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Introduction 11

pand out of Academe. We - i.e. all of us - will Personal limitations - It would be better for anybody interested in
evermore need good models of complex situa- formalisms to go to the original sources,
tions, that cannot anymore be understood, This work has been prepared in Argentina by a which I have tried to indicate in every oppor-
evaluated and amended by the exclusive use of French-speaking Belgian citizen, who never tunity.
our present linear and reductionist models. lived permanently in any English-speaking
Some examples of such situations are: under- country. This implies some limitations... but al-
development; the universal squandering of re- so some advantages. To whom this work is addressed
sources; the worldwide spread of unemploy- Nearly nowhere in South America is it possi-
ment; the hothouse effect; the new paludism ble to find any printed material on systems and Paraphrasing POPPER on rational arguments, it
and tuberculosis crisis and the AIDS one; the cybernetics in English (and even in Spanish, could be said that people will not be moved by
general ageing of populations; the growing cost very few translations are available). As a result, systemic arguments until they adopt a systemic
of technified science, particularly medicine; the I depended basically on what I was able to find attitude. This is of course a tall order.
ethics of genetic engineering; etc, etc... out for myself in Europe and the States, or on It seems however decisive that any inter-
Accordingly, this encyclopedia also aims at what important systemists leaders, or personal ested person should be able to find basic
transmitting systemic-cybernetic models and friends have been kind enough to supply me, understandable information, collected in such a
concepts to Jane and John Citizen, who need as for example a photocopy of some specific way as to avoid a very long and uncertain
out of print work! search in an enormous - but still probably quite
them urgently, and most of all to their children
As a former and now retired officer of the incomplete - stack of scattered sources.
and children's children, who are going to inherit
Belgian Foreign Service, I was also never a Accordingly, the general aim of the encyclo-
our blunders and our sins.
member of any university or college staff. Con- pedia is to offer a tentative frame of reference
Consequently, I am impatient with esoterism
sequently, I had, and have still now, to cover for anyone interested. Anyhow, in Ernst
in Systemics and Cybernetics. We need to be
personally all expenses related to Systemics JÜNGER words: "We cannot give the solution,
understandable if we want our models and
and Cybernetics, as for instance subscriptions as any solution is true only for who encoun-
methods to reach the decision makers who
to journals (which are becoming evermore tered it" (In his novel "Heliopolis", French
really could use them and probably will need
costly), participation to meetings, travels, etc. translation, p.362).
them urgently in the coming years. They spe-
This has been a sometimes severe limitation. Some items in the encyclopedia are quite el-
cially include spiritual and institutional leaders,
While most of my sources are the original emental, others less so. As I see no reason why
managers, politicians, and educators.
ones, I also had to rely on quotations, or on Systemics should remain restricted to higher
I thus personally deplore the multiplication of
translations (for example from Russian), or level learning, my hope is that the work should
terminology derived from the old Greek lan-
even worse, retranslations, when the original even prove accessible at least partly at high
guage: "Autopoiesis", "Homeostasis", "Isomor- school level for those young students who
was unavailable, out of print or out of my reach.
phy", "Stigmergy" and the like, which could should become interested in the subject, or to
This has been signaled in every case. I trans-
have perfectly well been replaced with plain any other intelligent person.
lated myself numerous quotations from French
English wording: "Self-reproduction", "Stability However, unfortunately but also inevitably,
authors, as well as a lesser number of others
within limits", "Total similarity", "Transmission all that entered under the headings in the ency-
from Dutch, German, Italian and Spanish. In
through environmental context". Accordingly, I clopedia will not be immediately crystal clear
every case, a considerable effort was made to
introduced and discussed such terms only be- for any user, even if great efforts have been
reproduce the original meanings as best as
cause they bear real significance or are widely possible. made toward maximum transparency. Some
used as a kind of shorthand, while no plain notions are really difficult to grasp at the begin-
Moreover, I am well aware that a given
English substitutes are known. ning. I myself needed many years to obtain a
source may not be the original one, nor possi-
After 40 years of learning and thinking on bly the most up to date. I simply used either reasonable command of the whole subject, ad-
systems, I still discover new aspects and in- the best (in my opinion) to my knowledge, or mittedly and partly because it slowly came of
sights into the systemic perspective. I have the best one at hand. In some cases I did not age during my own lifetime.
slowly reached the conclusion through personal return to the original authors, using instead It is even possible that some concepts or
experience that Systemics is the most impor- some clear and synthetic summary by a recent models which presently appear to be significant
tant mental and psychical mutation since at author, who sometimes clarifies a subject bet- could be seen as trivial or dubious in the future:
least the Renaissance, and possible the Preso- ter than the original author, who can be obscure in such kind of work, some risks must inevita-
cratic philosophers and, in a worldwide per- or esoteric, or as Socrates feared, alas not any- bly be taken.
spective, since Bouddhism, as a philosophy, more able to follow any "argument".
and Chinese Confucianism and Taoism. I did not introduce in the encyclopedia logical
Also, after 60 years of being in four conti- and mathematical formalisms for various rea- Basics: What does Systemics
nents a more or less willing or unwilling actor sons. The first one is that I do not feel really means
and/or witness of this troubled finishing millen- qualified to enter with any depth in this particu-
ium, I must conclude that mankind is still far lar aspect of Systemics and Cybernetics. It is to The really fundamental meaning and useful-
from the point where a sufficient number of be hoped that some other author will in a near ness of Systemics is the acquisition of a new
people will acquire a reasonable non-magical future tackle the difficult task to gather and in- (but complementary) way to look more globally
and non-ideological understanding of the world terconnect the works in this field by authors at the world, i.e. J. de ROSNAY's "Macro-
they live in, even if general information and like L0FGREN, RENYI, VALliE, DUBOIS and scope".
consciousness have very much progressed many others. The mere use of some systems concepts or
nearly everywhere since 1940. There are also other reasons for not entering models applied to any specific situation is gen-
Insofar as Systemics may further such in formalisms: erally useful. But this should be only a very par-
understanding, and as much as my best ability - It seems more useful for the time being to tial and insufficient response to the real chal-
will allow me, I feel a responsability to cooper- try to explain the whole subject in terms lenge, which is the fabulous increase of com-
ate to this progress. understandable by lay people; plexity and the multiplication of complex situa-
12 Introduction

tions that urgently demand a most global syn- In any case, global or total knowledge is now quoted authors, BUNGE, GÖDEL, van GIGCH,
thesis capability for understanding, forecasting, impossible at the individual level. It should be ROSEN, WARFIELD, and others have been given
planning and coherent action. replaced by as global as possible collective co- serious coverage, even if some of them are, or
Systemics, combined with Cybernetics, of- herence in acquired knowledge, through con- were, not specifically known as practicant sys-
fers a holographic view of the real world, i.e. versation (which is in itself a systemic tool - temists.
every systemic concept contains implicitly sig- G.PASK). Generally, the meaning of most of the formal
nificant aspects of some or many other ones. Outside her/his own professional specializa- mathematical and logical basements of sys-
Only a more or less extended set of systemic tion, a systemist is always treading a mine field temics are still somewhat enigmatic. This is
models and/or concepts contains the essential when she/he refers her/himself to some really the case with fractals and self-similarities, cel-
of Systemics. However a start can be made specific research. However, one of her/his most lular automata and self-reproduction, fuzziness,
through the serious pondering of any of them. significant role is to create conceptual interre- catastrophes, chaos, dissipative structuration,
Purely scholastic or reductionist exclusiveness lations. This is not easy and, accordingly, one GÖDEL's incompleteness, BREMERMANN's lim-
is thus blocking systemic thinking and is anti- must more than once use prudent qualifications it, CHAITIN's algorithmic incompressibility, HEI-
as for example "possibly", "probably", "could", SENBERGS indeterminism, etc... As com-
nomic to its essence.
"should", "seems to", etc... mented by John CASTI: "Ascertaining the exact
Systemics implies a willingness to explore
This is the price to pay for advancing some nature of the relationship between a real world
anologies and metaphors, in a critical but posi- phenomenon and a mathematical model of that
speculations that may be stimulating and po-
tive spirit. Many analogies and metaphors, spe- phenomenon is probably the most fundamental
tentially useful.
cially most popular ones, reflects the percep- problem in theoretical science" (1984, p.282).
Another point is that it is self-defeating, ill-
tion by their users of some subjacent general
advised and finally useless to try simply to con- On the other hand, Systemics and Cyber-
rule, process or structure, worth of further in-
vince specialists to become generalists. Spe- netics are still widely in a state of flux. It is
quiry. This is one reason why this work is more cialists know best about their own work, which therefore difficult, and even possibly unsuitable
than a simple collection of definitions. moreover is necessary and of utmost practical at the time being, to fix them very well defined
importance. This fact should be recognized boundaries. As discovered by this compiler dur-
Donald McNEIL complains that, 45 years once and for all, in order to eliminate a need- ing his evaluation work, systemic-cybernetic
after von BERTALANFFY's first statements, we less cause of controversy. The real point is to semantics, epistemology and ontology are still
still have no General Systems Theory. interconnect specialists and provide them with in process of formation. Some concepts or
One critical question is precisely: Does a a meta-language or lingua franca in order to models have somewhat fuzzy meanings (for ex-
really all embracing General Systems Theory make them able to tackle global and complex ample. "Preadaptation"). Some others seem to
exist?. And if not, should it?. And under which situations, in collaboration with non specialized overlap (somewhat, or much). Some other ones
guise? people, mainly managers, administrators and are not, or not yet really general, or did not yet
My - different - purpose has been to create a politicians, who also need systemic concepts become fused with some other ones of general
kind of conceptual hologram of the whole field, and models in their own right. meaning ("Catabolism"?). These are good rea-
as it is now. This is of course no General Sys- The historical triumph of reductionism, mani- sons to remain flexible.
tems Theory. However, looking at the hologram fest in our everyday life, led to a narrow tec- One of the main aims of the work is to con-
from any angle, systems concepts will appear nocratism, which tends regularly to micro quick tribute to what John WARFIELD calls "referen-
in a connected way, revealing I hope, the gen- fixes and empirical tinkering, or even brushing tial transparency", here in Systemics and Cy-
eral "skeleton" (in BOULDING's words) of which the problems under the carpet. bernetics. This is no mean task, and I do not
a genuine General Systems Theory could - or Many systemists should however share the fancy to have it completed. However I have
not - emerge and become clearly visible (see blame, as their response has been too fre- gathered a considerable number of elements
D. McNEIL, 1993b) quently a short-sighted, hostile and superficial that will probably be useful in order to come
Another bone of contention is so-called critique of "reductionism". We should return to closer to transparency. In any case, a deeper
"Systems Science". In John WARFIELD's a 1984 paper in which L. TRONCALE estab- understanding of some very important con-
words: "Unfortunately, there is a considerable lished a list of performance criteria for "General cepts, as for example those enounced by von
confusion about what constitutes systems sci- Theory of Systems" (not "Theory of General NEUMANN, ASH BY, von FOERSTER, PRIGOGINE,
ence, even among people who choose to iden- Systems"), which unfortunately has been MATURANA, to cite only some, is a must. The
tify themselves with systems-related areas" (in widely ignored. spirit of the work is to incite the user to go to
"Economy and Systems Science", 1990, p.67). From another perspective, it appeared to me the sources.
with growing evidence that it is not possible to D. McNEIL rightly observed that an encyclo-
The encyclopedia does not pretend to rigor-
construct a systemic-cybernetic language with- pedia, specially an alphabetic one, cannot be a
ously define what "Systems Science(s)" is sup-
out constant reference to the general condi- substitute to an integrated view of Systemics.
posed to be, or not. It tries to collect as many
tions of existence of any language. This ex- This seems correct to me even if I tried to em-
as possible concepts and models related to
plains the presence and emphasis in the ency- phasize global views by cross-referencing and
complexity, most of which appeared in special-
clopedia on semiotics (PEIRCE, ECO), general clustering. I hope that the present work could
ized disciplines without any clear a priori
semantics (KORZYBSKI) and generally many at least be a stepping stone:
understanding of their general value. Examples
psychological references to forms of learning; - for those who want to acquire a basic under-
are: Punctuated Equilibrium in paleontology; acquisition of meanings; to meanings of mean- standing of the systemic approach;
Stigmergy in entomology; or Hexagonal space ings and to their representations (WHITHEHEAD, - for anyone who would wish to attempt for
filling in human establishments. Some of these RUSSELL, BATESON, PIAGET, WATZLAWICK, von her/himself LASZLO's "Great synthesis", i.e.
are even now totally ignored by most system- FOERSTER, von GLASERSFELD, etc.) not merely adding some specific view on
ists who, as a result, are unable to consider For similar reasons, systemic epistemology systems.
them as possible general models or concepts, has been given wide attention, as it seems ba- My view is that the encyclopedia should be a
fit to describe and, if possible, explain a num- sic in order to stabilize Systemics as a scientific linguistic and semantic system in the sense of
ber of situations in a number of different fields. methodology. Accordingly, along the formerly de SAUSSURE: "An organized totality, made of
Introduction 13

solidary elements, that can be defined only re- - that some significant relation to systemic sit- A number of terms in the encyclopedia are re-
ciprocally in relation to their place in the total- uations could be found, as for ex. through G. lated to para-systemic, or even anti-systemic
ity". Only a frequent and critical use of such a CHAITIN's "algorithmic compressibility". views. They have been introduced for reasons
language can produce a reasonable under- From another perspective, strictly speaking, a of epistemological clarification, as it should be
standing of the ways meanings are intercon- more or less limited systemic definition of "or- very difficult to understand some aspects of
nected or correlated. ganization", for ex., could be given. However, Systemics without the background of non-sys-
Synthesis, as understood here is not a limit- many systemists offered complementary views temic situations or attitudes as "linearity", "rei-
ing or purely classifying one, but on the con- on organization (ACKOFF, BEER, BOULDING, fication" or "reductionism".
trary, an open one, a multi-combinatory one. BROEKSTRA, LEMOIGNE, MILLER, SIMON, VAR- Some other terms have definite systemic and,
While the language as a whole acts as a global ELA, etc...) and this multi-dimensional perspec- simultaneously some non-systemic meanings,
determinant, it allows also for a limitless open tive is so rich that it cannot be ignored in a whose limits must be considered. An example
space for present and future variations: those is "memory".
work that tries to reflect as best as possible the
produced by myself, and all those triggered in A number of more or less technical terms
wide content of Systemics.
every user's mind. were introduced because they are systemic in
In every case, I strenuously strived for clarity. It has also been taken into account that, be-
an implicit way or could be considered from a
No single quoted item entered the work without tween 1954 and 1997, a slow shift in systems
systemic viewpoint, even if many practitioners
having been pondered. When necessary, com- terminology has taken place, as a commend-
are working in a non-systemic style. Examples
ments and critique have been added, hoping to able result of a progressive improvement of
are: "research and development", "risk analy-
better the understanding of any notion that systems semantics, elimination of ambiguities,
sis", "sustainable development".
would possibly seem obscure for the reader. or even misleading uses of the original termi-
Some other terms, as for example "fore-
However, again, nothing can replace reference nology: the differences between models of an
cast", or "prospective", are used as stepping
to the original authors. isolated, a closed and an open system, or the
stones to define a systemic way of research
Finally, I have tried to give a voice to as precise meaning of "positive" feedback, are
and inquiry into the topic.
many people as possible, including many non- examples.
More items were incorporated, not so much
anglo-saxon authors, while still respecting the Some items of a seemingly very specific or for their intrinsic specialized interest (which
preeminence of the main concepts. specialized character have also been intro- may be considerable), but for their general sys-
I tried also to interconnect various streams in duced (for example: "monoculture" - from temic significance: "hysteresis", "Kondratiev
the field by sometimes using information from Unesco-Unep Glossary) because of their gener- cycle", "semiology", "thermodynamics", etc...
less well known sources, as well as some fre- al importance in systemic situations. On one Considering their importance as modelization
quently left aside because of language, or geo- side, this connects valuable information of spe- tools, logical and mathematical concepts re-
graphical, or simply diffusion problems. Exam- cial character to the mainstream of Systemics, lated to Systemics have been presented, at
ples are the Namur triennal International Con-
with interesting generalizing possibilities. On least in general terms: "Boolean nets", "cata-
gresses of the International Association of Cy-
the other hand, it may lead specialists to a bet- strophes", "chaos", "graphs", "KAM theo-
bernetics, or the works of the Systeem Groep
ter connected understanding of their own field. rems", "neural nets", "topology", and others.
Some terms were included: Superpositions in terminology have been dis-
- because it seemed useful to seek their cussed. Frequently different authors converge
meaning in the systemic perspective. This toward a systemic phenomenon through differ-
Conceptual contents ent ways. For example, the shaping of a system
has been specially the case of some human
Before taking any decision about anything, we sciences terms, like "ideology", "norm", or on a higher level of organization is termed by
need to acquire an as good as possible knowl- "value". LASZLO as "emergence", by TURCHIN as
edge of the system about whose future we - as they seem to carry a potential for a gener- "meta-system transition", by PRIGOGINE as
want to decide, the conditions that may influ- al systemic meaning: "swarm", "symbiogen- "nucleation at bifurcation points through dissi-
ence it, and have an idea of its possible futures. pative structuration", by researchers on net-
esis" or "Umweltlehre" are examples.
In P. ALLEN'S words:"... the necessary precon- works as "spontaneous organization", etc...
- mainly because they lead to a better under-
dition to a discussion of policy is to have a None of these concepts should be left out, as
standing of the practical meaning and use of
model", and such a model, as a rule, must be they give a kind of holographic view of various
their implicit (and sometimes even enig-
dynamic and nonlinear. aspects of this type of phenomena. Even J.
matic) systemic significance: "ethnocen-
Accordingly, what practically matters in Sys- MILLER'S taxonomy of living systems can be
trism", "parable of the boiled frog", or "Saint
temics and Cybernetics is the combined use of viewed as a photography of the results of
Matthews principle". emergence.
concepts, analogies, homomorphies and iso- - for their practical value, as for example:
morphics to construct complex models of con- Consequently, the encyclopedia is somewhat
"disasters: a systemic view", "patrimonial redundant, and intentionally so, as it is not pos-
crete systems.
accounting", "perverse effects". sible to assimilate any systemic set of concepts
In consequence, I adopted a quite extended
- because, while closely related to a specific without viewing these again and again from dif-
and many-sided view of the work's content.
discipline, their more general systemic na- ferent but more or less interrelated viewpoints.
Many not well known terms have been in-
ture, aspects or character are becoming It is hoped that this feature will help to the
cluded, in accordance with the following crite-
ria: more and more obvious: "anabolism", "auto- globally interconnected understanding of our
- that the term really introduces some signifi- kinesis", or "catalysis". subject as a coherent whole network of con-
cant systemic meaning, or at least some - because of their relevance to Systemics for cepts and models.
specific shade of meaning, for ex. H. PRAT's some particular reason: "Club of Rome", as Some users will possibly think - or even say
"aura", or P. GRASSi's "stigmergy"; a user of Systems Dynamics; "culture" as in- or write - that this work is a very mixed bag.
- that it has been at least sometimes used in terpreted in systemic terms; "Dictyostelium This may be true, but so is that hypercomplex
the litterature, for ex. R. GERARD'S "artorg" discoideum", as a biological example of self- world that we have constructed and in which
or L. TRONCALE's "discinym". organization and sociogenesis. we must live, using models and concepts as
14 Introduction

different as the golden proportion, quanta - Language is always a mirror for the mind In some cases, quotations from authors re-
theory, chaos, or organizational closure in per- and the culture. But it is not always a faithful produce some combersome redaction. The
ceptual and psychological terms. one; original has always been reproduced without
Many examples are given, in order to avoid a - Every item has a potential for multiple link- modifications, in order to strictly respect the
purely abstract and theoretical character that ages (TRONCALE), each of which adds - or authors work. Only in some serious cases have
could hinder the practical (and very much restraints - some shade of meaning; critical observations been made.
needed) uses of Systemics. In effect, as I be- - Semantics is also a process: the network be- Most quotations are from the original texts.
lieve that the systems approach and systems comes more useful and efficient when used. However in some infrequent cases, due to the
methodology are first rate tools to confront The encyclopedia offers a connectionist aspect, unavailibility of originals (out of print, out of
present and future complex challenges, I am as it invites to "ramble" freely within the whole reach), I had to retranslate to English from a
critical of some tendencies that could exert a systemic and cybernetic conceptual space. It translation in Spanish, French or German. This
negative influence on their diffusion: excesses also proposes a constructivist way of use, as is not of course a very satisfactory method.
of superfluous abstract formalisms; exagerated such a free rambling must normally lead to the In some few cases, however, available origi-
claims to a superficial universalism; unwar- progressive construction in the mind of any in- nal texts were not used because recent authors
ranted attacks against specialization; tendency dividual user of her/his own semantic net. presented a specially clear and synthetic over-
to use jargon, etc... In a converging way, every concept becomes view of a difficult concept. An example is K. DE
A final caveat about the evaluation of con- more like an attractor or the center of a seman- GREENE crystal clear explanation of HAKEN's
cepts seems necessary. In my own comments, tic cluster, including what Margaret BODEN "order parameter" concept.
I have tried to avoid loaded adjectives like: calls a "penumbra" of more or less closely re- The whole work has been redacted in Ameri-
"correct", "convenient", "desirable", "legiti- lated concepts (1990, p.96,175). can English, with the exception of quotes from
mate", "reasonable", "satisfying", "valid", and There is some degree of redundancy in the British or European authors, who may have
the like (or their opposites) as such notions cor- whole of the work. This allows for a multidi- used U.K. English, a feature that was re-
respond to implicit personal or socio-cultural mensional view of these interconnected con- spected. This is the reason why it is possible to
criteria that may not be universally admitted. cepts. "Connection", for instance is not exactly find two different spellings in the encyclopedia,
When quoted authors use such qualifications, or merely a "relationship". Moreover, it ac- as for example "behaviour" or "behavior"
which have been respected, their dubious char- quires a slightly different meaning in "connec- Jargon has been avoided as much as possi-
acter should always be remembered. ble, as well as unnecessary (in my opinion!) ab-
tionism" or in "connection machine". This is a
This is not to say that I believe in the practi- useful feature to obtain a deeper understanding stractions: both act as a strong repellent
cal possibility of absolute objectivity. But I of the systemic language. against many potentially interested users. On
would at least like that any user should stop in the contrary, many examples and comments,
his/her tracks everytime these words appear, some of them very close to popular common
Some doubts should also be clearly stated.
and think for a moment about their relative per- sense have been used.
A number of terms of frequent use have, in
sonal, social and cultural meaning. common language, a somewhat fuzzy charac-
ter. Examples are: "action", "change", "class",
"concept", "description", "effect", "learning", The fuzzy limits of the work
Linguistics and Semantics "object", "problem", "representation", or "sit-
What should be included and what should be
We should now turn back to the Tower of Babel rejected in such a work? There are two com-
syndrome. As noted by John WARFIELD, estab- These appearently quite universal and taken plementary dangers: to be too tolerant with
lishing a satisfactory conceptual language has for granted terms should not be passed by seemingly senseless or totally redundant termi-
been in the past the condition for the success without a short pause to remember that their nology... or to be too intolerant.
of many scientific disciplines. This was done meaning(s) should be pondered, as they can be This problem has already be encountered for
for example by LAVOISIER for inorganic chem- less transparent than frequently believed. example in relation to biological terms ("anabo-
istry; KEKULE for organic chemistry; MENDEL In values - or norms- loaded words, there lism", etc...), introduced because of a possible
and FISCHER for genetics; LEIBNIZ and BOOLE exists a kind of "semantic declination", compa- generalization in systemic terms that could be
for logic; CRICK and WATSON for biochemistry: rable with the "magnetic" one. A non-systemic duly established in the future. The same diffi-
WEGENER for plate tectonics; and quite recently term like "democracy", for example means culty appears with terminology from artificial
by PRIGOGINE for generalized thermodynamics. something quite variable according to countries intelligence, computer science, ecology, ethol-
Precisely, one of the problems of the sys- and cultures. This may even be the case with a ogy, expert systems, etc... Even some quite
tems movement is the persistently scattered supposedly rational concept, as for example general notions, related to the not so rational
character of its language, which has remained "order", or "organization". Here again we have way we sometimes assess issues and situa-
ill-connected, confuse and fragmented. Accord- a case for a reflexive pause. tions, mostly considered as "obvious", have
ingly, the main objective of the present work is Finally, I was not always convinced that been discussed, because of some new shades
to correlate and unify the language of Sys- some terms used by some systemists had of meaning from a systemic viewpoint:
temics and Cybernetics, in order to transform it really a systemic meaning. They could even in "change", "choice", "cost", "efficiency",
into an efficient tool for the study of complexity, some cases be considered as contaminants in "goal", "object", for instance. Other similar
for beginners as well as for advanced research- the systemic language. Not a few have how- cases have been considered above. In general,
ers. ever be included, generally with a critical eval- I preferred to err on the tolerant side.
Margaret BODEN writes: "The 'meaning' of uation, whose responsability is assumed. The Some more specific items have been in-
an idea represented within a semantic net is a user should decide for her/himself. cluded mainly to try a critical evaluation, (as for
function of its place in the system" (1990, In any case it seems better to remain open example R. SHELDRAKE'S "morphic fields"), as
p.95). This is a very neat formulation of my and tolerant. they may have a systemic outlook, but are not
own general concept of this encyclopedia as a I tried to alleviate as much as possible some (yet?) consensually accepted in the mainstream
network. Three aspects should be emphasized: practical linguistic problems. systemic thinking.
Introduction 15

Furthermore, I suspect that some, or even concrete systems are at their corresponding al- Some terms printed in bold do not refer pre-
many systemic concepts and models are still to phabetic place as: "social system", "socio- cisely to a specific entry, but to a closely re-
be discovered. Some mechanisms, used in a technical system". lated one. For example: "Combination", or "en-
specific discipline, could be possibly given a Generally, in composed expressions (as for vironmental" are not in the encyclopedia, but
more general character. An example is "apop- example "circadian rhythm"), the alphabetic or- "Combinatorics" and "environment" are.
tosis", a general cellular mechanism of cell der chosen in the encyclopedia has been se-
self-destruction, also present in the brain of lected taking into account the meaning of the Italics have been used moderately, mostly to
Alzheimer's disease patients. Could such a most specific term - in this case "circadian". emphasize some critical point, or some person-
mechanism be somehow active in other types al view. When within quotations, they are al-
However a reminder has been introduced at the
of social networks? The "stigmergy" concept, ways the quoted author's ones.
corresponding place: "Rhythm, circadian".
introduced in this work, is obviously an exam- References in Dutch, French, German, Ital-
The fact that such a work should in principle ian, Portuguese and Spanish have been used.
ple of such possible generalizations, that could
be much more than metaphors. be alphabetic has some negative aspects, as When possible, the reference to the original
for instance the need to separate items that are work, or alternately to its translation in English
Undoubtly, much work remains to be done in
many different directions; this explains why the co-significant. has been added.
encyclopedia is interspersed with question It would be advisable for the user to move The following special markers have been
marks, an unexpected feature in such a work. "back and forth" (M. MARUYAMA, 1994, p.X), used, in order to enhance the usefulness of the
While I always tried to reproduce as fully and within the network of concepts and models in encyclopedia:
as faithfully as possible all authors wiews and order to avoid unwarranted disconnections.
concepts, it remains obvious that it is impossi- While this may be difficult, the possibility has 1) meaning "systemic on a wide range", or
ble within the limits of short articles or entries been created to criss-cross the whole work by "general information"
to express all the shades of meaning devel- using the net of terms printed in bold. It would
2) meaning "general abstract or mathematical
opped in a paper or in a book. Accordingly, be interesting in the future to consider a graph- model", or "methodology"
every quoted item has been carefully refer-
3> meaning "epistemologica! or ontological as-
ical representation of interconnections by link-
pects", or "semantics"
enced in order to allow and encourage the user age graphs (TRONCALE). 4) meaning "practical in human sciences"
to go to the source. Nearly every term defined or concept ex- 5) meaning "more specific or disciplinarian"
Basic information has been added on the plained in the encyclopedia is emphasized in
main systemic organizations in the world. bold types, everytime it is used. Some few ex-
ceptions are terms so basic and frequently Personal views, self-critique and
used that the use of bold would be pointless: acknowledgments
How the work is ordered and "Concept" "Cybernetics", "System", "Sys-
presented temics". It seems only fair to admit that a number of
The intention in using bold for general cross- personal views have been introduced in this
The encyclopedia was constructed by progres- work. For example: "The results of sociotechni-
referencing is double:
sive accretion, "reaping" terms corresponding cal manipulation on any environment should be
to models and concepts from many and very - That the user may know that she/he can find
explanatory comments about the term within closely monitored", or: "Metacommunication
different sources. frames relativize communication. This is a very
A curious result emerged spontaneously: a the work;
significant situation, specially when metacom-
number of terms and expressions started to - To induce the user to stop and think for a
munication remains implicit as it is the case in
form clusters in the two following ways: moment when meeting anyone of these
many transcultural situations". No user is sup-
- "Blocks" of concepts corresponding to spe- terms: "What is really the meaning, (or posed to accept such opinions uncritically.
cific theories, as for example "Catastrophe meanings) of "chaos", "cognition", or "regu- My aim has been to include practical insights
theory", Communication", "Thermodynamics lation", for instance?" into as many issues as possible. In my opinion,
of far-from-equilibrium systems", etc. At When, in some cases, some connections be- Systemics should be connected to complex
times some isolated elements came to ac- tween concepts or models are not so obvious, concrete situations whenever possible, be-
crue a cluster (or various ones): "Learning they are specially signaled by a comment of cause many of their aspects are easily ne-
matrixes" obviously are related to learning, the type: See also"...." glected by specialists and from purely technical
but they also introduce insights about the Some terms with a specifically cybernetic or viewpoints.
concept and uses of matrixes in general.
systemic meaning are also printed in bold when While, at a definite moment, one must de-
- Clusters tended to coalesce around some used in their everyday common sense, in order cide to put a final stop to any work, it is obvious
quite specific notion. Examples are "Con- to sharpen the attention of the user to some that this kind of work is open-ended. In a
trol", or "Model". shades of their meaning, examples are: con- sense, this encyclopedia is still a kind of enor-
While related entries are as much as possi- mous draft, even if quite elaborated. This offers
tent, class, issue, means, scale, situation, sur-
ble clustered, they are not fused. It seemed at once some negative and some positive as-
vival, etc...
more convenient to neatly individualize differ- pects. In cases, sources could be completed or
ent aspects of the same concept in order to en- The use of bold characters is not always
replaced by better ones. Many new information,
courage due consideration of the corresponding closely related to a specific meaning of the em-
and even some older one from still unused lit—
shades of meaning. phasized term. The word "group" appears fre-
terature, could be introduced.
Even so, the general ordering of terms re- quently with different significations, which may, My intention is to go on incorporating more
mains somewhat arbitrary. For instance, ab- or not, be related. In many cases it is useful to information into this work, even after publica-
stract terms describing systems are all listed ponder the sense given in a specific case in tion, in order to prepare future updatings. I will
under "system", as for example "system, mul- comparison with what one knows about the gladly receive material or serious critique that
tilevel" or "system, stationary". But specific various possible ones. users would find of possible interest.

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