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Nocum, Kin Anthony, S.

Aug 21, 2018

NSTP100-A25 Activity 2-Filipino Characteristics

Filipino Diversity

The archipelago property of our country leads us to have diverse cultures, traditions,
values, beliefs, and religion. Each regions’ cultures and values have its own origins. The country’s
current state was shaped by colonization. It brought education systems, the Catholic faith,
government system, and other things we can see nowadays. Before the start, of this colonization
Filipinos are already rich in beliefs and cultures. These can be reflected by our indigenous tribes.
Colonization is not the only factor that shaped our country but also the mindset of our fellow
ancestors and the world trend. In the present time, the Philippine government shaped our country
to progress its world status and economics. The start of the year 2000 technology had progress
exponentially. It plays a vital role in shaping our culture also to the world. Traditional values
implemented by our elders and contemporary values brought by the era of technology are meeting
halfway. Culture and values are being reshaped by the internet, social media through our
smartphones, tablets, and laptops. A study conducted by creative agency We are Social and social
media management platform states that in a three-year row Filipinos has emerged most of its time
on social media.
Before technology become one of the vital influencers of our culture and values, our elders
and parents embody us with their existing beliefs, values, traditions, and cultures. These were
passed down to them by their predecessor. This is a cycle of passing through generation by
generation in a medium of oral communication. Some of these traits are being family-oriented,
hospitable, optimistic, flexible, adaptability, religious, honest, resourceful, and passionate.
Filipinos are family-oriented and passionate towards their families in a way where the extended
family members and main family live in one home. Parents are passionate that they will sacrifice
their belongingness to the family to work overseas providing the needs of their family. Other
countries such as America treats their guest to be the least priority while Filipinos prioritize their
guest. They prepare food i.e. plated specifically for the guest and a high-end glassware; they
entertain their guest using humor or story-telling. Filipinos are optimistic in nature. Numerous
points in our history showed the devastating era the country suffers such as natural calamities:
Typhoon Ondoy and Bohol earthquake. The era of Martial Law was a dark time of the Philippines
i.e. fabricated by the infrastructures and its economic status. Filipinos still manage to hope a
Nocum, Kin Anthony, S. Aug 21, 2018
NSTP100-A25 Activity 2-Filipino Characteristics

brighter tomorrow. Filipinos being religious can be depicted as they celebrate various feast days
of saints and a devotee of a religious entity. Filipinos are adaptable, flexible, and resourceful in
terms of work; they often termed it as “diskarte”. They can build anything their mind can think of
from used or scrap materials.
Technology progress exponentially, making our lives easier, productive, and efficient. The
dissemination of information and interacting with one another has been easier via the internet.
Information can be searched using a search engine e.g. Google. Google will display the most
relevant information based on what you are looking via their page ranking algorithm. Social Media
like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat bridge us to our peers anywhere. We can be
updated regarding their whereabouts and we can share our insights, likes, beliefs, and opinion.
Using these platforms, we can gain various culture and values in our country and be colonized by
other countries culture. We are being colonized by the different trends in other countries.
Patriotism is slowing dying. We are being cultured to be affected by foreign products nonetheless
having our abundant resources. In my opinion, we must use these platforms to strengthen our
patriotism. We are the future generation, preserve and innovate these cultures and values for our
future descendants.

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