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05/11/2020 1
Relaying applications of traveling
• Transmission line
• Traveling wave
• Bewley Lattice diagram
• Traveling wave relaying
• Differential relaying with phasors
• Fault location

05/11/2020 2
Transmission Line
• A transmission line is a distributed (R,L,C)
parameter circuit
• Its ability to support travelling waves of voltage
and current.
• Has a finite velocity of electro­magnetic field
• The changes in voltage and current occur, owing
to switching and lightning,
• Travelling waves or surges.
05/11/2020 3
Transmission Line
When a transmission line is connected to a
source by closing of a switch
• The line is not energized all at once
• The voltage does not appear instantaneously at the
other end.
• This is due to presence of distributed constants
(inductance and capacitance in a loss free line)

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Transmission Line

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Traveling Wave
Any electrical disturbance propagates as a
traveling wave on a transmission line.
• Fault
• Flashover
• Lightning
• Impedance at the end
• Terminal

05/11/2020 6
Traveling wave
Traveling wave is a temporary wave that is
created by a disturbance and moves along
the transmission line at a constant speed.
• The traveling wave plays a major role in knowing the
voltages and currents at all the points in the power system.
These waves help in designing
• Insulators,
• Protective equipment,
• Insulation of the terminal equipment,
• Overall insulation coordination

05/11/2020 7
Traveling wave

05/11/2020 8
Specifications of Traveling Wave

The travelling wave is represented mathematically in

a number of ways.
• It is most commonly represents in the form of infinite rectangular
or step wave.
  A travelling wave is characterized by four
• Crest – It is the maximum aptitude of the wave, and it is
expressed in kV or kA.
• Front – It is the portion of the wave before the crest and is
expressed in time from the beginning of the wave to the crest
value in milliseconds or µs.
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Specifications of Traveling Wave
• Tail – The tail of the wave is the portion
beyond the crest.
• It is expressed in time from the beginning of the
wave to the point where the wave has reduced to
50% of its value at its crest.
• Polarity – Polarity of the crest voltage and
• A positive wave of 500 kV crest 1 µs front and 25 µs
tail will be presented as +500/1.0/25.0.

05/11/2020 10
Reflection and Refraction of Travelling Waves

When a travelling wave arrives at a point where the

impedance suddenly changes the wave is partly
transmitted and partly reflected.
• Loading points,
• Line-cable junctions and
• Faults constitute such discontinuities.
• Independent waves meeting along a line will
combine in accordance with their polarity to provide
different voltage and current levels at that point.

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Consider a traveling wave of current or voltage being
transmitted along a transmission line of characteristic
impedance ZC terminated by an impedance Z

05/11/2020 12
• Let E and I represent the incident waves
• ET and IT represent the transmitted waves
• and ER and IR the reflected waves.

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The following relations hold good for incident,
transmitted and reflected voltage and current
• E = I ZC              ------ (1)                             
• ET = IT Z                           -----(2)              
• ER = – IR ZC                                 -----(3) 
The negative sign in equation (3)
ER and IR are travelling in the negative direction
of x or backwards on the same line.

05/11/2020 14
The transmitted voltage and current will be respectively the
algebraic sum of incident and reflected voltage and
current waves.
• ET  = E + ER                                  
• IT = I + IR                    

Substituting the values for I, IR and IT 

• ET/Z = [(E/ZC) – (ER/ZC)]        
• ET/Z = [(E/ZC) – (ET – E/ZC)]  

2 E = ET [1 + (ZC/Z)]
05/11/2020 15
The polarity of the reflected waves depends on
the magnitude relationship between ZC and Z.
• The transmitted or refracted current and voltage always have
positive polarity. If ZC > Z, the voltage wave is negative and the
current wave positive
• The reflected current and voltage have negative polarity
In a network having many junctions and
• The number of transmitted and reflected waves increases as
the wave meets different junctions.

05/11/2020 16
Bewley Lattice Diagram

Bewley’s lattice diagram gives the information

• The position and direction of incident,
reflected and transmitted wave on the system
at every instant of time.

The Bewley lattice diagram is a space-time

diagram with the space measured
horizontally and time vertically.

05/11/2020 17
Bewley Lattice Diagram

05/11/2020 18
In a transmission line , if a incident wave is of
amplitude A1 at any point of the line, the
amplitude A2 at some point distant x is
A2 = A1 e-βx                          
where β is a constant, known as the attenuation constant.
the value of this constant is √L/C or √RG .
Any wave travelling along the line will suffer
definite percentage attenuation

05/11/2020 19
Let us assume the following data for an open-
circuited line.
R = 0.3 Ω per km,
G = 6.5 × 10-7 S per km;
l= 640 km
the attenuation constant,
β = √RG = √0.3 x 6.5 x 10-7 = 0.0004416
And e-βx = e-0.2826 = 0.754                                         
 ... x = l = 640 km

05/11/2020 20
The time taken to make one tour or line,
t’ = (640 x 1,000)/(2.975 x 108) = 0.00215 s.
1. At zero time a wave of amplitude 1 start from
sending end G.
2. At time t’ a wave of amplitude α= 0.754
strikes the open end and a reflected wave of
+ α = 0.754 commences the return journey.
3. At time 2t’ this reflected wave is attenuated
to α2 = 0.5685 and has reached G.

05/11/2020 21
4. Here it is reflected to – α2 = – 0.5685 and
5. after a time 3 t’ it reaches the open end
attenuated to – α3 = – 0.4287.
6. It is then reflected without change of sign and
reaches G after a time 4t’ with an amplitude
of – α4 = –0.3232.
7. Then reflected with a change of sign, thus
starting off with an amplitude of + α4 = +
0.3232, and so on.

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05/11/2020 23
At the receiving end,
• The increment of voltage is the sum of the
incident and reflected waves at each
• The ultimate voltage at this point is the sum
to infinity of the series.

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Thus the voltage at the receiving end finally
settles down to that at the sending end, and
consequently the current settles down to the
simple Ohm’s law value of E/R.

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Voltage at the receiving end

05/11/2020 26
Traveling wave relaying

• Occurrence of a fault sets up traveling waves

• These propagate from the fault point towards
the line terminals
• Relays are located at the terminal points
• It is possible to design relays which utilize
these propagation phenomena
• To detect the presence of a fault, and to
determine the fault location.
05/11/2020 27
Traveling wave relaying

• Traveling waves constitute the fastest possible

evidence available to a relay that a fault has
• These relays have the potential of becoming
the fastest responding devices

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Traveling wave relaying

• The traveling wave phenomena tend to

contain high frequency signals (KHz to MHz)

• Data acquisition system (A/D conversions)

must have a correspondingly high bandwidth.

05/11/2020 29
Transmission of waves
• In single-phase transmission lines, the waves
are single-mode waves
• They have a single propagation velocity and
characteristic impedance
• Three-phase transmission line there are at
least two distinct modal velocities and
characteristic impedances

05/11/2020 30
Fault location
• A relay is designed upon the traveling waves to
determine the direction of the fault with respect
to the relay location.
• Two relays located at the ends of a line detect a
fault to be in the forward direction,
• Then the fault is in the zone of protection of both
• This requires a communication channel between
the two ends to confirm that both relays see the
fault in the forward direction.
05/11/2020 31
Fault location
• A relay is located at the terminal of a
transmission line, sees waveforms through the
reflection coefficients.
• These are the ‘discriminant functions’
df and dr associated with the forward and
reverse waves
df = e + Zi
dr = e − Zi
where e and i are the modal voltages and currents (0,α, or β) at the relay

05/11/2020 32
Fault location
• The relay treats the currents flowing into the line as
• The forward current wave thus appears as positive to the
• While the reverse current wave appears to be negative.
It follows from Equation that
df = e + Zi = ef + er + Z(if − ir)
= (ef + Zif) + (er − Zir)
= ef + Zif = 2ef
Since, er = Zir.
Similarly, dr = er + Zir = 2er
05/11/2020 33
Fault location
• The discriminant functions df and dr at bus
remain constant at 2ef and 2er until the other
reflections due to fault
• If the fault is behind the relay, df will pick up
• And dr will pick up later due to successive
reflections at the fault

05/11/2020 34
Fault location
The direction of the fault according to the
following logic
• (i) if df picks up first, the fault is behind the
• (ii) if dr picks up first or simultaneously with
df, the fault is in the forward direction.
The relationship (ii) above is maintained for a
period equal to twice the travel

05/11/2020 35
Traveling wave

05/11/2020 36
Fault location
• The wave that went from the relay location
towards the fault and a timer is started
• The wave travels towards the fault and would
be reflected by the fault and return to the
relay location.
• When the wave crosses the relay location in
the reverse direction, the timer is stopped.

05/11/2020 37
Fault location
• The timer reading would then correspond to
twice the travel time.
• Since the velocity of propagation of the wave
is known, the distance to the fault can be
velocity of propagation (v0 )
v0 = 1/ √L0C0

05/11/2020 38
• Auto - Recloser is a Circuit Breaker along with
protection system for overhead power lines
and designed to reclose on to a fault.
• When a fault is detected and it is to open for
a pre-programmed time, before closing again
• This cycle is repeated 3 times. And lockout
typically on the fourth trip

05/11/2020 39
Reclosers are used anywhere on a system
where ratings are adequate for the system
• On over head transmission lines (EHV,HV)
• In substation as the primary feeder protection
• On the lines at a distance from a substation, to
sectionalize Long feeders and thus prevent outage
of the entire feeder
• On the taps of main feeders to protect the main
feeder from interruption and outages due to faults
on the taps.
05/11/2020 40
The types of faults in transmission
and distribution system
•  Transient Fault
• Semi Permanent Fault
• Permanent Fault
80% of the faults are transient, and 12% of
faults are semi-permanent

05/11/2020 41
Auto - Recloser

05/11/2020 42
Auto - Recloser

05/11/2020 43
Auto - Recloser

05/11/2020 44
Sectionalizer is a switch along with control unit.
• It is used in conjunction with an upstream
“Recloser” or “circuit breaker”.
• It counts the interruption created by a
recloser during a fault sequence and trips
during the dead time of the upstream recloser,
isolates a faulty network section

05/11/2020 45

05/11/2020 46
one auto recloser and 3 sectionalizers
in parallel connection.

05/11/2020 47
one auto recloser and 2 sectionalizers
In series connection

05/11/2020 48
• The transient faults are those which automatically
removed momentarily.
• Semi permanent faults are also transient in nature but
there take few moments to remove
( fault is burnt away)
Falling of things on the live conductors.

During both cases, line is tripped but the line is

restored when the circuit breakers associated with the
line are closed.
05/11/2020 49
Types of Auto-Recloser
Auto-Recloser are
• Single and multi shot
• Single pole
• Three pole

05/11/2020 50
Three pole reclosers
With the three-pole versions,
• All three phases are disconnected under fault
conditions, regardless of the fault type.
• This allows generators on the system to drift
out of synchronization, which means that
synchronization checks must be made before
the reclose operation takes place. 

05/11/2020 51
Single pole reclosers
With single pole types,
• The faulted phase is disconnected.
• The effect on the load is minimized and
synchronization of the generators is maintained.
• Phase-selective relays must be used to control
the tripping
• And the recloser requires individual
closing/tripping mechanisms for each phase.

05/11/2020 52
• As a result, the single-phase option is more
complex and more expensive.
• Capacitive coupling with the phases
unaffected by the fault leads to longer arcing

05/11/2020 53
The choice of auto-reclose type depends on the
• Medium-voltage distribution applications
• High-voltage transmission applications.
In the first case, the main emphasis is on
ensuring the continuity of power supply;
Three-phase recloses are often chosen.
• In the second case, the emphasis shifts to
ensuring stability and synchronization,
Single-phase recloses are more appropriate.

05/11/2020 54
Auto-reclose scheme
The most important parameters of an auto-
reclose scheme are:
• Operating time
• Dead time.
• Reclaim time.
• Single pole
• Multi-shot or three pole

05/11/2020 55
Operating time of the relay
• The time from inception of fault to trip coil energizing
of the circuit breaker and time from trip coil energizing to fault arc
Dead time
• The time from fault arc quenching to circuit breaker contacts remaking of
the auto-reclose controller and time from re-close scheme initiation to
close coil energizing
Reclaim time: (Auto-reclose)
• The time from close coil energizing to arc quenching of the next trip cycle
Lock out:
• Lock out of the circuit breaker and the auto-reclose controller – a
feature that limits the number of trip/reclose cycles that the system will

05/11/2020 56
Single-shot auto-reclose scheme operation for a transient fault 

05/11/2020 57
Operation of single-shot auto-reclose scheme
on a permanent fault

05/11/2020 58
Benefits of Auto – reclosing
• Continuity of power supply for the consumers
resulting in less complaints from citizens.
• Reduce the time of power supply disconnection
in cases of transient faults.
• Reduce the unsold energy due to faults.
• Reduce the cost of manpower operating in
managing disconnected lines.
• Maximum utilization of the network
05/11/2020 59
Benefits of Auto – reclosing
• Raising operators efficiency
• Ability to connect to SCADA system.
• Event Log and Remote control.
• Reduce cost of fault finding.
• Better knowledge of the network

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