Civil Rights Paper

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Immigration In The Present

Immigrant rights is the idea of immigrants having the corresponding life,

liberty, or protection they tie in with, regardless of immigration status. Over the last
The discussion regarding immigrant rights has been provoked by several events and talks.
Within the United States several families and individuals have proven themselves
unmistakably valid for a citizenship here in the states. While the concept of immigrant rights is
being tossed around it’s becoming clouded of what situations are actually stemming out of this
developing idea.

The talk involving immigrant rights has only mostly become evident due to problems that
have prompted an upset social response in the nation. For example, when citizens and higher-ups
have caught wind of immigrant families being held in detention centers inhumanely, it triggered
a criticized and displeased response within many. Situations such as those had helped spread the
word of the incidents revolving around immigrant’s liberty. The importance of these incidents
have even resulted in being asked as an ethical question in political debates. As well as a mass
social disturbance regarding immigration enforcement and politicians.

A well known type of situation that has sparked up is ICE raids of homes and workplaces
of immigrants. ICE (the Immigration Customs Enforcement.) has a mission to “promote
homeland security and public safety by enforcing U.S. federal criminal and civil laws concerning
border control, customs, trade, and immigration.” Now these situations involving ICE that most
hear about are raids that target undocumented parents and their children.
ICE raids are coordinated from the members of ICE or higher power before raiding a
home that inhabits people they have the intention to deport. From time to time, ICE raids will be
illegally initiated without a warrant. ICE ​has ​and ​can​ accuse subjects of false crimes in order to
have a reason to arrest. During the raid, the parents and/or subjects have a possibility to go to
jail. Any children that are involved are either sent back to their parents to their country or are
sent to be in the foster care system in america. All and any persons involved all have a chance to
be sent to a detention center, full of others with a similar story.

After the initial raid,The ones that are sent to the detention centers have a long process in
front of them. An article from the TIMEs had commented that the detention centers were
overcrowded and unsanitary after a video of the conditions of the Mcallen, Texas detention
center were released by a congressmen. The video shows crowds of detained adults and children
placed in fenced areas. Some have sheets of tin foil intended as blankets while others have little
to no access to hygienics.“-900 people crammed into a space designed to accommodate 125 at
most.” the TIME states. Children as young as 2 years are being processed in court and slightly
older children are expected to testify in certain cases. Some believe this might even violate
international law. After a holding that can be up to 20 days, most are referred back to Human
Services( for children with unsupported guardians.), the Department of Health, and ICE. The
articles about the actions that are taking place at detention centers have even more coverage and
information on the topic. Etc. information includes deaths at the centers, lawsuits, and more.

There is a prefered action to prevent individuals from ever experiencing such conditions.
Some may even call it a ​dream​.
Migrants have the option to become a resident or a citizen of the united states temporarily
or permanently. A green card, known most commonly as a card for permanent residents, is
issued to immigrants under the immigration and Nationality act as proof they have been granted
the right to reside permanently in the U.S.. Without a green card, you may not reside in the US
for less than 180 days and officials will have reasoning to deport(Also not allowed residence, a
house, or a possible job.). To qualify, you must fill out a form or two along with an interview to
see if you are applicable for a green card.
However, becoming a ​citizen​ might take longer.
The difference is being a resident means to legally live or work in the country.
Being a citizen means you legally belong to the country.
The road to citizenship involves certain requirements including:
● “At least 18 years old when you apply”
● “Able to read, write, and speak basic English”
● “A person of good moral character”
● Owning a green card for more than 5 years or 3 (if you’ve married a citizen.)
Then ends with filling out forms and having interviews.
It’s important to have a residency as an immigrant to avoid risks of being detained and to
experience a lack of your own civil rights.

Immigrant rights is still a developing concept to many as the amount of situations

including the proposal grows. These situations mostly are actions that violate said rights.
For example, ICE raids of families and workplaces of migrants and the “Inhumane”
detention centers that have over 2,000+ children that already deal with court proceedings
of being an immigrant. To avoid any conflict, with struggle, immigrants aim for
residency and/or citizenship in the United States. This activity may upset the morals of
many, even so, the number of these incidents increase over the months and years.
Politicians acknowledge the issue and name their plan of action, each year a little over a
million immigrants come to the U.S already wary of the outcome of their own plan of
Millions have spent years unsure of what the future holds for the rights of migrants, yet,
Millions still go unheard by authorities, sure of what ​they​ want to do for migrants in the

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