10 Things A Liverpool Fan Must Do

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Liverpool FC is one of the most supported clubs on the planet and some
estimates suggest that there are nearly 70 million supporters of the club. But,
it would also be a mistake to put all the fans in the same category.

There are fans who have supported only Liverpool FC throughout their
lifetime, and then again, there are people who become Liverpool fans when
the Reds are winning and then start supporting other clubs when they are
losing. But there are some things that can easily differentiate a real Liverpool
fan from a posing one.

If you really think you are a true and loyal Red or are willing to become one,
then here are 10 things you must do!

10. Own a few Liverpool merchandise

Whether it’s some expensive T-shirt you got from the Official LFC store or it’s
a cheap keychain that can be purchased from the street hawker, a true
Liverpool fan must (YES, I SAID MUST!) own something that bears the name
of LIVERPOOL FC on it. Almost all items you can imagine in the world is
available with a Liverbird logo. More often, the items that bear the logo of the
Liverbird are the favorite items for a Liverpool fan. No birthday present is more
valuable for a true Liverpool fan than the one which bears the Liverpool logo!
So, if you don’t own any Liverpool merchandise till now and still call yourself a
Liverpool fan, well you either must be a new fan or a poser.

9. Know about Anfield

For a true and loyal Liverpool supporter, Anfield is like a holy temple. Anfield
is the stadium owned by Liverpool FC! It’s the ground where Liverpool plays
all of its home games and the venue on which the Reds celebrated many
glories. Watching the Liverpool team play live at Anfield is something all
Liverpool fans dream of.

The true fans of Liverpool not only know the seating capacity of the stadium,
but also know the names of all the four stands of the stadium. If you don’t
know these facts about Anfield, then google it right now and don’t forget it
in your lifetime.

8. Know at least 90% of the players’ name in the Liverpool squad

Well, if you are not familiar about most of the players in the current Liverpool
team, then I dare say that you aren’t a passionate Liverpool supporter. It’s ok
if you sometimes, mistaken one player’s face with the other during live
viewing, but it’s totally not ok if you don’t know the names of two or more
players in the team. A true supporter of Liverpool FC also knows the playing
position of all the players in the team as well as the country they play for.

To know more about Liverpool FC please visit:

7. Know Bill Shankly

If you don’t know who Bill Shankly is, then you certainly aren’t a true Liverpool
fan until now. One the reasons why, Liverpool became an unstoppable and
mighty force in European football was Bill Shankly. So great was Shankly’s
achievement that even after 33 years of his death, the footballing world hasn’t
forgotten him. A lot of his quotes are still enjoyed by Liverpool fans the world
6. Make friends with other Liverpool FC supporters

‘A Liverpool fan never walks alone’. A true fan of Liverpool FC often ends up
being good friends with another true Kopite. Liverpool fans come from all
nationalities, backgrounds and interests, imaginable and have formed many
official and unofficial passionate group of supporters throughout the world. So,
whether you find a fellow Red through Facebook or in your neighborhood,
chances are that will be good friends with him/her for a long time.

5. Know Liverpool’s biggest rivalries

If you are a real Liverpool fan, you are, for sure, familiar with the Northwest
Derby and the Merseyside Derby. Liverpool’s two greatest rivals in
the footballing world include Everton FC and Manchester United FC. Well, it
doesn’t mean that a fan should start abusing or beating fans from the two
clubs; well that can get you in jail and nobody wants that happening?
But, Reds can play rational banter with the rival fans if they start doing

4. Tell the number of silverwares Liverpool have won

Liverpool are the most decorated club in England and one of the most
successful clubs in Europe as well. A true Liverpool fan should never forget
the number of Premier League titles as well as the number of Champions
League trophies won by the Reds. In fact, the most diehard fans can even tell
the number of UEFA Cups, FA Cups and League Cup that the Reds have

3. Remember Hillsborough and Heysel

Liverpool FC had to bear two of the biggest tragedies in the history of football.
One of the tragedies happened in 1989, when 96 Liverpool fans died in
Hillsborough, Sheffield during an FA Cup tie against Nottingham Forest.
Before that, another tragedy was borne by the club when 39 fans, mostly
belonging to Juventus FC, died at the Heysel Stadium in Brussels in the
UEFA Champions League final in 1984. That’s the very reason why
Liverpool’s logo has two flames. A publication called ‘The Sun’ wrote various
false reports about the Hilsborough disaster, because of which there is a
boycott campaign against the magazine even now called ‘Don’t Buy The Sun’.
The magazine apologized to the victims of the disaster last year, admitting
false reporting, but the campaign remains.

2. Remember and Sing “You’ll Never Walk Alone”

You’ll Never Walk Alone, is a song written by the Rodgers and Hammerstein
musical Carousel in 1945. The song became even more popular after
Liverpool based musical outfit, Gerry and the Pacemakers released the single
in 1963, following which Liverpool FC made it its official anthem too. Fans sing
the song before the start of each game at Anfield and the title even appears
on the current Liverpool FC logo. So, unless you know the song by heart, you
won’t be called a true Red. Passionate Reds sing other songs too, including
‘Fields of Anfield Glory’, ‘My Liverpool’ and many others. But YNWA is a
must for all Red fans.

1. Support the Club through good and bad days

“If you can’t support us when we draw or lose, don’t support us when we win” – Bill
The above quote from Shankly says it all. A true Red supports Liverpool
through sunshine and storm. It doesn’t mean that fans aren’t allowed to put
constructive criticisms of the team during bad performances. But, no true Red
fan wants to hear a fool, who chants the team’s name publicly when winning,
but starts publicly abusing Liverpool’s players, manager and owners when
they are losing. Some jerks even go so far as to post death threats against the
team members after the losses. Some amount of frustration is tolerable from
fans, but continuous abusing isn’t. And a true Liverpool fan may respect rivals
and want other teams to win to favor us or deter our rivals, but on game day,
Liverpool is above any other team.

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