Catch The Fire Conference Session J - Benny Hinn

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The Son of God is the totality of all God is in the flesh.

He is God's Word in totality in the flesh.

Jesus Christ is the full revelation of God in the flesh.
He came to this earth as God's representative.
God the Father is called Ancient of Days
God the Father is called as father for the first time in Isaiah.
He is the great I AM.

God the Son is the express image of God

The Holy Spirit is also Jehovah God; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy
Spirit are Jehovah

Holy Spirit is the omnipresence and omnipotence of God.

the Disciples witnessed all the miracles of Jesus. But without the Holy Spirit
there is no conviction. It didn't change a thing.
A week after He raised Lazarus from the dead, when He was on the cross and gave up
His life, disciples went to their homes DOUBTING if this is really the Messiah.

Had the Holy Spirit not come to earth CHristianity would not have survived one

Jesus became more real to them after He left coz of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is more real to me today than the crowds that saw Him. It's because of the
Holy Spirit. Real reality is in the flesh.

For Jesus to live in my heart, I must have the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit
Jesus cannot live in our hearts.

The Holy Spirit manifests His presence when we experience the Holy of Holies.
The Supernatural is not enough( His power); but it's the person of Jesus( presence)
that keeps us.
Not His power but it's His presence that keeps us
There is a massive difference between God's presence and His power.
God's presence is His glory; hte person of Jesus manifested in the Spirit in ur
heart. We don't feel God's power, not presence. Presence is not felt, but known
when we enter holy of Holies. It's His works, glory, attributes. He is gracious,
merciful, forgiving.
THe presence of GOd stills the soul; when the Lord becomes real to us we cannot
shout, run around and dance, we break, tears will come
THe presence of GOd makes you still, holy silence.
God manifests Himself in 3 ways:
1. THe Word: it becomes a part of us as we meditate.
2. thru prayer: when I talk to Him; more real than the air around me
3. thru worship: as you worship He sits there and He becomes more real to you than
your sickness-that's called healing.

You cannot transfer God's presence.

We lay hands and say be healed and not be saved coz salvation is a Person.

Power is not enough. Disciples saw great power way more than you and I did, the
Israelites witnessed great power but it didn't change them, they still doubted.

The presence of the Lord is what keeps His power hidden.

Habakkuk 3:4:- power of God is hid in His presence
Deut 32:30 - He fed him with the best wheat. suck honey and oil of flintrock

How is the anointing scifened? its scifened(sucked out) by surrender. Just like
sucking out petrol from a tank with a hose. once petrol goes into ur mouth you
would take the hose out of ur mouth and it keeps pumping petrol.

God needs pliable people. Learn how to surrender. Absolute surrender. Don't beg.
Just yield.
The only way you surrender is by staying a child in hte spirit.
God has to trust you; He will not pour out unless He trusts you.

When you surrender you will give to Him even things that make you ashamed. Just as
you are. Suddenly booom; it's like electricity. tremendous power.

When you surrender God shows up.

God is not looking for intelligent people, He is looking for those who would
surrender to Him.

The anointing of God is not His presence, it's released thru His presence; it's an
overflow of His life. He is the life(presence) and what flows out of His life is
anointing, the power.
Anointing (that power) is released when Jesus manifests Himself thru His Word,
Prayer and Worship.

How do you find the presence? that's the key

You can worship till u r blue in hte facebut - if u don't know Him, He won't show
you can Sing for a whole year but- if u dont' have a relationship iwth Him
if you pray till u bleed - nothing's gonna happen spiritually.

What is prayer?
Prayer is the practice of the presence of Jesus.

anointing of God has 3 dimensions

1. salvation disciples John 20 receive the Holy Spirit Jesus breathes (goliath
2. ministry - pentecost (house of Saul)
3. dominion Peter's shadow heals; Ananias died; (strongholds of Zion, Jebusites
defeated; becomes king of whole Israel) it for War.(ministry)

3rd is very dangerous, without commitment it will kill you.

It's very costly, it'll cost you your life, if you make a mistake.
That anointing is so demanding on people's lives that if you don't keep paying the
price daily, it will ruin you.

That 3rd dimension of the Spirit's power is dangerous, if you don't know how to
handle it.

3rd dimension is very costly, very dangerous that if you are not committed,

Pss 89: this 3rd dimension anointing keeps demonic spirits away.

3rd dimension rested on Elijah, Elisha, Paul, David, Peter.

The PROCESS(way) of finding it.

The presence of the Lord can be lost; if we sin He will walk away; Samson.

It is possible to lose Jesus but not His power, coz it's a gift.
Anointing in (abides) you its for your Xian life, protects u from deception,
perosnal anointing it keeps ur xian life alive;
Anointing on you (office) its for ministry. Holy Ghost has come on you. God's gift
to my office/ministry. tapes, books. can be felt.

You could go to the edge of hell, yet that anointing works on ur office. it works
with or without ur permission.

It's the presence of the Lord that you have to practice to keep the anointing on
your ministry a blessing to your life. Anointing can be a blessing or a curse - all
dependant on your walk with Jesus Christ. so SUSTAIN the relationship.

God's presence keeps the anointing IN you alive.

Wait upon the Lord everyday (they that wait upon on the Lord)
Most pppl utter words, not prayer.
communion; come unto ME I ll give u rest. Seek ME with all your heart.
We come to hte Master and we wait till He makes Himself real to us.

Prayer always begins while patiently waiting.

We begin prayer in the OUTER COURT

The outer court is like a desert
Early will I seek Thee, my soul thirstest for Thee in a dry land where there is no
It's hard to pray here; coz of flesh.
I beat my body, I bring it into subjection lest that by any means I ll be cast away
1 cOR 9:27

Tabernacle of Moses is a tremendous road map of prayer into God's PRESENCE

It begins with a gate which has 4 colors
Purple: King (to obey
White: Man (I identify with
Scarlet: Saviour (I surrender to
Blue: Son of God( I worship
(blessed realm called prayer in the Spirit) I'm overwhelmed with His reality.

I dont focus on my need; I focus on the Lord; I play worship songs to change the
atmosphere aroud my soul. Suddenly The Lord reveals Himself; suddenly I weep; tears
become ur language.
2nd phase where the blood of Jesus begins to cleanse my soul.
Next place is altar of sacrifice
His Word overwhelms my spirit; where we begin to pray, in Your Word Lord You
promised such and such
THe flesh has now is conquered.
When we begin fellowshiping with the Lord our sin, flesh are conquered.

2nd realm:

THe minute I enter the holy place, my prayer becomes becomes praise and you begin
to sing songs. You sway and your body becomes lighter;
Here ur physical hunger is cancelled, u can go without food for days. and u being
to pray in tongues

a lampstand; ur illuminated in prayer; u know His will; u ve Jesus' mind MIND

showbread: taste of the bread and satisfaction; u become one with Him
enter into oneness with Him like bone of my bone; Jesus takes complete
possession of your body.
I partake of God's holiness; This is where my prayer becomes incense. Rev 8:3
ur whole being becomes sanctified BODY
All you want is fellowship iwth hte HOly Spirit day and night

FInally you come into the holy of Holies

You are so immersed in Jesus that you are completely surrendered.
In the presence of God is fullness of joy.
When you walk out people look at you and say, he's been with JEsus.

DISTRACTION is the KILLER OF anointing. Jesus said, do not say hello to anyone on
ur way to ministry. It's not being rude, but that's obedience.

Today's church has become too cheap, too lose, too comfortable; it has resulted in
spiritual laziness. We represent the glorious King so we better be like His kids.
In the OT God was so demanding about the way priests look.

3 keys to financial prosperity

1. Prov 8:23: loving the Lord Jesus... u qualify for prosperity
2. THE SCRIPTURE: Job 22:22-24:- receive the law from His mouth...and you'll have
gold like dust...
3. OBEDIENCE: Job 36:11

It's not His will that you be in debt; debt is bondage. borrower is a servant to
the lender.

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