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Brief History of the World before Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 67 8. O pure one from among the illiterates, O, sinless one, the spirit of the truth and absolute maaster, to thee is my ado- ration. Accept me at thy feet.” Bhavishya Purna Parv 3, Khand 3, Adhya 3, Shalok 5-8. Original Sanskrit Text W MTGE 2otae on awe gareyaris reset Sd ga arent wife | nares ufé aed aafd Y dice an erg we nan we aed warfea aysiait fogs wen whe fi fidtea fea Rare seas: on va ard? arag wei Grepren ai: ' Mifeh mmnreriai eat em sia 3.0 (9) THE HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD FORETOLD Translation “O-people, listen this emphatically! The man of praise (Muhammed) will be raised among the people. We take the emi- grant in our shelter from sixty thousand and ninety enemies whose conveyances are twenty camels and she camels, whose loftiness of position touches the heaven and lowers it. He gave to Manah Rishi hundred of gold coins ten circles, three hundred Arab horses and ten thousand cows.” Atharva Veda, Kanda 20. Sukia 127, Mantra 1-3. (Extract from Mr. Jairzbhoy's book "Muhammad: A Mercy to all the nation".) 68 Prophet Muhammad The Last Messenger in The Bible CHINA China and Europe were entangled in similar social orders and religious systems as the above mentioned nations.1 The conditions were right for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to correct the many problems of all the nations as mentioned in Isaiah 42 (1-21) and 43( 9-12).2 THE ROMANS Three hundred years before Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), during the rule of Constantine, the Romans declared themselves Christians. Constantine mixed many of the Christian beliefs with tradition Roman atheistic beliefs.s He also introduced many Roman beliefs into Christianity. He changed the Sabbath (day of rest) from Saturday to Sunday, the day of the sun. All the prophets, up to Jesus (pbuh), respected and never ordered that the Sabbath be changed. Only Allah has the right to change the Sabbath day. Prophet Jesus (pbuh) said that a new law of God would be given to the last prophet to change the Sabbath day. Roman citizens were also forced to pay high taxes to the religious establishment.s John 14:15—”" If ye love me ye will keep my commandments. v. 16. And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Parakletos (Comforter) that he may be with you forever. v. 25. These things have I spoken unto you while yet abiding with you. v. 26. But the Comforter (Parakletos) which is the spirit of truth whom the Father will sent in my 1-A- Forman, Henry ,J and Gammon Roland .1937 Truth is one p 32-89. B- Champion ,selwyn gurney .1945, The Eleven Religions .p.142. 2-A- A. Van Lee Vween, Arend Th 1964 ,Christianty in the World History B- Latourette Kenneth Scott.1975.History of Christianity Vol. 1.p.237-658

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