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Good afternoon to my lecturer, Mr Kenny and all my friends.

Today I
would like to present on the topic of the Law of Attraction. Before
commencing my presentation, I would like to grab this golden
opportunity to say thankq to Mr Kenny. In fact, before this, I have no
ideas on this and I have never heard about any information about the Law
of Attraction. After Sir gave us this topic, I had done some research on it.
Today, I am not going to use any slide for my presentation. So, I hope all
of you can lend me your ears and listen to me attentively.

I believe all of you same with me definitely think that the law of
attraction is unreasonable. We don’t believe the law of attraction because
we cannot witness it, touch it or even feel it. But they always exist. Same
like the law of gravity, we experience it although we do not manage to
see it or bacteria, we cannot see it but they exist. Actually every action
we take in our lives is sending out the message to the universe.

People say that what we want and require for, the universe will send
back to us. But I think people have to know this, whatever we are thinking
in mind, whether it’s positive or negative, we will receive it also.
However, I need to tell you a truth that the universe cannot differentiate
what’s you want and what’s you do not want. The law of attraction
doesn’t care about your feeling. It only responds with your thinking. In my
viewpoint, I think we should be focus on what we really passionate about
and put our entire effort to do it, because the miracle will be going to

We gonna to believe that we are the magnet. Every single situation

occurs in our lives is what we have been attracted. We attract them to
come into our lives. What’s we think in our mind or what’s conceive in
our heart, all of these will be attracted to approach into our real lives. We
cannot press stop or cancel because the Law of Attraction will always play
its role. Ya, that’s right! It seems like ridiculous, impossible and maybe
Why I say so? It is because most of us always think in a negative way. For
instance, when facing the examination, we will hear somebody say:” Haiz,
I am going to fail my exam.’’ When these kinds of words speak out from
his/her mouth, no doubt I can tell you, yes! You sure and you guarantee
will fail this examination. From this, we can know that basically what we
focus on with thought and feeling is what we attract into whether or not
it is something we want. So, be positive and feel good in a whole day as
this will help us to attract more good things in our lives.

Previously I have been saying that I have done some research on it right?
Ya, there are actually 3 step of process to apply the law of attraction.
First, we must ask for what we demand. However, we do not need to use
the words to ask it because universe is not even hearing the words from
us instead we use our thought. I think this one quiet interesting as I feel
wonder on it. Is it the universe can become so advance? Or maybe the
universe is using something advance technology? Is it the universe can
really read our thought or mind? Is it the universe will fulfil what we
want? Is it the universe is the santa claus? There are a lot of questions
coming in my mind when I see this.

And the second step is believing it. The universe will start to rearrange
itself to make our ‘’order’’ happens. Ya, it’s sound amazing right? In this
case, we do not need to know how it is going to come about because it
will be shown to us very soon.

The third step is the receiving step. We must bring ourselves in the
alignment with what we are asking. But if we are in the position of
despair, anger or fear, we are not in alignment with what we are asking
for. The law of attraction will help us generate the feelings of having it

Most people think that you need to believe in something in order to get
it. Wrong. Belief and action in the real world is what makes it happen.
You can pray to God or universe as much as you want but if you don't go
out and do the work yourself it won't work out. It’s all a mental thing. It
would not work if you out of nowhere say 'I am going to do this and that'
and just wait for it to happen. It will work only if you set the goal in your
mind geniusly, working for it and believing it. I guarantee you it will work
for sure! That’s the law of attraction right there, you think and believe it
so hard that it happens. Easier said than done. Law of attraction is not
materialistic, it's about energy. It causes you want and believe in yourself
that you may have the energy now to do and get things

(I plan (want) to go Paris (in January next year) on next year.)When you
believe in receiving what you want, you tend to be much more confident
and comfortable in handling time, because somewhere deep inside you
know you will get there anyway. In simple word, we have to understand
that whatever we think about, we bring about. Be grateful of what we
own now. As soon as we start to feel differently about what we already
have, we will start to attract more of the good things. So, it is extremely
vital to be in an attitude of gratitude.

How to use the law of attraction? Needless to say, we need to practice

hard. Even though at the beginning, we maybe encounter a lot of
problems. For instance, we cannot change our way of thinking, but we
must persist to practice. We should know that we are the master of our
lives. What’s we are thinking and feeling today is actually creating our
future. So, we should not try to delay it, second guess it or doubt it. When
the opportunity knocks our door, when we get excited to perform
something, do it right now! It’s our job, it’s our mission, it’s our task and
it’s our duty. Be confident to step out of the first step. We don’t have to
see the whole staircase, the important thing is we step out of our comfort
zone now.

Most people look at their current state and they say this is who I am. But
I can only say, that’s not who you are, that’s who you were. Most people
lock themselves and reluctant to step out. Therefore, they will be the
same in future, and nothing changes. I am slowly starting to understand
the Law of Attraction. We create our own universe as we go along. Focus
on what we demand is our task in present because life is short. Just
become the person you wish to become. What is meant by life? L-Let It
Go. I- Identify Your Goals. F -Fuel Your Desire. E-Enter the Desired State.
So, we need to be clear what we want now. Because of this, we can only
apply the law of attraction. Think is all the problems. To do will be the
answer. You’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t
have, you will never, ever have enough.

Thanks for lending me your ears, that’s all for my presentation.

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