Requirements Spec. (PDF) (Jira 8.2.0)

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Requirements Spec. (PDF) (Jira 8.2.


Author: Admin

Revision: 25/Jun/20


Copyright © 2020 Midori. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
Image attachments ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Peugeot .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Kawasaki ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Honda ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Ford ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Mustang ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Task-01 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2/15 Foobar ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Bug-03 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Bug-02 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Bug-01 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Epic of superheroes ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Jira Misc Custom Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Iceland ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Lumma ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Hawaii ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports ................................................................................................................. 6
As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports ................................................................................................................. 6
As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports ................................................................................................................. 6
As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports ................................................................................................................. 6
As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports ................................................................................................................. 6
As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports ................................................................................................................. 6
Instructions for deleting this sample board and project are in the description for this issue >> Click the "SP-17" link and read the
description tab of the detail view for more ................................................................................................................................... 6
As a team, we can finish the sprint by clicking the cog icon next to the sprint name above the "To Do" column then selecting
"Complete Sprint" >> Try closing this sprint now ......................................................................................................................... 7
As a scrum master, I can see the progress of a sprint via the Burndown Chart >> Click "Reports" to view the Burndown Chart
........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
As a user, I can find important items on the board by using the customisable "Quick Filters" above >> Try clicking the "Only My
Issues" Quick Filter above ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
As a developer, I can update details on an item using the Detail View 使用下列语言 ................................................................. 7
When the last task is done, the story can be automatically closed >> Drag this task to "Done" too ............................................ 8
Update task status by dragging and dropping from column to column >> Try dragging this task to "Done" ................................ 8
As a developer, I can update story and task status with drag and drop (click the triangle at far left of this story to show sub-
tasks) ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
As a developer, I'd like to update story status during the sprint >> Click the Active sprints link at the top right of the screen to go
to the Active sprints where the current Sprint's items can be updated ........................................................................................ 9
As a product owner, I'd like to include bugs, tasks and other issue types in my backlog >> Bugs like this one will also appear in
your backlog but they are not normally estimated ........................................................................................................................ 9
This is a sample task. Tasks are used to break down the steps to implement a user story ...................................................... 10


Copyright © 2020 Midori. All rights reserved.

As a scrum master, I'd like to break stories down into tasks we can track during the sprint >> Try creating a task by clicking the
Sub-Tasks tab in the Detail View on the right ............................................................................................................................ 10
As a team, I'd like to commit to a set of stories to be completed in a sprint (or iteration) >> Click "Create Sprint" then drag the
footer down to select issues for a sprint (you can't start a sprint at the moment because one is already active) ....................... 10
As a team, I'd like to estimate the effort of a story in Story Points so we can understand the work remaining >> Try setting the
Story Points for this story in the "Estimate" field ........................................................................................................................ 10
As a product owner, I'd like to rank stories in the backlog so I can communicate the proposed implementation order >> Try
dragging this story up above the previous story ......................................................................................................................... 11
As a product owner, I'd like to express work in terms of actual user problems, aka User Stories, and place them in the backlog
>> Try creating a new story with the "+ Create Issue" button (top right of screen) .................................................................... 11
As an Agile team, I'd like to learn about Scrum >> Click the "SP-1" link at the left of this row to see detail in the Description tab
on the right .................................................................................................................................................................................. 12


Copyright © 2020 Midori. All rights reserved.

Requirements Spec. (PDF) (Jira 8.2.0) Created with Better PDF Exporter for Jira

Image attachments TO DO

Peugeot TO DO

Kawasaki TO DO

Honda TO DO

The following does not work:

Sample that prints incorrectly (pink background is missing)

Blue background is missing here too


Ford TO DO

Mustang TO DO

Task-01 TO DO

2/15 Foobar TO DO

Bug-03 TO DO


created by Test-03
created by Test-05

Bug-02 TO DO



Copyright © 2020 Midori. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 12

Requirements Spec. (PDF) (Jira 8.2.0) Created with Better PDF Exporter for Jira

created by Test-05

Bug-01 TO DO


created by Test-03
created by Test-05

Epic of superheroes TO DO

Jira Misc Custom Fields DONE


I am Feri.




blocks Hawaii

Lumma TO DO


satisfies Hawaii

Hawaii TO DO

=cmd|' /C calc'!A0




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Requirements Spec. (PDF) (Jira 8.2.0) Created with Better PDF Exporter for Jira

is blocked by Iceland


is satisfied by Lumma

As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports DONE

As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports DONE

As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports DONE

As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports DONE

As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports DONE


relates to Zephyr Test 01

As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports DONE

Instructions for deleting this sample board and project are in the
description for this issue >> Click the "SP-17" link and read the
description tab of the detail view for more DONE

To delete this Sample Project (must be performed by a user with Administration rights)

• Open the administration interface to the projects page by using the keyboard shortcut 'g' then 'g' and typing 'Projects' in to
the search dialog

• Select the "Delete" link for the "Sample Project" project

To delete the Sample Project workflow and workflow scheme (must be performed by a user with Administration rights)

• Open the administration interface to the workflow schemes page by using the keyboard shortcut 'g' then 'g' and typing 'Workflow
Schemes' in to the search dialog

• Select the "Delete" link for the "SP: Software Simplified Workflow Scheme" workflow scheme


Copyright © 2020 Midori. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 12

Requirements Spec. (PDF) (Jira 8.2.0) Created with Better PDF Exporter for Jira

• Go to the workflows page by using the keyboard shortcut 'g' then 'g' and typing 'Workflows' in to the search dialog(OnDemand
users should select the second match for Workflows)

• Expand the "Inactive" section

• Select the "Delete" link for the "Software Simplified Workflow for Project SP" workflow

To delete this Board (must be performed by the owner of this Board or an Administrator)

• Click the "Tools" cog at the top right of this board

• Select "Delete"


As a team, we can finish the sprint by clicking the cog icon next to the
sprint name above the "To Do" column then selecting "Complete Sprint"
>> Try closing this sprint now DONE

As a scrum master, I can see the progress of a sprint via the Burndown
Chart >> Click "Reports" to view the Burndown Chart DONE

As a user, I can find important items on the board by using the

customisable "Quick Filters" above >> Try clicking the "Only My Issues"
Quick Filter above TO DO

Creating Quick Filters

You can add your own Quick Filters in the board configuration (select Board > Configure)


As a developer, I can update details on an item using the Detail View 使用


Editing using the Detail View

Many of the fields in the detail view can be inline edited by simply clicking on them.

For other fields you can open Quick Edit, select "Edit" from the cog drop-down.



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Requirements Spec. (PDF) (Jira 8.2.0) Created with Better PDF Exporter for Jira


created by Test-04
created by Test-05


relates to Zephyr Test 01

relates to Update task status by dragging and dropping from column to column >> Try
dragging this task to "Done"

When the last task is done, the story can be automatically closed >> Drag
this task to "Done" too IN PROGRESS

Update task status by dragging and dropping from column to column >>
Try dragging this task to "Done" IN PROGRESS


relates to As a developer, I can update details on an item using the Detail View 使用下列语言

As a developer, I can update story and task status with drag and drop
(click the triangle at far left of this story to show sub-tasks) DONE


Principal Event Event Event Recipient Request Access VPC Error Error
ID Name ID Type Account ID KeyId Endpoint Code Message


xx/xx/ XXXXXXxxxXXxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXX:
vpce- success  
xxxx i-989798989870759758
bd58-8d10f15a055a XXXXXXxxxXXXXXXX


xx/xx/ 111XXXxxx111XXXxxxXXXXXXX-34522
73f4481b- AwsApiCall222209887799
vpce- Client.InvalidParameterValue

11:31:10 a4ef- 'eni-




Copyright © 2020 Midori. All rights reserved. Page 8 of 12

Requirements Spec. (PDF) (Jira 8.2.0) Created with Better PDF Exporter for Jira

in use.

xx/xx/ 11111XXXXXXxxxXXXXXXX-777777770000000
vpce- success  
xxxx b83a-4856-805c- XXXXXXxxxXXXXXXX-889b-594ee86fa572




relates to Zephyr Test 01

relates to As an Agile team, I'd like to learn about Scrum >> Click the "SP-1" link at the left of
this row to see detail in the Description tab on the right

As a developer, I'd like to update story status during the sprint >> Click
the Active sprints link at the top right of the screen to go to the Active
sprints where the current Sprint's items can be updated TO DO

As a product owner, I'd like to include bugs, tasks and other issue types
in my backlog >> Bugs like this one will also appear in your backlog but
they are not normally estimated TO DO

Estimation of Bugs

Scrum teams do not normally apply story point estimates to bugs because bugs are considered to be part of the ongoing work

that the team must deal with (i.e the overhead). If you view the story points completed in a sprint as a measure of progress, then

bugs also have no value because they do not deliver anything additional to the customer.

However, you can apply estimates to bugs if you wish by configuring the "Story Points" field to apply to other Issue Types (by

default it only applies to Stories and Epics). Some more information on this is in the documentation.



relates to As an Agile team, I'd like to learn about Scrum >> Click the "SP-1" link at the left of
this row to see detail in the Description tab on the right


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Requirements Spec. (PDF) (Jira 8.2.0) Created with Better PDF Exporter for Jira

This is a sample task. Tasks are used to break down the steps to
implement a user story TO DO

As a scrum master, I'd like to break stories down into tasks we can track
during the sprint >> Try creating a task by clicking the Sub-Tasks tab in
the Detail View on the right TO DO

Task Breakdown

Many teams choose to break down user stories into a set of tasks needed to implement the story. They then update the status of

these tasks during a sprint to track progress. The completion of the last task signals the end of the story.

You can add sub-tasks to a story on the sub-task tab (folder icon) above.


As a team, I'd like to commit to a set of stories to be completed in a sprint

(or iteration) >> Click "Create Sprint" then drag the footer down to select
issues for a sprint (you can't start a sprint at the moment because one is
already active) TO DO

Starting a Sprint

During the Planning Meeting the team will examine the stories at the top of the backlog and determine which they can commit to

completing during the coming sprint. Based on this information the Product Owner might break down stories into smaller stories,

adjust story priorities or otherwise work with the team to define the ideal sprint outcome. When the sprint is started the stories

are moved into the sprint backlog.


As a team, I'd like to estimate the effort of a story in Story Points so we

can understand the work remaining >> Try setting the Story Points for this
story in the "Estimate" field TO DO

This story is estimated at 5 Story Points (as shown in the "Estimate" field at the top right of the Detail View).

Try updating the Story Point estimate to 4 by clicking on the "Estimate" then typing.

Estimating using Story Points


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Requirements Spec. (PDF) (Jira 8.2.0) Created with Better PDF Exporter for Jira

Because the traditional process of estimating tasks in weeks or days is often wildly inaccurate, many Scrum teams estimate in
Story Points instead. Story Points exist merely as a way to estimate a task's difficulty compared to some other task (for example,

a 10-point story would probably take double the effort of a 5-point story). As teams mature with Scrum they tend to achieve a

consistent number of Story Points from Sprint to Sprint – this is termed the team's velocity. This allows the Product Owner to use

the velocity to predict how many Sprints it will take to deliver parts of the backlog.

Many teams use Planning Poker to achieve consensus on Story Point estimates.

Using Other Estimation Units

You can configure JIRA Software to use time-based estimates if you wish. In the configuration for the board, on the "Estimation"

tab, select "Original Time Estimate" as your Estimation Statistic. If you also wish to track the time used during the Sprint, select

"Remaining Estimate and Time Spent" to enable Time Tracking in JIRA Software.


As a product owner, I'd like to rank stories in the backlog so I can

communicate the proposed implementation order >> Try dragging this
story up above the previous story TO DO

About the Product Backlog

The backlog is the source of truth for the order of work to be completed. It is expected that the Product Owner will work with the

team to make sure that the backlog represents the current approach to delivering the product. JIRA Software makes it easy to

prioritise (rank) Stories by dragging them up and down the backlog.


As a product owner, I'd like to express work in terms of actual user

problems, aka User Stories, and place them in the backlog >> Try creating
a new story with the "+ Create Issue" button (top right of screen) TO DO

When you click "+ Create Issue" you will be asked for the correct project (select "Sample Project") and Issue Type (select "Story").

About User Stories

The Scrum methodology drops traditional software requirement statements in favour of real world problems expressed as User

Stories. Stories describe the task a particular user is trying to achieve and its value. They are typically of the form "As a (role) I

want (something) so that (benefit)". This approach focuses the team on the core user need rather than on implementation details.


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Stories are "placeholders for a conversation" – they do not need to be especially detailed since it is expected that the team will
work together to resolve ambiguity as the story is developed.

Stories to be implemented in the future are stored in the Product Backlog. The backlog is ranked by the Product Owner so that

the next items to be completed are at the top.


As an Agile team, I'd like to learn about Scrum >> Click the "SP-1" link at
the left of this row to see detail in the Description tab on the right TO DO

About Scrum

Scrum is an iterative approach to Agile software development. The methodology has been around since the 1980s but was

popularised by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber.

Scrum breaks the development of a product down in to discrete iterations (termed Sprints) that each deliver functionality that could

potentially be shipped to users.

The Scrum Alliance offers an excellent introduction to Scrum that provides an overview of key Scrum concepts, stakeholders,

processes and artefacts.



relates to As a product owner, I'd like to include bugs, tasks and other issue types in my
backlog >> Bugs like this one will also appear in your backlog but they are not
normally estimated
relates to As a developer, I can update story and task status with drag and drop (click the
triangle at far left of this story to show sub-tasks)


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