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Nama:Nazhifa Denia Afriandi


It was early winter and Bear grumbled as he walked through the woods. At the edge of the
great pond, he saw Turtle with her ugly head sticking out of the ice.
‘Hey,’ shouted Bear, not even giving Turtle a greeting. ‘What are you looking at, Slow One?’
Turtle looked at Bear, ‘Why do you call me Slow One?’
‘You’re the slowest animal in the world,’ Bear snorted.
‘Oh, yeah? Would you like to have a race with me?’ Turtle answered politely.
‘What?’ Bear couldn’t believe his ears. ‘I would leave you far behind, stupid?’
‘My friend,’ Turtle said kindly. ‘Let’s race to see who is the faster.’
‘You must be out of your mind,’ Bear shouted. ‘Where will we race?’
‘Here, along the pond,’ Turtle answered. ‘You will run on the bank and I’ll swim under the
ice. I’ll make holes along the pond to stick my head out.’
Bear did not believe it but he was ready the next morning. Many of the other animals came
along the bank to watch the race. Turtle’s head popped out of the hole in the ice at the starting
line. ‘Bear,’ she said. ‘I’m ready, my friend.’
Bear walked forward as Turtle’s head was already there. Bear was astonished and rushed
forward and jumped faster. He was still far from the third hole when he saw Turtle’s head.
‘Here, I am, my friend,’ Turtle called. ‘Catch up to me.’ Bear began to be angry, gathered all
is strength, and jumped even faster and faster. But Turtle was always ahead of him.
When Bear finally reached the finish line, he was barely able to crawl. And Turtle was
waiting for him, surrounded by all the other animals.
Bear went home, disgraced. From now on, he would not repeat his mistake. Meanwhile, as
everyone left, Turtle tapped on the ice. A dozen ugly heads popped out of the ice along the edge of
the pond. ‘Sisters, brothers, and cousins,’ she said. ‘I wish to thank you for your cooperation. Today
we have shown Bear that it doesn’t pay to call other people names. We have shown him that
Turtles are not the slowest animals in the world.’

1. When was the story taking place?

a. early winter d. early autumn
b. early spring e. early fall
c. early summer
2. In the race, there were ……………
a. one bear and one turtle d. many turtles ad many bears
b. one bear and many turtles e. three turtles and one bear
c. one turtle and many bears
3. In the story, Bear was a/an ……………. character.
a. kind d. arrogant
b. polite e. nice
c. friendly
4. Turtle could win the race because she was ……………
a. small d. fast
b. ugly e. slow
c. smart
5. If Bear ran faster, he would ……………
a. still lose the race d. save his face
b. win the race e. run after the turtles
c. be helped by other animals
6. Bear would have won the race if ……………
a. the race had been on land only d. there had been many more turtles
b. there had been many more bears e. there had been many more animals
c. the race had been on the ice only
7. From the story we know that ……………
a. bears have many helpful friends d. turtles are fast runners
b. bears are slow runners e. bear can beat the turtles
c. turtles have good cooperation
8. A good title for the story would be ……………
a. Ice in Winter d. Animals in the Woods
b. Ugly Head e. Bear and Turtles
c. The swimmer
9. From the story we know that ……………
a. people have different opinion d. it is unwise to undermine someone
b. one must run faster to win a race e. the turtles are smarter than the bears
c. there are many stupid animals in the world
10. It was early winter and Bear grumbled as he walked through the woods.
The underlined word has the following meanings except ……………
a. make a low rumbling sound d. mummer in discontent
b. clear in speech e. complain in annoyed way
c. protest in a bad-tempered but typically muted

The Man Who Could Turn Back the Clock

Adapted from a story by Ralph Milne Farley
Once upon a time, there was a man who had the power to turn back the clock. Whenever he
regretted something he had done or said, he could repeated the event in the light of experience.
Now, one day, it happened that this man was out for a walk when it started to rain, so he
took shelter in a barn. After a few minutes, the man was joined by a very beautiful young lady and
her dog, who were also seeking shelter. The downpour lasted about an hour.
The man went home to his wife and told her why he was late. Immediately, his wife was
suspicious of her husband’s behavior with the young lady. She questioned him about what had
happened. The man replied in surprised and hurt voice: ‘Why? Nothing happened. I was a perfect
gentleman. What do you expect? Especially when she had such a large dog with her.’
His wife was furious; ‘What? Only the dog stopped you?’
‘The man realized his mistake and immediately he turned the clock back a few minutes and
tried the conversation again. This time when his wife expressed her suspicion, he said, ‘It’s true the
girl was very beautiful and she seemed to like me. But my deep love for you gave me strength to
resist temptation.’
However, his wife was even more furious: What? You wanted to kiss her? An immoral
thought is as bad as an immoral deed.’
The man spent long time thinking. There must be way to please his wife!
Finally he turned the clock back again a few minutes. Once more his wife asked how he had
behaved with the young lady. But his time he replied: ‘What? She wasn’t beautiful, she was ugly!
I’m a man with good taste, which is why I married you, my darling!’
When she heard this, his wife, who in fact was rather unattractive, flung her arms around his
neck and cried, ‘I love you.’
11. The second story above is called ……………
a. recount d. fairy tale
b. narrative e. legend
c. fable
12. When did the story occurred?
a. once upon time d. in the winter
b. one day e. in rainy season
c. in the past
13. What was the man especially capable of?
a. power of turning back the time d. repeating his experience
b. regretting something e. turning the back of the clock
c. repeating his words
14. The setting place of the second paragraph is ……………
a. in the man’s home d. in the rain
b. in a barn e. unclear
c. in the street
15. The crisis arises in the paragraph ……………
a. 1 d. 4
b. 2 e. 5
c. 3
16. How many times did he turn the time back in respond to his wife on the experience in the barn?
a. 1 d. 4
b. 2 e. 5
c. 3
17. What was the man’s intention when he turned the clock for the second time?
a. to explain to his wife that it had really been a heavy rain
b. to explain to his wife that he had not tempted the young girl
c. to explain to his wife that the young lady had been ugly
d. to explain to his wife that he had not done anything
e. to explain to his wife that he wanted to kiss the young lady
18. The downpour lasted about an hour.
The synonym of the underlined word is ……………
a. shelter d. situation
b. barn e. rainfall
c. moment
19. However, his wife was even more furious
Furious is closest in meaning with the following except ……………
a. violent anger d. fierce
b. extremely angry e. wrong-treated
c. wild rage
20. The sentences are mostly written in……………
a. past tense d. simple present
b. present tense e. present perfect
c. simple past

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