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© 2017 International Journal Of Nursing and Midwifery

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e-ISSN : 2597-9345



Eka Nur So’emah*, Agus Haryanto**, Amar Akbar***

*Lecturer at Bina Sehat PPNI Institute Of Health Science.

Hypertension is the most common disease found in the community. It does not
only degrade the quality of life, but it can be life-threatening. Hypertension is
known as a heterogeneous group of disease because it can affect anyone from
different age groups and various economic classes. There are two therapies for
hypertension, i.e., pharmacology and pharmacology. One of non-pharmacology
therapy is doing ergonomic gymnastics. The purpose of this research was to see
the effect of ergonomic gymnastics to blood pressure on people with hypertension
in Sumber Agung Village, Jatirejo Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency.
This research method used one group pre-test - post-test design. Sampling Gymnastics,
technique used was purposive sampling, with a population of hypertension patient Blood
in Sumber Agung Village, Jatirejo Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency and sample Pressure,
number of 20 respondents in the treatment group, and 20 respondents in control Lipid Profile,
group according to criteria. Data collection used ordinal scale and instrument used Hypertension.
was observation sheet. analysis using statistical test Paired T-test and Independent
T-test SPSS 17 got result p-value 0,00 <0,05
Ergonomic gymnastics was one of effective therapy, easy to do and useful.
Because ergonomic gymnastics could make the body relaxed and blood vessels
become vasodilated so that the blood flow and oxygen supply becomes smooth.

Inte rna tiona l J ourna l Of Nurs ing a nd Midwife ry , V o l u m e 1 , I ssu e 1 , May - Au g u s t 2017
BACKGROUND achievement of "pain-free movement" through
Hypertension is the most common disease the liberation of nerve irritation and
found in the community, and in recent years improvement of nerve flexibility, preventing
there has been an increased prevalence of static loading, normalization of nerve
hypertension. Hypertension is known as a microcirculation, postural correction, joint
heterogeneous group of disease (Indrayani, mobilization, soft tissue. Also, ergonomic
2009). The shifting pattern of people's lives exercise can increase oxygen supply
that increasingly consume foods containing fat throughout the body so that blood pressure can
causes the occurrence of atherosclerosis to be controlled (Madyo W., 2010).
increase (Ardiansyah, 2012). Lack of physical
activity also increases the risk of
atherosclerosis. Prevalence of hypertension according to WHO
(2011), it is estimated that 40% of developing
Hypertension is defined as systolic blood countries have hypertensive patients, while in
pressure ≥140 mmHg and diastolic blood developed countries 35% and Southeast Asia
pressure ≥90 mmHg. High blood pressure is estimated 36% of the population suffers from
associated with an increased risk of stroke, hypertension (Widiyani, 2013). Results of
myocardial infarction, heart failure, renal Household Health Survey (SKRT), 26.4% and
failure. Systolic blood pressure above 115 27.5% in 2001 and 2004. Furthermore, it is
mmHg is the most important determinant of estimated to increase again to 37% by 2015 and
the risk of death worldwide, responsible for 7.6 42% by 2025. Basic Health Research Results
million cardiovascular deaths annually. From (Riskesdas) 2007 performed in Indonesia
1960 to 1991, blood pressure decreased in the showed that the highest proportion of deaths
United States, and After the first ten years of were non-communicable diseases, i.e.,
this interval, the rate of cardiovascular death cardiovascular disease (31.9%) including
decreased. However, from 1990 to 2002 blood hypertension (6.8%) and stroke (15.4%). Data
pressure increased due to a healthy dietary from East Java 2011 health office showed
pattern decreased during this period and the 287,724 patients suffered hypertension of
prevalence of obesity continued to increase 37,687,622 residents of East Java.
(Sacks & Campos, 2010).
While the year 2012 data DHO kab. Mojokerto
Clients with hypertension should perform total hypertension 34,529 patients from
physical activities such as exercise and be 1,123,239 inhabitants of Mojokerto, while the
included as a hypertension management highest number of hypertension events in 2014
program (Beveers, 2008). One of them is is 1494 patients, in Jatirejo sub-district,
gymnastics / ergonomic exercise. This Mojokerto district. This is the main challenge
ergonomic gymnastics can be applied anytime of future health problems where the prevalence
and anywhere. This exercise can help reduce of hypertension in Indonesia has increased
the symptoms of hypertension, such as a from year to year.
headache, the strain of the eyes, neck, back and
waist, shoulders, and pain in the wrist. One of
the goals of ergonomic exercise is the
Inte rna tiona l J ourna l Of Nurs ing a nd Midwife ry , V o l u m e 1 , I ssu e 1 , May - Au g u s t 2017
According to research conducted by Wati, diet and lifestyle, limit the consumption of salt,
Fajriyah and Atabaki (2013) on the weight control, not consuming alcohol, stress
effectiveness of healthy heart gymnastics and counseling, potassium supplements, and
ergonomic gymnastics on blood pressure drop perform regular exercise. Choosing sports such
in hypertensive elderly in Tangkil Kulon as leisurely walks, swimming, treadmills, light
village, Kedungwuni sub-district of exercises that can make a little sweat and do
Pekalongan district, showed that with 20 not exert a weary effect on the body but the
samples there is a difference in effectiveness application remains optimal (Beevers, 2002).
between healthy heart gymnastics with In addition to exercise the Mediterranean diet
ergonomic gymnastics to decrease systolic and or dietary diets of the DASH model is very well
diastolic blood pressure in elderly associated with the MHO model diet and the
hypertension. The mean value of systolic blood MONW phenotype, it is proved that potential
pressure reduction with ergonomic gymnastics dietary interventions prevent cardiometabolic
of 8.73 mmHg and heart-healthy gymnast is disease in several different age groups (Park et
23.60 mmHg, and the mean value of diastolic al., 2016).
blood pressure drop with ergonomic gymnast
is 4,80 mmHg, and heart-healthy gymnast is Madyo Wratsongko MM, ergonomic
13,66 mmHg. gymnastics creator, from Indonesian
Ergonomic Gym and Health Care, this
Meanwhile, based on the preliminary study on gymnastics is useful to prevent and cure
April 6, 2017, in Sumber Agung village which various diseases. To obtain satisfactory results,
is the working area of UPT Puskesmas Jatirejo. it would be better if the exercises are done
Obtained data, hypertension patients who do continuously, at least 2-3 times a week ± 20
pharmacology treatment as much as 41 patients minutes if all movements are done perfectly.
during January with total visits 369 and in The benefits obtained by doing ergonomic
February as much as 33 patients total visit 307 exercises such as movement, activate the
patients. Patients always do pharmacological function of organs, generate biolistrik in the
treatment, but sometimes patients visit if only body and launch enough oxygen circulation in
have complaints and treatment is not done the body so that the body will feel fresh and
continuously and continues, other than that the energy increases, healing various diseases that
patient who came is not aware of ergonomic attack the spine, help cure sinusitis and asthma,
gymnastics methods. increase endurance, control high blood
pressure, increase bone elasticity, help cure
Many healing efforts either pharmacological or migraine disease, vertigo, dizziness, nausea,
non-pharmacological therapy. help overcome bowel problems, strengthen
Pharmacological treatments, for example, use waist muscles, kidneys, etc. (Sagiran, 2012) .
drugs such as thiazide diuretics, beta blockers, Based on the description above obtained the
calcium channel inhibitors, ACE inhibitors, formulation of the problem is "Is there an
alpha blockers, centrally acting drugs, influence of ergonomic gymnastics to blood
angiotensin receptor antagonists. While non- pressure and lipid profile in patients with
pharmacological treatments such as, changing

Inte rna tiona l J ourna l Of Nurs ing a nd Midwife ry , V o l u m e 1 , I ssu e 1 , May - Au g u s t 2017
hypertension in Sumber Agung Village Kec. RESULTS
Jatirejo Kab. Mojokerto? "
Table 1
Distribution of Respondents Based on Age,
Sex, Smoking, Genetic, Hypertension Drug
A. General Purpose Consumption, Diet High Salt In Sumber
Identify the influence of ergonomic Agung Village Kec. Jatirejo Kab.
gymnastics on blood pressure and lipid profile Mojokerto Year 2017 (n = 40)
in hypertensive patients.

B. Specific Purpose
1. To Identify blood pressure before and after
ergonomic gymnastics in hypertensive
patients in Sumber Agung Village Jatirejo
2. To Identify lipid profiles before and after
ergonomic exercise in hypertensive
Based on table 1 respondents by age in the
patients in Sumber Agung Village Jatirejo treatment group most of the respondents based
on the age of the elderly group of 11
3. To analyze the difference of ergonomic
respondents (55%). While in the control group
gymnastics effect on blood pressure in
most of the respondents based on the age of the
treatment group and control group of
early elderly group as many as nine
hypertension patient in Sumber Agung
respondents (45%). Respondents by sex in the
Village, Jatirejo District.
treatment group were mostly male respondents
4. To analyze the difference of ergonomic
were 15 respondents (75%). While in the
gymnastics effect on the lipid profile in the control group most of the respondents were
treatment group and control group of
male as 17 respondents (85%). Respondents
hypertension patients in Sumber Agung
based on smoking habit in the treatment group
Village, Jatirejo District.
most of the respondents had the habit of
smoking as much as 14 respondents (70%).
The research design used was pre-post While in the control group most have a
experimental design, said pre-experimental smoking habit as much as 16 respondents
design. In this study the population of all (80%). Respondents based on genetic factors
hypertensive patients in the village of Sumber in treatment group most of the respondents had
Agung Jatirejo District Mojokerto regency as a history of 16 respondents (80%). While in the
many as 40 respondents. control group most of the respondents have a
Analysis using statistical test Paired T-test and history of descent that is as many as 14
Independent T-test. respondents (70%). Respondents based on high
salt diet habits in treatment group most of the
respondents did not diet high salt as much as
12 respondents (60%). While in the control
Inte rna tiona l J ourna l Of Nurs ing a nd Midwife ry , V o l u m e 1 , I ssu e 1 , May - Au g u s t 2017
group most respondents high salt diet 12
respondents (60%).

Table 2 Table 3
Analysis of changes in blood pressure before Analysis of lipid profile changes before and
and after doing ergonomic exercise in after doing ergonomic exercises in people
people with hypertension with hypertension

Based on Table 2 it is known that in the

treatment group at the highest pre-test is the Based on table 3 it is known that in the
value of Sytole 179 mmHg and Diastole value treatment group at the time of the highest pre-
is 109 mmHg. At the highest post-test, the test was 314 mg/dl. At the time of the highest
Systole value is 150 mmHg, and Diastole value post-test is 239 mg/dl. In the treatment group,
is 80 mmHg. In the treatment group, most of most of the respondents had decreased lipid
the respondents experienced a decrease in profile; the mean decrease was Mean 33.25
blood pressure, the mean decrease was Mean mg/dl.
Systole 33.65 mmHg and Mean Diastole 19.55 In the control group at the time of the highest
mmHg. pre-test was 287 mg/dl. At the time of the
In the control group at the highest pre-test was highest post-test is 287 mg/dl. In the control
Systole 176 and diastole 130 mmHg. At the group, the majority of respondents did not
time of the highest post-test is the value of 170 experience a decrease in lipid profile, only five
mmHg Systole and Diastole value is 130 respondents had decreased lipid profile, the
mmHg. In the control group most of the mean decrease was Mean 1.7 mg/dl. Based on
respondents did not experience a drop in blood the results of different test data analysis using
pressure, only four respondents who Paired T-test with SPSS 17 obtained results p-
experienced a decrease in blood pressure, value 0.00 <0.05 which means H0 rejected, so
mean decrease was Mean Systole 3.05 and there is ergonomic gym effect on lipid profile
Mean Diastole 2.85. Based on this it can be of hypertension patients.
seen that there is a meaningful difference in the
control group, which in this control group has
lower mean blood pressure than the treatment

Inte rna tiona l J ourna l Of Nurs ing a nd Midwife ry , V o l u m e 1 , I ssu e 1 , May - Au g u s t 2017
Table 4 Based on Table 2 it is known that blood
Analysis of changes in blood pressure before pressure in the treatment group before given
and after doing ergonomic exercise in the ergonomic gymnastics intervention, most
treatment group and control group of respondents have Blood Pressure mean value
hypertension patients... with systole 162,1 mmHg and diastole 96,7
mmHg. While in the control group before
ergonomic gymnastics intervention, most
respondents had mean Blood Pressure value
with 157.7 mmHg systole and 97.8 mmHg
diastole. Hypertension is not only caused by a
single factor, but a variety of factors can be the
originator of the occurrence of hypertension
such as disease complications, lifestyle,
Based on table 4 it is known that the results of descent as described earlier. The data obtained
different test data analysis using Independent by each respondent vary due to factors
T-test with SPSS 17 obtained results p-value affecting blood pressure and the cause of
0.00 <0.05 which means H0 rejected, so there hypertension among individuals of different
is an ergonomic gym effect on blood pressure factors. This ensures a more accurate
in patients with hypertension. interpretation of blood pressure measurements
(Marliani, 2007).
Table 5
Analysis of lipid profile changes before and The first factor that can affect the incidence of
after performing ergonomic exercise in the hypertension is age. The normal value of blood
treatment group and control group of pressure varies throughout life and will
hypertension continue to vary from one beat to another. The
normal standard for teens and adults is 120/80
mmHg. The incidence of hypertension
increases at age 35 and above. This is because
the arteries are harder and less flexible to the
blood. This increases systolic pressure.
Based on Table 5.9 it is known that the results Diastolic pressure also increases as blood
of different test data analysis using vessel walls are no longer flexibly retracted at
Independent T-test with SPSS 17 obtained a decrease in blood pressure.
results p-value 0.00 <0.05 which means H0
rejected, so there is ergonomic gymnastics The second factor is gender; clinically there is
effect on lipid profile of hypertensive patients. no significant difference between men and
women. However, after menopause women
DISCUSSION tend to have high blood pressure than men
1. Analysis of changes in blood pressure (Perry & Potter, 2005). Men in the general
before and after doing ergonomic population have the highest diastolic rate in
exercise in people with hypertension their blood pressure compared to women.

Inte rna tiona l J ourna l Of Nurs ing a nd Midwife ry , V o l u m e 1 , I ssu e 1 , May - Au g u s t 2017
Although men have the highest incidence has reached the brain. The brain will react to
hypertension in men and women can cause nicotine into the brain by signaling the adrenal
stroke, left ventricular enlargement, and gland to release epinephrine (adrenaline). This
kidney dysfunction. The reason for the powerful hormone will react to constrict the
difference in blood pressure by sex is unknown blood vessels, as the blood vessels of the brain
but is being investigated by several narrow it will force the heart to work heavier
laboratories. Estrogen has been believed but because of higher pressure. If the pumping of
has not been proven to lower blood pressure in the heart is strong enough, and the narrowing
young women. From the blood pressure of blood vessels in the brain due to epinephrine
fluctuation data during life brings support to reactions is also quite strong, it will happen
the hypothesis. However, the incidence is blood vessels of the brain to break; this will
related to changes in blood pressure from all cause stoke. Smoking will harm the blood
life to the smallest level of endogenous cells. vessel walls and accelerate the formation of
atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). So,
The third factor is heredity, based on the results although it does not increase blood pressure
of the study as many as 13 respondents (65%), directly, smoking is the very bad effect on
have a history of hypertension, genetically everyone especially those who already have
hypertensive disease has a significant high blood disease (hypertension). From
relationship with the genes trigger various studies that have been done, smoking
hypertension contained in the human behavior is known to give the impact of the
chromosome. Although hypertension genes metabolic shift in the form of growth hormone
have not been accurately identified genetic release and add fatty acid, glycerol and lactate,
factors in humans may affect the renin- resulting in decreased HDL (high density lipid)
angiotensin-aldosterone system (Ridwan M., cholesterol, increase LDL (low-density lipid)
2009). This states that if the parents experience cholesterol and triglyceride, also acts as a
hypertension, then the child is likely to have trigger for increased insulin resistance as well
hypertension due to genetic traits inherited to as hypersulinemia which further leads to heart
offspring. defects, blood vessels, and hypertension and
increases the risk of coronary heart disease or
The fourth factor was smokers, some cardiac death (Sani, 1994, in sianturi, 2004).
respondents in the treatment group or control
group had a smoking habit. As many as 14
respondents (70%) in the treatment group and The next factor is high salt diits, Excess salt
as many as 16 respondents (80%) in the control intake can increase arterial vascular
group. This suggests that nicotine in your constriction, so this can increase blood
tobacco is the cause of increased blood pressure. Salt consumption is allowed if less
pressure soon after the first suction. Like other than 5 grams, about one teaspoon (Beevers,
chemicals, in nicotine cigarette smoke will be 2005). If you consume more than 5.8 grams of
absorbed by the tiny blood vessels in the lungs, salt per day, this can increase your blood
then circulated throughout the body through pressure. If we can reduce 1.8 grams per day
the bloodstream. Within seconds the nicotine alone, it can lower systolic blood pressure by 4

Inte rna tiona l J ourna l Of Nurs ing a nd Midwife ry , V o l u m e 1 , I ssu e 1 , May - Au g u s t 2017
mmHg and diastolic 2mmHg (Ridwan M., movement contains tremendous benefits in
2009). Consumption of excessive salt and maintaining fitness, can launch blood flow
takes place daily will have a direct impact on because all the blood vessels will experience
the body because what we consume must be vasodilatation. Therefore after doing
processed by the digestive system is absorbed ergonomic gymnastics appropriately and done
and flowed throughout the body by blood routinely every respondent will have good
vessels. If high salt levels in the body will body resistance and prime hence can influence
result in narrowing of blood vessels and this is blood pressure. Not only quality and quantity
what makes the workload of jatung will in doing ergonomic gymnastics, after given
increase and there is high blood pressure or treatment, need to improve healthy lifestyle in
hypertension. The association between the order to keep control of his blood pressure,
Dietary Approach to stop hypertension from which blood pressure can decrease.
(DASH) -the diet diet and the development of
metabolic syndrome (MetS) in 424 children From the above discussion, based on the
and adolescents. CI OR and 95% developed characteristics of sex, hereditary history, and
MetS at the highest, compared with the lowest, salt intake strongly support the occurrence of
quartile DASH score was 0.36 (0.14-0.94). hypertension, to change the lifestyle to be more
(Larsson, Wallin, & Wolk, 2016) qualified as consuming the food we need will
be better than consuming the food we want.
After the treatment was given, all respondents This is done so that we can control blood
in the treatment group experienced a decrease pressure and no further complications occur.
in blood pressure. Based on the results of the This is in accordance with the research of
study and presented in Table 5.6 it can be seen Prime, RM (2014) about the effectiveness of
that after intervention the mean value is 128.4 ergonomic gymnastics with low impact
/ 77.15 mmHg, while the median value is 127.5 aerobic gymnastics on blood pressure level in
/ 80 mmHg, and the mode value is 120/80 elderly hypertension that is the result of
mmHg. Based on existing theory there are research indicate there is a difference of
various factors that influence blood pressure, influence of ergonomic gymnastics and low
as described above? And measures to lower impact aerobic to blood pressure level of
blood pressure are pharmacology and sistole and diastole at elderly hypertension ,
nonpharmacology. One of these non- and the most effective effect is ergonomic
pharmacological treatments is to exercise like gymnastics on the pressure of systole and low
ergonomic exercise. This ergonomic impact aerobic gymnastics on diastole
gymnastics can smooth the blood circulation, pressure. It is recommended for elderly to be
oxygen supply throughout the body and can more active to follow ergonomic gymnastics or
achieve maximum relaxation so that it can low impact aerobic so that blood pressure can
affect blood pressure (Madyo W., 2010). This be stable.
ergonomic gymnastics consists of 5 basic
movements namely chest movement,
submissive gratitude, sitting mighty, and
sitting burning and lying down resigned. Each

Inte rna tiona l J ourna l Of Nurs ing a nd Midwife ry , V o l u m e 1 , I ssu e 1 , May - Au g u s t 2017
2. Analysis of lipid profile change before intake affects the blood lipid profile that plays
and after doing ergonomic gymnastic on a role in the decline in HDL cholesterol levels.
hypertension patient in Sumber Agung Exercise accompanied by dietary changes has
village Jatirejo sub-district Mojokerto been shown to improve the profile of
regency lipoproteins, including HDL cholesterol.
Based on Table 5 it is known that lipid profiles
in the treatment group before being given Age factor of the respondent itself where total
ergonomic gymnastics interventions, most of cholesterol in elderly is higher than cholesterol
the respondents have a mean value of 227.25 at a young age. According to research
mg / dl. The mode value is 223 mg / dl. Median conducted by Faisal baraas (1999) and
value 229 mg / dl. In the control group, most Listiana, Purbosari (2006) explained that at an
respondents had mean values of 212.25 mg / aging age, total cholesterol is higher levels.
dl. The mode value is 236 mg / dl. Median This suggests that age can affect a person's
value 224 mg / dl. total cholesterol level. Older age total
cholesterol is relatively higher than total
Based on Table 5 it is known that lipid profiles cholesterol at a young age; this is because the
in the treatment group after ergonomic older an individual LDL receptor activity may
gymnastics interventions given, most be less. These receptor cells act as cholesterol
respondents have mean value 194 mg / dl. The circulatory hemostasis in the blood and are
mode value is 200 mg / dl. Median value 200 present in the liver, gonadal glands and adrenal
mg / dl. With an average difference of 33.25 glands. If this receptor cell is disturbed, then
mg / dl. In the control group, most respondents the cholesterol will increase in the blood
had mean values of 210.55 mg / dl. The mode circulation. In addition, in the elderly are often
value is 236 mg / dl. The median value was found abnormalities of narrowing of the blood
223.5 mg / dl. With an average difference of vessels of the heart, this is closely related to
1.7 mg / dl. changes that occur in the walls of blood
vessels, such as arteries that are likely to shrink
Many factors that can cause research results gradually over long periods. The amount of fat
one of them is the lifestyle of research samples that exists in old age is more likely to drain
that can not be controlled by researchers, than young age. At an older age, physical
including daily physical activity and eating activity tends to decrease or lack of exercise,
patterns of the sample. Increased levels of whereas to maintain normal cholesterol levels
HDL cholesterol are directly proportional to in women requires at least 1500-1700 calories
the intensity and frequency of exercise in a of fat burned a day, while in men it takes up to
matter of weeks. elevated levels of HDL 2000-2500 calories of fat burned a day. With
cholesterol and regular physical exercise In physical activity and less exercise possible in
contrast to previous research conducted by old age, cholesterol is not able to experience
Rattu and Rampengan in Manado, HDL the process of metabolism and combustion is
cholesterol levels increased significantly after perfect, in this case, the cholesterol that is
exercise. This study maintains a diet low in accumulating in the blood vessels. The amount
saturated fat during exercise. Solid saturated of fat in young adult men generally ranges

Inte rna tiona l J ourna l Of Nurs ing a nd Midwife ry , V o l u m e 1 , I ssu e 1 , May - Au g u s t 2017
from 15-20% of total body weight and 20-25% SPSS 17 got result p-value 0,00 <0,05 for
in women. Usually, the amount of fat in the systolic blood pressure and diastolic, meaning
body tends to increase with increasing age. there is a significant difference to systolic and
diastolic blood pressure change in
Other factors that support no effect of this hypertension patient. Thus it can be concluded
elderly gymnastics are possible lifestyle by the that ergonomic gymnastics is effective in
subjects among other foods that are consumed lowering blood pressure for the elderly. It is
by subjects that can not be controlled by recommended that ergonomic gymnastics is
researchers and subjects daily activities. Other applied as an alternative to lowering
habits such as smoking accompanied by hypertensive elderly blood pressure and can be
drinking coffee, this habit is also made by the one of the nursing orders. In accordance with
subject of research. This habit is very common previous research by Novia Putri Ningsih 2015
in men who get older even though it started on "Influence of Ergonomic Gymnastics
since youth but the effects of all that new look Against Blood Pressure of Elderly
at the increasingly twilight age. Cigarettes can Hypertension at Elderly Posyandu Father-
lower levels of HDL cholesterol around 4.5- Mother of Andalas Puskesmas Working Area"
6% as a result of higher LDL cholesterol levels, stated that ergonomic gymnastics effective in
and this affects the total cholesterol levels are lowering blood pressure for elderly.
relatively higher too. In women who enter
menopause, cholesterol levels in the blood tend While in the control group, did not show
to increase this is because the hormone significant changes in blood pressure decrease.
estrogen is not formed. This estrogen hormone This is influenced factor because in the process
is thought to have a protective effect on of collecting data control group is not given
atherosclerosis that can bind cholesterol in the assistance in the implementation of ergonomic
blood. Uncontrolled diets are also another gymnastics. So it can not be ascertained
contributing factor; this is because at an aging whether the control group performed all stages
age the food they consume is poorly of SOP in ergonomic gymnastics. Because
maintained, so it is possible that the cholesterol researchers only provide ergonomic
present in the food has a very high level. gymnastics explanations and mentoring only
once in the research process.
3. Analysis of changes in blood pressure
before and after doing ergonomic 4. Analysis of lipid profile change before
gymnastics in the treatment group and and after doing ergonomic gymnastics
control group of people with on treatment group and control group of
Hypertension in Sumber Agung Village, hypertension patient in Sumber Agung
Jatirejo Sub-district, Mojokerto Village Jatirejo Sub-District Mojokerto
Regency Regency
Based on the statistical test showed that in the Based on statistical test showed that in the
treatment group more showed a decrease in treatment group more showed a decrease in
blood pressure than the treatment group. It is lipid profile compared with treatment group.
proved by the result of Independent T-test with This is evidenced by the results of Independent

Inte rna tiona l J ourna l Of Nurs ing a nd Midwife ry , V o l u m e 1 , I ssu e 1 , May - Au g u s t 2017
T-test with SPSS 17 obtained results p-value especially to lower blood pressure in
0.00 <0.05 which means there is a significant people with hypertension.
difference in lipid profile changes in patients
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