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Father Francis

Qiling Almoner (Church of Athanasia - The Holy Order of Ardent (du Sang))

Athanasian: Among some scholars, there is a growing body of evidence that,

millennia ago, a group of wizards were capable of magic that was either similar to
White Magic or even the same White Magic spells known today. These wizards were
known as the Athanasians. They were reputed to be able to restore bodies whole from
mere bones or ashes, to make one immune to aging or disease, and to raise the
spirits of entire cities or nations. In recent times, there has been a revival of
interest in these folk, although the Church of s'Allumer disputes that their
existence. The goal of many Athanasians is to achieve a state similar to that of
Helloise and other Ascendants before their own deaths; as one scholar said,
"through the power of truch, while living, to conquer the universe." The core
beliefs of Athanasia are: Gnosis, Ascetisim, Pancreationism.

du Sang: While less glamorous than the Factionaires of the Ardentines, figure more
importantly in the Church as inquisitors and often function as direct agents of the
Pontiff to investigate religious matters. Each branch requires its own Sacerdotal
Indulgence and has its own list of magical studies.

Ordinary: An Ordinary is someone who has been ordained and is able to preside over
the legal functions of the church, such as marriage and rites of burial. The
position of Ordinary is the first rung on the ladder representing the formal
offices of the Church, and they are the lowest rank that holds authority over other
Clergy and Priests. An Ordinary is addressed as "Father" or "Mother." Like Priests
and other sacerdotal ranks, Ordinary are entitled to the benefit of clergy and thus
may be tried in clerical court instead of secular court.

Personality: Ataraxic

Motto: "The Dark cannot claim what Light does not surrender."

-- Goal: Embed myself in a traveling company --

Exp: 0
Injury: 0
Sick: 0

Species Details:
Habitat: Mountain
Diet: Herbivore
Cycle: Day
Senses: Listen, Smell, Spot
NWeap: Horns, Hooves

Basic stats:
Career D8
Mind D8
Body D6
Speed D8
Will D8
Species D4

Battle Array:
Initiative: 2D8
Stride: 2
Dash: 6
Sprint: D8
Run: 23
Soak: 2D6
Dodge: 2D8
Rebuke: Damage +0, Penetrating , Sweep Near (3D8 vs 3 / Resist with
Mind, Will, Presence vs 3)
Repudiation: Confused (3D8 vs 3 / Resist with Mind, Will, Academics vs
Horror: Afraid (2D6, D8 vs target's Mind, Will, Inquiry, Supernatural)
Illness: Fatigued (2D6, D8 vs target's Body, Mind, Will, Endurance,
Torment: Damage +1, Critical, Penetrating, Weak (2D6, 3D8 vs target's
Mind, Supernatural)

Cleric's Trappings (Left-Hand)
White Magic

Fast Mover
Increased Mind
Increased Will

Necromancer's Trappings
Apprentice Necromancy
Ordainment: s�Allumer

Career: Mks dice Favoured Use
(X) Remarks
Academics +++ 2D8 -
Leadership +++ 2D8 -
Supernatural +++ 2D8+D4 -
Observation + 2D4 -
Supernatural 2D8+D4 -
Weather Sense D4 -
Dodge +++ D8 -

Money 8D
Gear Weight
Leather Armor
Electrum Rod
First Aid Kit
Holy Vestments
Holy Symbol
Ye Book of Black Magick by Frater Perphredo (Extravagant, Rare, Proscribed)
Black Robe
Dogwood Wand
Brass Rod
Talisman: a Bone Nonagram
White Robe
The Testaments of Helloise, as transcribed by the Church of Penitence (Extravagant)
Acacia Wand
Talisman: a Fluroite Octohedron
Total Stone

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