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Title :5 Traits of a Leader

– To be a good leader, one must be a good
- Servant leadership is the most powerful type
of leadership for it leaves a mark to a follower
- Leaders are not born, they are made. They are
made out of adversaries, trials and difficulties in
life. Being trained by it, makes a leader strong
and tested to pass the insurmountable problems
of leadership.
5 Traits of a Leader
1. Passionate – put your enthusiasm on
whatever you do, a leader who is passionate
always gives his best and leave the rest in God’s
hands. Make sure that once you lead a group,
let them feel and see your charisma in doing
things, because charisma is infectious. Even the
dullest person can be influenced on the positive
perspective of one person has.
2. Love for others – the greatest foundation of a
fruitful labor is love for others. Don’t make
anything out of selfish ambitions. The greatest
motivation that will push and pull other people
is agape love. JOY in doing things is for Jesus,
Others and You. Do nothing out of selfish
ambitions, to feel the joy in doing things, do it
all first for the glory of God (Jesus), then let
others comes next, then you, as the last person
to benefit from your service.
3. Integrity - let your work be established with
justice and righteousness. Always think that
“what we sow, is what we reap.”

4. Faithfulness – Though sometimes it takes

time to reap, patience is a virtue. Remain
faithful to your task, though it tarry, it shall
come to pass. Your faithfulness will be
rewarded in due time if you faint not. Don’t
give up, rest assured that your labor will be
rewarded if you don’t give up. All hard work
will be rewarded.

5. Excellence – the enemy of excellence is

mediocrity. When something is done and is not
very good in quality, it called mediocrity.
Always strive to excel in everything, don’t settle
for something less, always strive to become the
best of what you are. That is what you call
excellence. It is a process, not an overnight
process. It takes hard work and patience to
become the best of who you are. Just don’t stop
on trying and aim for the best.

Leaders are not born, they are made. Bear in
mind that to become the person you want to be,
it takes hardship and rise every time you fall.
Just don’t give up, and find ways to learn from
every situation in life. Prayer can move
mountains, so if the getting gets rough, leave it
in God’s hands through prayer. Do your part
and God will do His part, Give your best and
God will do the rest. Make each mistakes a
stepping stone not a stumbling stone because a
leader is best trained through the furnace of

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