Letter To The Respondents

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Letter to the Respondents

Dear Respondent,

Honor and Majesty are before HIM!

We, Senior High School Grade 12 of STEM 10 are conducting a quantitative research about the
“Estimation of acceptance of LGBT Politicians in the Philippine Politics”. The outcome of this research
will help the respondents know the level of acceptance of the LGBT community in the society. It will
further determine the significant indicators on the Knowledge of Media Influence.

In this regard, we would like to ask your help, by answering the questionnaires attached herewith. Rest
assured that all your responses will be kept confidential for your privacy. It is guaranteed that the
participants are not obliged to in the study and they are also free not to participate for any reasons they
may have.

Hoping we can count on you for the support of this cause. The findings of this research will illuminate
the minds of the people in our society that one should have enough knowledge on a certain thing like the
issue of the LGBT community before giving opinions or discriminating. And also, the results of the
study would give an idea to the people on what LGBT community really is. Indeed, your approval will
be of big help as to the realization of this research endeavor. If you are not interested to answer the
questionnaire, just return it to the researchers.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Respectfully yours,

Lloyd E.Balaga

Maria Vina C. Bustamante

Kathleen C.Cabigas

Faith Dorothy M. Caralos


Loraine Ann C.Cruda

Kyla Jerelou S.Deiparine

Sam Fiolo T. Zoilo

The Researchers

Please answer honestly and to the best of your knowledge. We are interested in your opinions and there
are no correct or wrong answers. You can skip any question that you do not wish to answer. There are
24 questions; the first section has 7 questions asking about your demographic information. The second
section has 7 sets of questions asking about your beliefs, attitudes, and practices. The survey should take
15 to 20 minutes to complete. We value your time and appreciate your participation in this survey to
collect data about the Estimation of the Acceptance of LGBT Politician in the Philippines. Thank you!

1. Demographic Information
This first section of the questionnaire asks you about your demographic background. You can skip any
questions that you
are not comfortable answering.

Please check the circle next to your selected answer.

1.How old are you? (in years)

O 18-21 O 27-29 O 40-49 O 60-69

O 22-26 O 30-39 O 50-59 O Over 70

2.What is your racial background? Please select all that apply.

O White or European O Native American or American Indian

O Pacific Islander (e.g., Hawaiian, Samoan, Tongan) O Black or African
O Middle Eastern O Asian (east, Southeast & South Asian
in Asian continent, and Pilipino/a)
O Latino/a

3. What was your sex or gender assignment at birth?

O Male O Female O Intersexual

4.What is your current sex or gender identity?

O Male / man O Intersexual O Gender queer

O Female / woman O Androgynous
O Other (please specify): ________________________________________

5. What is your sexual orientation?

O Straight or heterosexual O Queer O Gay/lesbian or homosexual
O Asexual (A person who does not experience sexual attraction. Unlike
celibacy, which is a choice, asexuality is a sexual orientation)
O Bisexual
O Pansexual (A person who can have emotional, romantic & sexual attraction
toward people of all biological sexes and gender identities)
O Other (please specify): ______________________________________

6. What is your religion or religious belief?

O Baptist O Presbyterian
O Buddhist O Catholic
O 7th Day Adventist O Ancestor Worship
O Episcopalian O Unitarian Universalist, Quaker
O Pagan, Nature Reverence O Evangelical
O Other Christian (Jehovah’s Witness, etc.) O Agnostic
O Lutheran O Jewish
O Atheistic O Methodist
O Muslim O None
O Mormon O Sikh
O Pentecostal O Hindu
Other (please specify): ____________________________________________________

7. My political ideology is ______________________.

O Conservative O Moderate O Liberal

This last section of the questionnaire asks about your beliefs, attitudes, and practices. Please answer
honestly and to the best of your knowledge. Please note that this is about your opinion, and there is no
correct or wrong answer. You can skip any questions you are not comfortable answering.

8. For the following items that ask about your religiosity, please put (/) for the best answer for each row.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
How often do you practice or follow what
your church, temple, synagogue, or mosque
preaches or advises (e.g., observe religious
practices such as meditating, fasting,
dieting, following the 10 commandments, or
following the 5 Buddhist precepts)?

How often do you attend a place of worship

or participate in religious/spiritual


1- Strongly Agree
2- Somewhat Agree
3- Somewhat Disagree
4- Strongly Disagree
5- I don’t know

1 2 3 4 5
I was raised in a very religious household.

10. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about traditional
gender roles.

1- Strongly agree
2- Agree
3- Disagree
4- Strongly Disagree
5- I don’t know

1 2 3 4 5
I believe men and women have separate and
complementary gender roles to play in the society.
The task of childbearing, nurturing, and providing
emotional support are for women.
The task of breadwinning, strict discipline, and
decision-making are for men.
To NOT conform to traditional roles is to against
nature and biology.
11. How comfortable are you interacting in person with the following people? Please choose the level of
comfortableness. Please answer honestly to the best of your knowledge. We are interested in your
personal view and there are no correct or wrong answers to these questions.

1- Highly Comfortable
2- Somewhat Comfortable
3- Neutral
4- Somewhat Uncomfortable
5- Very Uncomfortable

1 2 3 4 5
Gay men ( men who are emotionally and sexually
attracted to other men)
Lesbian women ( women who are emotionally and
sexually attracted to other women)
Bisexual men ( men who are emotionally and
sexually attracted to both men and women)
Bisexual women (women who are emotionally and
sexually attracted to both men and women)
Female-to-male transge.nder/ transsexual people
( feeling born in the wrong body and should have
been born male and actively changing his
appearance to match his gender identity)
Male-to-female transgender/ transsexual people
( feeling born in the wrong body and should have
been born female and actively changing her
appearance to match her gender identity)
Intersexual people ( a person born with both
genital male and female characteristics, ambiguous
genitalia, or sex chromosomal makeup of XXX,
XYY, XXY, YY or X)
Androgynous-looking people ( a person whose
gender is ambiguous to you; you can’t tell if the
person is a he or a she)

12. Please select the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about issues
pertaining to LGBT people (refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender)

1- Strongly Agree
2- Somewhat Agree
3- Somewhat Disagree
4- Strongly Disagree
5- I don’t know
1 2 3 4 5
Marriage should only be between a man and
There are public areas or occupations where
homosexual and bisexual people should be
excluded ( e.g. not allowed to teach young children
in public schools)
There are public areas or occupations where
transgender people should be excluded (e.g., not be
allowed to serve in the military)
LGBT couple should have the right to adopt
Students should be exposed to age-appropriate
lessons about LGBT historic figures in their
history and social sciences courses.
Students should be taught about tolerance/
acceptance of LGBT people to reduce bullying and
suicides among youth.

13. Influence of Media to the Society

For the following items that ask about the effects of media to you, please put (/) for the best answer for
each row.

1- Strongly agree
2- Agree
3- Disagree
4- Strongly Disagree
5- I don’t know

1 2 3 4 5
Media has many effects in my daily life.
I get information and answers about things I want
to know in the society through the means of
I engage myself to any forms of media that talks
about issues in the society.
I am aware to any issues in the society because of
I am one of those people who are exposed to the
usage and effects of media.
I share any issues in the society through the use of
I believe any statements claimed by the media.
I depend my beliefs in media.

14. Acceptance of LGBT Politicians

For the following items that ask about the acceptance of LGBT in the Political positions, please put (/)
for the best answer for each row.

1- Strongly agree
2- Agree
3- Disagree
4- Strongly Disagree
5- I don’t know

1 2 3 4 5
I understand what LGBT is.
I am aware to any political issues involving
I believe that an LGBT politician will function
well in the position given to them.
I see LGBT individual equally with other genders.
LGBT has the right to be part of the society and
to fight for their human rights.
LGBT has the same equal rights with other people
in terms of running and voting in politics.
I support the LGBT community.
I allow an LGBT to run any political candidacy
and to win a position.

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