The Importance of Research in Daily Life

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Learner’s Material

Lesson #: 1
Content: Nature of Inquiry and Research
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of research in
daily life
Learning Competencies (Objectives):
At the end of the 1-hour session, the learners will be able to:
1. share research experiences and knowledge
2. explain the importance of research in daily life
3. identify the different types of research

The lesson aims to make the students share experiences and knowledge about research
and they will have a grasp of its definition and importance in daily life. Moreover, the
different types of research will be presented and discussed.

Activity 1: Think-Pair-Share
Think of an experience when you were very curious about something and share it to a
partner. Refer to the following guide questions for the sharing:
1. What was the concept/thing that you were curious about?
2. How did you ease your curiosity?

Activity 2: What are the Possibilities?

Give your perception whether the situations/contexts are possible or not possible:
1. Fumes cause eye-irritation of SMAW students
2. No bake cakes are marketable to teenagers
3. Stress improves and challenges employees in their work
4. Java is the most user-friendly programming software
5. Castrol GTX engine oil improves engine performance compared to Top 1 engine
6. Drunk driving is one of the main causes of car accidents
7. Student’s interest is affected by teacher’s strategy in teaching
8. Good study habits are not related to better learning
9. Eating chocolates boosts mental processes
10. Wi-fi connections in coffee shops attracts many customers.
Process question: How do you prove that the situations or contexts are possible or
Activity 3: KWL Chart
Topic: Research in our Daily Lives
On the first column, list things that you know about research in our daily lives. On the second
column, list things that you want to know about research in our daily lives. On the third
column, list the things that you have learned (based on your readings) about research in our
daily lives.
What I know about research What I want to know about What I learned about
in our daily lives research in our daily lives research in our daily lives

The word research is composed of two syllables, re and search.
re is a prefix which means again, anew or over again and search is a verb meaning to
examine closely and carefully, to test and try, or to probe.
Research is a structured enquiry that utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to
solve problems and create new knowledge that is generally applicable. Scientific methods
consist of systematic observation, classification and interpretation of data. Coryn (2007)
added that research is a “truth-seeking activity which contributes to knowledge, aimed at
describing or explaining the world, conducted by those with a high level of proficiency or
Coryn (2007) extracted the said definition into three parts and explained the essence
of each part:
1. Research is truth seeking, which refers to the research, or investigation, of or for a
body of real things, events, or facts, or the explanation of them;
2. Research describes, which involves representing or giving an account of and
explains which is about giving reason for or cause of; both of which contribute to
knowledge; and
3. Research is conducted and governed by those who have requisite proficiency or
expertise; meaning research is conducted by one who is an expert in a branch of
knowledge derived from training or experience
As a process, research entails collection of data, documentation of critical
information; and analysis and interpretation of the data/information done using
systematic inquiry in accordance with suitable methodologies set by specific fields
and academic disciplines (Hampshire College).
Four Main Types of Research
1. Basic Research: The purpose of this research is to understand and explain. This type
of research takes form of a theory that explains the phenomenon under investigation
to give its contribution to knowledge. This research is more descriptive in nature,
exploring what, why, and how questions.
2. Applied Research: The purpose of this research is to help people understand the
nature of human problems so that human beings can more effectively control their
environment. This type of research seeks potential solutions to human and societal
problems. This research is more prescriptive in nature, focusing on how questions.
3. Evaluation Research (summative and formative): Evaluation research studies the
processes and outcomes aimed at attempted solution. The purpose of formative
research is to improve human intervention within specific conditions, such as
activities, time, and groups of people; the purpose of summative evaluation is to judge
the effectiveness of a program, policy or product.
4. Action Research: Action research aims at solving specific problems within a
program, organization, or community. Patton (1990) described that design and data
collection in action research tend to be more informal, and the people in the situation
are directly involved in gathering information and studying themselves.
Importance of Research in Daily Lives
Research is important in our daily lives because it explains why things happen in
certain ways. Through this we get to understand different situations in our lives and helps
us identify the factors that hinder or facilitate why certain things fail, for example.
Research is important because it predicts what will happen. Through this, we get to
caution ourselves in doing or not doing something; it warns us not to pursue an action,
and encourages us to continue a certain act, as well.
Research is important because it evaluates what happened in our lives. It gives you an
idea why things are not turning out the way you wanted.
Research is important because it helps us solve our problems. It provides us relevant
data in order to determine why people are against a certain government program, for
Research is a structured enquiry that utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to
solve problems and create new knowledge that is generally applicable. The major types of
research are Basic Research, Applied Research, Evaluation Research, and Action Research.
Research is important because it explain why things happen, predicts what will happen, and
helps us to solve our problems.

After the Lesson (Evaluation)

A. Complete the Paragraph
Research is _________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________. It is important
because _________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________. The types of research are
_____________________, _____________________, _________________________, and

B. Creative Presentation
Present a creative presentation focusing on the importance of research:
Group 1: Song (using a tune of any popular song)
Group 2: Short Skit
Group 3: Catchphrase/Tagline

Criteria for grading:

Content: 5 points
Creativity: 5 points

Melgerito, M. & Mendoza, D., Applied Research: An Introduction to Qualitative
Research Methods and Report Writing. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

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