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The main driving force of the national - liberation uprising of 1916

*+representatives of all social strata
*workers of train stations and factories
*Russian workers
*!The main regions which were covered by the uprising of 1916
*Turgay, Semipalatinsk
*Uralsk, Akmola
*+Turgay, Zhetysu
*Kostanay, Orenburg
*Sirdariya, Semipalatinsk
*!Kazakh revolutionary committees formed in
*!The second All-Kazakh Congress held in
*+Orenburg, December 1917
*Semipalatinsk, November 1917
*Tashkent, August 1917
*Semipalatinsk, December 1917
*Akmola, October 1917
*!Amount of land taken away from Kazakhs in a result of the tsarism colonial agrarian policy (in
dessiatinas) in 1853-1905
*2 million tithes
*+4 million tithes
*3 million tithes
*5 million tithes
*2.5 million tithes
*!Area of confiscated Kazakh lands in a result of the mass migration of peasants from the central
provinces of Russia in 1906-1907 had reached (in dessiatinas)
*+17 million tithes
*14 million tithes
*16 million tithes
*12 million tithes
*15.5 million tithes
*!One of the organizers of the anti-government rally in Karkaralinsk of 1905
*!One of the reasons of the defeat of the revolution of 1905-1907 in Kazakhstan: masses did not
support the main organizers of the revolutionary events – party of
*Alash party
*!The deputy of I State Duma, member of the Cadet party
*!Decree that led to the beginning of the uprising of 1916 was published in
*August 25, 1913
*July 25, 1914
*June 15, 1915
*+June 25, 1916
*June 20, 1913
*!In the title of “Khan” in Turgay region during the revolt of 1916 was elected
*Nurlan Kiyashev
*+Abdulgafar Dzhanbosynov
*Uzak Saurykov
*Akkoz Koshanov
*Ospan Chonov
*!The leader of the revolt of 1916 in Akmola region
*!The leader of the revolt of 1916 in Semirechye region
*!Representative of the Kazakh intelligentsia who joined the expedition of F.Sherbin
*!The Karakaraly petition that dictated requirements of Kazakh people was written in
*!The book of songs "Oyan! Kazakh" (Wake up! Kazakh) discussed problem …
*+colonial policy was exposed and criticized
*questions of customs and traditions of Kazakh people
*the equality of women
*issues of Russian workers
*the major issues in colonial industry
*!Chief Editor of the “Aikap” magazine
*!The role of the "Kazakh" newspaper in Kazakh society`s social and political life
*served the interest of the feudal top – bay (rich people)
*helped to promote the colonial policy of the tsarist government
*the official press organ of the Royal government of the Russian Empire
*+the main press organ of the Kazakh intelligentsia in the struggle for independence
*raised issues about resettlement policy and supported actions of the tsarism (form of ruling in the Russian
*!The main goal of the Kazakh democratic intelligentsia
*+to bring the Kazakhs from medieval backwardness and to liberate from oppression
*to build an independent state in 1914
*to help the Russian empire's colonial policy establishment
*to develop the Russian educational system in Kazakhstan and destroy the Kazakh language
*did not support the policy of building of the independent Kazakh state
*!Impact of the February revolution on Kazakhstan development
*+the fall of autocracy opened a way for the struggle for independence
*Kazakhs were not aware of the February revolution
*Kazakhs handled the victory of the revolution with apprehension
*Kazakh democratic intelligentsia did not support ideas of the revolution
*Kazakhs did not support the change happened after the revolution
*!The date and goal of the first all-Kazakh meeting
*April 1917, establishment of the Kazakh committee
*May 1917, supporting policy of Provisional Government
*+July 1917, creation of the Democratic party which lead the struggle for independence
*August 1917, creation of the Russian resettlement society
*October 1917, establishment of the all-Kazakh Kuryltai
*!The political structure which leaders of “Alash” party supported
*the tsarist Russia ruling system
*socialist republic
*recovering of khan`s power
*+democratic federative republic
*constitutional monarchy
*!City where the «Kazakh» newspaper (was the press organ of Alash Orda government) published
*!Nature of the February revolution which was held in the Russian empire in 1917
*!Tsarism, in order to benefit from use of Kazakhstan`s raw materials in the end of XIX-the
beginning of XX, started to
*+create railway lines
*expand the agricultural development
*produce finished products
*improve transportation by using tilt carts
*develop transportation by using of animals
*! In the beginning of XX century, the involvement of Kazakhstan to the new Russian economic system
was facilitated by
*growth of Kazakh sharua
*the cultural exchange
*trade relations
*the resettlement of Kazakhs to the borders of the empire
*+the creation of railway lines
*!The main reason of the revolution of 1905-1907 in Kazakhstan
* changes in the educational system
*elimination of the khan power
*the colonization of Kazakh raw materials regions
*+agrarian policy of tsarism
*discontent with the tsarist policy in question of a trade system
*!Tsarist policy in Kazakhstan that reached a high point at the beginning of XX century (at the time
of Stolypin agrarian policy)
*the tsarist cultural policy
*geographical expeditions on the Kazakh lands
*+mass relocation of peasants on the Kazakh lands
*changes in the system of teaching
*population census
*!The position of Alash party on the king's Decree from June 25, 1916
*they supported goals of the Decree
*opposed to the Decree
*called for an open fight
*did not pay attention to the decree
*+adhered to “the tactics of a reasonable compromise”
*!In 1905 soldiers of Zharkent city protested against
*+anti-people actions of the tsarist authority
*political activity of the Kazakh intelligentsia
*the aggressive policy of tsarism in question of Russian peasants
*the resettlement policy of Kazakh democratic party
*the policy of militarization
*!The strike committee which led the uprising of Uspensky mine`s employees in 1905
*+“Russian-Kirgiz unity against capital”
*“Siberian socialist-democratic unity”
*“Unity of employees of Peterburg railways”
*“Neldinsky unity of workers”
*“Antigovernment committee”
*!In the years of the first Russian revolution (1905-1907) the largest international uprising of workers
in Kazakhstan was held
*+Uspensky mine
*soldiers of the West-Siberian regiment
*soldiers of Zharkent garrison
* employees of telegraph and postal servicein Semipalatinsk
*rally of workers in Ust-Kamenogorsk
*!The press organ of “Ush zhuz” party
*+“Ush zhuz”
*!The author of the book “Oyan Kazakh” (Wake up! Kazakh)
*!The author of the book «Kirgiz chrestomathy» which published in 1879 in Russian language
*!The scientist, linguist, enlightener, the chief redactor of “Kazakh” newspaper
*!The reformer of the Kazakh alphabet
*!The author of the poem «Kalkaman-Mamyr»
*!The main reason of the national liberation uprising of 1916
*russification policy
*+the tsar Decree from June 25, 1916
*christianization of the indigenous people
*restoration of administration traditional institutes
*discontent with the construction of industrial facilities
*!The author (member of Alash party) of the collection of works «Masa» published in 1911 in
*Abay Kunanbaiuli
*!The civil war on the territory of Kazakhstan finished in
*!The active participant in the establishment of Soviet power in Kazakhstan
*!The tsarist government was overthrown (February Revolution)
*November 25, 1917
*November 27, 1917
*December 27, 1917
*October 25, 1917
*+February 27, 1917
*!Establishment of the Soviet power in Kazakhstan lasted from
*November 1919 till December 1930
*December 1920 till January 1921
*January 1922 till February 1923
*February 1924 till March 1925
*+October 1917 till March 1918
*!The Soviet power in the Bukey Horde (Internal Horde) established in
*October 1917
*November 1917
*+December 1917
*January 1918
*February 1918
*!The first city in Kazakhstan where the Soviet power established
*!The main political opponent of the Soviet power in Kazakhstan was the first Democratic party
*!The main element of the policy of "war communism" or “military communism”
*development of cooperation
*the direct exchange of products
*+using food surplus during war years
*strengthening linkages between cities and villages
*increasing agricultural production
*!Food apportionment (prodrazvyorstka) introduced in the year of
*new economical policy
*+The civil war
*The February revolution
*!In the result of the February Revolution established power
*+dual power (Provisional Government and Soviet of working deputies and soldiers)
*military dictatorship
*absolute monarchy
*parliamentary republic
*constitutional monarchy
*!The commissar of the Provisional Government in Turkestan region
*!The political program of Alash party published in the press organ of the party – newspaper
*«Yenbekshi Kazakh»
*!The main goal of Alash party
*withdrawal from Russia
*resolution of the economic question
*withdrawal of Russia from the world war
*+formation of the Kazakh autonomy
*to achieve national equality
*!The economic situation in the civil war years
*oil production increased by 4 times
*the new economic policy adopted
*coalmining deposits discovered
*Turksib supposed to connect regions of the Ural and the Emba rivers
*+Kazakh civilian population suffered at the hands of the Red and White armies’ actions
*!The main function of Kirrevcom
*elimination of illiteracy
*fight against counter-revolution
*organization of grain procurement
*propagation of the socialist ideas
*+preparation to the establishment of the Kazakh autonomy
*!Autocracy was overthrown in Russia
*November 25, 1917
*November 27, 1917
*December 27, 1917
*October 25, 1917
*+February 27, 1917
!Essential social and political organ which was formed on the territory of Kazakhstan after the
February revolution
*+Kazakh committees
*Zhas Kazakh
*Revolutionary unity of the Kazakh-Kirgiz youth
*!The party which formed on the meeting of Turkestan and Kazakh Muslims in September 1917
*the Turkestan federalists
*!Сadet party`s newspaper which published in Kazakhstan in 1917
*the Turkestan materials (Туркестанская ведомость)
*+Free speech (Свободная речь)
*Social-Democrat (Социал-демократ)
*Our newspaper (Наша газета)
*the Steppe speech (Степная речь)
*!Alash party was formed in
*!The leader of the Alash Orda government
*!Fight against Alash-Orda the Soviet power started in spring 1918 from the
*+cessation of the “Kazakh” newspaper`s publishing
*armed fight
*arrest of the Alash-Orda leaders
*subordination of the Alash-Orda to the Soviet power
*liquidation of the Alash-Orda members
*!In a result of armed revolt, the Soviet power established on the night of 2-3 March 1918 in the city
*!Union which played essential role in strengthening of the Soviet power and realization of the land
and water reform
*+“Koshchi” union
*Union of immigrants
*“the Red yurts”
*“Russian education centers”
*!The February revolution
*give an opportunity to solve the land question in Kazakhstan
*+February 27, 1917 Petrograd
*The Provisional government announced a truce
*Soviet power establishment in Kazakhstan
*reorganization of tsarism
*!The regime that established in a result of February revolution
*+dual power
*military dictatorship
*parliamentary republic
*constitutional monarchy
*Soviet of workers and deputies
*!The main aim of Alash party
*secession from the Russian Empire
*solution of the land question
*+establishment of the Kazakh autonomy
*equality of Islam and Christianity
*establishment of the Soviet power
*!Alash-Orda was liquidated in
*!October revolution
*dual power establishment
*defeat of counterrevolution
*+the soviet power establishment
*took place in 1917 in Moscow
*victory of Provisional government
*!Economic policy during the war years (1918-1920)
*reduction of taxes
*+food allotment
*militarization of industry
*increasing of the period of military service
*strengthening of the country's defense potential
*!Policy of "war communism"
*land rent
*+adopted in January 1919
*permission of private property
*Alash-Orda members participated in development of this policy
*the reason was the revolt of the Czechoslovak Corps
*!To the indigenous population of Semirechye in the course of Land and water reform in 1921-1922
was returned amount of land
*177 thousand tithes
*208 thousand tithes
*+460 thousand tithes
*290 thousand tithes
*560 thousand tithes
*!The correct name -Kazakhs-according to the Decree of the CEC (ЦИК) of the KazASSR adopted in
*!The new economic policy (NEP) adopted in
*!Amount of workers participated in the construction of Turksib
*50 thousand
*+100 thousand
*200 thousand
*260 thousand
*150 thousand
*!The new oil base named “the second Baku” which formed during the collectivization years in
*Zhana Uzen
*+The oil Emba
*!The decree on the confiscation of the bays and feudal` large farms published in
*!Which of the prominent public and state figure of Kazakhstan reported J.Stalin about disaster in
the result of collectivization in March 1933
*!The founder of the Kazakh linguistics who was repressed in 1937-1938
*!The concert of national singer Amre Kashaubayev took place in 1925 in
*!The “Amangeldy” movie made in the “Lenfilm” film studio in
*!Commissar of Provisional government in Zhetysu region
*!On the view of Goloshekin role of Kazakhstan in the years of collectivization
*+raw materials base
*independent industrial state
*industrial-agrarian state
*industrial fringe
*agrarian fringe
*!Turksib construction began in
*!In 28 April 1930 the north and south parts of Turksib connected on station
*!Who from the public figures of Kazakhstan opposed the course of “Small October”
*M.Nurmakov and D.Omarov
*+S.Sadvokasov and Zh.Mynbayev
*!Collectivization in Kazakhstan planned to complete by
*+Spring 1932
*Autumn 1931
*Autumn 1934
*Autumn 1930
*Spring 1933
*!Course on agriculture`s collectivization was announced on XV meeting of Communistic party in
*!Revolt of peasants in 1929-1931 which marked by high level of organization and steadfastness
*!The most prominent members of establishment and strengthening of the Soviet power in
Kazakhstan which were repressed in 1937-1938
*+Asylbekov, Mendeshev, Ryskulov
*Aimauytov, Ermekov, Bukeykhanov
*Baytursynov, Zhumabayev, Dosmukhamedov
*Zhandosov, Dosov, Zhurgenov
*Kumambetov, Segizbayev, Kabulov
*!Period of repressions that was carried out under the slogan “bourgeois nationalism” and
*!the KazSSR`s Academy of science formed in
*!The first president of the KazSSR`s Academy of science
*!M.Auezov finished the second volume of “Abay” novel in
*!Author of the opera “Birzhan and Sara” awarded the State prize of the USSR in 1949
*!The history of the KazSSR was published in the war years
*!Director of the Central Museum of Kazakhstan in 1942-1951 years
*!The author of the books “Shyganak”, “Millionaire”, “Karaganda”
*!Who repressed representatives of genetics and named this science – “pseudo-science”
*!The researcher who during the war years studied history and culture of the Bronze Age
*!The first Kazakh-scientist, doctor of historical sciences
*!The author of the history of repression `s periodization of Kazakhstan from 1920 till 1986
*!Day of remembrance of Stalin`s repression and famine victims
*June 22
*+May 31
*October 25
*January 21
*March 2
*!The main function of the Kirrevcom
*liquidation of illiteracy
*struggle against counterrevolution
*organization of grain procurement
*spreading of socialism`s ideas
*+preparation for establishment of the Kazakh autonomy
*!The Kazakh soviet statehood formed in
*June, 1921
*April, 1919
*+August, 1920
*September, 1922
*October, 1923
*!The Head of the Central Executive Committee of the KazSSR
*!The first Chairman of the Soviet People`s Committee of KazSSR
*!Kirghiz ASSR renamed on Kazakh ASSR in
*!National-territorial demarcation of the Central Asian republics took place in
*!«Aikap» newspaper`s editor
*!Verny renamed to Alma-Ata
*!The USSR formed in
*!Operating period of the USSR
*!The land and water reform was held in Kazakhstan
*!Decision about transition to the New economic policy adopted in
*April, 1920
*+March, 1921
*January, 1923
*December, 1924
*February, 1922
*!Who opposed the policy of turning Kazakhstan into raw-materials base
*!Turkestan-Siberian railway line`s construction began in
*!Construction of Turkestan-Siberian railway line completed
*!In the years of collectivization died from starvation
*1 million
*1.5 million
*2.5 million
*3 million 300 thousand
*+2 million 100 thousand
*!In 1931-1933 beyond the limits of Kazakhstan migrated
*0.5 million
*2 million
*+over 1 million
*4.7 million
*over 5 million
*!How many people emigrated from Kazakhstan in the years of collectivization
*+1 million
*2,2 million
*3,5 million
*4,7 million
*5,9 million
*!Kazakhstan received the status of the Federal Republic in
*!The Constitution of the Soviet republic (KazSSR) adopted in
*!In 1937 on the territory of Kazakhstan were deported
*the Germans
*the Chechens
*+the Koreans
*the Karachai
*the Turks Meskhetians
*!S.D.Asfendiyarov graduated from
*Kazan University
*Tomsk Medical Institute
*Saratov State University
*Moscow State University
*+Petersburg Military Medical Academy
*!S.D.Asfendiyarov who was the Rector of the Medical Institute repressed in
*!Stalin`s “cult of personality” denounced in
*!S.D.Asfendiyarov highly valued activity of this scientists
*+A.Bokeykhanov, M.Tynyshpayev
*K.Muchamedkhanov, T.Ryskulov
*S.Brayn, Sh.Shafiro
*B.Karatayev, B.Suleimenov
*I.Kuramysov, I.Zhansygurov
*!Specializations which were highly demanded in 30-ies of XX century
*!The scientist and historian who was repressed in 1940-1950 years
*!The large achievement in the Kazakh literature (after war years)
*+«Abai Zholy» (The path of Abai)
*«Soldier`s letters»
*!During repression years were shot
*14 thousand
*22 thousand
*+25 thousand
*27 thousand
*30 thousand
*!Repressions in 1940-50-ies of XX century began from
*+scientific works on the history of Kazakhstan and literature
*the leadership of industrial sector
*the party`s members
*the priests
*the military workers
*!Compositors which made a great contribution in Kazakh culture after war years
*E.Rakhmadiyev, S.Mukhamedzhanov, M.Auezov
* E.Rakhmadiyev,G.Zhubanova, L.Khamidi
* G.Zhubanova, A.Zhubanov, E.Brusilovsky
*+G.Zhubanova, E.Rakhmadiyev,S.Mukhamedzhanov
* A.Zhubanov,S.Mukhamedzhanov, L.Khamidi
*!The sketch of G.Mustafin and G.Musrepov which were criticized by magazines “Adebiet” and
“Art” in 1946
* +«Ер қаптағай»
*«Сырым батыр»
*«Дала қызы»
*!The KASSR was a part of this federal republic
*!The KASSR establishment legitimized on Constituent Congress of Soviets in
*Almaty, 1924
*Tashkent, 1921
*Kyzyl-Orda, 1925
*+Orenburg, 1920
*Aktyubinsk, 1922
*!The capital of the KASSR in 1920-1924 years
*!The second capital of the KASSR
*!Regions which were returned to Kazakhstan in the course of territorial demarcation of the Central
Asian republics
*Uralsk and Turgay
*Zhetysu and Akmola
*Akmola and Semipalatinsk
*+Zhetysu and Syrdarya
*Syrdarya and Semipalatinsk
*!The essence of land and water reform
*to settle nomadic population
*redistribution of pasture lands
*development of an irrigation system
*development of irrigated farming
*+reimbursement of lands confiscated in the course of collectivization
*!The new economic policy
*general labour duty
*free utilities
*+replacement of prodrazvyorstka on prodnalog
*drawdown of commodity-many relations
*centralized distribution of products
*!The administrative-territorial division in Kazakhstan introduced in 1928
*aul, village-county-district-center
*+aul, village-region-district-center
* aul, village-region-province-center
*aul, village-volost-county-province-center
*!In 1921, for starving children were created
*children's committees
*children's canteens
*!«The letter of five» addressed to
*!The class which suffered in the result of repression in Kazakhstan
*descendants of bays
*peasants of collective farms
*the national working class
*+the Kazakh intelligentsia
*leaders of the republic
*!A member of Kirrevcom
*!The core business of Kirrevcom
*military service
*to settle nomadic population
*+defining of the boundaries of the autonomy
*the high office of market and economy
*establishing relationships with the foreign states
*!The land and water reform (1921-1922)
*land nationalization of land
*formation of cooperatives
*transfer of land to the middle class (середняки)
*+returning of lands seized in the years of tsarizm
*responsible for reform`s performance was M.Tynyshpayev
*!Initially the USSR consisted of 4 federal republics
*+RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR, Byelorussian SSR, Transcaucasian SFSR
*Uzbek SSR, RSFSR, TurkSSR, Ukrainian SSR
*Kazakh SSR, RSFSR, TadzhSSR, TurkSSR
*Moldavian SSR, RSFSR, TurkSSR, UkrSSR
*!The social and political change that took place at the beginning of 20-ies of XX century
*the beginning of society`s democratization
*Russian was the language of office work
*was permitted kalym, polygamy, levirate marriage
*women`s movement was prohibited
*+the Decree “On the system of using of Russian and Kazakh languages” adopted
*was carried out by democratic methods
*I.Gubkin studied the region of Dzhezkazgan
*+coincided with the first five-year plan of 1928-1932 years
*priority was given to the light industry
*“Small October” – industry approaching to raw materials` sources
*adopted in December, 1924
*creation of new working places
*agriculture development in Kazakhstan
*+using of Kazakhstan as the raw-material base
*Tashkent – Orenburg railway constructed
*!Collectivization in Kazakhstan
*improvement of demographic situation
*the beginning of transformation to nomadic culture
*nomads warmly accepted this policy
*+in 1928 adopted the Decree on livestock confiscation
*helped to develop cohesiveness among rural workers
*!The reason of the starvation in 1931-1933 years
*execution of NEP (new economic policy)
*national revolts
*severe drought and post-harvest losses
*+collectivization of agriculture
*supporting of bays and kulaks as the social class
*!The Kazakhstan tragedy
*intelligentsia immigration
*+population death on a massive scale
*reduction in livestock number
*suppression of sharua revolts
*shooting of factors workers
*!S.D.Asfendiyarov`s life and activity
*+was born in Tashkent in 1889
*graduated from Kazan university`s Medical School
*one of the prominent leaders of Alash party
*the author of the work “The history of medieval Kazakhstan”
*KazNMU was named after S.D.Asfendiyarov in 2005
*!Transformation of the KazSSR in the federal republic
*+the KazSSR was established in 1936
*the first capital of KazSSR – Ak-Mechet
*the Constitution of the KazSSR adopted in 1965
*the first secretary of the KazSSR – Zh.Shayakhmetov
*the KazSSR political base was the Cadet party`s program
*!Kazakhstan economy during prewar years
*+Kazakhstan became a raw-material base of the country
*the USSR became depend on import of non-ferrous metals
*weak level of urbanization process
*work of political prisoners and special settlers was underused
*in 1942 began women`s movement for acquisition of male professions
*!The writer who was repressed during the years of 1940-1950
*+Kazhym Zhumaliyev
*Olzhas Suleymenov
*Dmitry Snegin
*Ilyas Yesenberlin
*Mukagali Makatayev
*!The beginning of the Second world war
*+September 1, 1939
*September 2, 1939
*November 1, 1939
*August 1, 1940
*June 22, 1941
*!The Hero of the Soviet Union T.Tokhtarov perished in the battle
*near Stalingrad
*near Leningrad
*+near Moscow
*during defense of Kiev
*near Kaliningrad
*!During prewar years Kazakhstan was on the first place in extraction of
*!What event signaled the outbreak of the Second World War
*Japan was trying to establish dominance in Asia
*the aggravation of relations between England and France
*Finland provoked a war with the USSR
*+invasion of Germany in Poland
*aggressive policy of Italy - an ally of Germany
*!The number of people mobilized from Kazakhstan for the front
*+1 200
*1 000
*!The first citizen of Kazakhstan who was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union
*!The number of Kazakhstan`s citizens who were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union
*!In what areas of Kazakhstan, martial law was imposed
*Aktyubinsk, Ural
*Turgai, Guryev
*Kustanay, Aktyubinsk
*Kyzylorda, Turgai
*+Ural, Guryev
*!The Kazakhstan citizen who raised the Banner of Victory on Reichstag
*!How many people were awarded with the medal "For the Victory over Japan"
*!The Hero of the Soviet Union, first Minister of Defense of RK
*!How many industrial enterprises were evacuated to Kazakhstan in the years of the Second World
*!Where M. Mametova made a heroic feat
*during defense of Maloyaroslavc
*Kursk Bulge
*in the defense of Leningrad
*+near Nevel
*in the liberation of Aleksin
*!The general losses of Kazakhstan citizens in days of the Second World War
*300 thousand
*500 thousand
*+410 thousand
*700 thousand
*800 thousand
*!In 1941 Zhambyl devoted his famous poem to the citizens of this city
*!The first test of a nuclear charge at the Semipalatinsk polygon was made in
*!The first defeat of Nazi Germany happened under the city
*!The defenders of the Brest fortress
*T.Pozolotin, K.Sypatayev
*+V.Fursov, G.Zhumatov
*A.Naumov, G.Safiullin
*R.Zhangozin, G.Ramayev
*T.Abdybekov, A.Sukhambayev
*!K.Satpayev received the State award for
*development of new types of weapons
*management of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR
*researching the Rudny Altai
*+discovering the Dzhezkazgan copper mine
*writing the textbook "Algebra" in Kazakh language
*!On August 23, 1939 between the USSR and Germany was signed
*+the non-aggression pact
*the agreement on neutrality
*the contract on twin-cities
*the memorandum of the conclusion of the military alliance
*the rescript about use of the cross-border rivers
*! According to “The Plan Barbarossa", Germany planned
*to form the base of military operations
*to approve domination in South-east Asia
*to include in structure of the Reich of the country of the Middle East
*to create the puppet states in Central Asia
*+to provide "vital space" in the east due to destruction of the USSR
*!Twice Hero of the Soviet Union
*T.Tokhtarov, I.Panfilov
*M.Gabdullin, N.Abdirov
*R.Koshkarbayev, Ivanilov
*+T.Bigeldinov, S.Lugansky
*I.Egorov, K.Semenchenko
*!Leader of agriculture sector in days of the Second World War (1941-1945)
*!The essential event in scientific life of Kazakhstan in the first post-war years
*opening of Institute of geology
*opening of Institute of linguistics and literature
*+formation of Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR
*creation of the Kazakhstan base of Academy of Sciences of the USSR
*opening of the Kazakh branch of Academy of Sciences of the USSR
*!The issue which was discussed at a plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU in February-
March, 1954
*strengthening of collective farms
*dissolution of the created collective farms
*+development virgin and lay lands
*transformation of collective farms to state farms
*dissolution of MTS
*!The first test of a nuclear charge at the Semipalatinsk polygon was made in
*!Disorders in Temirtau in 1959 happened because of
*high level of salary
*+low living standards
*increasing of prices for technics
*instigation to an armed revolt
*national inequality among workers
*!Nationality which was first deported to Kazakhstan
*Meskhetinians Turks
*Crimean Tatars
*!The rationing system was cancelled
*!Development virgin and lay lands in Kazakhstan began in
*!The Unified railway network of Kazakhstan created
*!The tragic events in the Temirtau city occurred in
*!Medical examinations of people affected by radiation began in
*!For the first time collective farmers acquired the right for pension
*!Akmolinsk renamed into Tselinograd
*!The percentage of Kazakhs in the republic in 1962
*+29 %
*50 %
*35 %
*90 %
*40 %
*!The food programme in the USSR adopted in
*!The initiator of the German autonomy`s establishment on the territory of Kazakhstan
*!The USSR entered army in Afghanistan in
*March 1976
*January 1977
*April 1978
*November 1980
*+December 1979
*!At the VII Congress of Communist party of Kazakhstan instead of Z.Shayakhmetov, in the position
of the first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party of Kazakhstan was elected
*Kunayev D.A.
*Brezhnev L.I.
*+Ponomarenko P.K.
*Mirzoyan L. I.
*Khrushchev N. S.

*!The company which went into operation in the first postwar decade
*Ust – Kamenogorsk lead - zinc plant
*Karaganda metallurgical combine
*+Balkhash copper-smelting plant
*Shymkent lead plant
*Zhambyl sugar plant
*!The National currency – tenge – introduced in
*!Specify the period which received the name of “Khruschev's thaw”
*the end of 1930th
*the first part of 1970th
*+the second part of 1950th
*the middle of 1980th
*the beginning of 1990th
*!The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan in 1964-1986
*!Chronological period which can be designated as a period of developed socialism
*the end of 1930-the beginning of 1940
*the middle of 1940-the beginning of 1950
*the beginning of 1910-the beginning of 1920
*+the second half of 1960-the beginning of 1980
*the second half of 1980
*!What industry gained priority development in post-war years
*!Emergence of new cities in Kazakhstan in 1960th connected with
*outflow of rural people to cities
*migration policy
*development of infrastructure
*population policy
*+development of mineral deposits
*!The economic reform in the second half 1960th began from
*social sphere
*!In 1965 the first oil gave the mine
*!Kazakhstan in stagnation years (1971-1985)
*in the USSR established the multi-party system
*+was known in history as the developed socialist society period
*federal republics received large power
*there were the state and private properties
*O.Suleymenov for the book "Az iYa" was awarded the Komsomol Prize of Kazakhstan
*!Author of work "Nomadic civilization of Kazakhs: bases of activity of nomad society"
*Zimanov S.V.
*Levshin A.I.
*Abylkhozhin Z.B.
*+Masanov N.E.
*Kadyrbayev A.Sh.
*!How does the Brezhnev's period in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan historiography characterize
*full disorder of economy
*+stagnation period
*change of paradigms of management
*big jump
*reformatory fever
*!The person who for the first time tried to create and develop farms in Kazakhstan in 1970th
*!When did M.S. Gorbachev proclaim the course towards "acceleration of social and economic
development" of the USSR
*March 1987
*+April 1985
*June 1990
*August 1980
*September 1991
*!Specify the character of December events in Almaty in 1986
*+peace and political
*against the Constitution
*!How many participants of December events were excluded from ranks of the CPSU
*!Kairat Ryskulbekov was charged with the murder of a volunteer Savitsky.
He was sentenced to death, but then sentenced to 20 years in prison in
*!«Bekmakhanov`s dossier»
*in 1952 sentenced to 20 years
*was rehabilitated in 1976
*expelled from the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR
*+for the monograph "Kazakhstan in the 20-40 years of the XIX century"
*for the studying of the uprising of the Kazakhs under the leadership of I.Taimanov
*! The cult of personality of Stalin exposed
*in October, 1952
*condemned on XIX congress of the CPSU
*the report was made by V.Molotov
*+it is known in history as the period of "Thaw"(оттепель)
*the resolution was published in 25 years
*!Development of virgin and lay lands
*+years of development - 1954-1965
*the number of the Kazakh schools increased
*the livestock production gained development
*percentage of indigenous people grown
*preparation of national shots begun
*!The tragic events in Temirtau occurred because of
*+social problems increasing
*surplus of food products
*care of the party of a welfare of the people
*ignoring of economic incentives
*strengthening of the international relations
*!The economic reform in the second half of 1960th of XXcentury
*the tax increasing
*+started from agriculture
*centralization of power increasing
*stimulated by salary
*strengthening of the Center dictatorship
*!The German autonomy on the territory of Kazakhstan
*the decision was made in 1947
*capital of autonomy - Kyzylorda
*population of the republic supported the idea
*+interests of local population were ignored
*the territory of Southwest Kazakhstan was allocated
*!The number of the closed Kazakh schools in 1954 – 1986 years
*!Youth Magazines which were published during IX-X five-year plan
*+«Zhalyn», «Oner»
*«Kainar», «Knowlwdge and labor»
*«Birlesu», «Tansholpan»
*«Zerde», «Culture and life»
*«The history of homeland», «The Kazakh language»
*!Along with economic requirements, participants of this movement required the closure of the
Semipalatinsk nuclear polygon
*protests in Temirtau
*disorders in Akmola
*+strike in Karaganda
*political strife in Zhana Uzen
*December events in Almaty
*!The State Committee on the State of Emergency banned the publication of newspapers supporting
*«Известия КПСС»
*+«Московские новости»
*«Аргументы и факты»
*!The socio-political movements which opposed the State Committee on the State of Emergency
*«Adilet», «Alash»
*+«Azat», «Zheltoksan»
*«Azamat», «Otan»
*«Youth union»
*«Memorial», «Forum»
*!The famous scientist and writer who was rehabilitated according to the resolution of the Central
Committee of the Communist party of Kazakhstan in 1988
*!How many underground tests were conducted at the Azgir polygon
*!On the post of General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee after Leonid Brezhnev in
November 1982 was elected
*!The power plant that was built in 1972 in the territory of Kazakhstan
*Ili river
*Esil river
*!The number of Kazakhstan citizens participated in Afghan war
*14 695
*18 265
*17 982
*+21 979
*30 325
*!The "Medeo" sports complex was put into operation on
*February 11, 1947
*March 10, 1950
*+January 31, 1972
*February 22, 1989
*March 12, 1990
*!The five-volume monographs published in 1970-1980 years
*+“The history of the Kazakh SSR”
*“Dictionary of the Kazakh language”
*“Kazakhstan in the years of the Great Patriotic war”
*“The Kazakhstan`s plant world”
*“The Kazakhstan`s animal world”
*!Cities which were affected by heavy environmental situation in 1970-1980 years
*+Kyzylorda, Aktobe, Semey
*Shymkent, Almaty, Kentau
*Atyrau, Aktobe, Shalkar
*Zhezkazgan, Oskemen, Pavlodar
*Kyzylorda, Atyrau, Ust-Kamenogorsk
*!The greatest number of this disease recorded as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk
polygon from 1949-1989 years
*!The food program was adopted in the USSR
*!For strengthening cooperation with foreign countries, free economic zones were created in 1980-
1990 years
*!In 1964 armed conflict between the USSR and the People's Republic of China started.
The armed conflict near the Zhalanashkol of the Semipalatinsk region occurred in
*July 3, 1965
*May 21, 1966
*September 15, 1967
*June 14, 1968
*+August 13, 1969
*!Director of the film "Kyz-Zhibek"
*!The transition to the general education system was adopted in
*the late of 1950
*the first half of 1960
*the end of 1960
*the beginning of 1980
*!The outstanding cultural figure, the founder of the national ethnographic orchestra
*!In 1971, the first scientific and technical information center was placed in the city
*!According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR V.I.Lenin Palace was
renamed into the Republic Palace in
*!The number of public associations by the end of 1990th
*over 20
*more than 30
*over 70
*about 80
*+more than 100
*!In 1970 in the historical science of the Republic there happened a well-known event
*+in Issyk city was discovered the Golden man
*in Chilik Kurgan found the remains of the Golden man from the tribe Arimaspy
*in Araltobe Kurgan discovered the remains of tribe leader in gold dress
*the scientific expedition for Otrar studying started
*in Turkestan was returned Tai-Kazan
*!The law on the establishment of the post of the President in Kazakhstan adopted on
*January 10, 1989
*November 15, 1993
*+April 24, 1990
*October 25, 1991
*December 16, 1992
*!On the post of the President of the Kazakh SSR N.Nazarbayev was elected in
*June 1989
*April 1990
*January 1999
*February 1995
*+December 1991
*!The Declaration "On state sovereignty of Kazakh SSR" adopted in
*November 15, 1990
*January 20, 1990
*September 10, 1989
*+October 25, 1990
*December 16, 1991

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