An Essay On The Body Reality

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"When you die, you're dead.

This statement perfectly describes what I call the Body Reality -- the idea that perception, and what is accepted as truth,
must be strictly limited to the five human senses. Unfortunately, broad agreement on this idea denies the existence of
any spiritual concept, and denies a person access to their higher potential.
Where does inspiration come from? Where do love, joy, and zest for life come from? These higher feelings originate
outside the Body Reality, and cause positive electro-chemical responses within our bodies.
Does it seem preposterous to say that there is something beyond what we can sense with our physical bodies?
Scientifically, it is absurd. But this idea has been around for a long time.
Spiritual teachers and ancient texts speak of a "higher reality." In Plato's Republic, written over two thousand years ago,
physical reality is explained by looking at the shadows on the wall of a cave. According to Plato, the non-material
abstract ideas, and not the material world known to us through the five human senses, possess the highest and most
fundamental kind of reality. Plato is referring to the invisible information systems that define the physical world, but
which lie outside the Body Reality.
We have recently seen an explosion of spiritual or metaphysical ideas into the mass consciousness. Books like The
Secret have become international bestsellers. Why have these ideas become so popular? Because people are fed up with
the current paradigm of scarcity, control from above, and contention. More and more people are waking up to their
higher potential, and recognizing -- even if it is hard to describe in words -- that there is indeed a higher reality, a more
positive, abundant, and joyful reality that is accessible to everyone!
But the pathway to this new reality must include the right-brain and the intuition, and not just the left-brain, s and the

According to the Body Reality, consciousness is just a bunch of neurons firing in the brain, and a human being is
hamburger. But in this conception, electromagentic impulses from the environment determine how we think and feel,
and individuals are rendered powerless. Philosophies and societies based upon this belief turn human beings into
biological robots, easily manipulated by mass media and authority figures. There is something wrong with that!
Is there no reality other than the commonplace and ordinary routine of daily living? That is what are taught from the
time we are children. We are taught to work hard, study, get a good job, and pay our taxes. Don't rock the boat! Don't
think outside the lines. Accept that things are just the way they are. However, more and more people are becoming
dissatisfied with the status quo.
Look around the planet earth: our species is constantly engaged in conflict and war. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
of earth -- a measure of the productivity of the human race -- is at least $50 trillion dollars every year. Yet millions of
people go hungry, and a large percentage of our resources and productivity is diverted to war, the financing of war, and
the products of war.
Denial of our higher potential beyond the Body Reality has allowed this to happen. I use the word 'denial' purposely --
because each of us has a choice about what we think about ourselves.
Each one of us is a divine, spiritual being with almost unlimited potential. In order to tap into this potential, however,
we must acknowledge that there is more to life than the humdrum of the Body Reality. Every culture on earth has
understood that consciousness is not biologically dependent. Once our societies acknowledge this, we can access the
higher reality that surrounds us and improve conditions on the planet.
The human race is currently operating at a fraction of its true potential, because we have allowed those without
knowledge of self to ascend to positions of power. Our leaders and authority figures are firmly rooted in the Body
Reality. Even enlightened authority figures who dare to reference spirituality, or spiritual concepts, are widely ridiculed
in the mass media.
We are now sitting on free energy technology, medical breakthroughs, and a new set of physical laws that could create a
Golden Age on earth. All that is needed to reach this higher reality is a subtle leap of awareness beyond the limitations
of the Body Reality.
Fortunately, millions of people on our planet are waking up to the idea that life transcends the electromagnetic impulses
from our body's receptor cells. The evolution of consciousness on planet earth is gradually returning us to a unified view
of life and the universe that is in greater alignment with universal principles.

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