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Section 01: Creating Vision Board

Vision board is idea of putting your dreams and aims in a visual representation. It is creative and
fun activity which highlights aims and goals to be achieved in life whether short term or long

I dream to be a wildlife photographer to feel the vast variety in nature’s creation. My aim in life
is to do something different as my extra-curricular activity which makes me close to the nature.
For this purpose I create a vision board which focuses on my ambition of wildlife photography.
Vision board helps me to keep motivated and focused on my dreams.

First step in creating vision board is collection of pictures. I collect pictures and items from
internet, which is related to my passion. In second step, I rearrange the picture according to my
vision board concept.

In final step, I make a collage of my vision board according to my interest in wildlife

Section 02: Discussion of Vision Board
Creating my vision board is a wonderful activity. It motivates me even more to achieve my
dream of wildlife photography. Here is step by step discussion of my vision board:

Step 1:
Wildlife photography is important topic to me since my childhood. As I grew up watching wildlife
documentaries, it was my passion to explore to beauty of other side of the nature. Almighty
created thousand of different species which needs to be explored by me. Even in childhood, I
visited zoo on several occasions to closely monitor the activities of wild animals as how they
walk how the look how they eat.

As I collect different items and pictures online which are related to my area of passion, I observe
different wildlife photographers. They are too passionate for their work and do not even fear
their lives. This thing makes me wonder how they take so much risk. As I study more about
wildlife photographers, one thing clear in my mind that there is more a wild passion in this field
rather than just earning money.

Wildlife photography excites me because of its wild nature itself. That why I decided to choose it
because of its adventurous nature. There are more technical instruments used in photography
like cameras, lenses and processing of photos digitally. Passion of taking an extra ordinary photo
which leads to go anywhere is a thrilling excitement. Apart from these additional tools, main
focus is on the movement and exploration of wildlife.

Once I discussed my interest in wildlife photography with my friend and he just made fun of me
that it will not give you anything. I did not care what he said and keep my ambition high. I show
him different documentaries and photos that show the extraordinary life of animals. Now he is
also impressed by my passion and motivates me to keep my dreams alive.

Step 2:
As discussed earlier that creating vision board of wildlife photography gave me a new dose of
pursuing my goal. I make myself ready for challenges of wildlife photography. Wildlife
photography is my obsession, it is anything but a vocation, it is anything but an errand, it's an
enthusiasm that drives me towards my objective of getting photographs, I see to be great by all
accounts. What fulfills me when I photo wildlife isn't simply "getting the shot" yet additionally
the demonstration of getting it.

After studies, I am planning to buy DSLR as a beginner. My mind stuck on Pentax K-3 II which is
perfect option for my passion. It has ability to capture stabilization for walking animals.

Practically like a thrill seeker – one experience is rarely enough, consistently long for additional.
That drive gets me off my butt and out in nature where I want to see and experience wildlife as
nature planned it to be seen. One of the most significant reasons I do what I do, is to show and
impart to individuals another side of wildlife, break the generalizations and pass on my
understanding and passionate association with my subjects. I trust that individuals will see the
excellence of wildlife, regard, yet don't dread and account for them in our condition.
Comprehend they also have feelings and astute activities, that they reserve a privilege to impart
this planet to us.

Step 3:
I enjoyed the activity and fully involved in creating this vision board. It give me learning of how
to keep motivate myself to pursue my passion. During this activity, my passion of wild
photography awakes once again. One thing which surprises me during this activity is about
challenges faced by wildlife photography during their mission. Photographer has to wait for
hours to take perfect shoot. It seems funny thing when animals sit on cameras or stands or even
sometimes on photographer, as well as scary too for some people. Life can be at risk if wild
animals attack or follow the photographers. All this things make wild photography a thrilling and
adventurous profession.

As I gather various things and pictures online which are identified with my region of enthusiasm,
I watch distinctive wildlife picture takers. They are unreasonably enthusiastic for their work and
don't fear their lives. This thing makes me wonder how they go out on a limb. As I study
increasingly about wildlife picture takers, one thing clear in my mind that there is progressively a
wild enthusiasm in this field instead of simply winning cash.

I must say that before creating vision board, I was doubtful or least interested about my passion
of wildlife photography. But after creating vision board, now I am more focused on my goal. If I
look at past, I thought, if I get to create it earlier I would be at different stage as I am now.
Anyhow now I set my future direction. I take print outs of photos and also the vision board to
put on my room walls. I put vision board on my desktop screen to keep me running for my

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