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Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan

Universiti Putra Malaysia , Serdang

Disediakan untuk :
Prof. Madya Dr Soh Kim Geok
Tajuk :
Components Of Wellness
Kod kursus / Nama :
Kesihatan Mental
Disediakan oleh :
1. 201905 Muhammad Abdul Azim Bin Othman

Program :
Jabatan Pengajian Sukan
Semester Pertama Sesi 2019/2020
Component of wellness

Wellness includes aspects of physical, mental, emotional, environmental, occupational, social,

intellectual, and spiritual health. Wellness is not just the absence of illness, its engaging in everyday life
and living each day to its fullest as it pertains to us. Wellness is unique to everyone, but it consists of
some aspects of balance between these components.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.” - The World Health Organization

Physical Wellness

Physical wellness is taking the necessary steps to maintain optimal health and functioning. The includes
participating in physical activity and maintaining proper nutrition by eating a well-balanced diet.

Some ideas to achieve physical wellness:

• Participate in physical activity every day for 30 minutes

• Take the stairs instead of the elevator
• Learn how to read nutrition labels
• Eat a variety of foods and understand portion sizes
• Maintain a regular sleep schedule

Emotional Wellness

This includes stress management, self-care, relaxation, and understanding/managing your emotions. It
allows us to recognize and understand our emotions, cope with them, and express them.

Some ideas to achieve emotional wellness:

• Take time for our self to process, unwind, rejuvenate by finding a few minutes to be alone each
• Stay positive by write notes to our self, stick post its around the house/office to remind our self
• Maintain a gratitude practice
• Explore and practice mindfulness
• Give our self-grace, see all opportunities as experiences for learning and growth

Spiritual Wellness

This can refer to religion, values, faith, ethics, morals, etc. it allows us to be in touch with our self and
what we believe in. in this aspect we are likely to find meaning, purpose, appreciation, and our guiding

Some ideas to achieve spiritual wellness:

• If you identify with a specific religion, continue to explore that. If you don’t, be open to
exploring different belief systems
• Meditate
• Take time foe self-inquiry, get curious about knowing yourself and what you align with
• Maintain your spiritual or religious practices

Social Wellness

Having strong and positive relationships provides us with support as well as self-esteem, joy and

Some ideas to achieve social wellness:

• Join a club or organization that interesting

• Take time to call an old friend to catch up
• Keep in touch with supportive family and friends, distance from toxic individuals
• Identify what you look for in social relationships, what you need, and what you can give

Environment Wellness

living in harmony with the Earth and taking care of the surroundings. Just like plants, we need sunlight,
fresh air, and fresh water to thrive.

Some ideas to achieve environment wellness:

• Recycle, conserve energy, reduce your footprint

• Spend time outside

Occupational Wellness

This refers to how we interact with our job, our achievements at work, and our outlook of the work we
do. Our attitude toward our work directly influences our overall health.

Some ideas to achieve occupational wellness:

• Explore different career options, if you’re not doing what you love to investigate alternative jobs
• If a career switch isn’t in your cards (and even if it is) look into non-paid/volunteer work that
interests and motivates you
• Set realistic career goals, and work toward them

Intellectual Wellness

This refers to participation in new and creative activities, learning and exploring new skills.

Some ideas to achieve intellectual wellness:

• Try something new, explore new hobbies

• Be open-minded
• Travel
• Find new ways to be creative

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