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Q1 Identify reasons for maintaining good standards of health and safety in an

organization ? (Refer Text Page 1-3…..1-6)

A1 There are three important reasons for maintaining good standards of health and safety in
an organization

a) Morally the employer is responsible to provide a reasonable care and to reduce the
injuries, pain and suffering caused to workers by accidents and ill health. The moral
reasons are supported by the occupational accidents and disease rates. The main factors
for accidents which is preventable are
a. Lack of preventive safety and health culture
b. Poor Management systems
c. Poor Supervision and enforcement by the government
b) Socially the employer need to provide a safe place of work, safe plant and equipment
,safe system of work, competent workers and a high standard of training and supervision.
It is not possible without the potential for regulatory action or litigation; many employers
would not act upon their implied obligation of protection.
c) The economic reasons being the avoidance of criminal penalty and compensation claims
by complying with the law. Avoidance of cost associated with the accident investigation,
hiring and training of replacement staff, possible repair and replacement of plant and
equipments securing more favorable terms for insurance and maintaining the image of the

Q2 An organization has been found to have has been found to have inadequate
standards of workplace health and safety. Identify the cost that the organization may incur
as result. (Refer Text Page 1-5…..1-6).

A2 Inadequate standards of workplace will lead to accident or incidence of ill-health will

cause both direct and indirect costs and incur an uninsured and insured costs.

Direct cost : These costs which are directly related to the accident which may be
insured or uninsured.

Insured Direct costs:

1 Claims on employers and pulic liability insurance
2 Damage to buildings, equipments or vehicles
3 Production or general business loss

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Uninsured Direct costs

1 Fines resulting from production by the enforcement authorities

2 Sick pay
3 Damage to equipments, tools, property and plant.
4 Increase in insurance premiums resulting from accident.
5 Any compensation not covered by the insurance policy
6 Legal representation following any compensation claim

Indirect costs: These costs which may not be directly attributable to the
accident but may result from a series for accidents.

Insured Indirect costs

1 A cumulative business loss

2 Product or process liability claim
3 Recruitment of replacement of staff

Uninsured Indirect costs

1 Loss of goodwill and a poor corporate image

2 Accident investigation time and any subsequent remedial action required
3 Production delays
4 Extra overtime payments
5 Lost time for other employees
6 Recruitment and training of replace staff
7 Additional administration time incurred
8 Lower employee morale leading to reduced productivity.

Q3 Replacement & retraining of staff is a cost that an organization may face

following a workplace accident
Replacement or repair of damaged plant & equipment is a cost that an
organisation may face following a workplace accident.

List Eight other possible costs to an organisation when an employee has been
seriously injured in such an accident. (Or)
List Eight other possible costs to an organisation following a workplace accident


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Additional administration incurred

& court & other legal representation

Q4 What are the Consequences for an employer of Non-Compliance with health

and safety responsibilities ? (Refer 1-9)

A4 The consequences are…

 Formal enforcement action

 Prosecution of the organization in the criminal courts

 Prosecution of individuals, such as directors Managers and workers

 Claiming compensation by the workers

 Loss of reputation of the company.

Q5 Identify sources of information that an organisation could use in order to

assist in the management of Health and Safety.

A5 The sources of Information can be Internal or External


 Accident, Ill-health and absence data

 Accident and Near-miss investigations

 Audits and Inspections

 Maintenance & Breakdown Records

 Management Review Meetings

 Safety Committee Meetings

 Employee complaints/suggestions

 Neighbour complaints

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 Conventions, Legislation and associated guidance

 International - ILO, WHO, ISO, BSI, HSE, OSHA (USA and Europe),
Worksafe (Australia)

 National – Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice, Guidance Documents.

 Industry standards and best practice

 Professional Bodies - IOSH

 Enforcing agency visits and notices

 Trade Unions

 Consultants

 Specialist Advice and Support

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