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DE GRUYTER International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems.

2018; 20170248

A.M. Salama1 / K. M. Abdel-Latif2 / Mohamed M. Ismail2 / S. M. Mousa2

A New Hybrid Protection Algorithm for

Protection of Power Transformer Based on
Discrete Wavelet Transform and ANFIS Inference
1 Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company, Ministry of Electricity, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Helwan, Egypt
2 Department of Electrical Machine and Power Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Helwan, Egypt, E-mail:

This paper presents a new protection algorithm for power transformers. The new algorithm is based on Dis-
crete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and (ANFIS) Inference System. The simulation of power transformer is done
using BCTRAN subroutine of ATP software to simulate the internal faults cases. The protection algorithm us-
ing DWT and ANFIS is implemented MATLAB Simulink software. The new Algorithm is tested on 40/40/15
MVA, 220/70/11.5 KV power transformer. The proposed algorithm satisfies high degree of accuracy and faster
response time.
Keywords: ANFIS, wavelet, power transformer and protection
DOI: 10.1515/ijeeps-2017-0248
Received: November 19, 2017; Accepted: April 12, 2018

1 Introduction
Power transformer is an important link in a power transmission system. internal faults of the transformer may
cause a severe damage of transformer. This damage takes a considerable time for repairing. So, the impact of a
transformer faults is more serious than the transmission line. For this reason, a faster and accurate protection
algorithms are required [1, 2].
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Differential protection of transformer is considered one of the most popular techniques that deal with power
transformers. Differential protection provides speed fault detection that can reduce damage effect as a result
fault current flow but this technique is affected by the magnetization of the inrush current which may cause mall
operation There are several previous methods used to differentiate between the magnetizing inrush current and
the internal fault in power transformer [3].
Harmonic restraint or harmonic blocking methods are used for protection of power transformers. These
methods are operated based on harmonic content of differential current. However, these methods may provide
the delayed internal fault detection due to the time convergence in the estimation of harmonic phasors in the
transition from the pre-fault to the post-fault periods [4].
There are several techniques were used to improve a differential Protection such as Artificial Neural network
(ANN) with Genetic Algorithm (GA). The Practical Swarm Optimization (PSO) also used with ANN obtaining
optimal smoothing factor of Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) model. The disadvantages of these techniques
are large sets of training and long training time. A combination between Wavelet Transform (WT) and Decision
Tree (DT) is used to differentiate between the internal faults and the magnetizing inrush current by constructing
optimal classification tree. This technique required one cycle to obtain an accuracy of 97.77 % [5–9].
The DWT extracting the transient signals information simultaneously in both time and frequency domains.
The change in spectral energies are obtained and used to differentiate between internal fault current and inrush
current. This technique required a cycle for fault detection. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is also used with
DWT to differentiate between the internal faults and other disturbances. The accuracy of this technique is based
on the data window length. For high accuracy in this technique required a high data window length which
needs one cycle. The Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT) is also used to detect internal

Mohamed M. Ismail is the corresponding author.

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston.

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fault and different disturbances in power transformer. The accuracy of this technique depends on the type of
wavelet used [10–12].
The paper provides a new differential protection algorithm for power transformers. The new method is
based on (ANFIS) and (DWT) techniques. The DWT is also used for extracting the transient features from the
differential current. The ANFIS is used as a classifier. The simulation of the Power Transformer model is done
using ATP/EMTP software while DWT and ANFIS are simulated using MATLAB SIMULINK. The combination
between DWT and ANFIS techniques provides more secured and dependable results. The details of the new
technique will be discussed in the next subsections.

2 ANFIS system
2.1 ANFIS architecture

The ANFIS is a combines of Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) with neural networks to tune the rule-based fuzzy
systems. The two common FIS structures are Sugeno and Mamdani. The Sugeno method is chosen in this article
because it is computationally efficient, well operate with linear techniques, well operate with optimization and
adaptive techniques, and it is well suited to mathematical analysis [13]. The main architecture of ANFIS can be
obtained in Figure 1.

Figure 1: ANFIS Architecture.

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To present the ANFIS architecture, two fuzzy if-then rules based on a first order Sugeno model are consid-
ered [14, 15]. The overall convergence of the training becomes slower when the parameters are variable. In this
case the search space becomes larger. To overcome this problem a hybrid training algorithm combining with
the least squares algorithm and gradient descent method is used [16].

3 Discrete wavelet transform

The wavelet transform introduce resolution in both time and frequency domains. The DWT can be obtained
from the continuous wavelet transform by sampling it on a dyadic grid. The DWT decomposes a signal succes-
sively into low and high frequencies components. The low frequency component is called approximation while
the high frequency component is called the detail. The DWT decomposition using filter banks is indicated in
Figure 2.

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Figure 2: DWT decomposition.

The signal x (n) is passed through a low pass filter h (n), and then down sampled by a factor of two to obtain
the approximation coefficients at level one. The high pass filter is derived from the low pass filter as,

y [n] = (x*g) [n] = ∑ x [k] .g [n − k] (1)

y [n] = (x*g) [n] = ∑ x [k] .g [2n − k] (2)

Where k is length of the filter in term of number of points. The detail coefficients can be found by passing
the signal through g (n) and then down sampling by a factor of two. The two filters h(n) and g(n) were called
quadrate mirror filters.

4 Proposed model
4.1 Power transformer model
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Figure 3 shows the power system model. The power transformer data are 40/40/15 MVA, 220/70/11.5 kV and
ynynd11 connection. The high voltage side of power transformer connected to a 220-kV source. The low voltage
side of the transformer connected to the load through 70 KV transmission line. Two current transformers (CT1
and CT2), with transformation ratios 150/5 and 400/5, respectively are used. The simulations of this power
transformer system have been carried out using of ATP/EMTP software.

Figure 3: Power Transformer model.

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The BCTRAN routine of the ATP software used to simulate a transformer with internal fault. This routine
computes two matrices [R] and [L] for modelling the transformer. This model is based on excitation and short
circuit tests, in positive and zero sequences. The dimensional of these matrices are of 9 × 9 in case of healthy
transformer and 10 × 10 in case of in winding to ground fault and 11 × 11 in case of inter-turn fault [17]. The
power transformer is tested under different conditions such as different winding fault location, different fault
resistances, different fault inception angles, transformer switching at no load with different switching angles
and external fault.

4.2 DWT identification

There are many mother wavelets used in DWT such as Daubechies (Db), Symlets, Coiflets, Biorthogonas, etc.
The performance of signal extraction highly depends on the mother wavelet used. The daubechies mother
wavelet has a good capability to capture and extraction of frequency features during power system faults and
disturbance. In the proposed algorithm, “Db1” mother wavelet is used to get the DWT coefficients to classify
the different operating conditions. The increase in decomposition level cusses larger computational time and,
hence, related hardware. For this reason Detail 1 coefficient is selected.
In this paper primary and secondary currents for all three phases are obtained from ATP/EMTP simulation
model at sampling rate 6KHZ, i. e., 120 samples at the frequency cycle of 50HZ, The differential currents for all
three phases are calculated as shown:

Id (a, b, c) = Ip (a, b, c) − Is (a, b, c) (3)

Where Id is the differential current, Ip is the primary current and Is is the secondary current. The differential
currents for three phases are extracted using the DWT. The mother wavelet daubechies1 (db1) is employed to
decompose high frequency components from differential current of all three phases, the detail components at
level 1 have been taken into account. IRELE Index, is calculated for each quarter cycle (30 samples). The IRELE
index is defined as the relation between the maximum detail coefficient from D1 and the Detail Spectrum
Energy (DSE) of the wavelet coefficient.
The IRELE is given by [18]:

∑𝐶=1 ∣𝑑(𝐶) ∣ Δ𝑡
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dmax, D1 is the maximum detail coefficient from the first detail (d1).
M is the total number of wavelet coefficients from D1.
∆t is the sampling period.

4.3 ANFIS structure

The structure of ANFIS controller is indicated in Figure 4 .

Figure 4: Structure of ANFIS for proposed technique.

The IRELE index which obtained from DWT is fed the ANFIS system. To implement and test the proposed
architecture, development tool is required. MATLAB/Simulink as shown [19, 20] [21]:

– Define input and output values

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– Design of Sugeno FIS under the terms of problem

– Optimize FIS with the real data.
– Form the training data and test according to input and output.

– Train FIS with training data using ANFIS algorithm.

– Test the training system with test data.

There is 240 cases used to evaluate the performance the technique 50% from this cases used as training
data and the other 50% used as testing data

The data of the proposed ANFIS technique are:

Number of nodes: 78
Number of linear parameters: 108
Number of nonlinear parameters: 27
Total number of parameters: 135
Number of training data pairs: 1232
Number of checking data pairs: 0
Number of fuzzy rules: 27

4.4 Proposed model flow chart

Figure 5 shows the flow chart of the proposed technique for power transformer protection.
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Figure 5: Flow chart of proposed technique.

5 Case study
The proposed protection algorithm described in section 4 is tested at different operating conditions. The Power
transformer is tested at different locations of faults at both primary and secondary windings. The protection
algorithm is also tested at different switching angles when the transformer is no load. Moreover the transformer
is tested at external fault condition.
The primary and secondary currents of phase A measured during phase A to ground solidly fault at 50 %
turns of primary winding at 0.02 sec is shown in Figure 6 (a). The differential currents of phase A, B and C are
shown in Figure 6 (b). Figure 6 (c) shows the 1st detail coefficient for DWT. The tripping signal is produced at
0.025 sec. as shown in Figure 6 (d).

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Figure 6: Phase A to ground solidly fault at 50 % turns of primary winding.

Figure 7 (a) shows the primary and secondary currents of phase A measured during phase A to ground
solidly fault at 50 % turns of secondary winding at 0.02 sec. The differential currents of phase A, B and C are
shown in Figure 7 (b). The 1st detail coefficient of DWT is shown in Figure 7 (c). The tripping signal is produced
at 0.025 sec. as shown in Figure 7 (d).
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Figure 7: Phase A to ground solidly fault at 50 % turns of secondary winding.

The primary and secondary currents of phase A measured during turn to turn fault on phase A in primary
winding of the transformer are shown in Figure 8 (a). In this case 30 % of phase A in primary windings are
short circuited.

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Figure 8: Turn to Turn fault on phase A primary winding.

The differential currents of phase A, B and C are shown in Figure 8 (b). Figure 8 (c) shows the 1st detail
coefficient of DWT. At 0.025 sec the tripping signal is produced as shown in Figure 8 (d).
Figure 9 (a) shows the primary and secondary currents of phase A measured during transformer energizing
at no load at zero switching angle. The differential currents of phase A, B and C are shown in Figure 9 (b). The
1st detail coefficient of DWT is shown in Figure 9 (c). No tripping signal is produced as shown in Figure 9 (d).
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Figure 9: Relay performance during magnetizing inrush current at Zero switching angle.

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6 Conclusion
This paper presents a new technique for enhancement the power transformer differential protection. The new
protection algorithm is based on (ANFIS) Inference System and (DWT) techniques. Finally, a combination be-
tween the two methods is developed. The DWT is used to extract the transient features from the differential
current while the ANFIS is used as a classifier.
The Power Transformer model is simulated using ATP/EMTP software while DWT and ANFIS are simu-
lated using MATLAB software.
The relay performance is tested under different fault conditions on both sides of transformer windings. The
relay performance is also test at different switching angles during transformer switching at no load.
The proposed protection algorithm takes a quarter of a cycle for the detection of internal with accuracy100%.
The proposed ANFIS with DWT differential protection relay provides a more reliable differential scheme for
power transformer protection.

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