Concrete Gravity Dam Analysis Using Staad Pro

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 119 No. 17 2018, 297-310

ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue


Mr. Manoj Nallanathel [1], Mr. B. Ramesh [2], AB. Pavan Kumar Raju [3]
Associate Professor [1], Professor [2], Bachelor of Engineering [3]
Department of Civil Engineering, Saveetha School of engineering,
Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technological Sciences, Chennai-602105, TN, INDIA. [1], [2], [3]

Abstract: structure; to evaluate such structure manually is

A gravity dam is a solid structure, made of very tedious and long timing process so it’s easy
concrete or masonry, built throughout a river to to evaluate the dam stability
create a reservoir on its upstream. The segment of
the gravity dam is approximately triangular in Key words: Gravity dam, concrete, moments,
shape, with its apex at its pinnacle and most width frictional force, stability, STAAD Pro v8i
at backside. The phase is so proportioned that it
resists the numerous forces acting on it by using Introduction:
its very own weight. In this paper analysis of dam The gravity dam is constructed with the concrete
is achieved the use of software or masonry. The purpose of the dam is to store,
program. is extensively used for hold water and to control the floods, to supply
multi-storied homes with beam and columns. But water to households, irrigation, energy can examine any form of element generation, livestock water supplies, pollution
which include, plate, shell or strong further to control etc..,. The dam are classified according to
beam individuals. So, in the software with the type of material used in construction, the way
appropriate facts, dam is modelled with stable dam resist the loads, type of the structure etc..,.
factors. Result of stresses and pressure contours The materials used for construction of dams
are defined on the end of paper. The goal of paper include earth, rock, tailings from mining or
is to have a course of analysis of dam thinking milling, concrete, masonry, steel, timber,
about solid elements using and miscellaneous materials and any combination of
conventional methods. is computer all these materials. The following are the different
software, which is used for stability and stress dams as their shape, size and use of it.
analysis of structures. Dam is such a massive
 Embankment dams

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

 Gravity dams CA in 1997. In late 2005, Research Engineers

International was bought by Bentley Systems. An
 Buttress dams
older version called STAAD-III for Windows is
 Arch dams. used by Iowa State University for educational
 Coffer dams. purposes for civil and structural engineers. The
Essentially a gravity dam should fulfill the commercial version, STAAD Pro, is one of the
subsequent standards: most widely used structural analysis and design
1. It will be secure in opposition to overturning software products worldwide. It supports several
at any horizontal role in the dam at the touch steel, concrete and timber design codes. It can
with the inspiration or inside the basis. make use of various forms of analysis from the
2. It have to be secure towards sliding at any traditional 1st order static analysis, 2nd order p-
horizontal plane within the dam, at the contact delta analysis, geometric non-linear analysis,
with the inspiration or alongside any geological Pushover analysis (Static-Non Linear Analysis)
feature within the foundation. or a buckling analysis. It can also make use of
3. The segment need to be so proportional that the various forms of dynamic analysis from modal
allowable stresses in each the concrete and the extraction to time history and response spectrum
foundation must no longer exceed. analysis. In recent years it has become part of
integrated structural analysis and design solutions
Objectives:- mainly using an exposed API called Open
The main objective is to determine the stability of STAAD pro to access and drive the program
the concrete gravity dam with different load using a Visual Basic macro system included in
conditions by varying the water level. The the application or by including Open STAAD
stability of concrete gravity dam is analyzed by functionality in applications that themselves
using STAAD Pro. With the three different include suitable programmable macro systems.
conditions are Additionally, STAAD Pro has added direct links
 When the reservoir is empty. to applications such as RAM Connection and

 When the reservoir is half fill. STAAD Foundation to provide engineers

 When the reservoir is fully fill. working with those applications which handle
design post processing not handled by STAAD
Pro itself. Another form of integration supported
About -
by the STAAD Pro is the analysis schema of the
STAAD Pro is a structural analysis and design
CIM steel Integration Standard, version 2
computer program originally developed by
Research Engineers International at Yorba Linda,

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

commonly known as CIS/2 and used by a number gravity) is generally sufficient for high dams in
modeling and analysis applications. seismic zones. In extremely seismic regions and
in conservative designs, even a value of 0.3g may
sometimes by adopt. Vertical acceleration
Forces on the concrete gravity dam
reduces the unit weight of the dam material and
1. Water pressure: -
that of water is to(1-kv) times the original unit
Water Pressure (p) is the most major external
weight, where kv is the value of g accounted
force acting on such a dam. The horizontal water
against earthquake forces, i.e. 0.1 when 0.1g is
pressure, exerted by the weight of the water
accounted for earthquake forces. The horizontal
stored on the upstream side of the dam can be
acceleration acting towards the reservoir causes a
estimated from rule of hydrostatic pressure
momentary increase in water pressure and the
distribution. This is the largest external force
foundation and dam accelerate towards the
acting on the dam. It has the largest capacity for
reservoir and the water resists the movement
disturbing the stability of the dam. It is a
owing to its inertia. The extra pressure exerted by
horizontal force which acts at the C.G. of the
this process is known as hydrodynamic pressure.
pressure distribution diagram, due to water. The
pressure distribution diagram is always triangular
3. Silt Pressure: -
with zero value at surface of the water and
If h is the height of silt deposited, then the forces
increasing linearly to maximum at the base of the
exerted by this silt in addition to the external
dam. The value of maximum horizontal pressure
water pressure, can be represented by Rankin’s
at base of the dam is w.h where w is the density
formula psilt =12γgh2ka acting at h/3 from the
of water in kg/m3 and h the depth of water in
base. Where, ka = coefficient of active earth
meters. Since pressure distribution diagram due
pressure of silt = 1−𝑠𝑖𝑛∅1+𝑠𝑖𝑛∅ ∅ = angle of
to water is triangular, the value of the total
internal friction of soil, cohesion neglected.
horizontal pressure (P) due to water will be area
γs= submerged unit weight of silt material. h =
of the triangle.
height of silt deposited.
2. Earthquake Forces: - The effect of
4. Wave Pressure: - Waves are generated on the
earthquake is equivalent to acceleration to the
surface of the reservoir by the blowing winds,
foundation of the dam in the direction in which
which exert a pressure on the downstream side.
the wave is travelling at the moment. Earthquake
Wave pressure depends upon wave height which
wave may move in any direction and for design
is given by the equation
purposes, it is resolved into the vertical and
hw =0.32√𝑝𝑣+0.763-0.271×F1/4 for F < 32 km,
horizontal directions. On an average, a value of
and hw =0.32√𝑝𝑣 for F > 32 km Where hw is the
0.1 to 0.15g (where g = acceleration due to

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

height of water from the top of crest to bottom of thru structural interface (i.e. Brackets) which
trough in meters attaches the mullions to the constructing
5. Ice Pressure: - The ice which may be formed
on the water surface of the reservoir in cold
countries may sometimes melt and expand. The
dam face is subjected to the thrust and exerted by
the expanding ice. This force acts linearly along
the length of the dam and at the reservoir level. Design steps in
The magnitude of this force varies from 250 to Step - 1: Creation of nodal points. Based on the
1500 KN/m2 depending upon the temperature positioning of plan we entered the node points
variations. On an average, a value 500 KN/m2 into the STAAD file
may be taken under ordinary circumstances. Step - 2: Representation of plates. By using, add
6. Weight of dam: - The weight of dam and its plate command we had drawn the plates between
foundation is a major resisting force the corresponding node points.
Step - 3: 3D view of structure. Here we have used

Methodology:- the Transitional repeat command in Y direction

get the 3D view of structure.
A studies offers the primary functions and
Step - 4: Supports and property assigning. After
corporation of STAADPRO, a software that has
the creation of structure, the supports at the base
been advanced for the static and seismic stability
of structure are specified as fixed. In addition, the
opinions of concrete gravity dams. STAADPRO
Materials were specified and cross section of
is primarily based at the gravity approach the
plate members was assigned.
usage of rigid frame equilibrium and beam idea
Step - 5: 3D rendering view. After assigning the
to carry out pressure analyses, compute crack
property the 3d rendering view of the structure
lengths, and protection elements. Seismic
can be shown
analyses can be executed the usage of both the
Step - 6: Assigning of wind loads. Wind loads are
pseudo-static and a simplified response spectrum
defined as per IS 875 PART 3 based on intensity
approach. The Curtain Wall is designed the usage
calculated and exposure factor. Then loads are
of STAADPRO to face up to and manage all of
added in load case details in +X,-X, +Z,-Z
the imposed masses on it in addition to preserve
air and water from penetrating within the
Step - 7: Assigning of dead loads.
constructing. The masses imposed at the curtain
Step -8 :- Assigning of load combinations
wall are transferred to the constructing structure

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

multiple factor of 1,1.5& wind load having PW=392400N/m

different directions of X+ ,X- ,Z+ ,Z- =392.4KN/m2
Step-9:- Concrete Design by using Water pressure=1/2x40x392.4
software for analysis part and assign all required =7848kN
parameters also. The code books are IS 456: 2000 Acts on 40/30=13.34mts from the base
& SP 16:2000. Uplift pressure:-
Step-10:- save and run the file for analysis print. At heel
Check how many errors for dam from this P’=γh
process, if not getting any results so can we =1000x9.81x40
modified & find out where did we mistaken. =392400N/m =392.4kN/m
Finally post processing & print out of analysis At toe
can be taken out. P’’=γh’
Step-11:- After analysis part of entire gravity =1000x9.8x10
dam only applicable to start STAAD. Foundation =98100N/m =98.1kN/m
v8i for entire building design separately. We can Over turning moment:-
design based upon our requirements types of Moment over toe
foundations, depth of footings. Stabilizing moments
Calculations:- =509021.28x32.7 =16644995.86kNm
Case 1 :-when the reservoir is empty M2=w2x20.26mts
Self-weight- =1431475.2x20.26 =29001687.55kNm
W= l x b x h x γcon M1+m2=45646683.41kNm
W1= 4.6mx47mx100mx24x9.81 Opposing moments:-
=509021.28kN Mw1=784800x13.34
W2=1/2x30.4x40x2.4x9.81x100 =10469232 KN.m
=1431475.2kN Mup1=490506x20.26m
Case 2:- when the reservoir is maximum level =9937530kNm
Self-weight- Mw1 +mup1 =10469232 + 9937530 KN.m
W1=509021.28kN Factor of safety=45646683/20406762
W2=1431475.2Kn =2.24 >2 safe
Water pressure:- Sliding:-
PW=ρgh Friction ff=μ.N
=1000x9.81x40mts =0.7(509021.28 + 1431475.2

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

1358347.536 =108654kNm
Wp=784800 Mup’=257512.5x2026
F.o.s =1358347.536/784800 =521720.25
=1.73 >1.5 Mw1’+ Mup’=6525857.25
Safe Factor of safety=4564668.41/6525857.25
Case 3:- =6.9972
When the reservoir is half fill Safe
W1=509021.28kN Sliding force:-
W2=1431475.2kN Friction
Water pressure:- Ff=μn
W1=ρgh =0.7(509021.28+1431475.2
=1000x9.81x20m =1358347.536 kN
=196200N/m =196.2kN/m2 Wp =196200kN
Wp1=1/2x20x196.2 Factor of safety=1358347.536/196200
=1962kN =6.9 > 1.5
Acts on20/3=6.67mts Safe
Uplift pressure:- Tables and Results:-
At heel Case 2
up1=γwxh force Horizontal force Vertical force
1 Self-weight 509021.28
=196.2kN/m M1
At toe M2 1431475.2

Up2=γwxh 2 Water 748400

pressure W
=1000x9.81x10 3 Uplift -396.2
=98100N/m pressure, at
=98.1kN/m At toe -98.1
Over turning moment 4 Silt pressure -180
Stabilizing moment Table 1
Mw1=16644995.86kNm force Horizontal force Vertical force
1 Self-weight 509021.28
Mw1+Mw2=45646683.41 M1
Opposing moment M2 1431475.2

Mw1’=196200x6.67 2 Water 196200

pressure W

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

3 Uplift -196.2 4 Silt pressure -180

pressure, at
Table 2
At toe -98.1


Fig1: Design of Loads case 2

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Fig2: deflection of dam in STAAD pro for case-2

Fig 3: Shear force (SX) for case-2

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Fig 4 SY local for case-2

Fig 5 maximum absolute shear force for case-2

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Fig 6 design of loads for case-3

Fig 7 deflection of dam in STAAD pro for case-3

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Fig 8 max absolute shear force for case-3

Fig 9 major principle stress for case-3


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

The behavior of Gravity dam for against all factors i.e. overturning, sliding &
stability and response towards seismic forces are shearing.
studied in this paper. With problem The factor of safety of overturning for load case
consideration, the stability analysis of gravity of fully fill of reservoir is 2.17 for the manual
dam is done in absence of seismic forces initially. calculations it is safe for the dam. The sliding
Thus analysis highlighted that in presence of stability of the concrete gravity dam for fully fill
various loads like dead load, water/ hydrostatic load case 1.76, which is greater than 1.5, which is
pressure, uplift pressure, total cumulative values safe for sliding stability. The factor of safety of
of positive moment and negative moment, overturning for load case of half fill of reservoir
summation of horizontal and vertical forces are is 4.23 for the manual calculations it is safe for
overall responsible for dam stability. Further with the dam. The sliding stability of the concrete
analysis it is clear that moment resulting due to gravity dam for half fill 3.58, which is greater
self-weight act as resistive moment against than 1.5, which is safe for sliding stability.
moment produced due to water, uplift pressure
etc. This means that stability against overturning Reference:
is achieved when positive moment is greater than 1 “Seismic and Stability Analysis of Gravity
Dams Using Staad PRO” by T Subramani,
negative moments. Whereas stability against
D.Ponnuvel. in June 2012
sliding depends upon coefficient of friction, sum
of all vertical forces and all horizontal forces. 2 “Stability Analysis of Concrete Gravity
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Thus sliding is governed by uplift pressure. by Mohammad Ejaz Shahir, Priyanka
However, if horizontal force increases stability Dhurvey in June 2017.

against sliding decreases if vertical forces remain

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basis of shear friction factor, this depends upon by S.Sree Sai Swetha in March 2017

coefficient of friction, summation of all vertical 4 “Seismic & Stability Analysis of Gravity
forces, summation of all horizontal forces, Dam” by Miss. Meghna S. Bhalodkar in
geometry of dam and materials shear strength.
For same problem material shear strength, 5 “Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dam by 3D
Solid Element Modeling using STAAD Pro”
geometry friction remains unchanged, thus
by Jay p. Patel, R. Chhaya in May 2015
stability should depend upon sum of all vertical 6 “Design And Analysis Of Gravity Dam –A
forces and all horizontal forces. For problem Case Study Analysis Using Staad-Pro” by
mettu Rajesh Reddy, M.Nageswara rao in
considered in study, dam achieves stability 2017

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

7 “Finite Element Analysis of Concrete pressures in cracks by Farrokh Javanmardi,

Gravity Dam by Using STAAD-PRO” by Pierre Léger, René Tinawi in 2004
Rampure Aarti Baburao, Mangulkar
Madhuri in 2016

8 Structural Stability And 2D Finite Element

Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dam by
Khalid Dawlatzai, Dr. Manju Dominic

9 Stability analysis of concrete gravity dam on

complicated foundation with multiple slide
planes by Ren Xuhua, Shu Jiaqing, Ben
Nenghui, Ren Hongyun in 2008.

10 Seismic cracking analysis of concrete

gravity dams with initial cracks using the
extended finite element method by Sherong
Zhang, Gaohui Wang, Xiangrong Yu in

11 “Comparison of Design and Analysis of

Concrete Gravity Dam”by Md. Hazrat Ali,
Md. Rabiul Alam in 2011

12 Shake table sliding response of a gravity

dam model including water uplift pressure
by Mathieu Rochon-Cyr, Pierre Léger in

13 Shake table sliding response of a gravity

dam model including water uplift pressure
by Mathieu Rochon Cyr, Pierre Léger in

14 Seismic fracture analysis of concrete gravity

dams including dam–reservoir interaction by
Yusuf Calayir, Muhammet Karaton in 2005

15 Seismic structural stability of concrete

gravity dams considering transient uplift


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