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Classification of Military regimes.

1) Personal rule.

This is a rule which is not common and does not last for long. It requires a skilled leader. Such a leader
rules like a dictator with force. Such a ruler rules without the cooperation of civilians .one characteristics
of personal rule is that it does not last for long . It's a short


2) Military Authoritarianism.

It is almost like personal rule but the difference is that it does not rely on a strong individual. It usually
takes place when civilians do not relate with the military or when civilians oppose the military or that
civilian political structures are weak and the military cannot rely on them.

3) Limited democracy.

It does not imply that elections are a mere formality but that there can be also genuine competition and
that there can also be relative legislature. It usually happens in countries that have experienced pluralist
politics. It should also be noted that such a country has also experienced socio-economic changes since
military intervention and this changes have produced new pressures for democracy. It may also happen
when the military is searching for a wider base and more secure base. It may also happen when the
military thinks of establishing a final phase or stage before the restoration of civilian rule especially
when democracy has gained credibility in a way that the military cannot avoid such a situation had
happened in Brazil or that the military want to satisfy public agitators such as the situation of Indonesia.
They will not allow the public to question their reason for being in power.

4) Civil Military Authoritarianism.

This one take place with greater interdependence between the military and civilian elites can encourage
by division within the military or by the low professionalization of the military or that the military cannot
easily dislodge or powerful civilian bases, powerful civilian cases. In such cases too there is expected to
be military incoherence or discontinuity and instability

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