The List of Exam Test Items in The Discipline "Molecular Biology" For The 1st Year Students, Specialty "General Medicine", 2019-2020 Academic Year

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The list of exam test items in the discipline "Molecular biology"

for the 1st year students, specialty “General Medicine”,
2019-2020 academic year

1. A model of the structure of the DNA molecule was proposed:

2. RNA triplet complementary to the triplet of DNA - TAG
3. The ratio established by rule Chargaff
4. Adenine is complementary:
5. What sequence determines the specificity of DNA?
6. A sequence of nucleotides that increases the rate of transcription
7. The gene segment responsible for the synthesis of one polypeptide chain
8. Part of the gene containing promoter, operator, attenuator
9. Regulatory sequences of the DNA molecule
10. Gene site necessary for binding to regulatory protein
11. Eukaryotic gene coding region contains
12. Characteristic of prokaryote genes
13. The sequence of nucleotides that slow down the rate of transcription
14. Part of a gene containing exon, intron, terminator
15. Which of the following corresponds to the definition of replication?
16. What direction of transmission of hereditary information is characteristic of a
specialized transfer?
17. In which process is DNA polymerase involved?
18. What principle states that the synthesis of daughter DNA chains is carried out in
the opposite direction from the mother chain?
19. Ways to transfer genetic information in nature
20. What principle states that each maternal DNA chain is a matrix for the synthesis
of the daughter DNA chain?
21. The principle when replication starts simultaneously in several points of DNA
22. What principle states that the synthesis of daughter DNA chains occurs in the
direction of 5'c 3 '?
23. What characterizes the structure of telomeres?
24. The enzyme that performs the function of lengthening the end sections of
25. Elongation of the ends of the daughter DNA molecules is characteristic of
26. The functions of telomeric chromosome regions are involved in
27. Telomere structure
28. High telomerase activity is observed in the cell
29. Telomeres are located in
30. Telomerase activity is not observed in the cell
31. Which enzyme performs the function of DNA strapping?
32. Which enzyme contributes to the completion of replication?
33. An enzyme that stabilizes the sides of the replication fork.
34. An enzyme that begins to synthesize a daughter DNA chain
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35. Enzyme that promotes replicative forks

36. What enzyme separates the DNA chains
37. Which protein mobilizes DNA chains
38. "Hayflick Limit" defines
39. The telomerase cycle includes
40. Telomerase enzyme performs the following functions:
41. The telomerase cycle includes
42. Moving telomerase one telomeric repeat
43. The problem of under-replication of the ends of the daughter DNA molecules
arises in
44. Place of formation of DNA-RNA polymerase complex
45. RNA, which serves as a template for protein synthesis
46. mRNA is synthesized in the cell nucleus on a single strand of DNA. What is this
process called?
47. In the process of maturation of messenger RNA, special enzymes cut introns and
sew exons. What are the informative parts of the gene called?
48. Protein synthesis consists of several successive stages. It is preceded by the
synthesis of immature mRNA. What is this process called?
49. DNA segment that serves to attach RNA polymerase
50. The organism, which is observed processing
51. What is the process of maturation of i-RNA?
52. Codon consists of three adjacent…
53. Which of the listed principles determines the synthesis of i-RNA in the direction of
5 '→ 3'?
54. In which part of the gene does the synthesis of i-RNA begin?
55. Which of the following processes characterizes processing?
56. Which of the following characterizes eukaryotic i-RNA?
57. Which of the listed processes reflects pro-i-RNA maturation?
58. Which of the listed principles reflects the role of the DNA molecule as a template
for the synthesis of i-RNA?
59. Which of the listed subunits joins the core enzyme in prokaryotes?
60. Which of the following processes occurs during processing?
61. What is immature i-RNA?
62. Which of the following processes reflects the maturation of the primary transcript
of eukaryotic mRNA?
63. What joins the site of attachment in t-RNA?
64. Enzyme that participates in translation
65. One of the stages of protein synthesis is the recognition of a codon and an
anticodon. The second triplet of mRNA is UAU. What complementary triplet is in
66. What RNA transports amino acids to ribosomes?
67. What is each amino acid encoded?
68. Participate in the translation:
69. Which enzyme is involved in the activation of free amino acids?
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70. Define the process of protein synthesis

71. Enzyme that participates in translation
72. A genetic code property in which an amino acid can be encoded by several codons
73. Number of meaningless codons
74. As you know, the sequence of triplets in DNA determines the order of amino acids
in the protein molecule. What is the property of the genetic code?
75. The property of the genetic code, indicating the unity of living organisms
76. What is encoded by a triplet?
77. Unit of genetic code
78. The beginning of translation in prokaryotes is associated with the addition of a
specific amino acid to the peptide center of the ribosome. Which of the following
amino acids is the first in the molecule of the synthesized protein?
79. The cell was affected by drugs that change the structure of the ribosomes. What
processes will be violated in the first place?
80. What binds aminoacyl-t-RNA synthetase?
81. In which functional center of the ribosome does the polypeptide chain form?
82. Peptidyl transferase function:
83. Which of the following answers correctly defines the functions of aminoacyl-t-
RNA - synthetases?
84. Which of the following enzymes is involved in the activation of free amino acids?
85. Which of the following are involved in peptidyl transferase processes?
86. The polypeptide synthesized on the ribosome consists of 54 amino acids. How
many codons had the messenger RNA, which was the matrix during its synthesis?
87. How long is DNA carrying information about the synthesis of a peptide that
contains 110 amino acid residues?
88. One of the characteristics of a genetic code is its specificity. What does this mean?
89. One of the characteristics of the genetic code is its triplet. What does this mean?
90. The property of the genetic code, indicating that one codon encodes one amino
91. The property of the genetic code, indicating that the codons follow each other
without separators
92. The property of the genetic code, indicating that each codon encodes only one
specific amino acid
93. What activates the lactose operon?
94. The element of the lactose operon
95. Condition required for lactose operon activity
96. The region of the gene to which RNA polymerase is attached
97. The role of lactose in the operon with negative control
98. Protein that binds to the operator in the lactose operon
99. Component of the operon
100. The site of gene to which repressor protein is attached
101. Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes at the post-translational level is
carried out:
102. In eukaryotes, gene expression is regulated at levels:
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103. Dysregulation of gene expression in eukaryotes at the post-translational level

leads to the formation of abnormal:
104. Types of regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes
105. The change of the splicing scheme is an example of the regulation occurring at
the level
106. Gene - enhancer in eukaryotes is involved in the regulation of expression as
107. The post transcriptional level of pro-i-RNA is characterized?
108. Gene activity at the transcriptional level in eukaryotes leads to the synthesis of
this product?
109. The unit of regulation of prokaryotic gene expression is
110. What is the element of the lactose operon?
111. What is the binding protein in the lactose operon to inactivate a gene?
112. Which of the following is necessary for positive control in the lactose operon?
113. Which of the following is the final product in repressive systems?
114. In which part of the gene does the inducer in the lactose operon bind to the
repressor protein for the transcription process?
115. What is the aporepressor connected to in repressive systems?
116. What is the function of the promoter?
117. At which of the levels is the regulation of prokaryotic gene activity in the
118. As a result, gene activity at the transcriptional level is synthesized
119. What synthesis is controlled by the gene?
120. What characterizes gene expression?
121. What is the reason for the operator if the lactose operon is not active?
122. In laboratory conditions, an experiment was conducted to study silencers. The
silencer in eukaryotes is involved in the regulation of expression as follows
123. Gene activity at the translational level in eukaryote leads to the synthesis of this
124. In humans, lactose splits the enzyme lactase. What explains the non-breakdown
of lactase?
125. Types of regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes
126. Types of regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes
127. Gene mutation in which adenine is replaced by guanine?
128. Gene mutation in which the replacement of a nucleotide in a triplet turns it into a
meaningless triplet?
129. Dynamic mutations are characteristic only for
130. The cause of gene mutations is a disorder that occurs when
131. In humans, under the action of UV irradiation, skin pigmentation is enhanced.
This happens as a result of the change:
132. Chemical elements of tobacco smoke can change the nucleotide sequence in the
DNA molecule replacing adenine with thymine or guanine with cytosine. What is a
133. What property of the genetic code leads to neutral mutations
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134. What is the name of the mutation unit?

135. Transition is
136. Transversion is
137. It is known that β-carotene, vitamins C and E reduce spontaneous DNA damage.
Which group do these substances belong to?
138. Under the action of solar radiation in the DNA of human skin is most often
139. Features of SOS repair
140. An error that may occur during the operation of DNA polymerase during
141. Chain, which is restored with recombinant repair
142. What kind of repair does not require an intact complementary DNA strand.
143. An enzyme that restores the phosphodiester bond of single stranded DNA breaks
144. This system is activated when there is so much damage in the DNA that it
threatens the life of the cell. What type of reparation are you talking about?
145. Factor that causes tumor cell transformation
146. The process of transforming a normal cell into a transformed one
147. Virus that causes tumor cell transformation
148. Indicate that the following applies to physical carcinogens:
149. Identify ways to turn proto-oncogenes into oncogenes
150. What properties of transformation of genes in a cell can be the cause of
151. Unlike normal cell strains, the lines of abnormal immortal cells (cancerous) do
not age and contain an active enzyme. An enzyme that is active in malignant tumors
152. Chromosome condensation stimulates
153. The content of the genetic material of the cell in the postmitotic period
154. A sharp decrease in MPF activity leads to
155. Active synthesis of proteins, enzymes, recovery of organelles and cell growth
occurs under the action of the complex
156. One of the DNA strands is made up of nucleotides: ATCACCCG. What is the
nucleotide sequence on the second strand of this DNA molecule?
157. Function of mRNA
158. The ratio of nucleotides, which determines the difference between organisms
159. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a carrier of genetic information, its structural
monomers are:
160. Location of eukaryotic DNA
161. One of the DNA chains consists of nucleotides: AAATTT What is the sequence
of nucleotides on the second chain of this DNA molecule?
162. To calculate the number of nucleotides, their percentage in the DNA chain,
mRNA. In one DNA molecule of nucleotides with thymine T -25%. Determine the
percentage of nucleotides A, G, C individually in this DNA molecule.
163.  In the DNA molecule, there are 31% of nucleotides with adenine. How many
nucleotides with cytosine in this molecule?
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164. A fragment of the original (maternal) DNA molecule contains the following pairs
of nucleotides:
Determine not according to Chargaff's rules
165. In the process of maturation of messenger RNA, special enzymes cut out introns
and stitches exons (processing). What are the informative sections of a gene called?
166. Identify specific nucleotide sequences located at large distances from the
structural part of the gene and affecting the expressivity (reducing speed) of
167. Which of the listed gene regions is informative for determining the number of
synthesized polypeptide chains in prokaryotes?
168. Specific nucleotide sequences (loci), located in front of a group of structural
genes regulated by them, triggering or preventing the process of transcription.
Determine this regulatory sequence.
169. Transcription occurs in a human cell. DNA dependent enzyme has reached a
certain sequence of nucleotides, after which transcription ceased. What is the name of
such a piece of DNA?
170. It is known that the structural part of eukaryotic genes is characterized by
alternation of semantic and non-informative plots.
What is the name of the sites containing information about the sequence of amino
acids in the polypeptide?
171. Given the gene segments: Promoter. Attenuator. Exons. Operator. CAAT boxing.
Introns. Arrange the correct alternation of sections of the prokaryote gene
172. The nucleotide sequences with which RNA polymerases bind during
transcription. They are located in front of structural genes.
Define this regulatory sequence?
173. Nucleotide sequences located to the left (100-200 pairs of nucleotides) from the
point of transcription onset outside the regulatory part and increase the speed of
Define this regulatory sequence?
174. What is the number of the enzyme that separates the DNA chains, what is it

175. Determine what number is indicated by the enzyme that stabilizes the sides of the
replication fork, as it is called?
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176. How many and what types of free nucleotides will be required when replicating a
DNA molecule, in which the amount of adenine is 600,000, and guanine - 2,400,000?
177. The total mass of all DNA molecules in 46 chromosomes of one somatic human
cell is 9⋅10−9 mg. What will be the mass of DNA molecules after replication?
178. Identify what number is the enzyme that binds DNA fragments, what is it called?

179. What change occurred in the somatic cell after replication under No. 2?

180. What does the Hayflick limit mean?

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181. What is the cycle of telomerase is indicated by the letter – b

182. What is the cycle of telomerase work is indicated by the letter – B

183. Determine which process is depicted?

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184. The enzyme - in the process of replication has the inverse 3 ′ → 5 ′ exonuclease
activity, i.e. able to eliminate incorrectly inserted nucleotides and work in the opposite
185. At the beginning of the replication process, hydrogen bonds between the double
chains of the DNA molecule are interrupted. This process occurs in special nucleotide
(AT) sequences of a DNA molecule. The enzyme that performs this function:
186. In a linear DNA molecule, telomeric regions of the chromosome are not
completely replicated; only in some cells of the telomeric region of the chromosomes
is completely replicated using a special enzyme. For example (sperm or tumor cells).
What is this enzyme?
187.  In the process of replication, the helicase enzyme scans special nucleotide (AT)
sequences that are enriched in AT and breaks the hydrogen bonds between the double
chains of the DNA molecule. Define the stage of replication
188. In the process of replication, a primer is required to synthesize new DNA
polymerase chains. Primer synthesizing enzyme:
189. In the process of replication, primers after DNA polymerase activation are
cleaved using special enzymes. Primer cleaving enzyme:
190. A 22-year-old girl has an open form of tuberculosis. The complex of drugs
prescribed to it includes rifampicin antibiotic, which binds DNA-dependent
prokaryotic RNA polymerase. Inhibition of what process in the causative agent of
tuberculosis is due to the therapeutic effect of rifampicin?
191. 5'-GGACTA-3 '
   3'-CCTGAT-5 'from this DNA fragment was synthesized 5'-GGACUA-3' (mRNA)
What direction is the transcription?
192. The central dogma of molecular biology was the concept of the transfer of
hereditary information in the direction of “DNA – RNA – protein”. How is hereditary
information transmitted by urethroviruses?
193. Different cells belonging to the same person can simultaneously synthesize
different proteins. This is possible because:
194. The totality of biochemical reactions that decrease the molecular weight of the
RNA precursor with the formation of mature molecules RNA:

195. - What type of RNA polymerase can

be attributed?
196. What is the function of the -35 site in the prokaryotic promoter?
197. Assume that the DNA consists of the following chain: AATTGCTTA.
Find the chain of i-RNA formed on the basis of this DNA.
198. In the prokaryotic gene, during transcription, double-stranded DNA, activated by
the promoter, is untwisted, and its twisted recovery is resumed
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199. Indicate an enzyme-forming complex or an open promoter complex of RNA

polymerase with promoter systems in E. coli bacteria?
200. The process of post-transcriptional modification of primary transcripts (DNA
precursors) is called:
201. The biosynthesis of molecules and RNA in the corresponding DNA sections
occurs in the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids with the participation of RNA
202. In the process of transcription of RNA polymerase progression along the matrix
in the direction from 5 "- to 3" - the divergence occurs in front of it and behind it the
DNA double helix is restored. What is the stage of transcription:
203. During transcription in eukaryotes, controlled excision of internal non-coding
sequences from the primary transcript and connection of the remaining RNA
fragments, called coding sequences, with the formation of a mature, functionally active
molecule and RNA:
204. As a result of which process, on the basis of the same primary transcript (pre -
mRNA), the formation of several mature mRNAs occurs:
205. Initiation in eukaryotic genes begins with:
206. Adult hemoglobin (HbA) is a tetramer protein consisting of two α and two β-
peptide chains. What is the name of such a structure of this protein?
207. Four nitrogenous bases in combination of 3 in triplets give 4 ³ = 64 different
codons, therefore the same amino acids can be encoded by different triplets. What
explains the greater amount of transporter RNA (61) than the amino acids used for
protein synthesis (20)?
208. During the survey of students on the topic “Genetic Code”, the teacher asked:
“Why is the genetic code called universal?” The correct answer should be: “Since it
is ...”:
209. Information on amino acids contained in certain proteins is synthesized as a result
of transcription from a DNA molecule in the form of triplets in i-RNA. One triplet
210. As a result of translation, a polypeptide chain consisting of amino acids is formed,
but it is not a finished product, it must go through several structural levels in order to
turn into its native form. What structure of the properties of proteins is determined
211. The start of translation in prokaryotes is associated with the attachment of a
specific amino acid to the ribosome peptide center. Amino acids which are the first in
a synthesized protein molecule
212. The polypeptide synthesized on the ribosome consists of 62 amino acids. How
many codons had i-RNA, which was the matrix during its synthesis
213. In the stage of elongation of the process, a link occurs between amino acids. At
which center of the ribosome occurs?
214. In prokaryotes, as a result of transcription, i-RNA is formed and the translation
process occurs immediately, and in eukaryotes, pre-a-RNA is formed by the
transcription product, which then undergoes serious changes in the nucleus, when it is
ready for translation, it transfers to the cytoplasm. The function of i-RNA during
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215. When one of the senseless codons UAA, UAG, UGA located next and the center
of the ribosome, they learn eRf factor and stimulates the hydrolysis of the complex.
Define the process period
216. A repressor protein was detected in the cell. What gene encodes the amino acid
sequence of this protein?
217. Set the sequence of amino acid residues in the molecule polypeptide. This
sequence will correspond to the specific location of the nucleotides in the DNA
218. For the tryptophan operon, the compound blocking this operon is tryptophan.
How does tryptophan block an operon?
219. The experiment showed an increase in beta-galactosidase activity after lactose
was added to the culture medium with E. coli. What portion of the lactose operon
becomes unblocked by the repressor under these conditions?
220. Determine the type of control of gene expression regulation.

221. The change in the functioning of the ribosome after the attachment of antibiotic
molecules to it is an example of the regulation that occurs at the level of:
222. Place of accession of the repressor protein in the absence of inducer
223. Regulatory proteins that suppress the transcription of structural genes:
224. Regulation of the activity of prokaryotic genes is carried out at the level of:
225. Regulation of the activity of eukorotic genes is carried out at the level of:
226. The regulation of gene activity in prokaryotes is carried out at the level of:
227. Regulation of gene activity in eukaryotes is carried out at the level of:
228. Violation of the regulation of gene expression in eukaryotic post-translational
level, leads to the formation of abnormal:
229. In prokaryotes, the following types of transcriptional control are observed:
230. The processes of isolation, fragmentation, identification and copying in large
quantities of DNA:
231. The method can be used to treat both hereditary and acquired diseases, for
example, hemophilia, cancer, AIDS.
232. In humans, it is not plasmids that are used as gene transporters, but sections of
DNA that can move from one locus to another within the same chromosome or from
one chromosome to another. What are their names?
233. Cyclin-Cdk complex that triggers mitosis and regulates this process.
234. Protein that checks damaged DNA, thereby acting as a “genome guardian” for a
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235. Double-stranded breaks in DNA molecules cause a stop at a period point

236. The discrepancy of monochromatic chromosomes is provided
237. The reason for stopping the cycle at the metaphase of mitosis
238. A complex that ensures maximum spiralization of chromosomes and an orderly
arrangement of chromosomes at the equator of the cell.
239. Incompleteness of replication causes the mitotic cycle to stop at the collation
240. Complex providing complex processes such as restoration of cellular structures,
cell growth and intensive synthesis of building proteins and enzymes
241. In a patient with severe hemolytic anemia, red blood cells have the shape of a
sickle due to the replacement of the amino acid glutamine by valine in the beta chain
of hemoglobin. What type of gene mutation caused anemia?
242. In the genetic laboratory, when working with DNA molecules of white Wistar
rats, one nucleotide was replaced by another. At the same time, only one amino acid in
the peptide was replaced. The result will be due to a mutation called
243. A mutation of the first exon of the structural gene occurred in the cell. It reduced
the number of nucleotide pairs instead of 290 pairs was 288. What type of mutation?
244. As a result of a mutation in the matrix chain of the DNA molecule, the TAC
triplet was replaced by the ATC triplet. This type of mutation is called
245. In patients with progressive Duchenne muscular dystrophy in patients, there are
deletions in exons, which leads to the synthesis of an abnormal protein, myodistrophin.
Determine the type of mutation
246. A mutation in huntington disease is an expansion of the trinucleotide repeats of
the GAC triplet. What kind of mutation is it?
247. Chemical elements of tobacco smoke can change the nucleotide sequence in the
DNA molecule, turning adenine into thymine or guanine into cytosine. What is a
248. A mutation in huntington disease is an expansion of trinucleotide repeats of the
CAG triplet. What kind of mutation is it?
249. Chemical mutagens can alter the nucleotide sequence in a DNA molecule,
converting adenine to thymine or guanine to cytosine. What is a mutation?
250. Gene mutation in which the replacement of a nucleotide in a triplet turns it into a
meaningless triplet
251. Mutation leading to an increase in protein or enzyme synthesis (hypermorphic
mutation) occurs in
252. Using the diagram below, determine the type of point mutations

253. Using the diagram below, determine the type of gene mutation.
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254. Using the diagram below, determine the type of point mutations

255. Molecular genetic analysis of the DNA of three newborns showed that the first
child has 350 in the 5'-NTO of the FMR-1 gene, the second has 780, and the third has
42 CHH repeats. How can this case be explained?
256. Mutations leading to a decrease in protein or enzyme synthesis (hypomorphic
mutations) occur in
257. Children who are homozygous for the recessive autosomal mutation "xeroderma
pigmentosa" look normal at birth, but already at an early age, under the influence of
sunlight, they show skin lesions. Pigment xeroderma occurs as a result of process
258. When so much damage occurs in DNA that during excision repair, the cell does
not have time to completely repair them. As a result, after the replication of such DNA
in the daughter chain, “gaps” are formed at the site of damage present in the mother
thread. What type of repair fixes such damage?
259. After staying in a solarium, an increase in the number of tumors on the skin was
found in a woman. The cause of the neoplasm was a violation of the sequence of
nucleotides due to exposure to UV rays. Violation of which process led to the
emergence of tumors?
260. UV rays violate the integrity of the DNA molecule, leading to the formation of
pyrimidine dimers that cause mutations. Why do irradiated cells survive much better in
the light than in the dark?
261. The formation of thymine dimers in the DNA molecule is due to
262. Type of reparations which is characterized by the correction of damage in the
daughter DNA molecule with preservation of damage in the original parent DNA
263. Type of reparations which is characterized by the recognition of damage followed
by excision, removal, resynthesis of DNA and stitching
264. It is believed that the replacement of nitrogenous bases leads, in 25% of cases, to
the formation of synonyms triplets. How can this case be explained?
265. Alkylating agents capable of adding alkyl (methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl) groups to
the molecules interacting with them. These mutagens alkylate purine and pyrimidine
bases in DNA. What enzyme is used to correct such changes?
266. In the DNA molecule, changes have occurred caused by UV radiation, chemical
agents, certain drugs, x-rays. The cell has reached a critical point. Under such
conditions, what type of repair is possible?
267. Mismatch repair corrects erroneously embedded undamaged substrates that do not
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form normal mating (A • T, C • G). Such errors occur during the replication of DNA
polymerase. What DNA polymerase corrects such errors?
268. There are altered forms of nitrogenous bases that can complementarily bind to the
nucleotides of the matrix. So an altered form of cytosine can bind to adenine. A
polymerase will attach this terminal nucleotide to a growing chain. What type of repair
corrects such changes?
269. A whole class of enzymes function in cells that recognize DNA damage as a
result of deamination, alkylation, and other structural changes in its bases. What
enzyme are we talking about?
270. A person has discovered many diseases caused by a violation of reparative
systems. Some of these diseases lead to premature aging of the body. Which of the
following syndromes belongs to this group?
271. The use of drugs that regulate the intake of calcium in intracellular organelles, an
increase in the level of intracellular Ca2 + can lead to the induction of apoptosis due to
direct activation of endonucleases and an increase in mitochondrial permeability. The
implementation of apoptosis involves Ca2 +, Mg2 + dependent endonucleases.
Determine the functions of Ca2 +, Mg2 + dependent endonucleases in apoptosis:
272. Apoptosis, in contrast to true cell death (necrosis), is characterized by:
273. What form of cell death is this description typical for: chromatin condensation
and cell compression occur (due to cytoplasm condensation), chromatin is located on
the periphery of the nucleus in the form of a dense homogeneous mass, does the
cytoplasm decrease in volume, does the cell change its shape?
274. The consequence of lipid peroxidation in membranes is an increase
275. An immunocytochemical study of bone marrow biopsy in a patient with acute
leukemia revealed a significant number of cells with signs of apoptosis-specific DNA
fragmentation. With apoptosis, DNA fragmentation occurs using an enzyme:
276. On examination of the infant, an adhesion of the third and fourth fingers of the
hand was found. On the roentgenogram of the brush revealed a complete union of the
phalanges of these fingers. Identify Apoptosis Type
277. Apoptosis protein inhibitors were first detected in baculoviruses. Following this
discovery, inhibitor homologs have been identified in all eukaryotes, from yeast to
mammals. The main role of apoptosis protein inhibitors is to suppress the functioning
of caspases −3, −7, −9. Identify an inhibitor blocking apoptosis signaling?
278. The baby was born with a weight of 2600.0 g from pregnancy, which proceeded
with the threat of miscarriage at 10-12 weeks. When viewed 12 hours after birth, the
baby's condition is serious. Vomiting is noted. Multiple wet rales are heard in the lungs
on both sides. The abdomen is slightly swollen, soft. A congenital malformation of the
esophagus was diagnosed. What malformation of the esophagus cause apoptosis
disorders on command?
279. Patient D., 62 years old, a former fireman, was admitted to the hospital with
complaints of general weakness, sudden weight loss, hoarseness, shortness of breath,
bad breath, dry cough. With laryngoscopy of the larynx, a tumor is detected. What
type of apoptosis disorders lead to the development of this tumor?
280. When viewed on the 2nd day, the condition of the child of moderate severity, skin
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and pink mucous membranes, tissue turgor is slightly reduced. When probing the
stomach, up to 40 ml of stagnant brown-brown content was removed. On a survey
radiography of the abdominal cavity revealed atresia of the small intestine, low
intestinal obstruction. What mechanism did not work in the formation of gaps in the
abdominal organs in a child?
281. In this stage, a normal cell acquires genomic instability and the ability to run
unrestrained and uncontrolled, but remains under the control of tissue and intercellular
growth regulation. Determine the stage of the malignant tumor:
282. During this stage, about 10 duplications of transforming cells occur. The
estimated duration of this phase is from 15 to 30 years. Determine the stage of the
malignant tumor:
283. Malignant cells lose surface proteins responsible for intercellular communication,
break away from the main tumor, enter the blood vessels and spread to other organs,
spread across the surface of serous integuments. What is this phenomenon called?
284. A tumor appears when 1 or several cells get out of control of the organism and
begin to divide rapidly. What property of the tumor characterizes the process of the
exit of cells from the control of the body?
285. Neoplastic tumors often contain more than one type of cell, but their initial and
subsequent growth usually depends on one group of tumor cells. These cells are from a
single precursor cell. A property that is characteristic of malignant tumors?
286. The stage of oncogenesis, in which there are profound changes in the cell surface,
which determines the appearance of such properties of tumor cells as invasive growth
and the ability to metastasize is called:
287. What factor is the cause of the color change of a mole (non-cancerous tumor) in a
288. Each person has a set of cell cycle genes in each of their cells that encode cell
cycle proteins. Which genes belong to control the process of cell division?
289. In patients with pigmented xeroderma, the skin is extremely sensitive to sunlight,
and skin cancer may develop. Violation of the synthesis of which enzyme leads to this
290. The cell came to the moment when it was necessary to replicate DNA, but there
remained lesions in it that none of the repair systems could repair. In such situations,
what type of repair is included?
291. Patient M., 46 years old, went to the doctor with complaints of marked weakness,
dizziness, constant dry cough with a small amount of sputum. 15 years ago, he
participated in the liquidation of the accident at a nuclear power plant. Works in a
chemical plant producing varnishes and paints. For 25 years, I smoked 10-15 cigarettes
a day. A year ago, smoking stopped due to deterioration of health. Bronchoscopy
revealed a tumor of the main right
292. Tumor viruses cause tumors not by themselves, but because they bring the
oncogene into the genetic apparatus of the cell and fix it there, are able to multiply and
integrate into the cell genome and cause the formation of malignant tumors. What
viruses are related to oncoviruses:
293. What causes violations of cell cycle protein kinase inhibitors?
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294. Often, screening can be recommended in cases involving hereditary genes that
predispose a person to cancer. Which genes are at increased risk for breast cancer?
295. Each person has a set of cell cycle genes in each of his cells that encode cell cycle
proteins. Which of the group of genes belong to the controlling process of cell
296. After staying in a tanning bed, a woman showed an increase in the number of
neoplasms on her skin. The cause of the neoplasm was a violation of the nucleotide
sequence due to exposure to UV rays. Violation of which process led to the occurrence
of neoplasms?
297. Li-Fraument syndrome is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait and is
characterized by a high incidence of various types of tumors (breast, bone and soft
tissue cancer, hematopoietic tissue cancer and adrenocortical carcinomas are also
possible). What mutation gene mutation lead to this syndrome?
298. Colorectal cancer is one of the most studied malignant tumors. As a rule,
colorectal cancer is formed from benign intestinal polyps (adenomas). This process
can take more than one year. In colon cancer, suppressor genes are inactivated. What
gene mutation causes this cancer?
299. Define the properties of the malignant tumor corresponding to this figure.

300. Define the properties of the malignant tumor corresponding to this figure.
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Acting head of the department Kudiyarova Zh.S.

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