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Rome's history spans 28 centuries Rome is the capital of Italy.

It is also the most

populated municipality in the country, it the second-most populous metropolitan
city in Italy, and It is the third most populous city in the European Union. Rome is
located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula.
You can go to places like
 The Trevi Fountain,
 Piazza Navona,
 the Domus Aurea,
 The Pantheon and
 The Colosseum

You can go to parks like Pineto Regional Park,

 Caffarella Park,
 Tor Fiscale Park,
 The Oppian Hill Park,
 Villa Torlonia Park and
 Villa Borghese park

You can visit museums like
 Macro:  Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome,
 National Etruscan Museum,
 Pietro Canonica Museum,
 the "Giuseppe Tucci" National Museum of Oriental Art
 and the Museum of the Roman Civilization.
You can do activities like
 eat italian food,

 go to the Colosseum,
 go to St. Peter’s Basilica,
 Throw a Coin in the Trevi Fountain ,
 go shopping at Campo de’ Fiori,
 take a trip to the sea in Santa Marinella,
 admire the Arch of Constantine and
 Take a cooking class


 You can stay in hotels like Albergo Del Senato hotel,

 Quirinale hotel,
 The Liberty Boutique hotel,
 Damaso hotel,
 Yes hotel and
 Demetra hotel.

You can try maritozzi, this food is a kind of sweet bread

It’s kind of like a berlin
It has ingredients like flour, butter, eggs, water, sugar, ground cinnamon, lemons,
double cream and dry yeast

Dry Yeast: yist /levadura seca

ground cinnamon= canela molida

lemon zest= cest/limon rallado

You can’t go to desert and ski in Rome

Saits invait

I invite you to visit Rome. It is a wonderful city, it has many historical

sites to visit, The history and buildings are beautiful, it's just amazing to
walk around the ancient sites, the food is delicious. Also, it has very
nice and happy people. Rome will not disappoint you


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