Vocabulary List Year 6 Unit 10

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Unit 10: Be Aware, Take Care

Vocabulary List

No. Word Synonym Antonym BM / English

1. jaywalk walker - pejalan kaki


2. illegally improperly legally dengan tidak

3. pedestrian walker / stroller pejalan kaki
/ passerby
4. features aspects aspek/ ciri - ciri
5. adhere follow/obey/ disobey/ mematuhi
comply ignore
6. attempt try be lazy mencuba
7. lollipop man - - a man who
helps children
to cross the
road by holding
up a stick with
a round sign.
/orang yang
bantu menjaga
lalu lintas
8. speed hump speed bump - lebam laju
/bonggol jalan
9. zebra crossing - - lintasan belang
10. exceeding surpass fall behind melepasi
11. prevents avoids permits/ mengelak
12. motorist traveler/ - pemandu
authomobilist kenderaan
13. intersections interchange/ - persimpangan
14. amongst among/ away di kalangan
between from/outside
15. nationwide federal/ local seluruh negara
16. vehicle automobile - kenderaan
17. reflective clothing - - jaket reflektif
18. attendees participant/ absentee peserta/
19. cyclist - - penunggang
20. ventilation airing/ purifying - pengudaraan
21. occurs happens/ takes hide/ berlaku
place precede
22. sufficient enough/ insufficient cukup
23. harzadous dangerous safe bahaya
24. flammable burnable fireproof mudah
25. adequate sufficient insufficient cukup / enough

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