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Richard- - --




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ηte publisher would like to thank th때 lloVvi ’tgfor kind pennission to reproduce photographs
Al amy lmages pp 6 (igloo/Bryan & Cherry Alexander Photography). 10 (raised housel
Rohert Harding Picture Library). 12 (clay housing/Cosmo Conφna). 16 (VenicelJ on Bower).
24 (tree hut꺼 nders Ryman); Corbis pp 8 (grass huts/Charles & josette Lenars). 18
(houseboa다Ri c Ergenbright). 30 (winnebago on a desert road /D ave G. Houser); Getty
Images p 14 (cave houses/I an M cKinneUfJ능xi)‘ OUP P 2 (chatea비; PhotoLi pp 4
(hut covered in snow) , 20 (Chinese house courtyard); Pun chstock p 22 (room in japanese
house/PhotoDi sc); Rex Features pp 26 (underground house/Mike Daines). 28 (house being
moved/jennifer P。이5)
nlustrations 이η Simon Smith (ß1 ustration p29 by: jackie Snider)
With thanks to Sally Spray for her contribution 띠 this series
γ.ii41JT1i n:i .þfm 611Ji핵|
kNotes for t each ers & parents' ,i

며 Using the book

1 Begin by looking at the first story page (pag "e 2) . Look at the picture
and ask questions about it. Then read the story text under the picture
with your students. Use section 1 of the CD for this if possible.
2 Teach and check the understanding of any new vocabulary . Note
that some of the words are in the Picture Dictionary at the back of
the book .
3 Now look at the activities on the right-hand page . Show the example
to the students and instruct them to complete the activities . This may
be done individually , in pairs , or as a class.
4 Do the same for the remaining pages of the book .
5 Retell the whole story more quickly , reinforcing the new vocabulary.
Section 2 of the CD can help with this.
6 If possible , listen to the expanded story (section 3 of the CD).
The students should follow in their books.
7 When the book is finished , use the Picture Dictionary to check that
students understand and remember new vocabulary. Section 4 of the
CD can help with this.

간~ Using the CD
The CD contains four sections .
The story told slowly , with pauses. Use this during the first reading.
It may also be used for “ Li sten and repeat" activities at any point.
2 The story told at normal speed. This should be used once the
students have read the book for the first time .
3 The expanded story . The story is told in a longer version . This will
help the students understand English when it is spoken faster , as they
will now know the story and the vocabulary.
4 Vocabulary. Each word in the Picture Dictionary is spoken and then
used in a simple sentence .

Different people live in different houses.
Let ’ 5 toke 0 trip oround the world ond see
how , where , ond why people live in
different houses.
Look! This house is colled 0 costle. It is
in Fronce. It is big , old , ond beoutifu l. A
rich person built it , mony yeors ogO.
1 Circle ten things that make 0 house.

헬gv picture window freeway stairs

plants living room kitchen floor bathroom
weather roof wall music bedroom

2 Write.

@ door Q

@ @

톨l @


This house is built high in the mountains in

Switzerland. It snows a lot there , in winte r.
The house is made of wood and stone ,
and it is very warm inside. The house
needs a strong roof because the snow is
heavy. The roof is also wide , so it keeps
the snow away from the walls.
Answer the questions.

Ð Where is this house built?

This house is 6uilt in Switzerland_
f) How is the weather in winter in this country?

톨) What is the house made from?

o 1s the house cold on the inside?

o Why does it have a strong roof?

o 00 you want to live in a house like this?

8 Why is the roof so wide?

(l) Ooes it snow in your country?

This house is made of big blocks of snow
and it is called an igloo. Igloos look cold
on the outside but they can be really warm
A hunter can build an igloo for himself
in a few hours , but his dogs have to sleep
outside in the snow.
Write 011 the nouns ond odjectives from
poge 6 on the igloo.
In Africa , where the weather is warmer ,
some people build houses out of grass and
mud. The thick mud walls keep the house
nice and coo l. The grass on the roof keeps
out the heavy rain. There is only one room
in each hu t. If you want your own room
you can build another hu t.
Build your own mud hu t. Put the sentences
in order. Number them 1-8.
Ð_. v 8 _. V L. 0 __ .

~ •• Q

‘ ‘

D Build the walls with the grass and mud

口 Get some branches and put them in the
며 Find a place to build your mud hut
口 Draw a circle in the sand

口 Put grass on the roof

口 Make a roof from branches
D Mix grass with mud
口 Make a doorway and windows with
In some hot tropical rainforests people
build their houses 6ff the ground , on long
pieces of wood called stilts. If the house is
off the ground , the air can flow under the
house and keep it coo l. It ’ s also hard for
wild animals to come and visit if your
house is on stilts.
Circle the correct words.
l ln J
o Stilt houses are built 각r tropicol roi 때

f} These houses are built ~~ stilts.

톨) Stilts IS l ong pleces

· | of
a wood.
s are

Q 5ti|t houses Q|re built 잃 I the ground

can under
o Air flow ~~~. the house.

can In
o Wild animals ca....;~.ot get under the house.

ø People have to climb Iln to their stilt house.

ø There are many stilts under this house.

nave l
잉 This house h ’ many big windows.

T L” e % n mn or ” e ” o”

@ r
0 m l
L l L l l
L u
In very hot dry countries people often
build houses out of clay. The houses don ’ t
have many windows. The small windows
and narrow doors keep the sunshine and
the heat ou t. At night you can sleep up on
the flat roof under the moon and stars.
Who lives in which house? Write the correct
number next to the name.

Franco l~ 탤디 랬口
Peter 口 혔[그 젊口
Julia 디 MorEo 口 하n‘i 口

Franco ’ 5 and Ella ’ 5 houses have wh ite doors.

Ida lives next to Peter.
Marco and Toni have ladders outside their houses.
Peter lives in a house with a black door.
Julia ’ 5 house has the smallest windows.
Ella lives next to a house with a blue door.
Li na often goes to s l.~ep at David ’ 5 house beca use
they can sleep on the roof where it is coo l.
Toni ’ 5 house has a blue door and Marco ’ 5 house
has a red doo r.
Where does Li na live?
Many thousands of years ago , most
people lived in caves. They were the first
houses. Some people still live in caves , but
now they are bigger and more comfortable ,
and they have doors and windows.
It sometimes takes a long time to build
these houses , but they never fall down.
What are the good things and bad things
about living in a cave?


Some people like to live near the water.
Venice is in Italy. There are no cars in
Venice , and people get around by boa t.
The taxis are boats , and even the buses
are boats.
Would you like to go to school by boat?
Ci rcle the correct words.
( This) . “

람강강 IS IV\

6 She 1. in Venice.

er house is on the wate r.

ø There are no cars in Venice.

o People g~~s to work by boat

o Maria 9잃s to school by water bus

8 Her father I h. .
ays'"' a boat , too

텅 He visitors around Venice in his boa t.
.L_I. _ _

잉 Maria likes to __ , in her father ’ s boa t.
_1 _ _

w Li ving near the water 1;0

a lot of fun.
Some people live in a house and some
people work on a boa t. These lucky people
in India live on a houseboa t. Houseboats
are usually made of wood and they are
often very beautifu l. People cook , wash ,
eat , and sleep on their boats.
Check 낌 true or false.
True False
o Some people live in houseboats. 낌 口
f} Houseboats can move around. 口 口
톨) A houseboat has a kitchen. 口 口
o Only people in lndia live in 口 口
o People only live in houseboats 口 口
In summer.

o Houseboats are usually made 口 口

of wood.
8 The houseboat in the picture has 口 口
some stairs.
ø People only sleep on houseboats. 口 口
잉 A houseboat is smaller than a 口 口
~ You live on a houseboa t. 口 口
Some houses hove 0 speciol shope. This
Chinese house hos three sides , built oround
o courtyord. In the post , Chinese people
hod big fomilies. The grondporents lived in
one port of the house , ond the porents ond
children lived in other ports. On speciol
doys they 011 got together in the courtyord.
look at the family tree. Men are shown by 男
and women by 女. Complete the sentences.
Lee 헤 ng 男 Ying i hen 女

Li n 말y 男 Yu Yen 女 Yi Chen 男 Ting i ing 女

Ping Fang 男 Chen Way 女 Yu Fang 男 Yu Chen 女

Ð Lee Ming 닙i 5 Ying 다

C her따 hus6and
f} Lee Ming and Ying Chen are Li n Way ’ 5
톨) Ting Ying is Lin Way ’ s

e Li n Way is Ping Fang ’ 5

o Ting Ying is Yu Chen ’ s
ø Yu Fang and Yu Chen are
Ying Chen ’ 5
ø Yu Chen is Chen Way ’ 5
밍 Lee Ming is Yu Fang ’ s
잉 Ping Fang is Chen Way ’ 5
~ Yu Yen is Li n Way ’ 5
In some parts of the world people have to
be careful how they build their houses. In
Japan there are many earthquakes. In the
past , Japanese people built their houses out
of wood and paper , because they are ligh t.
In an earthquake , a house like this is safer
than a house made of bricks or stone.
Did you know?
Japanese homes are not very big , so
Japanese people don ’ t often have guests stay
in their homes.
Japanese take off their shoes in the house.
There is 0 special place to take off your shoes
called 0 genkon.
Some rooms have mats made from straw on
the floor , called totomi.
1t is polite to tell everybody when you arrive
home or before you leave home.

Japanese people wash with soap and water

first , then they get into the bath.
Japanese people sleep on beds called futon.
These are laid out on the totomi floor. When
people wake up they pack the futon away in
o cupboard , to make more space in the room.
Japanese people have special slippers for use
in the toile t. 1f you : don ’ t see 0 pair of
slippers outside the toilet , then you know
someone is inside.
Some houses can be a lot of fun. Can you
imagine climbing a tree to get into your
house? These people live in a tree house ,
because it ’ 5 cooler , safer , and really high
up. This tree house is in Papua New
Guinea. The view from up there is really
wonderfu l.
What can you see from 0 tree house?
Look at the picture. Use these words.

sky mountains river cloud bear

nest eagle butterfly trunk bra nch
leaves 9 rou nd

If you don ’ t want to live in 0 tree , you can
always live underground. This strange
house in England is built to save energy.
The thick walls are covered in grass and
the windows are in the roof. It ’ 5 warm in
the winter and cool in the summe r. What 0
great place to live!
Which mail goes to which house? Connect.

• •

• •

• •
• •
If you really Ii ke your house , but you have
to move , why not take your house with
you? This is how you do it. You need a
truck and a very big trailer. You put your
house on the trailer and take it to your
new address. You must drive slowly and
watch out for low bridges!
Follow the directions for moving house.
Where do you move to? Find and draw.

o Your old house is at 205 Pond Stree t.

You want to move your house to 0 new
address on 0 truck.
6 You drive up to Dale Road. Turn right into
Dale Road. Go straight for four blocks.
Ð Turn right into 4th Street. Go straight down
4th Street for two blocks.
o Turn right into Museum Street and go
straight for one block.
o Turn right into 3rd Street. Your new address
is on the rig ht side of the road.
o Draw your house at your new address.
1f you Ii ke to travel around and see
different places , this is the best home for
you. 1t has everything from a bathroom to
a kitchen , and a bedroom to a living room
- it even has wheels.
So you can drive across the country
without ever leaving your home!

People ~않 in different
around the world.
The biggest house we saw was the

In cold places people built igloos made of

In Africa some people make houses with

In some people live on the water


Some people build houses in and

others live under
1 like the most , beca use
Picture Dictionary

bear ~톨. butterfly

boat 훌윷~ castle

branch ~ cave

brick I‘ι~ .courtyard

bridge r~ eagle 擊

igloo 壘 stairs

ladder 뽑 trailer 홍뽕

mountain truck

roof trunk 페풀

‘‘‘nrh n Re e

{> -/ rs



Dolphin Readers are available at five levels , from Starter to 4.

The Dolphins series covers four major themes:

Grammar, Li ving Together,

The World Around Us , Science and Nature.
For each theme , there are two titles at every leve l.

Activity Books are available for all Dolphins.

AII Dolphins are available on audio CD.


Teacher ’ s Notes are available at 이 phins

Grammar 1
Li ving Together ’ The World Around Us T Science and Nature 1
• Silly Squirrel . My Family • Doctor , Doctor . A Game of
• Monkeying • A Day with Baby • Moving House Shapes
Around • Baby Animals
경9 경〉 경〉

• Meet Molly • Li ttle Helpers . On Safari • Number Magic

• Where Is It? • Jack the Hero • Lost Kitten . How ’ 5 the
g @ 쩍P

• Double Trouble • Candy for • A Visit to the City • Numbers, Numbers

• Super Sam Breakfast . Matt’ 5 M istake Everywhere
• Lost!
간p @ @
• Students in Space • New Girl in School • Just Li ke Mine • Things That Fly
• What Did You Do • Un 디 e Jerry ’s • Wonderful Wild • Let ’ 5 Go to the
Yesterday? Great Idea Animals Rainforest
ξP 깅p 간~

• The Tough Task • We Won the Cup • Where People Li ve • In the Ocean
. Yesterday , Today • Up and Down • City Girl , • Go , Gorillas , Go
and Tomorrow Country Boy

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