Optics 1

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COACIUNG INSTITUTE [WHERE AVERAGE BECOMES ACHIEVER| PRACTICE MORE SCORE MORE IN NEE REFLECTION AT PLANE SURFACES (awh, ‘_ACADEMIC_ EXCELLENCE 21 When light Is reflected from a miror @ change occurs nits : « (A) phase, (8) frequency, (C) wavelength, (0) speed On teflection trom a plane surface, the following gets changed — (A) wavelength (B) frequency (C) speed (0) amplitude A wave or a pulse is reflected normally from the surface of a denser medium back into the rarer medium. The phase change caused by the reflection (ao (8) F2 +(C)r (&) 3712 Q4 The frequency of incident ray is 3 « 108 Hz. the frequency after reflection (A) decrease. (B) remain same {C) increases (0) either 1 or 3 +, QS The Images of clouds and trees in water always less bright than in reality ~ +(A) because water is forming tne image dirty (B) because there is an optical illusion due to which the image appears to be less bright <{C) because only a portion of the incident lights reflected and quite a large portion goes mid water «(D) because ait above the surface of water contains a lot of moisture fa ray of light is incident on a plane mirror at an angle of incidence of 30°, then deviation produced by mirror is (A) 30° (B) 60° (C) 90° .(D) 120° Q7 —Araysis incident at an angle 38° on a mirror. fe Q. ‘The image of a real object formed by a plane WY mittor is (A) Erect, real and of equal size + (B) Erect, viral and of equal size {C) Inverted, rea! and of equal size {D) Inverted, virtual and of equal size @.9 If you want to see your full image, then minimum size of the mirtet (A) should be of your height (B) should be hall of your height {C) should be twice of your height (D) depends upon distance trom the mietor Mark the correct options. (AVI the incident rays are converging, we have a real object (B) I the final rays are converging, we have 2 real image. (C) The image of a virtual object is called a virtual image, (D) It the image is virtual, the corresponding a0 object is called a virtual object. “Q.41 A point source of light is placed in front of a plane mirror. (A) All the reflected rays meet at a point when produced backward (B) Only the reflected rays close to the normal meet at a point when produced backward, (C) Only the reflected rays making @ small angle with the mirror, meet at @ point when produced backward, {D) Light of different colours make different images. Q.12 Which of the following is not the case with WY image formed by a plane mirror \Y The angle between normal and reflected ray (Ay itis erect is (8) this virwal “(A) 38° (B) 52° +(C) It is diminished (C) 90° (0) 76° (0) It is at the same distance as the object caer re stunner eceatayencise a0 —_ Scanned with CamScanner ao — 43} Aman 160 em hingh stands in fron of @ plane mirror His eyes are ot a howght ot 1g | 71 An 9bect Is aRBrcaching a plana mirorapg\ AS tem. trom the floor, Then the minimum length et Second A stationary observer saey |e) the image At what speed will the of the plane mirror for him to see hie. full ‘mage |" fgitlinig: B approach the stationary observer (A) 85 cm (8) 170 em (A) & cme per second + (€) 80 em (0) 340 cm (8) 20 ems per second 14 Which of the folowing letters do not eurtaca (Ci 10 cms per second y sa inversion : (0) 15 cms per second (4) HEA (8) HOX 8.22 Aperson is standing in front of a plane mirror. (c) veT (D) UL W the mirtor recedes with velocity v, the Q.48 A small object is 10 em in front of a piane telalive separaton of person and his image “mirror. A man stands 30 cm trom the miron Per second Is behing ihe ect ane looks at the abject's |” AO (B)v 4 ()2v_ (D) v2 ul see th Tage He should focus his eyes to see tha | a.25 Two miners are placed perpendicular to each By'25 on. //—olbet. A ray strikes the first mirror and after (B) 35 em. fellection from the first mirror It falls on the (C) 45 om, *+{(D) 40 cm, Second mir. The ray afer reflection from A plane mirror produces a magnification of Second mirror will emerge: (ay-1 (A) Perpendicular to the original ray (B) +4 “(B) Paraliel to the original ray (C) zero {C) At 489 to tne original ray {0) between 0 and + (0) At 60° to the original ray O.Y/ An object Is inialy ata dstance of 100 cm | a.24, Anobjectis paced betean two plane mirors from a plane mirror. Wf the mirror approaches | 77 set al G0? lo each other. The maximum the object at a speed of 5 cm/s, Then after number of images seen will be : ee ne stance between Ihe object and Rs _ 2 3 OS Os say eoan (8) 140 cm 9°0.25 A person's in a room whose eeling and two adjacent walls ate mirrors. How many (C) 170 em (0) 150 em images are formed ? \. Q.48 A plane mirror is approaching you at 10 cm WAS BE (C)7 (D8 a so per second. You can see your image in it. Al “ bs ‘what speed will your image approach you | 9.26 The number of images observable between wy ter and (@) 5 ems YZ wo parallel plane mirrors is * 7 (C) 20 emis (0) 15 emis 2 (B)4 (1-0) infinite %/Q.19 If an object approaches towards a plane | g.27 An object is placed symmetrically between & mirror with velocity Vv, then Image | 5/7 the two plane mirrors incined at an angie of LA approaches the object with velocity : 30°, then the total number of images formed, wh AY (B15. is - (y2V (D) 3. (A) 12 (BY) 2 (CP 11 (0) infinite | | @20 Acar is moving towards a plane mirror at2 | 28 If an object is goes oO | | uc speed of 30 mis. Then the relative speed of | | ¥// between two plane mirrors, inclined at its image with respect to the car will be- angle of 60°, then the total number of images 0 Is » (A) 30 mis (B) 60 w forme (D) infinte (Cc) 15 mis (0) 45 mis AAS (BA (V2) 2 | “and Noor, TD.Complax, Near Big Bazaar, Rajgarh Road Guwahall-O7 ‘Visti ws on :- www alMinityetantesvEmalt-lafogjaMiatyelassesin/@ 8811073137 Scanned with CamScanner Tan object is placed unsymmetrically | 36 Two paralel plane minors Mi and My, have between two plane mirrors, inclined at an ‘length of 2 m each and are 10 mmapant angle of 72°, then the (olal number of ‘Atay of lights incident on che end of mare ism tat ee ee ight undergoes befare react pe AS tee)? {0) Infity theater ond i acting 030 Two plane mirrors are inclined te ane anther (ats (8) 134 (CED (DATA at an saa of 610) wont © | gar Wis esse uror e eto t rmitror Ny at an well by reflected solar beam when the light from met My is paral 0 mevor My 98 ie incident ai an angel cl a= 40" to the shown In figure. The angle of incidence | is vertical At what angle {} to the honzontal jum 7 Should a plane murror be placed 7 fon (A) 70° (B) 20° (C) S0° (0) 40" 38 Aray of ight makes an angle of 20° with the horzontal and strkes a plane mirror which ‘i is ichined at an angle @ to the horizontal ae : The angle & for which the reflected ray roy att (a) 20" {8) 10° (Cc) 30" (0) 40 becomes vertical, is - e Q.31 images formed by an object placed ies war (er s \W/__ two plane mirrors whose refiecting surfaces og ace 13) 4008 We make an angle of 90° with one another lie (cysere.38 (0) 100 i on 2.39 Two plane mirrors parallel to each other and righ ‘an object © placed between them. Then the wate (A) Straight line (8) Zig-zag curve distance of the first three images from the 2 ther AC) Circle {D) Ellipse mirror My_ will be (19 cm) — e i y Q,32 Two plane mirrers are inclined to. one another ont at an angle of 40°. A point object is placed ° ‘otoe in between them. The number of images ‘Son ‘ig w formed due to reflection at both mirrors is ear (A) lofinite 1(8) 9 M, My a cs (0)6 Pop ight . be (A) 5, 10, 15 (B) 5, 15, 30 ie 33. At whal angle must two piane mirors be eanss ste 2 ar WZ placed so that incident and resulting reflected (C) 5, 25, (0) 5, 15, @ rays are always patallel to each other 40 Figure below . ° shows two plane caf (ayo? (B) 20? (Cc) 60 (0) 90 minors and an bet 1|'Q:34 How many images of himscif, does an ‘object © placed ° \M observer see if Iwo adjacent walls of between them. ff Gem —>* < 2em rectangular room are mirror surfaced What will be dis- tance of the first ao (3S CT (2) 9 three Images 0.35 A ray gets succesively reflecied from two from the mitror fy i = mirrors inclined at an angle of 40°. If the M, 1 2 2 angle of Incidence on the first mirror is 60°, (4) 2m, 6 em, 14 em then the net deviation of this say is - (8) 2m. 12 cm, 18 em (a) 40° (B) 260" {C) 2.cm, 18 cm, 22 cm (oy (0) 100 (0) 2cm, 24 cm, 38em = 5 % ERGY and oor, 1O.Complex, Near Big Bazaar, Rajgarh Road Gunahal 07 clases dar 8811079137 aa Scanned with CamScanner at Qaz a3 a4 45, 46 her The mirrors are perpendicular to eae ol pet a5 shown inthe Fig Aight ry AB is Te fon the mirtor M, Then the reflected! raY also suffer a reftection from the miror Me Then the final ray after reflection from Mz will be paralial to the Incident ray, If - (A) i= ase (8) |= 60° (C) i < 30° (0) for any | between 0° and 90° In the phenomenon of reflection (A) velocity changes (B) frequency changes (C) wavelength changes {O) phase may or may not change ‘Aman moves towards a plane mirror with a velocity v ina direction making an angle 0 ‘with the normal to the mirror, The magnitude Of velocity of the image relative to man Rormal to mirror will be We (8) 2v cose (C) 2v sino {O) 2vicos6 When a plane mirror is placed horizontally on level ground at a distance of 60 metres from the foot of a tower, the top of the tower and its image in the mirror subtend an angle of 80? at the eye. The height of the tower is (A) 30 metres (B) 60 metres, (C) 90 metres (0) 120 metres A object is placed midway between two plane mirrors distance ‘a' apart. The plane mirrors form an infinite number of images due to multiple reflections. The distance between nth order image formed in the two mirrors is- (A) na (8) 2 na na Os Ona Number of images of a symmetrically between two ‘at angle 72°, would be- (A) two (8) three (C) six (0) four nN object kept ‘mirrors inclined a48 ag Q.s0 ast anothg, eg 3 are ° os qar Two plane miter fn paint object i lacey Hg” ata nem. THe ee ome | 7 en yn at bot - in betwe' tio formes due 1 renee 8 (a) Infinite 0) 6 (c) 8 ‘ and Mg each have intros My 203 Ma, 8007 Dans a oem nd are separated OY es ” een i cident On one e! Ore ay of ght fs iow many reflections, ey ee Fetore going from the wi Mz, __ @ 80 () 51 (C) 100 (0) 101 When a clock is viewed in a mirror, the needles exhibit a time which appears to be 8.20. Then the actual time will be - (A) 4.40 (B) 3.40 (C) 8.20 (D) 3.20 A ray of light making an angle 10° with the horizontal is incident on a plane mirror ‘making @ angle G with the horizontal. What should be the value of 0 so that the reflected ray goes vertically upwards - (A) 20° (B) 30° (C) 40° (D) 48° ‘A mitror is inclined at an angle of 0° horizontal. If a ray of light is incide angle of incidence 0° with the nt at an then the reflected ray Makes the following ‘Angle with the horizontal. incident ray M $ H (A) @® (B) 26° @s (©) none of these Scanned with CamScanner Two plane mirrors are inclined to each other at an angle 60* If a ray of light incident on the first mirror is parallel to the second mirror, lis reflected trom the second mirror - (A) Perpendicular to the first mirror (B) Paraliel to the first mirror (C) Parallel to the second mirror (D) Perpendicular to the second mirror 53 Two mirors inclined 10 each other produce five images of an object placed between them. Ifthe angle between them is reduced by 30", then the number of images seen in the two mirrors will be - (15 (8) 13 (C) 12, 14 The focal length of spherical mirror is (A) Maximum for red tight (8) Maximum for blue tight (C) Maximum for white tight « (D) Same for all lights If spherical miror is immersed in a liquid, its focal length will (A) Increase (8) Decrease *(C) Remains unchanged {D) Depends on the nature of liquid @3 Ina concave mirror experiment, an object is placed al a distance x, from the focus and the image is formed at a distance x, from the focus. The focal length of the mirror a2 would be A) xp (8) Jex () fax, (0) At Q4 An object is placed at a distance of 40 cm : in front of a concave mirror of focal length 20cm. The image produced is : 7 (A) virtual and inverted 2 €7) (8) real and erect br | (C)real inverted and diminished #8 | D)real, inverted and of same size as the 4 ‘object. REFLECTION AT CURVED SURFACES Q.54 Rays of light stew a horaontal plane miror at an angle of 45° A second plane rmurror is arranged at an angie Wie ray after feflaction trom tne second mirror goes horzontally parallel tp the frst mirror then 9 #5 (A) 45% (By 60" (C) 67 5* (0) 135° @.5 An object of length Sem is placed at a rJ/ distance 1m from a concave mirror. If radius of curvature of mirror is-20 cm. Size of image will be (A) 0.11 cm (8) 0.50 cm + (C) 0.55 em (0) 0.60 cm +e \.§, When an object is placed at a distance of x 'm from a concave mirror, the magnification WZ. of the seal image produced is 2. Then the > fatun arcane of ne minor MA) 4x (B) 4x2 (C) 4x3. (0) 304 Q.7 A short linear object is placed along optic axis of a concave mirror. If distance of nearer end of the object from the mirror is greater than radius of curvature then (Aja real and elongated image will be formed. (B)a virtual and elongated image will be formed. (C)a real and diminished image will be formed, (D)a virtual and diminished image will be formed. Scanned with CamScanner as as ant 12 a3 a4 ‘Sun sublends an angle of 05" at ihe pole af a concave mirror or radius of curvature 15 m, The diameter of the image of the sun formed by the mirror is (A) 855 cm (8) 7.55 cm (C) 685 cm (D) 5.55 cm The focal length of a concave mirror is 12 cm, Where should an object of length 4 em be placed so that an image 1 cm long is formed ? (A) 48 em (C) 60 cm (8) 3 cm (D) 15 em The focal length of a concave mirror is 20 cm. Determine where an object must be placed to form an image magnified two times when the image is real (A) 30 €m from the mirror (8) 10 cm from the mirror (C) 20 cm from the mirror (O) 15 cm from the mirror {In the above question, if the magnified image is virtual, the distance of the object from the mirror must be (A) 30 em (8) 10 cm (C) 20 cm (0) 15 cm A virlual image, larger than the object can be produced by (A) convex mirror (C) plane mirror (8) concave mirror (0) concave tens Given a point source of light, which of the following can produce a parallel beam of light. (A) convex mirror (8) concave mirror (C) concave lens (0) two plane mirrors inclined at 90° to each other The image formed by 2 concave mirror (A) is always real (B) is always virtual (C) is certainly real if the object is virtual (0) is certainly virtual if the object is real. ais ats a7 ass Q4gs 20 & short linear object 1s placed along optic axis of a concave murror. If the object Is in between pole and focus, then (A) a virtual image will be formed. (B) a real diminished image will be formed, {C)If object is in between pole and focus then a real and elongated image will be formed. (D)none of these. ‘A spherical mirror forms an erect image three times the linear size of the object. If the distance between the object and the image is 80 cm, the focal length of the mirror is (A) 15 cm (8) — 15 cm (C) - 30 em (D) 40 cm The image formed by convex mirror of focal length 30 cm is a quarter of the size of the object. Then the distance of the object from the mirror, is (A) 30 cm (C) 120 em (B) 90 cm () 60 cm Aconvex mirror is used to farm an image of a real object. Then tick the wrong statement {A) the image lies between the pole and the focus (B) the image is diminished in size (C) the image is erect (D) the image is real The largest distance of the image from a convex mirror of focal length 10 cm can be (A) 20 cm (8) infinite (C) 10 em (D) depends on the position of the object An object is placed at a distance of 25 em from the pole of a convex mirror and a plane mirror is set so that the vitual images formed by two mirrors do not have any parallax. The plane mirror is 20 cm from the object. The focal length of the mirror is (A) 37.5 cm (8) -7.5 cm (C) -37.5 cm (0) + 75 cm Scanned with CamScanner ONE The rearview mirvor of a car is : Q.28 The relation betwnen magnifeaton rm, the (A) Piane (8) Convex object postion u and focal length { of the micror 15 ~ (C) Concave (D) None of the above ° @.22 An inverted image of a real object can be m= ym Seen ina convex mittor : f 10 circumstances ts ' (A) Under no circumstance (m= 8 ome te (6) When object is very far from the miror 0.23 A concave mirror of focal length f produces {C) When the object is at a distance equat ‘an image n times the size of the object. It {0 the radius of the mitror the image Is real then the distance of the (0) When the object is at a distance equal object from the mirror, is to the focal length of the mircor @a=1yF 02 Arontcuceteneces semouaynema | EMH comer mir Avruainage were rane stm) at if ius . the minor go” Te Tad of curvature of | G59 convex mirar of foal length f produces A) 43am (8186 om an image “i of the size of the cbject The (¢) 10 em (0) 20'em distance of the object from the mirror Is nat 2.24 A boy of height 1m stands in front of a (A) (nt) 1 8) (Sr Convex mirror. His distance from the mirror nat is equal ols focal length. The height of nis woth (mere ‘mage is O31 The s . focal length of a concave mirror is f and (A) 0.25 m (B) 0.33 m the distance of the object from the focus is (C) 05m (D) 0.67 m U [away from the mirror). The Magnification Produced by the mirror is Q.25 Aconvex mirror has a focal length fA real (A) fru (8) uf object is placed at a distance f infront of it (cyurt (Of2 pu from the pole, produces an image at Q.32 At whal distance from a concave mirror of (A) infinity (ar focal length 10 cm must an object be placed in order that an image double iis size may (C) f/2 (D)2F be obtained 7 Q.26 In case of concave mirror, the minimum (A) 5 cm only, distance between a real object and its real (8) 15 cm only image Is (C) either 5 cm or 15 em (Ay F (8) 2F (D) at 10 em @.33 A spherical mirror forms a real image of a (C) af (D) zero point object placed in front. The distance of 27° The magnification m, the image position v the image and object from the mirror is 30 and focal length { are related to one another cm and 0.2 m respectively. The focal length by the relation — and nature of the mirror are (A) 120 mm;concave @ m= (B) 120 mm; convex fv (C) 60 cm; concave t a e-— (0) 60 cm; convex (C)m ()m=- 75 Bazaar, Rajgarh Road Guwahall =_™ 2nd floor, T.0.Camplex, Near Big Bazaar, Rajgarh Roa Scanned with CamScanner the focal length of the eanr a distance ucm from I length fem. The eived on a 0.34 Anobject is placed at # ‘a concave mirror of focal real image of the object Is rec at a distance of v cm from screen placed and the mirror The values of u are changed the corresponding values of v are measured Which one of the graphs shown in the figure 1 1 represents the variation of | with 1 ? (a) vo 8) th i ° Ww Nok co” (p) Tes O Tume ‘An ojbect is placed at a distance of 2f from a concave mirror of focal length f. Light reflected from the ‘ror falls on a plane mirror. The distance of the plane mirror from the concave mirror equals f. The distance of the final image (due to reflection at both concave and plane mirror) from the concave mirror is ae (C) 2f A convergent beam of light converges to a point 20 cm behind the convex mirror on the principal axis. An inverted image of the same size is formed coincident with the virtual 35 (B) 1/2 (D) zero 2.36 a7 a.38 0.39 object. Then. mirror Is (a) 20 cm (8) 10 cm (c) 40 em (D) 30 em ct is moving on the principal axis iror of focal length 24 cm, ‘When it is at a distance mirror, its velocity is Serv locity of the image at that Apoint objet of a concave mi towards the mirror. of 60 cm from the sec. What is the ¥ instant ; (A) 5 crvsec towards the mirror (B) 4 cm/sec towards the mirrors (C) 4 emisec away from mirror (D) 9 cm/sec away from miftor Consider the following statements : if an object is placed between a concave mirror and its focal point, then the image formed will be: I. Real, MM, erect of these stalements : (A) | and 11 and correct (8) I and Ill are correct (C) Il and Il are correct (D) |, II and IH are correct 1, magnified A convex mirror and @ coneave mirror of radius 10 em each are placed 15 cm apart facing each other. An object is placed midway between them. If the reflection first takes place in the concave mirror and then in convex mirror, the position of the final image is — (A) on the pole of the convex mirror (B) on the pole of the concave mirror (C)at a distance of 10 cm from convex mirror (D) ata distance of 5 cm from concave mirror Scanned with CamScanner ay v *) teat get “a a2 aa aa as A por! abject Is placed mm ait at a uistance of 40 cm from a concave refracting surtace of retractve index 15 If ine ragus of curvature of the surface is 20 cm, Ineo the pesiton of the image is — 4A) im alt and al 30cm trom pele (B) in retracting medium and at 30 em tom pole (€) in air ana at intinity {0} in refracting medium ana a} infinity ‘An object 18 placed at a distance of 1d cm (oa medium of y= 1) trom the pole of & spherical refracting gurlace bounding a medium of y= 4.5 ff tne image formed is vidual and at a distance of 40 cm, then the sphencal surtace is — (A) concave willl radius of curvature # Bem (2) convex with radius af eurvature = & em (C) concave with radius ef curvature = 36 on (D) conver wih rages of curvature «3.6 em An cbject «6 placed at a distance of 20 cm, in rarer medium, trom ine pole ct 3 convex spherical rafractng aurace of radius of curvature 10 cm If the refracting Index of the rarer medium is 1 and of the fefracting. medium in 2, then the position of the mage 's at— (A) 4003) em from the pola and intide the denser medium {B)40 em from the pola and Inside ihe denser medium XC) (4003) cm from me pole and outside the denser medium (0) 49 cm from te pole and outside the denser medium Aconvex lens of giass (u* 1.8}|s immersed in waler Compared to Its power in air, its power in water- (Al increases (8) decreases {C} remain some 1D} nothing can be predicted ‘Tha radil of curvatures of a deuble convex fens are 46 cm and 30 cm, and its retractive REFRACTION AT CURVED SURFACES as ay Qa as ato indax 1s 1.8 Then ita focal lengin (Ay #10 em (8) ~ 10 em 40) 4 20 em {0} - 20 cm The twa spherica! surfaces of w doubte Konvave lens have the same radius of Euivature R, and the refractive index of the madiurr enclosed by the ralractng surfaces jb en the foca! lengin of tna tere is R are (alt= 2-7} oR tte Ore = aia 2 A thin lens 19 made with a material having refractive Index w= 15 Both the sides Convex Itt dipped in water (y= 1.33), ft woll behave lke 1A) a convergent lana (B) a divergent tens (C) a ectangutar stats (0) & prism The radius of curvature of convex surface of (hn plane conver lens is 1Scm and refractive index of Ihe material is 1.6. The power of tha bang wilt be +4 (c) +30 (8)-20 (Q)+40 The focal length of a convex lens of glass (v2 15) i 2em The focal langin of the Jens when immersed ina tquid of ralractive index 1.25 will be 1A) 8 om ic) 1.em (8) 24cm (0) 4 em The focal length of @ plano-convex lens ta equal to its radius of curvalure, The value (Of the refractive Index of its material is 1A) 1.33 (8) 16 (cris (Q)2 Scanned with CamScanner any iz ana O14 ass as ‘An cbject is placed at a distal from a conver lens of focal length 10 em, then the image is (Ayreal, diminished and ol a divtance of 18 em hom: the lens (Byreal, enlarged and at a distance of 10 (om from the lenis (C)vitual, enlarged and ot a dtance of 10 em from the ken (0) vinual, aiminienad and at a diatanco of 1073 cm from the tons A conver tena of focal tenth f will form a magnified teal Image of an object if Ine ‘object Is placed (A) anywhere beyond 2 18) anywhere beyound f {C) between f and 2 (0) between lens and f The Image produced by 2 concave Jens it (A) atways virtual (B) always real (C) aways mverted (D} awayn enlarged To obtain magnified vitua! image of an object by a convex tens of focal engin f, Ihe distance between the abject and ine lens should be (Ay>at te) < (C) between 21 and af (0). 6f ‘An objet ts placed at a distance (1/2) from a conver lens. The image wil be (A) at (22) f, teal inverted (B) at one of the foci, virial nnd double In siza (C)at 21, vinual and erect {O)none of these [A tlconves Jens can form a virtual image the otyect is placed (A) between the lens and [ts focus (8) at the focus of the lens (G) between fand 2¢ (0) at intnity aur ary 20 an 0.22 a2 Twa eanvex lenses of equal focal length ¢ fre placed tm contact The focal langtn of the combination 1s wie (Bt Two thin lensen of f = 20cm are placed in contact The focal (ep (0) 02 local lengitie + Gdem and jangth of combination 1 WA) 18 em (8) -15 cm tc) + 30 em (0) = 30cm ‘A conver lona of power * 6D ix placed In eentact with @ concave lens of power 4D: ‘Than the naire of the combination and focal length bs (A) concave 25 em (B) convex 50 cm {C) eoneave 20 cm (D) convex 100 cm What is the power ef 2 diverging lens of focal length 40 cm 7 (A) 25 dope (8) 40 diopte (C)-35 dope (0) ~ 28 dioptre Two convex lenses of powers 4D and 6D ao separated by w cistance of gm The power of the optical system $0 formed is ty-60 (@ +50 (c) 100 wj20 ‘Alena of power + 2 diopters is placed In contact with a lens of power — 1 dlopler The combination wall behave Whe (A) a convergent fens of focal length 50 em {8} ® divergent lens of foca! length 100 em {C) 8 convergent lens of focal length 100 em {) 8 convergent lens of focal length 200 cm When Ine two thin lenses are put in contact, the focal length of the combination ts 48) the geometric mean of the two focal lengths (8) Ine some an the targer focal length {C) greator then efter focal length {D) smaller than either focal tength SEDER 20d tooe TO Comsien Rew 6 Daraer Sarid been eure AMoliyelameelaToad lnfoatTatyelawenin’? B811°72137 Scanned with CamScanner as a26 Q27 a2a 29 30 Two thn tenses of focal tengins 20.em and 28 om aro placed in contact The eMerctive power of the combinubion 1s (Al 1 adopter (B) 45 diopter (Ch 6 awepter (D} 9 Geptar A thin convex tens ef focal fengih 10.¢m and A thin concave jens of loca’ fength 262 cm are In conlact The cambnaton acts as (A) carcayn fens of local tengin 16 4 cm {B) comvax lens of focal length 16 2 em {C) concave oF conver lens depends upon wet matanat of farses {D) none of the above A conves lens of focal lengin A and a concave Jens of focal lengin B are placed in contact The focat lengin of the combination is (A) (Ae BI (8) (A - BD (oir (or AG When 2 thin conver lens is pul in contact wth a thon concave lens ef the same focal length, te resultant combination has a focal tengin equal ta (yer (2 (CC) 0D)» Two lentes whose powers are + 2D and - 4D respectively The power of combinabon (A) -2D (8) * 2D ic)-4D (0) + 4D If 1, and I) be the sizes of the images repectively for the two positions ef the lens an the displacement method, then the size of the object és given by (A) ty Ay (3) 08) ia, (0) 17, A conver tens forms a real image on a screen placed at a distance 60 ¢m from the object When the lens |s shifted towards the screen by 20 cm . another image of the object is formed on the screen. The focal length of the Jens is 1A) 45 em (8) 40,3 cm am a3 33 aa a3 a36 {c) 30 om 1D) 12 em A planacover lank when ailverad on me, plane sidt behaves lke a concive mire af Focal length 60cm However, when silvered on the convex side iWbehaves lke a concave mura cf fecal length 20 cm Then the rafractive index of the lens ts (aya0 (B15 (Cy t0 (D)20 The plane surface af a planoconvex lena of focal langth { Is silvered Wl well benave as (A) plane mirror {) convex mirror cf focal tengins 2t (C) concave mirror af focal length 2 (D} none of the above A point object © is placed on the principal ‘avis of a convex lens ef focal length 20 ¢m at acistance of 40 cm ta the feft of I. The diameter of the fans is 10. em If the eye ts pines 60 cm to the aght of the Ions al a distane h below thé pancipal axis, then he maximum value of h to see the image will be ayo 48) Som qc) 25em xD) 19 cm ‘An object 15 placed at a distance of 15 cm from a convex fens of focal engin 1 em ‘On the ether side of tha lens, a convex rurcr In placed 24 {ts focus such that the Image formed by Ine combination coincides. with the ebject uselt The focal length of the convex ritror is (A) 20 om (8) 10 cm (C) 15 em 40) 30 cm A.concave mirror and 3 convex lens are of the same focal length in air When the are immersed in waler (Althe concave mirror will have its focal longth increased {B) the convex lens will have ils foce! fength increased (Chiney will have equal focal lengths, different trom those in ait {D) they will have equa! focal lengths, same as those in the air A thin equiconvex lens has focal length 10 cm and refractive Index 15. One of its faces ‘5 now silvered and fer an abject placed a distance u in {rant of it, the image coincides with the object. The value of u ts 4A) 10 cm (8) 5 cm Scanned with CamScanner Qa7 o28 a9 40 Qat az Q43 (Cy 20 cm In the aisy el BNET an Sbyect a W the mangnitcar ’ Bre my and m, a {D) 15 cm Placement mathod 2 in a conver lens Placement of the {Ens Betawen ihe twa postions engin ot the jens ip since el Gismy ty (=m nema () (nm, cone LONE of Focal lomgth 10 em ke in or tart a Concave lens The ocr St the comb he focal length Maton 1s numerically equal to (8) 1S em (0) 20 cm Leg ESERrESE the fat and seeand ngths of a singie Spherical ralrecting ‘Surface, then, Whey n= Dyna eet conemves Fens of focal length 20 em and a Censave tens ef focal length 1 are mone (tz = ~ ys, (8) 25 (c) 20 Convex lens of focal length Trey mage A times the size of the object Ig” the Gistance of the ebyect ftom the lens, s Mant Bene ye a (c) (=) wm | ‘7 A Convex tens of focal ‘Yength 1 produces a Virtual image n times the suze of the ojbect, ‘hen the distance of the object from the lens, is HAN ioe 1) ine yt eC) of A concave lens of focal engin t produces (0) 15 an image i th of the size of the ‘object, the distance of the object from the lens, is (8B) (n+ ty TESLSRASSEN ane nar, WO. Complen, Naar = Vial Am-Ht as Qs aay aug « ‘us Jong as the object will be formes when (8 placed at a distance from tne lens 1A) 40. em () 20 cm A conver lane forme a real image of an Sbject placed at w distance U from the bens, ®La distance v from f Tha focal length tol the tons ig Mustcy vctey {C) loss than u as went as v {D} more than u om weil as v ‘An oblect is placad at a point distant x from {he focus of a convex tens and its imge is formed at 1 a8 shown in the figuie, The Sislance x, x salisty the relation wf A oul mage ties as ong asthe eect 1s formed by a convex fens when the obj 18 10 em away from it Atenl image twice (8) 30. 6m (0) 15 em In the sbove question no. 44, + the ‘magnification is, x > jt (0) none ef these A plane conven fans is made of glass or ‘efractive index 1 §, The radius of curvature Ol ts convex surface is R. Its local lengths is RZ BR (CIR Ors, A equiconvex len of gloss of focal length 0.1 meter is cut along a plane perpendicriay {0 Principle axis into two equal parts. The ‘Tao of (otal length of new lenses formed is Seca Rap Road GovahelO = See atingniucitaat tszeternonioe miniey Scanned with CamScanner aso a4 az aa aa as ayy (234 (ay1e2 (D) 2:12 ‘A convex lens froms a real image of a point object placed on its principal axis. If he upper hall of the lens is painted biack, the image will {A) be shifted downwards OPTICAY INSTRUMENTS ‘A fim projector magnifies a 100.sq em fim inp on 2 screen Ifthe near magnification fs 4, the area of the magnifes fim on the screen s+ (a) 1600 sq em (B) 400. sq. em (C) 800 sq cm (DD) 200 sq cm. I is desired to photograph the image of an cchyect placed at a distance of 3 m from 3 plane mirror the camera which is at 8 Gistance of 45m from the mirror should be focussed for a distance of - (aan (B)4sm (c)6m (D)75m ‘A photographer changes the aperture of his camera so that (he new sameter of the perture is twice the inital one, the ratio of new exposures time fo the initial one (s- (Ayr? (B21 (yr (4-4 ‘The exposure time of a camera lens at the 142.8 setting is (1/200) . the correct time at exposure of 1/ 5.6 Is - (A) 004s (6) 020s (cp o4os (D) 002s ‘An object 5 em fong and 3 pencil 1. ¢m long are placed in front of a pin hole camera such that their mages have the same fength. The ratio of the distance af the object from the pin hole to that of the perl! IS- (ay a.2 (B42 {C) 5:2 ors ast as a7 as aso {B) be shited upwards (G) not be shited (0) shift on the principal axis UW red light und violet Fight rays are of focal Fengths Ip and fy, then which of the following Is true 7 ta? Clary tae % ORE hy The ‘T number of a camera lens is 45 Which of the following statement Is correct: (A) The focal length af lens is 46 (8) Its the reciprocal of the focal length ‘expressed In ™ (C) The ratia of focal length to aperture is 45 {0) The aperture of the lens is 4.5 om ‘The focal length of (he objective of & microscope is- {A) Greater than the focal length of eye piece (8) Lesser than the focal length of the eye piece {C) Equal to the focal length of the eye piece (0) Any of (A) (B) and (C) When length of a microscope tube increases its magnifying power (A) Decreases (B) Increase {C) Does not change (D) May increase or decrease Ina simple microscope, ff the final image Is located at infinity then its magnifying power (A) 25F (8) 2570 {C) FR25 {D) (1# 25/F) In a simple two lens refracting microscope. the Intermediate Image, in normal use is- (A) Virtual, erect and magnified (B) Real, erect and magnified (C) Real, inverted and magnified (0) Virtwal, inverted and magnified Fad Toor TD.Complex, Near Big Garaar, Rajgarh Road Guwahat - 7 Tntyelasas ar TS Males on = wm aTnlyctaaentn’Emt- ba 7137 Scanned with CamScanner ast az ara am as ate Qir The magnitying power af compound ‘Muictascope i terms of the magnification my Sue Io ob:ectve, and the magafication power Me by the eye-pisce vy given by (2) mg © me (0) mp — me The final image produced by a compound microseape is 4A) real and erect (0) viral and erect (C) vinwal and inverted (D} real and inverted Ina simple microscope, ifthe final image Ie Jocated at 25 cm trom ihe eye placed close to the fens, then the magnifying power Is 1A) 25F (B) 1+ 256 (C) Fes (0) Fras + 4 {In astronomical telescope, the final image i formed at « (A) The least distant of distinct vision (8) The focus of objective ions {C} The focus of the eye jens (0) Infinity WW fy and {, are the focal lengths of the objective and eye. pinew respectively for a lelescope, the magnitying power of the lalescope will be (A) fo AC) f/f, In whieh of the following the length of the lube is equal to Ine sum of the focal lenglhs of the field and eye lenses- (A) Astronomical telescope (B) Gatilean telescope {C) Terrestrial telescope (D) Microscope (8) fy xf, (D) +t Twa convex lenses of focal length 0.3 m and 0.05 m are used ta make a telescope The distancs kept between tham is equal to- (A) 0.35 m (8) 025 m {C) 0.175 m (B) 015 m = Vtl won t- wr affnityelanoen nT te as aie 0.20 a2 22 Q23 oz 25 2nd flaar, T.0.Complea, Naar Gig Gazaar, Rajgam Road Guwahad OF jaTintyetanerafuAD BRU 073137 ‘An astronomical telescope has @ magnifying power 10. The local lengtn of the eye piece Is 20cm the focal length of the objective is- (A) 2 em (8) 200 em {C) 41/2) em (0) (17200) em Tha magnifying power of an astronomical telescope can be increaseg, if we- (A) Increase tne focal lengin of ine objective (B) tnczease of the focal length of the eye pece (C) Decrease: objective (0) Decrease the focal length of the objective nd at the same (ime increase the focal length of the eye piece When the length ef an astronomical lelescope tube incr magnitying power - (A) Decreases (8) Increases (C) Coes not change (D) May increase ar decrease ‘The resolving power of a telescope depends upon- {A) length of telescope (8) fecal tength of objective (C) dameter of objective (D) focal length of the eye ploce the focal length of the It an astronomical telescope has objective and eye-pieces of foral fengths 200 cm and 4.cm respectively, than the magnitying power of Ih telescope for the ‘Normal vision Is (8) 42 (8) 50 (CG) 58 (0) 204 In question no 22, the tength of the telescope for normal vision, is (A) 204 em (8) 200 cm (C) 196 em (0) 203.45 cm In question no22, the magnitying power of the telescope for distinct Vision is {A) 42 (8) 50 (C) SB (B) 204 In quesbon no 22, the length of the telescope for destinct vision is {A} 204 cm (C) 198 cm (8) 200 cm (D) 203.45 cm Scanned with CamScanner 2.26 27 ozs 0.29 Q.30 ast WW Fy and F, ate the foeal lengths of tne objective and eye-piece respectively for a Galilean telescope, its magnifying power is about WADE, * Fy (C) Far, ‘The numeral value a! the length of Galilean telescepe for normal viston is (assuming Ie and f, a5 positive length) tee ty (8) Wt, (Chips t (t-te The objective of 9 smal telescope has focal length 120 cm and dhameter § cm The focal length of the eye piece is 2 cm The magnifying power of te telescope tor distant abject 1s - (ay 12 (8) Fy * Fy 1 (0) 5 Fo Fe {B) 24 (6)60 (0) 300 With a simple microscope if the fens 1s held ‘at a distance d from the eye and the image is formad al the least distance of distinct vinian from the eye, then the magnifying power is o wt Ded (Oy 1+ = ty + To remove the chramatic aberration, the combination of lentes should be such that (Ent Fy=0 (8) Fa? Fy (C) Fas Fy (0) Fr-Fy=0 The cistance between the objective lens and the eye lens of an astronomical telescope when adjusted for parallel ight és 100 em ‘The measured value of the magnification is 19. The focal lengths of the lenses are- (A) 85 and 15 om (C) 95 and 6 em (B) 82 and 18 cm (0) $0 and 50 em as2 Q.33 a36 It we double the aperture ef a photographic camera, the new exposure should be- (ay ta (8) 12 (2 (0) Same as before When the object Is self- luminous, the resolving power of a micrescape is given by the expression - sind sind ta) 8 oh 2peosd 2 2 wo ‘A Gallean telescope measures 9 cm from the objective to the eye- piece, The focal length of the objective is 18 cm. tts magndying pawer Is- (a)25 (B) 25 (Cc) 5/9 (0) 04 In order to increase the magnitying power of 1 telescope- (A) The focal powers of the objective and the eye- plece should be large (8) Objective should have small focal length and the eye- piece large {€) Both should have large focal length {D)The cdjectve should have large focal tength and ine eye piece should have smal ‘An stronomical telescope has an angular magnification of magnitude 5 for distant objecis. The separation between the objective and tne eye- piece is 36 cm and the final mage ss formed al mfinity The focal length fy of the objective and f,, of the eye- plece are - {A) fy = 45cm and f, = - 9 em (B) fy = 50 cm and f, = 10 em (0) Ig = 7.2 em and, = Sem (D) fy = 30 em and f, = 6 em ‘No. zla[s zlels {i 42] 43] sa] 15] 16[ 17 | 18 | 19] 20 Jans. crete aAjefelelale{clelolelsici(cls la.no. zy] 2a] 25] 25 | ar | 28] 29 | 30 [3432 [3a] sa] as Jana. stele clatatetetetofale (EDICT and cor, TO Comptes, Reo! 6 Oxram, Raypart Rowd Guwahud-O7 | = Vil mmatMnytenerelaE al NafaaManyclanen a 8811673137 Scanned with CamScanner

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