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1ai. List attributes of heroes.

ii. Mention some dimensions of hero worship

1b. Is there any being ever lived on earth that should be worshipped? Yes or No

If yes who? Write out five reasons why he/she must be worshipped with at least one biblical

1c. Hero worship in any form or dimension is dangerous. What are the inherent dangers of hero

2a. Match these Bible references with how Joshua was described in the Bible passages.

S/N Bible References Description

1 Joshua 1: 1

2 Exodus 17: 8 – 9

3 Number 27: 18 – 23

4 Deuteronomy 32: 44

5 Number 13: 8

6 Number 13: 16

7 Nehemiah 8: 17

8 Joshua 24: 29

(i) He died at the age of one hundred and ten

(ii) He is of the tribe of Ephraim and his original name was Hoshea
(iii) God and Moses ordained him
(iv) Joshua the son of Nun
(v) “Jeshua”
(vi) The military aide of Moses
(vii) “Oshea”
(viii) Moses renamed him Joshua

b. Mention five character and five achievements of Joshua.

3a. What is Christian leadership as described in R.C.C.G Sunday school manual of lesson 24?
b. There are some essentials of Christian leadership which make it a little different from the
leadership theories and definitions of the world. List and explain at least five character of
Christian leadership.

c. Mention five essential qualities expected from Christians in preparation for leadership.

4a. What is mentorship according to R.C.C.G Sunday school manual?

b. Highlight the Biblical concept of mentorship and where necessary cite examples.

c. Mention five benefits of Christian mentorship.

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