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I. Things Learned and Insights.

II. Concept Map
III. Difficulties
IV. Unforgettable Things/Activities

Kris Lyn A. Cuenca.


I. Things th
At first, I thought 4 grading/quarter will be the hardest part of Mathematics 10,
but th
presumable was wrong. 4 grading/quarter of Mathematics 10 was really
easy. I learned Ungrouped Data. Ungrouped Data is data given as individual
points. Under it are: Quartiles that divides distribution into four(4) parts, Deciles
that divides distribution into ten(10 parts) and also Percentile that divides
distribution into one hundred(100) parts. All of that are using two(2) methods for
us to become easier, that are Mendenhall and Sincich Method and Linear
Interpolation. If there’s Ungrouped Data, there’s also Grouped Data. Grouped
Data is data given in intervals. Grouped Data also has: Quartile, Decile and
Percentile. They are values that divide the total frequency into equal parts. And
in this case, we are able to use the Frequency Distribution.

Even 4 grading/quarter became easy to me, there’s also a lesson have a long
process and that lesson became difficult to me, and that was the Frequency
Distribution in Grouped Data. Difficult because we have to list down all the
scores, the hardest part is the tally for us to well identify the frequency of the
scores, we also have to identify the lower boundary and lastly, fill up the row of
cumulative frequency. Because of this long process, I’m/we are using long time

Unforge th
One of the most unforgettable things/activities in 4 grading/quarter was our group
activities. We are doing task as one. We are helping each other for them/us to understand
well the lesson or activity given to our group. And also when we are recording the scores.
Why? Because when we can’t say the score of our classmate as fast as we can, his/her score
is able to have minus 5 (-5) because it’s either noisy or that person was not listening. For me,
that was unforgettable thing. It was a lesson to me, because time is very important and all of

us have to listen to each other because it is a sign of respect.

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