Residual Stress in Driven Pile - t00-095

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Prediction of residual driving stresses in piles

Licia Mouta da Costa, Bernadete Ragoni Danziger, and Francisco de Rezende Lopes

Abstract: Residual driving stresses in piles are determined with a new stress-wave program. The program has some
interesting features, such as the displacement stabilization accomplished by an analysis for a longer time, until zeroing
particle velocity at the pile toe. A parametric study of the development of residual stresses in a steel pile shows
interesting aspects related to the effects of toe resistance, shaft friction resistance distribution, and driving energy. A
comparison is made between the application of available solutions and the new program.

Key words: residual stresses, pile driving, foundation, analysis.

Résumé : On a déterminé les contraintes résiduelles de fonçage dans les pieux au moyen d’un nouveau programme
d’ondes de contraintes. Le programme comporte des caractéristiques intéressantes telles que la stabilisation du déplace-
ment réalisée au moyen d’une analyse pour un temps plus long, soit jusqu’à ce que la vitesse des particules à la pointe
du pieu atteigne zéro. Une étude paramétrique du développement des contraintes résiduelles dans un pieu en acier
montre des aspects intéressants concernant les effets de la résistance à la pointe, de la distribution de la résistance en
frottement du fût, et de l’énergie de fonçage. L’on fait une comparaison entre l’application des solutions connues et le
nouveau programme.

Mots clés : contraintes résiduelles, fonçage de pieux, fondation, analyse.

[Traduit par la Rédaction] Notes 421

Introduction It should also be kept in mind that residual stresses do not

occur in end-bearing piles (when point resistance is respon-
Following a hammer blow, the pile penetrates into the sible for the total bearing capacity). In these cases no shaft
ground, moving downward and then recovering part of the friction resistance occurs and there is no restraint to the
penetration by an upward movement. During the downward complete soil unloading at the pile toe. Also, in the extreme
movement, as the compression wave travels to the pile toe, case of piles with no point resistance, the compression wave
the pile shaft is elastically compressed. As the compression is reflected as tension at the pile toe, and no rebound occurs.
wave reflects at the pile toe, the pile tends to recover its On the other hand, residual stresses can be significant in
original length, the soil decompresses, and the pile rebounds, sandy soils, when the contribution of toe resistance approxi-
oscillating until reaching its final position. Although no ex- mates that of shaft friction resistance, and little movement is
ternal load is applied, the equilibrium generally involves needed to unload the friction transfer curve, whereas much
some residual point load and friction stresses on the shaft greater movement is needed to unload the transfer curve at
which balance each other. the pile toe (Briaud and Tucker 1984).
The soil shaft friction resistance acts either upward, resist- Many authors suggest procedures to take the residual
ing pile penetration, or downward, preventing soil rebound, stresses into account, as reported in the next section. The
at least in the upper portion of the pile. Equilibrium is procedures suggested by Holloway et al. (1978) and Hery
reached when part of the friction stresses reverse themselves (1983) include some approximations and simplifications
to prevent complete soil rebound near the pile toe. Briaud aimed at reducing the time of analysis.
and Tucker (1984) pointed out that the residual stresses pres-
The present paper presents residual stress evaluations
ent when equilibrium is attained are governed, on the one
based on a stress-wave program called DINEXP (Costa 1998).
hand, by the unloading characteristics of the point and fric-
This program presents a more rigorous approach to residual
tion transfer curves and, on the other hand, by the elastic
stress analysis, since no simplification is made as far as dis-
characteristics of the pile.
placement stabilization is concerned. Displacement stabiliza-
tion is accomplished as the program runs for a longer time,
which is not a problem with current computer facilities. Par-
Received June 21, 1999. Accepted September 11, 2000. ticle velocity is nullified as a consequence of displacement
Published on the NRC Research Press Web site on stabilization and only static forces are then present at the
April 12, 2001. end of analysis. The importance of this procedure is that
static equilibrium is actually attained.
L.M. Costa and F.R. Lopes. COPPE, Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro, Caixa Postal 68506, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
B.R. Danziger.1 Fluminense Federal University, Rua Passo
da Pátria No. 156, São Domingos, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Historical review
Hunter and Davisson (1969) presented a comprehensive
Corresponding author (e-mail: report on residual stresses and emphasized that residual

Can. Geotech. J. 38: 410–421 (2001) DOI: 10.1139/cgj-38-2-410 © 2001 NRC Canada

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Notes 411

loads must be accounted for if a true representation of load forces are likely to be much smaller in the case of bored,
transfer is to be obtained. The authors proposed a procedure cast-in-situ concrete piles.
to interpret load tests taking into account residual driving O’Neill et al. (1982) described the behaviour of a group
stresses. They pointed out that the proposed procedure does of nine instrumented steel pipe piles driven in an
not affect the ultimate tension and compression loads, but overconsolidated clay. Among the many aspects investigated
only the magnitudes of toe and friction load. by the authors, they observed residual shear stresses along
Gregersen et al. (1973) described a series of loading tests the pile–soil interfaces acting downwards on the piles in the
on precast instrumented concrete piles driven in a very loose upper two thirds to three quarters of their penetrations and
sand near the city of Drammen, Norway. The instrumenta- upwards thereafter. O’Neill et al. observed that the depth of
tion clearly indicated considerable axial forces in the piles downward-directed shear was somewhat greater in the group
after they had been driven. The authors also verified that the piles when compared with the behaviour of two identical
distribution of the residual load along the pile followed the reference piles driven near the group.
same pattern for all piles; it increased down to a point corre- Paes (1983) developed a driveability program including
sponding to about two-thirds of the embedded length and residual stress analysis based on Hery (1983). The analysis
thereafter decreased in the lower portion of the pile, with includes two steps, a dynamic step and a static step. The dy-
frictional forces acting in opposite directions along the top namic analysis is interrupted when the pile ceases to pene-
and bottom of the pile. trate into the soil, initiating its elastic rebound. At this point,
Cooke and Price (1973) analyzed an instrumented friction a static analysis is performed, similar to the dynamic analy-
pile jacked into London clay and test loaded. The authors sis but excluding damping effects.
observed that the friction pile remained in compression after Briaud and Tucker (1984) presented a theoretical formula-
the installation force had been removed. Residual loads were tion for the analysis of residual stresses including some sim-
registered in each cell after the pile had entered the ground plifying assumptions. The authors observed that the most
and the jack had been retracted. important factors influencing the distribution and magnitude
of residual loads are the ultimate point and total loads, pile
Vesic (1977) presented two examples of projects in which
length, and relative pile–soil stiffness. They gathered a data
the presence of residual load had an overwhelming effect on
base including 10 sites with 33 instrumented piles driven in
pile foundation performance. In the first project, the consid-
sand. After the analyses of the data base, Briaud and Tucker
eration of a residual load resulted in a predicted settlement
presented a method based on the Standard Penetration Test
one-sixth that of the original predicted value. According to
for the analysis of load distribution in piles driven in sand,
Vesic, load tests fully confirmed this assumption. In the sec- subjected to static vertical loads, considering the existence
ond project, no consideration of residual loads resulted in of residual stresses. The method allows the prediction of the
predicted settlement of 2.5 cm, whereas values slightly over entire load–settlement behaviour of a pile.
1 cm were predicted with the inclusion of residual loads.
Goble and Hery (1984) presented a new version of the
The author warned about the doubtful value of numerous
stress-wave program WEAP, called CUWEAP, which fol-
theories of pile settlement behaviour published in the litera-
lows the same procedure as that suggested by Holloway et
ture without consideration of residual loads.
al. (1978), in which successive blows are analyzed, each one
Holloway et al. (1978) pointed out that a conventional in- starting from the permanent displacements and residual
terpretation of load tests on driven piles (in which no resid- stresses attained in the preceding blow. The operation is
ual driving stresses are acknowledged) leads to a point repeated until a convergence criterion is satisfied. Goble and
resistance lower than the real value, and to a shaft friction Hery emphasized that the multiple-blow analysis causes a
resistance higher than the real value, although the total pile considerable increase in the analysis duration, since conver-
bearing capacity is the same. Holloway et al. developed a gence can be very slow.
procedure to simulate pile–soil interaction, from driving op- Poulos (1987) presented a simple analysis based on the
eration to static loading. Such a procedure involves the solu- boundary element method for estimating the initial residual
tion of the wave equation by the finite difference method, stresses in a driven or jacket pile. The author then examined
similar to that of Smith (1960), coupled with an algorithm the influence of these stresses on the static axial load – set-
for the solution of static equilibrium after complete attenua- tlement behaviour of the pile in three idealized soil profiles:
tion of the wave energy caused by the hammer blow. Succes- soft clay, stiff clay, and medium-dense sand. Poulos con-
sive blows can then be simulated, taking into account the cluded that the residual toe pressure is a substantial propor-
residual stresses from previous blows. Holloway et al. con- tion of the ultimate toe resistance for all three soil types,
cluded that unidimensional pile representation for driving particularly for very compressible piles. The author found
and static load tests leads to a satisfactory simulation when that actual values of residual toe pressure are most signifi-
compared with measurements. cant for piles in sand and least significant for piles in soft
Cooke (1979) described loading tests on jacked tubular clay. Poulos also concluded that residual stresses increase
steel piles and bored cast-in-situ concrete piles. The author with a relative decrease in pile stiffness, the maximum resid-
pointed out that in the case of jacked and driven piles, resid- ual force increases with increasing toe bearing capacity, and
ual forces arise as a result of the different rate of mobiliza- residual toe pressure is a significant proportion of the limit-
tion of bearing forces at the base and frictional forces on the ing pile toe resistance. The author also computed the influ-
shaft. The magnitudes of these forces can be large, leading ence of residual stresses on the static load – displacement
to a dominant effect on the mechanism of load transfer to response of a pile. Poulos verified that the presence of resid-
the supporting soil. Cooke concluded, however, that residual ual stresses increases the pile head stiffness in compression

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412 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 38, 2001

but reduces it in tension. The larger the residual stresses, the Massad (1992) presented a mathematical model that de-
more pronounced are their effects. scribes observed pile behaviour in cases where residual
Rieke and Crowser (1987) presented results of instru- stresses are locked at the pile toe from previous loading. Ac-
mented pile load tests in both tension and compression. Re- cording to Massad, the residual stresses control pile settle-
sidual stresses and their distribution along the pile were also ment behaviour.
measured. The authors observed that residual stresses are re- Maiorano et al. (1996) compared the residual stress in-
duced significantly, but not completely, after one or two load duced in the pile by driving and static jacking at the top,
cycles. middle, and base of the pile for typical profiles consisting of
Leonards and Darrag (1987) discussed the boundary ele- stiff clay, soft clay, and sand. The authors concluded that the
ment analysis performed by Poulos (1987). The authors em- pile driveability is relatively insensitive to the location of the
phasized certain aspects concerning the fact that Poulos impact for typical clay profiles. However, for the sand pro-
found negative friction along the entire pile shaft in sands file, and probably any profile with significant end bearing
and high residual tip loads, which did not conform to the ob- capacity to total capacity, driveability is nearly twice as
served behaviour reported, for example, by Rieke and good for bottom driving as for top or middle driving.
Crowser (1987). Leonards and Darrag also presented a com- Maiorano et al. also verified, as discussed by Poulos (1987),
parison of the analysis with distinct unloading modulus in that static loading curves can be markedly affected by the re-
the sand below the pile tip and concluded that increasing the sidual stress system, mainly for cases with high end bearing
soil modulus at the pile tip with respect to that at the pile capacity, so it is important to make allowance for residual
shaft increases the residual tip load. Leonards and Darrag loads when interpreting pile load tests.
concluded that careful modelling of the magnitude and dis- Rausche et al. (1996) presented an analysis including a se-
tribution of soil modulus both along the pile shaft and at its quence of several blows and using the stress state in pile and
tip is required for an accurate prediction of residual stress. soil at the end of one blow as an initial condition to the next
Poulos (1987) closed the discussion by Leonards and blow. The shaft resistance degradation can also be consid-
Darrag (1987) by presenting an analysis with the soil modu- ered. The authors show the differences between a traditional
lus at the tip five times the value along the shaft. The author wave equation and standard CAPWAP analyses and the im-
concluded that the effect of having a higher unloading soil portant improvements of the residual stress analysis (RSA)
modulus than reloading soil modulus leads to some modifi- and multiple blow analysis (MBA). Multiple blow analysis
cation of the results, but not a dramatic alteration of the re- requires the selection of a series of records and parameter
sidual stress distribution. adjustments to yield a satisfactory match of all blows in the
series. The signal match of the last blow is presented as the
Darrag and Lovell (1989), based on analyses made with final result. A series of simplifying assumptions are taken by
the CUWEAP program developed by Goble et al. (1988), the authors to reduce the unknowns of the MBA. Rausche et
presented charts and equations which allow estimates of re- al. emphasized that the MBA considers the residual stresses
sidual stresses in the pile after driving. remaining in the piles between individual blows, and they
Decourt (1991) established a simple method to interpret presented three examples of the application of this analysis
pile load tests which assessed the separation of lateral fric- and described the benefits and limitations of such an analy-
tion and end bearing resistance. The method also considers sis.
the presence of residual loads from driven piles or from piles
previously compressed on load tests.
Randolph (1991) emphasized the importance of taking New finite element solution
proper account of residual stress in the back-analysis of driv-
ing data if realistic estimates are to be made of the overall A new finite element solution was developed to analyze
resistance and the distribution between shaft and base. The the behaviour of piles during driving. The principal objective
author illustrated the interpretation of field data from of the DINEXP program was the back-analysis of field driv-
redriving a long reinforced concrete pile through alluvial ing records for stress control during pile installation (to pre-
clays and sands into denser sands and gravels. Randolph vent structural damage) and to evaluate the bearing capacity
concluded that the presence of residual forces in the pile can of piles. The program was then updated and new routines
have a major effect on the interpretation of stress-wave mea- were included to allow driveability analyses. It has been
surements. The author suggests an approach for implement- used in the installation control of closed-ended pipe piles for
ing residual force analysis in the interpretation of stress- offshore platforms of the Campos Basin, Brazil (Costa et al.
wave data. Such an approach requires application of the 1988).
measured blow once or twice for each iteration of the soil The DINEXP program uses, for pile discretization, one-
parameters, avoiding the need for multiple repetition of the dimensional beam elements. The soil is represented by non-
blow, except as a check in the final stages of the matching linear springs with elastic–plastic behaviour. The dynamic
process. resistance is simulated by viscosity elements (dash pots)
Danziger et al. (1992) presented a number of back- with resistances that are velocity dependent. The soil model
analyses of closed-end pipe piles for an offshore platform is the same as that proposed by Smith (1960). Alternatively,
and found significant residual stresses at the pile toe, mainly two other soil models can be used: the modified Smith’s
for deeper penetrations, where toe resistance prevailed. The model by Goble et al. (1988) and the Simons’ (1985) model.
authors focused attention on some parameters that reveal the Time integration of the dynamic equilibrium equation is per-
presence of residual stresses. formed with the explicit integration algorithm of central

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Notes 413

Fig. 1. Typical pile toe behaviour from a DINEXP analysis, showing pile toe displacement versus load at the pile toe and pile toe dis-
placement versus time.

Fig. 2. Displacement versus load and displacement versus time at the pile toe for the case where no residual stress is present.

difference. A detailed description of the program can be versus toe load and pile toe displacement versus time from a
found in Costa et al. (1988) and Danziger (1991). DINEXP analysis, with direct determination of pile set. In
Considering the residual stress analysis, an important fea- the same figure, the pile set, commonly assumed by other
ture of the DINEXP program should be emphasized. In most programs and equal to maximum toe displacement minus toe
driveability analysis programs, the final set is determined in- quake Q, is also shown. The difference from both proce-
directly, subtracting the quake from the maximum displace- dures can be clearly observed. The residual load locked in
ment of the pile toe. This procedure has the advantage of the pile corresponds, in the toe load axis, to the intersection
being less time consuming because there is no need to run of the solid and the broken lines on the unloading branch of
the program longer than the time taken for maximum toe the curve.
displacement to occur. In DINEXP the set is determined di- In fact, considering the same soil stiffness during loading
rectly, as a final time is previously chosen and pile toe dis- and unloading, which is a usual procedure in driveability
placement is calculated up to this time. This maximum time analysis, Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate the influence of residual
period can be adjusted, if necessary, until a stabilized pile stresses in pile toe displacements. Figure 2 shows a situation
toe displacement is achieved. The procedure usually leads to where no residual stress is kept at the pile toe after unload-
a final stabilized toe displacement higher than the usual set ing. In this case, the maximum pile toe displacement (point
determined by most programs. The reason for this difference B) is equal to the quake Q, added to the total plastic dis-
is attributed to residual stresses locked in the pile toe during placement (set) s. During unloading (line BC), elastic dis-
unloading. Figure 1 shows a typical pile toe displacement placement decreases and becomes zero when the pile toe is

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414 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 38, 2001

Fig 3. Displacement versus load and displacement versus time at the pile toe for the case where residual stress is present.

Table 1. Data for the parametric study.

totally unloaded. For this situation the set can be calculated
as the toe quake subtracted from the maximum toe displace- Pile
ment, as in most programs. Type Steel, double I section (12 in. × 4.625 in.)
Figure 3, on the other hand, illustrates a situation where Apile 2 × 77.3 cm2 = 154.6 cm2
residual stresses are present after pile rebound. The maxi- Epile 2.1×108 kN/m2
mum pile toe displacement (point B) corresponds to the toe Length 20 m
quake added to the plastic displacement. During unloading
Bearing capacity 2400 kN
(line BC), the elastic displacement decreases but does not
become zero, as stresses exist at the pile toe after complete
Type Sandy
dissipation of energy from the hammer blow. In this case,
Model Smith 1960
the permanent displacement (pile set) contains two compo-
nents. The first component corresponds to the permanent Shaft quake 0.254 cm
displacement that would occur if no residual stresses were Toe quake 0.254 cm
present and is equal to the quake subtracted from the maxi- Shaft damping 0.164 s/m
mum toe displacement. The second component is related to Toe damping 0.492 s/m
the elastic residual displacement at the pile toe a and can Driving system
also be calculated as the residual load at the pile toe divided Hammer weight 20–30 kN
by toe stiffness. Hammer drop (H) 1.5–2.0 m
Figures 2 and 3 illustrate simplified situations related to a Hammer efficiency 75%
single loading–unloading cycle. Actually, soil stresses vary Epile cushion 1.8×102 kN/m2
quickly during driving, presenting successive loading–un- epile cushion 50%
loading cycles as shown in Fig. 1 for typical pile toe behav- Note: Soil parameters are suggested by Smith (1960). Apile, cross-
iour. In this figure, soil displacement at the pile toe shows a sectional area of the open-ended pile; Epile and Epile cushion, Young’s
series of peaks corresponding to successive reflections of the Modulus of the pile and the pile cushion material, respectively; epile cushion,
stress wave. This behaviour is considered until the hammer coefficient of restitution of the pile cushion.
energy transferred to the pile has been completely dissipated
into the surrounding soil. Table 2. Selected values of driving energy.
Energy Hammer weight, W (kN) Hammer drop, H (m)
Parametric study of residual driving E1 20 1.5
stresses E2 25 1.8
E3 30 2.0
As mentioned earlier in the paper, Briaud and Tucker
(1984) observed that the most important factors influencing
the distribution and magnitude of residual stresses are the ul-
timate point and total loads, pile length, and relative pile– For the parametric study, a fictitious steel pile driven in a
soil stiffness. Briaud and Tucker, however, made a number sandy soil was chosen with the characteristics shown in Ta-
of simplifying assumptions in their theoretical formulation. ble 1.
The parametric study presented in this section is used to To verify the influence of toe resistance percentage, three
verify the following factors by a more rigorous analysis with cases were analyzed: (i) 20% toe resistance, (ii) 50% toe re-
the DINEXP program: (i) the ratio of end bearing capacity to sistance, and (iii) 80% toe resistance.
total soil bearing capacity; (ii) the distribution of shaft fric- Two cases were considered for the shaft friction resis-
tion resistance along the pile; and (iii) the driving energy. tance: linear distribution (triangular) and uniform distribution.
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Notes 415

Table 3. Summary of the analyzed situations. Fig. 4. Transfer load from pile to soil from elements i and i – 1.

Toe resistance Driving energy

Case (%) Linear Uniform
1 20 E1 E1, E2, E3
2 50 E1 E1, E2, E3
3 80 E1 E1, E2, E3

For the driving energy, three distinct values were adopted as

given in Table 2.
For each toe resistance, both shaft friction resistance dis-
tributions were analyzed. For the uniform distribution, the
influence of driving energy was also examined. The situa-
tions analyzed are given in Table 3.
Some assumptions made during the analyses are as fol- Fig. 5. Transfer load from pile to soil from element i = 1.
(1) Although a steel pile was chosen, a pile cushion was
considered in the analyses. Without a pile cushion the values
calculated by the DINEXP program presented severe oscilla-
tions, introducing difficulties to obtaining a stabilized result
and increasing analysis time. With the pile cushion, a signifi-
cant reduction in time was obtained for displacement and
stress stabilization.
(2) The pile was divided into 20 elements, with each ele-
ment being 1.0 m long. The choice of an adequate number
of elements is important to attain a satisfactory approxima-
tion of pile equilibrium. The higher the number of elements,
the better the approximation. On the other hand, the higher
the number of elements, the longer the analysis.
(3) For the cases analyzed and shown in Table 3, a time
integration interval of 0.0001 s was used. The analyses pro-
ceeded until 0.5 s, for both 20% and 50% toe resistance. For
Figures 6–9 show residual stresses and residual shaft fric-
80% toe resistance, the final analysis time was doubled, oth-
tion distributions along the pile shaft determined by the
erwise the displacements would not be completely stabi-
DINEXP program and the available shaft friction resistance
lized. A significant reduction in pile vibration was verified
assumed in the analyses, that is, both triangular and uniform
with the increase of the final analysis time. The residual
distributions for Figs. 6 and 7, triangular distribution for
stress at each pile element was assumed to be the average of
Fig. 8, and uniform distribution with varying driving ener-
the last 12 values, calculated by the program, after a visual
gies for Fig. 9.
examination of the stress versus time graph indicated com-
The neutral point, where the residual shaft friction is zero,
plete stabilization.
occurs at the position of maximum residual stress in the pile
From the values of stabilized stresses obtained in each
element, and a residual stress increase is associated with
pile element, the residual shaft friction τi developed along
negative shaft friction, whereas a residual stress decrease is
the pile–soil interface was calculated as follows (Fig. 4):
associated with positive shaft friction. A summary of the re-
(σ i − σ i −1) A sults is given in Table 4.
[1] τi = The ratios of toe residual load to total bearing capacity
U ∆l
and toe residual load to end bearing capacity are summa-
where rized in Table 5.
σi is the residual axial stress in element i;
σi–1 is the residual axial stress in element i – 1; Discussion
∆l is the element length;
U is the pile perimeter; and The following observations are made from the results in
A is the cross-sectional area of the pile. the previous section.
For the first element (near pile toe) the residual shaft fric-
tion (Fig. 5) was calculated from Toe resistance effect
For any shaft friction resistance distribution and driving en-
(σ i − σ p) A ergy, the residual stresses are much influenced by the magni-
[2] τi =
∆l tude of the end resistance in relation to the total bearing
U capacity. From Table 5, the ratio of toe residual load to total
bearing capacity first increases and then decreases with in-
where σp is the residual axial stress at the pile toe. creasing end bearing capacity. In fact, residual shaft friction
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416 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 38, 2001

Table 4. Summary of residual stress analyses by the DINEXP program.

Qp,res Qmax,res Pile head displacement (mm) Pile toe displacement (mm)
Case* (kN) Zcr (m) (kN) Max. Stabilized Max. Stabilized
P2-DL-E1 166.80 14.2 349.31 12.00 3.38 3.96 2.30
P5-DL-E1 352.66 17.0 397.78 13.22 2.97 3.67 1.88
P8-DL-E1 232.56 18.8 236.77 14.94 1.05 3.68 1.45
P2-DU-E1 206.72 11.2 410.20 9.97 4.03 3.71 2.26
P5-DU-E1 394.76 16.5 432.96 11.76 3.41 3.48 1.78
P8-DU-E1 218.93 18.8 221.57 14.31 1.37 3.60 1.35
P2-DU-E2 201.30 11.0 407.54 13.37 6.59 6.25 4.77
P5-DU-E2 449.44 16.0 500.34 15.58 5.87 5.50 3.90
P8-DU-E2 242.26 19.0 244.96 18.22 2.83 5.34 3.12
P2-DU-E3 198.62 11.0 396.93 16.40 9.40 9.13 7.64
P5-DU-E3 454.45 15.8 506.68 18.60 8.18 7.71 6.13
P8-DU-E3 213.58 19.0 215.84 21.24 3.72 7.18 4.92
Note: Qp,res, residual load at the pile toe; Qmax,res, maximum residual load at the pile shaft; Zcr , depth where residual shaft friction is zero.
*P2, P5, and P8 denote toe resistance of 20, 50, and 80%, respectively; DL and DU denote linear and uniform shaft friction resistance distribution,
respectively; E1, E2, and E3 denote the distinct driving energy analyzed.

Fig. 6. Linear and uniform shaft friction resistance distribution for 20% toe resistance: (a) available shaft friction resistance along a
double I-shaped steel pile, 20 m long, and 12 in. by 4.625 in. in cross section; (b) residual stress distribution along the pile; and
(c) residual shaft friction.

along the pile arises as a means to equilibrate residual toe re- fact that the greater the toe resistance, the longer the extent
sistance. When the percentage of toe resistance is low, the re- of the shaft friction resistance mobilization needed to
sidual toe resistance is obviously low and the ratio of residual equilibrate residual stresses at the pile toe.
load at the pile toe (Qp,res) to total bearing capacity (Qult) is The greater the toe resistance percentage, the lower the
small. On the other hand, when the percentage of toe resis- permanent displacement at the pile head and pile toe for the
tance is high, the residual toe resistance is low because there same driving energy. In fact, when toe resistance percentage
is not enough residual shaft friction to equilibrate it. When is high, driving is difficult, resulting in small sets.
toe resistance approximates shaft friction resistance, residual
stresses can be high, as residual shaft friction can be sufficient Shaft friction distribution effect
to restrain complete unloading of the pile toe. The greater the toe resistance percentage, the lower the in-
With the increase in toe resistance percentage, the neutral fluence of shaft friction resistance distribution on residual
point deepens, approaching the pile toe. This is due to the stresses. This is due to the fact that for a high toe resistance,
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Notes 417

Fig. 7. Linear and uniform shaft friction resistance distribution for 80% toe resistance: (a) available shaft friction along a double I-
shaped steel pile, 20 m long, and 12 in. by 4.625 in. in cross section; (b) residual stress distribution along the pile; and (c) residual
shaft friction.

Fig. 8. Linear shaft friction resistance distribution for 50% toe resistance: (a) available shaft friction along a double I-shaped steel pile,
20 m long, and 12 in. by 4.625 in. in cross section; (b) residual stress distribution along the pile; and (c) residual shaft friction.

shaft friction resistance is low, and therefore its distribution tral point is practically the same, both for linear and uniform
is not relevant. shaft friction resistance distributions.
For the shaft friction resistance distribution, the position The permanent displacement at the pile head is lower for
of the neutral point is only affected significantly when toe a linear shaft friction resistance distribution compared with
resistance is low. In all other cases, the position of the neu- that for a uniform distribution.
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418 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 38, 2001

Fig. 9. Uniform shaft friction resistance distribution for 50% toe resistance: (a) available shaft friction along a double I-shaped steel
pile, 20 m long, and 12 in. by 4.625 in. in cross section; (b) residual stress distribution along the pile for driving energies 1, 2, and 3;
and (c) residual shaft friction for driving energies 1, 2, and 3.

Table 5. Ratios of toe residual load (Qp,res) to Table 6. Results from the WEAP and DINEXP programs for a
total bearing capacity (Qult) and end bearing double I-shaped steel pile, 20 m long, 12 in. by 4.625 in. in
capacity (Qp). cross section, and with a bearing capacity of 2400 kN.
Case* Qp,res/Qult Qp,res/Qp WEAP DINEXP
P2-DL-E1 0.07 0.35 Qp,res Qmax,res Zcr Qp,res Qmax,res Zcr
P5-DL-E1 0.15 0.29 Case (kN) (kN) (m) (kN) (kN) (m)
P8-DL-E1 0.10 0.12 P2 153 328 15.3 167 349 14.2
P2-DU-E1 0.09 0.43 P5 326 351 18.6 353 398 17.0
P5-DU-E1 0.16 0.33 P8 341 341 20.0 233 237 18.8
P8-DU-E1 0.09 0.11
P2-DU-E2 0.08 0.42
P5-DU-E2 0.19 0.37
particle velocity at the pile head and the pile toe. Conse-
P8-DU-E2 0.10 0.13
quently, pile head and toe displacements also increase with
P2-DU-E3 0.08 0.41
an increase in the driving energy.
P5-DU-E3 0.19 0.38
The position of the neutral point remains practically the
P8-DU-E3 0.09 0.11 same with variations in the driving energy.
* For case description see Table 4.
Comparison with existing solutions
The position where maximum residual shaft friction oc-
curs varies with shaft friction resistance distribution. It can For the same pile as that chosen in the previous analysis,
be observed, however, that for the same distribution this po- applications of the charts of Darrag and Lovell (1989) and
sition deepens with increasing toe resistance. the WEAP program (Goble et al. 1998) were made to com-
pare the residual load at the pile toe, maximum residual load
Driving energy effect at the pile shaft, and position of the neutral point with the
The driving energy influences the number of loading–un- values from application of the DINEXP program.
loading cycles. However, residual stress values do not pres- Darrag and Lovell (1989) do not mention the shaft friction
ent any practical change for different energies. The resistance distribution considered in their analyses but they
conclusion is that residual stresses are not sensitive to driv- comment that the charts were prepared assuming a normally
ing energy. consolidated initial condition. A linear shaft friction resis-
The greater the driving energy, the higher the driving tance distribution was, therefore, considered in the compari-
stresses, and the higher the driving stresses, the greater the son.

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Notes 419

Table 7. Results from Darrag and Lovell (1989) and the WEAP and DINEXP programs for a double I-shaped steel pile, 20 m long,
12 in. by 4.625 in. in cross section, and with a bearing capacity of 1250 kN.
Darrag and Lovell DINEXP WEAP
Qp,res Qmax,res Zcr Qp,res Qmax,res Zcr Qp,res Qmax,res Zcr
Case (kN) (kN) (m) (kN) (kN) (m) (kN) (kN) (m)
P2 194 204 14.7 121 189 18.2 131 151 16.6
P5 373 391 16.8 187 211 18.6 177 182 18.8
P8 238 250 18.9 144 148 18.9 185 185 20.0

As the charts presented by Darrag and Lovell (1989) same behaviour is also observed for the calculated values of
cover a small range of bearing capacity values, two applica- the maximum residual load at the pile shaft, Qmax,res. On the
tions were made. In the first, a bearing capacity of 2400 kN other hand, the WEAP program presented residual loads at
was assumed and a comparison was made between the the pile toe and maximum residual loads at the pile shaft in-
WEAP and DINEXP results. For the second application, a creasing with an increase in toe resistance percentage.
bearing capacity of 1250 kN was chosen, which is the upper (3) Although the chart of Darrag and Lovell (1989) was
bound value of the chart from Darrag and Lovell. based on the CUWEAP program, which is a previous ver-
Tables 6 and 7 summarize the results of the first and the sion of WEAP (Goble et al. 1998), the results were not simi-
second applications, respectively, for a double I-shaped steel lar. For 50% toe resistance, the differences reach 110% for
pile, 20 m long, in sandy soil. The pile characteristics are the the residual load at the pile toe and for the maximum resid-
same as those shown in Table 1, except that the bearing ca- ual load at the pile shaft.
pacity is 1250 kN for the second application. (4) The DINEXP and WEAP programs presented values
The following observations are made from Table 6: of residual loads at the pile toe differing by less than 10%,
(1) The differences in residual load at the pile toe deter- except at 80% toe resistance, where differences were almost
mined from the WEAP and DINEXP programs vary with 30%.
variations in toe resistance percentage. Although this differ- (5) Both the DINEXP and the WEAP analyses indicated
ence is less than 10% for 20% and 50% toe resistance, it the neutral point at a position deeper than that indicated by
reaches almost 50% for 80% toe resistance. Whereas the re- Darrag and Lovell (1989). The position of the neutral point
sidual toe resistance, Qp,res, first increases and then decreases given by the DINEXP and WEAP analyses differed by no
with an increase in toe resistance percentage in the DINEXP more than 10%.
analyses, the WEAP results indicate residual toe resistance Comparing the results from Tables 6 and 7, the following
increases with an increase in toe resistance percentage. This observations can be made:
latter result is not consistent with the fact (pointed out previ- (1) The DINEXP and WEAP results indicated a similar
ously in this paper) that when the percentage of toe resis- residual load at the pile toe for both values of bearing capac-
tance is high, the residual toe resistance is expected to be ity analyzed, differing by only 10%, for low values of toe re-
proportionally low because there is not enough residual shaft sistance percentage. On the other hand, for greater toe
friction to equilibrate it. resistance percentages the differences are relevant, reaching
(2) Different behaviour is depicted for the maximum re- 50%. The higher the bearing capacity, the greater the differ-
sidual load at the pile shaft, Qmax,res. Both the WEAP and the ences between the programs.
DINEXP analyses indicate a maximum residual load in- (2) Whereas the DINEXP and Darrag and Lovell (1989)
creasing and then decreasing with an increase in toe resis- results indicate residual toe resistance that first increases and
tance percentage, with the DINEXP results showing this in a then decreases with an increase in toe resistance percentage,
much more marked form. The difference in results from both the WEAP values only increases with an increase in toe re-
programs is less than 15% for 20% and 50% toe resistance, sistance percentage.
but it reaches almost 50% for 80% toe resistance. (3) The position of the neutral point as defined by Darrag
(3) Both the WEAP and the DINEXP analyses indicate and Lovell (1989) is a function of the toe resistance percent-
that the lower the toe resistance percentage, the shallower age and pile length, whereas the DINEXP and WEAP results
the depth of the neutral point. The position of the neutral show that it also varies with variations in bearing capacity.
point for a given toe resistance percentage is lower in the (4) The chart of Darrag and Lovell (1989) and the WEAP
DINEXP results when compared with the WEAP results but program were not expected to provide relevant differences,
the difference is less than 10%. as both procedures were based on the CUWEAP program. It
The following observations are made from Table 7: is possible that the last version of WEAP (Goble et al. 1998)
(1) The chart of Darrag and Lovell (1989) indicated con- has introduced some relevant improvements in the program.
servative values of residual load at the pile toe and at the (5) The differences between the DINEXP and WEAP pro-
pile shaft when compared with those from the other proce- grams seem to be important when toe resistance percentage
dures. is high. In fact, for high toe resistance percentage the pile set
(2) The residual load at the pile toe, Qp,res, evaluated by is expected to be low. As a consequence, the proper determi-
the chart of Darrag and Lovell (1989) and the DINEXP pro- nation of permanent displacement of the pile toe is of utmost
gram indicates the same behaviour: Qp,res increases and then relevance. The determination of the set as a stabilized dis-
decreases with an increase in toe resistance percentage. The placement, according to the DINEXP program, or assuming

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420 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 38, 2001

some simplified procedure, according to the WEAP pro- WEAP program, one can conclude that, as both procedures
gram, may have an important effect on residual load. were based on the CUWEAP program, it is possible that the
(6) It should be emphasized that the DINEXP analyses in- new version of WEAP has introduced some relevant im-
volve many loading–unloading cycles, which can contribute provements.
to a reduction in the calculated residual load. In fact, accord- If a comparison is now made between the WEAP and
ing to Rieke and Crowser (1987), residual stresses are re- DINEXP programs, both provide comparable results for low
duced significantly, although not completely, after one or toe resistance percentage. However, important differences
two load cycles. arise when toe resistance percentage is high. In fact, for high
(7) Although the position of the neutral point is practi- toe resistance percentage, the pile set is expected to be low.
cally the same, the ratio of Qmax,res to Qp,res presents consid- As a consequence, determination of the pile set as a stabi-
erable differences. While for Darrag and Lovell’s (1989) lized displacement, according to the DINEXP program, or
application this ratio is always the same, being equal to 1.05 assuming some simplified procedure, according to the
for any toe resistance percentage, application of the WEAP WEAP program, may have an important effect on the calcu-
and DINEXP programs shows a different behaviour. In the lated residual load for hard driving conditions, in which toe
latter, the ratio tends to be higher when toe resistance is resistance prevails.
lower and the neutral point is at a shallow depth. This be-
haviour can also be followed in Figs. 6–8 and seems to be Acknowledgements
much more consistent than keeping a constant ratio of 1.05.
The authors are grateful to Alvaro Maia da Costa, from
PETROBRÁS, the Brazilian Oil Company, for the DINEXP
Conclusions program used in the analyses, to Jorge William Beim, from
Residual driving stresses calculated with a new program PDI, for performing the analyses with the WEAP program,
have been presented. The results can be considered more re- and to CAPES, the Ministry of Education Fund for Graduate
liable, since no simplifications are introduced in the analysis Courses, for the scholarship given to the first author.
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