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Position Paper

Topic: Senior High School Mass Training

Two days before the completion rites of Junior High School

completers, a memorandum from the Regional Office called our attention to
the conduct of the “Mass Training of Senior High School Teachers”, which
will be held the weekend thereafter. I knew about the 18-day seminar
beforehand. I just did not expect it to come in such a very short notice. It
would be idiosyncratic to say that I felt good about it. So with only a couple
of days before the much awaited vacation, I packed my bags and eventually
went to Olongapo for the training, still, with strong opposition.
Seminars are venues for learning – for acquiring new knowledge and
for the improvement of old ones. Since Senior High School is the newest
implementation under the K-12 program, it would have been more productive
for teachers and for students if this seminar had taken place before the onset
of Grade 11 last year. Learning should have happened when it was supposed
to happen, and in our case, it should have been last year.
When mistakes of the past could no longer be corrected, all we can ask
of the Regional Management Team of this year’s MTOT is equip themselves
fully before conducting huge seminars as this so as not to waste time and
much of the people’s taxes. Besides, an entire year could have been utilized
efficiently for such preparations. At the onset, complaints poured in from
among the participants, which were answered by safe one-liners from the
management, “Bear with us because we are not ready.” This is an obvious
squandering of public wealth. There were no materials, not even the kits.
How can learning take place under insufficient circumstances?
All I’m saying is that DepEd must ensure that in seminars like this, the
objectives set must be the objectives met. Despite yearning for a vacation,
teachers eventually appreciate the value of these kinds of trainings when
there is a positive experience that comes with it. We, teachers, practice
motivation. I say DepEd should do the same. How? By proper planning and

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