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Mid Term Examination Fall 2018

Course : MGT 543 Human Resource Management Full Mark

: 100
Level : Masters Pass Mark : 60
Program : MBA Evening Trimester V Time : 3

Read the instructions clearly before you start. Try to be direct, original and specific with your answers as
far as possible. Manage your time thoughtfully so that you are able to complete the paper within the set
timeframe. The figures enclosed in brackets indicate the full marks for the respective questions.

Attempt ALL questions.

1. Human Resource Management as a strategic partner involves supporting the business strategy. This
means working with line management in analyzing the organizational requirements and undertaking
activities to design structure, influence the culture, bringing in right people and developing to retaining
them and enhancing performance systems.
In this context using the following format given below (a) explain in detail the strategic approaches: cost
differentiation, product differentiation, customer intimacy and customer/market focus and (b) state what
could be the appropriate HRM interventions to respond to each of such strategic approaches. Support
your answers with relevant examples.
SN. Strategies (a) Explanation (b) Appropriate HR
(meaning) Interventions

2. Bishal Thapa is a highly result-oriented, innovative, hardworking, focused entrepreneur who established
B-Tech Pvt. Ltd. He likes working with highly assertive, creative, skilled, focused team players who are
flexible, change driven, informed, cutting-edge professionals much like himself in work ethic but from
diverse groups. He believes that professionals with varied backgrounds contribute to better solutions and
creativity. He wants only those who are as committed as he is to growing a company that produces the
industry standard and benchmark in intranet and software technology. That means being willing to work
seventy hours a week if the project requires, as well as dedication to and passion for customers, the firm,
and the project team.
He likes to hire people in two categories (i) young people with salaries slightly below industry average
and (ii) professionals with high level of work ethics. He rewards performance and tenure and is reputed
to double a salary when a developer exceeds expectations. He also contributes his company’s profit to
the employees’ benefit package and performance bonus subject to their length of employment. At the
current rate, a person might retire a good sum of money if he or she can withstand the pace. While B
Tech has pool of talent who are highly effective, it does face staff turnover challenges. The turnover has
mostly been in case of staffs who like to work at their own pace and who feel the pace at B-Tech is not
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Examination, Fall 2018, MBA Evening, Human Resource Management Page 1 of 2
to suitable for their work life balance. As B Tech’s business is growing, it needs more staff every year.
Total staff comprises of 10% administrative staff (finance, admin, front office and support staff) and
90% technical staff (developers).
Answer the following questions:
a. What would be the effective ways or means to recruit young talent and qualified professionals to
work for B Tech? Provide with sufficient reasoning to justify your answer. [15]
b. What are the various steps of selection process that is generally adopted by organizations? State
which selection steps are suitable to B Tech and why? [15]

3. What is Job Analysis? Explain the significance of Job Analysis i.e. how it contributes to effectiveness of
various other HRM functions. [10 + 5 = 15]
Good Job design incorporates tasks that relate to organizational goals-values into every job description
and enhancing performance. In this context giving relevant examples explain the various techniques of
job design?

4. Interviews are most crucial and critical to identifying the right candidate for a job. What are the various
types of interviews that an organization can plan and conduct? [15]
Explain the concept of HR plan? What is the process for making an effective HR plan?

5. As employee training and development (T & D) seeks to enhance employee knowledge, skills and
behavior that improves job performance, explain the essential process that should be undertaken to
ensure the success of T & D.

6. Write short notes on any TWO: [5 x 2 = 10]

a. Line function vs staff function
b. Socialization Process
c. Environmental factors in HRM
d. The HRM framework/model

All the Best!!!

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Examination, Fall 2018, MBA Evening, Human Resource Management Page 2 of 2

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