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Configure Closed User Group (CUG)

Till now we configured how to limit access to author for particular section
of site. However some time we want to limit access of particular page on
publish instance.

CUG are used to limit access to specific page on publish instance. When
you assign CUG to a page, That page requires login and only CUG
admitted users are allowed to access that page.

How to Set Up CUG:

 CUG can be set up at page level
 In order to set up CUG for a page, right click on that page from site
admin and select properies

 Select Advance Tab -> Expand closed user Group

 You can configure your option. Here is what each option mean
 Then you can click ok and activate that page
 Make sure that users and groups assigned to CUG also exist in
publish (For that you can activate that user or group to publish instance)

You might have to do some more changes in Dispatcher for this to work.

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