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LUU HOANG TRI Hy, _— — oe ss TIENG ANH ON THI TOT NGHIEP THPT, DAI HOC ent NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC QUGC GIA HA NOI LUU HOANG TRI (Giéo vién Chuyén Anh - Truéng THPT Nguyén Thugng Hién ~ TP. Hé Chi Minh) TONG ON TAP _ CAC CHUYEN DE TIENG ANH On thi Tét nghiép THPT - Dai hoe — Cao dang (Tai ban lan thit nhét) NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOG QUOC GIA HA NGI x Loi noi dau Cuén sich Tong én tip ede chuyén a2 & dang bai tip Tiéng Ank On thi Tot nghiép Trung hoc.phd théng wa tuyén sinh Dai hoc, Cao ding duge bién soan theo eau tnic dé thi méi nhét do BO Gido duc va Dao tao ban hinh nhém gitp cde em hoe sinh dang hoe 1ép 12 én luyén chuan bj cho ki thi Tét nghiép Trung hoc phé thong va ki thi tuyén sinh vio cdc trong Dai hoc, Cao ding khdi D theo hinh thiéc tre nghiém khach quan. Cuén sach duoc chia theo cae chuyén dé seu: © Chuyén dé |: Nett am + Chuyén d8 2; Tir vung © Chuyén 68 3: Nett phap © Chuyén 8 4: Chie nang giao tiép © Chuyén 8 5: Kr nang doc ¢ Chuyén d8 6: Kinang viet Sau G6 la mét sé 48 thi dé nghi ‘Tét nahiép Trung hoe phé théng, va tuyén sink vao c&c trudng Dai hoo, Ceo dang khdi D. . Trong méi phiin chuyén d@, ching t6i trinh bay ddy A va chi tiét cde kién thite quan trong, ean thiét dé hoc sinh cd thé !am tét cdc dang bai tap theo chuyén dé ¢%. Chang t6i quan niém rang hoe sinh can nam ving kién thic tuée Khi am bai tép thi vige luyén tap méi dat bi8u qué cao. Hé théng bai tip duge chon loc kt cang, mang tinh khai quat cao dé hoe sinh-cé thé 6n tap kién thiic chudn bj che cdc ki thi mt cach tiét kigm thoi gian. Ching t6i hi vong eae em hoc sinh sé 06 mét cuén sacl tham khao bé ich, gidp cae em tw tin hon khi lam bai kiém ta va thi theo hinh théc trée nghiém khach quan. Mic di ching 16i 8 rit c6 gang, song cudn sach sé khdng trinh khéi thiéu sdt. Rat mong su dng gop ¥ kién cia qui thay c6 va cdc ban. Tlie gid Chuyén dé 1: ‘ NGU AM Bai tap ng am trong cée dé thi tric nghiém tiéng Anh thuéng.kiém tra céch phat am ding céc tir, trong dé c6 céc nguyén am, phy 4m va trong am tir, bao gom hai dang bai tip sau: — Bai tap vé cdch phat am (nguyén am, phu 4m, iép hop am) — Bai rap vé trong 4m tir Bai tgp vé céch phat 4m od thé kidm tra cAsh phat am cla mét chit cai hode nhigu chit edi. 7 Vi du: Chon phuong an A, B,C hodc D img véi tir ¢6 phan gach chin duoc phat am kha Y6i céc tir cba lai trong moi cau sau: 1. A. such B.cut C. put D. shut (dp an C) 2. A. shown B. flown C.grown —_D, crown (dap an D) Céc cht cAi duge kiém tre trong mot cau c6 thé giéng nhau, nhung eiing ed thé khde nhau. Fi du: Chon phuong an A, B, C ho&c D ing véi tir eé phan gach chan duoc phat 4m khéc voi cde th con lai trong m6i cu sau: 1.A-accountant B.amount C. founding DD. country (dap dn D) 2. A. forget B. forty C.comfort ~D, mother (dap an B) Trong hé thing ngu am cia tiéng Anh cé 24 phu “am (consonants), 22 nguyén ém (vowels) va nguyén 4m d6i (diphthongs). Céc nguyén am va phy am tiéng Anh cé cach phat am nhat dinh, ching ta hay ché y dén mét sd cach phat am thong thudng cilia mét s6 chit cdi tiéng Anh sau: I. NGUYEN AM ® Chir cdi a theing duge phat Am Ia: 1, /e/: map, national 2. fei: take, nature fox! (dae bit wurde chit cai J: all, altogether fo/: want, quality fe/: many, any (il: message, dosage . fof: afaid, familiar NOME = at Chi cai ¢ thuéug duge phat 4m 1a: L. ef: educate, flexible 2. jv: explore, replace 3. fever, gene 4 Jas: interest, camera Chit cai 7 thuang durge phat am Ia: 1. dad: fit, slippery 2. atl: strive, mice 3. fol: terrible, principle Chir cai-o thutdng duge phat Am la: 1. Yo/: bottle, floppy . fox: boring, lord «fad: son, done faol: go, post 5. fa/: computer, purpose 6. ‘wal: one Avant, once /wvans/ Chi céf u throng durge phat am Ia: . fof: put, push u:/t include : computer, human uch, cut . fal: success 6. /ac/: burn. Chit cai p thong duge phat am la: 1. Al: physics, myth 2. fs city, worry 3. /ai/: shy, multiply Mét sé nhémt chit cdi nguyén 4m thurtng gap: wv Aw 2. 3. 4 3. Nhom chit cai | Cach phat am thuong gap Vidu -ai- Jeu main, entertain fal fair, armchair : Tew say, stay - Tot ‘audience, naughty fof awh, law lef dead feat great, break Ay bean, beat Ataf feat, year fel | heard, earth th Jey eight, weight | ft deceive, ceil I fay - height ~ey- fev! | hey, convey I fist kev 8 ~ee- Al cheese, employes f engineer, deer -le- fil piece, relieve fa! tis, lie ancient, proficient load, toast abroad, broaden toe, foe voice, join, jow tool, moon book, foot flood, blood could, would group, souvenir femous, tremendous trouble, couple soul, mould mouse, account ay. Ta cow, brown throw, know build. guitar buy, guy ~ew- Ful new, dew Chai fe Nobiing qui tac trén chi la nhitng cach foc phd bién, ching fa con ié..Ching ta nén ghi nhé cdch phat ém oda cdc tir fruéng hgp ngo: vung mdi. Cach phat Am cdc nguyén ém cén khéc nhau 6 cdc ti loai khée nhau: invite /in'vaxl/ (v); invitation /nvr'ter{a/ (n) nature /nettfatry (n); natwral /netfral/ (adj) I, PHY AM ‘Ching ta hay chi ¥ dén mét sé truéng hop sau, ‘Chir cai c throng dwgc phat am 1a: 1. Ag: can, close 2. /s/ (dae biét khi nO ding trude i, € hodc y): city, certify, cycle 3. iff: special, ocean Chit cai d thurdng doe phat am [&: 1, /d: day, demand 2. /dg/: educate, graduate Chir edi g thong dugc phat 4m la: 1. /g/t gain, regular 2. Ids (Afe bist khi nd dig trude i, €, hoc y):origin, germ, gymnast 3. /s/: garage, beige Chit cai 2 thurdémg duoc phat am ta: 1. /n/: not, fun 2. fry: unele, drink Chit cdi s therdng duoc phat Am Id: 1, /$/: gon, economist 2. (2: rise, resumption gar 4. sf: usually, occasion Chir c4i # thong duge phat am la: |. /U: ten, pretend 2. /t{/: culture, question 3. Ay: mention, initial ‘Chir cai x thong dug phat am Ia: 1. /gz/: example, exist 2. fes/: box, mixture 3. Aki/: luxury, anxious M6t s6 nhom chit cai phu am thuong gap: Nhom chir cai |" Cach phat Am thuong gip Vidu che Tak chemist, mechani Ag chair, lunch | Al _| mashing, shef ~gh- hod -ph- | /f/ rough, laugh | I Dhotograph, paragraph ~que Tew? queen, require [sa [Wy : | share, smash -th- Al | think, depth | “er them, without Cach phat 4m tn cing —s hose —es Déi vai céch phat am cia tan cling —s hode es cia dong tir ngéi thir ba sé it thi Hién tai don hoae danh tir sé nhiéu, ta c6 3.céch doc khée nhau dura véo am cud ctia tir 46. 8 1. Phat 4m 1a /s/ khi 4m cu6i cilia tis dé Th: /f/, "h, Ape, A, /8/. Vidu: laughs /la-fs/, packs /pa:ks/, hopes /haups/, hates jherts/, cloths /tubs/. 2. Phat 2m la /z/ khi 4m cudi oda th Ey Jalal, MU, feo, én, Ael, dvd, 134, /o/ va cae nguyén ém. 3. Phat am 18 /tz/ khi m eudi cia tir 6 1A /si, /9/. Ul. /z/, fal Vi du: crosses /‘kro:siz/, pushes /'pufiz/, watches /‘wotfiz’, buzzes Moaziz/, changes /'tferdstz/. @ Cach phat am ciia tin ciing—ed cita dng tir c6 qui tie Bai véi céch phét dm oda tin cling ed ode Ang th 06 qui tic (regular verbs), tacé 3 edch phat am khac nhau dya vao am cubi cla d6ng tir nguyén mau. 1. Phat mn la /t/ hi dma cudi ea dong tir nguyén mau 1A: /B/, Me, fps. /si, Mf. va iff Vi daz coughed /eot/, talked /o:kt/, stopped /sropt/, watched /warft/, brushed /brajt/. 2. Phat am 1a /d/ khi am cudi cia dng tir nguyén mau la: /b/, /e/, HM/,-/m/, éni, /ds/, it! vi, fe! va cdc nguyén @m. 3. Phat am 18 /id/ khi am cudi ciia dGng tir nguyén mau Ia: /U/, fa. Vi dy: waited /weitid/, added /adid/. i, AM CAM ; M6t s6 chir edi trong mét s6 py bao gdm phu am va nguy8n 4m kh6ng duge phat am thanh tiéng dugc goi la am cam (silent sounds), Sau day la m@t sb am cam thuong efip: Chit c4i ~ Truong hop thirémg gap ividy ‘b dig cudi trong mat $6 tir (thuéng di sau m) | climb, dumb, comb | 6 ding ude ¢ doubt, debt , ding trade & ack, dock e dime sau s trong mét sé tur scene, muscle, science dtrong mat sb tir handsome, Wednesday Bi trong mot 6 tit hour, exhausted | gh trong mot 86 tir (dae bit 12 sau) weigh, sight | [kding trude 2 Know, knee, knife | Ttrong mét s6 tir half, could | [in dig sau m ‘auturon, condemn i |p ding dau mat tir, theo sau [a mét phu am va mét | psychology, receipt 86 trutng hop khac | | rdimg trinée mét phy am khac hoac dimg cudi tir do | card, park, farm, burn, | | neighbour, volunteer | { trong mOt so wr c Listen, castle w dime trude r hoac A trong mot sé tir | wreck, who 9 IV. TRONG AM ‘Bdi véi nhimg th trong ting Anh c6.tir hai im rid tra len, 66 mét am tide duge nhdin manh véi cao 49 va trudng 46 Jon hon nbiing am tiét cén lai. DS chinh la m tiét mang tron ig am (stress) cia tir 46. Nhiing tl cd.ba am tiét tré len thuong co thém tng am phu (secondary stress) (,) duge nan nhe hon so vai trong ém chinh (primary stress) ('}, Te thurmg gap bai tap tim tir od trong am chink nhdn vao 4m tiét 08 vi tri ‘vio am tiét dau, thir hai.. ‘hac v6i ba tir con lai. Ngodi ra, ¢6 thé c6 bai tp tim tir 6 trong am chinh roi - hoaic a am tiét cubi trong méi cau. Nhin chung, ching taco. mot sé qui ‘tie sau: 1. Ba sé cde dng tir hai am tiét c6 trong fim roi vio am tiét thir hai: attract, begin, deny, forget, enjoy, pollute, relax... Truong hop ngoai 1: answer, enter, happen, offer, open, open... 2. Ba s6 ede danh tir va tinh ny hai am tiét co trong dm roi vao arn tiét thir nhat: children, hobby, habit, labour, trouble, standard... basic, busy, handsome, lucky, pretty, silly... Trutmg hop agoai |: advice, reply, machina, mistake... aione, abrupt, absorbed, amazed... 3. Mt s6 tir £6 hai am tiét vira 14 danh tir va. ing la dong tir thi danh tl c6 trong ém Gam tet thir nat, c&n dng tir thi trong im roi vao 2m tiét thi hai. ‘Danh tir Dong tir ‘contrast (sur tuong phan} con'trast (trong phan) — ‘decrease (su idm) decrease (giim) ‘desert (sa mac) de'sert (réi bd) ‘export (hang xudt-khdu) ex'port (xudt khdu) ‘import (nang nhap khau) ‘present (mén qua) ‘produce (san phdm néi chung) “progress (su tién b6) ‘protest (sy phan déi) "rebel (ké ndi loan) ‘record (hé so, dia hat) suspect (ké bj tinh nghi) im'port (nhip khéu) pre'sent (trinh bay) pro‘duce (san xuat) pro'gress (tién bd) pro'test (phan adi) se'bel (ndi loan) re'eord (ghi lai, gitt Igi) su'spect (nghi ngd) Neoai |G: MOt s6 tir sau via 1& danh ti va déng tr nhumg ed Gong Em chinh khéng dét ‘answer (n, ¥): edu trd 16i/ tra Idi ‘offer (n. v): lai dé nghif 48 nghi ‘piciure (n, v): bite tranh/ vé mOt bie tranh ‘promise (n, v): Idi hite/ hia ‘travel (n, v): du lich/ di du lich ‘visit (n, v): cudc ving tham/ viéng thim ad'vice (n, v): Idi khuyén/ khuyén bao re'ply (n, v): Kei dap/ trd loi 4. Dbi v6i cde danh tir ghép duge viét lign nhav thi trong 4m thutng roi vao am tiét ther nat. airport, birthday, bookshop, gateway, guidebook, filmmaker... Danh tir ghép tao thin tir ngit dng tir (phrasal verbs) ¢6 trong am chinh roi vao thanh phan thir nhat cén ngtr dng th twong tg od trong am chinh roi vao thanh phan thér hai va déng tir nhan trong 4m phi. Danh tir ghi ‘check-up (sy kiémn tra toan bd nat 1a sire khde) ‘check-in (sur ding ki & khach san, sy ding ki di méy bay) ‘dropout (nguiri nghi hoc niza chimg) ‘breakdown (su hang may) "tryout (sir thi) ‘walkout (sy dinh eng dét ngét) Nei dong tr check ‘up, check ‘in, drop ‘out, break ‘down, ,try ‘out, walk ‘out... . Mét sé tinh tir ghép c6 trong m chink roi vao thanh phan thér nhét. 'ajesick (say may bay) ‘airtight (kin hei) ‘homesick (nhé nha) ‘praiseworthy (dang khen) ‘trustworthy (dang tin cy) ‘waterproof (khéng thdm nudc)... Negoai lé: duty-free (mién thué), snow-'white (trang nhu tuyé) uh 6, Céc tinh tir ghép 06 thanh phin du tién 1a tinh ti hoae wang te va thanh phan thir bai tin cing la -ed thi trong am chinh roi vao thanh phan thir hai. bace'tempered (cau tinh, dé néi nong) \short-'sighted (cn thi) \ill-treated (bi 4éi xi #8) well-done (tdi, diroc nau ky) well-in'formed (théng thao, o6 doe théng tin) known (ndi tiéng) 7. Dai voi cde tr od tién 18 thi nhin chung trong am khéng thay déi so voi tir géc (nghia {4 trong ain ft khi roi vdo tién 16). successful /sok’sesf/ + unsuccessful /,aasak’sest/ able /eibl/ > unable /an'esbl/ Tuy nhién, co mét sé wumg hop ngoai 1€ dac biét la ede tir o6 tian 18 under-: underlay /andalet/ underpass /“andapa:s/ . Bdi véi cde tir 05 hau 16 thi trong am o6 thé thay doi, khOng thay déi, va néu'ed su thay dai vé cach phat am. protect /pra'tekt/ > protection /pra'tekfn/ (khéng thay déi vé trong 4m) oo nhung cling o6 thé trong m thi efing cé thé thay d3i accident /‘zeksidont! —> accidental /eksi'dentl/( thay déi vé trong am) _ Tuy ahién di vi ode trang tir duce tgo thinh tir tinh tir bing céch thém hau i6 -Ip thi khéng thay d6i vi tri trong am. careful /keafl/ > carefully /'keofolif (Cée hu té thug khéng lam thay 4éi trong am ola tir géc Ta: ment agree /a'gri:/ > agreement /a'gri:mant/ -ship relation At'lexin/ + relationship Aa'lefifip/ -ness happy /hapi/ — happiness /heepinos/ -erl-or manage ‘manud3/ > manager /riemidga(r)/ -hood neighbour /‘netba(z)/ —> neighbourhood /neibehuc/ ving excite /ik'sait/ — exciting Ak'sauun/ ~isel-ige modern /modn/ —> modernize /"madanaizé -en shorten /'fo:tn/, lengthen /'lenBen/ fill success /sek'ses/ + successful /sak'sesfl/ -less ~ meaning /‘mi:nin/ + meaningless /'mi:ninlas/ -able rely /rt'lat/ —> reliable /z1'lasebl/ ~OUS poison /‘paizn! — poisonous /‘potzenas/ 9. Cc danh ti od hau t6 la -sion, -tion, hodc -cian thi trong am chinh thudng roi vao am tiét ngay trude 46 (chinh 1a am tiét thet hai tir cudi Jén). precision /pri'size/ communication /komju:mu'keifn/ mathematician /meSeme'tifa/ 10. Cée dan tired hiu 16 [a roi vao am tiét thir ba tir « ability /o biloti/ technology /tck'nvled3i/ geography /dsvgrafi/ . Cae tinh tied hau 6 a -Ic thi trong dm chinh thutmg roi vao am tiét ngay irirde dé (chinh 14 am tiét thit hai tir cudi lén). scientific /saren'ufik/ Con nhing tink tir c6 hau 16 la -ical thi trong am chinh thudng roi vao am tier that ba tir eudi tén electrical /lektrikl/ Jogy, ho&c -grapAy thi trong am chinh thang én. mathematical /m2éo'm2ukl/ 12. Nhong tir 6 hu #3 nhu sau thi trong am chinh thutmg roi vao am tiét cubi (chink ia hau t6 46). -ee agree /s'eri:/, trainee /tret'ni:/ “eer volunteer /,vilen'tia(rY, engineer /,ondsz'a10(¢)/ -ese Vietnamese /,vjetno'mizz/ ~iquel -esque unique /u'ai:W, picturesque /,pikt{p'resk’ -ain (d8i véi dng tis) retain /ci'tein/, maintain /mein'tein/ ‘Negoai Ié: committee /ka'muti/, coffee /'knfi/, employee /im'ploui/ BAI TAP VE PHAT AM Exercise 1: Pick ow the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1. A. matter B. back C. bag D. talk Naw ken PP rrr e 2 i cy > a 10. ror ig 6. iS _ would + Crew A, come |. A. happy B. catch B. take B, lape! B, put B. food B. about B, blew B. love B. man C. women C. many D. wash Dany D. laborer D. push D. good D.out D. threw D. some D. fat Exercise 2: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other wards. 1 2. a 4, 5. 6. a 8. 9. A. neighbour 10. A. pretty A.children A. wait A.mean A. those A. bus A. wait A. reply . A. Warm B. get B. child B. train B. weather B, lose B. busy B. rain B. climb B. receive B. wash C_wal D. well D. sign D. paid D. ready D. goes D. bunch D_hair Exercise 3: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1. pep rau 8. 2 10. A. come . A. replace . A. liable A. put A. ghost . A. measure A, suitable A, physical A. nature talent B. roll B. purchase B. limit B. pudding B. hostage 8B. dreadful B. biscuit B. mythology B. change B. campus C.comb Cy surface C. revival C. pull C. lost C. treasure C. guilty C. rhythm C. gravity C. many differently froma that of the other words. f 2. A. distribute . A. ergatuce ai 4 5 6. A. hasty B. nasty B, tribe B. destiny B. laugh C. tasty C. triangle C, creamy C. divine C. naughty D. grow D. palace D. final D, puncture D. frosty D. breathe D. building D. psychology D. basis D. marry 4: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced D. wastage D. trial D. crease D, ideal D. atien D, slaughter 7. A.double —-B. engugh C.thorgugh ———D. couple 8. A.punctual B. rubbish C. frustrate D. furious 9. A.manage —B. sat C.add D. black 10. A.plenty —B, merry C. merry D. heaven Exercise 5: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1, A. climb B, find C. tin y tiny 2. Actraffic -B. landscape == C. examination (D. park 3. A, boot B. book D. foot 4. Acgather —B. father D. mariage 5. A. bus B. bury D. cut 6, A. head B. heat . D. need 7. A. wild B, driven C. alive D. sign 8. A.penaity B. scenic C. epidemic D. level 9. A. food B. look C. took D. good 10. A.ngurish B. flgurish C.courageous —_D. suthern Exercise 6: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1. A. dealt B. dreamt C. heal D. jealous 2. A. slogan B. motor C. total D. proper 3. A.university B. unique C. unit D. undo 4. A. portrait —_B. painting C. rail D. complaint 5. A. ghost B. hostage C. lost D. frosty 6. A.examine B. famine C. determine D. miner 7. A. knowledge 8B. flower C.shower — D. coward 8. A. practice BB. device C. service D. mean 9. A. teacher B. clear C. reason. D, mean 10. A. complete © B. command C. common D, community Exercise 7; Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. J. A.release —_B. pleasure C- teaver D. creamy 2. A.ig9 B. good C.sgon D. foad 3. A. most B. cost C. coast D. hest B. heat C. seat D. nged , B. failure C. fairly D. fainted 6. A. course B. court C. coursing D. courage 7. Acwateh = B. want C. bank D. what 8. A. low B. bow C. know D. slow 9. A. none B. tomb C. tongue: D. onion 10. A. name B. flame C.man D. fame Exercise 8: Pick out the word. whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1, A-count ——B. sound C. found 2. A.noon B. tool C. fat 3. A. bush B. brush C. bus 4, A.dead B. bead C. threa 5. A. soul B. mould C. foul 6. A.savs B. bays C. days 7. A. too B. food C. soon 8. A.butter —-B. put C. sugar 9. A. gear B. beard C. pear 10.A.reject —_-B. regard C. represent D. mould D. spoon D. cup D. bread D, shoulder D. rays D. good D. push D. dear D. religion Exercise 9: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced dij oii from that of the other words. 1. A.chooses ~ B, houses C, rises 2. B. seven C. sugar 3. B. accept C accident 4, B. ceiling C. nice 5. A. thi B. thanks C. that 6, A-happy —_-B. hour C. high 7. A.who B. where C. what & A.off B. of C. safe 9. A.get B. gentle C. give 10. A. chair B. cheap C: chemist D. horses D.sun D, success D. centre D, three D. hotel D. why D. knife D. guest D. child Exercise J0: Pick ont the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently ‘from that of the other words. , A-whole B, when C: which A.measure — B. decision C. pleasure 3, A. while B. which C..who 4. A. chorus B. cherish 5. A. honourable B. honesty 6. A. research — B. resent C. resemble 7. A.decision _ B. occasion C expansion 8. A. performed B. finished C. interviewed 9. A. theatre B. therefore C. throughout 10.A. measure B. leisure €. ensure D. while D. permission D. white holarship D. resist D.eresion D- delivered D. thunder D: pleasure Exercise 11: Pick out the ward whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1. A-looked —B. moved Cy tried 2. A. gentle B. get C. game 3. A. church B. each C. much D. opened D. gift D. ache 4. A-piteh 5. A.page 6. A. sense 7. A.chin 8. A. measure 9. A. practised 10, A. hour Exercise 12: Pick out the word whose underlined B_watch B. game B. practise B. champagne B- please B. raised B. honest C. butcher C.go C. necessary C. child C. his C. rained C. heir differently from that of the other werds, 1. A, characteristic B. chapter 2. A, tiles 3. A. tension 4. A taugh 5. A. thank 6. A. think 7. A. south, & A loose 9. A.exchange B. follows B, precision B. enough B_ thought B. there B. truth B. lose B ache 10. A, ploughed B. fixed Exercise 13: Pick out the word whose underlined C. chaotic C. letters. C. provision C. plough C. thin C. theme C. smooth C. cease C. stomach C. laughed differently from that of the other words. 1. A. breath 2. A. beds 3. A. myth 4. A.cell 5. A. though 6. A. kicked 7. A. breathe 8. A. cheese 9. A. worth 10. A. likes B. breathe B. doors B. with B. centre B. enough B. blocked B. breath B, choice B. cighteenth B. sighs C. thank C. students C. both C. city C. cough C. naked C. myth C. chord C. path C, heaps D. architect D.gift D. advertise D. charge D. disease D. followed D. hospital part is pronounced D. archive D. books D. decision D. cough D. farther D. thumbs D. both D, dose D. architect D. coughed part is pronounced D. threat D. plays D. tenth D. cube D, rough D. locked D.thigh D. chunk D. with D. fuss Exercise 14; Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. — i. A. government B. glory 2. A. promise 3. Aoweight 4. A. hood 5. A.ngtural 6. A. terrace 7. A kite 8. A. fond B. devise B. height B. hook B_ nature B. territory B. blind Bi off worry native terrific right follow agepanan D. wonder D. realize D. vein D. tool D. nation D. terror D. rigid D. honey: 9. A. pretty | 10. A. sight Exercise 15: Pick out the word whose underlin Ba level B. weight C. lesson C. heighten differently from: that of the other words. D. length D. freight ed part is pronounced L. Av that B. hat C. park Dy taxi 2. A. bad B. fan C. catch D. wash 3. A, worker B. teacher C, better D. prefer 4. A.monk . shop D. got C. triangle D. trial C. plough D. tough C. begin D. beneath C. soup D. house 701 C. dome D. home 10.A. surgical B. surround C.surrender —_D. survival Exercise 16: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1. A. opportunity B. menu C. aptitude D. muscular 2. A. karate B. hazard C. glad D. blanket 3. A.master Bask D. castle 4. A adult B. husband D, culture 5. A. bound B. ground 6. A. addition B, adventure C. advertise 7. A. dealt B. dreamt C. steal 8. A. fame B. change C.champagne D. blame 9. A.coward —_B. flower C. shower D. knowledge 10_ A. use B- umbrella C, union D. unit BAI TAP VE TRONG AM Exercise 17: Choose the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words, 1. A.supermen B. synthetic C.conversion —_D. professor 2. A.forests —B. singing C. concerning —_D. burning 3. A. promise B.expensive C. constructive D. original 4. A. simultaneous B. feedback C. different D. errors 5. A-appropriate B. emotional. C, pronounce _D. situation 6, A. before B. arrive ~ D. countless 7. A. incredible B. humidity D. definition &. A. begin B. mountain C. kingdom D. passage 9. A.dinosaur —B. calendar C. eternal D. history 10. A-document B. develop C.opponent . D. astonish other words. 18 Exercise 18: Choose the word thai has the stress differently from that of the 1. A definition B. production 2. A. photography B. qualification 3. A. ancient B. edible, 4. A.conscious B. speedometer 5. A.sufficient B. deficient 6. A.personal —B, entry A. temperature B. decorator 8. A. particular B. subordinate 9 A.cultivate B. machine 10. A. prediction B. judgment Exercise 19: Choose the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words. 1. A.industry —B, memory 2. A. tunnel B. nightmare 3. Avrainfall —B. inquire 4. A.tableland —B. artistic S. A.colony —_B. maintaining 6. A. priority —_B. relationship 7. A.address —B. include 8. A. urbanization B. environment 9. A. computation B. unemployment C. desirable fluential 10, A. associate C. situation D. politician C. occasion D. Canadian C. visual D. delicious C.thermometer D. parameter C. ancient D. efficient C. personnel —-D. sample C. calculator D. individual C. several D. constructive C. terminate D. operate C. intelligent D. compulsion C.ambiguous —_D. advertise C. retain D. thesis: C. confide D. machine C, contribute D. substamtial C. maintenance D, credible C. enthusiast D, endangerment C. imply D. common C. communicationD. unexpectedly D, satisfaction C.accountancy D, variety Exercise 20: Choose the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words. 1. A. committee B_ internal 2. A.negative B. pioneer 3. A. relax B. wonder 4. A.imagine —_B. confidence 5, A. sleepy B: trophy 6. A-original —_B responsible 7. A, authority — B. necessity 8. A. emotional -B. simuttaneous 9. A.reflection B. division 10. 4. punctuality C. undergraduate C. involvement D. margarine Cv interchange — D. understand C. problem D. special C. appearance —D. discussion C. facial D. exact C. reasonable, comparison C.academic —_-D.. commercially C. astrology D. applicable C. industry: D. remember B, recommendation D. solidarity Exercise 21: Choose the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words, 1, A. orientation C. disadvantageous 2. A, autobiography C. familiarization B. electricity D, developmental B. responsibility D. availability 19 Exercise other words. Exeri 3. A. adventurousB. petroleum 4. A. millennium B. congratulate 5. A. intensive 6. A. sacrifice 7. A. recruit 8. A. surface B. irvitate B. waterproof B. retail B. profound 9, A.conclusion B. opponent 10. A. popular B. politics 1. A. community B. peninsula 2. A.accuracy B. individual 3. A. accident — B- direction 4. A.beginner —B. encounter 5. A.ambulance B. another 6, A. attractive B. laboratory 7. A.capacity — B, language 8. A.delicate — B. promotion 9. A.disease —_B, design 10. A. material B. apologize 2. other words. 1. A. exception B, linguistics C. recovery C. corporation C, implement C. attendant Cy answer C. pursue C. arrival C. exciting C. participant C. recreation C. factory C. disappear C. government C. investigate C. dangerous C. volcanic C. moustache D. artificial D. evacuate D. emterprise D. literal D, shortage D, perform D. stadium D. origin Choose the word that has the stress differently from that of the D. concentration D. independence D. hospital D. remember D. institute D. knowledgeable D. courage D. resources D. aspect. C. disappointed —D. informative C. paragraph C. exceptional C, statement C. question * C. serious C. postcard C. identify. _ Ci research C. Europe C- expensive Choose the ward that has the stress differenity from that of the D. specific D. photographer - D. annoy D. special D. umbrella D. postpone D. magnificent D. machine D. reduce D. significant Exercise 2: Choose the word that has the siress differently from that of the 2. A-authority B, calculation 3. A. almost B. solar 4, A.around —_B. legend 5. A.family B. mythical 6. A.product —B. purpose 7. A. conversation B. potentially 8. A.champion B. composer 9. A. beauty B. mutual 10..A. facilitate B. volume other words. 1. A.eltogether B. amphibian 2, A. enjoyable ~ B.enthusiasm 3. Avoverlook — B. overnight 4, A.bulletin —B. enjoyable 5. A. amusement B. autograph 6. A. ability 7. A. excellent B. already 8. gymnastics C. historical C. intelligent C. overcome C. colorful C. criticize C. retirement C. stadium D. psychology D. territory D. overcoat D_ beautiful D. fluoride D. uniform D. restaurant 8. A.champion B. common C. peaceful D, respect 9. A.eventual B. qualify C. president D. volleyball 10. A.penaity — B. personal C. position D. powerful Exercise 25: Choose the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words. 1. A, village B. begin C, column D. pity 2. A.average BB. aquatic C. athletic D. available 3. A.schedule B. report C. promise D. orbit 4. A-accurate B. customer C. computer DD exercise 5S. A. fancy B. portrait C. endless Dz require 6. A-disappeat B. government C.hurricane —_D. triangle 7. A.synthetic B.thoroughly —C. tornado D. formation 8. A.basket —B. blossom C. firewood D. perhaps 9. A. disease B. people C. upset D. upstairs 10. A. grapefruit B. personal C. release D. pumpkin Exercise 26: Choose the word that has the stress differently frome that of the other words, 1, A.authority B. disadvantage C. photographer D. relationship 2. A. combination B. satisfaction C. transportation D. necessary 3. A- hockey B. involve C. review D. select 4. A.defensive B. spectator C. technictan D. wonderful 5. A.eleven B. example C. origin D. synthetic 6. A. exhaust B. expect C. extra D. except 7. A.discharge B. honey C. decide D. appoint 8. A. captain B. belong C. respect D. avoid 9, A.evaluate — B. favorable C. convenient —D. relationship 10. A.signature B. scholarship — C. terminal D. transaction Chuyén dé 2: TU VUNG Bai tap tir vumg trong céic d8 thi trie nghiém tiéng Anh thudng bao gbm.cée dang bai tip sau: = Bai tp vé cau tac tir howe dang thie cia tir (word formation). - Bai tp vé chon tix (word choice) hoac sy két hgp cia tir (collocations). 1. PHUONG THUC CAU TAO TU (Word formation) Bai tap cdu to tir thutng kiém tra tt ea cdc dang tir loai nhu danh tir, tinh tir, trang tir, dng tir. Dé Ham tt dang bai tip nay, trude bét, hoe sinh can phai 21 £6 mét von tir vung phong phi. Khi hoc mét td méj cde em nén hoe tat ed cac tt loal lign quan, bao gém cA tién t6 ho&c hau td eau tao tir trai nghia. Vi daz succeed (v), suocess (n), successfill (adj), successfully (adv), unsuccessfully (adj), unsuccessfully (adv) Khi lya chon dip n ding cho bai tap edu tao tit ta can cha ¥ nhimg diém sau: ~ Xd dinh tir foal cla tir ca tim -Danh ti cdin tim sé it hay s6 nhiéu ~ BOng tir wong cu chia é thi ndo, theo chi ngit s6 it hay sé nhiéu ~ Dap 4n cin tim c6 nghia khang dinh (positive) hay phd dinh (negative) ~ Néu dép 4n can tim 1a danh tir thi xdc dink 46 14 danh ti chi ngudi, vat hay su vat Can can nhac vé nghia trong cu véi nhiing tir 66 cling tir loai Vidu mink hoa 1: Chon tit thich hop neong ting véi A, 8, C hoge D dé hon ° thank edu sau: He cycled and had an accident, A. careful B. careless C. carefully D. carelessly Husng dan: Ta diing trang ti bd nghia cho dong ub cycle, 12 lai chon carelessiy thay vi carefidlly vi nghia cia céu. Dap an [aD. He cycle carelessly and had an accident, (Ant ay di xe may du va gp tai nan) Vida minh hoa 2: Chon tr thieh hop teong img voi A, B, C hogc D dé hodn thanh cdu sau: Peter opened the door of the cellar, wondering what he might find. A. cautious B. cautiously C, cautional D. cantionally Husng dip: Peter __ opened the door of the celiar, wondering what he might Jind, (Peter mé cia ting him __, tu héi cing minh cé thé tim théy gi.) ; B Bp an diing: cautiously (trang tit) = (mot cach) than trong. A Phuong dn sai: cautious (tinh ti) = than trong. C,D Phuong an sai: khéng 06 cdc tirnay trong tiéng Anh. Vidu mink hoa 3: Chen uit thich hop wong tme véi A, B, C hoe D dé hoan thanh cdi sau: The new dress makes you more E A, beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify Hudng din: make + dank tiv/dal rit + iiwh ripttink riz so sdnh hon: iam cho, khiéa cho... Dap dn la B. “The new dress makes you more beautiful.” (Chiée ip dim méi iam’cho ban xinh dep hon.) Dé lam tét dang bai tip tir vimg, ta edn Iu y cde didn sau day: 1. Thay d6i loai tir Trong tiéng Anh c6 nhiéu tir duge sir dung vai nhimng logi tir khae nhau va 6 nghia khac nhaw. 2 Vidus a cook (danh ti): dau bép, to cook (déng tir): ndu an 2 graduate (danh ti): sinh vién tot nghiép to graduate (d6ng tir): tét nghiép 2. Tirghép Dani ti shép: Phuong thie théng thudng nbét Id sy ghép trdo hai danh tir véi nhau 8 tao thank danh tir mdi. Céch ghép ty do-nay 6 thé dp dung déi véi nhidu tring hop va danh ti ghép o6 thé la hai ti hoc mdt ti, déi khi mang mét nghia méi, Phan ton danh tir ghép duge tao thanh béi ©Danh tir + danh tit a tennis club: cau ige 66 quin vot a phone bill: héa don dign thoat a train journey: chuyén di bling tau hda. *Danh dng tix +danh tk a swimrning pool; hd bot a sleeping bag: tai ngh washing powder: bét gitit © Tinh tir + danh ty é a greenhouse: nia kinh a blackboard: bang viét quicksilver: thay ngan a black sheep: ké hu hong + MGt sé it danh tir ghép 06 thé gdm ba tir hode nhiéu hon: merry-go-round (trd choi ngya quay) forget-me-not (hoa luu li) mother-in-law (me chdng/ me vo) Danh tir ghép c6 thé durge vidt nhu: * Hai tirri: book seller (ngudi ban sich), dog trainer (nguéi hudn luyén ché) © Hai ti c6 gach ndi 6 gitra: waste-bin (gid réc), living-room (phéng khach) * MOt tir duy nhat: watchmaker (tho ché tao déng hd), schoolchildren (hoc sinh), chairman (chi toa) ‘Trong cdu tao “danh tir~ danh wy”, danh tir di tise thydng od dang sb it nhung cting.cé trudng hop & dang sd nhiéu: a vegetable garden (vin rau) an eye test (kiém tra mit) a sports shop (ctra hang ban dé thé thao) a goods train (tau ché hang) ‘Tinh th ghép: Tinh tir ghép thumg gm hai ho¥c nhiéu tir két hop véi nhau va dug ding nhu mét ti duy nat, Tinh tir ghép 06 thé duoc viét thanh: 23 ~ Mt tir duy nhat: life + long —> lifelong (ca dai) home + sick—> homesick (nhé nha) ~ Hai ti c6 dau gach ndi¢ gitra: after + schoo! after-school! (sau git hgc) back +up-> back-up/ backup (gifip 46) - Nhiéu tir cd dau gach gida: a two-hour-long test (bai kiém tra kéo dai? gid) a ten-year-old boy (cu bé lén mudi) Tinh wr ghép 06 thé duge tao thanh bai: -Danh tir+ tinh duty-free (mign thué)noteworthy (dang chil ¥) nationwide (khip nude) blood-thirsty (khét méu) - Dank tir + phan tir: : handmade (lam b&ing tay) time-consuming (tn thai gian) breath-taking (dang kinh ngac) _heart-broken (dau khd) ~ Trang tir + phan tir: ill-equipped (trang bi kém) outspoken (thing thin) well-behaved (I phép) _high-sourding (huénh hoang} ~ Tinh tir+ phan t good-looking (xinh xin) easy-going (thoai mai) beautiful-sounding (nghe hay) middie-ranking (bac truny) ~ Tinh tir + danh tt két hop véi tin cing —ed: old-fashioned (16i thoi) absent-minded (dang tri) fair-skinned (da tring) _artistic-minded (cd éc thm mi) 3. Thay d6i phu td (affixation) Bang cach thém phu 16 (affixation) bao gdm tién t6 (prefixes) vao déu mgt tie gd hole hu 16 (suffixes) vao cusi tir 250 ta 6 each cdu tao mot hinh thai ti méi rit phd bién trong ting Anh. © Hau t6 tao ding ti; -ise/-ize; modernize, popularize, industrialize... ~ify: beautify, purify, simplify @ Tign té phi dinh cia tinh ty Tién 16 phi dink : Fide im- (ing trrée tinh tir bit dau m hoac p) immature, impatient “f ir- (dig true tinh ti bat Gaur) itreplaceable, inegular il: ding trrée tinh tir bat dau D legal, illegible, illiterate in- | inconvenient, inedible | dis- : disloyal, dissimilar an uncomfortable, unsuccessful 24 Luu y: Déi véi cdc tién t6 in-, im-. ngoai ¥ nghia phddinh ching con mang nghia “bén trong; vao trong”. Fi du: internal, income, import. © Céc tidn #6 un- va dis- con duge ding dé thanh Iép tir trai nghia cia dong tir: tie/untic, appear/disappear... nods déo nguge hanh déng céa dong ur disbelieve, disconnect, dislike, disqualify, unbend, undo, undress, unfold, unload, unlock, unwrap... Ngoai ra ta con cé tién 16 phi dinh de- va non: decentralize, nonsense... & Hau t6 tao tinh tr bushy, dirty, hairy atomic, economic, poetic cultural, agricultural, environmental biological, grammatical painful, hopeful, cateful painless, hopeless, careless loveable, washable, breakable productive, active -o poisonous, outrageous © Hau 6 tao denh ue Céc hgu t8 hinh thanh danb tir thong ip. Hau td | Ynghia 1 Vidu ] dua) renee (n gui s construct (xay constructive (tich | constructively dumg) ovo, mang tinh t dy dums | continue (tiep continuation continuous (tiép | continously tuc) din, lién tue) continually 27 { ] ‘continual (Kap di ] | 1a thurdng. { xuyén) contribute contribution (suv contributory (dong gop) dong gop) #no) conmributor (nguéi contributory dng g6p) conserve (bio | conservation (su bao | conservative (bao | conservazively | tén) tén, su bdo quan) thi) | conservationist (nha bao tin) create (igo ra) | creation (su sing creative (sang tao) | creatively ; tg0) | creativity (tinh sing § tao) ___| creator (ngudi tao ca) endanger (gay | danger (su nguy dangerous (nguy | dangerously nguy higm) hiém) hiém) endangered (bi nguy hiém) | develop (phat development (su phat | developed (phat trign) trién) trién) developing (dang } phat trién) | underdeveloped (cham phat trién) decide (quyét | decision (quyét dinh) | decisive (quyét _| decisively dinn) decisiveriess (tinh | doan) i quyét doan) | # indecisive (do du) | depend (phu dependence (sw phu | dependent (phu | thuge) | thude) thude) | # independence (su | # independent = | dc Hip) (dG¢ lap) desiroy (pha destruction (str phd | destructive (e6 destructively hay) buy) tinh chat pha koai) destruetiveness (tinh | | pha hoai) ! direct (chidén) | direction (su chi dan, | husng) ‘ direcwor (giam déc, L | dao dién) | 28 differ (khde,___| difference (sy khic | different (khac differently khéng gidng) biét) biét) | indifferent (hiv i himg) disappoint (lam | disappointment (sx | disappointed (bi | disappointingly that vong) | thét-vong) that yong) i disappointing i (that vong) economize (Het | economy (néakinh | economic (thuge | economically kigm) té) vé kinh 18) economies (kinh té | economical (tiét hoe), kiém) ‘ I) educate (giéo | education (suinén | educational educationally duc) gido duc) (thuge gido duc, educator (nguéi tim | mang :inh gido | céngtéc gido duc) | duc} | educationalist (nha | edueated (dupe gido duc) gio due) employ (thué, | employment (viée | employed (cé viée , tuyén dung) lam) lam) | # unemployment fmemployed | employer (nguroi chil) employee (nhan vién) environment (mdi | environmental ‘environmentally mrueng). (thude vé mot environmentalist trudng) (ngudi bao vé méi tong) excite (kich excitement (su hao excited excitedly thich, gay hao | himg) exeiling excitingly himg ) ‘ experience (trai_| experience (trai experienced (c6 qua) nghiém, kink * kinh nghiém) nghiém) # inexperienced explain (gidit explanation (suf Iti | explanatory (6 thich) giai thich) tinh gidi thich) afforest (trong | forest (rimg) ring) afforestation (su tréng rimg) # deforestation (st phd rimg) 29 harm (gay hai) | harm (setin hai) — [Rarmfil (ob hai) — | harinfilly harmpulress (tinh harmless (vb hai) | + harmlessly gay hai) # harmiessness hope {hi vong) | hope (niém hi vong) | hopeful (diy hi hopefully hopefuiness (tinh day | vong) hopelessly | hi vong) hopeless (vO i | # hopelessness Lvong) i inform (thing | information (thong | informative (chita bao) tin) nhiéu théng tin) informer (ngwéi cung | informed (cd hiéy cap théng tin) biéty imagine (trong | imagination (sy. imaginary (khong | imaginatively tung) tung tugng) that, do trémg tuong) imaginative (giaa tri tuomg wong) impress (gay @n_| impression (an impressive (gay an | impressively tong) twong) auong) improve (ci Emprovement (sy cai | improved (dugc | thin) thign) ai thign) thite, sw hiéu bidt) (hiéu biét) life (cugc s6ng) alive (con song) lifestyle (\éi séng) | Lively (sing dng) living (sr kiém song) | living (dang ton livedihaod (sinh ké) | tai) know (bist) knowledge (kita | knowledgeable | FnowledgeaBly Tive (sing) lifespan = lifelong (sudt 403) j life expectancy (tdi | live (true tip) j tho) lifelike (giéng nb | | that) i major (chinh yéu) majority (da sb) i minor (nho, tho | # minority (thiéu yeu) 80) | marry (ket hon) | marriage (hén nhan) | married z unmarried necessitate (lim | necessity (thi ein | necessary (Cn | wunnecessariblp cho cai gicdn — | thiét) thidt) thiét) Zz unnecessary obey (tain theo) | obedience (aw tun | obediend (ving | obediently | theo) gi) 4 disobediently ___{ # disobedience | + disobedient 2 | oppose (chéng | opposition (sy chong | opposed a) asi) - opposing | opponent (d6i thi) Patience (swkién | patient (Kin ‘patiently } . | mban) nhin) # impatiently | | # impatience # impatient ‘Popularize (pho een (tinh phd | popular £ ‘popularky cp) i unpopular possibility (kha ning, | possible (c6 thé) | possibly sir cé thé) # impossible + impossibly # impossibility prefer (thich | preference (sx im | preferential (uu | preferably hon) tien) dai) preferable (thich hon) produce (sin | product (san phim) _ | productive (sinh xuat, tao ra) produce {U] (san Joi, c6 nang suat) phim nét chung) ! productivity (nang xwat) producer (nha sin xuat) profit {Iginhuin) | profitable (c6 the | profitably profitability (tinh e| mang lai toi | gi) nhufin) non-profit (phi loi | nhuan) profitless (vb dung) | protect (bao vé) | protection (sy bao | protective (bao protectively ve) 6, che ch) protected (duge bio vé) 4 pollute (lim 6 | pollution (sr 6 polluted nhiém) nhiém) (bi 6 nhiém) | pollutant (chit gay 6 | im) publicize ‘Public (cong ching, | pubite (cing ‘publicly (quang cao, lam | quan chung) c6ng) cho moi ngudi | publicizy (sur cong biét) khai, su quang cio) | publicist (ngudi lam quang cao) t ss sot) recognize (nhan | recognition recognizable (c6 | recognizably ra) thé nhan ra duge) + unrecognizable reduce (lam reduction (su cat gidm) | giém) refuse (tir chdi) | refusal repeat (Vip lai) | repetition repeated (lip di | repeatediy | Jap lei | repeatable (cb thé nhic lai) i | responsibility (tach | responsible (cd responsibly nhiém) tach nhiém) | + irresponsible | satisfy (lam Wai | satisfaction satisfied (thoi | long, thod man) man) | satisfactory (hod | dang) \ science (khoahoc) | scientific scientifically scientist (nha khoa i hoc) ‘secure (bao vé) | security (saan to&n) | secure (antoan) | securely ie [ # insecure shorten (lam | shortage (su thiéu | short shorily (nhank, ngin Iai) hut) sém) shortlist (danh séch rit gon) shortcoming (thiéu sot) ‘signify (lara cho | significance significant (c6 9 _ | significantly 6 yi nghia) nghia, tam quan nghia) trong) solve (gid solution (giai phap) | solvable (c6 thé quyét) solver (ngwoi tim ra | gid quyétduge) | giai phap) submit (ndp) ‘submission (sir nop, | | bai ndp) succeed (thanh | success successful ~ | swecessfully céng) stunsuccessful —_| unsuccessfully survive (song survival (Sy song sot) 32 {value (dinh gid, | value (gié wi) | valuable (c6 gia | | dinh gid) | tri) | #unvaluabie invaluable (vé gid) vary (thay d6i) | variety (sda dang) | various (nhiéu,da | variably | dang) | |-variable (hay thay | 485) | varied (khac nhau) ‘width (be rong) | wide (rng rip widely | widespread (rong kha) wise (Khon ngoan) | wisely | tunwise widen (mo rong) wisdom (su khén ngoan) © IL. CHON TU - SU KET HOP TH (Word choice — Collocations) 'Bé lam tir bai tap chon tir hoc sy két hop ela tt edn chi § nbtng diém sau: = Boc ki cu hdi va chit y dang tir loai can dié — Doc ki 4lya chon va ngi nghia eta ching; — Lya chon dap an ding dya vao kién thite tir vung dé hoo; — Néu cha quyét dinh dit khodt dap an ding thi hay ding phuong phap Joai trir dn nhimg phurong an sai_ Vidu mink hoa J: Chon tie thich hop mong tmg voi A, B, C howe D dé Hoan thank cdu sau: English is now an effective mediurn of international A.communication B, talking —-C. speech D, saying Hudng din; Cau nay héi su sir dung diing tir trong ngftcanh. A Dép én ding. English is now an effective seid of international communication. (Bay gid tiéng Anh i phuong tién giao tiép quéc té higu qui). communication = su giao tiép. taiking = sir néi; cdu chuyén (khong thé két hop v6i international). speech = lai ndi; cdich néi; bai dién van. saying = we ngif, cham ng6n. Vidu minh hoa 2: Chon tir thich hop mong img voi A, B, C hoae D dé oan thank cdu sau: : ‘It was such a boring speech that I fell A.asleep B. sleep C. sleepy D. slespily Huong din: Cau nay hoi vé kha nang két hop tir cita d6ng tir fall: ‘fall asleep = ng thiép di; dang qua khit cia fall la feil. ‘vao; vaw 33 Ngoai ra ta c6: feel sleepy (cam thay budn ngi); qua khit cia feed la felt. Dap an A. It was such a boring speech that [fell alseep. (Bai dién vin chan dén ndi toi gi thigp di.) Vi du minh hoa 3: Chon tit thich hop urong ing véi 4, B,C hode D até hon thamk cou sens: He kindly offered to me the way to the station. A. explain B. direct C. deseribe D. show Hiucing din: D Dip dn ding: show someone the way ~ chi duimg choai. He kindly offered to show me the way to the station. (Ong ta tir té chi duong cho téi dén nha ga.) A Phwong an sai: explain = gidi thich. B Phuong an sai: direct someone to somewhere =chi dutmg cho ai. Vi du: Could you direct me to the airport? (Ong lam on chi dyéng cho t6i dén san bay.) C Phuong an sai: describe = m6 td. SU KET HOP TY VOLCAC DONG TU THONG DUNG & DO © accomplish, carry out — ho&n thatth, thyc hién mét cSng vige) do an assignment: lam mdtnhiém vy duce giao do business (with): kinh doanh do one’s best: 6 gang hat site do a crossword: choi 6 chit do damage: gay thigt hai do.2 course: theo mét khéa hoe do history/ economics: hge lich sit/ kinh t& hoe... do an experiment: Tam tht nghiém do good: bé ich éo harm: gay hai “doa job: Iam mt cing vige do one’s duty: lam nghia vi Go one’s hair: lam tic do one’s homework: Ham bai tap vé nha do research: nghién etra do someone a favour: lam gidp ai didu gi do the shopping: mua sam do wonders/ miracles: mang lai két qua ki diéu do without: lam ma khéng ¢6 off gi do wrong: fam sai 34 © MAKE (= produce, manufacture — lam ra, ché tao ra) make an appointment: make an attempt: make an announcement: make the bed: make a cake: make changes: make a choi make a decision; make a comment: make a complaint: make a comparison: make a contribution: make a decision: make a difference: make a distinction: make an effort: make an excuse: make a law: make a mistake: make money: make progress: make a plan: make a phone call: make preparations for: make a profit: make a promise: make a speech: make noise: make a start: make a suggestion: make a will: make up one’s mind: make use of: TAKE take susie for granted: take advantage of sth: take notice of sth: thu xép mot cube hen cé ging, nd lye thong béo don giuong lim banh thay d6i chon iva quyét di nbn xt phan nan, than phién sosinh dong g6p vao quyét dinh tao sur khéc biét tao sy khéc bit/ ivong phan né lye vign eg théng qua dgo lust mic sai lim a kiém tin tién b& vach ké hoach goi dién thoai chuan bj cho thu Igi nhudn hia hen doc bai dién vain lamén khoi hanh dé nghi Jam di chic quyét dinh sir dung: xem aif cai gi la tat nhién way ra tham gia vao 66 higu luc tan dung cai gi chi ¥ Gén Ai gt take responsibility for sth: take interest in: take offence: take power/ office: teke a pity on sb: take a view/ attitude: take sth as a compliment: take sth as an insult: shiu trich nhiém vé cai gt quan tam dén that vong, phat y nham chic thdng cam cho ai ed quan diém/ thai d6 xem cj gf nf loi khen ting xem ci oi nhur 19% si nhuc © HAVE have difficulty {in) doing sth: gp-khé khiin khi lm céi gi have a proble 6 van dé, gp khé khan have a go/ a try thir PAY pay attention to: cha ¥ dén pay a compliment: khen pay a visit to sb: dén tham ai pay tribute fo: bay t6 ling kinh trong SU KET HOP TU VOI CAC DANH TU THONG DUNG Danh tir Cum tir két hop advice ~ follow! take/ listen to/ act on sb's advice {nghe theo [Bi khuyén cia ai) = gei/ obtain’ receive advice (nhén lei khuyén) bill — pay settle/ pick up a bill (tra mét hoa don) | — be landed with’ face a bill (chiu m§t héa don) ~_ an unpaid bili (mt héa don chya thanh toan) caresr — at the height] peak of one's career (6 dinh cao sw nghiép) ~ embark on a career (dan than vao mét nghé) ~ have a career in (c6 sy nghiép wong link vite) — olimé the career ladder (thang tién nghé nghiép) — wreck/ ruin one’s: career (hity hoat st: nghiép cia mink) I = a promising/ brilliant career (su nghiép day hits hen) | chance = get/ have a chance (66 6a h§i) — gives offer! provide a chanee (ta0 cv hd) — jump at/ seize/ grab a chance (nim lay co héi) | — not stand a chance of doing sth (khong cé kha nang lim gi) — sheer/ pure chance (sy tinh co hoan toan) ~ good! fair/ high’ strong chance {kha ning cao) = _minimal/ slight’ little chance (kha nang mong manh) 36 demand — meel/ satisfy/ cope with a demand (dap img thoa main niu cau) — increase! boost/ stimulate demand (tang nhu cau) — big/ huge? great/ considerable/ enormous/ strong demand (nhu edu lén/ cao) difference — make a difference (tao/ mang lai su khdc biét) — make all the difference (thay d6i lon) — tell the difference (phan biét) — feel/ know/ notice/ see/ perceive the difference (cam hin, nbn thire su khae biét) — considerable/ enormous’ major! profound! dramatic! sharp difference (su khae biét dang ké, ro rét) — with a difference (dic biét khéc thuong) — have/ experience’ encounter! face/ get into/ run into difficulties (gp khé khan) } — do sth with/ without difficulty (lam gi mot cach khé khan! dB» dang) — solve/ cope with/ deal with difficulties (giai quyét khé khan) | — avercome/ surmount difficulties (vugt qua khé khin) — great/ enormous’ considerable/ serious difficulty (khé khan | lan, nghiém trong) fault favour — find locate/ identify’ discover fault (tim li) — correct’ fix! repair/ rectify a fault (sia chita mat lai) ~ be ailf entirely one’s own fault (hoan toan do ~ be hardly one’s own faule (hau nhu khong phai = at fault (chiu trich nhiém vé mét sai lam) — do 3b a favour (lam gitp ai diéu gi) — ask a favour (hdi xin mot an hué) —_owe sb a favour (mang on ai) — return a favour (éép lai mét an hug) ~ find! gain/ win farvour (cb duos sis ing h8) — enjoy/ have/ stand in favour (duge sy ung hd) — in favour of sth (ang hd, tin thanh ei gi) out of habit (vi thdi quen) habit — change a habit (thay adi mot thoi quen) + be in/have the habit of (66 thoi quen) - form/ get into/ fall into/ make/ develop/ acquire a habit (hinh thanh, tao thanh mét théi quen) —, break give up/ get out af a habit (bd mot théi quen) = by habit (do théi quen) 37 measure - occupation | — | i = edopt/ take/ implement/ imposes introduce a measure (there hién/ 4p dung mot giai phép) ‘appropriate! effective/ necessary! practical measure (sial phap thich hop/ higu qua/ can thiét/ thuc 12) short-terin/ temporary measure (giai phap tara thi) follows take up an occupation (theo mét nghé) choose an occupation (chon mét nghé) give up one's occupation (bd nghé) opportunity haver find/ get an opportunity (c6/ tim duge edt cw hoi) have ample/ considerable/ plenty ef opportunity (c6 nhiéu co hGi) have limited/ little! not muck opportunity (06 it ect hi) 4 good/ great/ wonderfull golden opportunity {co héi tét, eo héi tuyét vai, co hdi vang) problem = | popularity = | — encounter! be faced with/ confront! be confronted wilh a problem (g2p phat mét van dé) solve/ deal with/ clear up! overcome a problem (gidi quyét/ vugt qua mét vdn dé) big/ great/ serious/ acute problem (yin dé lén/ nghiém trong) gain! grow/ enjoy papularity (ngay Ang dugc ua thich) at the peak of sb’s/ sth's popularity (& dinh cao cia sit ndi | tiéng) ani increase/ a rise in popularity (su wa chung gia ting) a declines drap in popularity (sy giam/ it néi tiéng) relationship | — | standard es have/ enjay a close! good relationship (c6 moi lin bé gan | gti 26D build (upl/ develop’ ‘establish’ foster a relationship (xay dung/ thiét lap mdi quan hé) improve/ strengthen a relationship (cai thién/ cig cé méi quan hé) Set a standard (dua ra, lap ra mit tiéu chuan) meat! achieve/ conform tol comply with standards (dap (mg/ dam bao tigu chuadn) raise/ improve standards (nang cao/ cai thién chat Iugng) subject = 38 bring up a subject (dia ra mBt de ti) cover/ discuss/ talk about/ touch a subject (48 c&p/ thao luin mot dé tai) drop a subject (hdi.ndi vé mot dé 135 get off subject (chin ndi vé mét 4é #21) = spend time doing sth (danh thoi gian lim gi) — take's6 time to do sth (mat théi gian lam gi) — jind/ make time to do sth (c6 thoi gian 1am gi) — Jali/ pass time (giét thoi gian) — time + pass/ go by/ elapse (thdi gian tr6i qua) — hold a title (git mét danh biéu) — defend/ retain a title (bao v8! duy tri danh higu) — lose a title (mét dank higu) ~ award/ bestow/ confer a title (ban mét danh higuy under af the tile (vdita 8) trouble — bring/ cause? give sh trouble (gay phién toai) — take the trouble to do sth (nhgc cong lam gi) | — have trouble with stk (gap rac ri v6i cai gt) | = rum into/ get into trouble (gip rac r6i) i NGU DONG TU (Phrasal verbs) Nair dGng tir 1a déng tir kép gdm cO mot dgng tir va mot gidi tir, trang tir hode voi ca hai, Céc ngit déng tir khéng cé nghia do cc ti gép lai nén ta phai hoe thude nghia cua ching. Wir du: turn down (bic ba), break down (hong may), give up (tirbd) Nair déng tir o6 thé phan biét lm bén loai: = Nair déng tir tach ra duge (separable phrasal verbs) 1a cae ngit dong tir cho phép tan ngft chen vao gitta. We put out the fire. We put the fire out, We put it cut. (khong duge néi “We put out it”) — Net déng tr khéng tach ra duce (inseparable phrasal verbs) 14 edo ng 46ng tis khng cho phép tn ngit chen vao gitfa. di tn ngtt la danh tir hoje dai We should go over the whole project. We should go aver it. — Ngoai ra, ta con gip ngtr déng tir khéng 06 tn ngét (intransitive phrasal verbs). When we got to the airport, the plane had taken off Ais grandfather passed away dast year. — Nait dng tit gdm cé 3 tir (three-word phrasal verbs) la cde ngit déng thr khéng tich ra duve. We ‘ve put up with our noisy neighbours for years. The machine stepped working because it ran oxt of fuel. Cfe gidi tir va trang tir thong dung trong ngir dng tir. Céc ngtt dong tir thing o6 nghia khac véi nghfa cia cde thnh phan tao nén ching. Tuy nhién, trong mot sé truGng hop ching te cé thé dé dang doan duoc nghia cia ngft dong tir qua nm ving nghia ota cAc gidi tr va trang tir thang dung. down (xuéng dat); cut dawn a tree, pull down a buildiiig, Knock him down down (én gidy): write down the monber, copy down the address, note down a lecture dawn (giam bét) turn down the volume, slow down, {a fire) that died down down (neimg hoat déng hoan toan) break down, close down off (roi khdi, lia khéi) set Off a journey, a plane that took off, a book cover that came off, see a friend off at the airport, sell goods off cheaply off (iam gian doan) turn off switch off the television, cut off the electricity, ring off on (m&o, mang vao) . have a shirt on, put the shoes on, try a coat an on (tiép tuc) keep on doing something, work ont late, hang on/ hold on on (két ndi) turn on/ switch on the light, leave the radio on out (bién mat) put out a fire, blow out @ candle, wipe out the dirt, cross aut a word out (hoan roan, dén hét) clean out the table, fill out a form, wark out the answer out (phan phat) _Stve out/ hand out copies, share out the food between them out (ldn giong) read out all the names, shout out, cry out, speak out out (18 rang) make out the meanings, point out q mistake, pick out the best over (tir div dén eudi) read aver/ check over something, think over/ talk over @ problem, go aver a report % up (lam gia ting) iurn up the volume, blow up! pump up a tyre, step up. production 4p (hoan toan, hét sach) . . eat/ drink it up, use up something, clear upy tidy up the mess, (pack up a suitcase, cut up into pieces, lock up before leaving, sum up a situation 40 MGér's6 ngit d6ng tir thudng gp © Net dong tir tach ra durge back up (ing h6) If you don't believe me, ask Bill. He'll back me up. blow ap (lasn nb tung) They blew up the bridge. bring about (lam xay ra, dlin dén, gay ra) ‘What brought sbout the change in his attitude? bring down (ha xudng, lam tut xuéng) We must bring the price of the product down if we are going to be competitive. bring up (dua ra mot van dé) My friend brought up that matter again. bring up (audi day) He was born and brought up in a good environment. call off (noan lai, ngimg Iai, bé di) They called off the meeting. carry on (tiép tuc) He carried on the task while others had left. cheer up (lam cho ai phén Khoi, vui vé len) Mary's unhappy — we should do something to cheer her up. clear up (don dep, gidi quyét) She cleared up the spare room, cut down (giam bén, cat bet) He cut down the number of employyes in his company. do over (lam lai tir dau) I'm sorry but your writing is not good enough. You'll have to do it over. draw up (lap ké hogch) ‘The residents of the building drew up a plan to catch the thief. fill in/out (din vin don, tb khai) He filled out the job application form. fill up (a5 day, lip 43y) She filled up the jug with water. (find out (phat hién ra) She found out the truth. Figure out (suy nghi dé tim ra) Can you figure out how to do it? give away (cho, phan phat) He gave away his clothes to the poor: give back (hoan lai, é lai) He hasn’t given back my book yet. 41 give up (tir b3, bé cudc) You should always keep trying. Don’t give up! hand in (adp bai vb...) The students handed in their essays. hand out (phan phét) Peter, please hand these copies out to the class. kang up (treo lén, clip may) We were talking when she suddenly hung up the phone. hold up (Jam dink tré, tri hoan) I was held up in the traffic for nearly two hours. lay off (cho ai nghi viée) His company has laid off another 50 people this week. leave out (ba di) He left out all the prepositions. Jet down (lam that vong) He really let me down by not finishing the assignment. look over (xem xét, kiém tra) Lam going to look the house over next week. look up (tim kiém trong tai liu tra ciru) She had to look up too.many words in the dictionary. sake up (bia, dung chuyén) He made up a story about haw he got robbed on the way to-work. make out (hiéu) He was so far away, we really couldn’t make out what he was saying. pass on (truyén, chuyén tip) He passed the news on to the president. pick out (chon ra) She picked out some very nice clothes. pick up (dan ai bang xe) He had to leave early to pick up his daughter, point out (chi ra) She pointed out the mistakes. put away (cht di chd khée) They put away the books. put off (hon lai) He asked me to put off the mecting until tomorrow. put on (mic quan 40} He put on his hat and lef put out (dap tit) ‘They arrived in time to put out the fire. set up (bat dau, thanh Mp, mé van phdng, murémg hoc...) 42 They set up a new office in Vietnam. take down (ghi chép) Take down the instructions. A take off (681 bS quan 40) He took off his hat when he saw her. take over (tiép quan, tiép tuc) CBS Records was taken over by Sony. throw away (ném di, vit di) Don’t throw the book away. try on (mae thir quan 40) She tried on five blouses in the shop. try out (kiém tra cai gi qua vie sit dung n6) | tried out the car before | bought it. turn down (giam am long) Could you tum down the radio, please? turn down (khucc tir) his application was turned down. turn into (bigs thanh, tro thanh) The prince was tured into a frog by the witch. turn off (koa, tat...) ‘We tumed off the television. turn or (khoi dong, bat len) Would you mind turning on the cassette player? use up (ding hét) They have used up all the money. © Noir dag tir khong tach ra drge break in/ into (48t ohSp) Someone broke into my apartment last night and stole all my money. call on (thiim ving) He called on his friend. call for (a6i hoi) - This plan called for a lot of effort. care for sb (chim séc) He cared for his sick father for three years. come across (gkp mat cdch tinh cd) I came across a photo of my grandmother yesterday when I was cleaning the house. count on (tin cay vao, dua va0) I counted on him to show me what to da. gel over (visot qua) lt took me two weeks to get over the flu. ge over (xem lai, doc lai) The students went over the material before the exam. hear from (shan duge tin cia at) Have you heard from him lately? Took after (chim s6c, tng nom) Who is looking after your dog? look for (tim kiém) He’s looking for his keys. look into (dieu tra) The police are looking into the murder. run across (tinh ¢& g&p ai ho&c tim thy cdi gi) 1 tan across my old roommate at the college reunion. ran into (Doh ce gp ai) 1 ran into my old friend on the way to school. stand for (thay cho, dai dién cho) VIP stands for “very important person”. take after (ging ai) He takes after his mother. © Ngt ddng tir khong c6 tin ngir break down (hong may) The car has broken down. break out (nd ra, bing nd) ‘The war broke out when the talks failed. catch on {hiéu) ‘He catches on very quickly. You never have to explain twice. come back (quay \gi, tré Iai) Twill never come back to this place. come in (di vio) ¢ ‘They came in through the back door. come zo (tinh lai) Re was hit on the head very hard, but after several minutes, he started to come to again, come over (ghé thim nha ai) The children promised to come over, but they never do. come up (néu én mot van dé) That issue never came up during the meeting. die down (ang xuéng) The dispute had died down and he.was able to lead a normal life again. dress up (mac dién) We should dress up to go to the theater. drop by (at vio tham, nhan tin di qua ghé vao tham) If you come to our town, please drop by to see us. eat out (n t6i 6 nha hang) é Do you feel like eating out tonight? get on (tién bd) How are you getting on in your new job? get up (nga day) He got up early to go to the airport. go back (trés v8, vé, tre lai) Pil never go back to that place. go off (nd, reo len) The gun went off while he was cleaning it. go off (den, dign... tt) Suddenly the lights went off. go on (ip we) I though he would stop, but he just went on, go on (xay ta, dién ra) What’s going on here? g0 up (ting, tang fén) The price of gas went up by 5%. grow up (trréng thanh) This is the town where'l grew up. hold on {gitt may dién thoai khing cét) Could you hold on a minute, please? keep on (tiép tuc) They kept on looking for the dog. pass out (mé Gi, bat tinh) She passed out when she heard the news. pall up (ding lai, lim dimg lai) A black car has just pulled up outside your front door. set off (bit diu lén duang) We set off very early. show off (khoe khoang) He's always showing off about how much money he has got. show up (xuat hign) He didn’t show up last night. speak up (néi to hon) Can you speak up a fittle? | can’t hear you? take off (may bay cat cénh) The plane is taking off. turn up (dén noi, xuat hién) She invited a lot of people to her party, but only a few turned up. © Negir dng tir 6m c6 3 tir break in on (ct ngang, lam gidn dean) He broke in on our conversation. catch up with (audi kip) She left an hour ago. 171] never catch up with her now. come in for (himg chiu sx phé binh, céng kich) He hag come in for a Jot of criticism lately. come up with (tim ra li giai, ¥ tubing...) He came up with a very good idea. ent down on (giam bet) He’s trying to cut down on cigarettes. do away with (1oai bd) Most students want to do away with the present curriculum. drop out of (bd hac nia ching) A low of studems: Groped ‘out of school last year. face up to (chip nhan va d6i m&t vi mét diéu khdng dé chix) You must face up to the fact that you can’t do the job. get away with (thoat khdi sy trimg phat) This is the third time you have been late this week. zea! ‘re not going to getaway with it again. get down to (bat dau céng viée mat céch nghiém tic) it's time to get down to business. ger on/ along with (hoa dong vdi, c6 quan hé than hitu) Do you get on with your neighbours? get through with (hoan thank, hoan tar) Whea will you ever get through with that project? keep up with (theo kip) Salaries are not keeping up with inflation. look forward ta (mong ché) 1 look forward to the holiday. leak down om (xem thutmg) He Icoks down on his neighbours. look aut for (can than, coi chimg) Slow down. Look out for children crossing, leek up to (ngutng m6, kinh trong) He really looks up to his older brother. make up for (dit dap) I got up late; I've spent al! day making up for lost time. put up with (chiu dung) Ican’t put up with him any more. He’s so rude. run out of (can, hét) ‘The car has run out of petrol. 6 THANH NGU (idioms) M6t s6 thanh ngir thong dung Session 1: (ding cho Exercise i — Phdn thanh ngit) ~ take someone/something for granted: cho [2 dién dt nhién — take something into account/ consideration: tinh dén cai gi, ké dén cai gi — take it easy: Ikhéng lam viée qué cng thing — keep an eye on someone/something: dé mat dén — lose touch with someone: mt lién lac — pay attention to someone/something: chit y dén — catch sight of someone/something: nhin thy (trong chée lat) — at someone’s disposal: ¢6 sin cho ai str dung theo ¥ mudn ~ splitting headache: nhic dau nhu bia bd — best about the bush: néi vong vo tam quéc — off the peg: (quan 40) may sin — on the house: khéng phaj tra tién — on the shelf: (48 var) xép x6, bd di, khang cin cé ich nora — hit the roof: gian dtr ~ make someone’s blood boil: lim cho ai gidn dién Ién — bring down the house: lim cho od rap hét v6 tay nhiét Het ~ .pay through the nose: tra gid mac — by the skin of one’s teeth: sat sao — pull someone’s leg: tréu choc ai Session 2: (diing cho Exercise 2— Phin (hinh nei) — get butterflies in one’s stomach: cam thiy bén chén — seli tike hot cakes: ban dét nhwr tm tuoi — shooting star: sao bang — sow one’s wild oats: trai qua thoi ki theo dudi nhimg thi vui bia bai — close shaves: nhiing [an théat hiém trong gang téc ~_ have a bee in one’s bonnet about something: hay chit trong, dai nding van € gi ~ dlow one’s own trumpet: huénb hoang — fight tooth and nail: chién dau ac-liét, dénh nhau ac liét “- head over heels: ln l6ng Iéc, hdan tdan = smell a rat: nghi ngé c6 ém muu, nghi ngo cd su déi ted ~ know something like the back of one’s hand: biét r6 diéu gi — the last straw: giot nude tran ly — fly off the handle: mat binh tink, thinh linh ndi néng Session 3: (ding cho Exerctse 3— Phan thanh ngit) — drop someone a line: viét th cho ai 47 — havelget cold feet: scr hai — beside the point: khéng thich hgp — for the time being: trong lic nay — offthe record: khong duge ghi, khéng chfnh thie — piece of cake: vite dé lam — chip off the old block: nguti o6 tinh ech gidng bd — one’s cup of tea: ngudi hode vat minh ua thich — get something on one’s mind: dang ban tim diéu gt — down at heel: tan ta xo xc — make money hand over fist: vd duge Igi loc béo be — in/out of practice: cG/ khéng cé théi gian luyén tip — burn the candle at both ends: lam vige hét site, khéng biét giir site — play with fire: choi voi lia = goto town (on something): Jim cdi gi rt haing hai (nhdt la bing eéch chi tién) have something on the tip of one’s tongue: slip nhé ra, sap ndi ra Session 4: (ding cho Exercise 4 — Phan thank ngit) — put one’s feet in it: lam phién ai — kill two birds with one stone: mét eéng déi viée, nhat ctr judng tién — hit the nail on the head: ndi chinh xdo — put two and two together: cir thé ma suy ra — keep one’s fingers crossed for someone: clu mong diéu t6t dep cho ai — its’ no use/good crying over spilt milk: kéu ca cling bing thir — by ahair’s breath: trong duyéng to ké toc — have a narrow/hairbceadth escape: slyt nifa thi bi tém, may ma théat Guge hinh phat — asight for sore eyes: canh nrong dé chiu — keep one’s chin up: git vimg can dim — come out of one’s shell: tro nén dan di, coi mo = catch someone on the hop: dén mét cach bat nge — onthe spot: lap wie, tai chd (like) water off a duck’s back: nude d3 dau vit (khdng c6 téc dung déi ii ai) — fight windmills: danh nhau vdi ké dich tuéng tuong — spitting image: 6 mat giéng nhu khuén dic .. Session 5: (ding cho Exercise 5— Phan thank ngiz) money for cld rope: cach lam ra tién mot cAch dé ding — old wives" tale: chuyén mé tin huy€n hoc = long shot: bién phap xa ited eo may thanh cong = flyin the ointment: mic miu nhé 48 crying shame: sy xdu ho wet blanket: ngudi lam cho tap thé cut himg (vi ban thin ii ri: budn rau) in every nook and cranny: trong moi ngéc ngdch general dogsbody: nguai gnh céng vige cho neudi khae a soft spot for someone/ something: thich ai/ cdi gi a lasv final fling: tro dita, Bn choi cudi cling Mét sé thanh ngir thing dung vé so sanh Session 6: (ding cho Exercise 6 — Phan thanh ngit) as strong as @ horse/ an ox: khée nhu voi as thin as a rake: gay dét as tough as old boots (nhat la vé thit): rat dai, khé nhai as white as a sheet: tring béch, xanh nhu tau 1d (do's hai, chéang vang) as cool as a cucumber: binh tinh, khéng hé nao ning as deaf as a post: diée dac as different as chalk and/ from cheese: héan tdan khéc nhau fit as a fiddle: khée nhur vam, rat sung site like a lamb: hién lanh as good as gold: 66 dao dire rét tt, rat c6 gido duc Session 7: (ding cho Exercise 7 — Phan thanh ngiz) as light as air/a feather: rat nhe as old as the hills: rat cf, ¢ xua as plain as the nose‘on one’s face: ré nhur ban ngay as flat as a pancake: dét nhur cd mim with knobs on (ding dé dap Iei mot cau Yang mg hoe sy ding ¥ dat khdat); chiing kém gi, dirge day as pleased as Punch: rét hai long as keen as mustard: hét sto hang hai hodc nhiét tinh as clear as @ bell: ranh rot, dé'nghe as fresh as a daisy: tuoi nhurhoa as hard as nails: cimg rin, tan nhan as large as life: duge thiy xudt hién bing xuong bing thit (khong thé nham In) as stubborn as a mule: cing dau eting ¢6, uong bung Session 8: (ding cho Exercise 8—Phdn thanh ngtf) as sober as a judge: tinh tio khong hé Say ruts (as) steady as a rock: viing nhir bin thach as thick as thieves: rit an 9 v6i nhau, rét than as red as a beetroot: d6 nhu géc to sleep like a log: ngi say nhu chét 49 — to hold.on like grim death: bam cht khéng rdi — ta eav/work like a horse: din/ lam khos = tasmoke like a chimney: hit thude li ca ngay — to fitlike a glove: vita khit — to spread lilce wildfire: (tin dn) Jan rat nhanh = like a house on fire: rét nhanh, manh me — as peas ina pod: giéng nhau nhw hai git nude — like a clockwork: déu din nhu mot cdi may BAI TAP VE PHUONG THUC CAU T40 TU. Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1, Opere singer Maria Callas was known for her , powerfull voice. A. intensity B. intensify C. intense D. intensely 2. Many readers will disagree with the selection and the assessments as any guide will inevitably be é A. subject B. subjected C. subjective —_D, subjectivism 3. Politicians blame the media if they don’t win the election. They're so predictable. A. Variable B. variety C. various D. invariably 4. This is very ! Can't you practise your violin somewhere else? A-convenient B. conveniently C inconvenient 'D. convenience 5. [would like to show you my latest 5 which J have called “Boats on aLake”. A. creativity B. creator C. create D. creation 6, During the festival were hanging from every tree. A. decorator B. decorations - C. decorative D. decoretiveness 7. He offered to give me a of how the machine worked. A. demonstrator B. demonstration C. demonstrate D. demonstrative 8. Those countries are on other countries for most of their food. A. dependent B. independence C. dependable D. dependability 9, He acted in an extremely ss manner, which made him very unpopular. A. dictation B. dictatorial C. dictate D. dictatorship 10. He hopes the agency would find him a job. A. employee B unemployed C. employer D. employment Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. 'm aftaid they weren't very about ‘your idea of going out this evening, = A.enthusiastically B. enthusiastic C. enthusiasm D. enthusiast 30 The student did not do well in the class; he had e problem with - A. absent B. absently C. ebsentee D. absenteeism 3. The information in that article is inaccurate. Avhistorian —-Behistorical__C_ history D. historically 4, Some people show attituds toward the misery of others, totally untouched by their suffering. : A. passionate - B. dispassionate C. pussion D. passionately 5, The charity organization received a large gift from the : A. donation B. donor C. donate D. donated 6. The sick child must stay away from oihers because hehasa___ disease. A. communicate B, communicable C. communicator D, communication 7. The technician applying for the position was asked to supply a Tist of her former places of employment. A. chronological B. chronologically C. chronologist D, chronology & Ido not understand what these results___ A. significant —_B. signify o Fgnifigance D. significantly 9. They said my illness was . Don't they realize {’m in a lot of pain? A. imaginary B. imagination —C. imagine D. imaginative 10. She was a much less student than her sister. 5 A, industrial, B. industrious C. industrialist. industrialized Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to et of the following questions. . Iwas very of you to notice that. A. observant B. observatory C. observation observe 2. Thereisa___—=———__—sof carrots because of the bad weathe A. shortly B. shorten C. shortage D. short 3. The factory manager was So that the employees Ieft in disgust. A, dictator B. dictatorial C. dictatorship —_D. dictate 4, Their failure to act is of their lack of interest. A. indicate B. indicator C, indication D. indicative 5. The company was and made a tremendous amount of money. A. progress B. progressive C. progression _D.. progressively 6. The account given by the witness convinced the jury of the plaintiff's right to a settlement. A. description B-deseribing © C. descriptive —D, describe 7. We drove at five miles an hour because the ‘was 59 poor, A. visible B, visual C. view D, visibility 8. They handled the merchandise for the manufacturer. A. exclude B. exclusion C. exclusive D. exclusively SL 9. The job was done >and we were extremely displeased. A. incompetence B. incompetency C. incompetence D. incompetently 10. “Since the goat seems , | believe we should begin at once," Tom argued. A. achievements B. achieve C.achievable —D. achieving Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate ihe correct answer to each of the following questions. L, She seemed always to speak especially at our club meating- A. controversy — B. controversial C. controversially D. controvert 2. When the automobile salesman described the car so , we became very uneasy about buying it. A. ambiguity B_ambiguousness C. ambiguous D. ambiguously 3. He is undsr 25, hard-working and 4 A. energy B. energize C. energizing D. energetic 4. Phil was sentenced to three years’ for his part in the robbery. A. prisoner 8.imprison - C. imprisonment D. prison 5. Julia is being kept in an isolation ward because she is highly : A. infectious —_B, infection C. infected D. infecting 6. The Pikes live in a four-bedroomed bungalow in a very nice area, A. residing B. resident C. residence D. residential ~ - Don’t put David in charge of arranging the theatre trip; he’s too ss A.organized B.disorganized C. unorganized _D. inorganized 8. The rhinoceros, whose numbers have dropped alarmingly recently, has been declared a/an species, A. danger B. endanger C.endangered —_D. dangerous 9. David's compositions are full of mistakes but they are very _ C A. imaginative B.imaginary —C. imagination Dy imaginable 10. Scientists always their deta before writing up the results of their yesearch, A. analyse B. analysis C. analyses D. analyst Exercise 5: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions, 1. Our professor said we should turn in the assignment on Friday. A. specific B. specifically C. specifying —_D.. specityingly 2. Students can gain ______benefits from learning to work together. A. considerate B. considering C. consideration D. considerable 3. The dressed woman in the advertisement has a posed smile on her face. A. stylish B. stylishly C. stylistic D. stylistically 4. Most people can clearly between areal anda simulated smile. A. differ Bi different —C. difference —_D. differentiate 52 5. Many citizens say they are of the political policies of the candidates in a local election. A. ignoring B. ignorant C. ignorantly D. ignorance 6. Although the professor gave directions for the research paper, | was still confused. A. define B. definite C. definitely D. definition 7. | am currently researching the reasons why birds: in winter. A. migrate B. migrating ~ C. migrant D. migration 8. During the Industrial Revolution, there was a complete of society in urban areas. Avtrensforming B. transformer —_C. transformation D, transformable 9. it's very depressed area and almost 20% of young adults are A. employed B. unemployed C: employment D. unemployment 10. 1 don’t know why it caused so much : A. embarrass B. embarrassed C. embarrassing D. embarrassment BAt TAP CHON TU - SY KET HOP TU ‘ Exercise I; Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. “How was your exam?" A couple of questions weré tricky, but on the it was pretty easy.” A. spat B. general C, hand D. whole 2. If you practise regularly. you can learn this language skill in e short of time. A, period B, aspect C. arrangement DD. activity 3. Students can 2 lot of information juat by taking an A. reform B. resources C.experiencs DD, system 6. The group leader wanted that everyone worked together; she asked for everyone’s - A. combination B. responsibility C. competition D. cooperation 7. With hard work and study, you can the goals you set for yourself. A. establish B. succeed. C. achieve D. increase 8. David never wastes his time; he tries to improve himself at every A. technique B. opportunity C. consideration D. operation 9, All students in the school are free to any youth club they wish. B. become C.join D. participate has always been to become a movie director. He wants very A. direction B. ambition C. business D. study Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correet answer to euch of the following questions. 1. All the negative violence on television has had a negative on children. A. damage B.progtamme C_ process D. effect 2. My mother for an environmental group, She helps raise money to protect wildlife. A, identifies B.encourages . shares D. volunteers 34 3. Students can 4 lot of information just by attending class and teking good notes of the lectures. A. absorb B. provide C. transmit D. read 4. Some people ‘that you can learn more by travelling to a place than by reading about it. They say firmly that it is true. A, require B. encourage C. insist D_ offer 5. Electric cars are better for the environment, , they can save moncy ‘on gas. A. In brief B. In conclusion €. In contrast D. In addition 2 6. Overpopulation tends to create conditions which may result in oF food in developing countries. A. supplies B. surpluses C. shortages D. failures 7. Because of the intensive farming, it's now hard to find certain wild birds in the region. Actually, they have become birds. A. unknown. B. frightened C. hungry D. rare 8. While some areas are suffering from , others are experiencing heavy rains and floods. A.the weather B.theclimate —C. drought D. problems 9, It will certainly enhance your of reading when you arc aware of very slight differences in the writer's expression, A. condition B. recommendation C. material D. enjoyment 10, A nurse must be to the patients’ needs; she must understand what they need, and be helpful and kind to them. A. sensitive B. elegant C. aware: Dz jikeable Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. |. The area has an of wildlife; there are lots of animals, birds, fish, and insects living there. + A.abundance = B. impression —C. entertainment D. organization 2. You should read this novel. [t has been recommended by all the critics, A. deeply B. fully C. highly D.truly 3. True learning does not in gathering facts from the teachers; it recuires active assimilation of knowledge. A. achieve B. consist C, depend D. come 4, There should be a lew against ‘ A. violent family B. fights for households C. violent domestics D. domestic violence 5. The documentary was so that many viewers cried. A. moody B. touching C. touchy D. moved 6. __ of patience, no one can beat Martha. In front B. In spite C. In terms D, Regardless 7. The manager of the hotel always puts a on the service quality. A. pressure B. great stress C. stressed D. stressful 8. Human carelessness has been damaging marine life. A. warned against B. said to C. prevented D. accused of 9. During the flood, many local people ran out of food and starved to A. dying B. die C- death D. dead 10. The saying that “Problems don’t come problems can happen at the same time. A. soon B. at once C. single D. singly Exercise 5: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer io each of the following questions. |. In fairy tales, bad witches often try to cast a spell on the A. innocent B, innovative C. innovation D. initiative 2. The assistant manager is going to present a complete report on the situation of the company. A. funded B. financial C- financing D. finance 3. The environmental impact. of tourism can be shocking and upsetting, but many governments think it is means that many A. negative B. comprehensive C. bad D. acceptable 4. In the recent decades, greater cultural has been encouraged by tourism, A. contact B. relation C. touch D. details 5. The majority of people agree that modem drugs are the most effective way to cure a(n) * 5 A.treatment _B. symptom C. illness D. sisken 6. The government should take to reduce the current high unemployment rate. A. solutions B. charge C. measures D. steps 7. Janet has to travel a lot in her new job. She is on the all the time, A. field B. mood C. way D. go 8. Many companies now advertise their new products by distributing free in public places. A. deals. B. examples C. instances D. samples 9. While there has been a significant in the sales figures, there has been no corresponding profit growth because of increased production costs. A. addition B. form C. boost D. encouragement 36 10, There can be no doubt that recent statements the company’s true financial position were misleading, A. referring B. dealing C.conceming —_D. respecting Exercise 6: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. L. Before choosing a job, you should take into consideration several including the supply and demand for professionals in any particular field. A. tums B. factors C, remarks D. sides 2. The Business Advisory ‘Council has been specially designed for those in of advice about setting up new businesses_ A. absence B. duty C. want D. need. 3. Thecityhas___ of young consumers who are sensitive to trends, and can, therefore, help i help industries predict the potential risks and success of products. ‘ A.ahigh rate B. a high proportion (C.ahigh tendency D. a great level 4. Don't to conclusions, we don’t yet know all the relevant facts. A. harry B. jump C. rush D. run 5. Lwonder ifyou could __ me a small favour, Tom? A. bring B. make C. give D.do 6. Scientists warn that many of the world’s great cities are flooding. A. being B. at risk C.indangerof D-vendangered 7. The boy’s strange behavior aroused the of the shop assistant. A. thought B. consideration C. expectations D. suspicions ‘8. The young should themselves in social activities. A. determine B. serve C. involve D. promote 9. Tknow from that everything will be all right. A.conscience B.experience C. wisdom D. care 10, Your second essay -_ improvement on the first one. A.showed B. made C. cast ‘D. presented Exercise 7; Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of ihe following questions. 1, The Women’s World Cup is in popularity. A. competing . B. establishing C_ advancing D, growing 2. Our class team has won four football matches. A. successful B. unsuccessful C. success D. successive 3. We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them us. A.enlivened B. encouraged —_C. delighted D. impressed 4. to British universities depends on examination results. A. Admission B. Admittance C. Permission D. Permit 57 5. prefer Jobs because I don’t like keep on moving and changing all the time, A.demanding B. challenging €. tough D. secure 6. The investment has had ‘on the development of our project. A. results B. progress C. interruptions D. effects 7. In China, there are still a lot of families sharing the same house. A, extent B. extension C. extended D, extensive 8. The deadline is coming, and we still have a lot of problems. A.unsolving B. dissolved —C. unsolved D, solving 9. He received 2 medal in for his bravery. Actus B- response C. favour D. reward 10, He left the country arrest if he returned. A. in fear that B. with fear of ©. under threat of D. with threat of Exercise 8: Mark the feiter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer fo each of the following questions, 1. Governments have laws to protect wildlife from commercial trade and ovethunting, A. practised B. acted C. enacted D. observed 2. He was chosen for the post because of his keenness and of responsibility. A, sense B. meaning C. from D, way w . My brother rarely responsibilities in the family, which makes my father really angry. A. gets B. takes C. receives D. puts on 4. My mother always that we leave home for school with breakfast, A. ensures herself B. checks again C. takes certain D. makes sure 5. The shop assistant is ready to___me a helping hand. She was very-nice. A. offer B. take C. get D. lend 6. Many people do not realize that they are causing disasters themselves. A. to B. for Cwith =~ D. about 7. Forests all over the world are being into deserts, A. switched B. turned C. sent D. transferred 8. Many countries have built to carry water to desert creas. A. rivers B. channels C. canals Dviakes 9. People living in that area are the threat lead poisoning, A.in-on B. with -to C.under—of D. on=for 10. Maps are made with the he Ip of photography. A. air B. aeronautics —C. aerial D. acroplane 58 Exercise 9: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. The dunes in the Simpson Desert have gently western faces and eastern faces, A. sloping — steep B. downward ~ upward C, shallow — deep D. low-high % 2. The great stretches of sandy desert almost___-the centre of Austral A, round B. circle Chold =. | Dikeep 3. Spinifex grows. on the slopes of the dunes, witich are up 10 20 metres ‘A. in high B.ofkeight —C. high D.tall 4. Hummock grasses grow in ___ sand on the crest, the top of the slope. A. loose B. lost C. lose D. loosened. 5. [saw a very nice apartment, I decided to rent it right away. Af B. because C. so D. but 6. A newborn baby can neither walk nor crawl. A newborn antelope, can run with minutes of birth. A. however B. 80 C, otherwise: D. even though 7. Endangered animals should be wel! protected in their natural fs A. position B. condition ¢. habitar D. status 8. The governmenthas__different measures to protect the wildlife. A. made B. listed C. done D. taken 9. One of the conservation efforts is the development of wildlife A. conserves B. reserves C. reservoirs D. reverses 10. Commercial exploration has driven many species to the of extinction. A. verge B. bank C- limit D. edge Exercise 10: Mark the leiter A, B, C, or D to indicate ihe correct answer (0 gach of ihe following questions. 1. The biggest company in our‘local area is the verge of bankruptcy. Ain B.on Cat » Dy to 2. The Congress has laws to protect wildlife from commercial trade and overhunting. A. implied B. carried C. acted D. passed 3. The hook is so interesting that I can hardly it A. get= down B. pick-up. C. put — down D. not put—down 4. Books are a wonderful of knowledge. A. source B. resource C. flow D. provision 5. She had just enough time to the report before the meeting. A.tumtound — B..dip into C. get through’ §—_D. go into 59 6. The book quite well during the first few months. A. had been sold B. was sold C.sold D. sells 7. If & water polo game is tied, there arc two periods of three minutes each. A. overdue B. overlong C. overwork D. overtime 8. The player was ejected after committing five personal ‘ A. mistakes B. faults C. fouls D. errors 9. Sports competitions are held to cooperation and: solidarity among countries. A. grow B. upgrade (C. spring up D, promote 10, We have mads careful preparations to welcome the from 40 countries. A. acquaintances B. attendants C. delegates D. hosts Exercise i1:. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer ta each of the following questions. 1. The footballers often sing the national __at the beginning of 2 match. A. version B. lyries C. anthem D. composition 2. The 22% Southeast Asian Garnes were the first big sports event Vietnam A owned B. hosted C. presented Dz led 3. swimming involves the players who perform beautiful maneuvers to music underwater. A. Athletic B, Synchronized C. Aquatic D, Artistic 4. Our basketball team successfully the championship. A.protected —-B. hl C. assured D. defended 5. When we reached the top of the hill, it was getting A. darkest B. the darker and the ‘darker C. darker and darker D. the darkest 6. Michael is obviously anybody else here. A. more and more talented B, talented as C. more talented than D. the most talented among te you give the answer, A. The quicker ~ the better you can get Paks B. The more quickly —the better marks you cam get C. More quickly — better marks you can get D. The quickest — the best marks you can get 8. As you get ,yourmemory gets A.old—worse B, older— worse C. oldest— worst. D. older—bad 9, Lam having my colleagues, A. responsibilities more than B. more than responsibilities C. more responsibilities than D_es much responsibilities as 60 10. Although John is than us, he is at work. A.as young — less experienced B. younger — much more experienced C. not older —imore much experienced D. older — least experienced Exercise 12: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to vach of the following questions. x the Tet holidays come, A. The more near —the more exciting B. The nearer — the more exciting C. The nearer =the more excited D. Nearer — more excited the children feel. 2. They solved the problems. we had expected. A. more effective than B. most effectively as C. more effectively than D. as effective as 3. Although I have my cousin, [ felt : A. fewer money — happier B. more money ~ more happy C, much money than —less happy. less money than — happier 4, The institure was by a famous scientist. A. put up B. set out C. erected D. founded © 5. Women in developing countries have spent time looking for and encouragernent from the society. A, realization — B, modernization C. development D. recognition 6. The Red Cross is to giving medical aid and other help to victims of disasters. A. aimed B. promoted C. dedicated ~—_—D. designed 7. In 1864, twelve nations signed the first Geneva Convention, down rules for the treatment and protection of the wounded. A. laying B. lying C. tied D. laid 8. The Red Cross all over the world has carried outa lot of A. jobs B. works. C. missions D. responsibilities 9. The tsunami in 2004 some countries and caused a lot of damage. A. reached B. beat C. defeated D. hit 10. The belief that a wornan’s place is in the home is A, seating-deep &.deep-seating C. seated-deep D. deep-seated Exercise 13: Mark the leer A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to eeak of the following questions. - The policeman lost his temper- He. A. got nervous B. was in a bad mood C. lost his nerve D. was in bad humour 61 2. [decided to visit a fortune-teller, That's what J to do. A. made up B. made-up my mind C. minded D. cared 3. You should go to your dentist for regular A.check-ins B.check-outs C. check-ups. check-up 4 > Carlos is very punctual, but he was late tonight, A. Forarule B. Like a rule : C. Asa rule D. For a mule of thump 5. Without written evidence, we don’t have a * on. A. leg to stand B. foot to stand C. Jeg to lean D. foot to lean 6. I was taking a quiet watk last night when, , there wes a loud explosion, A. all in all B. all at once C. suddenly at once D. once at all 7. Everything could be done by A. anod and bow ; B. a nod and wink C. a wink and a nod D. a nod and a wink 8. These workers are at the’ of the economic 4 A. line —heap : B. heap — bottom C. bottom — heap D. heap — line 9. Tickets are available on a first come, basis. A, first got B.early served C.firstserved —D. earl: ly got 10. "You should get rid of that old leather Jacket.” I know, but | hate to with it” A. part B. leave C. break D. cut Exercise 14: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. You can’t get a soda from that machine. There's @ sign on it says that A. Out of job B. Out of hand ‘C_ Out of order D. Out of mind 2. Idon’t have much cash » but I can get some from an autornatic teller machine. A. in hand B. on hand C. into hand D. under hand 3. “I like that painting you bought. Did it cost much?” “No, the artist sold it to me for = * A. close to nothing 8. next to anything C. next to nothing D. anything next 4. “What's Peter's cousin’s name?” “It’s on the tip of my = but J can’t ‘quite remember.” A. mouth B. lips C. tongue D. memory 5. What a confusing story! f can"t make of it. A. sense B. meaning ©. logic D. understanding - 6. Women have struggled for the same social, economic, and political for them as for men. A, state B. status C. being D_ welfare 7. Women now aremore ____in the public life than years ago. A. involved B. ensured C. felt D. influenced 8. Every citizen can enjoy the same to vote, to gain education and to work. A. authority B. right C. way D. chance 9 The local council campaigns against illiteracy. A. requires B, advocates C, admits Dvaffects 10. Widespread about women’s intellectual ability restricted their job opportunities. E A. suspicion, B. challenge C. doubt D. rumour Bai tap THANE NGU (Idioms) Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Ljust took it that he'd always be available. A. into consideration B. easy C. into account D. for granted 2.1 accidentally Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday. A. kept an eye on B. jost touch with C. paid attention to D. caught sight of 3. Twas glad when he said that his car was : A. for my use B. for me use C. at my use D, at my disposal. 4. I really must go and lic down for a while; I've gata headache. A. cutting B. splitting C. ringing D. cracking 3, Stop about the bush, John! Just tell me exactly what the problem is. A. rushing B. hiding C. beating D. moving 6, Lusually buy my clothes. It’s cheaper than going to a dress-maker. A. off the peg. ‘Bon the house C. in public D. on the shelf 7. My father when he found out that I'd damaged the car. A. hit the roof B. saw pink elephants C. made my blood boil D. brought the house down 8. If you want a flat in the centre of the city you have.to pay through the for it, A. teeth B, back of your head C. nose D. arm 9. 1 caught the last bus by the skin of my y A. mouth B. leg C. neck D. teeth 63 10. It was a joke! [ was pulling your Z A, thumb B. hair C. toe D.leg Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. TL. l always get inmy stomach before visiting the dentist. A. worms: B. butterfies C. crabs D. hedgehogs 2. Those smart phones are selling like . If you want one, you'd better buy one now before they’re all gone. A, shooting stars B. fresh bread C, hot cakes D. wild oats 3. | haven’t had an eecident yet but I've had a number of shaves. A. narrow B. near C. close D. tiny 4. My father refused to cat meat that had been fried. He had in his bonnet about it causing cancer. A. abug B.a bee C. abull D.anant 5. | can’t stand Mr. Brian. He's always blowing his own ~ telling everyone how good he is at everything. A. balloon B. breath C.mind © D. trumpet 6. The escaped prisoner fought before he was finaily overpowered. A. bead over heels B. tooth and nail C. heart and soul D, Foot and mouth 7. | didn’t suspect anything at first, but when J noticed her going through the office drawers | began to smell F A.arat B. a pig C. athief D. a culprit 8. Peter was born and brought up in Hastings and knows it like the A. nose on his face B. tip of his tongue C. back of his hand D. hair on his'head 9. | was already fed up with the job, but when the boss walked into my office and told me he expected me to work overtime that was the - | quit. A final curtain _ B. last straw C. end of the line D. last waltz 10. He has a quick temper and easily off the handle. A. leaps B. goes C. runs D, flies Exercise 3; Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer ta each of the following questions. 1. Before she left for Australia she promised her parents that she would drop them at least onee a month. A. anote B. a word C. the news D. a line 2. T was all set to wke the job in Tokyo, but at the lest minuie |____and decided to stay in Britain. A. pulied my finger out B. got cold feet C. held my horses D. called it a day 3. “What I’ve got to say to you now is strictly and most certainly not for publication,” said the government official to the reporter. A. beside the point B. for the time being C. by the way D. off the record 4, I've never enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my ‘A. piece of cake B. chip off the old block C. biscuit D. cup of tea 5. “What's wrong with Tom today? He's unusually quiet” “He's got something on his . J expect.” A. brain B. mind C. thoughts D. brow: 6. He was wearing very shabby, dirty clothes and looked very 3 A. easy-going B. down to earth C. out of shape D. down at heel 7. Since he started his own business he has been making money hand over A. fist B. heel C, head D. palm 8. I can’t see us beating them at tennis this year— we're so out of. cs A. step B. practice C. fitness D. breath 9. 'm not surprised that Tom is ill. He’s been for a long time. It was bound to affect his health sooner or later. A. having his cake and eating it. _B. burning the candle at both ends C. playing with fire D. going to town 10. I just couldn’t remember her name even though it was on the of my iongue. A.edge B.tip C. top D. front Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. That's exactly what [ mean, Torn, You've ! A. put your foot in it B. killed two birds with one stone C. put two and two together D. hit the nait-on the head 2. “I'm going for an interview for a job this afterncon.” “Good luck! I'll keep my crossed for you.” A. legs _B. fingers C. arms D. hands 3. “If only [ hadn't Jent him ail that money!” “Weil, you did, so it’s no good crying over milk.” A. spilt B. wasted ~ C, sour D. goat’s 4. The car swerved to avoid a cyclist and just missed hitting 2 passer-by by ‘A.a slight edge B. a narrow escape C.aclose thing D. a hair's breath 65 5. Welt, well, if it isn’t Kathy Lewis! You're 2 sight for eyes! A.old B. blue C. sore D. crocodile 6. I know times have been bad lately, Peter, but keep your up: things are bound to get better soon. A. chin B. head C. socks D. mind 7. He may be shy now, but he’il soon come out of his when he meets the right girl. A. shoo B. shel! C. shed D. hole 8. I'm afraid you've caught me on the . | wasn't expecting you until this afternoon. A. stove B. grapevine C. spot D.hop 9. Nagging Susan to stop smoking has no effect on her. It's like water off A.a windmill B. aduck's back C. a dripping tap D. an umbrelia 10. Have you seen the new boss? She's the image-of Marilyn Monroe. A. live B. true C. spitting D.same Exercise 5: Mark the letter A, B, C, ar D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Writing rhymes for birthday cards is really easy. It's money. for old A A. rags B. bread C. rope »D. rubbish 2. Of course you won't become more intelligent if you eat a lot of fish — that's Just an old tale. A. maids® B. ladies’ C. mothers* D. wives’ 3. Lagree that this is abit ofa ___shot, but we're desperate — we have to do something to try to save the company. A. hot B. long C. wild D. high 4.1 like my new job; the only Aly in the is the fact that I have to work every other weekend. A. fat B. porridge C.soup - D. ointment 5. Isa shame that so-little is done nowadays to help the homeless in our large cities. A.sweeping _B. crying C. dying D. pitying 6. My aunt isa bit ofa wet . She’s always spoiling everyone's fun. A. rag B, sheep Cat D. blanket 7, We looked in every and cranny for the missing ring, but we couldn't find it anywhere. A. nook B. gap C. hole D. niche 8. Everyone bosses me about at work, I'm nothing buta A, lame duck B. general dogsbody C. blue-eye boy D. marked man 66 9. He had a soft for his granddaughter and thoroughly spoilt her. A. heart B. way C. smile D. spot 10. He just wanted one before setting down and getting married. A. final fling B, last leap C. happy hop D. joyful jump Exercise 6: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1, Ask David to give you a hand moving the furniture. He"s as strong as A. an elephant B. a moumin C.a gorilla D. a horse 2. You're not getting enough to eat, Jane! Look at you! You're as thin as a A. stick insect Brake ¢. finger D. wire 3, We can’t cat this meat—it's astough as___ ) A. canvas B. old boots C. rubber D. stale bread 4. You shouldn't have frightened her like that. Poor thing! She went as white as ft Aa sheet B. snow C. milk D. whitewash 5. Nothing ever seems to bother Colin. No matter what happens, he always seems to remain as cool as 3 A. cool feet B. ice-cream C.acucumber D.as Eskimo 6. You'll have to shout, |’m afraid. My father’s as deaf as A.a leaf B. a post C.apolitician D.astone 7. It’s hard to believe Brian and Stephen are brothers, isn’t it? They're as different as ‘A. Mars from Jupiter B, milk from honey C. chalk froin cheese D. margarine from butter 8. Ever since I've given up smoking I feel as fit as ! A.a fighter B. a fiddle Cua frog D. an athlete 9. Our dog looks very ferocious, but don’t worry, Liz. It’s gentle like A. a pony B, snowflakes C.alamb D, weshing-up liquid 10. hope the children didn’t play you up. Boris?” “No, not at all, Mrs Gardemer. They've been as good as A. religion B. gold “Ged D. brass Exercise 7: Mark the letier A, B, C, or D io indicate the correct answer to each ofthe following questions. 1. “The suitcase isn’t too heavy, is it?” “No, it’s as light as . A. dust B. lightning C..a feather D. a fish 67 2. “By the way, have you heard the one about the Welshman, the Irishman and the pig?” “Yes, we have. That joke's as old as 2 A, Solomon B. the hilis C. adinosaur D. Jupiter 3, Of course he loves you! It’s as plain as ‘ A.a pancake B_ the knob on your door C. the nose on your face D. a bell 4. Kate was as pleased as___—_ when she heard she had passed the exam. A. Puneh B_a poppy C.a sunflower D. pound notes 5. T hope the computer course starts this term. We're all as keen 2s to get going, A. coffee B. mustard C.a gigolo D. comflakes 6. He was a natural singer with a voice that was as clear as A.awaterfall B.alake C.a bell D. 2 mirror 7. After a good night's sleep he woke up feeling as fresh as and eager 10 slat work again. A. fruit B.a daisy C. akitten D. a maiden §&. He might look kind and sympathetic, but deep down he’s as hard as A. nails B,amountain C. a gangster D. an iceberg 9. Pauline can’t have emigrated to New Zealand because | saw her last night at Peter's party, aS as life. A. true B. real C. good D. large 10. it's no use arguing with him, he won’t listen. He's as stubborn as ei Ava mule B.aspoiltchild C.astrawberry D. a trade union Exercise 8: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. “You're drunk!” “No, Pm not. 'm as sober as _ A.a priest B. Sunday C.a judge D.a Muslim 2. Am | nervous? Of course not. Look at my hand = it’sas steady as Ava bridge B.arock C. steel bars D. a stepladder 3. Asstudents, David, Kevin and William were as thick as - Acthieves Bboy scouts C.ateam D. thistles 4. Whenever I feel embarrassed | always go as red as . A, 8 rose B. lipstick C.araspberry D.a beetroot 5. She was so tired last night that she slept like until 10 o’clock this morming. Ava squirrel B. death Ca log ‘D, azombie 6, We'd better get some extra food in if your brother is coming to stay with us. He eats like ! . A.alion B.a starving man C. an eagle D. a horse 68 1. Normally she smoked 15-20 cigarettes a day, but whenever she was worried or nervous she smoked like z A.achimney B. a forest fire C. 8 steam engine D.a salmon 8. “Is the dress too big?” “No, not at all. It fits like A.amouid B.aglove C. glue D.2 pillowcase 9. News of the new pay agrcement spread like throughout the factory. A. wildfire B. butter C. the plaque D. a flood +0. From the moment they first met they got on like A, two peas in a pod B. fish and chips (C. a house on fire D. clockwork Bai tip NGT/ DONG TU (Phrasal verbs) Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B,C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. |. When the police investigate a crime, they evidence such as fingerprints, hair, or clothing. A.look after BB. look upto. C. look for D. look into 2. “Do you your new roommate, or do you two argue?” A. keep in touch with B. get along with €. on good terms with D. get used to 3_ After months of testing, the Russian space scientists a space suit that works better than any other in history. A. came to B. came up with C_came up to D. came out with 4. Let’s check our hote! room before we pay for it. A. out B. away C.up D. off 5. He lost the tennis match, so we will try to cheer him . A. off B. away C.on D.up 6. The mechanic broke the engine its many components. A. up into B. into CG. down into D. off into 7. The couple broke __ their engagement after they had a huge ergurnent. Ain B. over Coff D, away 8. The new mayor will bring a change in local government policies. A. with B. out C.up D. about 9. Sara said she took golf so that she could meet more interesting people. Aon B. over C. back D.up 10. Try this bicycle to determine if you feel comfortable on it. A. out B.on C. off Dat Exercise 2: Mark the letier A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 69 1, She tumed the first offer _ because she wanted more.money for her house. A. off B. away. C. out D, down 2. They decided to name the new baby boy Grandpa. A. of B. after C. with D.as 3. Mom told her little boy to put alt histoys before coming to dinner. A, out B. off C. away Doin 4. The couple put their wedding unti] next year. A. off B. up Con D. away 5. The gunman told the victim to hand ali his money. A.out B. over Cin D.off 6, Don’t throw your jacket on the bed. Hang it 4 A.up B. over Con D.in 7. The supervisor told her to keep the good work, A. over B.on C. with D. up 8, Man is killing all the fish in the sea. A. out B. away ©. off D.up 9. If you leave any information, the form will be returned to you, A. down B. out C.up D. away 10. Security is very important in this building. Don’t let anyone unless they show you proper identification. Ain B. out C. off D.on Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D te indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Look this document carefully before you sign it. AL yy ON Cat D. over 2. If you den’: know what a word means, look it in the dictionary. A. over B.up Con Dat 3. 1 couldn't make all the words on the sign because my glasses were dirty. A up B.out . C. clear BD. up with 4. Tony and Naney always kiss and make after their arguments, Alup B. off C. with D. up with 5. Cross my name because | won’t be able to attend, A. out B. down C.up D. away 6. She will cut the number of cigarettes she smokes. A. off B. in Cup D. down 7. Have you figured how to solve the problem yet? A. out B.on -C.in D. of §. After you fill the application form sign itand date it. A.on B. off C. out D, with 70 9. You should always fill your tank when it gets down to a quarter full. Av off B. up Cin D.out 10. All students must hand. their homework the day after it is assigned. A. out B. on C.to Din - Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. The daughter looked her mother after her mom was sént home from the hospital with a broken hip. A. upon B. after Con D.at 2. Why don’t you look this situation and see if you can figure out a way to fix it without spending too much money? A. into B.on C.up D. out 3. My grandfather passed when I was only six years old. He had lung eancer. A. out B. over C.away D. off 4. Every day many of us have to put people that we don’t like. A.on with B. off with Cup D. up with 5. Nancy ran Bob while both were shopping et the supermarket. A.over B. across C. upon: D. onto. 6. If you go hiking, you should watch for poison oak and snakes. Both can cause you problems. A. over B. up C. out D.on 7. Let's get. the bus at the next stop. We can visit the museum and catch another bus in a couple of hours. A.onto B. out Cin D. off 8. When the student got the test, he gave it to the teacher. A. over with B. through with C. through at —-D. over 9. If you're going to give smoking, you must have a lot of will power. A. away B. up C. in to D. off 10, After you write your report, give it to your boss. He will go it and make any necessary changes. A. upon B. through with C. over D. with Exercise 5; Mark the tetier A, B, C, or BD io indicate ihe correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. She kept taking the real estate exam until she finally passed it.and ~ got her license. A.on B. onto C.in Dat 2, Kids have to walk fast if they want to ‘their parents on a stroll through the park. A, keep with B. keop up with C. keep on to D. keep over with A 3. You'd better cut animal fat if you want to lower your cholesterol level. 5 A.down with B. off with C. out in D.downon . 4. Twish my friends would call me first before they drop Ain B. out Cat D. off 5. Sales of the toy dropped sharply when the TV news reposted that a child had swallowed part of the toy and almost died. A, out B. over C. away D. off 6. People whe don't get their coworkers sometimes don’t Jast. long a: their jobs. A. up with B. alongwith C. onto D. by with 7. At a crime scene, the police will tell you to get back. They don’t want civilians to interfere the investigation, A. at B.on C. with D. into 8. The boy was always getting trouble as a youth. Then, to everyone’s surprise, he became @ policeman, A. into B. onto C. on D. with 9. Mankind has managed to wipe many kinds of animals, A. away B. off C. out D. over 10, My car broke on the way to work. | had to call a tow truck. A. down B.up C. off D.away Exercise 6: Mark the tetter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Before you finish this project, check your supervisor for further Instructions. Alon B. on with C. beck with D.up 2. As soon as.we got to the motel, we checked . A.at B.in C.on D. off 3. While looking for my nail clipper, I came 2 knife that I thought T had lost, Avat B. with Coup D. ecross 4. We've out of milk. You'll have to drink your tea without it, A.come B. taken C. gone D.nun 5. It’s difficult to Juxuries when you're used to having them, A. cut down on B. cut down at C. cut off on D. cut down into 6. Emissed the seven o’clack news on the radio this moming. | up too late. A.came B. tumed C. grew D. woke 7. Governments should international laws against terrorism. A. bring up B. bring about —C. bring in D, bring back 72 8, You can’t possibly say_no to such a wonderful job offer. It’s too good . A. tum it up B. turn it down C. put it up , D.'put it down 9. Eva was born in the South, but she grew in the North. A. up B, on C. about Dat 10. “What your flight?” “There was a big snowstorm in Denver that delayed a lot of flights.” A. delayed up B. postponed up C. held up D, hung.up Exercise 7: Mark the letter A, B, €, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1, “Can you read thai sign?” “Just a minute. Let me my glasses.” A. put off B. put on C. put with D. put away 2. This is Bob speaking. | need my pocket calculator. Can | have it back tomorrow? | can’t it. A. do with B. do without C. deal with D. deal without 3. “That old paint that you have stored in your garage is a fine hazard” “You're right. I should iw” A. get away from B. getrid of C. get through with D. get along with 4. “You must be anxious to go on your vacation.” “I certainly am. I’m really this trip.” A. looking for B. looking forward C. looking forward to - D. looking upto 5. “Who out that tie for you?” No one. I chase it myself.” A, bought B. brought C.tumed D. picked 6. We didn’t like John when we first met him, but he has turned tobea good friend to us. A.down B.up C.on D. out . 7, “Have you this contract yet?” “Not yet. I'll wy to read it this weekend” A. looked over B. looked into C. looked up D. locked out 8. After ten minutes, the students in their quizzes to the instructor. A, gave B. had C.held D. handed 9. “Hello, is Bill'there?” “Yes, __a minute, and I'll get him.” A. hang on B. hang up C. hold on D. A and C are correct 10. I was talking to my aunt when suddenly my cousin George inon our conversation. A. interrupted —_B. broke C. went D. intervened e dé 3; NGU PHAP L THICUA DONG TU 1, Simple Present (Thi hién tai don) a) Hink the: $+ V/ V-s/es Gi quen ho&e hanh dng thuéng xuyén 4 hién tai. Wi dy: Lusually have bread and eggs for breakfast. (T6i thudng an sing v6i banh mi va tring.) Céch ding nay thytng duge ding véi cfc trang tit always (ludn lun), usually (thutmg thuong), generally (ndi chung), normally (thong thudng), regularly (thutng xuyén), frequently (thuimg xuyén), often (throng), repeated!y (lap di lp Iai), sometimes (think thoang), occasionally (0% khi), hardly ever (héu abu khiing), rarely (hiém khi), seldom (it khi), never (khong bao gid) va céc cum tir nhu: once a week (mgt tudn mét lan), twice @. Fear (mot niime bai lan), three times a day (mot ngay ba ln)... - Dign t& mét trang thai 6 hién tai, ¥é du: I know many things about him. (T6i biét nhiéu diéu yé anh dy.) ~ Dién ta mot sy that hin nhién, mdt diéu dong trong thue té, Vide: The earth goes round the sun. (Trai cét quay quanh mit troi, ) Asian people grow rice for food. (Ngudi chau A tring lie lim luong thyc:) ~ Din té mét hanh déng hodc su vic sé xay ra theo thoi gian biéu. Yidn: Clerk; The next train leaves at 1] am. Nban vién: Chuyén tau ké tiép khéi hanh ide 11 gig séng.) 2, Present Continuous (Thi hién tai tiép din) z 2) Hinh thie; $ + ammis/are + V-ing | b) Céch ding: - Be su kign dang din ra ngay tai thai diém néi chuyén. Vidus She is writing a letter naw. (Bay git c6 ay dang viét m§t bie thu.) Cich diing nay thuéng ding v6i céc trang tir chi,thdi gian nhuz now (bay 910), a the moment (ngey'\dc nay), at ‘Present (bay gid). _~ ign td mét su kign dang dién ra 6 hién tai, nhung xhong nhdt thiét dang din ra tai thai diém néi chuyén. i du: He ts writing another novel this year, (Nim nay ong dy dang viét mot u thuyet nia.) (Nhung Khéng nbat thiét 6ng Ay dang viée tigu thayét khi a ndi cau nay.) - 74 Cach ding nay thuong duge ding véi cdc tit v8 cum tir: ‘oday (hom nay), this week (tuan nay), this year (néim nay), these days (dao nay), cerrenily (hién nay), at the moment (agay Wc nay), af present (béy gid)... — Bay t6 sy phan naa-khi dinoe ding véi trang tir always, continually... Vi du: You are always making noise in class. (Em lie nao cling lam én trong |ép,) — Dién ra sy thay di. Vidu: The weather is getting hotter and hotrer. (Tho tiét ngay cang tro nn néng hon.) 3. Present Perfect (Thi hién ti hoan thanh) a) Hinh thitc: I/ We/ You/ They + have + past participle He/ She/ It+ bas + past participle b) Céch disng: ~ Dign td mét su kién da dign ra tai thoi diém khong xac dinh trong qué khi, Vi duz Have you ever talked to a film star? ~ No, haven't. I've already bought a new bicyole. Cich ding nay thuong duce ding véi trang ir ever, never, already, yet. Dign ta mot su kién vita méi xay re, thudmg ding v6i trang tr just. Vidu: My uncle has just catled me from London. ~ Dign 12 mot su kién 68 xay ra 06 kém theo s6 fin thuc hién. Vidus [have watched that film 4 times. f — Dién ta mét su kin bat dau tir qua khir va kéo dai dén hign ti. Vi du: [have read this book for aweek, Céach ding nay thutmg duoc ding voi cao gidi ti vA trang tir: since, for, so far, up to now. ~ Dign t8 mdt su kign da hoan tt trong qué khir nhumg két qué cla hinh dOng dé vin cén anh hiring dén hign tai. Vi du: She has sold her motorbike, Now, she takes the bus to work. 4. Present Perfeet Continuous (Thi bién tai hoan thanh tiép dién) a) Hinh thie: S+ have/has + been + V-ing b) Cach ding: Thi hién tai hoan thanh tiép dign o6 c&ch ding tuong us ahr thi hign tai hoan thanh. = Dign ta dt sur kign bit du te qué khit v2 kéo dai Tién tye dn hin tai. Vf du: He has been waiting for you for two hours. Will you meet him now? (Anh dy da ché anh trong sudt hai git. Bay gid anh cé muén gip anh dy khong?) ‘ Cash ding nay thuéng duoc ding voi céc gidi tir va trang th: since (ké th), for (trong vong), so far (cho dén nay)... ~ Din 1a mét su kin vita mdi két thic wong qué khi nhumg két qua cis hinh déng 46 van eon Anh huéng dén hign tei, , Midu: You're out of breath, Have you been running up here? (Anh tho hon hén. C6 phai anh vira chay dén day khong?) 5 , Ya dling thi hign tai hoan thanh tiép dign khi mudn nbn manh vé su dign tién clia hanh déng hode sv viée. 5. Past Simple (Thi qua khir don) a) Hinh thite: Subject + Verb-ed/ V, D6ng ti 6 qua khir ed hai dang: ~ DGng vir c6 qui tc (regular verbs): ta thém “ed” vao sau d6ng tir. Béi v6i cde dong ti két thie bing mét phu am, irudic phu am d6 la mét nguyén dm thi ta phai e@p dOi phy am cu6i truce khi thém “ed” vao san déng ti. Vidy; rub —+ rubbed ° > Cae dong tir két thite bing “y" ma ngay tere né 14 mét phy &m thi ta déi “y" thanh “" truds khi thém “ed” vai ¥idu: carry — carried - Bong wr bat qui tée (irregular verbs): ta phai hoc thude cét thir hai trong bang d6ng ti bat qui the. go — went; lose —- lost; sec + saw b) Cach ding Din ti mt su kign di xy ra tai mét choi diém xac dinh trong qua khé. Vi du: I enjoyed the TV show last night. She died her homework yesterday. | Thi qué khi don thuéng duot ding véi cic ti va cum tir chi thai diém xac dinh trong qua Khir nhu: yesterday (hém qua), last night (tdi qua), last month (thang ri), three days ago (cach day ba ngay), in 2008 (vao nam 2008). 6. Past Continuous (Thi qua khit tiép dién) a) Hinh thie: VHe/She/It + was + V-ing We! You/ They + were + V-ing b) Céch ding: - Dign ta mét su kign dang dién ra ngay tai mot thoi diém xée dinh trong qué kht. Vidg: Iwas watching a film at 8.00 last night, Some of my friends were doing homework at thar time. - Dign ta mgt sy dang dién ra quanh mét thoi diém xde dink trong qua kit, nhung khéng nat thiét phai dign ra ngay tai thai diém dé. Vidy: At that time, Iwas looking for a new job. 7. Past Perfect (Thi qu4 khir hoan thanh) a) Hinh thie: + had + past participle (PP) b) Cach dang: ~ Dién ta mét su kin a8 xéy ra trade mot thoi diém xéo dinh trong qua kha. V4 dy: I had finished my homework by 8.00 dast night. (Téi Ga hoan thanh bai tap 6 nha tude 8 gid t6i hom qua.) ~ Dign té mit hinh ding hoe su vige di xdy ra trudic mOt hah déng hoge Su viée khdo trong qua khit. 76 Vi dys I had finished my homework before U went to bed. (Ti 6 hoan thanh bai tip & nha tude khi di ngi.) The little girl started crying. She hed lost her doll. (Dia bé gai bat khéc. N6 43 dank mit oon bip bé.) Thutmg duce ding véi céc trang tir ho¥c.gidi tir nhu: By the zime (cho dén 1c), by (= before) (trie khi), after (sau khi), wher (khi), 8. Past Perfect Continuous (Thi qua khir hoan thank tiép dién) a) Hinh thi: $ + had + been + V-ing b) Cach ding: Thi qué khir hoan thanh tiép dign c6 céch ding trong ty abu thi qué kth hon thanh. - Dién t4 mét hinh Ong hode sy viéc da bat dau va kéo dai dén mot thai diém trude mét thdi diém khac trong qua kha. Viedy: had been living in New York for 10 years by September fast year. (Dén thang 9 nim ngodi ti d8 6 New York duge 10 nam.) - Dién ti m@t hinh dng hod su viée 43 bat dau va-kéo dai dén mét thoi éiém true mét su vie khac trong qua khi. Vi du: I had been living in New York for 10 years before 1 moved to Landon. (Tdi da 6 New York duge 10 nSm trade khi don dén London.) Thutmg diroe ding voi cdc trang tit hole gid tir rhu: by the time (cho dén lac), by (= before) (truée khi), after (sau khi), when (Khi)... 9. Simple Future (Thi twang kai don) a) Hinh thire: 8 + will + V (bare infinitive) b) Cach ding: @ ~ Du dedn midt sir kién sé xay ra trong tuong lai nhung khong cé bang chimg eu thé. Vi du: [ think Mary will stay here for a few days. (Tei nght Mary s8 3 day trong vai ngay.) (Nhung tdi khéng chic.) - Cach ding nay thutng duge ding vdi cae tang tls: tomorrow (ngiy mai), next week {quan t6i), next month (thang ti), da 2020 (v2o ném 2020), én 10 minutes (10 phit nia)... - Din ta mét quyét dinh tire thoi. Vi dy: Hey, today's Ann's birthday. — Really? I'l buy her something. (A, hin nay la sinh nhat cia Ann. — That w? T & mua min qué. nao dé cho e@ Ay.) ~ Din ti mét 48 nghi gidip do nguéi khde (an offer), Vi du: The phone's ringing. ll answer ut for you, (Chuéng 4ién thoai reo kia. Toi sé tra loi gidip anh.) ~ Dién td mét [oi hea. Wi du: I promise I'l study better next semester. (Em htta hoc Ki sau 8 hoe tap tét hon. ) 10, Thi trong jai “going to” a) Hinh thtic: S + am/is/are + going to+ V (bare infinitive) 77 b) Cach ding: + Du doan m6t se vige 8 xy ra trong wmg Iai dy vao bang ching 6 hién wi, ¥é du: Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain, (Hay nhin nhimg dim mAy den kia. Troi sip mua roi.) ~ Dis td mde ké hoach cho tuong lei. FF dia: I'm going io watch that film on TV tonight. (Tai nay tei sé xem b6 phim dé tr8n truyén hinh.) © Chi y: Thi twong lai “going to” thuéng khéng 4] chung véi ding tir come ho’e go. Khi dé ta ding thi Hign tai tiép dién: be going/coming. Vi dys She is going 1a the cinema ionight. (T6i nay cb dy sé di xem phim.) They are coming back next month. (Ho se tro lai vio thing t6i.) Thuéng duge dung véi ede tir va cum tir chi thai gian tuong lai nhur tomorrow (ngay mai), next week (twin tGi), next month (thang tdi), tonight (i nay), Soon (chang bao lau), ix 20 minutes (10 phiit nia)... 11. Future Continuous (Thi tuong lai tiép dig) a) Hich thike: $+ will + be V-ing ») Cach ding: ~ Dién ta mot hanh dong hole su vis dang din ra tai mét thoi diém xdc dinh trong tuong lai. Vi dies At 8.00 tomorrow morning. Iwill be studying ai the library. Giita c&u (mid position): cdc treng tir chi tn sudt (always, sometimes, never.) va mt vai trang ti chi mio d6 (slightly, completely, quite...) thutmg duoc d3t truge dong ti chink. They always deal with the mail first, We hardly ever go out in the evening. We quite agree with what you said. 95 - Cudi cau (end position): cdc trang th chi thoi gian (tomorrow, yesterday...) thé céch (slowly, quickly...) va ndi chén (there, at home...) thudng duoe dit sau déng tir chinh hode 6 cudi cau, We planned to finish the project next month. The sun still shown brightly in the quiet garden. Céc trang tir chi thé cach (tn cing bing -/y) thudng 06 thé duge dat 6 cA 3 vi tri trén. Naturally, we all hope for good news. We are naturally hope for good news. We ail hope for good news, naturally. ©. So sinh 1. Tinh tir ngdn va tinh fir dai. Tinh tir ngain: © co 1 Am tiét Vidu nhu: loud, short, long, fust, late, soft. © 062 Am tiét va két thac bing: -y, -ow, -et, er, le Vi du: happy, narrow, quiet, clever, simple Tinh tt dai: © 06 1 Am tiét va két thic bing -ed Vi du: bored, tired, pleased © 62 am tiét, khong két thitc bing -y, -ow. -ef, -er, le Vide: useful, afraid, correct, often + 063 am tiét wo lin Vi duz expensive, intelligent Chit ': C4c tinh tir sau due xem vita la tinh tir ng&n vite 1a tinh tir dai: free, keen, safe, sure, true, wise, clever, common, gentle. 2. So sah hon (Comparatives) Céu trie so sénh hon duge ding 48 so sinh hai déi wong, wong dé mit di tuong cd ode tinh chat, trang thai, hink thie... hon déi tuong kia. ‘Vi tinh tir ngan: Adjective-ER + THAN ‘Vai tinh tir dai: MORE + ‘Adjective + THAN Vi dy: Her house is bigger than mine. Some of my friends are more intelligent than me. Chit pir a. Nhén 46i phu am cudi tude khi thém “er? néu tinh tir tin cing 1a ‘mot nguyén 4m + mét phu am’. Vi du: big — bigger; hot — hotter; thin —» thinner b. Déi véi cdc tinh tir vira 1 tinh tir ngan view a tinh tir dai: Vi du: She is cleverer than him. = She is more clever than him. Tom felt surer than I did. = Tom felt more sure than I did. 96 ¢, “than” trong cdu tic so sinh hon cé thé dupe bé di khi di tugng so sah thir hai duoc hiéu ngam (khéng dé cp). Vi dy: What do you think about these two proposals? — [ think this one is more practical (than the other one}. d. C6 thé sir dung tir even, much, far, a Jot trong cu trie so sinh hon dé Jam ting mise dd so sanh Vidu: He is even better than his brother. This book is much more expensive. e. Nguoc lai, cdc tir a hit, a little, slightly duge dimg wrong cau tric so sath hon cé tic dung lm gidm mite d6 so sh. Viduz He studies-a bit harder than me, This hovel is slightly cheaper than that one. 3, So sanh mht (Superatives) Cfu woe so sénh nhat duge ding, dé so sénh ba déi qwong tro len, trong dd mét d0i tugng 06 cdc tinh chat, trang thai, hinh thire... hon cdc ddi tuong con Iai. Véi tinh tirngin: THE + Adjective-RST Voi tinh tirdai: THE MOST + Adjective V4 du: This film is the longest of the three. John is the most outgoing person tn the class. a. Déi véi cde tinh tir vire [a tinh tirngdin vira Ja tinh tir dei: Vi du: This is the commonest mistake. = This is the most common mistake. b. Sau cin tric so sénh nbat, 6 thé ding cuin giditir bar déu bing in hodc of. Vi du: He is the smartest student in class, This book is the most interesting of the three (books). 4. Cac tring hop bat qui tic. NGUYEN CAP | SO SANH HON SO SANH NHAT | good better the best bad worse the worst i | much/many more the most littia Tess | the least far farther further | the farthest furthest old older/elder | the oldesveldest Cha jz a. “farther” e6 nghia la xa hon, can “farther” c6 ngtila [a nhiéu hon, s4u hon... Vidg: His house is farther away than mine. For further information, please contact our office. ». Elder/eldest judn éieng truée danh tir va thuimg duce dimg dé so sinh ve tudi téc gitta cdc thanh vién trong gia dinh. Older/aldest duoc ding cho moi doi trong. 7 Vidu: He is my eldest brother. He is the oldest player in the team. 5. So sAnh bang véi “as...as”; ‘Ta dung “as + tink tir/trang tir + as” 48 so sinh hai ngudi hose hai vat cé cae tinh chat, trang thdi, hinh thire.bang nhau, hoke “not as/so + tinh tiv/trang tir+ as” 48 so sanh khong bing nhau. Vida: John said that no other ear could go as fast as his car. The facilities of the older hospital are as good as those of the new hospital. Ain carmot cook as/so well as her sister does, Ta c6 thé ding avice (gép doi) hoc half (bang niva) trudc “as...as”. Vidu: Your room is twice as large as mine. He works half as hard ay he used to. Tuy nhién, khi ding saree times, four times,... thi chang ta dimg véi tinh tir hoic trang tit so sanh hon. Vidys The trip was three times longer than we expecied. She car type four times faster than you, 6. So sanh kép (double comparison) Ta dung “ep so séinh hon + and + cdp so sanh hon” (cang ngiy cang). Vidu: Their dusiness is getting better and better. At rained more and more heavily as the game was going on. Ta con c6 thé ding “the + cép so sénh hon..., the + fp so sinh hon..." (cang. ..thi cang.-.). VGi danh ti, ta ding: the more + danh tir. Vidg: The earlier she leaves, the sooner she will arrive, The more you study, the more knowledge you gain. Bai tap TINH TU, TRANG TW, CAU TRUC SO SANH Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1. The examination was __. All the students passed_ A. surprising easy B. surprisingly easy C. surprising easily D. surprisingly easily 2. Tom sounded ___ when I spoke to him on the phone. A, angry B. angrily C.tobeangry — D. to be angrily 3. Janeis____ because herjob is, A. bored — bored B. boring - boring C. boring - bored " D, bored boring 4, Herillness was than we had thought first. A. much serious B.moresetious C. serious D. most serious 98 5. The garden looks since you tidied it up. A, better B. well C.more good ~ D. more well 6. Petrol is twice it was a few years ago. A. more expensive than B. much expensive as. C. as expensive as as v than 7. That house over there is building in the city. A, the eldest B. the oldest C. the elder D, the older &. Thank you for the money. It was of you. A. more generous, B. the more generous. C. most generous D, the most generous 9. Wewere lucky to have one of, rooms in the hotel. A.anice B. anicer C. the nicer D, the nicest 10. Your English is improying. It is getting ae A. well and better B. good and well C. better and better D. good and better Exercise 2: Choose the best answer to complete eack of the following Sentences. I. In the kitchen there is. table. : A. beautiful large round wooden —_B. large beautiful’ wooden round C. wooden round large beautiful —_D. round large wooden beautiful 2. Ann works than most of her friends. A. much harder B. a lot more hardly C. more hardly D. many harder 3. The shop wasn’t crowded this morning it usually is. A.as = than B. so ~as C.more—than D.so—than 4. It’'s___ film that [ have ever watched. A. most boring B. the most boring. C. best boring D. the best boring 5. we leave, we will arrive. A. The earlier — the sooner B. The earliest -the soonest C. Earlier —sooner D. The earliest — the sooner 6, Let me know immediately if you hear any news. A. farther B. further C. farthest D. furthest 7. Vhaveneverhada __meal than that. ~ A. more delicious B. most delicious C. delicious more D. delicious most 8. Jane didn't do so well in the exam she had hoped. Aas B.so C. than D. more 9. Your writing is terrible. lean it. Avhordread = Byreadhard — C. hardly read. read hardly 99 10. Itisa restaurant and the food is good. A. reasonable cheap B. reasonable cheaply C. reasonably cheap D. reasonably cheaply Exercise 3: Choose ihe best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1. Don*t walk sa ! Can't you walk 2 A. fast — slower B. fast — more slowly C. fastly — slower D. fastly — more slowly 2. It was that she passed’ the exam. Everyone had thought that she failed. A. surprising B. surprised C. surprisingly- D. surprisedly 3, There isa bag in the corner of the room. A, small black plastic B. black-smail plastic C. plastic small black D. plastic black small 4, The driver of the car was in the accident. A. serious injured B. seriously injured C. serious injuredly D. seriously injuredly S. Could you speak. so | can understand what you mean? A.a bit slowly ’ B.a little slower C. a bit slowlier D. a little more slowly 6. Please cut my hair the style in this magazine. A. the same long as B. the same length like C. the same fong like D. the same length as 7. The chef tasted the mest before presenting it to the President. A. cautious B. cautiously C. more cautious D. much cautiously 8. The climate in Sa Pa is much colder ~ of Hanoi. A. than it B. that that C. than there D. than this 9. Please give me of the two pieces of the cake. A. smaller B. smallest C.the smaller D, the smallest 410. This is the dog I’ve ever seen. A. dirtier-looking B. dirtiest-looking C. more dirty-ldoking D: most dirty-looking Exercise 4: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1. So far as Mrs. Brown was concerned she did not seem to be in the least A.embarrassed B.embarrassment C.embarressing _D. embarrass 2. He did not come and she looked rather. fF A. worrying B. worry C. wortier D. worried 3. The rise of crime is - 106. A.depressing B, depressed + C. depressive —_D, depression 4. The pictures made a impression on him. A. depressed B. depressing C.depression —D, depressive 5. She is not with her position. A. satisfying B. satisfaction C. satisfactory ‘0D. satisfied 6 [don’t like horror films. | think they are and : A. frightening — boring B. frightening — bored C. frightened — boring D. frightened — bored 7. Don't look so » Of course, it was a decision but we shad no other choices. A. surprised — surprised B. surprising — surprising C. surprised ~ surprising D. surprising - surprised 8. Ttwasa joumey. I wish | hadn't it. I feel completely later. A. tiring — exhausting B. tired — exhausted C. tired + exhausting D. tiring — exhausted 9. The football match was . Our team lost the game and we left the stadium quite A. disappointing = disappointing _-B. disappointing — disappointed C. disappointed — disappointed D, diseppointed — disappointing 10. He can’t remember his pupils’ names. It seemed funny at first, but now it is rather . A.embarrassed B. embarrassment C. embarrassing D. embarrass Exercise 5: Choose the best answer to complete each af the following sentences. 1. That is story I have ever heard. A. more incredible B. as incredible C. the most incredible D. most incredible 2. [tis not always students who do well in tests. A. brighter B.most bright C. more bright. the brightest 3. Terylene shirts are to wear, but cotton shirts are much - A. harder — most comfortable B. hardest — more comfortable C. harder — more.comforcable D. more hard — more comfartable 4. Which is. Lake Michigan or Lake Superior? A, deeper B. the deepest C. deepest D, deep 5. She is far than she used Lo be. A. self-confident B. more self-confident C. self-confidenter D. most self-confident 6 man among the guests is a basketball player. A. Thetallest — B. Taller C. The taller D. Tallest 7, Ulike both of them, but [ think Kateis__—__—sto talk to. A. more easy B. as easy C. as easy as D, easier 101 8. Most people are than their parents used to be, A. better off B.the bestoff — C. as well off D. best off 9. She has a lot to be thankful fors-but thing of all is that she does not realize it A.thesadder —B. sadder C.the saddest —_D. saddest 10. [want to buy a ear ~ one you have, : A. mote powerfisl B. the more powerful C. as most powerful D. the most powerful Exercise 6: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following seniences. ‘ |, Actually, today I feet than | did yesterday. A, bad B. worst C. worse: Dz the worst 2. This is interesting exhibition I’ve ever visited. A. more B_less C. most D. the most 3. At college the work is harder than the work we did at school, but it is much interesting, A. more. B. many C. most Dia few 4. We didn’t think you were in ancient history. A. interested B. not interesting C. interesting D. less interesting 5. My brother studies at college. A. old B. older Cy elder D, the eldest 6. This is film I have ever seen, A. good B. worse C. the best D. better 7 Vilieel_ when my exams are over, A. happy B. more happily C. happily D. happiest 8 Tfelt because I had fever. A, badly B.worse bad CC. bad D, the worst 9, The more you work, the you'll pass your exams, A. good B. best C. better D, the best 10. Prices go up and up. Everything gets expensive, A. most B. more C. feast D. less Exercise 7: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1. That was great! It was meal you have ever cooked. A. good B. best C. better D. the best 2. This exhibition ig interesting than the previous one. A. little B. least ©. fess D. the least 3. The last film f saw was ightening than this one. A. Hittle B, ieass C. less D. the ieast 4. Todayis cold than yesterday. So I'm. wearing my shorts. A, Sittle: B. least C. less D. the least 102 5. Everyone in your team played except the captain, A. bad B. worst C. badly D. the worst 6. You know much, but you know than your teacher. A. little B. least C. fess D. much 7. Small shops are not as as supermarkets. A. more convenient B. most convenient C. convenient D. the most convenient 8. The child studied hard, and a3 a result he passed the exams of all. A. good B, best C. better ‘D. the best 9. Thisis film F’ve ever seen. A. more interesting B. most interesting C.the mostinteresting D. not interesting 10. We were disappointed as the film was than we expected, A. entertaining B. most entertaining C. less entertaining D. entertaining Exercise 8: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following Sentences. , 1. Though the dish smelt. , he refused to eat saying he was not hungry. A. good B. well C. bad D. worse 2. She locked at me and told me to leave the room. A. angry B. angrily C. angrier D. as angry 3. She spends a fot of money on her clothes but they always fook 5 A. cheap B. cheaply C. cheaper D. cheapest 4. “Have you seen him?” “Yes, he looks. but he says he feels — a A,good—bad B.well—badiy C.well-bad .D. good —badly 5. His cough sounds . He should see a doctor. A. terrible B. terribly C. as terrible D. less terrible 6. Be ! Stop talking, behave yourselves. A-quiet B. quietly C. quieter D. quietest 7. The situation looks . We must do something. A. bad B. badly ‘C.more badly Das bad 8. He seemed to meabit today. A. strange B. sirangely C. more strangely D. as strenge 9. The fish tastes >. L won't eat it. A. awful B. awfully ©. more awfully D.as awful 10. He looked in his new suit. A. good B. weil C. gooder D. much good IV. THE BI DONG a) Hinh thie = ACTIVE: Subject+ Verb + Object © PASSIVE :Subject+ be + Past participle + By-phrase 103 hing diéu cén lam khi 44i cau chi déng sang cau bj dong: — Ly tin gir (object) otia cu cha dong lam chi ngd (subject) edu bi done. — Khong thay di thi eda dong tir, va dOng tir “be phate hinh thie thich hyp tuong émg véi chi ngit mdi. — Déng tir chinh lun duge ding & dang qué khir phan ti (past participle) ~ Chi ngit cia cau chi dong 06 thé ding sau gidi cir “by” vi ¥ nghie la tie nhan gay ra hanh dOng (agent of the passive). Vi du: My father bought the computer last week, — The computer was bought by my father last week. Chit ¥: Nhiéu céu bj dng khéng cén thiét phai od tdc nhan vei gidi tir “by” khitéc nhan d6 khng duce xéc dinh rhode ichSng quan trong. Vi du: People have built many new buildings in recent years. —> Many new buildings have been built in recent years b) Bang déi chiéu cu chi d6ng va bi dong qua cac thi khée nhau: Tenses _ Active Passive ; Simple S+V/ Visies S+am/is/are+ PP Present Sue writes the book. The book is written by Sue. | Simpte Past | SiV-cdV2 3+ wasiwere +PP Sue wrote the book. The book was written by Sue. Present S+ am/is/are + V-ing St am/is/are +being + PP Continuous | Sue is writing the book. The book is being written by Sue. Past S+ was/were + V-ing S+-was/were+ being + PP {Continuous | Sue was writing the book _ | The book was being written by Sue, Present ‘S+ have/has + PP S+ have/has + been + PP Perfect Sue has written the articles. | The articles have been written by Sue. "Past Perfect S+had+ PP S+ had + been + PP Sue had written the articles. | The articles had been written by Sue. Future $+ will have + PP | S+ will have been + PP | Perfect Sue will write the book. The book will be written by Sue. Have to/ S+ have tof be going to | S+ have to/ be goiag to Be going te + bare infinitive +be+PP i Sue is going to write the ‘00k is going to be written by book. as Sue, Ghi chi: Pi ast participle Ngoai ce edu inic bi déng-co ban, thé bi dng con duoc thé hién dudi cdc dang sau: 1) Véi déng tir NEED J need to borrow some money, need + to-infinitive + active John needs to be told the truth. need +to be+ PP passive 104 The house needs painting. the gerund carries a passive meaning The house needs to be painted. _(danh dong tir mang nghia bi dong) 2) Véi dong tir theo sau la to-infinitive hoe gerund Active | Passive Verb + to-infinitive | > Verb + to be + PP Verb + gerund | — Verb + being + PP Verb + to have + PP | — Verb + to have been + PP Verb+ having + PP | — Verb + have been + PP Vidu: [hope to be invited to the wedding. They wanted the story to be told again. She avoided being disturbed. I want these dishes to have been washed when J come back She forgot having been given a big sum of money that day. 3) V6i dng tir chi gie quan (verbs af perception) éng ti dc quan: see, watch, hear, smell, taste.. Active | Passive = Verb + O + bare infinitive | + he + PP + to-infinitive Verb+ O~ gerund | — be + PP +-gerund Pi dus They saw the man ran away. + The man was seen to run away. They saw the man running-awaye— The man was seen running away. 4) Vai dng tir MAKE va LET. : Active | Passive make + O + bare infinitive | + be + made ~ to-infinitive let + O + bare infinitive | > be + allowed + to-infinitive Vid: The manager made all the employees work at the weekend. —+ All the employees were made to work at the weekend. (Tit cd nbn vign bi bude phai fam vige vio cudi war.) She lets her son play computer games om Stinday afternoon. — Her son is allowed to play computer games on Sunday afternoon. * (Con trai ba Ay durge phép choi trd chor vi tinh vio chiéu cha nha.) 5) Vai thé nha bao (Causative form) . Ta ding ding tir have hoae gel. Active | Passive “have somebody do something | + have something done by sb get somebody to do something | —+ get something done by sb Vi dy: J had c technician repatr my computer. — Thad my computer repaired by a technician. (Ti nla mét ki thude vién sita may tinh cho ti.) 1 got a technician to repair my computer. — I got my computer repaired hy a technician. 105 6) Voi Ging tir wong thugt hoje bay t6 > kién (verbs of reporting or opinion} : Déng th wimg thud: say, claim, report, show... 2 Dong ti chi y kin: think, believe, consider, expect, feel, hope, know, prove, undersiand... People/They + V,+ (that) +S + V, Passive: [t + be+ PP (V,)~ (that) +S+V; Vidu: People believe that the weather is changing dramatically. — Itis believed that the weather is changing dramatically. (Ngud! ta tin rang thai tiét sé thay déi-déng ké.) They said that he served in the army. — It was said that he served in the army. (Ngudi ta néi rang éng dy 4% phuc vu trong quan di.) Dang 2: Active: People/They + V, +(that)+$+V2 Passive: S+bet+PP(Vi)+ | to- Vo (chit d6ng) to be + PP (V2) (bi dong) to be + V>-ing (tiép dién) to have + PP (V2) (hoan thanh) tohave been+ PP (V3) (hoan thanh bi dong) Vidus — They say that he is 100 years old. 3 — fe is said to be 100 years old, (Ngudi ta ndi ring éng dy 100 tuéi.) People believe that rice is grawn well in the Mekong Delta, — Rice is believed to be grown well in the Mekong Delta, ONguéi ta tin ring léa moc rat tit 6 déng bang sng Ci Long) They thought that he was working in the office. — He was thought to be working in the office. (Ho tin ring éng Ay dang lam viéc trong van phong,) People say that he served in the army, — He is said to have served in the army. (Ngudti ta n6i rang triée diy dng dy phue vu trong quan déi.) People say that the project kas been completed. — The project is said to have been compieted. (Ngudi ta noi ring dy 4n da dure hoan thanh.) Bai tap THE BEDONG Exercise I: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1. That book by a famous author- A. wrote 8. was written C. is writing D. has written 106 2. The children’s song by one of the parents. Avis taping B.arebeingtaped C. aretaping D. is being taped 3. The pollution in the city our breathing. _ A. was affecting B. will be affected C. was being affected D. will be affecting 4. A special committee the dispute. A. is going to seitle B. is going to be settled C. going to settling D. will be settled 5. Mark 2 lot by his friends, isn’t he? . is influenced B. is influencing C. isn’t influenced D. isn’t influencing 6. A few days ago, Tom's car by one of the teenagers in his neighbourhood. A. was stealing B, was stole C. has been stolen DD. was stolen 7. Pencils at the test, so please bring your own. A. are provided B. will be provided C. won't be provided D, shall not provide 8. Jack the news immediately. If you don’t do it, | will_ A, ought to be told B. ought be told C. ought tel! D. ought to have told 9. The prisoner is thought by climbing over the wall. A.toescape B. has been escaped C.tohave escaped D. has escaped 10. Tom has just had a computer in his room. A. install B. installed C. to instal! D. installing Exercise 2: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following Sentences. 1, They recommend that a hotel ‘on the edge of the lake. A. should be built B. must be built C. was built ® D. could build 2. He dislikes what to do. A. people tell hima B. being told €. to be told D. they telling him 3. The music at the party was very loud and from far away A.can hear B.couldhear C.canbeheard D. could be heard 4, Both domestic end imported automobiles must anti-pollution devices. A, equipped with B, be equipped with ©. equipped by D. be equipped by ‘Can't we do something about the situation?” “Something right now.” A. is doing B. is done C.is being done D- has been doing 4107 6. Despite all my anxiety, I for the job T wanted, A.washiring — B. hired C.gothiring “ D. got hired (7. “Has about the-cight o'clock flight to Chicago?” “Not yet.” A. been an announcement made —_B, an announcement been made C. an announcement made D. been made an announcement 8. “Come back at 3 o’elock,” he said, “the job by then.” A will bedone. B. has been done C.isbeingdone D. was being done 9. Renoir’s paintines masterpieces al! over the world: A, had considered B. are considered C. are considering D. consider 10. Are you quite sure you know why? A. was he dismissed B. did he dismiss Cu he was dismissing D. he was dismissed Exercise 3: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following Sentences, 1. The ozone layer harmful radistion from the sun. A, prevents B. is prevented C. is preventing D. is being prevented 2. Are you interested in the job 7 A. they are offered you B, they have offered you C. you being offered D, you be offering 3. Vietnamese goods ____ fo many European countries, A. have exported B, have been exported C. have been exporting D. have being exported 4, We expect students during the examinations. A. not te talk: B. not to be talked C. not talking D- not being talked 5. This kind of cloth in warm water oniy. A. must wash 8. must be washing C. must be washed D, must washed _ 6. Have you got the advisor the issue? A.toexamine —_B. examining ‘C.tobe examined D. examined 7. When we talked about the accident, no namas maith A, were mentioning B. to be mentioning C. were mentioned D. to be mentioned 8. Harvard Universit) as one of the best universities in the world for hundreds of years. A. has regarded Bis regarded ° C. has been regerded D. regards 9. The Norman is said England in 1066, A. to have invaded B. to have been invaded C. to invade D. to be invaded 108 10. Jack accepted for his brother's fault. A. to punish B.to be punished C. punish —_D., being punished Exercise 4: Choose the best answer to complete cach of the following sentences. 1, I don"t want any conclusion before we have all the evidence. A. be made B.tobemade C.beingmade D. to have been made 2. More than five thousand people. in the earthquake in Indonesia last year. A. was said to be died B. were said to be died C_was said to die D. were said to die 3. Gunpowder was said by the Chinese several centuries ago. A. to have invented B. to be invented C. to have been inventing D. to be inventing 4. [heard him to himselfafter coming back from the party last night. A. singing B. sung C.tobe singing D. to be sung 5. He was seen a stone and itat the police. A. pick up — throw B, picking up —throw C. picked up — thrown D. to pick up — throw 6. “Those eggs of different colors are very artistic.” “Yes, they in Russia.” A.were painted B.were paint — C, were painting D, painted 7. “David is in prison for smoking drugs.” “He that it was against the law. A. is telling B. was told C. told D. tells 8. "The maintenance people didn’t remove the chairs from the ballroom.” “Don’t worry. They them before the dance. begins.” A.-wiil have been moved B. will have moved C_ were moved D. moved 9. Gold in California in the 19" century. A. was discovered B. has been discovered C_ was discover D: they discovered 10. that military spending is extremely high. A, Wearefelt B. It feels C. Itis felt ‘D. We feel that it is Exercise 5: Choose the best answer to complete cach of the follaiving Sentences. 1. All planes before departure, A. will checked B. will have checked C. will be checked D, will been checked 2. | wanted by the head of the company, but it was impossible. A, to see B. to be seen C. seeing, D. being to see. 3. Nancy at Bob's house every night this week, 109 A. has been eaten B. has eating C. is being eaten D. has been eating 4. “Where did you get these old dresses?” “We them in the old trunk.” A.were found — B. finding C. found D. have been found 3. “What happened to the old maif carrier?” “He to & new neighborhood to work” A. has sent B. was send C. was sent D_sent €. “The longest fish in the contest was cighteen inches long.” “It by Peter.* A.waseatching B. caught C.wascaught D. catch 7. “Theard you decided to take up tennis.” “Yes, | have every day.” A. been played B. been playing C. playing D. play - “Are we about to have dinner?” “Yes, it in the dining coom.* A.isserving —B. serves C. isbeing served © D. served 9. “Why is Tony in prison?” “He of robbery.” A. has been convicted B. has been convicting C. has convieted D. convicted 10. “Where are Jack and Joseph?” “They the boxes you asked for into the house.” A. have been bringing B. bringing C. have been brought D.to bring v.CAU GLAN TIEP A. Cac thay di trong cau gian tiép © Thay déi cdc dai tir, tink ti/dai tirsé hou. Céc dai ti chi ngdi (personal pronouns), dai tir phin thin (reflexive Pronouns), va tinh ti/dai ur sé hire (Dossessive adjectives/pronouns) teong chu gidn tiép sé direc thay ddi so v6i cau tre tiép. Vida: Mr. Nam said to Hoa, “You take your book out and show it. 10 me.” Thay Nam ni véi Hoa: “Em hy lay vo ra va dura cho thay xem.” Tinh buéne 1: Mat agudi ban cia Hoa tudng thuat vot mét ngudi ban khdc. Mr. Nam told Hoa that she took her book out and showed it to him. Tinh huéng 2; Hoa tong thuat voi mot nguéi ban khac. Mr. Nam told me that I took my book cut and showed it to kim. Tinh huéng 3: Thy Nam tuong thudt voi ba me ci Hoa hoac mét nguéi khac. I told Hoa that she took her book out and showed it to me. © Thay di thoi gian, dia diém va cac tir chi dinh. Cau truc tip f Cau gidu tiép nove thendat that time an hour age an hour before! an hour earlier 110 © Thay doi thi cia dong tir. Céc truéng hop thay dai thi. today that day yesterday the day before/ the previous day Re the next day/the following day = This (week) that (week) these (days) those (days) last year the year before/ the previous year | vext month the month after/ the following month j here, there } Khi dong tir tuimg thudt (say, tell, ask...) G thi qua kh, dong tir trong cau gién tiép phai lai v8 qua khtr mdz thi so véi ou true tiép. { Cau true tiép [Cau gian tiép Simpte Present ‘Simple Past “T don't know this man." He said he didn't know that man. Present Continuous Past Continuous “T'm working for a foreign company." | He said he was working for a foreign company. Present Perfect Past Perfect “T've read a good book." He said he had read a good book, Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous “Thave been writing my report." _| He said he had been writing his report, ‘Simple Past Past Perfect “Lfinished ny assignment.” He said he had finished his assignment. Simple Future Future in the past “Iwill do it later" He said he would do it later. Modal verbs Past jorms of modals “I can work late today." | He said he could work late ihat day. “Imay see her tonight.” He said he might see her thet night, “J must/have to go now." He satd he had io go then. gian tiép chong d6i thi. Vidu: He says, “I don’t know the answer to your question.” ~> He says to me that he doesn’t know the answer to my question. *) Khi dong tirtring thuat (say, rel, ask...) 6-thi qua khir, dng tir trong cau gidn tiép khong di thi trong céc trréng hop sau: — Tung thudt mét su that phd quat hoge mot digu ludn !udn ding. Wau: My teacher suid, ''Russia is the biggest country in the world.” — My teacher said that Russia is is the biggest country in the world. (thay 16i néi nude Nga la quéc gis lon nbdt trén thé gidi.) *) Khi dng ti trong cau trye tiép 1A cdc déng tir khiém khuyét: could, should, would, might, ought to, had to, used to. Fi duz He said, “They might win the game.” = He: Said to me that they might win the game. (Anh dy ni vei t61 14 ho od thé thang tran dau.) He said, “Fused to work all night.” — He told me he used to work all. night. (Anh ay bao t6i fing truée day anh ay thudng lim viée suét cd dém.) *) Khi dong ta trong cau OC tiép & cde thi: Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, néu thi Simple Past 4i kém mét thdi gien ou thé thi ob oe khéng thay déi.~ Vidu: He said, “The Asian tsunami happened in 2004." — He said to me the Asian tsunami had happened/happened in 2004. (Anh dy bio tai ning trin séng than & chau 4 ‘xay ra nim 2004.) He said, “Twas eating when she called me." — He told me he was eating when she called him. Cam y bao 181 ring anh dy dang n thi cé ay gol dign thogi.) *) Khi tung thudt ménh 08 woe muén (wish), ede cu diéu kign loai Il, loai Tl, va cu tric “I's (high) time... Vidu: ~ “ He said, “If Thad time, would help you.” ¥ — He said 10 me ifhe had time he would help me. (Anh dy bao t6i rang anh dy sé gidp t6i néu cé thdi gian). He said, “I wish I were richer.” — He toid me he wished he were richer. (Anh dy béo t6i rang anh ay mudn giau cé hon) He said, “It’s time we went." — He said it was time they went. (Anh ay néi da dén Ic ho phai i.) B. Céc loai cau gidn tip ® Tung thuat cau ménh lénh, yéu cu (commands, orders, request) Ta ding cdc ding tir ask, ho&c tel? dé trong thudt. ask/tell + object + (noi) + to-infinitive Vidu: They said, “Could you heip us?” 2

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