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Dante the Original - Famous Sloth Magician/Clairvoyant/Fortune Teller/Dedicant

Real Name: Oliver Turpleton

Body: d4
Speed: d6
Mind: d8
Will: d8
Species: d6
Type: d6
Career: d8 (Magician)
Career2: d4 (Clairvoyant)
Career3: d4 (Fortune Teller)
Career4: d4 (Dedicant)

Personality: Mercurial
Motto: "Always face the curtain with a bow."
Goal: Discover something to re-invigorate my performance! -ACCOMPLISHED-
Goal: Make Willow Springs safe from the Entities Magic -
Goal: Stopping the Miracle Mile from arming up -ACCOMPLISHED-
Goal: Uncover the identity of Mr. Wonderful -ACCOMPLISHED-
Goal: Find the young Claudia Harvey -ACCOMPLISHED-
Goal: Find William Breakstone -ACCOMPLISHED-
Goal: Ensure William Breakstones saftey -ACCOMPLISHED-
Goal: Solve the mystery of Cobbot's Tor -ACCOMPLISHED-
Goal: Speak to Timothy about his power -ACCOMPLISHED-
Goal: Put an end to the Entity of Willow Springs
Goal: Find the Hidden Temple
Goal: STOP Osborne
Goal: Put an end to Mr. Wonderful's plot -ACCOMPLISHED-
Goal: Investigate the Walls Co. Missing Person Case -ACCOMPLISHED-
Goal: Find a Vril extraction device -ACCOMPLISHED-
Goal: Beat up Cult Leader -ACCOMPLISHED-
XP: 0

Initiative: d6, d8
Dodge: d6
Rally: d6, d8, d12

> SKILLS Magician Clairvoyant Fortune Teller Sloth Dedicant Famous

TOTAL Fave Use
Academics - d4 d4 - d4 -
3d4 Rituals
Athletics - - - d6 - -
d6 Sprinting
Craft - - - - d4 -
d4 -
Deceit d8 - - d6 - d6
2d6, d8 Mesmerism
Endurance - - - - d4 -
d4 -
Negotiation - d4 d4 - - -
2d4 -
Observation d8 d4 d4 - - -
2d4, d8 ESP
Presence d8 - - d6 - d6
2d6, d8 PK
Tactics - - - - - d6
d6 -

Leadership - bonus d12 to rally & oratory
You may claim a bonus d12 to any Rally action (that is, when you roll Will &
Tactics to help your friends). Go ahead and write this bonus d12 into your
character sheet’s “Rally” box.” You may claim a d12 to any Presence roll when you
give a public speech to exhort a crowd to action, such as to strike against the
factory owners, to stand up to the bullying biker gang, or to win the football
game. The Game Host may give you a d12 bonus to other rolls as well, if your
superior public-speaking voice somehow would help.

Performance - bonus d12 on stage and screen

You may claim a bonus d12 to any rolls of Athletics, Deceit, or Presence to impress
a crowd with your acting, music, or other public performance. The Game Host may
give you a d12 bonus to other rolls as well, if your theatricality somehow would

Sleight of Hand - use Legerdemain

You can palm small objects, picking things up while people are still watching you.
Roll Speed & Deceit vs. 3. The more people watching you, and the more unusual the
object, the more successes you would need. In the heat of battle, you can use the
Sleight-of-Hand Attack of “Legerdemain”. This attack lets you take items from
people in the middle of combat. Sleight-of-Hand methods are described on page 88.
(Characters without this gift must resort to brutal methods to wrest items away
from people.)

Stealth - bonus d12 to hide and sneak

You may claim a d12 bonus to Evasion rolls to hide and to sneak. (Sorry, there’s no
bonus to dodge... but successful hiding and sneaking does make you harder to hit.)
When you suffer penalties to observe things due to the concealing darkness all
about, you may claim a bonus d12 to Observation to perceive what’s around you.
(This bonus doesn’t prevent any of the penalties, but at least you’ve got an edge
over those chumps who don’t have Stealth.) No bonuses to attack or to defend,
though. The Game Host may give you a d12 bonus to other rolls as well, if being
stealthy somehow would help.

Personal Power d6 - You can cast Rituals

To cast a Ritual, roll your Power, Mind, Will, and Academics dice vs. 3, count the
successes, then choose from this list (page 20)

Extra-Sensory Perception (Page 15)

You may call upon the powers of ExtraSensory Perception (ESP). (Characters without
this gift may not call upon the powers of ESP.) See page 195 for more details. You
may claim a d8 bonus to any roll to research ESP on an academic level, to observe a
ESP effect, and to question other people about ESP.

Mesmerism (Page 16)

You may call upon the powers of Mesmerism. (Characters without this gift may not
call upon the powers of Mesmerism.) See page 196 for more details. You may claim a
d8 bonus to any roll to research mesmerism on an academic level, to observe a
mesmerism effect, and to question other people about mesmerism.

Psychokinesis (Page 18)

You may call upon the powers of Psychokinesis (PK). (Characters without this gift
may not call upon the powers of Psychokinesis.) You may claim a d8 bonus to any
roll to research psychokinesis on an academic level, to observe a psychokinesis
effect, and to question other people about psychokinesis.
Spiritualism (Page 23)
You may call upon the powers of Spiritualism. (Characters without this gift may not
call upon the powers of Spiritualism.) You may claim a d8 bonus to any roll to
research spiritualism on an academic level, to observe a spiritualist effect, and
to question other people about spiritualism.

Attribute Increase: Career

d6 -> d8

Reckoning Soak (Page 35)

Tap this gift to soak 2 points of damage. Also, immediately reset your Personal
Power die to d6.

Masterful Casting (Page 33)

make another casting roll, 1/rest

Rede Casting (Page 33)

When building power, tap this gift to make another casting roll. This roll builds
upon the previous casting roll. If you use Rede Casting to cast a hostile spell,
check for wickedness. If you haven’t engaged in any violence, this gift recharges
after about five minutes (1/scene). If you have been hostile, then this gift
recharges after you can go 24 hours without causing harm to anyone (1/peace).

Ostentatious Casting (Page 33)

After making a casting roll, but before choosing an effect, you may make a
spectacle of yourself. Shout loud curses! Wave your arms! You turn ends and you
become Dazed. (You have a debuff that makes you blindsided by all attacks.)

Fast Talk (Page 56)

You may claim a d12 bonus to any roll of Deceit, Negotiation, or Presence if and
only if:
 You can get what you want in the next five minutes or less (in game time)
 The target doesn’t already have a negative Opinion of you. (Works best on
complete strangers.)

Entourage (Page 56)

After using this gift, choose a set of dice to recruit friends.
 If you roll Mind, Academics, and Research d12, you’ll recruit professors,
artisans, and other high-brow types.
 If you roll Mind, Deceit, and Streetwise d12, you’ll recruit con artists,
thieves, and other shady characters.
 If you roll Will, Negotiation, and Romance d12, you’ll recruit would-be paramours
who have more lust than sense.
 If you roll Will, Presence, and Carousing d12, you’ll recruit brutes, gamblers,
and other degenerates who hang out in bars and speak-easies.
 If you roll Mind, Questioning, and Local Knowledge d12, you can recruit all kinds
of people who are local to the area.
Roll your dice vs. 3 and count the successes You can have up to one follower, plus
one for each success that you roll. This result is the maximum number of Entourage
friends you can have, until the start of the next episode.

Extra Career: Clairvoyant

Extra Career: Fortune Teller

Extra Career: Dedicant

Local Knowledge: "Eastwood"
Insider With Eastwood Locals
Local Knowledge: "Downtown Trichoga"
Local Knowledge: "Cobbot's Tor"
Petitioned Power: Boonark
Local Knowledge: "Willow Springs"
Insider: "Willow Springs"
Insider: Communists
Local Knowledge: Under Willow Springs

Fancy Outfit
Such as your Sunday best, a fine dress, or the suit you plan to be buried in. If
you go to an opera in anything less than a Fancy Outfit, you’ll get mentioned in
the society pages, but not in the good way.

Collapsing Cane

> ATTACK Range Dice Effect Notes

Legerdemain @Close Speed, Mind, Deceit Disarm
Good Hand, Sleight of Hand
Truncheon Counter @Close Body, Will, Fighting Dmg +1
Off Hand, Club
Broad Axe @Near Body, Speed, Fighting Dmg +3 2
hands, Blade

Injury Soak -4 (1/rest)
Panic Soak -2
Reckoning Soak -2 (1/episode - Recharge Personal Power)
d6 vs. 3

> OPINION Side Size

Martin Riddle Positive d6
Timothy Riddle Positive d6
Gamijin Negative d4
Boonark Negative d6

Born in the Italian village of Varallo Sesia, Dante was raised in the awe-inspiring
shadow of the Sacro Monte di Varallo. From an early age, his parents raised him to
take the cloth, educating him in the ways of the Lord and raising him to be a
righteous man. Unfortunately, life held a different path for him, as before his
seventh birthday he was abducted by a band of wandering Romani passing near to the
village. He would never see his parents again as the roaming band of gypsies tore
down everything he knew about the world and insinuated their beliefs into his young
mind. As he grew older it became all too easy to accept the life he had been forced
into and became an accepted member of the tribe. They began to teach him the dark
secrets of their ways and how to weave their magic to affect the world around him.
Their travels extended far beyond the reaches of Italy... The strange life of the
Romani allowed him to study with the Ojha's of India and the Wu of China. It is
under this otherworldly tutelage that he learned the tricks that astonish audiences
across the world and allow him to bend nature itself to his will...
Stories such as these have surrounded the character that is Dante the Original
since the very inception of the act. In truth, Dante is nothing more than a
performance put on by a man known as Oliver Turpleton. Born in Tricogha, USA in
1876... a scant five years after the Dexter Kerry Gang fire that decimated the
Riverside District of the city. It was the event, his mother (Emma Turpleton) would
often go on to recount, the ultimately led to the chance encounter that brought her
and his father together. Despite being an outwardly pleasant man, his father (James
Turpleton) was a consummate businessman which often kept him away from his family
for long periods. Consequently, this leads to Oliver not knowing his father that
well when at the age of 13 he was killed in the Bidding Massacre of 1886.

Without a male role model to provide him direction, his mother worried that Oliver
would become a hooligan like so many other orphaned children of the age. At first,
it seemed as though that may have been the way of things, as Oliver would
frequently skip school to hang out in the nearby forest with other neer-do-wells
from the city. His mother knew she couldn't control her son and invented crazy
stories about monsters that lived in the forest to try and scare him away. He
ignored all of it, and his friends would hear none of it, until the day that
changed everything. Picking Elderberries in the woods, laughing with friends... the
sudden shrill sound of a voice echoed off the trees themselves as the sky grew dark
and the wind picked up. The ragged form of an old rabbit woman almost comically
shook a stick in his direction and was it not for the sudden chill that ran up his
spine he might have just laughed. The hatchet that suddenly embedded itself in the
tree trunk inches from his head changed his mind completely and he ran for his
life. He never re-entered those woods... none of the other kids he went with that
day were heard from again. He has never spoken of it since.

While such things will traumatize anybody, a child's mind can bounce back from such
things with only psychological scars that will forever haunt their every waking
moment, but still be able to put forth an outward show of normalcy. Such was the
rest of Oliver's life... that is until the Varillian Exposition changed everything.
In 1893 visitors from all over the world came to Tricogha to put forth amazing
displays of science, entertainment, and technology. It was there that Oliver first
got his taste of the thing that would go on to define the rest of his life. There,
in the Exposition, he first got to see Harry Houdini and Howard Thurston perform
feats that excited and amazed the sloth youth and for the first time made him
forget the traumas of the past. With a new sense of wonder overwhelming his former
sense of dread, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt what the course of his life
would be... and set about creating it.

For the next five years, he put up the farce of living a normal life. Dropping out
of school, he picked up odd jobs here and there to save up enough money to buy old
equipment from past stage shows. At night he would go out to various theaters to
watch any magic shows that happened to pass through the city and failing that he
would watch any show he thought he could learn something from. He began to develop
a persona that he thought he could one day present on stage to wow audiences with.
It was something cringeworthy that people would laugh at, but it formed the basis
from which Dante the Original would be born. By 1898 he would get his chance to put
his skills to the test when a traveling magician pulled him out of the crowd as a
volunteer. Putting all his showmanship on display, he was offered the position of
assistant and immediately latched on to it.

Unfortunately, his teacher was the second fiddle in the states, a self-proclaimed
Master of Magic that couldn't find a mainstream theater to host himself in. Trying
his luck in the newly freed Spanish holdings, he found himself packing up for the
likes of Cuba. For the next couple of years, he found the performer's life to be
lackluster at best. The Master of Magic found no better luck in Cuba than he had in
America, and Oliver found the life of an assistant to be less than he had dreamed
of. After one depressing outing on new years night 1901, after hearing another
tirade from the Master about quitting the business, Oliver offered up all of his
savings to buy out his equipment and the rights to his act. After some amount of
consideration, The Master agreed and retired from the performance, leaving Oliver
everything he owned at the cost of everything Oliver had.

Taking on the name Dante the Original, he christened his new production company
'Original Productions' and started trying out tricks no one currently held in their
repertoire to bulk up his current failing lineup... tricks deemed too dangerous by
the old guard. He found that shows, where he feigned putting his life in danger,
brought the crowds in and he became a huge hit in Cuba. Working the rounds for a
couple of years, he began incorporating more and more tricks into his arsenal until
his act was completely distinct from his former masters. As soon as he hit that
point and found himself financially viable, he moved the act to places no one had
yet seen his older work to compare against. In Costa Rica, he found a comfortable
living performing for American workers and native inhabitants supported by the
United Fruit Company. Working with a small sponsorship deal, he brought sold-out
shows to the area as his popularity increased. People began coming from as far as
Panama to see his act. It was around this time that he incorporated the Bullet
Catch into his routine, placing a spotlight on his act not merely from the general
public but other magicians as well. As one of a handful of people able to pull off
the Bullet Catch and not fear death, he occupied a very special rung on the ladder
to success that few other living magicians were willing to climb to.

For several years he toured South America, following deployments of the military in
the region, as his fame grew to heights that rivaled magicians in the states. Along
the way, as he settled into a routine along the Venezuelan coast, another chapter
of his life began. Far from being the wide-eyed boy that had become enamored by the
tricks of his seniors, he was now a man nearly in his forties that had seen a fair
shake of what the world had to offer. What he might have missed by escaping that
dreadful war, he had heard in the stories of those he met after his shows. Still,
his life was not all glamour as his travels would bring him to some of the most
impoverished places in the world. It was in one such place that he met his

While performing at a plantation near Angostura, he encountered a teenage feline

being forced to serve the field owners that came to watch his show. While the boy
was unassuming to look at, he could see in him a deftness and intelligence that
hinted at a proclivity towards the art. That was what first caught his eye, but it
was the horrid treatment that made him step out from just being the entertainment.
The boy was an owned slave, from a tribe of people he had once encountered in his
excursions through Latin America that had the unfortunate onus to have been
captured en masse and sold to various plantations across the south. The young boy
carried the history of this detestable treatment on his flesh and it made Dantes
skin crawl to see it.

During his aftershow wind-down, he entered into a card game with the plantation
hands in which he ran a game on them. Appearing to slowly lose hand after hand, he
put himself into such a position where it would seem like he was going to lose
everything. Putting his own production company on the line, he gambled against the
title of ownership of the boy as collateral against something as valuable. Using
the very same sleight of hand that made him a master of card tricks, he easily beat
the common hands the table pulled against him whilst being masterful enough not to
get caught. That very night he took the boy under his wing, getting the paperwork
of his ownership verified and then dissolved, ensuring his legal freedom from any
future scenario.

Lost childhood friends of Dantes

Clayton Bright(m), Rhino - A big guy teased for being big, shy and understanding of
Roy Greer(m), Monkey - An easily frightened person who nonetheless inspires his
friends to action
Wanda Harvey(f), Bear - A serious person interested in nature and bugs, observing
Carmen Tillman(f), Gecko - A focused runner who could have been a track star if she
wasn't a girl
Other People
Elbert Harvey, Bear - Your former school bully. Gruff and a bit mean, brother to
Wanda. He blames you. Pretty sure he left to join the military before even you
left. Waystone Automotive & Gas (Job)
Spirit Silverwind - A strange native gorilla who sells some basic arts and crafts
to the towns shops. Was about the age of your parents. Father died of a heart
Emma Turpleton - Your mother, of course.
Claudia Harvey
Elise Harvey

Threston, wolf, wonder magician (Uses pyrotechnics) Practiced fencing with

Pytor, magician of kings
Clarence the seer, street magician, gecko

Telekinetic (Academics, Observation, Presence)
Hypnotist (Academics, Deceit, Questioning)
Celebrity (Deceit, Negotiation, Presence)
Medium (Academics, Negotiation, Questioning)
Magus (Academics, Presence, Questioning)

+Ostentatious Casting
Ceremonial (Academics, Negotiation, Presence)

+Distress Soak
Sultry (Deceit, Negotiation, Presence)
Boss (Negotiation, Presence, Tactics)
Old (Academics, Craft, Tactics)

Bat Torpedo's (Assassin Group)

Joe "Mad Eye" Bellisario
Reggie "Happy" Kane
Ruby "Bonesaw" Draven
Donna "The Contessa" McGill
Joan "Jackhammer" Visconzi

Athletics: d6
Evasion: 2d6
Observation: 2d6
Shooting: d6

Flight, Stealth, Sneak Attack, Streetwise

Rough, Outfit, Silenced Pistol, Garrote
Silenced Pistol @Medium
3d6, Ammo d4 - Dmg +1
Sneak Attack - declare bonus 2d8 to attack, 1/hide

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