of the social returns (from
displaying the possible effects of investment the SCBA) to the government and other
choices is that difficulties arise in trying to groups; an indicator of the relative effects of
trade off one criterion against another. For the projects on the distribution of income;
instance, how is the choice to be made an indicator of the employment generated
between one investment that scores high on per unit of capital invested (or per unit of
one criterion and low on another and an some other scarce resource); an indicator of
alternative investment that has exactly the the damage to the environment, if any; and
opposite characteristics? First, it is rarely the an indicator of the contribution to the
case that decision-makers can specify in village's self-reliance. The selection of the
advance the precise (mathematical) weights criteria will depend on who is making the
that they would give to different criteria decision: for a particular group many of
(such weights can be estimated in retrospect these criteria will be unnecessary and a
on the basis of previous decisions, but there decision will be more clear cut.
is no reason why the decision-makers should Such criteria do not have to be used in the
consistently stick to such a valuation, purely passive function of screening out
UNIDO 1972, Chapter 18). Second, the data investment alternatives; they can also be
can be presented in such a way that they used actively to define the kind of
show how much of the score on one criterion technology that is required. With the bias in
has to be given up to gain increases in the current distribution of research and
another; for instance, the reduction in the development expenditure in the world, it is

likely that many current village level Valuation According to Market
technologies are less developed than the Prices
technologies used in urban and richer In certain areas cow dung is bought and
societies. Therefore, the evaluation of the sold, and this price might be an indicator of
existing range of techniques may well show the return that could be achieved from other
the more developed 'western' techniques to uses of dung. The argument is that dung
be superior. But, it would seem possible to would be sold for more money if the market
design techniques for use at the village level price underestimated the uses to which it
that would satisfy a number of social could be put, and would have no sales value
objectives and also produce high social and at all if the market price exceeded the return
financial returns. that could be expected. However, it is
known that cow dung is only partially
exchanged for money in India only 2% is
Valuation of Common traded according to an ICAR Report
(Government of India 1976, p. 2), and less
Inputs and Outputs than 5% is sold in Pakistan (Government of
The general idea behind the valuation that Pakistan 1969, p. 67). Therefore, the dung
is traded may not be representative of
suggested here is that of 'opportunity cost.' all the dung available. This may be because
That is, all inputs and outputs of the project those who sell dung may place a low value
being appraised should be valued in terms of
on it because they have no land on which to
the loss to the chosen objective that would
have resulted had they been put to their next use it as fertilizer and cannot use it all as a
best alternative use rather than in the project fuel; conversely those wishing to buy the
dung might have no money.
being appraised. This principle is of crucial
importance, particularly where many of the
items in the evaluation are not traded. Valuation in Terms of the Use of
The procedure involves deciding what Dung as a Fertilizer
real alternatives there are to the use of In this valuation it is argued that the next
particular inputs and outputs. In villages, best thing to putting the dung into the
the real alternatives (rather than fanciful methane generator is to put it directly on the
ones) are often difficult to establish, but the fields. The opportunity cost of the dung
'alternative use' actually chosen when used in the generator is the loss of the
considerably affects the viability of each fertilizer value of the dung when used on the
investment. It is for this reason that the fields. Two points need to be emphasized.
conclusions about the feasibility of a scheme First, the dung will also have a fertilizer
in one location are often difficult to value once it has been passed through the
generalize to another. generator (i.e. as slurry), and although there
The principles of opportunity cost is no reason to believe that the fertilizer
valuation will become more apparent in the value of dung will equal that for slurry (some
discussion of the following five broad studies show a superiority for the slurry,
categories of inputs and outputs associated Sathianathan 1975, p. 81-83; also see case
with biogas: cellulosic organic material such study 1) the fact that similar procedures for
as dung inputs and slurry outputs; methane valuation are used means that any errors
gas; labour; capital; and other outputs such that are made on the cost side in the
as the improvements in public health. valuation of the dung will be off-set to some
extent by similar errors on the benefit side in
Cellulosic Organic Material the valuation of the slurry. Second, the
fertilizer value of the dung might be changed
There would seem to be five possible if it were aerobically composted before
opportunity costs for the valuation of these being put on the land. This emphasizes that
inputs. it is important to consider the net cost of the

dung to the methane project. If the dung is organic and chemical fertilizer are
put directly into the generator, certain significant, either an adjustment can be
savings might be made in terms of the labour made in the value of the dung or these
and other costs associated with the benefits can be picked up by the second
composting process. The fertilizer value of method of obtaining the fertilizer value of
the compost is counted as a cost to the dung.
project and the savings resulting from not The fertilizer value of dung and slurry can
having to do the composting are counted as alternatively be estimated in terms of the net
benefits. increase in crop output resulting from their
The value of the dung (and the spent use. This is, in principle, the most correct
slurry) as fertilizer can be obtained in two formulation of the opportunity cost of the
ways. The more usual method is to establish dung (or slurry), but it may also be the most
the content in the dung of the chemicals that difficult to establish. Not only are there the
are useful to plant growth (N, P, K) and problems of establishing the physical
value these at the farm-gate cost (i.e. increase in crop output due solely to the
including transport etc.) of an equivalent dung, but theoretically it is also necessary to
amount of factory produced chemical establish the correct shadow price for the
fertilizer. A number of problems arise with crop.
this method of valuation. First, it cannot be
assumed that the plant nutrients contained Valuation in Terms of Use as a
in the dung can be quantified with certainty, Fuel
as considerable variation is indicated in the
The amount of dung used as fuel varies
literature. Second, the price of the factory considerably from region to region and
produced chemicals may bear no relation to among the estimates of the various
the 'social' costs of production. This may beresearchers. The National Council for
because of taxes and subsidies (which can be
easily taken into account) or because the Applied Economic Research put the figure
for India at 22%; the highest figure is given
market cost of production does not reflect
the 'social' costs of production. The points for Bihar State with 60% of the dung
made earlier about the inadequacy of diverted for fuel purposes.8 The heat value
of the dung can be estimated, together with
market prices apply equally here, but the the amount of usable heat that will be
point that has particular relevance is that the obtained in the current stoves, and this can
foreign exchange cost of the product might be related to the cost of providing an
not be sufficiently reflected in the price. The
manual of project appraisal that has been were alternative fuel (kerosene, electricity if this
used for cooking, wood, or coal).
recommended (Squire and van der Tak
1975) approaches this problem by valuing
such products in terms of 'world' (or more Valuation in Terms of a 'Free
precisely import/export) prices. Other Good'
approaches attach a special shadow price This is a situation in which the input was
weighting to the foreign exchange previously unused. This would be most
component of the costs. A third problem unlikely with dung, but in certain situations
with this approach is the assumption that it might exist with crop wastes. In this
the beneficial effects of dung, compost, or situation the opportunity cost might be
slurry are equivalent to their content of thought to be close to zero (with the only
(chemical) plant nutrients such as nitrogen,
potassium, and phosphorus. This is clearly 8Government of India (ICAR) (1976, P. 10),
not the case. These 'organic' fertilizers also Government of Pakistan (1969. p. 65), suggest
have the added effect on soil structure of that less than 4% of collected manure is used as a
adding humus, which increases moisture fuel. Berger (1976, p. II) suggests that in both
retention in the soil and helps prevent soil Nepal and Korea, wood is the major source of
erosion etc. If these differences between fuel in rural areas. See also Mardon(1976, p. 16).

cost being the costs of collection). But this plant that already exists, but is operating at
raises a fundamental issue within this sort of less than full capacity, might be extremely
analysis: although the crop wastes were not small merely the marginal costs of the
being used, they probably could have been. power plant and the additional transmission
Should the opportunity cost therefore be equipment. Where villages are close to
zero or the net benefit foregone had the existing main-line grids, the cost of
'waste' been used more productively? This is electricity might be very low indeed (though
perhaps a complicated way of saying that if a the price charged by government is likely to
commodity had previously been unused it is equate to the average cost - illustrating a
worth considering the full range of possible difference between the private and social
uses for it before throwing it into the returns to such a plan). A similar problem
methane generator! arises when the price of electricity is
calculated on the basis of a new plant, the
Valuation in Terms of a 'Nuisance' oldest plant, or some sort of average of the
This is a situation in which the dung or two. It is to be expected that these prices will
other waste was previously a nuisance and vary considerably.
had to be removed or treated at a cost. This If the alternative to biogas is wood (and
can arise with intensive animal rearing ICAR suggests that for India wood satisfies
where the dung is seen as an effluent 58.6% of rural fuel needs, Government of
problem rather than as an asset9. In such a India (ICAR) 1976, p. 9; Berger 1976, p. 11;
case, the 'cost' of using the dung in the Mardon 1976, p. 16) the cost in terms of the
methane generator would, in fact, enter into opportunity cost of the labour required to
the analysis as a benefit (i.e. as a negative collect the wood might considerably exceed
cost a cost with the opposite sign to all the any other valuation such as the market price
other costs). or the thermal equivalent of another fuel. It
has even been suggested that the time taken
to collect wood in some areas has changed in
Methane Gas recent years from a minor chore to the full-
The same principles for valuation apply time occupation of individual members of
here as with the dung; indeed it should now the family (Makhijani 1976, p. 26). The
be clear that the difference between a cost other cost associated with the use of wood is
and a benefit, between an input and an that of deforestation leading to erosion and
output, is merely the sign (plus or minus). flooding (Republic of Korea 1975, p. 2).
The gas is valued in relation to the real cost Theoretically, it might be possible to
of alternative energy sources (including the establish the loss of crops resulting from the
cost of supply). It is worth noting, that if the erosion, or the cost of making good the
alternative energy source were electricity damage done by erosion. But, in most
(electricity is rarely used for cooking but analyses of this sort some arbitrary
clearly is an alternative if the biogas is to be additional weighting is applied to the cost of
used for lighting or motive power), there is a wood to see what effect it has on the
question as to what price should be used for viability of the various schemes (conversely
electricity. Apart from subsidies,'° a it might be useful to show what weighting
characteristic of electricity generation is would have to be put on the cost of wood in
huge economies of scale combined with order to make the biogas plant compete with
considerable 'lumpiness' in the size of other processes for the production of
possible investments. This means that the fertilizer and fuel).
marginal cost of supplying electricity from a
°Makhijani and Poole (1975, p. 98). The
9Such is the case in Fiji and other Pacific actual cost of electricity to a large Indian village is
countries where the sanitary disposal of wastes about 8-10 US cents per KWH. However, the
from intensive commercial piggeries is necessary rural customers are only charged about 2 cents
(see Solly and Yarrow 1975). because of government subsidies.

Certain costs associated with the use of Problems of Consumer Surplus
fuel before the introduction of the methane The previous two sections have described
investment, such as the cooking stove, are a number of possible ways of valuing dung
'sunk costs' that would have been and gas. The actual valuation chosen will
undertaken whether the investment in depend on a view of the real alternative use
biogas is made or not. (For a discussion of of the dung or the real substitute for the gas.
sunk costs see Squire and van der Tak 1975, The justification for the biogas plant is not
p. 21.) Such costs should theoretically not only that there will be savings in alternative
appear as part of the costs associated with fuels (wood) and fertilizer (chemical
the alternatives to biogas; the comparison is nitrogen etc.), but that there will be a greater
between the future fixed and variable costs quantity of fuel and fertilizer available when
of biogas production and the future fixed the biogas plant starts operating. This
and variable costs of the alternative greater quantity is accounted for
(but also see previous section "The automatically in the analysis with the
Reliability of the System"). estimation of the fuel and fertilizer output of
In certain circumstances the value of the the plant. However, the valuation suggested
gas might be assumed to be equal to the cost in the previous sections may have to be
of production (less the value of fertilizer). modified because it may not be legitimate to
This valuation might be used when the value all this extra fuel output in terms of the
comparison is with some other form of price ('cost') paid for the smaller quantity of
energy. fuel that was used prior to the introduction
If the CO2 produced in conjunction with of biogas. The people cannot 'buy' the new
the methane is separated in a usable form, increased quantity of gas at the old price.
this should also be valued in terms of its net Figure 24 shows the demand for fuel and
benefit further down the chain of two alternative supplies: wood and biogas.
investments. If the CO2 is used to increase With the introduction of biogas the quantity
plant growth in greenhouses, its value is the of fuel used rises from q, to q2. It has been
value of the increased crops minus the cost suggested above that the valuation could
of separating the gas and delivering it to the either be in terms of the cost of woodp, or
greenhouse. the cost of biogas productionp2. If p, is used
The opportunities for using the gas might this sets the gross benefit of the project equal
well be increased if the gas can be to p x q2 (or the rectangle p, r q2 o). From
compressed, stored, and transported. The this would be subtracted the previous
technical problems and the costs, both in situationp, x q,, to determine the net effects.
terms of expensive cylinders and the cost of This clearly overestimates the benefits of the
compression, would seem to present scheme by the area urs. The comparison
considerable problems, but compression betweenp, x q, with P2 x q2 underestimates
would expand the range of possible users for the benefits by the area uls.
the gas and would allow for its sale." If the
gas can be sold then the number of people SUPPLY OF WOOD
who might be willing to run and own biogas w
plants is increased by those who do not 0 SUPPLY OF BIOGAS
themselves have sufficient demand for the 0
gas. If the gas can be transported, this would P1
make possible the building of larger
community-scale plants. P2

"Both Prasad et al. (1974, p. 1358) and
Makhijani (1976, p. 17) feel that the storage of Fig. 24. Diagrammatic representation of the
large quantities of methane is prohibitively demand for fuel and the supply of wood and
expensive under current village conditions. biogas.

This difference in valuation would only certain nutrients (in the water soluble
matter if the demand for fuel were, in fact, ammonia) will be lost. In practice, it might
downward sloping as shown in Fig. 24. If in be expected that at certain times of the year
any real situation, over the relevant range of the slurry would be stored and dried and at
prices and quantities, the demand for fuel others, put straight on to the fields. The
was not influenced by price (i.e. the demand valuation of labour can therefore be the
curve in Fig. 24 was horizontal), then the deciding factor in the comparison of large-
valuation of gas in terms of the wood price and small-scale techniques (see Disney 1976
would be correct. But if the demand curve and case studies presented later).
does slope downward, the correct procedure Labour is clearly not a homogeneous
is to measure the gross benefit to the project category. Some of the tasks associated with
in terms of the whole areap1 us q2. This may biogas can be done by unemployed unskilled
be approximated to the average between the labour (possibly the labour of children), but
old and the new price and the average of the other tasks require considerably more skill.
ewand old quantity: Each type of labour might be expected to
[(Pt + P2)!2] x [q + q2)/2] have a different opportunity cost. The
A corresponding problem arises with the opportunity cost of women's labour is likely
valuation of the gas in terms of the labour to be different from that of men in many
cost of collecting an equivalent amount of societies.
wood. The labour saved as a result of using In many developing countries the value of
the gas cannot exceed the amount of labour skilled labour may be underestimated by its
actually used in the situation without the market price. The value of a skilled
biogas plant when the wood was collected. It technician needed to rectify the problems of
would be an error to attribute to the gas the a biogas plant may be much greater to the
value saved had a larger amount of wood farmer than the cash amount that he is
(equivalent to the increased volume of fuel charged. It is important therefore to cost
provided by the gas) been collected. This into the analysis of biogas a realistic
kind of error is often made when the cost of valuation for skilled labour. At the limit,
wood is calculated per unit weight (kg) and certain levels of skill just will not be
this unit cost figure is then used to value the available at the village level and the cost of
increased amount of fuel provided by the such skills is effectively infinitely high - a
gas. plant design that requires these skills cannot
work in the village situation. Such skills
Labour might be associated with the maintenances
The valuation of labour is given extensive of gas compression equipment.
treatment in project appraisal manuals
because the employment of labour is often Capital
considered both a cost and a benefit to the Capital is extensively treated in the cost-
project. In relation to biogas plants, the benefit manuals in terms of its opportunity
labour input to family-sized plants for cost, and in terms of problems of
mixing and charging is often quite small (of 'discounting' costs and benefits that occur
the order of 20 minutes per day), and it may over differing time profiles to a common
well be that the use of this labour has no 'present value' (Squire and van der Tak
opportunity cost. However, the valuation of 1975, p. 75). In choices associated with
labour used for carrying and spreading the village investment, what constitutes capital,
spent slurry will depend crucially on the its availability, and its alternative uses is
characteristics of the labour situation in the difficult to establish.
village and on previous practices for
handling fertilizer and dung.12 The tran- '2Berger (1976, p. 4) estimates that about an
sportation of the wet slurry will be more hour is necessary for diluting and mixing slurry.
difficult and costly than the transport of the There are no estimates available for the amount
much drier dung. If the slurry is dried, of time involved in disposing of slurry.

If the capital referred to is at least partly Other Outputs
the funds that the government is willing to
invest in the scheme, then its opportunity A number of other outputs associated
cost might be expected to differ from the with biogas investments, which pose
opportunity cost of the capital controlled by particular problems of quantification and
the people in the village. valuation, were dealt with in general terms
Many of the designs for biogas that earlier. An output such as the reduction in
currently exist are very expensive in terms of the transmission of human pathogens,
the sorts of (capital) items that have to be which could result from the processing of
purchased from outside the village human waste through a biogas plant, is a
particularly the cost of the sheet steel that is particular case in point. The increase in the
often used for the gas storage container.'3 value of human waste when it can be gasified
New designs are clearly possible that reduce might help encourage people to dispose of
the number of these purchased items either excreta safely. It is unlikely to be possible to
by switching to cheaper materials (wood and specify in precise quanTifative terms the
plastics) or by switching to materials that reduction in illness that would result from
exist in the village and have very low the safe disposal of excreta because many
opportunity costs (oil drums, local bricks, other factors influence health. The safe
water). disposal of excreta may be a necessary
With village investment, the absolute size condition for the improvement of health,
of the 'initial investment' is an important but it is not a sufficient condition. Even if the
factor. It is of little importance that the rate effect on health could be quantified there
of return is good, or the net present value would be other problems in placing values
(NPV) is positive, if the necessary level of on such a reduction.
initial capital is not available to the villager. This problem can be approached in two
Access to capital is an essential part of the ways. First, when biogas is being compared
political process and capital is clearly not with other 'high' levels of technology, such
rationed solely on the basis of its cost (the as the factory production of urea, the
rate of interest). Access to capital will be a benefits from the safe disposal of human
major determinant in the rate of adoption of waste can be introduced as an explicit, but
biogas plants and therefore in the pattern of qualitative, objective in the decision matrix
their ownership. discussed earlier. It is unlikely that the
Where loans are involved, the cash factory production of urea will have any
returns to the project also become public health benefit in the villages, and it is
important. Although many of the then possible to see what value would have
opportunity-cost benefits of the biogas to be placed on the safe disposal of excreta
investment may be quite large, the cash to make the biogas plant as 'profitable' as
value of these returns might be insufficient the urea plant (it is, of course, possible that
to pay back required loans (Moulik and no such weighting is necessary).
Srivastava 1975, p. 60-62). When this is the Second, when the comparison is among
case, there may be good reason for the different biogas designs, all of which have
government to subsidize the loan so that the some potential public health benefits, a
social returns rather than financial returns conflict can arise between the need to
are maximized)4 An analysis based solely dispose of human waste safely and the
on the cash transactions associated with the objective of producing the maximum
investment is therefore a necessary part of amount of gas per day in a digester of fixed
the evaluation of biogas systems. size. This can occur when the retention time

3Berger (1976, p. 13) shows the cost of the '41n Korea when the government terminated
cover is over one-third of the total construction its heavy subsidy to the construction costs of
costs. Prasad et al. (1974) give 35% quoting biogas plants there was nearly a complete
KVIC (1975, p. 1355). cessation in the number of plants installed.

needed to kill all the pathogens in the be compared with the value of the liquid part
excreta exceeds the retention time that of the slurry in its alternative use most
would give the maximum gas production likely the returns from putting it on the fields
per unit of time. In this case, it is only and the subsequent increase in crop yields.
possible to show the reduction in the daily The advantages of taking the fish
production of gas that would result from production option might be savings in
extending the retention time long enough to transport costs of the wet slurry to the fields
kill the pathogens. It is then left to the and the greater utilization by the algae of the
decision-maker to decide whether the plant nutrients in the slurry.
benefit of improved health is worth the cost It is not always necessary to evaluate the
of the gas lost. various intermediate outputs (such as the
Benefits resulting from the possible slurry) in the chain because the purpose of
improvement in the domestic environment the analysis is to weigh the primary inputs to
following the reduction in wood and dung the system against the final outputs. This
smoke that results from the introduction of valuation can only take place when the
biogas would have to be accounted for in a system has reached a stable state. There is a
similar way. certain danger of 'double counting' in the
The reduction in the time taken for analysis of systems when intermediate
cooking when using biogas compared with products are valued: first, any commodity
using dung and wood would first be must be ascribed the same value regardless
balanced against the extra time taken in of whether it is an output or an input of the
managing the biogas plant. Any surplus system; second, the value of an intermediate
labour would then be valued according to output cannot be valued as a net benefit to
the opportunity costs of that particular type the project if it is subsequently used as an
of labour. input elsewhere in the system. It would seem
that in one study this mistake was made and
Opportunity Costs in Relation the values of the slurry (as fertilizer), the
to Chains or Systems of algae (as protein), and the fish (as protein)
Investment were all counted as net benefits to the same
project (Philippines de la Salla University).
Biogas plants are often advocated as part Perhaps the largest source of error in the
of a larger system in which the output of one evaluation of these chains of investment is
part of the system becomes an input to that the physical input/output relations of
another. There is evidence to suggest that the system are incorrectly estimated. The
additional investments to provide inputs or proponents of these systems become over-
to use outputs can raise the return from the enthusiastic and leave out of the analysis
biogas plant (for instance, when the liquid certain inputs that are required to make the
from the slurry of biogas plants is connected cycle work. Examples can be found of
to ponds in which algae are grown and systems that seem to be out of balance (Tyler
subsequently fed to fish etc. - see chapter 1973).
by Pyle). This poses no problem to the
opportunity-cost analysis (all investments
are in principle part of such a system), but in Case Studies
practice, care has to be taken in sorting the
net effects on the whole system from these The following case studies have been
additional upstream and downstream selected to illustrate different approaches to
investments. The benefits to the biogas the evaluation of biogas technology and to
investment from putting part of the slurry highlight some of the points made
through ponds to grow algae and then fish, previously. The number of thorough
will be the value of the fish minus the cost of economic evaluations of biogas is very small
constructing and running the various ponds. and those chosen here are among the best,
Investment in these projects would have to but the purpose of this section is to point out

possible points of weakness in the case which gas is produced; the proportion of
studies rather than to praise them. The dung that was burned in the previous
examination of these case studies situation; and different ways of valuing the
concentrates on the conceptual problems methane gas.
involved rather than on an evaluation of the By way of illustration, the numbers are
empirical data. It is important to note that presented for a 60 ft3/day (l.7m3/day) plant
quite wide variations in many of the crucial using the assumptions that there is a 50% ef-
parameters are to be found among the case ficiency of gas production, the gas is valued
studies, even when similar plants are at the cost of a thermally equivalent amount
involved, and this raises some doubts as to of kerosene, and either all the dung was
the precise conclusions that can be drawn previously burned (a) or all the dung was
from these studies (see for instance Table previously used as fertilizer (b).
Inputs per year
Dung + Generator + Labour
Case Study 1
(ICAR 1976, particularly Outputs per year
pages 25-35, 6 1-62) Gas + Slurry fertilizer
This is a very professional report that Each of these items can be valued ac-
attempts to fill the gap in detailed cording to the data supplied by ICAR on an
information about the viability of biogas annual basis.
plants in India. A comparison is made of six The opportunity cost of the dung:
sizes of biogas plant and current fuel and either as fuel P2 x D
fertilizer practices. No consideration is given = 0.0545 x 730 x 5
to the wider aspects of other village Rs198.92/year; or
investments or to alternative means of as fertilizer P3 ) M1
satisfying fuel and fertilizer needs. It is 0.04 x 2.50 x 730 x 5
stated (on p. 25-26) that the net returns per Rs365/ year
plant per year (R) from the investment in the opportunity cost of the generator,
each size of biogas plant, over the returns including the labour cost of running it:
from the existing practice for fuel and ferti- P1(g) 60 ft (l-% downtime) x 365
lizer, is equal to the gross value of the = 0.0165 x 60 x 0.9 x 365
methane gas and the slurry (A), minus the Rs329
value of the dung, had part of it been burned the opportunity cost of the gas:
directly and the rest used as farm yard C K x 365
manure (B), minus the cost of the main- 0.0186 x 0.5 x 60 x 365
tenance of the biogas plant (E). So that R RS203.67
(A - B - E). The net present value is then the the opportunity cost of the slurry as
discounted value of R, minus the investment fertilizer:
cost (1). p4 x M2
The gas is valued according to the market = 0.05 3.65 )< 730 x 5
price of a thermally equivalent amount of Rs666. 125
kerosene; the slurry is valued as a fertilizer,
but no indication is given as to the method of Where:
valuation; and the dung is valued both in K capacity of the cow dung gas plant
terms of its fertilizer value (but again no (ft3/day) (1 ft3 = 0.028 m3)
method is given) and the market price of its 1 investment in the gas plant (Rs)
equivalent thermal value of kerosene. This d dung produced per animal per day
analysis illustrates how simple 'sensitivity' (kg)
analysis can be carried out to show how N number of animals required per plant
sensitive the profitability of the schemes are W wet dung processed per plant per year
to changes in the value of: the efficiency with = 365 Nd(kg)

D: dry dung available per year from with results in the ICAR report that show a:
dung of equivalent quantity as pro- 3460 and b 2040. The difference is due to
cessed in a gas plant (kg) the exclusion of the labour costs of running
G: methane gas produced per plant per the plant in the ICAR calculation.
year 365 K (ft) A number of points emerge from this
M1 farmyard manure obtained per year study.
from dung of equivalent quantity as It is worth noting that the above
processed in a gas plant (kg) calculation is equivalent to comparing the
M2: gobar-gas manure obtained per plant situation with the investment and the
per year (kg) situation without it; this can be easily
C: efficiency of gas production (varying shown:
from 0 to 1) The situation 'with' is
f: proportion of cow dung used as fuel Dung + Generator + Labour -
in the existing system (varying from Gas Heat + Fertilizer
0 to 1) The situation 'without' is
1-f: proportion of cow dung used for Dung + Stove + Labour Dung Heat
making manure in the existing system If B is subtracted from A, and the stove is
gross return per year from cow dung considered a 'sunk cost' because it is an
gas plant from value of methane gas expense incurred before the decision to go
and gobar-gas manure (Rs) ahead with biogas, the net effect is:
B: gross return from existing practice
from value of dung fuel and farmyard Generator - Gas Heat - Dung Heat +

manure (Rs) Fertilizer

E recurring maintenance expenditure which is the same as:
per plant per year (Rs) Dung (Heat) + Generator -øGas(Heat) +
R: net return per plant per year over Slurry Fertilizer
existing usage from the investment in
a gas plant (Rs)
(A B-E) The value of the slurry in this calculation
rate of interest (per rupee per annum) is far greater than the value of the gas (Rs666
economic life of the plant in years compared with Rs204/year). But it is un-
price of methane gas in Rs per ft necessary to anaerobically digest dung
(subscript g is generation cost, t is unless gas is required. It would certainly be
thermal equivalent cost) worth comparing the situation of corn-
p2 price of dung fuel in Rs per kg posting-plus-kerosene with the biogas situa-
p3 price of farmyard manure in Rs per tion; the gross returns of the compost might
kg be lower, but it might involve considerably
price of gobar-gas manure in Rs per less investment than biogas.
kg The slurry was considered to be much
Therefore: more valuable than the dung by ICAR. This
is possible, but again the opportunity cost of
Inputs per year Outputs per year the dung should perhaps be the net value of
Rs 198.92 + 329 Rs 666.125 + 203.6 composting the dung rather than its value
Rs 365 + 329 Rs 666.125 + 203.6 unprocessed in any way.
Therefore profit, per year (a) Rs342 and (b) Certain costs were not apparently
Rs 176. included in the analysis: water; cooking
equipment for use with gas; costs of
The net present value (NPV) is given by distributing the gas (though this is
the formula (l-(l+r))/r, and for a project mentioned); and the transport of kerosene
life of 20 years and at 10% interest it equals (and fertilizer?).
8.5 136 (where r :0.1 and n = 2). Therefore, No explanation is given for the valuation
NPV: (a) 2912 and (b) 1498. This compares of dung and slurry, nor is this considered

sufficiently important to merit inclusion in Calculations are carried out to show the cost
the sensitivity analysis. Inputs (such as crop per tonne of nitrogen produced by each
residues) other than dung are also not technology. If the capital costs associated
considered in the calculations, though they with the production of an equivalent
are mentioned. amount of nitrogen are correct, current
In the valuation of gas in terms of biogas plants use between 2.5 and 8 times
kerosene, there is no discussion of the use of more capital per unit of nitrogen output
market prices. For instance, a shadow than conventional plants. These
foreign exchange rate might have been used intermediate techniques are not necessarily
to more truly reflect the cost to the economy less capital intensive (per unit of output)
of kerosene. The gas might also have been than the 'high' technology, but as Disney
valued in terms of the thermal equivalent of also mentions, biogas plants not only
wood; wood is mentioned as an expensive produce nitrogen but also gas. It is argued in
fuel in the report. his paper that with the historical process of
The sensitivity of the calculations to technical change in which costs have tended
changes in the life of the project and the to be reduced largely at the capital intensive
interest rate were calculated. Reductions in (K/L) end of the spectrum of available
interest rate and increases in life expectancy techniques, the superiority of western
have the effect of improving the net present technology is to be expected.
values. The study is well argued and illustrates
The problems of income distribution were another form of the evaluation of biogas
considered to the extent that it is stated that: this time in comparison with another
"it would be evident from the above provider of fertilizer. The gas from the
description that the present plant designs are biogas plant is treated as a 'negative cost'
beneficial solely to the cattle-owning rural (i.e. as a benefit) to the production of
rich." nitrogen. The costs of transporting chemical
The private cost-benefit analysis is nitrogen to the user, which are essential in a
certainly an attempt to bring out the comparison of this kind, are included in the
important point that the returns to the analysis.
actual investor are somewhat different from A partial sensitivity analysis was carried
the social returns. It is not clear, however, out for changes in both the shadow price for
why it is assumed that the farmer would foreign exchange and the cost of
have paid cash for chemical fertilizers had he transporting the urea for the conventional
not had the biogas plant; nor is it clear why plant. For the biogas plant, sensitivity to
the farmer would not also have paid cash for changes in the capital costs, the proportion
kerosene. The results would also have been of nitrogen in the slurry, and the
very different if the fertilizer value of the opportunity cost of the dung were
dung had been raised by a composting considered.
process. Gas is valued in terms of a thermally
equivalent amount of electricity (at
RsO.012/ft3; I ft O.028m3); the cost of
Case Study 2 dung is allowed to vary widely between
(Disnej' 1976, particular/i' pages 9-15) RslOO and 20 per tonne and is based to some
The paper starts with the view that "the extent on coal as an alternative fuel; and the
superficial attractiveness of intermediate slurry is valued in terms of its nitrogen con-
technology may. . . be overstated by some of tent (1.6%).
its more enthusiastic supporters." To sup- The major problems with this analysis are
port this view a comparison is made of the that labour is inadequately valued for the
production of nitrogen fertilizer by existing biogas plants, and the selection of variables
designs of biogas plants (in India) and by the to be altered in the sensitivity analysis might
more conventional process that produces be considered biased. (Some of these
chemical nitrogen in the form of urea. problems have been corrected in the revised
version published in "Development and such as ICAR's produces a gas value per
Change.") tonne of nitrogen of Rs6500 rather than the
Labour is represented as 86% of the total Rs4200 used by Disney. If this lower figure is
costs of the small biogas plant's costs and used the cost per tonne of nitrogen is further
37% of the larger plant's costs (assuming the reduced by (6500-4200) Rs2300, making the
'high' cost of dung). The valuation of labour larger biogas plants cheaper than all the
istherefore crucial in determining the conventional urea techniques even using the
competitiveness of the biogas system. A 'high' cost of dung. It is not clear why the gas
figure of Rs12/day is used even though the should have been valued in terms of
Indian Council for Agricultural Research electricity rather than wood, kerosene, or
used Rs4/day. Disney does adjust his even coal as coal was used to establish the
labour costs to some extent before making opportunity cost of dung.
his final calculations by reducing the The volume of gas actually produced is
amount of manpower required to run the assumed equal to the plant's design capacity.
plants, but the labour bill is still a substantial This is unlikely and therefore the cost per
input. In certain village situations it might tonne of nitrogen would be higher than is
be expected that labour would have a very suggested here.
low (even zero) opportunity cost and some Two further points are of interest.
people consider that one of the greatest No interest is charged for the use of the
advantages of the biogas system is that it can capital in any of the calculations in this
utilize this resource, if a zero opportunity paper. It is usual to calculate annual capital
cost of labour is used to test the sensitivity of costs as an 'annuity' what equal annual
the analysis to changes in the cost of labour, amounts have a present value equal to the
all the biogas plants produce nitrogen more cost of the capital: for example
cheaply than the smallest conventional plant
(with the exception of the smallest biogas Annual Payment = K (1 (1 +r) _fl)
plant when the dung price is 'high', see Table r
The sensitivity of the paper's conclusions where K capital 3360, r 10% per an-
might also have been tested against changes num, and n 10.
in other variables. The value of the bracket can be found in
The ratio of slurry to gas (27 kg/ISO ft) is discounting tables (e.g. Lawson and Windle
similar to the figures used by Prasad et al. 1974): 33606.I446 546 annually. This is
1974, but less than the figures used by the more correct than taking the total interest
Indian Council for Agricultural Research payable over the 10 years (3360 x Ø, x 10 =
(which would be equivalent to 87 kg at the 3360) and adding this to the capital costs
150 ft level) and by Sathianathan (1975) (3360 + 3360 = 6720) and spreading this
who uses a range of between 27 and 99 kg at equally over ten years (6720 -- 10 672
150 ft. These increases would considerably annually).
influence the balance of costs and reduce the An essential assumption of Disney's
cost per unit of nitrogen produced. analysis is that slurry has no value other
The value of gas (RsO.012) is less than the than as nitrogen. This is not in fact the case
figure used by ICAR (RsO.0 186). A value because the slurry also contains humus and
Table 34. Costs (Rs) per tonne of producing nitrogen using biogas plants, when the cost of dung is
assumed to be either high' or Slow,' compared with urea plants.
Cost of Small Large Small Large
dung biogas plant biogas plant urea plant urea plant
High 4618.75 2109.38
2332.00 1828.70
Low -681.25 -2034.37

trace elements. Therefore, the value of these The point that is being made here is not
extra elements should be subtracted from whether any one particular value is correct
the cost of producing nitrogen in the biogas but rather that it is unlikely that the fertilizer
system. and the gas benefits could be obtained
without some (opportunity) costs elsewhere
associated with the use of the dung, etc.
Case Study 3 The estimation of the annual capital costs
(Prasad el al. 1974, particular/v of the plant is omitted from early calcula-
pages 1353, 1355, 1364) tions, but is included in more detailed
calculation at Rs4350 per year. This is an
This is perhaps the most widely quoted annuity equivalent to a 30-year plant life and
and influential article written on biogas in an interest rate of 10%/year. If these costs
recent years. It is a masterly marshaling of a are included, the total annual costs of the
huge amount of data into a coherent and 5000-ft plant rise by 36% from Rs12206 to
easily read argument. It raises a number of 16556.
issues and considers many of the alternatives If the figures used for rural electrification
with which biogas can be compared. The are correct, it appears that there is a massive
comparisons between biogas and rural subsidy being paid to electricity generation.
electrification on the one hand, and biogas This could either be a direct subsidy from
and urea plants on the other, represent only the government or it could be an indirect
a small proportion of the paper and are subsidy involving the government
"intended mainly to stimulate detailed cost-
underwriting the losses of the electricity
benefit analysis of alternatives." However, company that these figures suggest. A third
for the purposes of this case study only these possibility is that the subsidy is a transfer
two comparisons are considered. payment from the urban population if the
profits arising from electricity sales in urban
Comparison with Electricity areas are sufficient to allow the electricity
A quite wide range of inputs and outputs company to sell electricity to the rural
are identified for a 5000 ft3/day (140 population at the figures quoted.
m3/day) plant and some of them are The comparison of biogas with electricity
quantified. The largest omission from the also illustrates a possible confusion between
list is the cost (the opportunity cost) of the 'prices' and 'values.' For instance, no value is
dung. The assumption implicit in an analysis attached to the free provision of gas for
presented in this form is that the dung has no cooking to all the village houses, but at the
other use (a zero opportunity cost) and that same time, prices are attached to the slurry
only the cost associated with its use is the that is produced by the biogas plant, but
cost of collection. The inclusion of an which may well not actually be bought for
opportunity cost for the dung would make cash by the villagers. It is essential to
quite a difference to the apparent viability of separate the analysis into two distinct parts:
the biogas plants. If the figures used by the one in which both the costs and the benefits
Indian Council for Agricultural Research are valued according to their 'social
are used (and these seem to be on the high opportunity cost' and another in which the
side) the cost of the necessary dung would costs and benefits are valued according to
have been in the region of Rs 13412 / year (if the actual cash transactions that occur.
the dung had previously been burned) and
Rs24 609/year (had the dung been used as a Comparison with a Urea Plant
fertilizer). This is compared with a benefit This is a considerably more rudimentary
stream of Rs38 300/year and a running cost analysis than the comparison with
(excluding capital) of Rs 12206. If the ICA R electricity, It attempts merely to show the
figures are used then a corresponding rough orders of magnitude associated with
adjustment would have to be made to each system. The comparison is made
increase the value of the slurry. largely on the basis of the ratios of capital to

output (or capital to turnover) and capital to might well be thought to be overly optimis-
labour. This formulation makes it difficult tic. This problem with the data is recognized
to compare the two processes as the costs per by the authors and some attempt is made to
tonne of nitrogen delivered to the farmer adjust the KVIC figures on the basis of
cannot be calculated because costs are not survey data. The main adjustment is in the
given for the inputs to each process: dung, amount of gas that is likely to be produced
naphtha, labour, and the transport of the from the plants per year, because it was
urea. Again, there is a possible implication found that the actual output was less than
that the inputs, particularly of dung and the design capacity suggested by the KVIC.
other compostable material, are considered A number of costs and benefits are listed.
to have a zero cost. Explicit account is taken of the costs of the
It is interesting to note that it is assumed ancillary investment associated with pipes
here that a plant that produces about 5000 and appliances and with the costs of keeping
ft of gas per day produces about 8.8 tonnes the gas-holder well painted. The gas is
of nitrogen per year. This is considerably valued in terms of the market cost of a ther-
higher than the figure used by Disney (5.8 mally equivalent amount of kerosene. The
tonnes/year from a 5600-ft plant) and is dung and slurry are given money values
higher than the figures that appear based on data supplied by the KVIC, but no
elsewhere in the paper: 2.7 tonnes in the urea indication is given of the basis on which the
calculation and 4.4. tonnes in the electricity figures were calculated (the slurry is said to
calculation. The large amount of nitrogen be 1.875 times more valuable than the
contained in the slurry is partly due to the equivalent amount of dung). Different life
fact that it is composted with "refuse etc." If spans were assumed for various parts of the
this is the case then it might be expected that plant: the civil construction was assumed to
some value for the refuse should be added to last 40 years; the gas holder 10 years; and the
the costs side of the calculation. It is not pipes etc. 30 years. Various indicators of
clear why composting is thought likely to investment worth are calculated on the basis
only occur in conjunction with biogas of interest rates of 10, 13, and 15%. The only
production. plant to have a negative net present value
was the 60-ft plant when the interest rate
Case Study 4 was 15%.
(Moulik and Srivastava 1975) A number of points are of interest.
No mention is made in the analysis of the
This is a thorough piece of research that costs associated with the labour used to run
concentrates on the State of Gujarat where the plant, nor is any cost attributed to the
about 28% of all Indian biogas plants are water used. The inclusion of these two costs
located. The study details the location, would have reduced the practicality of the
ownership pattern, and running problems of plants.
biogas plants in the State and discusses a Just over 40% of the benefits of the
number of the important issues in the scheme arise from the difference in the
operation of the biogas scheme. The values of the dung and slurry.
economic aspects of biogas are covered and The method used for the valuation of the
an attempt is made to answer the question: dung and slurry is not made explicit and it is
"If farmers are rational and the economics therefore not clear how the opportunity
are as good as claimed by the KVIC experts, costs are derived. It is, however, suggested
why does the demand for biogas plants not that agricultural wastes are the normal fuel
increase rapidly?" in the area and that these have negligible
Economic and financial analyses are costs to the farmer. If this were the case, then
carried out on nine plant designs ranging in the benefits of the biogas plant would be the
size from 60 to 1250 ft3/day (1.7 to 35 differential value between dung and slurry
m3/day). The data used are largely from the as a fertilizer (and questions might be asked
Khadi Village Industries Commission and about methods of improving the value of the

dung through aerobic fermentation), the lift irrigation. However, it is not stated
value of the saving of the agricultural wastes whether the analyses were carried out on a
(which might be small), and the value of the comparable basis.
gas. The gas might be valued in terms of the The fact that very little of the data used in
heat equivalent of the agricultural wastes, or the analysis was obtained from actual
it might be valued in terms of a thermally operating situations weakens the
equivalent amount of kerosene. But, if conclusions that are based on it. This is a
kerosene were used, this would raise the useful 'back of the envelope' calculation, but
question of whether the agricultural waste it could not be considered as an
might also have been valued according to its authoritative statement as to the viability of
opportunity cost in terms of kerosene (an biogas in India.
adjustment might be made to take into
account the fact that biogas can be used for
lighting and for driving engines whereas Case Study 5
agricultural wastes cannot). The problem (Berger 1976)
can be shown simply: This is an extremely thorough analysis of
Without biogas a 100-ft3/day (2.8-m3/day) plant under
Inputs: dung (as fertilizer) + agricultural Nepalese conditions. It involves a complete
wastes (as fertilizer). Outputs: dung (as statement of costs and benefits (though
fertilizer) + agricultural wastes (as heat). water is excluded) that includes a more than
usually detailed discussion of the possible
With biogas valuations that can be placed on gas, dung,
Inputs: dung (as fertilizer). Outputs: slurry and slurry. The possible values for the gas
(as fertilizer) + gas (heat). from a l00-ft plant range from Rs836/year
By subtracting the 'without biogas' (valued in terms of charcoal) to Rs5055
situation from the situation 'with biogas' the when valued in terms of gasoline. The
net effect is: Inputs: dung (as fertilizer) + annual value of the gas in terms of electricity
agricultural waste (as fertilizer). Outputs: is Rs2263. The value of the fertilizer from
slurry (as fertilizer) + gas (as heat) - the plant is taken as the nitrogen value of the
agricultural waste (as heat). This is slurry minus the nitrogen value of the dung
equivalent to saying that the benefits of gas, (i.e. the dung is assumed to have been
slurry, and agricultural waste (as fertilizer) burned in the situation without the biogas
are gained for the loss of the dung as plant). A variety of other assumptions are
fertilizer and the loss of heat from the discussed that show the variation in the
agricultural waste. nitrogen value of the dung or slurry de-
The financial analysis differs only from pending on the way the dung/slurry is used
the economic analysis in the subsidy to the in the fields.
A simplified method is used for the
farmer for the purchase of the biogas plant.
This would again appear to illustrate a treatment of capital: the plant is depreciated
possible confusion between the analysis of over 25 years in equal annual amounts and
the project from the point of view of the interest is taken as the interest on half the
opportunity costs and from the point of view capital value per year (i.e. 5000 divided by 2,
of cash transactions. The financial analysis times 15% equals 375 per year). This is a
does bring out the point that the actual commonly used approximation, but it does
returns as perceived by the farmer can be produce an annual capital cost that is
quite small and that this could restrict the substantially less than the amount that is
rate of acceptance of a project that is produced using the annuity method
'socially' beneficial. described previously. The annuity method
This is the only study that explicitly produces an annual cost of Rs773 per year
compares the returns to biogas with the for 25 years at 15% with no scrap value.
returns that can be achieved by other rural The net result of the analysis shows that
investments such as buffalo, tractors, and annual benefits exceed annual cost by

Rs5545. These would have been reduced to biogas from the point of view of the
Rs347 had the annuity method been used for allocation of research and development
the valuation of capital. funds also requires a more macroview of the
The analysis assumes that the cow dung technology.
would previously have been burned, though Although the techniques for the
the author points out that those who might production of biogas are likely to undergo
consider using the biogas plants are substantial change in the coming years
currently burning wood. Furthermore, it is (particularly reduction of capital costs and
ease of operation) it is still possible to
assumed that 100 ft of gas would actually
be produced per day this might be broadly desc1be the social and physical
considered far too optimistic. But the characteristics of rural areas in which biogas
analysis is set out so clearly that it would notplants are most likely to be viable (or are
be difficult to do as the author suggests least likely to fail). The prevalence of these
"to the extent that individual farm characteristics will give a more
conditions are different from the macroindication of the possible importance
assumption the analysis can be modified." of biogas in the country's rural
The only slight problem with the chosen development, fuel, and fertilizer policies.
format is that it is not obvious at first sight From the framework provided by social
that the benefits from the slurry are net of cost-benefit analysis it can be assumed that
the costs of the nitrogen that could have biogas will be most viable in those situations
been obtained merely from using the dung in which the necessary inputs have a low
directly on the fields. opportunity cost, where the efficiency of the
operation of the plant is 'adequate,' and
The Social and Economic where the alternatives to the outputs from
biogas plants have a high opportunity cost.
Determinants of the Demand Surveys would have to be carried out to
for Biogas determine the physical location of those
areas that contain these characteristics.
The answer to a number of important
macroquestions cannot be supplied by the Necessary Inputs have a Low
kind of microanalysis discussed so far. In Opportunity Cost
particular, the introduction of biogas on a
wide scale has implications for This is most likely to occur where: (I)
macroplanning such as the allocation of agriculture is such that sufficient amounts of
government investment and the effects on material from which methane gas can be
the balance of payments etc.'5 Furthermore, produced are available with an opportunity
many of the factors that determine the rate cost that is at least no higher than when it is
of acceptance of biogas plants, such as credit used as a fertilizer or fuel; (2) industries exist
facilities and technical backup services, are (e.g. paper production, distilleries) that
likely to have to be planned as part of a produce, as by-products, large amounts of
general macropolicy. The importance of material from which methane can be
produced; (3) and/or there is no social
restriction on the use of human waste; (4)
'5Makhijani and Poole (1975) suggest that and/or cow dung is traditionally collected;
current biogas designs would use up 20% of and (5) water is available and can easily be
India's annual production of steel and 25% of her fed into the digester; (6) capital is available
cement production if biogas plants were applied
to 10 million hectares of cultivatable land per with a sufficiently low opportunity cost as a
year (p. 88). Mardon (1976) shows (p. 9) that at result of either the adequate supply of
the planned rate of biogas implementation of capital or because of the lack of
100000 by 1978, it would take 300 years to satisfy opportunities for its alternative use it is to
the energy needs of the 5% of the population who be expected that methane generation will
own 5-6 cattle in India. only become an attractive opportunity when

certain other investments, such as irrigation, water to make use of chemical fertilizers; (5)
have been carried out; and (7) labour is there is insufficient cash to purchase other
available and willing to undertake the work fuels and fertilizers; (6) the use for the gas is
of operating the methane generator on a near the generator (or simple and economic
continuous basis. compression facilities exist); and (7) the cost
of handling the slurry is not large enough to
reduce the net value of the slurry to
Efficiency of the Operation of the unacceptable levels (some plant locations
Plant is Adequate'6 make slurry handling particularly difficult
and expensive).
This is most likely to be possible where: Some of these characteristics can be
(1) there is uniform input of gas producing modified by government policy and
material (the plants seem to be simplest to expenditure, but it should be relatively easy
run when only one type of input, such as to identify the relevant area, particularly on
cow dung, is used); (2) technical advice and the basis of the third set of characteristics
technical skills are available both for the where alternatives to biogas and slurry are
construction of the plant and in trouble- costly. Which areas are isolated from
shooting this might be most likely to alternatives by high transport costs? Which
occur near towns; (3) smaller size plants can areas are experiencing unacceptable levels
be avoided there is less problem of shock of depletion of forest resources? Where is
loading with larger plants and with larger dung currently burned? Answers to such
plants it becomes possible to employ and questions would be available from a survey
train full-time operators; (4) the sur- of rural energy needs and current fuel and
rounding air temperature does not fall fertilizer practices.
below the level at which methanogenic The areas in which biogas might be most
bacteria operate adequately (above 15 °C viable can be further narrowed down by
for the bacteria commonly found in considering the factors in the second group
generators); (5) plant design is adequate that affect running efficiency. Areas with
e.g. no places in which blockages can occur low night or winter temperatures can be
or water condense; and (6) maintenance and excluded; areas can be identified in which
good operating practice is likely to be technical advice is available or in which the
carried out. government is prepared to make it available
through rural development policies or
Alternatives to the Outputs from policies to help certain groups; and locations
Biogas Plants have a High (such as intensive animal rearing units) can
be identified that are known to have large
Opportunity Cost amounts of uniform outputs from which gas
This is likely to occur where: (1) there is a can be generated.
physical limit to the amount of fuel and The availability of inputs, within the areas
fertilizer available from an alternative identified so far, will be determined more by
source this might occur as a result of the the social groups concerned than by purely
cost of transport or from policy decisions as geographical characteristics. Any number of
to the rate and geographical direction of social groups can be considered, but eight
expansion in the larger scale fuel and groups are suggested by way of illustration:
fertilizer industries17; (2) and/or there is a agricultural or other business, with intensive
scarcity of wood; (3) and/or dung is being animal or crop production; cooperatives
burned as a fuel; and (4) there is insufficient formed to produce biogas; large existing

'6Finlay (1976) is an excellent trouble- 'OECD (1968, p. 59) a significant

shooting guide to the problems encountered in percentage of farmers surveyed for this report
the construction and maintenance of biogas state that lack of access to fertilizer outlets was
plants. the main reason for not using chemical fertilizer.

social groups that are able to cooperate well be unacceptable. The remaining option
such as large families, communal cooking is to encourage the use of larger (community
groups, and cooperatives formed for other scale) plants on some more cooperative
purposes; large farmers; small farmers; basis. But, as the ICAR report puts it: "At
landless labourers; traditional collectors of present not a single community biogas plant
cow dung; and women. exists in the country. The concept will
Unless the output from the biogas plants remain just a theoretical slogan unless the
can be sold or bartered, investment in biogas attendant socio-economic and technical
will only be viable to those groups who have problems are investigated in some pilot
both access to the various inputs and have plants in the public sector, located in
sufficient use for the outputs. This link different agro-climatic zones in the
between inputs and the need for the output is country." (Government of India (ICAR)
particularly important with the gas itself. If 1976, p. 42; see also Moulik and Srivastava
there is no way of the plant owner profitably 1975, p. 50).
using the gas, then it might be better to If sale of the gas is possible, a wider range
compost the inputs rather than go to the of social groups could be involved in the
trouble of producing methane. A number of generation of methane, but these other
studies assume that the gas can be groups (such as the last four groups in the
compressed and transported in cylinders at previous list) would find it difficult to
reasonable cost (Prasad et al. 1974, p. 1358; assemble the other necessary inputs without
Makhijani 1976p. 17; Philippines da la Salla some form of cooperation and assistance.
University). But, compression, whether into For instance, where dung is currently
cylinders or through an extensive system of burned, the introduction of biogas will
pipes, involves a 'higher' level of technical require the most behaviour changes in
'know-how' than the rest of the biogas activities normally undertaken by women,
system. The compression of methane will such as cooking and the making of dung
therefore not be a practical proposition in cakes, but women as a group are likely to
many developing countries. lack access to capital. An interesting
Until the problems of gas sale and delivery suggestion in this context is that loans be
have been overcome, it is likely that biogas made directly to these women to give them
investment will have to be concentrated on an interest in and control over such changes,
the first four of the eight groups described and to provide a means of directly raising
previously. Only they are able to bring their economic and social status (personal
together the necessary inputs and are able to communication, Prof Scarlet Epstein,
gain the benefits from the gas either through Institute of Development Studies).
cooking or through the use of machines The Government's own policies, then, are
(pumps for irrigation etc.). But, as has been likely to be the largest factor in determining
pointed out in a number of studies of India the distribution of biogas plants within the
(Prasad et al. 1974; Government of India areas narrowed down according to the
(ICAR) 1976; Mardon 1976) the characteristics described previously. The
distribution of income is such that provision of capital is one such policy
currently only the relatively well-off can variable. But the extent to which the lack of
afford biogas investments. This means that capital will be a constraint to the future
only a small proportion of the village's adoption of biogas plants cannot be inferred
energy needs can be met in this way, and that from the current situation because past
there is a likelihood that dung and other practice involves both much higher capital
wastes will be denied those people who costs per plant than are likely to apply in
traditionally collected them. If income future, and because only the family-sized
distribution considerations are part of the plants have been promoted. The Gujarat
government's objectives, then a strategy of Study (Moulik and Srivastava 1975) has a
introducing biogas plants (or any other rural number of useful suggestions about possible
technology) only to the richest groups may methods of finance in India, but the

problems of rural credit are much wider trade-off will determine whether research is
than the problems that particularly apply in to concentrate on those plants that would be
the financing of biogas plants and they are most easily accepted (which may be the
not the subject of this study. A second major plant'that meets the needs of the rich farmer
area of government policy that could group) or on those plants that are likely to
influence the rate of acceptance of biogas satisfy the energy needs of a wider range of
plants concerns the provision of technical social groups (when the community plant
backup services to the plant. Again, it is might be favoured).
difficult to specify the characteristics of this The appropriateness of a particular
backup, but considerable experience has package of biogas technology will vary from
now been gained with the working of location to location depending on the
agriculture extension agents and the lessons objectives chosen and on the availability of
learned might be used to develop a model for resources. This suggests that research
the provision of technical 'extension' priorities will have to be specified in terms of
services. a process for conducting the research rather
than in terms of individual pieces of
technical research. It would seem
An Approach to Research appropriate in these circumstances to
Priorities develop a process in which the views of
villagers and the views of the researchers are
Two ideas are central to the arguments in combined in the development of research
this paper: first, research into biogas activities. This will involve an iterative
techniques must be placed in the wider process in which, in principle, villagers
context of policies for rural development specify their needs, technologists specify the
and rural energy needs; and second, research technical options available, and the villagers
and development of a particular set of restate their needs in relation to the options.
techniques must not be abstracted from the An implication of this would be that the
social and political context in which the location of the research would largely be in
techniques are to be applied. It follows from specific rural areas rather than in the
this that before starting on research on laboratories of urban research institutes.
biogas, governments (and research This does not mean that sensible lists of
organizations) must first decide how technical research cannot already be drawn
important biogas is likely to be in meeting up (Moulik and Srivastava 1975, p. 53-58;
the needs of rural peoples. At the most Sathianathan 1975, p. 164-172; Government
general level this involves establishing the of India (ICAR) 1976, p. 4 1-42), but it does
range of other possible areas of village life mean that much of this work will only be
that might also benefit from research and useful if the views of the potenial users are
innovation; more specifically it requires an given an important role in the development
examination of rural energy needs, currentof the technology. Three broad areas of
practices for satisfying these needs, and economic and technical research already
alternative means of satisfying them in the stand out.
If biogas does appear initially to offer Cost Reduction
advantages over other alternatives, research
and development must be directed toward The current designs for biogas production
meeting a specific set of objectives. In at the village level appear to be considerably
particular, the objective of maximizing the more expensive than they need be. This high
production of methane gas must be set cost not only reduces the numbers of plants
against the objective of improving the operating but it also reduces the advantages
distribution of income (and therefore that village-level biogas plants have over
energy) and the need to further the interests larger-scale technologies (Prasad et al. 1974,
of particular groups within society. This p. 1355; Disney 1976). In particular, many

current designs involve very much higher Mardon 1976, p. 16); in India most plants
amounts of capital per unit of output than are between 150 and 200 ft3/day (even
more conventional means of supplying though plants up to 5000 ft3/day are offered
energy (Disney 1976, p. 9). by the KVIC (Moulik and Srivastava 1975);
Cost reductions can be achieved through and in the Philippines the most successful
the use of other materials (plastics or locally plant is said to be the 1000 ft3/day batch
available wood, water, and brick), through process plant (Philippines de la Salla
more efficient designs, and by increasing the University; Mardon 1976, p. 18-19).
efficiency of the fermentation process Such studies might adopt a method of
(Prasad et al. 1974, p. 1355-1356, discuss analysis similar to the one outlined here, and
methods of reducing construction costs). particular attention should be given to
Ideally, it should be possible to simulate the questions of the social acceptability of the
likely balance between the costs and benefits production techniques. The researchers
that would be associated with any change in should involve the people who will be
plant design or operating procedures. For affected by biogas investment as much as
instance, the net benefit of increasing the possible both in the research design and in
temperature of the fermentation process carrying out the research itself, Attention
might be compared with the net benefits of a should also be given to the acceptability of
longer material retention time, insulation of the gas for cooking and to the acceptability
the plant from the surrounding air, agitation of handling dung and other wastes.
of the material being digested, preprocessing
of the inputs, or the addition of supplements Research on Community-
such as urea and urine, etc. Similarly, the Scale Plants
unit cost of gas production might be
tabulated for a variety of different plant The income distribution in most
scales and designs. However, neither the developing countries, combined with the
biochemistry of the continuous process nor current costs of biogas plants, has led to the
the costs associated with such changes seem fear that family-sized biogas plants will
to have been established with sufficient worsen the income distribution of rural
accuracy to enable such precise comparisons areas and will in any case only satisfy a very
to be made. small proportion of total rural energy needs.
If income distribution and the need to satisfy
the fuel requirements of a larger proportion
The Need for More of the community are important it is argued
Appropriate Data that community-based plants are the only
The data that currently exist on the option. 8
viability of biogas plants are not only very The number of community-based plants
unreliable (with considerable variation in (as opposed to large plants run by
the values assumed by different studies for institutions or agricultural industries) is
similar parameters), but are obtained from a thought to be very small, and there is
narrow range of possible plant designs and a therefore a particular need to research the
narrow range of socioeconomic and issues surrounding such plants in varying
agricultural zones. The practicality of social situations.
biogas plants will vary considerably among
different locations according to the balance
among the various costs and benefits for'8Farvar and Bajrachanya (1975) stress that
reasons of income distribution and
operating in each location. It is therefore promotion of community participation,
essential that evaluations are carried out in a community plants are really the only types of
much wider range of circumstances and biogas plants that would be promoted. This view
using a number of improved designs. In is also put forward by Government of India
Korea, all 23000 plants said to be operating (ICAR) 1976, Moulik and Srivastava 1975, and
are all the same size (about 35 ft3/day, Prasad et al. 1974.
Biogas Systems in Asia:
A Survey
S. K. Subramanian
India require a depth of nearly 4.5 m and a
retention period of about 55 days. In the
Nearly 70% of India's biogas plants, larger (8 5-rn3) units 40% of the gas generated
which now total more than 36000, were built is consumed for heating (Gobar Gas
during the fuel and fertilizer crises of 1975- Research Station, Ajitmal).
76. However, the Indian Council of KVIC is experimenting with larger 140 +
Agricultural Research (ICAR) had begun m3 units to gain experience for still larger
anaerobic cow dung (gobar' in Hindi) ones. Projects by other groups include the
fermentation as early as 1938-39 (Patel 1975; Rural Electrification Corporation's
Sathianathan 1975). Significant biogas 125-rn3 unit, Karimagar District, Andhra
plant use began in 1951, when the gasholder Pradesh (probably incorporating a 3.5-kW
and digester were combined into one gas pump to recirculate contents three
semicontinuous unit. The design most times) and a 420-rn3 digester for the Delhi
commonly used was introduced in 1954 by Dairy Corporation.
the Khadi Village Industries Commission
(KVIC) and incorporated a device to stir the Other Designs and Approaches
slurry and break up the scum.
The KVIC design offers capacities of Early KVIC attempts to use split bamboo
between 1.5 and 85 m3 of gas output per day
as a digester construction material in West
at an estimated cost of between US$260 Bengal failed because they were attacked by
and 4400 (KVIC 1975). However, most rats. Some 10 years ago, narrow (1-2.5 cm)
plants are for domestic purposes and have 3- earthen rings were successfully used to build
7 m3 capacities. To reduce costs, these a digester in Kalimpong, and three
designs are unheated and unstirred, and thus prefabricated rings, I m x 2 m in diameter,
The study reported in this chapter was are currently used at a housing cooperative
undertaken by the Management Develop- in Sangli, Maharashtra, for a 3-m3 digester,
ment Institute (MDI) at the request of and four for a 4.5-rn3 digester.
IDRC. and was recently published as a A number of new designs have been
monograph by MDI. Their permission to published by the Gobar Gas Research
include this edited version in our book is Station, Ajitmal (Rambux Singh 1973). One
gratefully acknowledged. uses agricultural waste insulation and an
A grant from the Indian Council of Social external water jacket heated by a solar
Science Research, New Delhi, made heater that delivers 1.5 litres of water per
possible visits to over 70 Indian biogas minute at 60 °C. It is claimed that by using
establishments and discussions with this process slurry retention time has been
officials, extension agencies, plant owners, reduced from 50 to 55 days to between 15
banks, etc., while IDRC financed visits to and 18 days, and gas production has risen by
biogas plants and meetings with officials in 300% even in the winter.
Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, South The steel gasholders of the current Indian
Korea, and Japan. design were found to work best despite their

high cost (35% of the total capital costs) and Night Soil
maintenance problems (corrosion). The KVIC recommends connecting
Painting once a year (or monthly with toilets to cow-dung digesters, as this
engine oil) is recommended to prevent cor- conserves expenditures on septic tanks. The
rosion; at Urlikanchan, Maharashtra, 3 Gandhi Samarak Nidhi Institution also
litres of engine oil are added to the top of the advocates night-soil-based plants and 55
digester each month for this purpose. such units operate in Maharashtra alone.
Alternative ferrocement gasholders were Examples include a l4-m3 plant using the
found by the Indian Institute of Technology, night soil of 187 inmates of a leprosy home
Madras, to be too heavy (producing gas near Poona; two (10 and 4 rn3) units at the
pressure of 20 cm of water) and to have poor Parasakthi College for Women near
strength and flexibility; furthermore, they Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu; a large pilot project of
could not be easily leak-proofed if a hole was the National Environmental Engineering
bored through them. An experimental Institute based on 1000 inmates at the
gasholder of woven bamboo, aluminum foil, Nagpur Central Jail; and a 5.5-rn3
and a polythene covering was tried, but it experimental plant in the Ratnagiri bus
collapsed in a dust storm. Other local station, Maharashtra.
construction materials are being tested at
the Indian Institute of Science at Bangalore.
Early experiments in India with negative Other Wastes
pressures (-1cm water) were not successful. Experiments on the anaerobic digestion
of grass, water hyacinths, and rice straw
Operation and Maintenance have been conducted, the latter
In the Indian design the dung:water ratio unsuccessfully due to choking. Distillery
is 1:1. The design uses a relatively small and strawboard mill wastes have been
amount of water and there is good mixing studied by the National Environmental
due to the high height:width ratio (6:1) and Engineering Institute, Nagpur. In another
because the gas bubbles that rise from the case, using Hungarian technology, the
bottom of the plant prevent settling out of National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, treated
the sludge (Mardon 1976). Of the plants semiwet bagasse mixed with 3% cow dung
visited during this study, 89% were in opera- and 5% urea, using city sewage as an
tion; some for over 10 years. This improved initiator. This process has operated since
situation was due to the extension of service 1963, and involves a battery of 12 batch
facilities. Recommended maintenance pro- digesters (6 m x 3-rn diameter). After an
cedures include daily feeding and agitation, initial 3-4 day aerobic treatment, the wastes
and annual painting of the gasholder. Plant are digested for about 40 days. A similar
failures were due to masonry construction project using a wet process at the Aarey
defects, failure to paint the gas holders, im- Milk Colony near Bombay produced gas at
proper feeding, lethargy of plant owners, a rate much below the design capacity and
and changes of ownership. proved to be uneconomical.

Winter Operation Gas

The low winter temperatures (0 OC) of As most of the units are family-size, the
Northern India can cause gas production to gas is used for cooking: per capita
drop by 20-30%. Farmers cover gasholders consumption was observed to be about
with plastic sheets after sunset during the 0.2 m3/day and much loss seemed due to
cold months, and the addition of molasses, inefficient burners. Specially designed
algae, urea, or urine is claimed to increase burners can overcome the low pressure and
gas production. Authorities in Haryana flame propagation of CO2-diluted methane,
State recommend building plants one size although coal-gas, LPG, and homemade
larger than needed to overcome the problem tin-can burners are also used. At Parasakthi
of low gas output. College, Tenkasi (Tamil Nadu), two plants

(17 and 28 m3) feed an efficient boiler, Katur, Andhra Pradesh. In both these cases
generating enough steam to cook for 730 the plants were built essentially for the value
people. of the sludge.
Biogas use in diesel engines using a biogas Slurry is claimed to be ideal for nurseries
to diesel fuel ratio of 85:15 has increased. and it has been used to correct the overuse of
The Institutes of Technology at Madras chemical fertilizer in rice fields (Dinikaki,
and Bombay, and the Indian Oil Company West Bengal). Slurry has also been used
Research Centre at Faridabad are successfully as a direct fish feed (after
researching other engine applications. dilution) in West Bengal.
The Tulsi Shyam Temple at Gujarat has
(since 1966) used a 85-m3 plant based on 300 Integrated Systems
cattle to run an engine that drives a water India has no system that attempts to
pump and a flour mill, in addition to integrate the slurry with the growing of
generating 7.5 kVA of power for 4 hours at algae, which in turn can be used to feed fish
night. etc. Thick colloidal cow-dung slurry does
Industrial uses of biogas are limited, but not easily separate into sludge and a
examples include small-scale KVIC soap supernatant clear layer, possibly because of
and safety-match projects, and a water the restricted use of water for dilution in
heater at a laundry near Bombay (42 m3). India. Even night-soil slurry has to be
gravel-filtered at the Nagpur Central Jail
Slurry where it is proposed to use the filtrate to feed
There is a growing interest and emphasis algae and fish, and to irrigate crops. Using
on the manurial value of the digested sludge, the lurry, Auroville Centre, Pondicherry,
and it has even been suggested that biogas Southern india, plans to grow water
plants would be more correctly named 'bio- hy'acinth for banana plantation mulch.
fertilizer' plants. If the digester is close to the
fields, the slurry is fed directly into the Community Plants
irrigation channel, but most often there Although there are a number of large
must be several drying pits, which are used biogas plants in India, none can be said to be
in turn. Many farmers add grass, straw, and a truly community plant. However, one
bagasse to the slurry pit, thereby speeding Indian 'mini' community system operated
up the composting process to about 3 between 1969 and 1970 in Khiroda
months (instead of 9-12). In contrast to Panchayat, near Bhusaval, Maharashtra. In
farmyard manure, slurry breeds no white this system several public toilets fed three
ants and contains no weed seeds; a further digesters (5.5, 14, and 25 m3) and the gas
advantage is that, unlike dung, the slurry is provided light for two city streets. Failure of
not stolen for fuel. the system was attributed to the transfer of
Vegetable farmers use digester slurry the key operators and the electrification of
alone; others mix it with chemical fertilizers. the village.
Experiments at the Lalit Garden near KVIC and the Rural Electrification
Calcutta, West Bengal, comparing vegetable Corporation, together with the Council of
growth using compost, chemical fertilizers, Scientific and Industrial Research, are
and slurry found taste and size, especially of planning community plants at Digras,
peas, best with the slurry. Weight of root Maharashtra, and Karimnagar, Andhra
vegetables increased by nearly 300% with Pradesh. The Digras plant will be fed by 20
night-soil slurry fertilizer compared with animals and 10 community toilets; each
normal irrigation practices at the Central family will be charged one rupee per month
Jail Nagpur, Maharashtra. Similar success for the use of the toilets, generating an in-
with Napier and Tara grass crops was come of $11 / month, and the gas will be sold
reported by the V.S. St. John's Secondary to ten families. The slurry will be given back
School, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh, and to those who supplied the dung in
with sugarcane at Digras, Maharashtra, and proportion to the number of cows owned.

The Karimnagar plant (125 m3), based on workload the 'supervision charge scheme'
300 cattle, will provide gas to half the village was devised, and about 400 approved local
(30 families), and run five 3.5-kW pumps, artisans canvass potential customers, assist
The system will be administered by the in construction, and help secure loans in
village and will employ two labourers. return for a set fee from the KVIC (usually
Three semicommunity operations exist at about $20 plus $2.50 per toilet). Today most
the VSF Cooperatives, KCP Sugar Factory, State Boards also have their own technical
at Vuyuru, Andhra Pradesh, the staff, and since 1973 some State Agricultural
Madhavaram Dairy in Madras, and at the Departments have been mobilized for the
Kasturba Gram Krishi Kshetra, Indore. The biogas program. In Haryana the entire
first, a 35-rn3 plant based on 70 buffalo and District Government has been involved.
calves (and ten baskets of sugar press mud Until 1973 the KVIC gave grants of 50-
daily), was built for $2200 (using a 25% 70% to institutions (100% for "backward"
government grant). This system supplies gas areas); individuals got a $35-42 grant
to 14 families for 3 hours daily at according to need, and an interest-free loan
$2.25/month, one full-time labourer is of up to $285 repayable over up to 10 years.
employed and the system is considered This meant that $88-94 had to be provided
uneconomic. The second (14 m3) supplies by the plant owner who ended up paying
seven houses (50 occupants) with 11 hours a between 24 and 52% of the total
day (nine in winter) for $1.75/month, again construction cost.
a full-time labourer is employed. The last, a Commercial banks and State Agricul-
70-m3 plant, supplies gas to 40 families 24 tural Departments entered the field in 1973,
hours a day during February-July, and 14 and the subsidy was limited to 25% with
hours a day for the remaining months. It is KVIC giving the grant to institutions and
based on 200 cattle that produce 1600 kg of the Ministry of Agriculture making grants
dung daily. to individuals. In 1976-77 the subsidy was
reduced to 20%, and 5% decreases are
Minimum Number of Animals planned for each of the next 2 years, after
The number of animals needed to support which it may be withdrawn. Banks provide
small domestic digesters is a key criterion in the balance (up to 100% of the remaining
assessing the acceptability of biogas sys- cost) with a 4-year loan at 12-14% annual
tems. It is usually suggested that five cattle interest, on the basis of a mortgage, or
are required for a 1.5-rn3 plant; this could personal and third-party guarantee.
put the technology out of reach of most Community and "backward-area"
Indians. However, this survey suggests that installations will likely continue to receive
some 1.5-3 m3 plants can be operated on two liberal subsidies.
cattle or on an attached toilet and one An interesting example of the provision of
animal because per capita demand with extension services in the cooperative sector
good burners can be as low as 0.08 m3/day. is the Cooperative Sugar Factory at Sangli,
Maharashtra. Biogas units have been built
Dung output depends on the animals' feed for sugarcane grower shareholders through
and breeding, but the quantum of gas output a building cooperative using prefab
is currently considered to be about 0.06 structures. The mill guarantees bank loans
m3/kg of dung. The KVIC now recommends and the advance is recovered from payments
2-3 animals for a 2-m3 unit, and 3-4 for a 3- against the sugarcane crop. The scheme has
m3 plant. existed for 2 years and will soon be extended
to nonshareholders.
Extension and Credit Recently the Government has launched
The KVIC has played a key role in the the "All India Coordinated Project" on
extension of biogas. It has technical staff biogas for an integrated development of
posted in all states to offer free expert technology. The Government, the Reserve
advice. In response to an increasing Bank, and other management institutions

are concerned about meeting the 1978 target tion. For a 20-day retention at 30 °C, the
of 100000 plants. manual (Institute of Agricultural Engi-
neering and Utilization, 1976) estimates gas
The Republic of Korea production at 200-240% of digester volume.
Nearly 27000 small digesters have been But actual gas production for the 5.5-rn3
installed in Korea since 1969 through the model was 0.3 m3 in January and 2 m3 in
efforts of the Office of Rural Development September, or a 36%-of-given-capacity peak
(ORD). However, the cold winters and lack production.
of cattle make Korea's experience with
biogas quite different from India's. ORD Winter Operation
estimates that the country's severe winter Most farmers do not operate the digesters
results in national average fuel requirements between December and March, when
of 43% for heating and 53% for cooking temperatures are as low as -17 °C, and gas
(ORD 1976). A rural household consumes production is even inadequate for cooking.
3.5 tonnes of farm products, 2.3 tonnes of The gasholders are covered with straw
firewood, 200 coal briquettes, and 20 litres during these winter months. Vinyl covers
of kerosene each year. Home heating is by were tried but were ineffective and further-
the traditional 'ondol' under-the-floor more the sophistication of heating the
system for which most of the rice straw, digester was not justified for the small
barley waste, and wood are burned: much plants. Operation is more favourable in the
deforestation and loss of compost material warmer South.
has resulted.
Research, development, and extension Large-Scale Heated Digester
are handled by the Institute of Agricultural ORD has embarked on the development
Engineering and Utilization, the Rural of village-scale digesters. A 40-family,
Guidance Bureau (under ORD) at Suweon, 155-rn3 digester was operated at the Live-
and the College of Agriculture. ORD also stock Experiment Station, Suweon, under
conducts experiments and is working on a the Korea-UK Farm Machinery Project
large heated digester under the Korea-UK during 1976. The plant is based on 2.4
Farm Machinery Project. tonnes of dung from poultry and 170 cattle
and has a retention time of about 40 days.
Scale of Operation and Design The dung is mechanically mixed with water
All the field units are of household size and urine in a separate unit (solid:liquid
and consist of a rectangular underground ratio of 1:2); 33-40% of the gas generated is
concrete tank with an overflow, a feed pipe, used to heat the digester to maintain a
and a mixing tank; digester capacity is 5.5 or temperature of 35°C year round. In winter,
8.0 m3. The 0.1-cm-thick PVC gasholder hot supernatant liquor from the digester is
(later models have four compartments) rests used to melt the ice that forms in the mixing
inside the digester. The rectangular design is unit.
being changed to a circular one and a steel The primary digester is about 6 m in
gasholder may be adopted because of the diameter, and is almost totally under-
rise in price of PVC; the PVC holder costs ground; the top surface is well insulated. A
$55 (as opposed to $65 for steel) and it dete- secondary digester (6-rn diameter by 4 rn)
riorates in sunlight. The price of the whole supports the gasholder, which has a capacity
5.5-rn3 unit is low at about $140. Wooden of 110 m3. The gas pressure is 10-15cm of
gasholders with a plastic lining were aban- water column. The gas is compressed and re-
doned because they leaked. circulated by a 'bubble gun' through the
primary digester, and this breaks up any
Operation and Maintenance scum buildup. Experiments are continuing
Cattle or pig dung (sometimes with night on the use of biogas in kerosene engine ap-
soil) is fed monthly or weekly at a I: I dilu- plications and home heating.

The total construction cost of the plant Minimum Number of Animals
was $16000; $9600 for structures, $4000 for A 4.5-rn3 digester is said to need the total
steel pipes and the gas holder, and $2400 for waste output from 8 cows, 23 pigs, or 630
machinery and instruments. The ORD is fowl according to the design manual of
planning eight more units that will be Institute of Agricultural Engineering and
located in villages. Utilization. But often only two cows and a
few pigs supply the household plants; there-
Other Developments and Inputs fore, gas output is often handicapped.
The Institute of Agricultural Engineering
and Utilization is experimenting with PVC Extension and Credit
and concrete fixed-dome digesters. The In each subregion ("gun") the Rural
College of Agriculture at Suweon is working Guidance Office of the ORD (Ministry of
on a two-stage digester of reinforced plastic Agriculture and Fisheries) provides tech-
insulated with paddy husk. The plant is de- nical extension and financial loan assistance
signed primarily for pig manure at 1:5 to farmers, but there is no regular loan
dilution and a 30-day retention; interest- system and the 33-50% Government grant
ingly the gas passes through an algal culture system has been discontinued. Most of the
to use up the CO2 (Lee and Kim 1975). A biogas construction in Korea is undertaken
primary school in Kyong Ju-Shi is operating by the farmers themselves.
a plant with night soil and the army has Rapid urbanization and the shortage of
shown interest in this, although there ap- animal waste slowed the construction of
pears to be psychological inhibitions against family units in rural areas during 1975 and
its use. The digestion of vegetable wastes has barely 4000 were built. In 1976 the ORD
received scant attention in Korea (Lee and abandoned family-unit installation to
Kim 1975). concentrate on the development of village-
size units, gas storage and purification,
Gas power generation, etc.
No farmer is totally dependent on biogas:
it supplies only 3-6% of home heating, and The Philippines
less than half the cooking needs (43-45% as a
family of five needs 0.7 m3 of gas for 3 hours Fuel is not a major problem in the
daily). Biogas saves about 226 hours of Philippines as firewood is plentiful. Con-
housework per family per year (ORD 1976). sequently, interest in biogas stems from its
Thus each house hasacookingfire(Mardon pollution control and public health applica-
1976) in addition to an unmodified LPG tions. Pigs (and some buffalo) provide most
burner for biogas. However, heating, of the animal wastes, but despite some pos-
cooking, and power will be provided by the sible psychological inhibitions the National
larger village-sized plants. Housing Authority (NHA) is also pro-
moting night-soil digestion, and one digester
Slurry is already operating. Techniques to avoid
Slurry in boxes is carried by hand to the night soil overdilution and to screen out
nearby fields, mixed with compost, and harmful detergents have been developed.
applied; the sludge acts as soil conditioner. Further units are being considered for a
However, at the Livestock Experiment Manila hospital and for the proposed
Station pilot digester, the slurry is diluted Palawan Island Resort.
after settling and pumped directly to the The major research activity is centred at
fields. No special emphasis is placed on the the National Institute of Science and Tech-
manurial value of the slurry, and it is not nology (NIST), at the University of the
taken into account in the evaluation of the Philippines at Los BaiThs, and Maya Farms.
pilot plant. Future plans involve the The greatest potential seems to be in the
building of oxidation and algal fish ponds. digestion of agricultural wastes as their

volume is estimated to be 1000 times greater minutes. The gas (rich in CO2) produced in
than livestock wastes. the first 3 days is purged; after this, gas
production is ideal for 23 days, at 60-80 cm
Field Experience water column. On an experimental basis,
Nearly 100 Taiwanese-type units have paddy straw is mixed with the dung.
been built under NIST guidance. They cost In addition, five continuous digesters of
over $690, and need the manure from 5 to 10 Indian and Taiwanese designs are operated,
pigs diluted at 1:3. These units produce producing gas at pressures as high as 45 cm
enough gas to supply the cooking needs of water column; straw digestion experiments
five people. Some other plants have been with these plants failed due to clogging.
built by individuals on their own initiative. Daily gas production for the whole farm is
A NIST-prepared culture of 10 about 560 m3, although the technical
methanogenic isolates is recommended as a capacity is 840 m3, but this would require
starter. In the Philippines, the digested more animals. The gas storage capacity is
slurry is not used to any extent as a fertilizer. about 140 m3.
The Chan-type digester from the South The gas is used in a canteen (daily per
Pacific has been adopted lately as it allows capita consumption is 0.1 m3), a meat
more room for maintenance. Prefab processing plant, and a soup cannery. The
digesters and galvanized iron gasholders gas also powers a 625 litre/minute water
have also been experimented with by NIST. pump with an old 35-kW car engine, which
New digesters both for integrated systems has a consumption of 0.6 m3/kW/h of gas.
and for agricultural wastes (straw, banana Similarly, a 1 10-kW car engine has operated
leaves, water hyacinth, etc.) are being a 60 kVA generator (1800 rpm) 4-5 hours a
worked on. Findings include the discovery day for 6 months to run four freezers.
that banana leaves or straw that have pre- Generally, biogas-run gasoline engines were
viously been used for mushroom growth are found to give higher-than-rated rpm's,
more readily digested. though with diesels the rpm's are lower.
Refrigerators with a gas consumption of
Integrated Systems 0.08 m3/hour, water heaters, lamps,
The University of the Philippines at Los burners, etc. are also on display. The
burners are LPG models with the holes en-
Ba'os has an integrated biogas system that
uses slurry to grow Chiorella, fish, and rice. larged to 0.3-cm diameter. Steam genera-
Waste from 10 pigs is diluted in the propor-
tion has been abandoned because of low
tion of 1:4 and fed to two digesters in series efficiencies.
(21-day retention). The gas would be suf- The sludge from the few continuous
ficient to meet the cooking needs of five digesters is fed directly into irrigation water,
people. The slurry is settled out in two set- but the batch-digested sludge is settled out
tling tanks, positioned in series, diluted, and for 10 days, dried (with heat from biogas in
channeled to the algal fish pond and the rice rainy weather), and used as soil conditioner
fields. A windmill stirs the algal culture and for submarginal soils. The liquid from the
transfers liquids. settling lagoon along with wash water is
aerated for 7 days at 75 psig of pressure. A
windmill will soon be used for the air com-
Maya Farms pression in the aeration process. After BOD,
Maya Farms (40 miles south of Manila) is COD, salt, and water plant growth analyses,
the largest Asian biogas establishment, with the solution is used to fertilize the rice crop
48 large (2.5x3x3 m) batch plants based on and grow Chiorella, which feed both fish
7500 pigs (soon to be increased to 15000). and animals; feed waste is also added to the
Every other day, a digester is fed with 5 fish pond. The treated solution has been an
tonnes of a dung (dilution 1:1) and some pre- effective fertilizer despite a low (1-2%)
digested slurry as a starter. The contents are nitrogen content (except for an excess
then stirred mechanically every day for 2 introduction of copper) and in fact, over-
fertilization has often resulted. Reduction of The sanitation centre in Sara-Bun near
the treatment cycle of the digested Bangkok, in collaboration with the Faculty
slurry/sludge is being attempted. of Public Health, Mahidol University, is
A network of satellite farms has been working on night-soil biogas research.
established to minimize the risk of infection Kasetsart University has also built four
among the animals. The satellites consist of family-sized units on the campus for re-
units of 25 young pigs that are supplied to- search and demonstration purposes. No
gether with biogas technology to smaller community-size plants are contemplated.
farms in the area; 25 such units at eight local
farms exist at present. Galvanized Iron Gasholders
Early galvanized iron (G.I.) gasholders
Extension and Credit built by the Division of Agricultural
Responsibility for extension work is Economics, Ministry of Agriculture have
divided among the National Housing had to be replaced by the more expensive
Authority, the Engineering Battalion of the steel models. But during the survey three
Military, the Community Development De- satisfactory G.I. units were found in Lop-
partment, and others, although the NHA bury Province, and in Ban Mee District gal-
has a coordinating role in new settlements. vanized iron coated with asphalt was used to
The Development Bank of the Philippines build a 1.5-rn (diam.) gasholder that has per-
recently began to give loans to pig farmers formed satisfactorily since 1973, for only 600
for biogas plants at 6% interest; approxi- bhatt ($30), or half the normal cost. Leaks in
mately $412 (3000 pesos) is given for single another G.I. drum built for 400 bhatt ($20)
and $550 (4000 pesos) for twin digesters. were repaired with white lead and boat
caulking cement, and one such plant has
Thailand operated for 12 years. Interestingly, in this
latter case, shade was claimed to improve
digester performance.
The Division of Agricultural Economics,
Ministry of Agriculture, built a demonstra-
tion plant as early as 1965 (Deemark 1975), Industrial Wastes
but subsequent development has been The Applied Scientific Research Cor-
hindered by a shortage of livestock wastes. poration of Thailand is developing an
Currently the Department of Animal Hus- anaerobic digestion process to treat about
bandry at Kasetsart University, the Depart- 1500 m3 per day of high-BOD distillery
ment of Health, and the Applied Scientific waste (potential daily production should be
Research Corporation are all developing about 47500 rn3 of biogas). This is primarily
various biogas systems. The major con- to treat waste and the methane will be flared
straints to the development of biogas off because impurities (especially H25) rule
appear to be the convenience of wood and out distillery use, and scrubbing is con-
charcoal as a fuel and the lack of dung. sidered too expensive.
Field Experience Extension and Credit
There are now nearly 225 family-sized Sanitation is the most important consid-
(2.8-rn3) units based on cattle or pig wastes eration in biogas installation in Thailand
in Thailand. The loading is 20-40 kg/day at and consequent'ly the Health Department
1:1-1:1.5 dilution; feeding varies from daily has responsibility for its promotion,
to monthly. The gas produced meets the primarily to control disease carriers like
cooking needs of between 5 and 7 people fruit and house flies (Mardon 1976). Co-
using homemade or LPG burners. Some ordination is carried out by the Rural De-
farmers use the digested slurry on their velopment Department.
gardens, but most use chemical fertilizer A sanitation officer from one of nine
(ESCAP 1975). centres travels to the villages. Farmers who

are interested in a plant make an initial pay- vation. Several triple oil-drum digesters are
ment, after which, delivery is arranged. also operated by the DTC at Lembang.
Most plants have been built in Saraburi Removable connecting joints allow better
province with some units being installed in maintenance.
the homes of headmen for publicity. The
iron molds used for gasholder construction Extension
unfortunately limit digester size. The village technology unit of BUTSI
A government subsidy scheme has now hopes to promote biogas by demonstrating
been withdrawn, but the Agricultural Banks its feasibility to village chiefs.
are contemplating loans for biogas as part of The Bogor Biological Institute will soon
a fertilizer scheme. launch a biogas program based on agricul-
tural wastes 31 million tonnes of corn and
paddy stalks (four times the animal wastes)
Indonesia are available yearly (Sudirjo and Kismomi-
hardjo 1975).
Only twelve units are said to be in opera- Night-soil use is likely to be accepted for
tion in Indonesia as firewood is plentiful in digestion though the use of slurry as manure
most areas and animal wastes are not. has yet to be, especially in Bali, where a
Muslim opposition to pig dung use may also witch doctor attributed sickness to its use.
be a limiting factor as it forced the Indo-
nesian Board of Voluntary Services Japan
(BUTSI) to move a plant built at Bakum.
Small digesters are said to have operated
Demonstration Units in the Tohaku region for many years. Re-
Oil-drum demonstration units (digesters cently several institutions, including the
made of one or more empty oil drums) National Institute of Animal Industry at
include a train of six double-drum poultry Chiba, the Public Works Research Insti-
manure units at Denpasar. Two units are tutes, the Fermentation Research Institute
used at Petung one heated with compost at Anage, M/S Hitachi Plant Construction,
around the drum and another based on the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Agency
night soil. Various dilutions are being tried for Industrial Science and Technology
and the use of solar heating is being inves- (MITI) have worked on anaerobic digestion
tigated by a civil engineer at Yogyakarta. A of rural, urban, and industrial wastes for
7.8-rn3 rectangular unit produces cooking pollution control. Japan is the only country
fuel at Atuag. In 1976 Community Aid in the region to have adopted high-tempera-
Abroad (Australia) assisted a Bogar school ture digestion (in the thermophilic range) of
to set up a $600 (250 000 rupiyah) 3-m3 Chan some wastes.
digester based on 25% of the dung of 20
cattle - lack of water forced operation at a Livestock Wastes
dilution of 1:2. Predigested slurry is used as The growing Japanese pollution problem
a starter, and feeding is once every 2 days. has resulted in a spate of antipollution laws
The school has also experimented with a and methods of meeting them. Since 1973 a
three-drum unit. There is great reluctance to multiinstitutional, nation-wide effort has at-
use the gas, however. tempted to reduce the pollution problems of
The Development Technology Centre animal wastes. The energy crisis added
(DTC) at the Bandung Institute of Tech- further impetus to this effort. Digester
nology recently set up a I x 2 x 0.95 rn rec- experiments include a 200-litre unit (60 cm
tangular unit with an overhead gasholder in diameter, made of fibre-reinforced plastic
and a water-jacketed top at the Buruadjak insulated with 5 cm glass fibre) based on the
dairy farm, Lebang. Feeding is weekly (dilu- wastes of one pig diluted 1:3 with a 16-day
tion 1:2), and a glass window allows obser- retention period. A 160-W submerged pump

agitates the contents, and a temperature of Recently, digestion of distillery waste has
35 °C is maintained. Gas production is been discontinued because it does not
about 20 litres of 62% methane per day. Dry remove the brown colour pollutant. The
matter content of the slurry is 5.2%; organic 1000-2000-rn3 units at the Chiba Distillery,
matter content is 3.6% wet and 7 1.83% dry for example, have been converted into
basis; nitrogen content is 0.32% wet and aerators, with the concentrated sludge being
6.19% dry basis (Yagi 1975). discharged into the sea.
A similar larger unit (5 m3; 1.5 kW pump)
based on 25 pigs at the Kagawa Prefecture is Urban Wastes
being researched by the Ministry of Agricul-
ture. Digested slurry from this unit is fed These wastes are currently either incin-
erated or used as land fill. But, as part of the
directly to the fields (Yagi 1975). MITI "Sunshine Project" Hitachi Plant
A large Kochi Prefecture digester, which
is insulated with vinyl, maintains a year- Construction has been investigating their
round temperature of 30 °C. Poultry- optimum anaerobic fermentation (Takatani
dropping digestion experiments have re- et al. 1975) and has concentrated, since April
sulted in toxic ammonium ion accumula- 1975, on thermophilic digestion only. The
(over 300 ppm). No night-soil
experimental units are small (I litre, 100
litres, and I m3), but a 1200-rn3 plant is being
digestion has been tried. planned. The dilution is 1:2 and the C/N
The Nippon Veterinary and Zootechnical
ratio is kept at 1/20 with ammonium car-
College, Department of Animal Hygiene,
found mesophilic digestion more efficient bonate. The retention periods are 25 and 7
days, respectively, for mesophilic and
than thermophilic (Kamata and Uchida thermophilic digester. The latter has a
1972), and the Public Works Research Insti-
loading rate approximately 2.4 times
tute found that sewage sludge contains greater, and in winter one-third of the gas is
heavy-metal contamination that is likely to used for heating.
render it useless as a fertilizer for edible
Industrial Wastes Other Countries
The Fermentation Research Institute,
Inage, has been promoting thermophilic Bangladesh
anaerobic digestion of industrial wastes (i.e. As alternative fuel sources in Bangladesh
distillery, butanol, yeast, antibiotic, and are limited, the Council of Scientific and In-
paper mill waste) since the Second World dustrial Research and the Bangladesh
War. BOD removal is 70-90%, and the Academy of Rural Development have built
sludge is used for fertilizer. some demonstration plants. Polythene-bag
Both thermophilic and mesophilic diges- designs are, in an attempt to reduce costs,
tion produce the same amount of biogas per being tried at the Bangladesh University of
unit of volatile solid, but the former allows Engineering and Technology at Dacca
reduction of the retention period to 5-7 days (Islam 1976). Long-range plans include
and loading rates 2.5 times greater combined water hyacinth - cow dung
(mesophilic loading rate is 2-3 g/litre/day digestion and village-size plants are also
versus 5-6 for thermophilic digestion). This being considered as they may be suitable for
allows a considerable reduction in digester the particular social structure (Eusuf 1975).
size (Sonoda et al. 1965).
Twelve distilleries have anaerobic China
digesters; five working under government Biogas is extensively used for cooking,
supervision treated 200 million litres of lighting, fertilizer, and for small internal
wastes in 1966 and recovered 170000 m3 of combustion engines (Fang Chen 1976). As
gas for fuel (Fermentation Research Insti- of September 1975, over 200000 family-size
tute 1974). (10-rn3 capacity, generating about 5 m3 of

biogas per day) digesters were operating in 1975). Demonstration units at military dairy
the province of Szechuan (ESCAP 1975). farms, universities, and integrated rural de-
They are built essentially underground, of velopment centres are built at Government
brick, cement, and pebbles, with no moving expense.
parts; the gas pressure is kept constant auto- Problems include low winter tempera-
matically by changing water levels. A key tures, waterlogged hilly areas, and high steel
factor is the size of the door connecting the costs. The Appropriate Technology
fermentation tank to the outlet chamber. Development Organization designs and
The summer temperature is about 23 °C, builds 10-rn3 fixed-dome digesters based on
winter temperature about 10 °C. Chinese technology (cost per unit about
Maintenance is carried out once a year $590, or 5600 rupees, ESCAP 1976).
(People's Publishing House 1974). The feed
is a mixture of urine (30%), night soil (10%), Sri Lanka
and water (50%); vegetable matter is decom- A 2.8-rn3 demonstration plant was built
posed for 10 days before inclusion. Lime by the Industrial Developnient Board,
solution or grass ashes are added to main- Ministry of Industries during 1973-74. Re-
tain a pH of 7-8. The burners are made of search and development were carried out
soil and carbon ash, with a biogas:air ratio concurrently by the Peradeniya and
of 1:10. Free-standing biogas lamps are usedKatubedda campuses on vegetable material
(Production Team of T'ang Ngan 1973). digestion (especially of salvina and water
The Research Office for Parasitic Disease hyacinth). The Government plans to intro-
Prevention and the Revolution Committee duce subsidies to encourage the use of non-
of the Mien Chu District Communicable conventional fuels, and the Asian Rural
Diseases Prevention Office have found that Energy Research Project Experimental
the best pathogen control method is to Station to be located in a rural village near
remove digested sludge from the middle of Hambantota, which was UNDP-assisted,
the digester to allow worms and eggs to will also have biogas generators.
settle in the digester. Physical and chemical A cheaper and more compact generator
destruction of the worms and parasitic eggs with no moving parts is being developed by
is then carried out after 6 months retention 1DB and is named the "Lakgen." The main
when the digester is fully emptied (Research components will be two underground brick
Office for Parasitic Disease Prevention, static tanks, with one at a higher elevation
Province of Szechuan 1973). than the other, so that gas pressure is main-
tained by the slurry. In addition to low
Nepal initial cost and ease of operation, the gas will
Since the first biogas plant in 1970, the be available at a higher pressure than in the
Development and Consultancy Services of current units (Industrial Development
the Butwal Technical Institute and the Board, Sri Lanka 1976).
Energy Research and Development Group
under Tribuvan University have contributed Taiwan
to the construction of 1002.8-rn3 digesters in In 1973 there were said to be nearly 7500
1975 alone (cost: $400 each). Major
family-size biogas units on the island, most
problems include transportation and steel
costs, water access, and the provision of loan
based on 12 hogs. The design includes a
unique manual mixing device made out of
credit when fixed assets are limited. PVC pipe tied to a piece of rope. The
digested sludge is used as fertilizer, with a
Pakistan small part being used for C/i/ore/Ia cultiva-
The Government has built nearly 100 tion (Chung Po 1973).
units, some capable of producing 11 m3 of Integrated systems, combining a bag
biogas per day. Gasholders are free if the digester with algal and fish cultivation, are
farmers build their own digesters (ESCAP said to originate from Taiwan (ESCAP
1975). The digester bag is a light, mass- diversity of successful systems suitable to
produced bag of 0.55-mm hypalon lami- conditions in the country of application.
nated with neoprene and reinforced with This should be recognized in planning future
nylon, with a PVC inlet and outlet. Small programs, as emphasis on uniform design
circular (5-30 m3) and large rectangular bags may seriously reduce the potential useful-
(50-100 m3) are available from Fortune In- ness of the technology, which may well
dustrial Corporation, Taipei. depend on being adapted to the detailed
features of the location in which they are to
be used.
Interest of the International The number of viable systems may be
Agencies in Asia even larger than those established to date.
Thus experimentation under local condi-
Biogas systems are now receiving atten- tions must be fostered, ilthough it may well
tion from several international agencies be possible in the context of highly stan-
following the crisis in the supply of energy dardized (perhaps mass-produced) parts,
and fertilizer. After its 1974 Colombo components, and materials.
Declaration, the Economic and Social Com-
mission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
held biogas workshops (in New Delhi, Technological Aspects of
August 1975, on Technology and Eco- the Region's Experience
nomics, and in Manila, October 1975, on
Fermentation Technology), and began pub- The socioeconomic factors governing
lishing newsletters. The Energy Division of biogas systems are very much interrelated
ESCAP will survey the potential of energy with the technical factors. Higher digestion
resources in the region (including biogas) in efficiencies reduce plant cost; whereas,
1978. cheaper and more easily accessible inputs
UNIDO has asked UNDP to finance a and the efficient use of outputs can bring the
global project on biogas plants during 1978- system within reach of a larger section of the
1982, but the future of the project is still un- rural community. Some of the technological
certain. UNICEF and WHO have also ex- findings of the survey are presented here.
pressed interest.
Under UNEP's Rural Energy Project, Biochemical and Other Operational
pilot digesters are being built in Senegal and Aspects
Sri Lanka, in cooperation with the Brace
Research Institute, McGill University,
Canada, and Oklahoma State University, Poor Digestibility of the Dung
USA. A 84-rn3 unit in Sri Lanka is to run a 6- One kilogram of volatile solids could pro-
kW generator for lighting and water supply. duce 0.75-1.0 m3 of biogas at normal
UNEP is presently considering a request temperature and pressure (NTP), depending
from Kenya for assistance in harnessing on the quantity of carbohydrates, fats, and
solar, wind, and biogas energy in a rural proteins in the feed. Although dung contains
area. Through its International Referral 75% volatile solids (dry basis), the digestion
System (IRS) UNEP is also facilitating in- efficiency is only about 20% (cow dung pro-
formation exchange on the subject. The duces 0.09-0.2 m3 biogas/kg, volatile
World Bank has expressed interest, but be- matter; sewage sludge 0.4-0.6 m3, Mohan
lieves that a thorough analysis of the tech- Rao 1974). Most of the lignin-bound
nical, economic, and financial feasibilities cellulose is not digested.
must yet be made. The efficient digestion of cellulose de-
pends on its rate of hydrolysis into sugars.
Some Generalizations This can be achieved by heating under pres-
Within the limited efforts made so far in sure, or treatment with acids and bases.
Asia, there is already a considerable However, these are not applicable at small

scales, and the only possibility at this scale is Organic Loading
a relatively low-cost cellulase enzyme. But The production of gas is also dependent
there has been little research on hydrolysis on the weight of volatile solids added per
even though it is largely responsible for the digester volume per day. The size of the
slowness of the digestion process (see digester consequently depends on the
Chapter 1). Hitachi and the Nomura Re- loading, which in turn depends on dilution,
search Institute, Kangawa, Japan, are retention time, and temperature of
studying some problems of hydrolysis in digestion. Maximum loading is 2-3
paper-waste digestion, but it should be kg/m3/day in mesophilic digestion, and 5-6
noted that increased digestion reduces the kg in thermophilic. Loading rates in India
humus content of digested slurry though the (mesophilic) are around 1.6-2 kg/m3/day.
nitrogen content remains largely the same. Loadings of 3.17 and 3.2 kg/m3/day have
been achieved (Yagi 1975; NEERI, India).
Use of Other Inputs A further 2-300% increase is possible if the
The field experience of the Asian region sludge concentration is increased to over
(except Japan) is essentially confined to the 10% (Fermentation Research Institute;
treatment of livestock wastes and night soil; Sonoda et al. 1965). Loadings of 1.8-7.6 kg
however, the digestion of fresh and dry plant for mesophilic and 1.8-18.8 kg for
thermophilic digestion are reported
residues, algae, and various marine, agricul-
(Kamata and Uchida 1972). Hitachi of
tural, and biological wastes is being inves-
tigated in pilot plants. For example the Japan (urban wastes) reports rates of
National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, India, 0.77-4.7 kg and 1.73-12.6 kg for mesophilic
has been operating a complex agricultural and thermophilic digestion, respectively
waste system. Water hyacinth and algal re- (Takatani et al. 1975).
search has been initiated in Bangladesh,
India, and the Philippines and nearly 1.9 ml Dilution and Retention Time
of biogas/g of water hyacinth have been ob- These two factors are interdependent and
tained; cadmium and nickel contamination the experience of the region varies consider-
actually increases production (NASA ably. India uses a 1:1 dilution and a 50-day
1974). Evidence exists that pretreatment of retention period though a 30-day retention
agricultural wastes (such as chopping, is thought possible even with existing
soaking, decaying, or mushroom cultiva- designs. At Maya Farms (Philippines) a 1:1
tion) assists their digestion (NIST, the dilution is standard, with a 45-day retention
Philippines). Where livestock wastes are soon to be reduced to 23 days; spend slurry
scarce, the digestion of these other organic starter is used. The University of the Philip-
wastes becomes very relevant, but little data pines uses a 1:4 dilution and a 21-day reten-
currently exists. More research in this field is tion; NIST dilutions are 1:2-1:3. The Agri-
cultural College at Suweon, Korea, normal-
ly practices 30-day digestion at 1:5 dilution;
Frequency of Feeding this is reduced in their heated digester,
On the basis of the Indian and Chinese ex- which receives feed at 1:2 dilution for a 20-
perience, the secret of successful biogas- day retention. The National Institute of
plant operation lies in the daily feeding Animal Husbandry (Japan) dilutes feed to
cycle. Ideally, but impracticably, the feeding 1:3 for a retention period of 16 days. Hitachi
should be continuous. The National dilutes urban wastes with sewage sludge
Environment Engineering Institute (1:2); mesophilic digestion takes 25 days,
(NEERI), India, resorts to feeding three thermophilic takes 7 days.
times a day, and some farmers in India Higher loading rates would reduce
practiced twice daily feeding in winter. digester volume, cut down on the heat load
Outside these two countries, however, daily and water requirements, and minimize
feeding has not been generally adopted. sludge disposal problems.

Mesophilic and Thermophilic Furthermore, the ammonium ion was
Operations reported to be toxic.
In the region, high-rate thermophilic Removal of Toxic Materials
digestion is practiced only in Japan for in- The harmful effect of certain toxic
dustrial wastes that are discharged at high materials is known to cause the failure of
temperatures. At Hitachi, the gas generated digesters.
under both mesophilic and thermophilic High concentrations of ammonia, lignin,
conditions was similar at between 320 and certain essential oils (orange peel), H2S,
340 ml/g of volatile solid, but the organic highly saturated alcohols, and some
loading rate was 3.8-3.9 g/mI/day for meso- unsaturated alcohols have been found to be
philic digestion and 9 g/ml/day for ther- toxic (Fermentation Research Institute,
mophilic a 2.3-fold increase resulting in a Japan). Soluble sulfides formed by the re-
considerably reduced retention time duction of sulfates affect the digestion of
(Takatami et al. 1975). Since April 1975, yeast wastes (removal results in a 40% rise in
Hitachi has used the thermophilic process gas production, Sonoda and Seiko 1973).
only. The toxic effect of unsettled undiluted slurry
In a comparison of mesophilic and has also been noted and may be due to high
thermophilic digestion, the Department of BOD levels.
Animal Hygiene, Nippon Veterinary and
Zootechnical College, found the thermo- Kill Rates of Pathogens
philic process superior during the first half- A retention of more than 14 days above
period, and the mesophilic more efficient 35 °C seems to remove most pathogens.
over the second. They concluded that the Reduction of the hardier parasite eggs
cheaper mesophilic process was more appears possible through physical separa-
appropriate, taken overall, for the treatment tion. Chinese studies report an 80-98%
of pig feces (Kamata and Uchida 1972). reduction in parasite egg concentration with
an improved effluent storage chamber
Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio (McGarry 1976), and NEERI, India, claims
The optimum C/N ratio is usually given 99% pathogen removal using oxidation-
as 1:30, but the N and C content of the feed pond after-treatment of the sludge (a 30-day
varies with the age and growth of the feed retention reduced hookworm egg
concentration by 93% and roundworm egg
plants, and the diet, age etc., of the animals.
Moreover, what is measured chemically is incidence by 70%). Chinese studies show
not what is available to the bacteria. For that for digestion periods of 10-90 days, the
instance, the digestion of some vegetable hardiest egg was Ascarid (roundworm). Egg
wastes failed due to a lack of nitrogen viability ranged from 63 to 79% and
(NIST, the Philippines). Nitrogen-supple- remained at 47% even after 100 days. Para-
menting additives include ammonium typhoid B. bacilla survived for 44 days, and
carbonate (Hitachi, Japan where the C/N schistemes up to 37 days (Research Office
ratio is maintained at 1:20, Takatani 1975), for Parasitic Disease Prevention 1973).
3% urea (National Sugar Institute, India), Anaerobic digestion, therefore, compares
cattle urine, molasses, oil cakes, or algae. A well with any other feasible techniques for
22% rise in gas production was said to result handling night soil and is clearly better than
from a 1% addition of algae (National Dairy existing maipractices in excreta disposal.
Research Institute, India). But some Indian But, very low retention times can be a source
scientists have doubts about the importance of trouble (McGarry 1976).
of nitrogen in anaerobic digestion because
the slowness of the process means a lower Fertilizer Value of the Slurry and
nitrogen demand. Algae benefits may be its Loss through Drying
partly due to easy digestibility, while the Data on the fertilizer value of digested
urea may only increase CO2-production. slurry are scarce and vague; anaerobic
digestion does not create fertilizer, as some to 23.2% with legume leaves; it was 9.1%
claim. Total waste solids are reduced, the with dung alone (Idnani and Varadarajan
nutrients concentrated, and the form of 1974).
some of the nitrogen changed, but total The drying of the sludge volatilizes over
nitrogen in the slurry is essentially con- 97% of the ammoniacal nitrogen (ICAR,
served. The problem is to determine how India) and results in a net loss of 18% of the
much more nutritive the slurry is in com- total nitrogen. Dried sludge residue contains
parison with the original material put into 1.78% nitrogen; if the ammoniacal nitrogen
the digester, not just when it comes out of were conserved, the figure would be 2.16%.
the digester, but also at the point of its end Nitrification studies on N-availability
use. There is often a confusion of the mean- confirm this: with 30 mgN/ 100 g of soil, inS
ing of slurry and sludge in certain publica- months the extent of nitrification was 21.3%
tions: the first is simply the digester effluent; for fresh slurry, 16.3% for compost, and
the second, the settled-out effluent with 18.6% for sun-dried slurry (Idnami and
much of the liquid removed. Varadarajan 1974). Volatilization and loss
Fresh cattle dung contains 3.5% nitrogen are attributed to alkalinity and the pH
(dry basis), 74% in organic form, 26% in the during fermentation rises from 7.2 to 8.3,
more assimilable ammoniacal form. Digest- presumably because of ammonia accumula-
ed slurry contains 50% organic and 50% tion.
ammoniacal nitrogen (Hart 1963) a 24% To avoid the loss of the ammoniacal
increase in the latter. Similarly, Acharya
nitrogen, it would seem best to apply the
(1956) and Idnani and Varadarajan (1974)
slurry wet and plough it under; however,
report that 15% of the dung nitrogen is
ICAR experiments on wheat, marua, etc.,
converted into the ammoniacal form. The
show that sun-dried slurry makes better
digested slurry contains 17.5% of its manure (ldnani and Varadarajan 1974).
nitrogen as ammonia; in fresh dung Fertilizers were applied to crops on an
ammonia makes up only 3.5-5.5% of its total equivalent nitrogen basis (125 kgNjha for
nitrogen. NDRI, India, found 16-18% of the wheat); farmyard manure fertilized yields
slurry ammoniacal. China reports were taken as 100. The results for wet
approximately a 10% ammonia nitrogen digested slurry were 103, for dry 113. When
concentration increase (People's Publish- only 30 kgN/ha were applied, ammonium
ing House, Peking 1974). sulfate produced a yield of 137 (Berger
But Leui (1975) claims that slurry 1976). Nitrification studies with 60
contains 60-75% of physiologically active mgN/300 g of soil showed that after 3
nitrogen as ammonia, 25% as amino acids, months 7.4% of the nitrogen in the digested
with the balance difficult to utilize. And slurry, 4.7% of the N in the farm manure,
United Aircraft Corporation (USA) found and 87% of the ammonium sulfate nitrogen
that digestion of cattle wastes increases was nitrified.
crude protein by 100% and amino acid Thus, the 'chemical fertilizer' ammonium
content of the digested product by 400% sulfate is at least four times as available and
(Coe and Turk). effective as manure and slurry. With both of
The ammoniacal transformation there- the latter, the nitrogen is only one-third
fore appears to be dependent on food com- available, with the rest becoming available
position, and this could expain the variableduring the second and third years after
data. For example, experiments on the application (carryover effect). Chemical
digestion of cow dung, with the addition of nitrogen is applied yearly and has little
various carbohydrates and 1% nitrogen (as carryover (ESCAP 1975).
nut cake), found that 43-63% of the total Damage to the soil through the repeated
nitrogen was transformed into ammonia. use of only chemical fertilizer is well known:
With other organic materials (in combina- during the survey, some fertilizer experts
tion with the dung), conversion into stated that organic and chemical fertilizers
ammonia varied from 11.8% with bagasse, were complementary; and ICAR experi-
ments show that incorporating chemical recommended to ensure intimate contact
fertilizers into the slurry resulted in manures
between the microorganisms and their food
superior to either alone (Idnani and and to increase the rate of decomposition by
Varadarajan 1974). releasing small trapped gas bubbles from the
Composting organic wastes with slurry microbial cell matrix. It also helps to break
results in a compost that is ready for up scum. Certain authorities claim that
application in 3 months, one-quarter of the loading could be increased by four times in
usual composting time. This does not well-stirred, high-rate digesters (see Chapter
conserve nitrogen well, and ICAR experi- 1). Most family digesters now in use make
ments show that nitrogen efficiency is only no provision for agitation. But there are
20-30% as opposed to 30-50% in regular exceptions such as the 140-rn3 digester being
composting (Idnani and Varadarajan 1974). designed in India, the large-scale pilot unit
In experiments on facilitating the hand- in Korea, the batch digesters in the
ling of the very dilute (90% water) slurry, Philippines, and all units in Japan. Some
Idnani and Chawla devised a filter bed of Japanese models use a submerged pump for
green leaves or straw from which semisolid both agitation and mixing (Yagi 1975). Gas
residue could more easily be removed. The recirculation was reported to be both
resulting mixtures were a better manure beneficial (India and Korea) and of little
than compost. benefit (Japan).
The University of the Philippines at Los Some experiments show that stirring may
BaI'os claims that daily feeding of digested have only a temporary benefit on gas
slurry to fields results in a plant nitrogen production. The Public Works Research
intake only slightly lower than with urea; Institute, Japan, found that continuous
Maya Farms even reported overfertili- mixing produced only 5% more biogas than
zation with slurry alone. But the situation is once-a-day agitation. But Hitachi, which
complicated by carry-over effects and rates adopted intermittent agitation in small-scale
of application. Such remarkable results trials, uses continuous agitation in the larger
through the use of digested slurry/sludge are models. According to them, the effect of
thought by some to be due to the action of agitation may not be apparent in small-scale
humic acid on plant roots and to the digesters though it does break up the scum.
presence of various micronutrients. Anaero- The current practice in industrialized
bic digestion causes only a 20-30% loss of nations is toward continuous mixing (see
organic matter, thus plant residues (humus) Chapter 1).
are conserved.
For optimum utilization of digester Winter Operation and Heating
nutrients, the feasibility of establishing an the Digester
integrated farming system incorporating Reports on the operation of gas plants in
aquaculture as well as agriculture should be winter are not consistent. Research
considered in view of the high yields and institutions report a reduction of 60-72% in
short life-cycle of biomass in. water. gas production during winter, but the State
Similarly, ways to use colloidal cow-dung of Haryana, India, reports only a reduction
slurry should be explored. Finally, the of 25-33%. The problems of winter are
possible contamination with heavy (and overcome by setting up a plant one size
other) metals and pathogens should not be larger than normal requirements, feeding
overlooked in studies of the fertilizer value larger inputs into the digester, covering the
of sludge and slurry. gasholder with plastic sheets, using hot
water for feed preparation, and adding
various materials like urea, urine, molasses,
Design Aspects and oil cakes. Korean units experience a gas
production drop of 85-90% during their
Agitation severe winter. Part of the inconsistency may
Agitation of the digester contents is often be explained by the greater efficiency of the

larger scale plants under identical operating at between $255 and $1420 each, as
conditions (Hitachi Plant Engineering and inexpensive as was first expected.
Construction Co. Ltd. 1975).
Systematic investigations on digester Gasholder
heating have been carried out only in Korea In the Indian design, the steel gasholder
and Japan. The heat could be supplied by makes up 30-40% of the total cost. With
burning biogas or by recovering waste heat proper maintenance (i.e. annual painting)
from gas-operated engines. Percentages they have operated for over 10 years.
varying from 25 to 47.7% of gas produced Wooden gasholders in Korea failed and
have been needed to keep digesters in the were replaced by PVC holders, which also
mesophilic range; again, the different scales developed cracks due to weathering. Later
of operation may account for the divergence PVC designs have four independent
in amount of gas needed. chambers so that damage to any one does
Experiments using solar heat are in not affect the others. Ferrocement is
progress in India at the Gobar Gas Researchrelatively heavy and inferior to steel in
Institute, and in Indonesia. Another strength and flexibility, but work on
possibility, that of using heat liberated building low-cost gasholders from local
during aerobic composting to conserve materials is being continued in India. An
heat in anaerobic digestion, was suggested external water jacket may be useful for a
as early as 1952 (Lessage and Abiet 1952). night-soil digester. Transparent gasholders
Digester have been suggested to increase solar
radiation, but there is some doubt about
The need for twin digesters is being how tolerant methanogenic bacteria are to
questioned: both NEERI (India) and the light.
University of the Philippines at Los Baos
use twin digester systems and have con-
cluded that a single digester could serve their Utilization of Gas
needs just as well. Methane suffers a major storage problem
Defects that had caused failure of the as it does not liquefy under pressure at
digesters seen during the survey essentially ambient temperatures (critical temperature
concerned the masonry work and did not and pressure: -82.5 °C, 46.0 bar). To store or
pertain to the design. The Indian design at transport the energy equivalent of 13 litres
times suffers from choking of the feed inlet. of gasoline as compressed gas at 2000 psi, a
A problem with the Taiwanese design is the 1.6 x 0.27 m cylinder weighing 60 kg is
development of difficult-to-repair leaks in required (Meynell 1976).
both the water seal and digester compart- The low pressure of biogas and the low
ments. flame propagation speed of methane (66
Among the other designs, the Chinese cm/see), which is further inhibited by CO2,
model with its built-in gas dome and lack of call for specially designed biogas appliances.
moving parts has attracted attention in Watson House Laboratory recommends
Pakistan, Korea, and Sri Lanka. In addition that biogas burners have a total flame port
to delivering the gas at increased pressure, it cross-section area 300 times the injector
is easy to construct in rural areas, and cross-sectional area. Suitable flames can be
dispenses with expensive steel gasholders. obtained with orifices of 0.96 and 1.04 mm
But the annual maintenance and sludge with a gas pressure of 2.5-20 cm of water.
removal could prove bothersome. The The heat output range varies from 130 to 430
Indian design, in contrast, has been in con- kg-cal/cm2 of port area/hour. Indian
tinuous operation for over 10 years in some burners with a 60% efficiency use large 6-
well-run plants. The other development is mm ports and the premix flame is short.
the bag digester: two brands, hypalon and Biogas lights are generally inefficient, but
butylon (Dunlop, New Zealand) are the Chinese report the brightness of a
available. They have not proven as light nor, standing lamp to be greater than that of a

hanging one (Production Team of T'ang about biogas-related investments. Such
Ngan 1973). decisions are made on both technical
Findings on the utilization of biogas considerations and information about social
engines are not consistent. A compression and economic issues. As we have shown,
ratio of 13-15 is recommended for biogas use technical data are often not available with
in engines (compared with a ratio of 6 or 7 sufficient accuracy and vary in different
for gasoline engines). Carbon dioxide situations. This section describes those
increases anti-knock characteristics and results of the survey of the Asian experience
does not have to be removed. India has had that relate to the different social and
success toward adapting diesel engines to economic conditions, problems, and
biogas using a biogas:diesel fuel ratio of achievements of the region. Clearly, such a
85:15. Engines running on biogas can go five review cannot be a comprehensive treatment
times longer without an oil change. of all the issues involved, and this is not
Few examples exist of other systems of intended.
energy conversion using biogas, but
Parasakthi College in Southern India Owners
effectively uses biogas to run a steam boiler On the Indian experience, people who
for cooking purposes. Other recommended have so far been able to benefit from biogas
uses for large-scale operations involve the plants have been in or above the middle-
separation and use of CO2 to make calcium class levels. For instance, the survey carried
carbonate, to promote algal growth, and to
out in Gujarat by the Indian Institute of
make dry ice for local health services, Management, Admedabad, revealed that
refrigeration, etc. (Pathak and Colah 1976; nearly 67% of the owners were of medium
Prasad et al. 1974). socioeconomic status, and only 26% were
Future Research and from the low-income group (Moulik and
Development Srivastava 1975). The individual families
who owned gas plants had, on an average, 10
Technological problems to consider, in ha of land and 10 head of cattle. In another
rough priority of order, include: the design survey by the Dena Bank in Gujarat, most
of efficient burner and gas-use equipment, owners had an annual income of more than
such as refrigerators and gas distribution US $1 100 (many over US $2800), and their
systems; design of biogas-operated engines;
and studies to determine the best use for primary occupation was agriculture (Dena
Bank 1975). They were all literate and nearly
slurry and sludge. Fermentation kinetics 40% had subsidiary occupations such as a
studies are necessary to find the optimum business or a service. Others of equivalent
dilution, retention time, organic loading, social status had no such subsidiary
etc. As well, improvement studies of dung occupation.
digestion through enzyme action and other Similarly, in the State of Haryana, which
pretreatments should be undertaken. has the largest number of biogas plants, five
Digester design itself should be scruti-
nized; different climatic conditions should villages
plants in
were surveyed. Of the 12 biogas
these villages, five were in one
be assessed and designed for; and the use of village this was attributed to the enter-
solar and wind energy should be prising character of its inhabitants. Out of a
investigated. Finally, the use of industrial sample of 835 households, 681 had animals;
wastes from agro-based industries, and the a rough breakdown follows: landless 39%
isolation and 'education' of bacteria for
operating at low temperatures might be (farm labourer 36%, business 1.5%, services
1.5%); marginal farmers (up to 1 ha) 13.5%;
small-scale farmers (1-2 ha) 15.3%; lower
medium (2-4 ha) 17.5%; upper medium (4-6
Social and Economic Issues ha) 5.5%; and large (over 6 ha) 9.2%. The
biogas plant owners are from the last three
Decisions are being made all the time categories, which represent only about one-
third of the population. This situation is The need for gas was important to the
generally repeated in other Asian nations. installation of biogas at Tulsisham Temple
Essentially, it is the rich who have installed in the Gir Forest, Gujarat. Located in the
biogas plants. Many factors have made it jungle and having no power source, its 300
difficult for the poor to use biogas plants. head of cattle feed a digester that generates
electricit and the power to lift water. The
Motivation Temple uses wood for cooking because of
The motivation for biogas plant installa- the need for mass cooking on short notice:
tion varies with countries, but it is difficult this highlights the need for an alternative
to avoid the conclusion, at least on Indian fuel. If, all of the biogas from a community
experience, that past demand for biogas has plant were used for irrigation or small
been generated by external inducement. industry, and electricity came to the area,
Occasional kerosene scarcities, irregular alternate uses for the biogas would have to
supplies of petroleum, and scarcity of be found. Some large farms with power are
firewood due to intensive cultivation, as well nevertheless interested in biogas for lift
as the problems of burning firewood during irrigation or for greater independence from
the rainy season, etc., may well have induced the rural power systems, in which power cuts
some individuals in India to install biogas are common.
plants. According to the Dena Bank survey Biogas is also successful in delta areas that
(1975), about 93% of the owners installed have an adequate number of cattle, but no
their units for cooking. The smokey flame forests to supply firewood. Multiple
from the traditional fuel (cattle dung) cropping in these areas creates a demand for
blackens the kitchen and utensils and affects fertilizer. The relative success of biogas in
the eyes. According to a survey of 56 gobar the Krishna and Cauvery deltas appears to
gas plants in Uttar Pradesh, biogas use has confirm this.
reduced the eye infections of housewives, The educated and well-to-do in Andhra
saved time, increased the life of utensils, and Pradesh were reported to be attracted by the
improved the cleanliness of the house and convenience of the gas, but in contrast the
the dress of the women (Sathianathan 1975). lower middle class workers are motivated by
Although there is an increasing awareness the value of the digested slurry as fertilizer.
of the high value of the digested slurry as Other factors that are generally not
manure, the value of the gas seems to have considered by individuals are important to
been the prime attraction in the past. The state or national governments and these
main advantage as fertilizer is perceived to include environmental and deforestation
be that the digested slurry can be used to control, public health advantages, and cost
speed up the process of composting other savings through recycling of refuse.
wastes and thereby increase the volume of The key motivation in Thailand stems
compost produced. from the desire to use the gas as an
When the disposal of dung becomes a alternative to expensive charcoal, although
problem, as in large urban areas, the biogas pollution control could be a motivation for
plant is seen as coming to the rescue. The piggeries, particularly in southern Thailand.
digested slurry from the biogas units in Most units in Indonesia are demonstration
Madras and Bombay is fed into the city plants and wood is plentiful; only
drainage systems. Some families close to overpopulated Java, which is facing a
Calcutta built their digesters in response to deforestation problem, might be interested
complaints from their neighbours about the in biogas for fuel. In the Philippines, the gas
smell of the dung and the number of flies and is again the main attraction, but the easy
mosquitoes. Others were attracted by the availability of firewood means that
saving on septic tanks by connecting toilets pollution control is likely to be the motive in
to the biogas units (one firm in Sangli, the future, in Korea, gas is used for cooking
Maharashtra, supplies prefabricated toilets and to save compost materials like straw and
along with the biogas units). forest products from being burned for
fuel. Pollution control is the prime force in the gas is not particularly valued because of
the propagation of biodigesters in Japan. the availability of other sources of heat,
Few people drew attention to the particularly wood; the Indonesian program
advantages arising from the release of may be limited in this way. In Korea, where
household labour for the other productive 90% of villages are said to be supplied with
activities (as in the case of a Korean farmer cheap electricity (US $2 per family per
who increased silk output). Although month), the cost of the alternative biogas,
apparently insignificant, this may be, or with a capital cost of US $150 and low gas
could become, an important motivating production in the cold winter, may be less
factor. preferable.
The spatial arrangements of communities
Nonadoption form the third major problem area
The survey showed that many reasons preventing the adoption of biogas. Returns
quoted for nonadoption were often too to biogas often become negative if the
simplistic: a complex set of interactions are digested slurry has to be transported a
involved and these vary between areas and considerable distance to the fields, or if the
countries. Many of the reasons for gas is produced at some distance from where
nonad option are associated with three main it is to be used (such as in kitchens);
problems. similarly, problems arise if the cattle are
First, people just do not have sufficient moved away from the digester in summer
resources (of capital, input materials, land, (Dena Bank 1975).
or time) to run plants efficiently. Lack of To these three sets of problems must be
cattle, due either to different agricultural added the important phenomena such as the
systems or the increase of mechanization, is limited diffusion of the technical knowledge
seen as a major constraint to biogas and experience to run plants (particularly in
adoption in Thailand, Korea, and among Indonesia) and the lack of the institutional
the poor sections of Indian society. This is in infrastructure, credit, and extension facili-
spite of the fact that enterprising people ties. In Indonesia, plants were resisted due to
have managed to run 2.8-m3/day plants on the Muslim's attitudes to the use of pig
one animal and a calf. Inadequate water manure. Lack of spare parts and technical
supply is another input that prevents the problems, however, are not as important as
spread of plants. Lack of space either for the they once were.
plant or for slurry pits is similarly often cited
as a constraint (Dena Bank 1975). Lack of Night Soil
cash liquidity forms another barrier to the In India the psychological and religious
purchase of biogas plants. The absolute size barriers to the use of night soil vary
of the capital required, together with considerably. There are instances like in
problems of cash flow, certainly rule out Haryana where 30% of plants have toilets
biogas for the poorer sections of society. attached to digesters, where some have been
Second, the returns to investment are seen discontinued due to pressure from elderly
as too low in relation to other uses of the parents. Some households whose plants run
resources. The returns to the individual are on the combined digestion of night soil with
often thought to be inadequate because they cattle dung are unwilling to admit such use.
are notional rather than in cash; they are in Religious sentiments exist against the use of
the form of savings in the use of other such gas for cooking food offered during
resources rather than in direct sales. The worship either at home or in the temple.
value of using the digested slurry is often It is difficult to correlate these sentiments
only available to the farmer who can use it with either education or religion: a ladies'
on his own land, but in India 70% of college in the South could convince an
household milch cows are owned by landless orthodox family to use night soil by arguing
people (National Dairy Research Institute, that fire has no unholiness; but the college
Karnal, India). Low returns also occur when itself was forced by the students to use the
gas only in the chemistry laboratory. include large-scale efficiency for rural power
Religious feelings cause objections in parts generation, industry, water pumping, etc. A
of Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and the number of social and technical problems
South, but other religious areas like Gujarat would have to be solved, however. People
and Maharashtra have shown a great would have to pooi animal livestock waste
willingness to use night soil. resources, use community latrines, avoid
In Thailand, the Philippines, and Korea, excessive use of water, and not add
there are likely to be psychological barriers, disinfectant to the wastes. Technical
but BUSTI considered that such resistance problems would involve the equitable
is not likely in Indonesia, where human distribution of the biogas produced (as well
waste is currently used as fish feed. Such as the slurry). Above and beyond this would
psychological inhibitions can disappear in be the cost and problems of management.
time. The collection of input wastes might pose
However, night-soil use does warrant a problem, and as well, cow dung is used for
certain precautions: worms and parasites domestic fuel, in brick kilns, in rural house
are more commonly present in night soil construction, etc. Thus it is essential to study
than in cow dung, and sludge brought out these alternate uses and the seasonal fluctua-
undigested can have an offensive smell and tions of their supply. There is some concern
cause health problems. that the demand for biogas might deny its
availability to existing users: the poor thus
Community Plants deprived of dung, and unable to use gas,
The idea of community plants provides a might turn to wood, and so cause
possible means for bringing the benefits of deforestation.
biogas systems within reach of poorer Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines
sections of the rural population. Although have no community plants and are faced
no community plants are now operating in with problems, such as lack of cooperative
India, a number of large-scale units for spirit, similar to those in India. However,
schools, villages, prisons, and other the National Housing Authority of the
institutions are being considered. However, Philippines is planning large plants for new
these cannot be strictly classified as settlements, and Korea will build eight large
community plants as a single institution digesters in selected villages.
owns the inputs, and controls the outputs.
During the survey there was little positive Extension
response to community plants because As mentioned earlier, the extension
many felt that Indians were too individualis- program in India was greatly stimulated by
tic. Most cooperative ventures succeeded the energy crisis. The State of Haryana
only as long as there was positive leadership, alone set up over 12000 plants in about 2
such as the case of the Khiroda Panchayat years and it leads all other states in extension
(Maharashtra) community plant using night work. Factors contributing to this suc-
soil for street lighting that failed after the cess include planning and execution at the
transfer of its most enthusiastic worker. The grass-roots level, an intensive media
Harigan Cooperative in Mahishal, Mahara- campaign, a fair price structure, and
shtra, has decided against community accessible bank loans. The Haryana State
biogas in its developments even though such Government considers the influence of suc-
a plant was used initially. Suggestions for cessful plants crucial in the creation of new
the promotion of community plants are demand; thus, farmers who own digesters
receiving considerable attention, and the are asked to demonstrate them to pro-
community plant as a commercial venture is spective owners. Similar methods are work-
being considered, as is the formation of a ing in Sangli District in Maharashtra, and in
biogas corporation at the national or state the Punjab.
levels. Another important factor in extension
Positive aspects of a community plant work has been the 'approved supervisor,'
who is an artisan trained and authorized by of middle-class owners consider loans a
the KVIC to act as a biogas agent. Although burden and prefer to raise their own funds.
primarily a salesman, he is sometimes much There was a phase of interest-free loans early
more: he helps arrange loans for the on, but with present rates up to 14%, many
construction of the digester, sometimes owners wanted a reduction in interest rates
employing trained village youths for thejob; and extension of the repayment period to
afterward he counsels and advises tech- 10 years. Some even suggest that interest
nically on the day-to-day operation of the should only be charged in the case of
digesters, being much more visible and defaults.
accessible than any government official Although family plants can operate with
could be. At present there are over 400 two animals, most banks insist that the
trained supervisors. borrower have at least five or six animals,
The need for local workshop facilities, with a minimum of 2 ha cultivated agricul-
standardization, and easy availability of tural land. It is clear from these conditions
spare parts was stressed by many owners that the credit system is meant for the
during the survey. It is still difficult to get wealthier classes, and it also indirectly re-
biogas burners and lamps tested in approved flects who the biogas owners are.
government laboratories. From the banks' point of view the rate of
The opportunity to examine extension interest is the same as that normally applied
activities in other Asian countries was to other agricultural advances (4% over
severely limited: clearly it is difficult to draw bank rate), and most of the borrowers are
conclusions from this scattered set of relatively well-to-do.
observations. The identification of visible The question of the length of the loan re-
'leaders' to initiate a process of diffusion was payment period is complicated by the KVIC
quite successful in some cases. However, experience that 95% of the 10-year loans
there was no clear evidence of whether these approved have defaulted. Nevertheless
diffusion processes reached 'downward' many banks advance the loan on personal
toward the poorer strata of society or merely guarantees without insisting on other securi-
'sideways' to similarly well-off families. One ties.
issue is perhaps clear: to be effective, the The former outright subsidy of US $34
extension of knowledge about biogas plants (Rs 300) was replaced by one equal to 25% of
must operate very closely with services the plant cost this has now been reduced
providing accessible and usable credit or to 20%. Some marginal farmers and em-
subsidies, and with technical services ployed plant owners said they were attracted
providing the necessary equipment and by the subsidy, but the Dena Bank survey in
guarantees of maintenance and trouble-free Gujarat reported that subsidy was not a
service. major factor in attracting plant owners. In
fact, according to the banks the subsidy
Credit and Subsidy should be withdrawn completely because
Credit procedures for biogas plants are the benefits go to the well-to-do; if con-
complicated by the very low resale value of tinued, it should be confined to the marginal
the plants and the consequent reliance on farmers. Curiously, the subsidy is not given
third party guarantees. Furthermore, ad- for plants totally operated on night soil.
vances for biogas units by Indian banks are In the view of the Reserve Bank of India
based on Government cost estimates that (1976), biogas plants of all sizes are
are uniform for the entire country. Ac- profitable, and the continuation of sub-
cording to several owners these are lower sidies can be supported if they are con-
than the actual costs in some areas because sidered as an income transfer both from the
of rocky soil or simply higher labour and present generation to the future one (for the
material costs. Interest rates on these ad- conservation of fossil fuels) and as a trans-
vances are high, and there is much 'running fer from urban to rural areas (Sanghi et al.
around' involved. Because of this, a number 1976). During the survey it was found that

the motivation to invest in biogas was rarely The main objective of biogas investment
based purely on economic grounds. in rural Asia should be to improve the dis-
Very little information is available on the tribution of income by serving the needs of a
credits and subsidies in other countries. wide range of social groups. Depending on
Thailand has abolished subsidies, and the the local socioeconomic conditions, biogas
withdrawal of the subsidy in Korea has investment will have its own order of priori-
drastically affected further installation of ties: for example, it may become an
digesters. On the other hand, Sri Lanka is attractive opportunity only when certain
planning to establish financial subsidies and other investments such as irrigation have
in Pakistan the government supplies gas- been carried out (see Chapter 2). The present
holders free to farmers who build their own ownership pattern reveals that biogas
systems can be afforded only by the rela-
tively well-off. Technical as well as socio-
economic considerations should dictate the
Other Benefits operation of large community plants.
During the survey some officials referred
to the indirect social benefits resulting from
the biogas extension program. These in- Problems of Evaluation
cluded a spirit of self-reliance, an increased
diffusion of metallurgical and technical A considerable number of potential
skills, and a general rise in the standard of benefits from biogas systems have been sug-
living and cleanliness. gested, but the problem remains of evalua-
ting the conditions under which these
Some General Implications }"nefits can be reaped.
It is clear that biogas systems in the Asian Macroevaluations often assume that most
region could provide fuel and fertilizer sub- of the available inputs will go directly into
stitution, waste recycling, pollution control, the digester, but microevaluations suggest
and improvement of sanitary conditions. that alternative uses of inputs and seasonal
What is not so clear is how significant these fluctuations limit their availability in
contributions are now, and will be in the practice. Local factors like climate,
future. Nor is it clear who benefits from the cropping pattern, terrain, and social
exploitation of the technology. Extreme practices will influence not only technical
positions are taken by both the enthusiasts design, but also costs and benefits. Most of
and the sceptics, with both sides tending to the present evaluations lack reliable data at
disregard the facts. the microlevel and suffer from an under-
However, a number of people have estimation of the costs and overestimation
attempted to make serious, objective assess- of the benefits (Taylor 1976). Some evalua-
ments of the social and economic potential tions also make the error of 'double
of the technology in Asia. Most relate to counting.' For example, when organic
India and the system most widely used there wastes are added to the slurry pit and corn-
the family-sized plant based on cattle posted with digested slurry, we cannot ap-
dung waste. Little information is available portion the total value of the compost to the
from other countries (see Chapter 2; also biogas plant because had the organic wastes
Berger 1976; ICAR 1976; Moulik and been composted, they would have given an
Srivastava 1975; Prasad et al. 1974; Reserve almost equal quantity of manure. The
Bank of India 1976; and Sanghi and Dey biogas plant speeded up the composting
1976), and even the best of these studies ig- process: the value to a rural economy of this
nore or misinterpret some of the social and speeding up of the process is a complex
economic issues discussed here. Even when question.
taken together, these papers provide almost Present evaluations of biogas in India
no guidance for judgements and policies in assign greater value to the slurry than to the
other Asian countries. gas (ICAR 1976; Moulik and Srivastava

1975), and this is so even without consider- built, or any combination of such factors
ing the organic humus benefits. The ICAR (Taylor 1976).
study presumes that the value of the manure
is 2.3 times the value of the gas. Even Disney
(1976) does not give the sludge any value Summary
other than as nitrogen even though his study
is on the economics of fertilizer production. Asian biogas systems are characterized by
The best way to assess the true value of the great diversity even though only a limited
slurry would be to measure the extra output number have actually been built. Most are
of crops, algae, or fish (e.g. slurry is 13% used for family cooking, although other uses
more effective than farmyard manure are on the increase. But even so, burner and
Berger 1976; Idnani and Varadarajan 1974). appliance efficiency has still received in-
Ambiguities in the data abound; if we adequate attention.
want to find out what the fuel value of The greatest benefits from biogas systems
biogas is, we must measure methane are to be derived from the manurial value of
content, but many assessments of increased the slurry; however, this fact is not well
gas production ignore this fact. Dung known outside India and China. Even in
output will vary widely with the breed of India, the ability of biogas digesters to
animal, its food etc., and this is why convert part of the organic nitrogen of the
generalizations on the number of animals to feed to ammoniacal nitrogen has not been
support a given size of plant are often mis- exploited. The benefits of organic humus
leading. There can be no generalizations and nitrogen 'carry-over' effects of the
about the price of inputs as they will vary sludge have still to be investigated and no
with season and location. Even family reliable data yet exist on the increase in crop
wealth cannot be defined in terms of land yields that biogas slurry can produce.
ownership as the land may be infertile or Design and operational improvements
their actual standard of living may continue must be conducted and the optimum use of
to be low. the outputs determined. The digestion of
cellulosic materials (especially agricultural
So far only a small number of known waste), with the resultant acceleration of the
designs have been built and tested. There digestion process and reduction of capital
remains great scope for improvements and costs, would gain a wider acceptance for
cost reduction, yet even the existing system biogas, particularly in regions that do not
is reported to be highly cost-efficient. A have cattle.
good cost analysis must find not only the The public health control aspects of
different alternatives for fuel and fertilizer, anaerobic digestion compare with any other
but also pose the question: Is biogas the best feasible night-soil handling techniques. The
use of the available resources? Social and en- hardier parasitic eggs are best controlled by
vironmental benefits, the depletion of non- physical separation. There is considerable
renewable resources, and fluctuations oc- scope for industrial and urban waste
curring outside the system have rarely been treatment as well as for the recycling of
taken into consideration (an energy crisis livestock waste through the use of biogas.
can considerably alter the benefits of Motivation for biogas installation varies
biogas). governments seem to be most interested
The possible role of Government subsidy in biogas applications for environmental
must be viewed from the overall context of control, foreign exchange savings, and
socioeconomic development and self- control of deforestation.
reliance. A baseline may be needed, and a Family-size units are owned for the most
scenario could describe what would happen part, by the well-to-do, as a host of reasons
in a particular village under various as- have made it difficult for poorer people to
sumptions if electrification took place, or if have biogas plants. Nonadoption can be due
biogas plants were installed, a sugar mill to psychological and practical problems
associated with the handling of various The criterion of attractive returns on in-
wastes and slurry, or simply a lack of neces- vestment matters very little if the necessary
sary resources (i.e. capital, input materials, capital and means are not available to the
land, time). Some prefer to invest elsewhere. villager. Further, the evaluations do not
Biogas systems can succeed in areas where take into account the social and other latent
inputs have low opportunity costs, the al- costs of the depletion of nonrenewable
ternatives have high opportunity costs, and resources. An analysis has to consider not
where plants can be operated with adequate merely the different alternatives for meeting
efficiency. fuel, fertilizer, and other needs but also
To be effective, an extension program whether investments in biogas are the best
must operate very closely with systems of use of available resources. The economics of
credits, subsidies, and technical services. biogas systems is highly location-specific
Subsidies can be viewed as a transfer and it is essential to identify rural zones with
payment from the urban rich to the rural the right potentials and socioeconomic
poor, or as a transfer payment to the future environment to maximize the returns to the
generations for the conservation of fossil individual, the rural community, and the
fuels. nation as a whole.
The main objective of biogas investment The timely funding from both the Interna-
in most parts of rural Asia should be the dis- tional Development Research Centre and the
tribution of income and needs to a wide Indian Council of Social Science Research, and
range of social groups. Large community the consent and encouragement of Dr BK.
plants are most likely to achieve this, and Madan, Chairman, Management Development
efficiency would allow Institute, enabled me to undertake this study. My
their greater thanks are due to all of them. I am particularly
treatment of various types of wastes. Power grateful to Dr Alicbusan, Dr (Mrs) Revades
generation, pumping water, and running Deemark, Dr W.D. Han, Dr Ashok Jam, Mr
rural industry are conceivable uses for HR. Sreenivasan, and Dr G.P. Sudirjo, who
biogas in a village even the waste heat took great pains in arranging my survey visits,
could be effectively used. Such a unit could and to the many people in different countries who
be run as a commercial venture, but the freely shared their experience and educated me
operation of such community plants is on the subject. This work greatly benefited from
plagued with many social and technical the advice and encouragement of Mr R. Martin
problems. Bell and Dr C.H.G. Oldham.

Appendix 1
Continuous digestion: typical gas yields

Total gas
ft°! lb Methane/ Properties of Cellulose
Experimental ft/lb dest-carbonydrate component in destroyed
Component conditions added royed (%) feed (%) (%)

Green garbage T = 37 °C, stirred 17 58/42 74.3% VS

(76.5% garbage o 30 days 2.4 1/ reduction'
+ sludge) LR = 0.077 lb/ft3/ day
day nonacclimatized
Green garbage T = 37°C, stirred 14 60/40 65% VS
(100%) O = 30 days destroyed
LR = 0.154 lb
Paper pulp T 37 °C 12.9 90.3% cellulose
(50% sludge 0=30 days destroyed
50% pulp) 64.7% total
solids destroyed'
8.8 13.9 54.7/45.3 100 92.42
Green garbage \
Kraft paper 9.2 12.1 66.5/33.5 60 92.4
Newspaper T = 37 °C 7.5 13.0 69.5/30.5 30 41.7
Garden debris 0 = 30 days 7.8 11.9 69.5/30.5 50 78.5
3L digester
Wood LR = 0.77 lb 4.3 7.7 69.7/30.3 60
Chicken manure VS/ft°/day 5.0 17.1 59.8/40.2 100
Steer manure 1.4 8.7 65.2/34.8 100
Sewage sludge / 9.7 15.2 64.5/35.5 0

'SERI. Report No. 67 (1967).

2Klein (1972).

Appendix 2
Continuous/batch digester rates: some models and results

Substrate Model Parameters Temperature effect Reference

Protein 1st order 0.023 day-' T = 10°C E = 72 Ryabov

(S0 = 200 mg/i) 0.004 day-' T=20°C (1974)
0.0077 day-' T=30°C E=1L8
Stearic acid Monod 417 mg/I T = 37 °C
= 0.77 day-'
Palmitic acid Monod k5 = 143 mg/I I = 37 °C
I day-'
Myristic acid Monod k 105 mg/I T = 37 °C Novak &
(S0 1375 mg/I) 0.95 day-' Carison
Oleic acid Monod k5 z 3180 mg/i T = 37 °C
(S0 1835 mg/I) 4.0 day-'
Linoleic Monod k 1816 mg/I T = 37 °C
(S0 1835 mg/i) q = 5.0 day-'
Acetic acid Monod k 154, 333, 869 mg/I T 35, 30, 25 °C Lawrence
(S0 1568 mg/I = 8.7, 4.8, 4.7 day-'
0=1.5-12 day) (1969)
Cellulose Monod = 7530 mg/I COD T37°C Chan
(S0 13744 mg/I = 54 day-' (1970)
0= 6-30 days
Domestic waste 1st order' kinitial kfina/day2 T Pfeffer
digested with 0.055 0.003 35 °C (1974)
sewage sludge 0.084 0.043 40 °C
(35-60 °C 0.052 0.007 45 °C
0 = 4-20 days 0.117 0.03 50°C
3.33 g/i day feed) 0.623 0.042 55 °C
0.99 0.04 60°C
Elephant grass 1st order k 0.06 day-' at T 32 °C Boshoff
(batch digester, = 00526 at T=22°C (1966)
Cow manure 1st order k = 0.125 day-' T = 35 °C Gaddy et
(liquid) ai. 1974
(S = 3800 -
15300 mg/i
= 10 days)
Cellulose Zero order k 0.12 at T = 10°C Springer
extracted from (Rzk) = 0.23 at T 15 °C
river bed z03I1 at T=20°C
(S0 = 20000 mg/I) (k = mm gas pressure/h/SO ml sludge fed)
(Batch digester)
'Defined with reference to potential gas production
2Depends on residence time. Broadly (a) 0< 10 days; (b) 9 > 10 days.

Cellulose digestion

System and concentration Cellulose
culture of cellulose material pH Digesting rate Remarks
Batch, mixed two 2000 mg/I Whatman's 6.8 (1)260 mg/l/day Two exp. were made
pure cultures No.1 filter (2)660 mg/I/day with different strains
isolated from paper
sewage digester
38 °C, mesophilic
Batch, mixed 3120 mg/I Cellulose 7.4 142 mg/l/day pH was maintained with
culture from in sewage lime
sewage digester sludge
25 °C, mesophilic
Batch, pure (1) 744 mg/I Absorbent 149 mg/l/day Two experiments were
culture isolated (2) 2980 mg/I cotton 426 mg/I/day made with different
from soil and strains
manure, 55 °C,
Batch, mixed Approx. Cellulose 5.9- 48 to 216 Range of rates of samples
culture from 20000 mg/I in fibrous 6.5 mg/I/day from monthly moni-
fibrous river river sludge torings
sludge, 25 °C
Batch, mixed 41200 mg/l Whatman's 11400 mg/I/day pH was maintained with
culture from 6.5, No. 2 NaHCO
rumen fluid filter paper
40°C, thermophilic
Continuous, 13744 mg/I Particulate - 412-1250 Enrichment culture used
mixed culture, kraft pulp - mg/I/day G 30-6 days
sewage sludge milled

Appendix 3
Suggestions for studies in core technology
Plant-scale studies rate limitations due to microbiological
collection of data and evaluation of effects
existing designs, including reasons for shocks, inhibitions with local pollutants
failure pathogen kill studies
studies! trials and evaluations (technical Instrumentation
and economic) of design modifications F. development of cheap! robust / appro-
(e.g. gas holder design, materials of con- priate instruments for metering inputs,
struction (with corrosion, reliability, outputs; temperature; PH; gas metering
cost), mixing, and heating! preheating/ 2. simple control schemes/strategies
batch-scale plant: study of efficiency, Gas treatment/handling/use (many prob-
feasibility lems are problems of using known tech-
EVOP studies on selected plants nology, establishing good practice, etc.)
other topics should come forward follow- purification design and testing of con-
ing laboratory/pilot-scale work as set out venient methods
below evaluation of potential by-product utili-
Basic factors relating to process operation zation
piping materials (standards, etc.)
and efficiency design, modification of carburetors, etc.
rates, yields, and limiting steps as a func-
for engines
tion of feed material and preparation burners and lighting
collect data on effect of operating condi-
tions and constraints on performance Liquid and solid waste disposal/treatment
Treatment methods with reference to pollu-
Design modifications etc. (laboratory/pilot-
scales) (related where possible to studies tionheatcontrol, nutrient utilization, e.g.
treatment (pathogens, see earlier)
multistage designs and high loading algal lagoons viability, algal colonies,
systems stability, performance, recovery
effects of mixing, LID ratios, etc. on per- algal lagoons keips, hyacinths
formance fish culture choice of fish, trials
plug flow design
use of CO2 to promote algal growth
studies of process constraints, stability, (2, 3, and 4 must include detailed studies of
nutrient and toxins cycles)

Basic chemistry, microbiology, bacteriology Systems studies

1. studies on population dynamics, ecology Studies on systems viability, optimization,
(relate to 'starters', improvements), constraints around the complete cycle, and
modifications thereof alternatives

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