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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

in Grade 9 Advance English

Student Teacher: Angelica E. Monteroso Date:

Cooperating Teacher-Educator: Mrs. Marissa German

I. Objectives:
Provided with series of activities, the Grade 9 students are able to do the

a. explain the distinct features of advertisments;

b. highlight comparison and contrast using special expressions in creating
c. justify the significance of using visual language in advertisments;
d. evaluate the appropriateness of the visual language used in given advertisments;
e. apply technical and visual langage in making advertisments; and
f. use media/current technology in creating poster as advertisment.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Advertisements
Materials: varied advertisement samples, worksheets, handouts

III. Procedure:
A. Motivation
The teacher lets the students listen to an oral announcement about
global warming and let them take note of the message of the
announcement, the audience, and the language used.
B. Lesson Proper
The teacher lets the students perform an activity titled “Fishy Papers”. Within five
minutes, the teacher lets the students group themselves into three groups. Each group
will choose a leader and come up with their own group names and cheers. Then, each
leader will get a piece of paper shaped into fishes. Each group will answer the question
found in their respective papers.
What kind of information do announcements communicate to readers or listeners? Of
what importance is it to them?
How does one make a meaningful and effective announcement?
What makes an effective and meaningful announcement?
With the same the group, the teacher provides each group a puzzle to solve. The puzzle
pieces make up a question “How do oral and written announcements move readers to
action?”. The first group to guess the question and answer it will gain points.
The teacher discusses the definition of an announcement, its functions,
several types of announcements, and the principles in making an
effective and meaningful announcement.
Teacher’s Discussion
Definition of Announcement
An announcement is a written or spoken statement in public or
formal words containing information about an event that has happened
or is going to happen so publicly people know what, when, and where
it is about.
Function of Announcement
An announcement is used for giving people some information of
what has happened or what will happen.
Generic Structure of Announcement
Stating Purpose: The text that contains what event will be held
Stating Day and Date: Day and Date realization. The text that contains when the event
will be held
Stating Place: The text that contains where the event will be held
Informing Sender: The text that contains name of the person who will be contacted
Principles in Writing an Effective and Meaningful Announcement
Use the simple present tense and simple future tense.
Example of words used in announcement

a) Due to some technical problems, the show will…

b) We apologize for the inconvenience…

c)Hi, Guys! Our neighborhood will hold a fund Raising Activity

next month…
Observe proper spelling and punctuation.

Indicate the exact noun.

Be straightforward and ease the readers to get information quickly.

Keep it short, inviting, and to the point.

Keep it clear and complete.

For a bad news, make a direct announcement.

For oral announcements, observe proper pronunciation, enunciation, and


Then, the teacher lets the students listen again to the announcement in
the Motivation part and let them take note of the come-on line used.
Afterwards, the teacher discusses what come-on lines are and the purpose
for using them.

After Discussion
The teacher lets the students get their samples of announcements and let them
analyze the content and purpose of the announcements. They are to fill out the
table below:


Who are the people involved?

What is the activity?

Where will it happen?

When will it happen?

Why is there a need to undertake the activity?

How do the style and format suit the purpose of the announcement?

How effective is the announcement? Prove your answer.

The teacher lets the students group themselves into two groups and assign each
group the following announcements and let them formulate appropriate come-on
lines and explain the rationale behind them.


teacher lets the students draw from different topics and let them create an
announcement. The students are to use technology in coming up with printed
Faculty meeting
Baranggay Assembly
Price Reduction
Job Hiring
Journalism workshop
Filing of candidacy
Global Warming

are graded
with the
following criteria:
Content (Purpose, audience, etc) 15
Effectiveness (Meaningfulness) 15
Content (Purpose, audience, etc) 15
Appropriateness of Come-on Line 10
Design 10
Total 50 pts

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