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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Philippine Public Safety College
National Police Training Institute
Camp BGen. Simeon A Ola, Legazpi City
Email Address:

IMPLAN ___-2020 re Strategies/Adjustment on Training under “New Normal”


a) Memorandum from PNPTI dated June 1, 2020 with subject:

Strategies/Adjustment on Training under “New Normal”;
b) Memorandum from TDHRDD dated May 15, 2020 with same subject as
with reference “a”; and
c) Video Conference on June 1, 2020 presided by TDCA.


This IMPLAN provides the strategies/adjustment on training under

“New Normal” to be undertaken by Philippine National Police Training Institute
(PNPTI) Regional Training Center 5.


The upcoming recruitment of Patrolman/Patrolwoman with tentative

schedule of oath taking on July 1, 2020 and subsequent turned-over to the
Regional Training Centers for their Public Safety Basic Recruit Course as well
as conduct of PNP Mandatory Career Courses and Foreign Trainings during
“Normal Condition” amidst Covid-19 pandemic.


This IMPLAN ensures that the strategies/adjustment on training for

Patrolman/Patrolwoman and career courses are well implemented under the
Blended Learning System notwithstanding Face-to-Face holding of classes
with strict observance of social distancing, wearing of mask and all other
protocols on precautionary measures this covid-19 pandemic under the “New
Normal “condition so as to protect the police trainees and other career course
students as well as all RTC 5 personnel not to get infected with the virus.
Moreover, to prevent widespread of this dreaded infection inside the training
center under “New Normal”.


a. Concept of Operation:
This IMPLAN Strategies/Adjustment on Training under “New
Normal” will be executed into three (3) guidelines:

1. General Guidelines
a.1 All courses shall resume on June 1, 2020 (tentative) observing
the Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of ECQ and GCQ;
a.2 For suspended courses, IgG and IgM Positive participants will
be allowed to participate through online learning platforms;
a.3 For incoming courses, IgG and IgM Positive are not allowed to
participate in any course/training;
a.4.PNP Health Service COVID free medicate certificate are
required to all participants and facilitators prior to physical
a.5 Social distancing and wearing of facemask shall be
implemented in all Academic/Non-Acad and other activities;
a.6 The number of participants in any course/training strictly
depends in compliance to social distancing and other protocols;
a.7 Health Standards Protocols orientation shall be conducted by
the trained medical personnel in all course/training opening;
a.8 Sharing/borrowing of personal belongings such as pens, mobile
phones, notebooks, laptop, etc are strictly prohibited;
a.9 Disinfect classrooms and all training facilities to avoid contagion
of COVID-19;
a.10 COVID-19 regular monitoring shall be conducted by the
concerned training centers in coordination with respective PRO’s
Health Service;
a.11 Any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 must be properly
reported and acted by concerned personnel/unit; and
a.12 Maximize online learning platform.

b. Specific Guidelines:

b.1. Mandatory Career Courses

1) Mandatory Career Courses shall be processed within 42 days as
indicated in the flow chart (Attached);
2) Based on Training Lineal List (TTL), the most qualified PNP
personnel will be informed to undergo COVID-19 Test;
3) Participants and in-house instructors shall stay in the training venue
during the duration of the course; and
Guest instructors/professors shall use online learning platform to
deliver his/her lecture.

b.2 Foreign Trainings

1) Foreign Travel Authority (FTA) shall be processed within 35 days as
indicated in the flow chart (Attached);
2) Priority shall be given to those who are 45 years old and below
based on PNP MC No. 2019-021;
3) Recommended PNP personnel shall undergo COVID testing 30
days prior to the conduct of the course;
4) The following documents shall be submitted to DHRDD (Attn:
ITPDD) five (5) working days before departure:
a) COVID 19 free medical certificate from respective PRO’s HS;
b) Fit to travel abroad certification.
5) Upon return to the Philippines, participants shall undergo COVID-19
test and secure fit to work clearance from PNP HS.

c. PNPTI Guidelines

All applicable guidelines specified in the PNPTI Training Guide should

be observed and implemented. Strict implementation of the admission
requirements such as BMI and the eight (8) major activities specified in the
Training Guide shall be observed. In addition, the following adjustments
should also be observed:
c.1. No passes allowed during the whole duration of the training;
c.2. Students with Court Duty during the conduct of training will be
considered 2nd priority;
c.3 Students with Emergency Passes should be home quarantined for
fourteen (14) days prior to his or her return to the Training Centers; and
c.4. Utilize weekends, holidays and night time, 6:00-9:00 PM, for
academic instruction to shorten training days but not affecting the total
number of training hours.

d. Tasks


a. Over-all supervisor of this IMPLAN; and
b. Perform other tasks as directed by the higher headquarters.

a. Account personnel of RTC5, Uniformed and Non-Uniformed;
b. Disseminate memos and updates on relevant matter; and
c. Perform other tasks as directed.

a. Monitor the implementation of this IMPLAN;
b.Conduct assessment and submit recommendation to the over-all
c.Conduct orientation to the police trainees/students of career courses
pertaining to the Camp Rules and Regulations and their prevailing
policies of the Training Center;
d. Ensure that police trainees/students of career courses are not to go
out the Training Center unless extremely necessary to be approved
by the Training Director;
e. Ensure that precautionary measures against the spread of COVID-
19 pandemic under “New Normal” must be strictly followed;
f. Require all incoming police trainees and other students to submit
certification from any government accredited health services stating
that they are COVID-19 free to protect all Training Centers from
possible virus contamination; and
g. Perform other tasks as directed.

a. Conduct of PCR activities such as information dissemination relative
the matter;
b Undertake any feasible virtual psycho-social intervention for the
police trainees/students of career courses with extreme cautions; and
d. Perform other tasks as directed.

6. GSS
a. OPR in the procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
and the likes to be utilized by the personnel especially, those who are
personally manning the police trainees/students of career courses;
b. Ensure that tasked sections have the adequate equipment and
supplies; and
c. Perform other tasks as directed.

a. Provide fund support to all tasked offices/sections; and
b. Perform other tasks as directed.

c. Coordinating Instructions:
1. Lateral and vertical coordination is highly encouraged;
2. Always inform your Commander; and
3. Keep communication lines open at all times.


Coordination with PNPTI, PRO5 Regional Learning and Doctrine

Development Division, Regional Recruitment and Selection Unit or Recruitment
Focal Persons PRO5, Regional Health Service 5, Bicol, Regional Diagnostic and
Reference Laboratory (BRDRL), PPSC NPC-BU Jessie M Robredo Institute of Local
Governance and other stakeholders is highly encouraged.

This IMPLAN takes effect immediately.


Police Lieutenant Colonel

RTC 5 CONTINGENCY PLAN for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) under

New Normal Condition

I. RTC 5 Personnel and Staffs

- Daily Accounting of Uniformed Personnel
- Adoption of one (1) week duty and one (1) week off duty to Uniformed
- Non-uniformed Personnel are allowed to work from home and those
staying inside the Camp, may likewise opt to report if he/she desires
- Required to wear face mask “No Face Mask, No Entry Policy”
- Required to submit for Body Thermal/Heat Check before entering the
premises of the Training Center
- Required to sanitized hands with alcohol and or wash hands with soap
- Distributed provisions of vitamin C and inclusion in the meal menus
green leafy vegetables
- Designated two (2) personnel in addition to his duty/ies preferably of
medical field/discipline in charge for COVID-19 matters

II. Guest and/or In-House Lecturers/Instructors/Professors

- Required to wear face mask “No Face Mask, No Entry Policy”
- Required to submit for Body Thermal/Heat Check before entering the
premises of the Training Center
- Required to sanitized hands with alcohol and or wash hands with soap
- If using microphones, ask to sanitized it with alcohol before the next
speaker/lecturer used it
- Distributed provisions of vitamin C and inclusion in the meal menus
green leafy vegetables
- Encouraged conduct of Blended Learning System

III. Students/Trainees
- Provided with Face Masks, Alcohol and other Sanitizer/Disinfectant
- Distributed provisions of Vitamin C and inclusion in the meal menus
green leafy vegetables
- Conduct Regular Physical Exercises and Observance of early TAPS
(at least 6 hours sleep)

IV. POIs and Academic Instructions

- Conduct of appropriate Table Tap Exercises and/or SIMEX inside the

Training Center premises
- Modified Community Immersion Program inside Training Center
- On-going PSOSEC Online Classes encouraged on perusal of
respective subject professors
- Lecture Orientation and Literacy on COVID-19 with DOH ROV and
RHS 5 personnel

V. Training Center Facilities

- Procurement and provision of PPE (face mask, , infrared thermal

thermometer, sanitizer and other disinfectant solutions)
- Extensive Clean up Drive
- Disinfectant measures (beddings, personal belongings, etc., exposed
under heat of the sun)
- Painting and/or Repainting of buildings, fence and other infrastructures
- Cleaning canals and waterways and cementing/reconstructing as
- Provided an Isolation Room (PSOSEC Room) for suspected PUIs
among its personnel and students/trainees infected with COVID-19
with stand-by provisions of potable water, foods and the likes

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