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ICE ¨enforcement¨ RAIDS​:

● ¨federal raids targeting undocumented migrant parents and their children.¨

● ¨-the beginning of the Trump administration’s plan to swiftly enforce deportation
orders against some 2,000 recently arrived migrants who are not eligible to
remain in the country.¨
● Children that are involved are either sent back to the parents to their
country(mexic0) or are sent to be in the foster care system in america.
● Parents/subjects of the raid have a possibility to go in jail
● Some ICE raids are illegally initiated without a warrant.
● CAN accuse subjects of false crimes in order to have a reason to arrest.

● ¨The purpose of D ​ ACA is​ to protect eligible immigrant youth who came to the 
United States when they were children from deportation.¨ 
● Eligible if you are under the age of 31. 
● President Obama created DACA on June 15, 2012,  

● ¨A green card, known officially as a Permanent Resident Card, is a document issued to 
immigrants under the Immigration and Nationality Act as evidence that the bearer has been 
granted the privilege of residing permanently in the United States. ¨ 
● Needed sometimes to apply for jobs, mortgages, homes, etc.  
● ̈Immigrants must qualify for a ​green card​, which allows them to live and work in 
the U.S. legally. ¨ This gives an importance to the green card since this is what 
lets migrants have paid jobs and being able to reside in the U.S.  
● Without these green cards, you may not reside in the US for less than 180 days 
and federal forces have reasoning to deport you (also not allowed residence, a 
house, possible job or renewing a driver's license (sometimes)). 
● To get a green card you must fill out a form or two along with an interview to see 
if you are applicable for a green card.  
● Similar to a DACA is a temporary protected status (TPS)
● There is a migrant detention centers/facilities that hold children and migrants in
cells that have been described as ̈unsanitary ̈ and ̈inhumane ̈ conditions.
● The 2,000-plus separated children will likely need to deal with court
proceedings of being an immigrant.
● Children as young as 2 years are being processed in court and slightly older
children are expected to testify.
● DAY WITHOUT IMMIGRANTS is a boycott in all daily activities such as
jobs/schools to show what america would be without immigrants. That
took place feb 7th 2017. So past tense actually.
(elaborate on Dream act, donald trump DACA and obama daca.)

19-immigration-facts​07​ (check out)

Intro draft:
There were more than 2,000 unwarranted ICE raids in 2019. In 2018, there were 256,086
deportations of immigrants. In 2019, there were 851,000 people detained in detention centers at
the border. 2020, a man in power says ¨-we've done a great job with the laws we have.¨
(regarding immigration)
Over 58,000 of said immigrants pay taxes and qualify for citizenship.
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