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EE323 – Analog and Digital Communication

Assignment 5
Spring 2020

Maximum Marks:50 Due Date: 19 june 2020

• Partially or fully copied assignments will be marked as zero.
• Only handwritten solution on A4 page will be accepted.
• Late submissions are not allowed.
• Clearly indicate all the calculations in your solution. No points will be awarded in
case of missing calculations.
• You can submit your assignment during the class time only.

Submitted By

Name: _________________________

Student ID: _________________________

Section: _________________________

Submission Date

___ June 2020

Details of Marks

1 2 3 4 5
CLO Number 6 6 6 6 6

Total Marks 10 10 10 10 10 50
EE323 - ADC Assignment 5

CLO Taxonomy
No. Level
6 Analyze the Principals of Digital Data transmission 4
NOTE: All Questions are mapped on CLO6
Question Number 1
In a certain telemetry System, eight message signals having 2 KHz bandwidth each are time
division multiplexing using a binary PCM. The error in sampling amplitude cannot be greater than 1
percent of peak amplitude. Determine the minimum transmission bandwidth required if raised cosine
pulses with roll off factor is r=.2 are used. The sampling rate must be at least 25 percent above the
Nyquist rate.
Question Number 2

In a binary data transmission using duobinary pulses samples values of recived

pluses is read as follows

1 2 0 0 0 -2 0 0 -2 0 2 0 0 -2 0 2 2 0 -2

(a) Explain if any error in detection

(b) Can you guess the correct transmitted digit sequence. Given as many as possible correct sequence.

Question Number 3
The Fourier Transform P(f) of basic pulse p(t) used in certain binary
Communication System is shown in fig

(a) From the shape of P(f), Explain at what pulse rate this pulse would satisfy the Nyquist
(b) Find p(t) and verify that this pulse does (or does not) satisfy the Nyquist criterion
(c) If the pulse does satisfy the Nyquist Criterion, what is the transmission rate and what is roll
off factor.

Question Number 4
Binary Data rate of 1Mbit/s is to be transmitted by using Nyquist criterion pulses with P(f) shown in
figure. The frequencies of f1 and f2 of the spectrum are adjustable. The channel available for the
transmission of this data has a bandwidth of 700KHz. Determine f1, f2 and roll off factor.

National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences – FAST, CFD Campus 1

EE323 - ADC Assignment 5

Question Number 5
Design a Descrambler for the scrambler shown in fig. If the sequence S=101010100000111 is applied
to input of scrambler, Determine the output sequence T. verify that if this T is applied to the input of
Descrambler, the output is sequence S.

Good Luck

National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences – FAST, CFD Campus 2

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