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M u s c u l o s k e l e t a l I m a g i n g • R ev i ew

Meyers et al.
Imaging of ACL Repair and Its Complications

Musculoskeletal Imaging
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Imaging of Anterior Cruciate

Ligament Repair and Its
Arthur B. Meyers1 OBJECTIVE. This article provides a review of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) recon-
Andrew H. Haims struction procedures and their normal postoperative appearance. Then, we review commonly
Kirsten Menn encountered complications: those associated with decreased range of motion (impingement,
Hicham Moukaddam arthrofibrosis, intraarticular bodies, ganglion cysts) and those associated with laxity (graft
tearing, graft stretching). Finally, we review some miscellaneous complications.
Meyers AB, Haims AH, Menn K, Moukaddam H CONCLUSION. Given the number of patients undergoing ACL reconstruction, it is im-
portant for radiologists to be familiar with the different reconstruction surgeries and their
common complications.

nterior cruciate ligament (ACL) ers showing no significant difference between
reconstruction is one of the most the procedures [2–4]. However, the bone–pa-
commonly performed sports tella tendon–bone procedure does lead to more
medicine procedures in the Unit- anterior knee pain at the patellar bone harvest
ed States, with approximately 100,000 proce- site than the doubled semitendinosus and gra-
dures performed each year [1]. Patients with cilis tendon graft [3]. In the pediatric popula-
postoperative symptoms are frequently im- tion, ACL repair using the doubled semitendi-
aged to evaluate for complications. Therefore, nosus and gracilis tendon graft is the preferred
it is incumbent on radiologists to be familiar method because of the ability to avoid crossing
with the different surgeries performed for the physis with bone blocks [5]. There are dif-
ACL reconstruction, the normal postoperative ferences in the appearances of the two grafts,
appearance, and complications that can be di- from an imaging standpoint, that are important
agnosed with imaging. In this article, we pres- and are discussed later in this article.
ent a comprehensive review of the imaging of Other types of procedures have been per-
ACL reconstruction and of its complications. formed for ACL reconstruction using other
Keywords: anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, autografts, cadaveric allografts, synthetic ma-
arthrofibrosis, autologous four-strand hamstring graft, ACL Reconstruction Procedures terials, and even grafts from living related do-
bone–patella tendon–bone graft, graft impingement,
The two primary ACL reconstruction pro- nors [5]. These procedures often use similar
graft tear, sports medicine, trauma
cedures are the autologous bone–patella ten- bone tunnels and have postoperative appear-
DOI:10.2214/AJR.09.3200 don–bone graft and the autologous four-strand ances similar to the bone–patella tendon–
hamstring graft, which is also known as the bone and doubled semitendinosus and graci-
Received June 16, 2009; accepted after revision doubled semitendinosus and gracilis tendon lis tendon procedures.
July 20, 2009.
graft. The bone–patella tendon–bone graft is The two procedures mentioned replace
All authors: Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale harvested by taking bone blocks from the pa- only the anteromedial bundle (AMB) of the
University School of Medicine, 333 Cedar St., New tella and the tibial tubercle with the intervening ACL. The ACL is functionally divided into
Haven, CT 06520. Address correspondence to central third of the patellar tendon (Fig. 1). The an AMB and a posterolateral bundle (PLB)
H. Moukaddam (
second graft is composed of the distal semi- on the basis of their sites of attachment on the
CME tendinosus and gracilis tendons, which are har- tibia [6]. Newer procedures have been devel-
This article is available for CME credit. vested from the musculotendinous junction to oped using double-bundle techniques to repli-
See for more information. their tibial insertion. They are then sutured to- cate a more physiologic function of the ACL
gether and doubled back, giving four strands by replacing both the AMB and the PLB [7].
AJR 2010; 194:476–484
(Fig. 2). Debate as to which procedure leads to The surgical techniques vary using up to four
0361–803X/10/1942–476 better long-term joint stability is ongoing, with bone tunnels [6].
some studies showing better long-term stabil- In this article, we focus on the postopera-
© American Roentgen Ray Society ity with one procedure over the other and oth- tive appearances of the bone–patella tendon–

476 AJR:194, February 2010

Imaging of ACL Repair and Its Complications

bone graft and the doubled semitendinosus on the right knee or between 1- and 2-o’clock bled semitendinosus and gracilis tendon graft
and gracilis tendon graft, which are still the on the left knee [12, 14] (Figs. 4B and 5B). We and is distinguishable from a tear, which is
most widely used techniques [8]. The appear- should note that the use of a clock face for eval- perpendicular to the graft.
ances of many of the complications are sim- uating tunnel positioning has significant limi-
ilar among the different types of grafts, and tations, particularly when evaluating an ACL Harvest Sites
no complications have been reported, to our repaired using the double-bundle technique, There are distinct differences in the appear-
knowledge, that are specifically related to the because the orientations of the insertion sites ances of the harvest sites depending on which
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use of the double-bundle reconstruction tech- of the AMB and PLB change depending on the type of procedure was performed. MRI of the
nique, which are not seen with the other pro- degree of flexion of the knee. This is important patellar tendon after graft harvesting for a
cedures [6, 9]. because imaging is performed with the knee bone–patella tendon–bone procedure reveals
The bone plugs of the bone–patella tendon– extended, whereas surgery is performed with a defect within the tendon that decreases with
bone graft are secured within the tunnels by the knee in flexion. Therefore, if a clock face is time but is still present 1–2 years after surgery
interference screws, which press them against used to describe the orientation of the femoral [19]. The size of the patellar tendon defect has
the walls of the tunnels until bony union oc- tunnel, the degree of flexion of the knee should not been shown to correlate with the patell-
curs. Metallic interference screws are still be noted [15]. ofemoral pain that is sometimes experienced
widely used. However, bioabsorbable screws after this procedure [20, 21]. MRI evaluation
are increasingly being used because they pro- Tibial Tunnel of the hamstring harvest sites after a doubled
duce fewer artifacts on subsequent MRI. In- The positioning of the tibial tunnel is the semitendinosus and gracilis tendon procedure
terference screws are also used to anchor primary factor in preventing impingement of shows absence of the tendons. Over a 2.5- to
doubled semitendinosus and gracilis tendon the graft against the roof of the intercondylar 3-year period, progressive regeneration of the
grafts. However, a variety of other methods notch [16]. On sagittal images, the tibial tunnel tendons has been shown to begin proximally
are also used, including those using devices should be oriented parallel to the Blumensaat and extend distally [21].
such as the Endobutton (Smith & Nephew) line. The Blumensaat line is a line drawn on
and transfixation devices [10, 11]. The En- conventional radiographs along the intercondy- ACL Reconstruction Complications
dobutton is a device that is pushed through a lar roof. The distal portion of the tunnel should The main complications seen after ACL re-
small hole in the bone and then deploys as a start near the tibial tuberosity, and the intraar- construction procedures can be broadly divided
T to anchor the graft in place (Fig. 3). Trans- ticular opening of the tunnel should be com- into two groups on the basis of clinical symp-
fixation devices are cross-pin devices placed pletely posterior to where the Blumensaat line, toms: decreased range of motion and laxity.
in the femoral condyles perpendicular to the or the Blumensaat line equivalent on MRI, in- The main complications found in patients with
long axis of the graft. tersects the tibia [12, 14] (Figs. 4A and 5C). decreased range of motion are impingement
Relative lucency is commonly seen around and arthrofibrosis (focal and diffuse forms).
Femoral and Tibial Tunnel Anatomy the graft before incorporation, with sclerosis Less common causes of decreased range of
Correct positioning and alignment of the developing at the tunnel margins on follow- motion include intraarticular bodies and gan-
femoral and tibial tunnels are crucial for graft up examinations once graft incorporation is glion cysts. The main complications in patients
stability and good clinical outcomes and should complete [17]. with increased laxity are graft disruption and
be evaluated and documented in every patient graft stretching. Additionally, there are sever-
who has undergone ACL reconstruction [12]. Graft MRI Characteristics al miscellaneous complications that do not fit
A normal ACL graft should have low sig- well into these two main categories.
Femoral Tunnel nal intensity on short-TE sequences [13, 18].
The positioning of the femoral tunnel is Intermediate signal is often seen within grafts Complications Leading to Decreased Range of
the primary factor in maintaining graft isom- from approximately 4 to 8 months after re- Motion
etry [13]. Femoral tunnel positioning must construction, decreasing with time and usu- Impingement—Tibial tunnel positioning
be assessed in both the sagittal and coronal ally completely resolving by 12 months [13, is the primary factor affecting impingement.
planes. The position of the tunnel can be as- 18]. The increased signal is thought to be due Both the femoral and tibial tunnels are most
sessed in the sagittal plane by drawing a line to graft revascularization and synovializa- commonly malpositioned too far anteriorly. If
along the posterior cortex of the femur and tion [6]. An important distinction between the tibial tunnel is positioned too far anterior-
another line along the roof of the intercondy- the doubled semitendinosus and gracilis ten- ly (i.e., partially or completely anterior to the
lar notch. The inferior portion of the tunnel don graft and the bone–patella tendon–bone intersection of the Blumensaat line, or to its
should be located at the intersection of these graft should be considered. Because the dou- MR equivalent, with the tibia), the graft can
two lines [12, 14] (Figs. 4A and 5A). bled semitendinosus and gracilis tendon graft become impinged on by the roof of the inter-
On an anteroposterior radiograph or a coro- is composed of four separate strands, interme- condylar notch [12, 16, 17].
nal MR image, the intraarticular portion of the diate signal and even fluid signal can normal- Radiography, CT, and MRI will show a
femoral tunnel should open at the superolateral ly be seen between the strands of the graft on malpositioned tibial tunnel (Fig. 7). MRI may
posterior margin of the intercondylar notch. If T2-weighted sequences (Fig. 6). This finding show increased signal in the graft on T1- and
a clock face is superimposed on an anteropos- is abnormal for a bone–patella tendon–bone T2-weighted sequences in the setting of notch
terior radiograph or a coronal MR image with graft, which is composed of a single strand impingement [13] (Fig. 8). Unlike signal
the center at the intercondylar notch, the tunnel [13]. This normal intermediate or high signal changes that occur during the first year due to
should be oriented between 10- and 11-o’clock is always oriented along the fibers of a dou- revascularization, signal changes from notch

AJR:194, February 2010 477

Meyers et al.

impingement are more focal and will persist signal on all MR pulse sequences [13]. These Rispoli et al. [28] found that MRI had a lim-
beyond a year [13]. Partial tears may be seen cystic fluid collections can extend proximally ited ability to distinguish between partial and
in chronically impinged grafts. MRI can also through the tibial tunnel into the joint space complete graft tears.
show a nonlinear (i.e., bowed) orientation of or distally into the soft tissues anterior to the As we mentioned previously, ACL grafts
the graft between the tibial and femoral tun- tibial tubercle [22]. Ganglion cysts may cause commonly show increased signal on T2-
nels. If the tibial tunnel is positioned too far pain and, if large enough, may limit motion, weighted sequences between 4 and 8 months
laterally, sidewall impingement can occur on but they have not been shown to be a primary secondary to revascularization. A helpful fea-
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the graft by the medial aspect of the lateral cause of graft failure [24. 25]. ture distinguishing revascularization of the
condyle [14]. If untreated, graft impingement Ganglion cysts can be distinguished from graft from disruption is the lack of associated
can progress to graft rupture. Treatment con- graft rupture because the fibers of the graft secondary signs, such as anterior tibial trans-
sists of notchplasty, which is arthroscopic re- remain intact but are splayed by the gangli- lation and uncovering of the posterior horn of
section of a portion of the lateral aspect of the on cyst [14]. However, fluid can accumu- the lateral meniscus. Additionally, fluid sig-
intercondylar notch. late within the tunnels, particularly within nal seen within doubled semitendinosus and
Arthrofibrosis—There are two types of ar- doubled semitendinosus and gracilis tendon gracilis tendon grafts during the first 2 years
throfibrosis: focal and diffuse. On MRI, both grafts in the first 2 years after surgery, and as after reconstruction should not be confused
forms are low signal intensity on T1-weight- discussed earlier, fluid can even be seen be- with tears because the fibers of the graft re-
ed sequences and are predominantly low sig- tween the separate strands of the graft [26]. main intact and the secondary signs of graft
nal on T2-weighted sequences [13, 18]. The Unlike in the setting of cystic degeneration, failure are not present.
focal form is a more common complication this fluid is not a lobulated cystic structure but It can be difficult to distinguish between
of ACL reconstruction and is seen as a nod- appears as linear areas of fluid signal track- graft disruption and the signal changes sec-
ule of low signal just anterior to the distal end ing parallel to and outlining the fibers of the ondary to graft impingement on MRI, par-
of the graft between the femur and tibia (Fig. graft. This is a normal finding of the doubled ticularly when there are marked signal altera-
9). This area of fibrosis limits complete exten- semitendinosus and gracilis tendon graft and tions in the graft. Using the reliable primary
sion of the knee because the graft is trapped has not been shown to lead to cystic degenera- signs of graft discontinuity and thickness and
between the femur and tibia. The focal form tion. Again, this appearance is abnormal with secondary signs, as well as the clinical history
is commonly referred to as a “cyclops lesion” a bone–patella tendon–bone graft. (laxity vs decreased range of motion), can be
because of its arthroscopic appearance resem- helpful in confusing cases [22]. Fluid signal
bling a head with an area of discoloration re- Complications Leading to Laxity on T2-weighted sequences within the graft is
sembling an eye [22]. The diffuse form can be Graft tear—Grafts are most susceptible to also strong evidence of graft disruption.
seen as an ill-defined spiculated area of low injury during the remodeling process, which Graft stretching—As we noted earlier, if
signal within the Hoffa fat pad or a masslike occurs approximately 4–8 months after sur- malpositioned, the femoral and tibial tunnels
area of decreased signal anterior and posterior gery [13]. There are primary and secondary are most commonly positioned too far anteri-
to the graft that can extend to the joint capsule signs of graft disruption [27]. Primary signs orly. If the femoral tunnel is placed too far an-
with possible synovial hypertrophy and cap- include graft signal abnormalities—namely, teriorly, then the graft is subject to increased
sular thickening [13, 14]. increased signal on T2-weighted sequences, strain when the knee is flexed, which can lead
Intraarticular bodies—Another potential graft thickness, and fiber discontinuity (Fig. to graft tightening or stretching [29] (Figs.
cause of decreased range of motion in a patient 11). Secondary signs include anterior tibial 12A and 12B). The term “graft stretching”
who has undergone the ACL reconstruction translation and an uncovered posterior horn of has been used to describe intact graft fibers
is the presence of intraarticular bodies (Fig. the lateral meniscus. Comparing these signs in the clinical setting of increased laxity [13].
10A). Intraarticular bodies may be secondary with arthroscopy results, Horton et al. [27] MRI findings may include posterior bowing
to an associated chondral injury that occurred found graft fiber continuity and graft thick- of the graft seen in the sagittal plane [13, 22].
during the initial trauma but that were not no- ness to be the most important primary find-
ticed at the time of ACL reconstruction [22, ings. These investigators concluded that a tear Miscellaneous Lesions
23]. Intraarticular bodies may be composed of can be excluded if the full thickness of the A number of less common complications
articular cartilage, cortical bone, or cancellous graft is seen as intact on the sagittal or coro- seen after ACL reconstruction include com-
bone; therefore, their signal intensity can vary nal plane. Complete discontinuity of the graft plications of the fixation devices, harvest site
but will be intermediate to low on T2-weight- on both the coronal and sagittal planes was complications, septic arthritis, and vascular
ed sequences (Fig. 10B). MRI arthrography 100% specific for diagnosing tears. However, complications.
potentially increases the sensitivity for identi- interobserver agreement in evaluating discon- Fixation site—Failure of fixation hard-
fying intraarticular bodies. Gradient-echo se- tinuity in the sagittal plane was poor, leading ware can occur at several places. Bone plug
quences may also increase sensitivity if the the authors to conclude that discontinuity is fractures, bone plug dislocations, bone re-
fragment contains cortical bone, which will be best evaluated in the coronal plane [27]. The absorption around bone plugs, interference
seen as very low signal intensity. same authors found the secondary signs of screw fractures, and interference screw mi-
Cystic degeneration—Cystic degeneration both anterior tibial translation and uncovering gration have all been reported [14, 17–19]
of the graft, also known as ganglion cyst for- of the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus to (Figs. 13–15). Fractures can also occur in the
mation, occurs within the graft as a late com- be specific (90% and 100%, respectively) for femur or tibia during graft placement [6].
plication. Degeneration usually occurs in the diagnosing tears but to lack sensitivity (46% Harvest site—Complications that occur
tibial tunnel within the graft and follows fluid and 23%, respectively) [27]. Furthermore, at the patellar harvest site of the bone–patel-

478 AJR:194, February 2010

Imaging of ACL Repair and Its Complications

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Fig. 1—Illustration shows bone–patella tendon– Fig. 2—Illustration shows doubled semitendinosus Fig. 3—Anteroposterior radiograph of 21-year-old
bone graft ex vivo, interference screw, and graft en and gracilis tendon graft ex vivo, fixation device man who presented for follow-up evaluation after
vivo with interference screws in femoral and tibial (Endobutton, Smith & Nephew), and interference reconstruction of right anterior cruciate ligament
tunnels. screw in tibial tunnel. Endobutton anchors femoral using doubled semitendinosus and gracilis tendon
portion of graft. graft. Endobutton (Smith & Nephew) fixation device
is seen at superior aspect of femoral tunnel.

Fig. 4—Normal position of tunnel in 35-year-old

man who presented for follow-up radiography after
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
A, Lateral radiograph shows first line drawn along
posterior cortex of femur and second line along
intercondylar notch. Inferior portion of femoral tunnel
is located at intersection of these two lines (arrow).
Opening of tibial tunnel is positioned posterior to
intersection of Blumensaat line and tibia.
B, Anteroposterior radiograph shows that femoral
tunnel can be seen as lucency (arrow) between 10-
and 11-o’clock positions.

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Imaging of ACL Repair and Its Complications
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Fig. 5—Normal position of tunnel in 18-year-old man who presented for follow-up MRI after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
A and B, Sagittal (A) and coronal (B) proton density–weighted MR images show normally positioned femoral tunnel. Position is between 10- and 11-o’clock in this right knee.
C, Sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR image shows normally positioned tibial tunnel opening. Entire tunnel opening is positioned posterior to intersection of MRI
equivalent of Blumensaat line (not shown) and tibia.

Fig. 6—Sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed Fig. 7—Impingement secondary to placement of tibial tunnel too far anteriorly in 30-year-old man who
MR image of 25-year-old man who presented for presented with limited range of motion after anterior cruciate ligament repair.
follow-up imaging after anterior cruciate ligament A, Sagittal T1-weighted MR arthrogram shows part of tibial tunnel is anterior to intersection of extension of
reconstruction. Image shows normal appearance of MRI equivalent of Blumensaat line and tibia (line).
doubled semitendinosus and gracilis tendon graft: B, Same study as shown in A at slightly different sagittal plane shows posterior bowing of graft (long arrow)
Graft is of low signal with linear areas of increased secondary to impingement by intercondylar notch (short arrow).
signal (arrow), representing fluid tracking between
strands of graft.

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Fig. 8—Impingement in 28-year-old man who Fig. 9—Focal arthrofibrosis in 26-year-old man
presented for follow-up imaging 8 years after who presented for follow-up imaging after anterior
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Sagittal cruciate ligament reconstruction. Sagittal proton
T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR image shows part density–weighted MR image shows focal area of
of tibial tunnel (large arrow) is anterior to intersection decreased signal intensity (arrow) just anterior to
of extension of MRI equivalent of Blumensaat line distal end of graft between femur and tibia.
and tibia (line not drawn). There is posterior bowing
of graft with thinning and increased signal intensity
(small arrow) representing edema.

Fig. 10—Intraarticular body in 28-year-old man who

presented with decreased range of motion after
undergoing double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament
A, Lateral radiograph shows ossified intraarticular
body (arrow) between anterior femur and tibia.
B, Sagittal T1-weighted MR image shows same
intraarticular body (arrow) as A with high signal
intensity that is equal to that of bone marrow.

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Imaging of ACL Repair and Its Complications
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Fig. 11—Graft tear in 19-year-old man who presented for follow-up imaging after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction.
A and B, Sagittal (A) and coronal (B) T1-weighted MR arthrograms show complete discontinuity of fibers of ACL graft with intervening contrast material (arrows).
C, Sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR image shows complete discontinuity of graft, which is replaced with fluid signal.

Fig. 12—Malpositioned tunnels in 50-year-old man

who presented for follow-up imaging after anterior
cruciate ligament reconstruction.
A, Lateral radiograph shows position of femoral
tunnel (black arrow) is anterior to intersection of
posterior cortex of femur and Blumensaat line (white
B, Sagittal T1-weighted MR arthrogram shows
femoral tunnel is positioned too far anteriorly and
abnormal signal within graft.

Fig. 13—Displaced tibial bone plug in 25-year-old

man who presented for follow-up imaging after
undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
with bone–patella tendon–bone graft.
A, Coronal T1-weighted MR image shows tibial bone
plug (arrow) is displaced into intercondylar notch.
B, Sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR image
shows that tibial plug (arrow) is displaced superiorly
out of tibial tunnel.

AJR:194, February 2010 483

Meyers et al.

Fig. 14—Displaced femoral bone plug in 40-year-old

man who presented with laxity after anterior cruciate
ligament reconstruction.
A and B, Sagittal T1-weighted image (A) and
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sagittally reconstructed image from unenhanced CT

scan (B) show femoral bone plug (arrow) has become
inferiorly displaced and is within intracondylar notch.


Fig. 15—Sagittal T1-weighted MR arthrogram in

24-year-old man who presented for follow-up imaging
after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
shows that interference screw (arrow) anchoring
tibial portion of graft has migrated superiorly out of
tibial tunnel.

This article is available for CME credit. See for more information.

484 AJR:194, February 2010

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