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Sistema circulatorio

Nicolas Alvarez coral 11ª

The circulatory system is above all a transport system that facilitates the movement by the
body of different substances, mainly oxygen and nutrients. However, the list of functions is
very extensive and includes the following: 1

1. Transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to
the lungs for elimination through exhaled air.
2. Distribute the nutrients to all the tissues and cells of the body.
3. Transport waste products that are produced by the cells to the kidney so that they are
eliminated through the urine.
4. Transport substances to the liver to be metabolized by this organ.
5. istribute the hormones that are produced in the glands of internal secretion. Thanks to
the circulatory system, hormonal substances can act in places very far from the place
where they have been produced.
6. Protect the body against external aggressions of bacteria and viruses by circulating
leukocytes and antibodies in the blood.

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