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Neurology Tutorial Format

 Neuro Anatomy & Examination

-Basic Anatomy of Brain
- Sensory Examination ,
-Motor Examination
-Spasticity v/s Rigidity
- Cranial Nerves Examinations
- Perceptual disorders Examination and treatment strategies Agnosia, apraxia
( Ideomotor/Ideational)

 Neurological dysfunctions (etiology, pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, examination and differential
diagnosis, medical and physical therapy management)

a) Cardio-vascular accident (stroke):

- Circle of willis

- Lesion location, arteries involved, characteristics and management

- Various Syndromes: Wallenberg’s, Locked-In, Pusher’s, Horner’s, Weber’s syndrome.

- Treatment approaches: Goals, task related training, gait training, use of assistive devices

b) Traumatic conditions:

- Spinal Cord injury: various cord syndromes, level wise injury and its features

- Traumatic Brain Injury: structures involved, their functions and destructive lesions, RLA levels of cognitive
functioning and its physical therapy management

c) Degenerative conditions:

- Multiple sclerosis

- Parkinson’s disease

- Myasthenia Gravis

d) Epilepsy and its several types

e) Cerebellar disorders:
- Lesions of archicerebellum, neocerebellum and paleocerebellum

- Characteristics of cerebellar disorders, diagnostic tests for co-ordination impairments, examination of

postural control and balance, PT Goals and management

f) Vestibular disorders:

- Vestibulo-Occular (VOR) and vestibule-spinal(VSR) Reflexes

- Vestibular Neuronitis



- Meniere’s disease

- Distinguished tests- Dix hallpike, Roll test

- Various Maneuvers- Canalith repositioning, Brandt-Daroff

g) Cranial and Peripheral Nerve Disorders:

- Radiculopathy

- Bell’s Palsy

- Trigeminal Neuralgia

- Bulbar vs Psudobulbar palsy


- Amyotropic Lateral sclerosis

h) Pediatric Conditions:

- Neonatal Reflexes and motor milestones

- Cerebral palsy

- Spina Bifida

- Down’s Syndrome

- Autism


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