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Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by on 06/27/20

IN 1914

1.16 ft/Iog cycle

0.40 ft110g cycle

For personal use only.

JAN 1.1905 JAN 1.1914

FIG. 2. Observed settlement of point C related to logarithm of time -enlarged scale.

performed at room temperature; accordingly, through' virtually every line in the Paper.
the laboratory values of Ca were obtained at One wonders what the designers of the Em-
temperatures about 15-20 O F higher than press Hotel would have recommended were
those extant in situ. Considering these un- they privy to current knowledge of soil
certainties, the apparent agreement cited in mechanics - and had estimated that the
the Paper does not increase the Writer's south end of the Main Building would settle
confidence in the reliability of routine methods 4 ft with respect to the North Wing some 10
for estimating rates of secondary consolidation. years after construction, and that an addi-
The romance and challenge of foundation tional foot of differential settlement would
engineering at the turn of the century 'seeps occur in the ensuing 20 years.

The Empress Hotel, Victoria, British Columbia. Sixty-Five Years

of Foundation Settlements:' Closure
Divisioli of Bl~ildilzgResearch, Na/ional Researclz Corrticil of Canada, O//awa, Calrada K I A OR6
Received October 20, 1972
Accepted October 23, 1972

The authors appreciate the comments of recent issues of this journal. Mr. Keene
Messrs. Keene, Walker, and Leonards in (1971) drew attention to the lack of agree-
ment on the definition of secondary consolida-
tion . I n this the coefficient of secOn-
lPaper by Crawford, C. B., andsutherland, J.G., Can.
Geotech. J . , 8(1), pp. 77-93, 1971. dary consolidation is defined as the amount

Canadian Gcoteclinicnl Journal, 10. 122 (1973)


of compression relative t o the original thick- correct on the right-hand side. T h e elevation
ness (i.e. before primary) in percent per log of point "C" in 1912 is 108.82 ft (33.17 m )
cycle of time. and of point "F" is 108.94 ft (33.20 m).
In response to Dr. Walker's request (1971) In 1967, "C" is a t 108.06 ft (32.936 m)
1 present Fig. 17 to show typical settlement a n d "F" is at 108.08 ft (32.942 m). It should
measurements to a large scale. In the secon- also be noted that a t the end of the section
dary range, the settlement measurements o n "settlement contours" (p. 86 in o u r paper)
show a linear relationship with time o n a it is point "Q" rather than point "C" which
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by on 06/27/20

semi-log plot. In our paper we noted (p. 93) is assumed t o have settled 0 . 3 ft (0.06 m).
that " computed rates of primary consolida- In his discussion, Professor Leonards
tion were t o o far from reality to be usefully raises the following points :
considered". Rough calculations based on (1) Loading is not simple during the
the Terzaghi theory indicated that 9OCj{ of initial construction stage (1904-05).
primary consolidation would require a b o u t
(2) Immediate rebound a n d immediate
50 years, five or six times the observed time.
settlement may be significant.
In view of the uncertainties of the actual
boundary conditions, especially with respect (3) Negative skin friction is a considera-
t o drainage, n o effort was made t o introduce tion.
more sophisticated methods of computing (4) Primary consolidation before Decem-
primary rate. ber 1905 has been overestimated.
Professor Leonards has taken a particular (5) Secondary consolidation was three
interest in the study. His d i s c u ~ s i ~inn this rimes as fast in the early stages as in the
For personal use only.

issue (Leonards 1973) follows considerable late stages.

private correspondence in which he has raised (6) Secondary consolidation should not
many questions. From a careful examination be computed on the basis of the full
of the time-settlement curves presented in 50-ft (15.2-m) layer of soft clay because
o u r Fig. 9, he noticed a n anomaly that proved the piles penetrate almost t o the middle
t o be due t o a n error in the figure. On the of the layel-.
left-hand side, the letters "C" a n d "F" (7) Testing temperature influences the
have been transposed, although they are laboratory values of C,.

1911 1916 1921 1926 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971


F IG. 17. Observed settlement related to logarithm of time.


These will be dealt with in order. are constantly being forced into the ground
(1) The total stress changes above eleva- by the settlement of the pile caps. Downdrag
tion 70 were certainly not simple during the can occur only when the sun-ounding soil is
initial construction stages. Further, there is settling at a !greater rate than the piles<usually
very little basis for assessing the way in which end-bearing piles).
loads are transmitted from the piles to the (4) The primary consolidation before De-
ground. Nevertheless, i t was assumed in the cember 1905 mav well be over estimated. The
analysis that the stress changes in the com- reliability of the estimated curve from point
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by on 06/27/20

pressible layer, from elevation 50 to elevation "P" to the first measurements in 1912 (Fig.
0, were relatively simple because of the large 11) can be defended. but there is little rational
area that was filled. Even after the building basis for the earlier portion. I believe, liow-
loads were applied, there was only a small ever, that Professor Leonards' estimate of
variation between the stresses under the build- "less than one foot" ( < 0 . 3 m) is conservative.
ing and adjacent to it. The variations in total (5) It is not satisfactory to draw conclu-
stresses in the upper layers during 1904 and sions regarding secondary rates on the basis
1905 were substantial, but in the middle of of selected measurements, as the measure-
the compressible layer, at elevation 25, the ments are not sufficiently accurate. Although
changes in the effective stresses were consider- the reference bench mark is on a bedrock
ed to be gradual and uniform. outcrop adjacent to the hotel, there are ob-
(2) Rebound would tend to occur in the vious minor inaccuracies in surveying. This
dredged fill when the site was excavated to is illustrated by examining an enlarged plot
elevation 76, but this would be confined to of the level observations on point "Q"
For personal use only.

the upper few feet. Some immediate settle- where the foundation piles bear on gravel
ment would also occur when the site was (Fig. 18). Here it is seen that an error of
reloaded, but this would not have a major + 0.015 ft (+ 0.0046 m) must be accepted,
influence on the settlement of the foundation and further that the downward trend ending
walls, because lateral movements in the soil in 1934 was immediately followed by an up-
are not expected to occur when the loaded ward trend. As no rational explanation can
area extends a considerable distance on both be given for these trends, it must be assumed
sides. that they were due to small levelling errors.
(3) Negative skin friction or downdrag The application of corrections u p to f 0.015
is not a factor in this case because the piles ft (f0.0046 m) to measured elevations

0.04 - -

- I I I I I I I I I I I I
1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970


FIG. 18. Settlement of point Q.


substantiates the smoothed curves shown in cessarily reasonable to use the full depth for
Fig. 17. It is interesting to note that point assessing secondary consolidation. Unfor-
"Q" appears to settle slowly, presumably tunately, Bozozuk's observations do not yet
due to creep at the pile tip where .stresses are indicate how large the relative movement
high. must be to reduce the skin friction to the
(6) The decision to use the entire 50-ft remoulded strength. If the piles become more
(15.2-m) layer of soft gray, silty clay in com- effective in transmitting load to the soil when
puting consolidation settlements was based the secondary stage is reached, this can be
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by on 06/27/20

on the following reasoning. It was known taken into aicouni by using a reduced depth
from current field observations by the Division to compute the field value of C,, in which
of Building Research (National Research case the laboratory test leads to a greater
Council of Canada) that the load transfer underestimation of the secondary settle-
between a pile and a silty or sandy soil is ment.
fairly high, while a pile being activeIy forced (7) The influence of temperature on the
into soft sensitiveclay does not mobilize much laboratory values of C, is uncertain. The
resistance. It was reasoned, therefore, that literature on the subject is controversial and
the interaction of the upper half of the piles my experience has not indicated that it has
with the silty clay and sandy clay would a significant effect.
result in a uniform stress distribution at the Reductions in the original text to keep it
top of the soft clay (elev. 50) and that the within a reasonable length obviously left
lower portion of the piles would have little questions which the discussers have raised.
influence. The Division of Building Research For this the authors are grateful.
For personal use only.

studies, which have now been analyzed

(Bozozuk 1972), show that where relative
movement between a pile and the soil is Bozozu~,M. 1972. Downdrag measurements on a
small, the skin friction is related to the 160-ft floating pipe test pile in marine clay. Can.
effective horizontal pressures acting on the Geotech. J. 9(2), pp. 127-136.
pile, but where the relative movements are K EENE, P. 1971. The Empress Hotel, Victoria, British
large (and, in this case, excess pore pressures Columbia. Sixty-five years of foundation settle-
ments: Discussion. Can. Geotech. J. 8(4), pp. 610-
were also large) the skin friction is small 61 1.
and of the order of the remoulded strength LEONARDS, G. A. 1973. The Empress Hotel, Victoria,
of the soil. If these results can be ap- British Columbia. Sixty-five years of foundation
plied at the Empress Hotel site, it would settlements: Discussion. Can. Geotech. J. 10(1),
be reasonable to neglect the influence of pp. 120-122.
W A LKER , L. K. 1971. The Empress Hotel, Victoria, Bri-
the piles in computing primary consolida- tish Columbia. Sixty-five years of foundation settle-
tion of the 50-ft (15.2-m) layer, but not ne- ments: Discussion. Can. Geotech. J. 8(3), p. 501.

A Study of Anchorages for Transmission Tower Foundations:

Soils Section, Structl~ralResearch Departn1ent, Ontario Hydro, 200 Kiplir~gAve, Toror11018, Otzlario
Received August 2, 1972
Accepted August 29, 1972

Dr. Meyerhof has brought up the very teraction, however, it was believed that the
valid point of interaction between helix interaction would not be an overriding factor.
plates in the uplift capacity of multi-helix The photograph in Fig. 1 obtained from Mr.
anchors. There is undoubtedly some in- G. H. Johnston of the National Research
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 10, 125 (1973)

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