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3. Using a graphic organizer, present the elements of a profession.



Based on


Ethical Institutional
constraints preparation

Direct working

Clients rather
than customers

4. Why does a profession like teaching require long years of initial professional education and
professional development after that long, arduous initial professional education?
Teaching profession requires long years of initial professional education and professional
development after long arduous initial professional development in order for the aspiring
teachers to acquire an adequate knowledge and skills that they can apply in their teaching
profession. Initial professional education is the training ground that would help them to enhance
their skills, capabilities and potentials. It also important because it helps to build their confidence
and strength needed in the actual teaching. Because even if they love teaching, it doesn't mean
it's going to be easy. There are many circumstances that they need to face each day. And they
need to study as well for them to be guided and because not everything they know is enough to
teach varied learners. They also need to study to know everything they have to know to become
a more effective teachers and arduous initial professional education it is important to continue
the professional development because it ensures the teacher to continue to be competent in
their profession. It is also an ongoing process and continues throughout a professional’s career.

5. Is professionalization synonymous to professionalism?

No, there’s a quite difference between professionalization and professionalism. According to
Meriam- Webster dictionary, Professionalization means to make an activity into a job that
requires special education, training, or skill. It is the social process by which any trade or
occupation transforms itself into a true “profession of the highest integrity and competence.”
However, Professionalism denotes the quality of that individual and his ability to deliver the
desired service to the end user. In other words professionalism is prioritizing your duties against
all other aspects, hindrance or emotions thereafter.

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