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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,011,991

Mardirossian (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 4, 2000
54) COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND METHOD 5,640,493 6/1997 Skeirik.
OR USE OF BRAIN ACTIVITY 5,719,561 2/1998 Gonzales.
5,722,418 3/1998 Bro .......................................... 128/905
75 Inventor: Aris Mardirossian, Germantown, Md. 5,730,146 3/1998 Itil et al. ................................. 600/544
5,736,543 4/1998 Rogers et al..
73 Assignee: Technology Patents, LLC, Derwood, 5,737,485 4/1998 Flanagan et al..
Md. 5,747,492 5/1998 Lynch et al..
5,791,342 8/1998 Woodard ................................. 600/544
5,816.247 10/1998 Maynard.
21 Appl. No.: 09/206,365 Primary Examiner-Cary O’Connor
22 Filed: Dec. 7, 1998 ASSistant Examiner Michael Astorino
51 Int. Cl." - A61N 5/00
Attorney, Agent, or Firm Joseph A. Rhoa
52 U.S. Cl. ............................................. 600/544; 600/545 57 ABSTRACT
58 Field of Search ............................ 600/300, 544-545; A System and method for enabling human beings to com
128/897-898, 904, 905 municate by way of their monitored brain activity. The brain
56) References Cited activity of an individual is monitored and transmitted to a
remote location (e.g. by Satellite). At the remote location, the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS monitored brain activity is compared with pre-recorded
normalized brain activity curves, waveforms, or patterns to
5,059,814 10/1991 Mead et al.. determine if a match or Substantial match is found. If Such
5,118,606 6/1992 Lynch et al.. a match is found, then the computer at the remote location
5,136,687 8/1992 Edelman et al.. determines that the individual was attempting to communi
5,224.203 6/1993 Skeirik.
5,303,705 4/1994 Nenov . cate the word, phrase, or thought corresponding to the
5,325,862 7/1994 Lewis et al.. matched Stored normalized Signal.
5,461,699 10/1995 Arbabi et al..
5,522,863 6/1996 Spano et al.. 8 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets

7 7 11


19 19

25 27
43 29
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U.S. Patent Jan. 4, 2000 Sheet 2 of 3 6,011,991

FG 2



/v/. t V
U.S. Patent Jan. 4, 2000 Sheet 3 of 3 6,011,991

FIG. 3 (c) FIG. 3(d)

A ?t

FIG. 3(e) FIG. 3(f)

five to Air
1 2
COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND METHOD toring the firing of one or more brain nodes or Synapse
INCLUDING BRAIN WAVE ANALYSIS AND/ type members) on the first human being;
OR USE OF BRAIN ACTIVITY detecting brain activity of the first human being using the
at least one Sensor, and transmitting the detected brain
This invention relates to a system and method for activity to the Satellite as a signal including brain
enabling human beings to communicate with one another by activity information;
monitoring brain activity. In particular, this invention relates the Satellite Sending a Signal including the brain activity
to Such a System and method where brain activity of a information to the Second location;
particular individual is monitored and transmitted in a a receiver at the Second location receiving the Signal from
wireless manner (e.g. via satellite) from the location of the the Satellite and forwarding the brain activity informa
individual to a remote location So that the brain activity can tion in the Signal to the computer;
be computer analyzed at the remote location thereby
enabling the computer and/or individuals at the remote comparing the received brain activity information of the
location to determine what the monitored individual was first human being with normalized or averaged brain
thinking or wishing to communicate. 15 activity information relating to the first human being
In certain embodiments this invention relates to the from memory; and
analysis of brain waves or brain activity, and/or to the determining whether the first human being was attempting
remote firing of Select brain nodes in order to produce a to communicate particular words, phrases or thoughts,
predetermined effect on an individual. based upon the comparing of the received brain activity
information to the information from memory.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION In certain embodiments, the invention includes the fol
It is known to monitor brain activity by way of electro lowing Step: asking the first human being a plurality of
encephalograph (EEG) methods, magnetoencephalograph questions and recording brain activity of the first
(MEG) methods, and the like. For example, see U.S. Pat. human being responsive to the plurality of questions in
Nos. 5,816,247 and 5,325,862, the disclosures of which are 25 the process of developing Said normalized or averaged
both hereby incorporated herein by reference. AS discussed brain activity information relating to the first human
in the 247 patent, an EEG may be recorded from a number being Stored in the memory. A database in a memory
of pairs of Scalp electrodes and processed according to may include, for each of a plurality (e.g. one hundred
known Software. Such Software and/or hardware acquires or thousands) of individuals, a number of prerecorded
both processed and unprocessed EEG data and may record files each corresponding to a particular thought, attempt
it on a disk. The records may be replayed and Statistics of the to communicate a word, attempt to communicate a
on-line measures made on Suitable Sections placed in cat phrase or thought, or mental State. Measured brain
egories predefined by a user. This may utilize the form of activity of a given individual may be compared to files
database of Statistical measures of brain activity. from that database of that individual to determine what
Unfortunately, neither the 862 nor the 247 patents disclose 35 the individual is attempting to communicate or what
or Suggest any methods by which humans can communicate type of mental State the individual is in.
with one another by way of monitoring brain activity. In certain embodiments, the plurality of questions are the
U.S. Pat. No. 5,719,561 discloses a communications Same question.
device and method, the entire disclosure of the 561 patent In certain embodiments, the plurality of questions are
hereby being incorporated herein by reference. The 561 40 different questions.
patent discusses a method and device for Vibromechanical In certain embodiments, the invention includes the Step of
tactile communications adaptable for use by individuals to normalizing or averaging recorded brain activity responsive
recognize alpha numeric messages in a language or in other to a given question or Set of questions in developing the
Symbols known to them. The 561 patent discusses using a normalized or averaged brain activity information relating to
Series of Sequentially firing Vibromechanical Stimulators 45 the first human being.
Vibrating against a Suitably tactile Sensitive Surface of the It is an object of this invention to enable brain activity of
wearer (e.g. skin) to induce a phenomenon of illustration of a first human being to be monitored, with the activity being
linear continuity. Unfortunately, the 561 patent requires the transmitted to a remote location So that individuals and/or a
use of burdensome and complex Vibromechanical tactile computer at the remote location can determine what the first
devices, and is not Suitable for long distance communica 50 human being was thinking or intending to communicate. In
tion. Such a manner, human beings can communicate with one
It is a purpose of this invention to address any or all of the another via monitoring of brain activity, and transmission of
the same.
above-identified problems in the prior art, as well as other It is another object of this invention to communicate
problems which will become apparent to the skilled artisan 55 monitored brain activity from one location to another in a
from the following detailed description of this invention. wireless manner, such as by IR, RF, or satellite.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is another object of this invention to provide a System
Generally Speaking, this invention fulfills the above capable of identifying particular nodes in an individual’s
described needs in the art by providing a method of com brain, the firings of which affect characteristics Such as
municating comprising the Steps of 60 appetite, hunger, thirst, communication skills (e.g. which
nodes are utilized to communicate certain words Such as
providing a first human being at a first location; “yes”, “no”, or phrases such as “I don't know”, “I’m not
providing a computer at a Second location that is remote Sure', or numbers Such as “one', “two”, “ten”, “one hun
from the first location; dred” and the like), thought processes, depression, and the
providing a Satellite; 65 like). When such nodes are identified, they may be specifi
providing at least one sensor (preferably a plurality—e.g. cally monitored by one or more Sensors to analyze behavior
tens, hundreds, or thousands, with each Sensor moni or communication or words, phrases, or thoughts. In other
3 4
embodiments, devices mounted to the person (e.g. under network techniques, for the purpose of receiving the moni
neath the Scalp) may be energized in a predetermined tored brain activity Signals, transforming the Signals into
manner or Sequence to remotely cause particular identified useful forms, training and testing the neural network to
brain node(s) to be fired in order to cause a predetermined distinguish particular forms and patterns of physiological
feeling or reaction in the individual, Such as lack of hunger, activity generated in the brain of the monitored individual,
lack or depression, lack or thirst, lack of aggression, lack of and/or comparing the received monitored brain activity
alzheimer's disease effects, or the like. information with Stored information relating to that indi
Brain node firings are the basis of thought and mind vidual in order to determine what the individual is attempt
processes of individuals. Certain embodiments of this inven ing to communicate.
tion enable Such brain firings and behavior to be captured by 1O This invention further fulfills the above described needs in
an external device. It is an object of this invention to utilize the art by providing a method of affecting a mental or
a normalization or normalizing curve (or waveform or physiological State of an individual, the method comprising
pattern) based upon monitored brain activity to detect or the Steps of:
determine thought processes by the monitored individual. In providing at least one firing device capable of being
Such a manner, individuals can transmit by Satellite what 15 energized on an individual; and
they are thinking or intending to think via their monitored energizing the firing device to cause the firing device to
brain activity, without the need to talk or write down cause a particular or group of brain nodes to be fired in
Each individual has a distinct pattern of brain node firings the individual in order to affect the mental or physi
or brain activity. Each person is believed to be different in ological State of the individual.
this regard. Thus, a separate brain activity file may be Stored In certain embodiments, the method including the Step of
in a memory for each individual, and analyzed or compared providing the at least one firing device on or under the Scalp
to received brain activity from the monitored individual in of the individual in proximity of the brain of the individual.
order to determine what that individual is thinking or In certain embodiments, the method including the Step of
attempting to communicate. 25
identifying at least one brain node related to the mental or
physiological State intended to be affected, targeting the
It is an object of this invention to utilize brain monitoring identified brain node, and energizing the firing device or
and transmission of monitored brain activity for lie detection devices to cause the identified node to be fired in order to
and/or human communication. affect the mental or physiological State of the individual.
It is another object of this invention to formulate or In certain embodiments, the method is utilized to cause
build-up a file for each individual based upon patterns the individual to be one of less hungry, less thirsty, leSS
recorded in response to that individual answering or anxious, and less depressed.
responding to numerous predetermined questions with In certain embodiments, the remote node firing devices
known intended responses. Subsequently, monitored brain are electrically energized and generate electromagnetic
activity from that individual may then be compared to waves which cause a plurality of brain nodes to be fired.
information Stored corresponding to that individual to deter 35
This invention will now be described with respect to
mine whether the individual is lying or what the individual certain embodiments thereof, along with reference to the
is intending to communicate in the monitored brain activity. accompanying illustrations.
The higher the level of detail of the file, the higher the level
of potential communication by certain embodiments of this IN THE DRAWINGS
invention. 40
At least one Sensor on the Scalp or skin in certain FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating the System and
embodiments provides signals representative of physiologi method according to a first embodiment of this invention.
cal activity generated in the brain of a monitored individual. FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating the neural network
A data acquisition device receives the Signals representative inclusive computer of the FIG. 1 embodiment of this inven
of the physiological activity generated in the monitored 45 tion.
brain, and transforms the Signals into a pattern or curve FIGS. 3(a)-3(f) are exemplary graphs of monitored brain
corresponding to the monitored brain activity. This is then activity of different individuals, with, for example, FIG.3(a)
transmitted (e.g. by Satellite) to a computer located at a illustrating monitored brain activity of a particular indi
remote location, with the monitored brain activity pattern or vidual who is attempting to communicate the word "no’ and
curve being Stored in a memory at the remote location. The 50
FIG.3(b) illustrating monitored brain activity of the same
computer then causes the received pattern or curve infor individual when that individual is attempting to communi
mation to be compared with Stored brain activity pattern cate the word “yes.”
information relating to the monitored individual in order to
determine (a) whether the monitored individual is lying in DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF CERTAIN
response to a particular question, or (b) what the monitored 55 EMBODIMENTS OF THIS INVENTION
individual is communicating or attempting to communicate.
Another object of this invention is to utilize normalization Referring now more particularly to the accompanying
curves representative of received brain activity patterns from drawings in which like reference numerals indicate like parts
the monitored individual, and to compare the received throughout the Several ViewS.
normalized data with normalized brain activity pattern or 60 There are significant individual differences in electrical
curve data Stored in memory relating to that individual. The and magnetic activity in the brain. Brain node or Synapse
use of normalization curves in one or both of the individuals firings are chemically and/or electrically caused and/or
file and received brain activity improves reliability, related. Some characteristics of brain activity may be rela
accuracy, and efficiency. tively stable when measured from day to day. Brain
In certain embodiments of this invention, the computer 65 responses to sensory stimulation (e.g. visual, audible,
located at the remote location includes a neural network olfactory, gustatory, etc.) as well as higher order cognitive
Suitably programmed in accordance with known neural processing (e.g. decision-making or thought/word
S 6
communication), can be examined in great detail using a offers a method for finding complex, non-linear relation
variety of recording procedures. A recording of brain elec ships in large data Sets, even when the nature of the
trical activity is called an electroencephalograph (EEG), and relationships is not known in advance. Neural network
a comparable record of magnetic activity is called a mag technology is implemented Sometimes using computer Soft
netoencephalogram (MEG). When human Sensory Systems ware programs, but may also be hardware implemented.
are stimulated by a particular event (a given Sound or optical Neural network theory, and detailed descriptions of Specific
effect) or when a human wishes to communicate a particular techniques, are available in numerous books and articles Set
word or phrase (e.g. the word “yes” or the word "no"), there forth in the aforesaid '862 patent, as well as in, for example,
is a predictable Sequence of processing that occurs in the any of U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,136,687; 5,059,814; 5,461,699;
brain. This processing generates an event related potential 5,737,485; 5,224.203; and 5,640,493, the entire disclosures
that can be recorded from the Scalp beginning shortly after of which are all hereby incorporated herein by reference.
the onset of the Stimulation, and lasting for approximately Such neural computing Systems have a capability to learn
0.5–4 seconds after the stimulation. These potentials can be features of data Sets and classify Same into either unknown
repeatedly generated from individuals given the same Stimu or predetermined categories. A variety of neural network
lus or wishing to communicate the same word or phrase. In 15 techniques may be utilized to classify event related
certain embodiments of this invention, brain activity may be potentials, evoke fields, or any other type of pattern corre
repeatedly Sampled, and response patterns averaged by way sponding to monitored brain behavior. In most neural
of a normalization curve or the like. Comparable recordings networks, input values are adjusted through a Series of layers
of averaged or normalized magnetic activity may be referred by a Series of transforms and weighted So that output
to as evoked fields. Neuroelectric and neuormagnetic categories are correctly predicted. Thus, a neural computing
recordings are Subsets of general measurings referred to as System herein may be utilized to receive monitored brain
bioelectric and biomagnetic measures. These measures refer activity and based upon predetermined Stored and/or learned
to recordings which may be made from different types of information, determine based upon the received information
tissue including neural, muscle, heart, etc. For example, what word, phrase, or thoughts the monitored individual is
EEG, evoked potentials (EP), MEG, position emission 25 attempting to communicate. In Such a manner, the monitor
tomography (PET) of glucose, or single photon emission ing of brain activity may be utilized to allow individuals to
computed tomography (SPECT) may be used to monitor communicate from one location to another, with the neural
brain activity in different embodiments of this invention. computer or any other type of computer analyzing the
Event related potentials have been shown to be stable and monitored brain information (e.g. via comparison with pre
unique to individuals. See U.S. Pat. No. 5,325,862, which is viously recorded brain activity of that person) and outputting
incorporated herein by reference. Although the actual shape information indicative of the word, phrase, or thoughts
of Such potentials varies considerably from individual to which the monitored individual is attempting to communi
individual, there is stability within individuals over time for Cate.
individual waveforms. Sources of these potentials and varia FIG. 1 illustrates a particular monitored individual 3
tions thereof include individual differences in brain anatomy 35 according to an embodiment of this invention. Individual 3
and differences in the way in which information is processed includes a head 5. As illustrated, sensors 7 may be attached
by each individual. Thus, it is feasible herein to utilize or otherwise disposed adjacent to the Scalp or skin of the
monitored brain waveforms for the purpose of determining individual 3. Sensors 7 detect and monitor brain activity of
whether an individual is lying or not, or what word or phrase individual 3. Sensors 7 can detect event related potentials
a particular individual is attempting to communicate 40 and/or event related fields (i.e. ERPs or ERFs). Optionally,
(without the need for writing information down or sensor 7 may be utilized to detect any other type of “brain
Speaking). print” indicative of brain activity of individual 3.
Thus, evoked fields and/or event related potentials can be The monitored “brainprint” of individual 3 is forwarded
utilized as classifiers for Several purposes. For example, to a small transmitter 9 which is preferably embedded in the
because these potentials and/or fields are relatively unique to 45 skin of individual 3, or in close proximity to individual 3.
individuals, an individuals evoked field or event related Transmitter 9 causes the monitored “brainprint” information
potential (or brainprint) can be utilized to determine what detected by sensor 7 to be transmitted by way of antenna 11
thoughts an individual is communicating or attempting to as wireleSS Signals 13. In certain embodiments of this
communicate given knowledge of the identification of that invention, Signals 13 propagate through atmospheric free
individual and previously recorded patterns associated with 50 Space in the form of uplink Satellite Signals toward Satellite
that individual communicating predetermined words, 15. Satellite 15 receives signals 13 and then redirects those
phrases or thoughts. Because there is a remarkable degree of Signals back toward Earth as Signals 17 which include
Stability in individual waveforms of a perSon over time, it is information therein (analog or digital) indicative of the
possible to identify changes in individual event related monitored brain activity of individual 3. Signals 17 are
potentials and evoked field patterns which can be utilized to 55 received by antenna 19. Antenna 19 and individual 3 are
determine when an individual is lying, or impaired in any both preferably located on Earth at different locations. In
way. certain embodiments, antenna 19 is located at a location
There are numerous neural networks in the brain, these remote from individual 3. For example, individual 3, sensor
networks having complex inner connections and non-linear 7, transmitter 9, and antenna 11 may all be located in Europe
response patterns. Relationships between the latencies and 60 while receiving antenna 19 and computer 21 may be located
amplitudes of event related potentials and evoked field in the United States.
waveform features have become well understood. In FIG. 1 illustrates both a digital embodiment 23 and an
addition, there are many individual variations in waveform analog embodiment 25 of receiving Systems. Either may be
morphology. Computing techniques modeled after brain utilized. When signals 17 include digital information, they
neural functions are known in the art. They are typically 65 are received by antenna 19 and forwarded to tuner 27. The
referred to as neural network analysis techniqueS or com Signals are processed through equalizer 29, demodulator 31,
puters. Neural network analysis computing technology parallel to serial converter 33, deinterleaver 35, decoder 37,
7 8
descrambler 39, digital estimator 41, and finally to neural would be Stored in memory 57, each corresponding to a
network analysis or other type of computer 21. Monitored particular individual. A normalized curve, waveform, or
firings of brain nodes may be broken down into digital form pattern may be developed by repeatedly asking an individual
(e.g. the firing of a node is equivalent to a “1” and nonfiring tens, hundreds, or thousands of times a particular question or
to a “0”). These 1s and 0s, which are digital, may be group of questions which evoke a known response Such as
modulated onto a carrier and then transmitted to the Satellite “I don't know,” or “no” or “yes.” Each time the response is
So that the monitored brain activity in the Signal is in digital made, a curve, waveform, or a pattern is recorded. After
form. When the computer receives this monitored signal tens, hundreds, or even thousands of these patterns have
from the Satellite, the demodulating System analyzes the been recorded, a normalized curve, waveform or pattern is
received digital information (e.g. 1S and 0s) which is indica formed based upon Same So as to be indicative of that
tive of the firing of select brain nodes of the monitored particular individuals attempt to communicate the phrase.
individual. These digital signals may be transformed, in In a similar manner, if it is desired to Store normalized
certain embodiments, into analog form Similar to the illus curves, waveforms, or patterns for ten different words,
trations of FIG. 3, or alternatively may be kept in digital phrases or thoughts communicated by a particular
form and compared with prestored digital Signals to deter 15 individual, then a normalized curve, waveform, or pattern is
mine what the monitored person was intending to commu developed for each of the different ten items so that ten
nicate. different normalized curves, waveforms or patterns are
In analog embodiments, Signal 17 is received by antenna stored in memory 57 for that individual and classified
19, and the information forwarded to tuner 27, amplifier 43, accordingly. Thus, when computer 21 receives Signals indi
and the analog information inclusive Signal 45 is forwarded cating brain activity from that monitored individual, the
to computer 21. In analog embodiments, the Signals received received signals are compared by device 55 to the ten
by the monitoring Sensors are in the form of waves Similar different normalized signals in memory 57 in order to
to those shown in FIG. 3 herein. determine what the individual is attempting to communicate.
FIG. 2 is a block diagram of computer 21 in certain FIGS. 3(a)-3(f) illustrate different normalized curves
embodiments of this invention. The input thereto may be in 25 which may be stored in memory 57. FIG. 3(a) shows a
either analog or digital form. Computer 21 includes proces normalized curve indicative of individual “Joe” attempting
sor 51, RAM 53, comparing device 55, and memory 57 for to communicate the word “no.” FIG.3(b) shows a normal
Storing a plurality of files or patterns of measured brain ized curve indicative of individual “Joe” attempting to
activity or responses of particular individuals. For example, communicate the word “yes.” FIG.3(c) shows a normalized
memory or storage 57 may include one file for individual X curve indicative of another individual “Steve' attempting to
which includes hundreds of monitored brain activity (e.g. communicate the word "no", while FIG. 3(d) shows a
ERPs or ERFs) that were measured when individual X was normalized curve indicative of individual “Steve' attempt
attempting to communicate the word "no.” Another file in ing to communicate the word “yes.” Finally, FIG.3(e) shows
storage or memory 57 may have stored therein hundreds or a normalized curve indicative of still another individual
thousands of monitored brain patterns or activities of indi 35 “Anita' attempting to communicate the word “no”, while
vidual X when individual X was attempting to communicate FIG. 3(f) illustrates a normalized curve of “Anita' attempt
the word “yes.” Storage or memory 57 may also include ing to communicate the word “yes.”
similar files for individual X including patterns which were Thus, if computer 21 receives a signal including moni
measured when the individual was attempting to communi tored brain information identified as being from individual
cate different words or phrases. Each of these files may have 40 "Steve', then computer 21 causes the received signal to be
a normalized curve, waveform or pattern formed or devel compared by device 55 with the normalized curves or
oped for each word, phrase, or thought for each individual, waveforms shown in FIGS. 3(c) and 3(d) and all others
based upon all of the recorded patterns or curves for that normalized stored signals of “Steve.” If a match or a close
word, phrase, or thought (e.g. 1,000 Such recordings for the match is found between the received monitored signal and
phrase “help me,” and 1,000 for the phrase “I’ve been 45 the normalized curve of FIG. 3(c), then the computer
caught.” Memory 57 further includes in certain embodi determines that "Steve’ was attempting to communicate the
ments many different files for many different individuals, all word "no.” Meanwhile, if no match is found with the
including files for each individual’s past communicating of normalized curve of FIG. 3(c), but a match or a substantial
particular words, phrases, or thoughts. match is found with regard to the normalized curve or
Normalized curves or patterns corresponding to each 50 waveform of FIG. 3(d), then the computer determines that
individuals attempt to communicate a particular word, “Steve’ was attempting to communicate the word “yes.” If
thought, or a pattern may be Stored in Storage or memory 57. no match is found between the received “Steve' signal and
Thus, for individual X attempting to communicate the word any normalized curve or waveform of either FIG. 3(c) or
“no', a normalized curve, waveform, or a pattern may be FIG. 3(d), or with any other normalized curve stored in
Stored in memory 57 indicative or Such a communication. 55 memory 57 corresponding to “Steve', then the computer
Likewise, a normalized curve, waveform, or pattern may be determines that it is unclear what "Steve’ was attempting to
stored in memory 57 for individual Y attempting to com communicate.
municate the word "no” and another distinct normalized Thus, different embodiments of this invention may be
curve, waveform, or pattern may be stored in memory 57 for utilized to help individuals communicate with one another
individual Y attempting to communicate the word “yes.” In 60 without having to Send faxes, make telephone calls, Speak,
a similar manner, a normalized curve, waveform or pattern or the like. For instance, military perSonnel located in the
may be stored in memory 57 for individual Y attempting to Middle East or Europe can communicate with Superiors in
communicate the phrase “I don’t know' or “I’m not sure.” the Pentagon, simply by use of monitored brain activity
Thus, if one hundred different human beings have files in being transmitted by Satellite to the Pentagon. Alternatively,
memory 57 corresponding to each of these individual's 65 a special operations individual (e.g. a spy) located in Europe
attempt to communicate the phrase "I don’t know', then one could be asked a question by way of a telephone call, fax, or
hundred different normalized waveforms, curves or patterns the like, and that individual can respond to that question
9 10
Simply by thinking the answer So that that individual’s brain Sensors and/or firing devices to identify which brain
monitored brain activity which is transmitted back to the nodes are responsible for which types of physical or mental
United States can be analyzed to determine the individual's behavior, and then the computer transmits firing instructions
response. In further embodiments of this invention, twoway to the firing devices for those nodes to cause them to be fired
human communication is possible, provided that human in a predetermined manner to effect Such physical or mental
beings at both locations have equipment capable of analyZ behavior.
ing and monitoring received monitored brain activity. In Once given the above disclosure, many other features,
Such a manner, individuals at two remote locations may modifications, and improvements will become apparent to
communicate with one another without either individual
the skilled artisan. Such other features, modifications, and
having to Speak a word, write anything down, or the like. improvements are, therefore, considered to be a part of this
In other embodiments, devices mounted to the perSon invention, the scope of which is to be determined by the
(e.g. underneath the Scalp) may be energized in a predeter following claims.
mined manner or Sequence to remotely cause particular I claim:
identified brain node(s) to be fired in order to cause a 1. A method of communicating comprising the Steps of
predetermined feeling or reaction in the individual, Such as 15
providing a first human being at a first location;
lack of hunger, lack or depression, lack or thirst, lack of providing a computer at a Second location that is remote
aggression, lack of alzheimer's disease effects, or the like. In from the first location;
an example of Such an embodiment, the Sensors may be
replaced with remote firing devices. The computer may providing a Satellite;
cause Satellite Signals to be sent to a receiver on or proximate providing at least one Sensor on the first human being;
an individual, which receiver forwards instructions to the detecting brain activity of the first human being using the
remote firing devices that are mounted, e.g. under the Scalp at least one Sensor, and transmitting the detected brain
of the individual, in order to Selectively cause same to fire activity to the Satellite as a signal including brain
or be energized. Such energizing of the device(s) under or activity information;
near the Scalp in a predetermined manner tend to cause 25 the Satellite Sending a Signal including the brain activity
identified brain nodes to fire a predetermined number of information to the Second location;
times. This is useful, for example, in the following Scenarios. a receiver at the Second location receiving the Signal from
For example, the system can be used to identify which brain the Satellite and forwarding the brain activity informa
node(s) in a particular individual are typically fired causing tion in the Signal to the computer;
that individual to not be hungry. If that individual has an comparing the received brain activity information of the
eating disorder or problems with obesity, then the firing first human being with normalized or averaged brain
devices can be remotely energized thereby causing the activity information relating to the first human being
identified brain node(s) to be fired at predetermined or from memory; and
random times in order to cause the individual to not be
hungry (even if the individual has not eaten for several hours 35
determining whether the first human being was attempting
or several days). to communicate particular words, phrases or thoughts,
In a similar manner, brain nodes which cause an indi based upon the comparing of the received brain activity
vidual to be jovial or not depressed can be identified, and information to the information from memory.
caused to be remotely fired by the computer and firing 2. The method of claim 1, further including the following
devices 7 mounted under the Scalp in a predetermined 40
asking the first human being a plurality of questions and
manner or Sequence(s) in order to minimize or prevent recording brain activity of the first human being
depression of the individual. This may eliminate the need for responsive to the plurality of questions in the process of
drugs such a Prozac. Alternatively, Such drug(s) may be developing Said normalized or averaged brain activity
administered after Such remote node firings, and the nodes information relating to the first human being Stored in
at issue thereafter being monitored as discussed above and 45
the memory.
a biofeedback being performed to determine the effective
ness of the drug(s) or alternatively to enable a System to be 3. The method of claim 2, wherein the plurality of
utilized combining drug treatment with remote node firings questions are the same question.
to more effectively prevent or minimize depression of the 4. The method of claim 2, wherein the plurality of
individual. Thus, the biofeedback may enable the identified 50 questions are different questions.
nodes to be fired by the firing devices and/or drug treatment 5. The method of claim 2, further comprising the step of
at the proper level to most efficiently treat the disease, illness normalizing or averaging recorded brain activity responsive
or State. This invention, including remote firings and/or to a given question or Set of questions in developing the
monitoring, is not limited to these examples, and its poten normalized or averaged brain activity information relating to
tial uses are almost endless. Brain node firings can be 55 the first human being.
remotely controlled in a predetermined manner or Sequence 6. A method of communicating words from a first location
(S) (even random or Sequential) to reduce, minimize, or to a Second location, the method comprising the Steps of:
eliminate undesirable behavior or mental characteristics. providing a first human being at the first location;
This may eliminate or reduce the need for burdensome drug providing a computer at the Second location that is remote
treatments and the like. Brain node firings of a normal 60 from the first location;
perSon, or of a particular perSon in a given mental or providing at least one Sensor on the first human being;
physical State, may be monitored and the brain activity detecting brain activity of the first human being using the
Stored and analyzed in the computer 21 memory. This Stored at least one Sensor wherein the brain activity is indica
brain activity may then be caused by remotely causing the tive of words to be communicated by the first human
firing devices to cause particular brain node(s) to be fired at 65 being, and forwarding the detected brain activity
given times or intervals in a predetermined manner or indicative of words to be communicated to the com
Sequence. The computer may be programmed to instruct the puter at the Second location;
11 12
comparing the received brain activity of the first human of questions in a process of developing the normalized or
being indicative of words to be communicated with averaged brain activity information relating to the first
normalized or averaged brain activity information human being.
relating to the first human being from memory; and 8. The method of claim 6, further comprising the step of
determining words being communicated by the first the computer outputting words determined in Said determin
human being based upon the comparing of the received ing Step to a Second human being So that words thought or
brain activity information to the information from Stated by the first human being are communicated by the first
7. The method of claim 6, further including asking the first human being to the Second human being via the computer.
human being a plurality of questions and recording brain
activity of the first human being responsive to the plurality

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