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Assignment No.

2 Total Marks: 15
Semester: Spring2020
CS408 – Human Computer Interaction Due Date: 14-06-2020

Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

o Assignment is submitted after due date.

o Submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
o Assignment is copied (From internet/students).
The objective of this assignment is to:

(a) Enables you to understand Conceptual models, Design principles.

Assignment Submission Instructions

You have to submit only.doc/ docx file on the Assignments interface of CS408 at VULMS. Assignment
submitted in any other format will not be accepted and will be graded zero marks.

For any query about the assignment, contact only at

Do not post queries related to assignment on MDB.
Question No.1 10 Marks

Question No 1: Considering the following scenario, you are required to write the seven stages of action to
achieve the goal.
“Suppose, you are going to the university to attempt the exams. On the midway you realized that you forgot the
enrollment slip at home. How you will reach in the examination hall on time.” Write down the seven stages of
Write your answer in following table.

S.No. Stage Name Action

Question No. 2 05 Marks
Following table consists some scenarios related to Design principles. You are required to write down the design
principle related to the particular scenario.

S.No. Scenario Design Principle

1. In older version of a work processor, one
problem often encounters, when needed to
set the properties of a word document, the
option of properties should be in the File
menu, and often seen it there. But once,
file menu opened, it could not show there,
it was so confusing. However, when a
click on a small arrow at the bottom of
file menu, it shows properties option
2. In a website or any app. graphical
elements like button, icon, links, and
scroll bars are talked about obvious use
like as icons should be designed to
clicking, scroll bars to moving up and
down, buttons to pushing.
3. A common design practice in graphical
user interfaces is to deactivate certain
menu options by shading them, thereby
restricting the user to only actions
permissible at that stage of the activity.
4. On a computer keyboard, the up and
down arrows used to represent the up and
down movement of the cursor,
5. In a graphical user interface, the same
input action always done to highlight any
graphical object at the interfaces, such as
always clicking the left mouse button to
select the icons.
The deadline to submit your assignment is 14th June 2020. Your assignment must be submitted within the
due date through VULMS. No assignment will be accepted through email after the due date.

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