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With practical illustration from the Cameroonian context, validate

The assertion that that politics is associated such imperative such as

Decision making

Conflict resolutions

The exercise of power

Civil disobedience






Politics according to prof. Nnoli Okwudiba can be defined as activities at the
level of the state that are directly or indirectly associated with the seizure of state
power, the consolidation of state power and the use of state power. Politics is
often associated with many activities such as decision making, conflict resolution,
the exercise of power and civil disobedience. Our focus of study is based on
politics Cameroon. In the Cameroonian context, the country has a Centralized
system of government. This government is often associated with decision making,
conflict resolution, exercise power and civil disobedience. The paragraphs below
seek to explain each of the above listed phenomenons.

Politics and Decision making

Politics and decision making is regarded as the cognitive process resulting in

the selection of belief or a cause of actions amongst several alternative
possibilities. In a state like Cameroon, several organs do engaged in decision
making within different denominations. The government which is made upon the
president and his cabinet members often engaged in decision making that helps
to govern the state. The government which is made up of several politicians often
takes decisions that often suit their political objectives and guarantee their stay in
power. The Head of State often signed decree which every citizen within the state
has to respect. For instance, the recent decision taken by the Head of
Government announcing the temporal lockdown due to the COVID19 pandemic.
Secondly, the recent decree signed by the Head of State announcing the
construction of the deep seaport in Limbe. Thirdly, the degree signed by the
Secretary General of the

Republic, cancelling the National Day celebration in Cameroon. All these decrees
exhibit the power of decision making in politics. Thus, politics is associated with
decision making.

Politics and Conflict Resolution.

Conflict resolution is conceptualized as the methods and processes involved

in facilitating a peaceful ending of conflicts and retribution. Conflict resolution
cannot operate without involving politics. For instance, the National Dialogue
which took place from the 30th of September to the 04th of October 2019 in
Cameroon was aimed at resolving conflict within the country. These conflicts
especially the one in the Northwest and Southwest regions, could not be settled
without political decision been taken. Thus one can say that politics is involved in
conflict resolution.

Politics and the existence of power.

In every state, there is the existence of power. Both the President of the
state and Arch Bishop of the Catholic Church do exhibit power and influence over
their followers. But the difference comes in no how the two authorities enforce
their decisions. The president of the state uses the forces of law and order to
ensure that his decisions are been respected by all. While the arch bishop of the
church does not have any military to enforce his decisions. These political tycoons
have the military at their disposal to make sure that the decision taken is
respected by all. For example, when the Prime Minister made the wearing of face
mask compulsory to all Cameroonians, the military were charged to ensure that
everybody put on the face mask. Therefore, politics is associated with the
existence of power.

Politics and civil Disobedience.

Civil disobedience is the active, professed refusal of a citizen to obey certain

laws, demands, orders or commands of a government. Politics is associated with
civil disobedience. This can be seen in a case where citizens are called upon to
defend a case without following due procedure. In very political entity, the
government is always faced with civil disobedience from her citizens. For
instance, using the measures to fight the COVID19 pandemic in Cameroon, the
government ordered the use of face mask compulsory, but since some citizens are
stubborn, people turned to ignore these measures put in place by the
government. Secondly, political civil disobedience from Barrister Agbor Balla, as
he refused to answer the invitation of the Vice Chancellor of the University of
Buea on why he set a question on the Anglophone crises in Cameroon. Therefore,
one can say that, politics is associated with civil disobedience.
From the above analysis, we can come to a compromise that politics in itself
is associated with decision making, conflict resolution, the existence of power and
civil disobedience.

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